Guarana - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

@crows!! i found guarana in portugal and of course i had to try it because mr philza minecraft said it changed his life

@crows!! I Found Guarana In Portugal And Of Course I Had To Try It Because Mr Philza Minecraft Said It

it's pretty good! very sweet but i see how this would be amazing on a hot day

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7 years ago

My God she has to have a really sweet taste~

Keep the good work ^^👍👍



i gotta draw Güari more, it’s really fun doing her~! I still suck at anatomy tho .c.

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7 years ago
Here Is The New Good Looking Gari Babe For @pehntahpenne Again With One Of My Fetish But Hey At Least

Here is the new good looking güari babe for @pehntahpenne Again with one of my fetish but hey at least I took time to do it :3 enjoy tho

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11 months ago

Science Club: Project Guarana

Science Club: Project Guarana

Here we see Ishaq in the Greenhouse that will soon be his new project

Science Club: Project Guarana

Inspired from these lil things

Science Club: Project Guarana

During a fateful trip to Procyon labs (the Creation Association's hidden lab in Amazonas) to meet Director Marlúcia, the Director showed Ishaq the Guarana plant. It became Ishaq's new obsession, never shutting up about it. He was fascinated by it's unique look and the legend behind it.

Years later, after many trial and error, Ishaq created the Project Guarana, with Ishaq's prior knowledge of how to create neural pathways coming in handy. Not even Ishaq fully understands his creation, but he supplies all of his eyes from it. According to Ishaq's testimony, no one eye is exactly the same, some of them being duller, and other's seeing more spectrum of light. Never the exact same amount of rods or cones, with some eyes being color blind. The tree produces eyes of wildly different coloring. Ishaq has noticed a pattern of how the eyes might turn out based on eye color.

Even though Ishaq is proud of his creation, The Association has no clue what to do with it. With Ishaq's revolutionary research, this could help Ishaq in his efforts to make sure no one in the world stays blind, if made public, but the Association proclaims itself to have a Zero-Profit motive (This isn't entirely true, but that's for later), so the eyes have only been distributed to certain investors so far, much to Ishaq's frustration. The Directors fear for what might happen if the American Healthcare Industry gets a hold of this research. Some directors want to expand the research to find out what new body parts can be grown from plant material, while others consider the economic implications.

An X-ray of the plant shows a vast nervous system. When asked if the plant feels pain getting it's eyes plucked out, Ishaq responded with "Don't worry about it."

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