Gryffindor!beomgyu - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago



Pairing: Gryffindor!Beomgyu x Hufflepuff!reader

Words: 2.9k

Warnings/rating: SFW, Hogwarts!AU, Friends/Annoyances to Lovers, Beomgyu is both chaotic and soft, breaking and entering occurs, reader is clumsy, Beomgyu is the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, brief appearance by Slytherin!Yeonjun, reader previously had a humongous crush on Ravenclaw!Taehyun (so that's fun), brief mention of Hufflepuff!Kai, I swear I also love Soobin but he didn't make his way into this fic (whoops)

Author's Note: This takes place in the same universe as my story Chameleon Boy, just several years later after the BTS crew has graduated. Loosely loosely based on Loser=Lover, in the sense that these two didn't get along but Beomgyu always wanted to impress her/liked her. Feedback is always welcome...enjoy!


“Good game, Violet.” Gryffindor’s shaggy black haired Keeper bumps shoulders with you, a smirk turning the corners of his mouth.

Still euphoric over the unexpected win your team had pulled over Gryffindor, you turn, eyebrows knit in confusion.

He reaches behind you and gently tugs on your ponytail, making you realize...oh. He’s talking about your hair. Freshly dyed purple at the ends, just to change things up for your 6th year. Wait, why does he think it’s okay to tug on your hair?!

“What is this, grade school? Leave my hair alone! And my name’s not Violet,” you huff, swatting his hand away.

He shrugs, the smirk still lingering on his face. “I know. You’ve got a lot of bite for a Hufflepuff, you know? I thought you were supposed to be kind or something…”

“I am kind. To people who don’t pull my hair.”

“Oh, lighten up, Vi. You’re clearly the MVP of the game, go celebrate with your friends. I’ll see you in class.” He bumps shoulders with you again, saluting you as he walks off to join his Gryffindor teammates.

Choi Beomgyu. Star Keeper for Gryffindor, team captain. Potions mastermind (to the chagrin of Slytherin house, which you had to admit you enjoyed). Prankster extraordinaire, second only to the legendary Fred and George Weasley.

You knew each other through Quidditch, though not very well. Usually you’d be the one telling him good game, as Gryffindor blew through the competition on the way to the Quidditch Cup. You supposed it was nice that he came over and told you good was a good game. You’d made several spectacular saves that had cleared the way for Kai, Hufflepuff’s Seeker, to catch the Snitch early in the game.

But that didn’t explain why he felt the need to give you a nickname and pull on your hair. He was cute, and could get away with a lot, but this was too much. If he tried to say something else in class, you’d give him a piece of your mind.


“Your Pygmy Puff matches you...maybe I should call you Puff instead of Violet, huh? Since you’re in Hufflepuff too and all.” Beomgyu sidles up to you, peering over your shoulder at the purple creature cupped in your hands. You can feel your eye twitching as you turn to glare at him.

“Do not call me Puff,” you hiss under your breath, quiet enough so you won’t draw your professor’s attention.

“Violet it is, then!” His eyes sparkle with laughter, and he’s clearly working very hard to contain himself from bursting with glee.

You let out a loud hmph, and turn away from the boy next to you. This does nothing to deter him, as he simply follows you so you’re making eye contact again.

“What do you want, Beomgyu? Is there a specific reason you’ve chosen to torment me, or did you just randomly choose someone when you rolled out of bed this morning?” You nod towards his mop of hair that is messier than usual. He hurriedly runs his hands through his hair, which does nothing except make it worse. You can’t help but laugh, which makes his own grin grow wider.

“Can’t I just spend time with my favorite Hufflepuff Keeper? C’mon, don’t be mean, Violet…”

You scoff. “We barely know each other, Choi. Quidditch is the only time we ever interact.” He rolls his eyes at your statement.

“I know that, that’s why I said you’re my favorite Hufflepuff Keeper, not my favorite Hufflepuff. You’ve got to work to earn that title.” He winks obnoxiously at you.

“Don’t get too cocky, you’re no Kill ‘Em Kim,” you reply, referencing Gryffindor’s captain that graduated two years prior.

“You think you’re so smart, but guess what? I know that too, Vi…I've got my own charms, I don’t need to copy Seokjin.”

“And what are those? Your hyena laugh and your need to piss off every Slytherin with your pranks?”

“So I am charming to you, then. Good to know,” Beomgyu cackles (like a hyena, as you pointed out). “Speaking of those pranks you mentioned, it’s been a while...wanna help me with my next one? Come with me to Hogsmeade and we’ll go to Zonko’s. I’ll show you just how smart I really am.”

You narrow your eyes at him. “Why are you so interested in hanging out with me?”

“I’m interested, because you’re interesting, get with the program. You dyed your hair, you must have known it would draw attention to you. So here I am, drawn in by the siren call of your purple strands. Don’t leave me to crash on the rocks, Violet...I’m just asking to go to Hogsmeade.”

There’s several beats of silence as you stare at Beomgyu. He doesn’t get uncomfortable, doesn’t look away. He just holds eye contact with you as if you’ve known each other for years.


He whoops with delight, drawing an irritated stare from your professor. Beomgyu at least has the sense to duck his head at this, suddenly very interested in the Pygmy Puff in your hands, pink dusting his cheeks.

You can’t help the smile that fights its way onto your face at his reaction, and he catches it, looking awfully pleased with himself.

What had you gotten yourself into?


A few days later, you’re trudging up the path to Hogsmeade with Beomgyu by your side. The two of you are trailing behind your best friend Evelyn and her nemesis-turned-possible-love-interest, Yeonjun.

“Five galleons on them dating by Christmas,” Beomgyu suddenly whispers in your ear, the sensation sending visible shivers down your spine. “Are you okay? Here, take this, I didn’t think it would be that cold today.” You suddenly are enveloped by a gold and maroon striped cardigan, the boy walking alongside you giving you a lopsided grin as he sees you relax into its warmth.

“...thanks,” you mutter quickly, too embarrassed to tell him you’re not shivering from the cold. You look ahead to see Yeonjun elbowing your friend in the side while laughing aloud. “I think you’re right about those two...she always acts like he annoys her, but I think she secretly enjoys the attention,” you gently poke fun at your friend.

“Junnie’s a good guy. Annoying sometimes, but he can’t help it, he’s a Slytherin.” You raise your eyebrows in surprise.

“How do you know Yeonjun? This is my first time meeting him in person, even though she talks about him all the time.”

Beomgyu leans in conspiratorially. “Well, funny you should ask, Violet...Yeonjun was the victim of my very first Hogwarts prank. It wasn’t as good as the ones I do now, but I did manage to turn his eyebrows pink.”

Your eyes widen in surprise. “Your first prank was on a Slytherin who’s older than you?”

“What can I say, I live life dangerously.” His eyes sparkle with laughter as his hand brushes yours as you walk side by side. Before you can reply, he’s grabbed your hand and is dragging you forward, breaking into a run as Hogsmeade comes into view.

“See ya later, losers!” He cackles as the two of you sprint past Yeonjun and Evelyn, heading straight for the entrance of Zonko’s.


An hour later, the two of you emerge from Zonko’s surprisingly empty-handed. You had convinced Beomgyu that pranking the entire Ravenclaw Quidditch team was, in fact, a bad idea. He had whined at you continuously for being ‘too serious’ and ‘mean’, but you had stood your ground, promising to buy him a Butterbeer for his troubles.

“You just don’t want me pranking Taehyun...don’t think I don’t notice the way you look at him.” Beomgyu glares at you, bottom lip jutting into a pout.

You match his glare even while you feel the heat emanating from your cheeks. “I had a crush on Taehyun when I was like, 14!” you sputter.

“You didn’t even go with him to the Yule Ball that year, can’t have been that significant,” he shrugs.

The heat on your cheeks is now spreading through the rest of your body. “If you must know, I didn’t go with anyone to the Yule Ball because no one asked me.”

Beomgyu’s glare softens as he glances over at you, rubbing the back of his neck. “I would’ve asked you if I’d known you back then.”

“No, you wouldn’t have. We were both on our respective Quidditch teams by then, and you knew me. You went with that French girl, the 6th year? Beauxbatons champion?” you scoff.

“But I didn’t really know you...I just kind of knew of you. We hadn’t had a class together or anything…” he trails off quietly.

You can’t stop the snort of derision that comes flying out of your mouth. “Gyu, stop. I don’t need your pity, or anything that you know me, would you really ask me to anything like the Yule Ball?”

“...yes?” Beomgyu’s eyes widen as he raises an eyebrow.

“Tell me why.”

“You’re cool, good at Quidditch, smart, way smarter than me. Funny. And you’re pretty, obviously.” He ticks off each adjective on his fingers, no trace of humor on his face.

You narrow your eyes, and he holds his hands up in surrender.

“What?! I’m just telling the truth!” he exclaims.

“ are, aren’t you? You just...say what you think, all the time.” You stare in disbelief at the boy in front of you.

“Yeah? Why would I not? Sure, some people think I’m stupid, or brash, or whatever else. But the people who are important know me for who I really am. People like you.” Beomgyu elbows you playfully before locking hands with you, dragging you to the opposite end of Hogsmeade.

You’d deny it to anyone who asked, but you can’t help your stomach doing a flip as he intertwines his fingers with yours, a grin working its way onto your face.


Your grin leaves your face as you stumble into Beomgyu, who has suddenly stopped in front of a large, derelict house. The air feels stale around you, and the hustle and bustle of the village has been left behind.

“W-what is this place?” you squeak out.

“The Shrieking’s supposed to be haunted. Voldemort used it as headquarters during The Battle of Hogwarts, and it’s where Severus Snape was killed,” Beomgyu breathes reverently.

Your hand is on Beomgyu’s arm in a vice grip, your knuckles turning white. “So why are we here?”

“We’re going inside, I wanna see what it’s like. It’s gotta be so cool!” The shaggy haired boy beside you looks genuinely excited, no trace of nerves. He walks toward a boarded up window, you following closely behind. He starts poking around the edges of the window, pulling gently at the boards at first, then with more force. Suddenly, there’s a large crack as one of the boards splinters in half, leaving a small opening behind.

“After you, Violet,” Beomgyu smiles at you, his hands cupped together to give you a boost up to crawl through. You swallow thickly before stepping into his grip, grabbing onto the opening and squeezing your way through, tumbling onto a dusty landing. You cough as the dust settles around you, Beomgyu calling up to you to make sure you’re okay.

“I’m’s just dusty!” you call back, scrambling to your feet. All of a sudden, there’s a loud noise from you try to peer out of the opening you just came through, you find yourself nose to nose with Beomgyu, whose head is hanging through the hole in the window.

“I took a running start, jumped and climbed up,” he huffs, his breath fanning out over your face from how close he is. You back away hastily, but stay close enough to offer him your hand to help him through the hole that’s too small for his lanky body. He shoves his hand into yours, and you pull while he attempts to leverage his long legs to his advantage. It feels like you’re playing tug of war with each other for a few minutes, until you’re falling backwards onto the floor in a mess of limbs.

Beomgyu’s long hair is falling into your eyes, he’s elbowing you in the side and your legs are awkwardly tangled together. As he pulls himself up onto his elbows, you find yourself gazing up into his eyes. The two of you freeze momentarily, not speaking and just staring at each other. Suddenly, he unfreezes himself, only to land a quick kiss on your cheek. He then offers you his hand as he scrambles off the floor, which you take, only to crash into his chest as he pulls you up. He grabs your arms to steady you, catching your gaze once again. Have his eyes always been this pretty?

A laugh makes its way past your lips, which leads Beomgyu to let out his signature cackle as well. “Let’s explore!” he exclaims, barreling off towards the staircase to the second floor. You follow closely behind, staircase creaking under your combined weight. The two of you peer through each doorway, nothing particular of note to see. Lots of dusty furniture, boarded up windows with streams of sunlight fighting their way through, and a general eerie vibe throughout the house. Deciding there’s nothing of note, Beomgyu begins to descend the stairs with you trailing behind. Just as you’re about to reach the bottom, your foot falls through a step, the rotted wood giving out underneath you. You windmill your arms, trying to keep your balance but to no avail. You fall headlong into Beomgyu’s waiting arms in what feels like slow motion. He had turned when the step broke, and prepared himself for the inevitable disaster that was to follow.

You look up at him, his arms tucked underneath yours, hoisting you back onto your feet. “You’re really falling for me today, aren’t you, Vi?” he smirks, helping you dust yourself off.

“You wish,” you snap, embarrassed in more than one way.

“Maybe I do.” He shrugs, giving you a smirk before heading towards the front door. “But right now, I think you owe me a Butterbeer?”


You stride over to your table, two mugs of frothy Butterbeer in tow. You slide one over to Beomgyu, who’s sitting across from you. He raises the glass towards you and then takes a large gulp. As he places it down on the table again, he’s left with a mustache made of foam.

You laugh at how goofy he looks, shaking your head at him. He raises an eyebrow questioningly at you, and in reply you lean over the table, swiping your thumb slowly over his upper lip, removing the offending foam. His eyes go wide, looking more shocked the longer your hand stays touching his face. As you go to sit back down, he catches your hand in his and holds it across the table. It’s your turn for your eyes to go wide.

“What are you doing?” you murmur.

Expecting a brash, confident answer, you’re shocked when the boy across from you matches your tone-quiet, unsure, and nervous.

“...I just wanted to hold your hand.” Beomgyu looks up at you shyly through his shaggy hair, a small smile gracing his features. You give his hand a small squeeze in reply, lifting your Butterbeer to your mouth to hide the smile threatening to take over your whole face.


The two of you spend the rest of the afternoon hand in hand, exploring the shops in Hogsmeade. You make sure to steer clear of the Shrieking Shack, and any of the other old, possibly haunted buildings in town.

As the sun starts setting, you begin the journey back to Hogwarts, one hand filled with bags of candy from Honeydukes, the other intertwined with Beomgyu’s. Just as the castle is coming into view, you suddenly trip over a tree root in the path, losing your balance. Your bags go flying to the ground, your grip on Beomgyu lost as you flail helplessly, trying to keep yourself upright-but to no avail. The ground is swiftly approaching, and just as you squeeze your eyes stop.

You carefully open your eyes, and see the path several inches from your face. Turning your head, you see that Beomgyu has also dropped his bags, and both his arms are wrapped around your midsection, keeping you from hitting the ground. He gently squeezes you as he pulls you upright, concern etched across his face.

“Violet, are you okay?” He looks you over, checking for any injuries.

You can’t help the grin this time, and there’s no Butterbeer to hide behind. Before you can think too hard about it, you push upwards on your tiptoes and land a quick kiss on Beomgyu’s lips. You can feel your cheeks flaming, but you can’t seem to bring yourself to care too much.

“Just falling for you, Gyu. That’s all.”

Your reply paired with the kiss leaves a dopey smile on the boy in front of you’s face. He recovers after a few minutes of shock, leaning in close to you and surprising you with another kiss. This one’s a little longer, his mouth molding to yours and applying insistent pressure that leaves you slightly lightheaded. As Beomgyu leans back, he gives you a smirk matched with one of his signature cackling laughs.

“I knew it.”


Check out my other work here!

Taglist: @hyungieyoongi @alpacaparkaseok @derinxfam

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