Big Boobs - Tumblr Posts

Here is the new good looking güari babe for @pehntahpenne Again with one of my fetish but hey at least I took time to do it :3 enjoy tho

Nemesis-sempai doodles done! I got go do her i missed my sempai quite a lot
Omg mod youre the best! Thank you so much for this gorgeous fan art!

Oh dear she pushed the “little” button… @goldenangelo-lewd

Art Trade with @pehnnelenne

Some quick doodles of dakota and golden.
Madeline ill show her in a sec

I just made a new, easy and fast oc named mannequin-chan :3c yes she's very edible, has dark magic and able to make her body parts expand and has a fleshy body like a sexdoll so I hop3 y'all like it .w.
Oh and she can lactate when she wants with her magic uwu
Do I look good in this, Daddy? 💞
Cum play with me on patreon. Just 3 bucks a month. 💋

How do you even introduce a character with big boobs without having them be complete fanservice?

those big hairy boobs from Henry Cavill
“Darling, get out of the shower NOW, it’s starting!!” Greta squealed.
She bounced up and down in excitement as Jan exited the cubicle, water clinging to his tight muscles. Bounced.
Now before and after Greta had moved in with him in Hanover, Greta had done a lot of things, but no part of her had ever bounced. Jan stared with amazement for a moment at the burgeoning lumps pushing out beneath her tank top before he was overcome with lust.
He rushed her, and they both fell atop the bed. She laughed, but began panting with excitement as he yanked down her panties. His biceps tightened as he pulled her in for a deep his tongue darting with a blaze of wild fire, and she sank into his strong grasp, taking in the smell of his shower gel, moaning in approval.
When, however, he came to pull off her shirt, she pushed his hand away. “No,” she said. “I can think of a much better way to remove it.” She continued to kiss him, urging him on with her tongue. His already hard cock felt heavy, and seemed to be trying to descend towards her waiting pussy.
“Oh, ja.” she whispered, grasping his iron hard dick and guiding it downwards. “Yeah, fuck me while my titties grow.” He released her from his grip, and stabbed himself right into her cunt, burying himself in her to the hilt. He was met with an instant screa of pleasure from her, and began madly thrusting. His arms stretched out and grabbed at her breasts, which were pushing against the fabric of the shirt with a mania as they jiggled larger and larger. The speed and intensity of his thrusts were only competed with by the growth of her boobs.
The space between them was rapidly increasing, and Jan felt a softness against his chiselled abs. He looked down, and gaped at how huge she was already. They inflated further still, heading from the top heavy section of a men’s magazine steadily towards the fetish area. She had ballooned from average to stripper size and beyond in a matter of minutes. It was unbelievable.
He knew that once they stopped, her boobs would settle at the size they grew to through her arousal, so despite his primal hunger he held back, until he heard her say.
“Don’t hold back, I don’t care anymore! Make me big please, I want to them to be the biggest in the world - No, bigger! Bigger than the world! Just keep fucking me forever big boy! Make me come eternally! Ohh! OHH! You’re doing so good!”
Jan fucked Greta, faster and faster, harder and harder, pawing at the giant boobs that were rapidly covering her face. Her moans and screams of pleasure became muffled as they both were engulfed by the growing pair of breasts, which were spilling out off the bed and on to the floor now. There was no end to the, nor no beginning. Within minutes the walls and ceiling were staining against their beautiful bulk. Jan knew he would never stop making them grow. Never.

The necklace was placed over Alessia’s head, and she became queen. The heavy weight of gold and jewels settled on her, tugging down from her collar bone to below her midriff. In the centre of the carcanet was placed the most precious of all the things bestowed upon her - The Queen's Orb. It was not forged or cut from any material known to this world. The thing had fallen from the heavens and had been fashioned into the centrepiece of the necklace, which had been worn by the dynasty for over three millenia.
She breathed in, and was surprised to not fell any different. She did not feel as her handmaid had described it, herself being stretched far and wide across the kingdom, to watch over and bear each burden and suffering. She did not experience the rush of fright or pain that had been indoctrinated into her expectations.
Then the high priest announced off in the distance, that she had passed the final test of faith, and knelt, requesting his new Queen to rise. And so Alessia did, marvelling at this last trick. So she was worthy yes. It was now for her to lead her people, and she had pased their greatest test, submitting to the threat of eternal suffering for their sakes.
She continued to stand, going up and up, and she realised she was a full foot taller than when she had knelt and removed her upper garment. The aspect of the goddess was coming upon her then, and instead of pain, she in fact felt powerful, regal pleasure. With confidence she rose taller and taller, and into her grew the symbol of the goddess - the hourglass, the balance might last for all time. Her hips pelvis and chest began to expand, faster than the rest of her.
By the time she had passed the nine foot mark, each breast had exceeded the size of her head, while retaining their beautiful, sculpted, tear drop shape. Her posterior had swelled too, pulling up inch after inch of the loose, flowing cloth of the lower half of the robe. Along with her buttocks, her hips and thighs widened to match, thickening and parting further than her shoulders, keeping pace with the heft of her breasts.
She continued to grow, taller and thicker, during the ceremony, to match her regal station and wisdom. However, if she ruled well, it would not be the last she would experience, for the Queen, or as she would be later known, the Empress, was a representation of the bounty of the land.

She shrugged off her coat, revealing even more of her great undulating cleavage. With each confident stride she took, her shoulder straps showed rising visible strain as breast flesh pressed out in all directions, bulging out from the frail purple dress, bouncing with an increasing jiggle, and all the while the alluring neckline plunged further.The hall was quiet save for the clack of her high heels, overlaid with a sonata of shredding cloth and popping stitches.
As she reached you she took a deep breath, tearing her bra clean in two. tit continued to spill out of the rags on all sides, and she smiled, holding your gaze as you forgot to breathe.

He wants me to be everything for him; whatever he wants me to be.
But what about what I want?
Yes, sure, they feel good. The weight on my chest just feels right, like I’ve been walking wrong till now. That pull that makes me arch my back to hold them up, it’s just natural.
Every week the mirror shows me how much they’ve enlarged. I love the way clothes look on me now, stretched beyond capacity, like I’m too much to handle And boy, I need some handling.
The pleasure these babies give me... When we’re together, or even when I’m alone in bed at night, I can feel them, like an active presence, slowly swelling bigger and bigger. When my boobs are touched, the brush of a hand, the snag of a shirt, whisper of a breeze... and the sensation is only increasing as they grow. I can now orgasm from a single nipple, but I’m so horny all the time that I need to get off at least thrice a day to be satisfied.
I think about my titties all the time and I find myself flaunting them... it’s natural. They’re amazing. I’ll keep growing, I can’t stop, it just feels too good. But though they need attention, so do I. I need a man who will view me for me, as a wonderful woman first and as the busty cumslut who needs his cock between her tits daily second.

They say the camera adds four cup sizes. “Selfie BE” - see more at
“Manon, fetch me something else to wear, will you? This blouse is becoming a little... inadequate.”
Claudette lowered the hardback volume of Les Fleurs du Mal from in front of her. That was the only place she could read from with an unobscured view now. She experimentally tugged at the tight polyester which failed to encase her. There was little give, but it still stung as it snapped back like a bowstring. She winced, and then smiled. Claudette had no idea what was causing the augmentation of her breasts, and visits to doctors had shone little light.
The Parisian socialite had shrugged. Yes, people would say what they would; didn’t they always? But it was better to be talked about negatively than not to be talked about at all. She pulled a tablet from her new Chanel handbag, and examined her schedule. She had gym in an hour, where she and Cristophe would be working on another back-focused regimen. That left plenty of time for to buy some new outfits, and a well-needed larger sports bra. Free until 3 O’ Clock after that... Perhaps she would have the boy again today, she felt inclined towards a little fun.
Claudette buttoned on the chiffon kimono, luxuriating in the feeling of the soft material against her chest. One of the wonderful things about the condition she had developed was that it gave her even more excuse to try and buy new clothes. More than that, it was fascinating from a design perspective. Her slim, lithe body had sprouted a bounty which stretched from just below her collarbone to two-thirds of the way down her ribcage in a graceful teardrop, and rested gently on her upper arms on its sides. Claudette turned to observe herself from profile. She thought she cut quite a figure, gently brushing the fabric above her nipples, a full span from her body now, angled ever so slightly upwards. They stiffened and she muttered an oath before chuckling.
She gently applied makeup, Manon fetching her this and that to complete her look. She found that she did not need to lightly over apply her lipstick. She pouted, admiring their bee sting plumpness. Well that was new. As was a slight increase in height. Manon had to quickly unhem the lower part of her outfit, as well as to put a thinner insole into her shoes. Claudette’s heart skipped a beat as inspiration for new a whole line of clothing began to take form in her mind. She descended the stairs, exhibiting an inimitable grace as she walked with ease in slender 6-inch heels, her bust trembling ever so slightly. Manon wondered about the amount of thigh her mistress was showing today, but Claudette merely returned a knowing smile before lighting a cigarette. The fashion designer stepped out on to the busy street, where her driver was waiting. She would not let these developments hold her back. Far from it; she would embrace them (figuratively, of course, she mused). Claudette was an artist, and her body was her palette. What paintings she would give the world...
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Drew some shit for this new OC I adore. I like the idea of a cyborg girlie who whores herself out and can turn her brain off too