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Don't mind me requesting again cuz your writing is good-
Anyway I need some older male reader that is team GHOST from call of duty ghosts and his team is fucking chaotic like they be almost killing them self's and one of them do stabby another like blowing shit up while male reader don't get enough sleep and be a dad on his team but in the end they get the job done
I just want 141 to meet male readers team during a mission and all of them see his team jumping out a window lol
I just need some chaotic shit
Ghost Soldier!Male Reader + Task Force 141
While Captain Y/n is on a mission with his team, they are interrupted...
What matters most though is if they are friend or foe...
Honestly, trying to put a whole scenario like this together was fun and challenging at the same time but worth it @gamersansblog !!!
So I hope you enjoy!
"Midnight, Hawk, do either of you have eyes on the target yet?" Y/n asked as he let his eyes sweep over the contents in the room. Falcon followed behind him, silently with his gun raised, clearing the room himself before rejoining Y/n's side.
"No sir, not yet," Midnight's heavy feminine voice replied through the radio.
"Just a whole bunch of shit in here, Captain, unless..." Hawk drawed out slowly.
Y/n knew that tone and quickly tried to intervene, "Hawk, I swear if do what I think..."
"Calm down, sir. Why don't we just turn this place inside out?"
"Hawk..." Falcon warned from beside Y/n as he watched his Captain let out a long sigh in front of him.
"Just a little demolition, sir. That's all... it's not like anyone knows we're here anyway. With the guards dead, I doubt we'll be interrupted, " Y/n could have swore he aged faster as he listened to Hawk's suggestion.
Honestly, Y/n was too tired for this shit. It felt like he was baby sitting 3 kids and he couldn't help but wonder if other groups dealt with the same thing.
There mission was simple, take out the guards, retrieve the files, and get out. Really simple shit. Y/n could do it in his sleep if he wanted too. But noooo, the Higher Ups just had to say his team needed to be with him for this operation.
Plus, Y/n doubted that Falcon could deal with all of them if Y/n left him alone with Midnight and Hawk. So he was forced to bring his crazy pyromaniac of a man, the little assassin that would kill just about anything even when Y/n told her not to, and his only good child.
God, being a father of a Ghost Team was hard.
But even so, Y/n wouldn't change it for the world. His team was just about the best thing that ever happened to him and his career. They were his second chance, his redemption. His everything...
"Alright, Hawk, set up those explosives and see if you can find anything. Midnight, watch his back. Falcon and I are gonna make our way over there..." Y/n commanded.
"Understood, sir," and in the background, he could hear Hawk's sinister little giggle and shook his head at his soldier's antics.
"You sure this is the best idea, sir?" Falcon looked worried about this and Y/n didn't blame him for it. They both knew Hawk could go too far when it came to blowing up things.
Last time they left him alone, half of a building managed to disappear.
Y/n shook his head at the thought, not wanting to even remember that mission again.
When he caught sight of Midnight, the woman was throwing her knives at some random crate she was using as target practice.
"Midnight, Y/n told you to stop doing that. You're gonna mess up your knives and then cry about needing to get new ones," Falcon stressed.
Midnight stuck her tongue out at the man and Y/n chuckled.
"Come on Captain tell her!" Falcon pleaded.
Y/n ignored it and looked towards Hawk.
"You ready Hawk?"
"Annnnnd FINISHED!" the man exclaimed happily as he put the last finishing touches on the bomb.
"Good... get ready to...the hell is that sound?" Y/n turned to see a drone watching them outside the window.
"Shit... someone else is here... we're leaving NOW!" Y/n yelled as he made his way to the windows with their repel gear.
"WHO THE HELL ARE THEY?!" Midnight bellowed next to him.
"Doesn't matter! Hawk on my signal you blow this place to hell!"
"What about the files?!" Hawk asked.
"The Captain and I got them on our way to you two! Now hurry your ass up and get ready to repel!" Falcon hollered at him, quickly putting his gear on.
Once they were ready, Y/n didn't take the chance of the enemy spotting them from the window. If anything, these guys were definitely professionals and had yet to show themselves but it didn't bother Y/n one bit. He knew his team was just as good.
So, he turned to the other window, pulling out his P226 and aiming it at the window.
"Hawk, you remember that scene from Fast and Furious where they jumped from building to building?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah, but we don't have a supercar, sir!"
"Well we can try!" Y/n began to run towards the window, shooting it multiple times until to burst into glass shards and they all jumped out.
Y/n heard that lovely sound of the explosion going off behind him as they landed on the roof.
"Hell yeah!" Hawk whooped from beside him.
"We can celebrate later...we still need to find who else is here."
Y/n turned to Midnight first.
"I got an idea..."
"Sir?" She tilted her head in curiosity.
"You see anyone even hostile take them out. Hawk fill this place with traps, take Falcon with you."
Hawk nodded and tapped Falcon's arm before leading them away from Y/n and Midnight.
"Alright, let's go see who the hell were dealing with..."
Midnight sent Y/n a smirk as Y/n moved to take point and as they set out to find the intruders.
It didn't take long when they both heard a cry that only Hawk could make and quickly ran towards his yells. Y/n told Midnight to hide the in the grass, dropping into the dirt himself and aiming his rifle at the newfound men that had Hawk and Falcon in their custody.
He heard the gruff British man's voice question who Hawk was working with, who their team was, but Hawk wasn't one to talk.
Y/n made sure personally that they would never talk. He put then through the same exact situation he had been in now. Cornered by the enemy but except this time not alone.
"Midnight, stay down unless shots are fired. Got it?"
She nodded at him before popping up out of the grass.
"I wouldn't move it I were you..."
The men all turned back to him, guns drawn on him while he held his Honey Badger tightly to his chest.
"Who the hell are you?" The man in the skull mask questioned.
Y/n gave him a look before turning back to the man with the fisher hat on.
"You plan on fishing for my soldiers..." he drawed off.
"Captain Price." He answered.
"Ah...I've heard of you... You and your little Task Force. What was it...141, right?"
"Ye now who the hell are you?" He watched the man's grip tighten on his own gun.
"Captain Y/n and you're going to give me back Hawk and Falcon now." Y/n demanded.
"How do I-" he was cut off by another voice going through his radio.
"Yeah but-... Are you sure, Laswell?"
Y/n looked up when he heard Kate's last name leave the older Brits lips.
"You familiar with Laswell?" Y/n asked as he watched the men untie Hawk and Falcon.
"Seems so...and it seems she knows you as well..." Price commented as he watched Hawk and Falcon walk back to Y/n's side.
"Sir, are you sure Laswell said they're green?" The dark skin man asked the Captian.
"I doubt Laswell would lie to us Gaz. That goes for you two as well," Price said, turning to the skull masked man and the slightly shorter man standing next to him.
"So that's a infamous Ghost...I thought he be taller," Hawk.
"He lots pretty damn tall to me, considering he's standing near shortstack over there..." Falcon said.
The shorter man sent him a glare, obviously hearing Falcon's comment, but before he could say anything, Ghost pulled him back.
"He's not worth it, Soap."
Y/n heard a Scottish accent come from the man as he watched the two talk.
"Oh, sir... You should probably tell-" Falcon was too late to warn him when Midnight sprang up from behind Ghost and Soap.
Y/n sent her the scariest death glare in history before the woman's knife even made it near the two men. Only then did Ghost realize Y/n was glaring but not at him and turned around only to see nothing there. When he turned back, there was now a third soldier standing near him that wasn't there.
"Who she?" He cocked his head towards her.
"Midnight." and he left it there.
Price turned to look at them apologetically before letting out a long sigh.
"Sorry about the mishaps, mates. Seems we got you mixed up with someone else, by the way... you know who blew up that building?"
"We did," Y/n said quickly, watching the man's face change to confusion.
"Why did you-"
"Sorry, but we're kinda on a tight schedule so we'll see yall again sometime soon yeah? Nice meeting you, Captain and your team. Lovely bunch, really! Sir, we have go to go." Falcon said as he pulled Y/n away, the man shaking his own head and chuckling himself, with the other two laughing.
"Kids am I right?" Y/n shouted as he sent a quick nod to the Captain before turning to greet his own team as they made their way towards exfil.
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