Kyle Garrick - Tumblr Posts

He's such an underrated character. I looooove kyle so much!!

He NAILED this mission 💋💋

KYLE 'GAZ' GARRICK call of duty: modern warfare ii — wetwork

price + gaz appreciation post + bonus

Pretty positive that Kyle Garrick has the most secure attachment style out of anyone on the 141, proving that he is by far the best boyfriend material.

[COD MW2 HCS] 141 + Los Vaqueros + König with a Neutral Gender! Writer! Reader
A/N : How come we never see a Reader as a writer in whatever fandom - or am I blind - in headcanons ? I mean... So many people writing amazing fanfictions or headcanons on this platform or everywhere else and... No ? Really ? We’re talking about a military Reader here, by the way.
TW : none (for once) except the ugly typos you may encounter. Only one very little mention of smutty litterature
John “Soap” MacTavish
So... Let’s start with our lovely Scottish sergeant
It is apparently canon that he likes to draw on a small notebook he keeps with him dearly.
So he knows. He is acquainted with the ‘writer’s zone’ we flee into when inspiration holds us within its graceful arms. When the images of action flood through out brain when a stroke of genius light up our features and how we appear lost in some kind of parallel universe only us are able to interact with (well... it’s how it looks like for me, feel free to comment - writer or not - how your imagination works)
However, Soap is mostly aware about the tropes and what we can consider as the technical side of writing such as relashionship dynamics for your characters - if it implies the said relashionships -
I think he is the kind to prefer roomates universes because of the domesticity he is able to find there and friendship warms his heart. Although, that’s just an impression.
He is actually the biggest help out of the 141 because when he draws he also uses the codes of his type of creation for his cute doodles you suspect him to scribble on the yellowed paper of his little diary.
He knows what it is to lack of insipiration, even though he tends to throw his thoughts on the paper and reproduces his surroundings.
He appreciates the smallest details that compose his world. He notices them all.
But I digress.
You two share a world not so accessible for the rest of the team. When you talk about [Insert fiction character of trope here] in a very specific context, the others gaze at you confused.
More than writing, it is a little sweet thing you two share and you would never lose that for anything in the world.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
He... Understands... Not like Soap. He doesn’t have that much imagination.
He gets it is your hobby. It is as valuable as any other activity.
Simon thinks it’s cute in some way. You, lost in thought, next to him, about and into something he can’t quite grasp. And a sheet of paper or the blank screen of an app on your tablet or whatever device you judged comfortable.
At first, you asked for his help about some details, or his opinion, or his advice. Then, you understood he was too down-to-earth and wounded by his abusive past to allow himself to relax this way next to you.
Yet, you used your hobby as a way to stay with him as a support. He had just to tug a bit at your sleeve and all your attention would be on him.
It was the first step.
You understood quickly that your writing might be able to help him unwind and finally get comfortable.
You write him silly stories, made for him to laugh, or to smile at least. It wasn’t a big deal, just fables. You have no idea what he does with it. You just hope it enables him to dream even if just during the day like a fleeting thought clinging to him. A distant echo of something nice his heart and his memory agreed on keeping dearly underneath his leaden shell.
You also may be the one reading your own stories to him. But the mistakes, the inconsistencies or the lack of meaning and every little flaws in your writing may appear much more visible once clearly uttered.
By dint of effort, you manage to soften him a bit. He doesn’t want to ask you if he could read either what you are writing or if you have something for him. However, he eventually hopes within the depth of his heart that he can flee from reality for a few minutes.
He is so grateful to you even though he is bitter on the fact he can’t bring you much constructive criticism.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Another one who understands one might have such a hobby but he may not relate.
I don’t see Gaz as someone who reads a lot. It’s just not his thing. He’ll read for sport news or something related to one of his own hobbies.
I guess he doesn’t have the patience to sit somewhere comfortable and allow his mind to wander this way thanks to your words.
Except maybe when he desperately needs to unwind and his thoughts are too noisy so he needs to occupy his plagued mind with something totally different.
However, he is curious about the creation process.
He’ll ask about your ‘tools’ after you explain to him that your scenario and elements of the story doesn’t entirely pop out of thin air and you may have to rethink and to shape your ideas to make up a story both understandable and enjoyable.
He laughs when he notices about your nonsensical Internet history. How can it be so weird ? And then, he remembers what kinds of research he does when the night isn’t kind to him and he doesn’t laugh anymore.
Sometimes, your brain amazes him. You sound so cool when you take the time to explain some of your ideas.
Kyle is awesome at helping you for worldbuilding. He has a lot of imagination when he manages to leave his military universe on the side and peeks at yours.
He is an excellent beta reader since he is actually very neutral about writing in general and he’ll try to give you the most help possible when you ask him. Too short ? Too long ? Not enough or too much emphasis on a detail ? He just aims at your betterment !
John Price
You are a writer ? Well... As long as you do your duty you can be whatever you want.
He is neutral with the idea of you being a writer. He is a soldier before anything. And a leader at that. He’ll support you because Captain Dad... I mean... Captain Price always supports his team but sometimes the said team gives a hard time to his comprehension and patience.
You’re mostly quiet, with music for your ears, typing or penning something on a sheet of paper. Moreover, it seems like you have some sort of natural distance with Soap’s or Gaz’s - or both - usual chaos.
Price has to say that it amazes him how you are distant of everything when you are in what Soap would call a writer’s fever.
By the way, he happens to watch over you both when Soap draws and you write on the couch of the common room. If you both eventually show him what you created - if you don’t he will not force you - he’ll gaze at you like a proud momma duck despite his best behavior.
He is mostly the one staring in disbelief as you use vocabulary, tropes, imaginary events for your own type of art since he can’t understand it even though you all speak the same language.
Price notices very early you are a skilled writer, or at least you have some experience. The reports he gets from you are probably the best from the soldiers he got under his orders. He might have something to say about the spelling and the shape of your letters if you give him handwritten reports. Depends on you I guess.
He will not ask to read what you write. You can call that the appropriate distance induced by hierarchy. You remain soldiers. You may as well act like it.
Sometimes, you’d like his opinion. An outside point of view about your work is always good, no ? Well... John Price has a Ghost syndrome. He is annoyingly ass deep in his military life. Hence, he faces a very limited imagination except when it comes to interrogate an enemy.
The worst about him is that he could be an amazing beta reader. Constructive criticism and probably giving you ways to improve yourself in what you already are so good at.
Just give him time. He’ll get interested one way or another. First, you may try to be closer emotionally to him. Might be a good start to go past this military hierarchy and to know what his tastes are to get his heart beat only at the tone of your phrasing with your unique talent
Rodolfo Parra
He thinks it’s so cool to have a hobby as enjoyable as he thinks you have just by the way you act when you are writing.
Rudy doesn’t have the time to delve that deeply into a hobby. Los Vaqueros constantly demand his attention. However, when he gets the time he - like Gaz - tries to ask about the process of writing. He even tries to write by himself.
You explained about the tropes and dynamics and he seemed to get it immediately. Childhood friends to lovers is his favorite one by the way.
It was just a little story he came up with. It was the first thing that stuck to his imagination, appearing out of an obscure place of his brain. It was uncertain, somewhat shaky but simple and, in a way, adorable.
He almost took it personally when you said this small piece of text was just like him.
However, before you sink even deeper in awkwardness, you dismissed this last interaction and tried to correct him the best you could.
After that, he was looking forward the little time when you could write with him and he could learn. Another thing, it’s quiet around you, focused, relaxed. Alejandro knows where to find him when he is looking for his right hand.
He could be an amazing beta reader if he wasn’t so kind. He forgives you everything. “Have you noticed inconsistencies or flaws ?” you’d ask. “Maybe a little something here but I’m sure it’s me” he’d reply. Unnerving, right ? The gentlest reader but you don’t need him to be so nice. You need him to be observant.
He also comes up with very simple ideas when it comes to writing but his way of apprehending things has something one can’t quite describe. My closest synonym would be a vibe, something like raw talent that only needs to be explored thoroughly. It resembles to cutting a diamond, sharpen the edges to make it glistening and precious.
His imagination is not too chaotic but his thinking and reasoning develops and fill in the gaps of his originality.
Anyways, Rudy is amazing. As always.
Alejandro Vargas
There has to be one who does not take you very seriously. Well... It is Alejandro. The Mexican colonel is... something else, to say the least. He considered himself a man of action and not a man of words. So, to him, whatever you were doing with those scraps of paper during your free time was none of his business.
He’ll try some kind of joke with you writing nasty things in the secret of that little head of yours. Two answers now. “No, colonel, I’m not into writing that kind of litterature” would be the first reponse with a hint of scorn hidden behind your deadpan aspect.
The second answer though... “Yeah ! I write smut ! Now that we’re talking about that, do you mind if I use your features for my next...” and then you proceed to make a very descriptive, thoroughly explained speech about your imaginary Alejandro and what you planned him to do in this small story of yours. The point was to make the colonel embarassed. Although, it worked better on Rudy who went blushing like a tomato.
If you choose the second option, it will end up in nasty jokes each time you meet each other. This silly game is absolutely unsufferable for everyone making the mistake to listen to you.
If anything, your relashionship suffers from this disregard. You didn’t ask Alejandro’s appreciation, hardly tolerance even but it left a sort of bitter taste. Rudy is... Kinder. More understanding.
However, what happens is that you tend to be consequently more distant from Alejandro. It may have been a silly joke about a pastime of yours but writing is so personal that it was as if he made a joke about your own self and this was intolerable. He had no business disrespecting you this way.
Beyond that, you banished him from your writing process. His opinion, his hypothetical help, what he might like to see within a story - doesn’t matter how silly it may be - he was no part of it.
If he changes his mind, you’d tend to retort him something alike “Let’s stay in our own field of expertise colonel. Let me dream about my stories. And you, dream about chasing El Sin Nombre. Good fences make good neighbors as one says”.
Something that also might happen is that Rudy’s new habit of unwinding with you quietly in the common room and having long conversations with you about that hobby you were now both sharing made him feel weird. Alejandro was surely passionate and admitting he’s wrong - at least for this - was no part of his character but this was the proof he should’ve acted differently. The realisation took its time but he eventually accepts the fact he made an asshole of himself.
He’ll apologise when he catches you alone, writing. Now the question may be about how much time do you want to play with him for having been such an arse.
Eventually, Alejandro learns his lesson and he even asks you to read what you write. When he’s done, he is so silent, gawking. You laugh at him.
Our gigantic, adorable Austrian operator is a book worm. It’s horrendous. The heavy bullying he has been a victim got him to be safe between the shelves of library. The scent of old paper and the calm of the library got him out of his skin, journeying between worlds out of his appalling daily life. He was typically the dreamy, lonely kid who had characters inside his head as sole company.
So yeah. Books mean relief, respite, getaway for him as well as a way to heal himself from the pain he received from his classmates or whoever hurt him in his younger days.
He doesn’t have much time for reading anymore and these books are a little too bulky for the small package he was allowed to have. So having you near him is like a blessing. He can talk out his thoughts.
Beyond writing, it is the vibe around you that convinces him to sit next to you in the common room. He tried to make himself small, to not take too much of the couch but you couldn’t deny his thigh touching yours. You raised your head and smiled at him. König did not utter a single word, already flustered to fail at conversing. But, as time goes on - and after numerous times he just sat next to you enabling himself to move a muscle - you made most of the conversation. He felt almost immediately at ease.
You two daydream together now, talking about little things always related to writing or reading. It is also a way to relax after close calls and the danger of being killed.
He is the KING at worldbuilding. König has always several ideas coursing through his brain. His mind is sometimes chaotic, full of details. He gave you the impression once that telling the history of one of this world would create a great saga on it own. Moreover, König is so passionate about these little bouts of thoughts put together.
He is also very aware about tropes and dynamics. His favorite of the latter is the small protector x the big shy character because he can relate. And he also has a soft post for a good ol’ mutual pining or a hypothetical love at first sight - as unlikely as it seems in real life -
He doesn’t try to write with you though. He knows he is not too good at this, which is weird considering the tremendous amount of time he can spend while reading. Although, König knows he may have a chance if he writes in German. It depends on you being able to understand him or not.
König is also a dissatisfactory beta reader, different from Rudy though. He doesn’t dare utter what he judges as flaws because he thinks he’d lose you. He is so happy to be the first reading whatever you are working on because it makes him feel so special.
He always supports you and tries to relax you when pangs of frustration creeps inside your mind because your writing doesn’t go the way you plan it to be.
Just like with Soap, what you two have is not understandable by the people around you. What’s more is that König’s anxious nature tends to keep you both distant from the people outside of your little bubble.

they're so scrunli oml i love the way you draw my homie gazette obituaries

Important matters are to be discussed.
omg FIRST ARTWORK OF 2023!!!
gaz is literally my favorite so of course i had to draw him with my girl, Antonia.
I haven't really made a proper backstory for her and I'm kinda making it up as I go.
Hopefully this year, I actually get the courage to actually talk to you guys who have COD OCs so I can make friends. I'm always free to talk about ocs and to bounce ideas off each other!
"I could fix him"
Ok but- what if he could fix me? What if a single hug from him would make it all feel better?

Personally I love Trans!Gaz, makes me jump with joy. I think he has top surgery and loves to show off when he feels amazing and masculine but he hasn't had the time to get off from work and get bottom surgery yet.
He's openly out and he says fuck you to the haters because he doesn't care! Fuck you!
I feel like Price knew first because he got his files later on, he was chill, didn't care. Never brought it up or nothing. No reason he's a great sergeant I think that's all that matters to him.
Ghost figured it out and confronted him like; "Gaz, are you gay?" Gaz prolly said yeah and that was the end of it.
Soap didn't get it at first, he's just a lost puppy man he goes with the flow. Once he was fold he asked so many questions. A few kisses over drinks led him to learning the answer to all those questions.

Mermaid Gaz!
Gaz was the one most voted, and after some discussion decided to make him a ribbon seal which fits him real well!
I'll go in order from most voted to leasy voted!
So expect our beloved Captain Johnathan Price next!

Goodness Gracious 🥵🥵
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, standard

141+König and Nikolai
Hear me out! ಠ_ಠ
Pirate!Gaz and Siren!reader ⊂(◉‿◉)つ
That's all I had to say
— Trembling Across the Ice !!

“ New Ao3 Work Out ! ,,
Christmas Special ⋆⁺₊❅ ⋆
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick x M!Reader
SFW : Fluff & two boyfriends just having fun
Kyle and his loving boyfriend go ice skating together. Per his boyfriend’s request even if Kyle does have end up having trouble with standing on the ice. But don’t worry, his boyfriend his here to teach Kyle how to stay standing!
See work link below . . .

‘ Trembling Across the Ice ’!
[ Clicking link gives more information to the work . ]
My Ao3 Account !
My Masterlist !
Enjoy & Merry Early Christmas!

— Kyle ‘ Gaz ‘ Garrick Masterlist

⌖ Gaz x M!Reader ₊˚.༄ ( Full Collection . )
❝ Trembling Across the Ice ,, ⫘ Ficlet !! ~ Xmas
꒰ SFW ; Fluff & just two boyfriends having a friendly banter ꒱
More coming soon ౨ৎ . .

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! I just wanted to wish everyone one last amazing holiday whether you celebrate Christmas or not.
As well as list the Christmas specials I made this year! For anyone who doesn’t know, they’re all MLM and fluff! Please enjoy! ✩
See work links below . . .

⤷ Christmas Cheer ⋆ John Price x M!Reader !! ❞
The Task Force 141 goes on leave for the holidays, and they decide to celebrate it with each other on Christmas Eve. Heading to a lovely pub in England. And as Price awaits for his boys, a bartender with an elf hat catches his eye.
⤷ Trembling Across the Ice ⋆ Kyle “Gaz” Garrick x M!Reader !! ❞
Kyle and his loving boyfriend go ice skating together. Per his boyfriend’s request even if Kyle does have end up having trouble with standing on the ice. But don’t worry, his boyfriend his here to teach Kyle how to stay standing!
⤷ It’s Just Us ⋆ Simon “Ghost” Riley x John “Soap” Mactavish !! ❞
Task Force 141 is left out at a safe house on Christmas Eve. It’s sad that they couldn’t make their flights home, but instead, the four men spend Christmas together.
Hope you enjoy! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
Ghosts in the family

Synopsis - aka all the times The Riley siblings have talked about eachother, and all the times Soap should’ve connected the dots but didn’t see the constellation.
cw/tags - MDNI 18+ making out, grinding, no piv or smut guys sorry, swearing, mentions of female anatomy, military inaccuracies, fanon versions of cod characters, threats, mild violence, mentions of guns, innuendos, etc. you’re dealing with grown men in the military that is your warning
Pairing - Johnny “Soap” MacTavish x Afab!Riley!Reader, John Price x Riley!Reader (Platonic)
Author's note - Soap is about 26, Reader is 24, Tommy is the name of Simon’s canon younger brother who later scares him with masks and anyways, just beware of that background. Pt.2 of this au, just this just shits and giggles background for later bc I dont know how to flesh out that cliffhanger I left in my Drabble, see you at the bottom! - Moon
Requests are open!
© moonriseoverkyoto 2023. please do not steal, copy, plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my works without my permission. do not steal any elements of my theme without permission.

1. Simon knew that Johnny’s intention wasn’t to piss him off, but yet he still managed to feel a migraine pool behind his eyes. All day, every mission just asking question after question. Simon wondered if this is what it was like to have a stable home. All he had was you from day one his baby sister. His lips jerk upward before he cuts off the muscle reflex of what we know as a smile. He’d rather keel over and die than let Johnny see his eyes krinkle.
“I have a sister.” He grumbles. Everyone in the truck goes silent. Johnny’s jokes stop, Gaz smirks to himself, even Price manages to watch through the rearview mirror.
“Really? And you waited so long to tell me. Oh my god what’s the like. Oh is she pretty- wait don’t answer that, that’s weird if you agree…” Simon sighs to himself as he tunes out Johnny again. Oh he wishes holiday would come faster.
2. Holiday was tough. Even worse was being stuck alone over holiday break because your only family was stuck in an operation. Especially since you just got the news after putting up Christmas decoration.
“Really Simon? I got football on the telly, your presents are all wrapped” you whined. Simon grinned under his balaclava, oh how he wished he could be there to receive your annual gag gift.
“I know I know I know, assignment came late and everyone else has families to go home to so I just suggested myself-“ he tried to calm you down knowing this would only add gasoline.
“Dammit Si, I’m your family too! Im gonna give you a new buzz cut when you get home at the rate you’re going with all these sudden plans.” Your voice cracked at his name, you know he didn’t mean to break your heart. But Simon couldn’t bare to see Johnny, Price, or Gaz not go home to their big happy families.
“Yeah I know. Im yer brother. No getting out of that one.” He said. “Why don’t you stay with Price again this year. You know he loves you around”
“Because he is the only friend of yours that I’ve met-“
“Yeah you’ll meet the guys someday. promise.”
“Maybe for this holiday present?”
“yeah yeah yeah. I love you Si”
“Love you too, and I hope that second date of yours goes well this Friday” oh if only he knew how well that date went with your mysterious Scottish man.
3. “I thought you said you don’t kiss on the second date” Johnny grinned into your lips. Your hands all in his hair.
“Only if they don’t show promise” you remarked back. You could feel his bulge grinding through your pants in the back of this telephone booth. A soft groan leaving his lips as Johnny responded
“Oh so I show promise.” You could practically hear the grin as his lips trailed down your jaw and neck, the slight friction of his scruff following as he moved aside your dogtags.
“Yeah promise that if you don’t hush up, you won’t be getting anything” you quipped back as equally as smug
“Thought you were gonna call that brother of yers” he slurred back as he smelled your perfume. The man practically drooling as your nails trailed down his neck scratching. If he had a tail it’d be whipping the air. A whimper passing through the air as his bulge caught the right part of your fabric rubbing your clit in a delightful direction
“he can wait, I have something else to call for now” you said as you opened the door of the telephone booth and whistled (or yelled if you can’t) as loud as you could do to call a taxi. Johnny had a light in his eye that he never thought would spark until he met you.
Soon you would find out later that Simon actually COULD wait and he did, 12 whole hours he stayed up staring at your apartment door to be let in - fresh on holiday too. Maybe being motormouth’d by Johnny into the window of a hummer didn’t sound so bad now
4. Simon kept a photo of you and him in his pocket everywhere that you went. I mean everywhere. No matter the place. And a lighter too incase he was captured by enemies so as to not compromise his location. But it was a photo from a holiday in France. You were both pillow fighting in the bed. Messy hair, toothless grins, back when Mummy was alive and Daddy hadn’t shown his true colors. Tommy took that picture,. Simon holds it to remind him what he’s fighting for.
“Oh is that yer little sister, she’s missin a few teeth there” Johnny grins looking over the sniper’s shoulder.
“You’re about to miss some bones if you ask about my sister again” Simon growls. fuck. Johnny is the last person he needs around his sister. It’s not like Johnny was a womanizer - he was the opposite. Johnny was perfection. He was from a happy home, a stable home, a place where you wouldn’t have to remember what happened at that old house. It scared Simon to death imagining you forgetting about him. Then he’d really be alone.
“She must’ve gotten the good genes.” Gaz pipes into the coms, what an instigator.
“Wonder what she looks like in jeans” Soap hummed as he cleaned out his gun.
Ghost hummed to himself as he secretly folded up the photo and put it right back in the pocket over his heart. Maybe you could wait another year before meeting them.

Authors note - I made a part 2, this is unedited. Im so tired. I will flesh more of this out before I take another break I promise!! Xoxo - Moon
this but with kyle garrick, the absolute slut of a man that he is, when you’re both soldiers who have grown close to each other on base. let me cook for a minute PLEASE 🔥