Guitar Players - Tumblr Posts

Someone In The Crowd.
a vds one shot. you can find more on my ao3.
( @ apolloswords )
feel free to comment/message me any suggestions for one shot ideas!
Jens is an electric guitar player for his band, and every performance he feels what it truly means to be alive. But one night, he spots someone in the crowd that makes life worth living for.
Jens loved to play music.
That was an understatement, he lived to play music. Ever since he was young enough to remember, he would always be drumming along to the music his mom played in the kitchen as she cooked or the music his dad played in the car that surrounded him, even in the backseat. The second he felt a rhythm and beat flow through his body was the second he felt in tune with the melody and would do anything to play along. When he was just five, his parents had gotten him a drum kit for Christmas and he was ecstatic.
That was until he turned seven and was gifted an electric guitar. A sleek black guitar, a little too big for his little self but just so entrancing.
He immediately begged to take lessons. Unlike playing the drums, which he was still pretty handy with, Jens wanted to be able to play with technique before branching out with his own style. But after just a few weeks of lessons, he managed to find it. His guitar teacher was instantly impressed, completely in awe at the presence of such natural talent.
The thing was, Jens didn’t just live for music. It had become his way of life.
And things got even better in high school. Before that, Jens only ever played his music in his room, practicing some of his favourite songs or working on his unique style. His best friend Robbe wasn’t particularly musical, and could hardly follow a steady beat to save his life. But then in high school he met Moyo, a spectacular drummer from his history class, Senne , a pretty sick bass guitarist who ended up dating their friend Zoë and Sander, Robbe’s boyfriend who turned out to be a singing rockstar on his own.
With that, they had formed their own band.
It only started off when they were in Senne’s and Robbe’s flat, listening to music and getting high. Senne was measly tuning his bass before playing it a little, Moyo was drumming with his fingers on the table and Sander was rocking to the music, hitting every note and even making a few note changes himself. Then Jens suggested they should start a band. The next week, they raided Moyo’s basement as their makeshift studio and messed around. To their surprise, their individual talents blended in a beautiful harmony together, and their band was born.
Their band was called WTFOCK, mainly because everyone who heard them for the first time immediately went “What the fuck? They’re so good”. Nobody had really expected them to be terrible, but nobody expected to be just that good either. So, WTFOCK was born and they played at the local bar every two weeks on a Friday night. They had became regulars, a crowd favourite, and every night Jens played his heart out on stage under the bright fluorescent lights that should’ve blinded him by now, he felt a little part of his soul just surge out and create pure euphoria for him and the world around him.
Music was Jens’ entire life. And he didn’t think there would be a day where he would be alive and well and thinking that he could do without it.
Until Senne out for a week trip in Norway. He was supposed to come back Thursday morning, giving them enough time for a quick rehearsal. But their return flight home had been accidentally overbooked and he had been delayed for another two days.
Which means, he wouldn’t be back until Saturday. Which also means, they had no bass player to fill in for them and they had less than a day to find one.
The three of them had begun to panic. They didn’t even know anybody else who played the bass, let alone play the bass well enough to perform.
“I have an idea.” Moyo said, into their group call which was based on finding a solution to their problem. “My childhood friend Kes and his friends are visiting this week and he’s really good on bass. Me and him used to mess around all the time when we were in middle school, and I’m pretty sure he still plays.”
“Him and I.” Sander corrected into the call. “Do you think he would be down to cover for us?”
“Why not?” Moyo asked. “We could rehearse with him Friday afternoon and he could invite his friends to come watch our show.”
“This better work.” Jens hoped.
And miraculously, it did. Senne even let Kes borrow his bass for the practice session and Jens would never admit it, but he didn’t think he had heard such a talented bass player before. Sure, Senne was good, he was really good. But Kes had this style to his playing, a style that was so unique and different, but so naturally done. He picked up on their songs easy, and Jens even thought they sounded better. He even had a memorable look to his character, bright pink Vans with a matching pink bandana to push back his dark curly hair. Kes both looked the part and played the part.
So as they huddled around backstage, before they were announced to go on, Kes was feeling super hyped up and energetic.
“This is my first show ever.” Kes mentioned as Jens was tuning his guitar.
“Really?” He asked in surprise. “You seem like such a natural at it, I would’ve expected you to have played in front of an audience before.”
“Are you nervous at all?” Jens asked.
“A little. Just a bit jittery I guess.” He admitted. “My friends have heard me play before, but I was drunk and not even being serious with it. But I’ve never played in front of a proper audience, let alone a crowd.”
“Jens, Kes! Places!” Moyo called out from his seat at the drums, letting them know they were about to start. They both pulled the strap of their guitars over their head and walked over to their spots on stage.
“Honestly, I don’t even really notice the crowd. I get too immersed in the music.” He continued to tell Kes as they made their way. “I don’t even pay attention to anyone out there really, until the set is over and I’m off stage.”
Kes nodded as he stood on his side of the stage and Jens went over to the other. The bright lights flashed in front of his eyes and if he wasn’t used to it by now, he would be squinting to see through them. But the familiar heat from the stage lights warmed up his face and body, and he felt the surge of adrenaline to play.
Then he did something he didn’t usually do. Instead of looking over to Moyo, who usually counted them off, he looked over at the audience. And as his eyes scanned them, he felt something he usually didn’t feel either.
He had noticed someone. Someone had managed to capture his attention and for the first time ever, Jens felt more immersed into someone in the crowd than the music he played for the crowd.
For the first time ever, Jens felt a feeling way more intense than he did when he played music. The boy wasn't looking at him directly, but rather the collective presence of the band. But Jens was only looking at him, denim jacket and tousled brown curls framing his pretty face. He had a dimple from his smirk, and he looked rather intrigued to listen to them play. For the first time in forever, Jens wanted to hop off the stage in fear that he would mess up.
But he didn't. As he heard the familiar count coming from Moyo's drumsticks, he felt his body go into its most natural state, left hand on the chords and right hand on the strings. He felt his fingers play his guitar like it was in his first nature, and then he felt the surge to just play better.
So that's what he did, he let his guitar playing amplify the music and sound impressive against Sander's insane vocals. He shredded even harder on his usual guitar solo, familiars in the crowd shocked to be even more impressed with his talent. Moyo and Kes even followed along, only elevating the entire experience. Jens didn't think he ever played like his life depended on it, but as he snuck a look back at the crowd, back at the boy, he knew he had succeeded in his plan.
Striking blue eyes watched him, almost fascinated with his every move of fingers or body. Now, it really felt like Jens was playing for an audience. He continued to play better than he ever had before, and even Sander snuck him expressions filled with pride, unbeknownst to the reason why. The crowd was pumping, cheering, screaming along to the music and overall being the best crowd Jens has ever played in front of. But still, it was catching the attention of the boy in the midst of them that really made him feel like he had won.
Eventually, their set came to an end and Moyo screamed loudly. "And that was WTFOCK! Thank you and have a good night!"
The four of them headed back stage, to safely put their instruments away and Jens wished he had brought another shirt to change into. Usually he wouldn't really care about something like that, but now he was about to head off towards the crowd and listen to some other music, and hopefully bump into the boy he was so keen on. But for now, his drab grey shirt and black jeans would suffice. He wished he had some sort of look to his persona, like Sander's leather jacket and chunk Doc Martens or Kes' pink shoes and matching pink headband. Sighing, he tried to tame down his hair and followed closely behind Kes who was just about to head out. Moyo and Sander had already escaped, and he had no idea where they went. Meaning he was left with just following Kes around.
But when Kes emerged into the crowd and looked around, probably looking for his friends, he felt his heart drop. The boy was looking in their general direction, but not at Jens anymore. Rather, in front of Jens.
He was looking at Kes.
And Kes was looking right back at him.
"Holy fuck, you were great!" The boy exclaimed, heading over.
Immediately, he wrapped Kes up in an embrace and they held each other tight for a few seconds. Even though Jens felt his heart sink at this point, he couldn't help but just watch them. Kes ruffled his hair playfully as the other boy looked down at him endearingly.
Even though he couldn't be sure whatever their relationship was, he felt hopeless. He didn't think he could compare to Kes, who looked infinitely cooler and just acted cooler than him in the less than twenty four hours he had known him for. Even if they were just friends, he couldn't just expect the boy to also be into boys. Or even be into Jens at all. Feeling frustrated and annoyed, Jens turned away from the crowd and headed towards the back exit of the club.
The wind briskly hit him in the face, and for a split second he wanted to go back inside and grab his hoodie from backstage. But still feeling a little upset over what had just happened, Jens kicked a box in between the heavy black exit door and the entrance back into the club. The first time he had escaped through this way, the door had locked him out and he wasn't going to go through security again just to come back inside. Huffing, he headed a little bit down the alleyway and patted his back pocket for his lighter. In his other pocket, he pulled out the pre-rolled joint and lifted it to his mouth. The flame from the lighter heated his hands for a second, and his body thanked the small flame for the temporary warmth. Eventually, the joint was lit and he inhaled, feeling the weed fill up his lungs.
Jens stood alone in the alleyway for a bit, simply just smoking the joint and listening into the music he could hear playing through the walls of the building and out of the half-way opened exit door. It flowed through his body, and he began tapping his leg and drumming his finger on his thigh to mimic the rhythm. The weed hadn't kicked in yet, but he could feel his body begin to sway with the movement of the earth and melody of the song. He was so immersed in everything around him, he didn't hear someone come outside.
A cough came from behind him and he whipped around, his eyes widening as he took in who was standing in front of him.
It was the boy from earlier. The boy in the crowd. He seemed to light up the dark alleyway, and Jens was instantly entranced again.
"Hey." He managed to say, feeling his mouth go dry.
"Hey." The boy said back, with a small smile. "Sorry, I didn't know someone was out here. I can leave if you want?"
"No, stay." Jens insisted with a nod. He brought the joint up to his lips, taking another hit and hoping to calm his nerves. After, he exhaled and handed the joint out to him. "Want a hit?" He looked at him, his question a little bit unfinished and the boy nodded, while also realizing that Jens was trying to ask for his name.
"Lucas." He replied, taking the joint from Jens and placing it in his own mouth. Jens watched as his pretty pink lips around it, and he felt his heart race.
"Jens." He replied, continuing to watch him.
"I know." Lucas said with a smirk. "Kes told me about you. You were great up there. "
"You know Kes?" He lied, pretending he hadn't seen them both literally hug earlier. He also hoped he wasn't blushing at the slight comment, and only hoped the darkness of the night covered any chance of him being exposed.
Lucas didn't seem to catch onto his lie and nodded his head, his wavy brown hair being tousled along with his movements. "Yeah, I've known him since we were thirteen. He's kinda become another half of me, which is probably how he dragged me from Utrecht to Antwerp."
Other half. Jens thought, feeling his heart get crushed again. If he had doubts about them just being friend before, he definitely didn't have those doubts anymore.
"He's really good." He said instead. "We thought we were fucked without our usual bass player and we didn't think anybody would be able to play along with us on such short notice, but Kes really outdid himself."
"Yeah, he's been wanting to play in a band. But between me and our other friend Jayden, he hasn't had much luck."
"You don't play music?" Jens asked, trying not to focus too much on there "other friend" implication.
"Nope, unless you count the triangle." Lucas joked. "It's not my forte, pun intended, though I'm not completely incapable in artistic wonders."
"Let me guess." Jens suggested, studying him a little bit. "Long slender fingers, critical pretty blue eyes and the paint splatters on your white laces indicate you're an artist."
Grinning widely, Lucas' eyes sparkled against the night sky. "Impressive. You're correct."
"Thanks, another talent is that I read people well."
They both laughed, and before they knew it, the joint was finished. Jens put it out as Lucas shoved his hands into the pocket of his denim jacket for warmth. He had almost forgotten how chilly it was, Lucas' presence seemed to have warmed him up completely.
"I should probably head back in now." Lucas said suddenly, and Jens felt sad to feel alone all over again.
Nodding his head as if he understood and not feeling like he was losing his chance all over again, Jens tried to give him a half-hearted smile. "Yeah sure, no problem."
"You're not coming back in?" The other boy asked, raising a brow.
Jens shook his head. "I will in a bit. I wouldn't want to keep you from your boyfriend."
"My boyfriend?" Lucas said in disbelief, as if he had no idea what Jens was talking about.
Furrowing his brow, Jens raised his own brow, like he was questioning how his comment was out of place. "Kes? Isn't he your boyfriend? You just referred to him as your other half."
"Ah no." Lucas said, shyly covering his face in his hands and suppressing his giggles. Jens continued to look at him quite confused and when Lucas brought his hands down, he had another amused smile on his face. "He's not my boyfriend. What made you think that?"
"You said he was your other half." Jens reminded him, like he was stating the obvious. "Like other half to your whole."
"Yes, as my best friend." Lucas began to say, laughing lightly. "Kes is my other half in terms of friendship, I literally grew up with him. He's like a brother to me, and I can't imagine I'd be down to date my very own brother."
If Jens' face turned pink from blushing before, then it definitely turned red from embarrassment. Lucas began to bubble out some giggles, probably thinking this entire scenario was nothing short of hilarious. Jens felt his face go hot, and now he covered his own face in his hands, groaning.
When he eventually opened his hands to see again, Lucas was standing closer to him. Jens, having prompted himself on some empty box and was sitting down, felt Lucas shyly stand in the middle of his widespread legs. He wanted to reach out for the boy, to somehow pull him in closer. Lucas seemed to get what he wanted, and reached out to shyly take his hand.
"I thought you were taken and I got really sad." Jens admitted, biting his lip. "I just saw you in the crowd and became entranced by your presence. I've never felt so much simply based on a first sight."
"I saw you come in with Kes, and for once, following Kes along to wherever he dragged me finally became a good idea."
Smiling up at him, Jens felt his heart begin to race again. The way he looked into Lucas' eyes felt like the very first time he had ever seen them, a vibrant colour against the blur of the world around them. The only thing in Jens' focus. The only thing that managed to make Jens feel more alive than he had ever felt.
For the first time, the feeling of adrenaline, passion and love for music was suddenly in second place.
Because he was staring at the true winner.
"I should've asked Kes about you before I saw you guys hug." He admitted. "Maybe then I wouldn't have been smoking out here alone.'
Lucas snorted and brought up a hand to play with the short sides of Jens' hair. He felt Lucas' delicate hands touch him, like they were painting a picture directly from fingertips.
"Yeah, but that was the good thing coming out here." Lucas whispered. "You were alone."
"I'm glad you're alone too." Jens whispered too. "Though, I'd love to be alone with you."
Laughing, Lucas threw his head back. Jens, even after years of playing, making and being surrounded by music, didn't think he heard something as melodious and beautiful as Lucas' laugh. He smiled at the boy, unable to contain his adornment.
When Lucas finally came down from his high, he smiled softly at Jens.
"For the record, I do like guitar players." He admitted. "But just really cool electric guitar players with the name Jens."
"And I really like you Lucas." He admitted back. "Just you, Lucas."

alternate universe - rockstar! jens meets lucas
in the events of a summer tour with the rest of his band, jens stoffels feels like he needs a break from the music. but upon meeting a beautiful blue eyed boy one night at the hotel bar, he begins to remember why he ever started making music in the first place. knowing that he has to keep this new love affair under the radar to avoid attention from the fans, jens has to make sure lucas doesn’t find out who he really is.
but little does jens know that lucas is also making sure he doesn’t find out who he really is.
(fic coming soon!)