Gta 6 - Tumblr Posts
We really getting the angry birds movie 3 before GTA 6 💀
Summer games fest was saved by sparking zero. I wish they showed at least any of these: little nightmares, gta 6, maybe something for spider-man 2, the wolf among us like come on I am starving bruh.
Also how are you gonna show something for inside out 2 but not go all out with a sonic 3 trailer like bruh either keep this a GAME event or go all out and show something people would have been hyped as hell for even if it’s not necessarily a game.
Fuck all the gamers complaining about WOKENESS tho. Like get a job bruh

Hooray, finally 💖✨🥂
at this rate we'll get gta 6 before it takes two part 2
What did I do? I only made fun of Elon Musk.

Found this on Twitter, so I thought, why not posting it here and doing a tag game 😊

Ok, I’ll go first

If he is the reason, I’d go to prison gladly 🥰❤️🔥
Tagging: @killerqueen-ofwillowgreen @nic-214 @milkyway-ashes @dr-radiation @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen @sunsetdaydreamer @therockywhorerpictureshow @delicatelyfantasticninja and everyone 😊
Sorry if I forgot to tag some of you!
GTA 6 Fanfic- Almost Perfect Heist
" Put ya hands where I can see them and money in the bag!"
Two assailants charged into a busy convenience store in one fateful morning. The duo were practically glued to the hip with how they refused to leave the side of the other. Jason seemed to be the leader of the operation from the way he swaggered inside with brimming confidence while his partner, Lucia, faltered ever so slightly. They kept their guns trained on their targets as they made their way to the store's center.
A suffocating cloud of consternation hung heavy in the air, chilling the blood of almost everyone there. Crimes like this were far from uncommon in Vice City. You could hardly walk a few blocks without encountering dried blood caked up on the concrete or the cries of the helpless victim on their last day on earth. The patrons all instinctively knew that no cops would arrive just in time to save them from their darkest hour. If they remained obedient, they'd get to leave with their lives and a hungry wallet.
" You heard the man! Just give us all y'all cash and we'll be on our way."
Lucia walked around the store loading her bag with money while Jason dealt with the cashier. Everyone was quick to hand her their money before they ended up as yet another statistic. Many sobbed uncontrollably while others glared at her with barely suppressed anger. Lucia grinned wickedly as her loot steadily increased. Images of designer purses and shoes flashed in her mind, a collection of which seemed to grow every few weeks. She was about to check up on Josh when she heard IT.
The deafening sound of a bullet leaving its chamber in hot pursuit of its latest victim. Lucia moved to the front the see the cashier convulsing on the ground with a fresh bullet wound in his stomach. Hot tears raced down the cashier's face while he clutched at his wound. Lucia knew the look in his eyes quite well.
The look of someone with their back against the wall with no one to save them. A face that reflected years of pain and regret. She often held that same expression before she met Jason. Before she sold her soul for a life of degeneracy.
" That's what happens when you try to be a fucking hero!" Jason cocked his head in Lucia's direction. " This fool got some mighty balls on him, trying to take my gun like that. He's lucky I didn't blast his head off. Let's bounce."
Lucia nodded and the two dashed out of the store and into a white Toyota Ae86. As Jason burned rubber on the hot asphalt, Lucia's mind drifted to the cashier. She wondered if he too had a loved one who would mourn him should the bullet wound prove fatal. She imagined all the anger, fear, and grief that must be consuming all those customers. Lucia was usually unfettered when she was with Jason, but she couldn't help feeling that all their crimes would eventually catch up with them. Sometimes she pretended not to care and other times those dreadful thoughts kept her tossing and turning throughout the night. Either way, this was the only life she knew how to live and she was damn sure to make the most of it.
Taking a showers on GTA 6 Will be like this.
$ronstud Cashapp support
They made us think GTA was dead for 10 years.
Rockstar just made the same shit they did to Trevor. Bravo.

What if Taylor Swift was in GTA 6 Vice City?

GTA VI is coming 2025. I'm sure she's not in it lol.