1 year ago

Round Three

Round Three
Round Three

Kylo Ren/Ben Chewbacca Alderaan Organa Solo

"his given name is Ben, not kylo ren. and like cmon Leias whole home planet (alderaan) was exploded so of course shes gonna make it live on in the name of her son. Chewbacca as middle name because thats his godfather (other headcanon) and Organa Solo because its Leia Organa and Han Solo (organa gets priority because shes a princess and han solo is just some random scoundrel)

i want to add i havent watched any of the other star wars movies just the first of the new trilogy so uuuh i sure hope theres no fact checkers out there"

Mafuyu Asahina

"He had a really cool card with short hair once. Also he sings Villain (trans song) with a character that's basically canonically trans."

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