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4 years ago

Arrange Marriage ~ Halfdan x F Reader part 2

Authors Note: Nervous but okay to post this. Set year after Paris attack in the 12 year time frame.

Warnings: Swearing, age gaps, arrange marriage, mentions of sexual themes, angst. If there are any others that I missed please tell me and I will add them. Also Grammar Mistakes.

Part 1 | Part 3


I woke early in the morning just after the sun rise. The second day since arriving in Tamdrup. I want check out the market, the people and the area. What else can I do until I get marriage and sails back to Earl Leif’s home. 

I could just divorce him in due time, but father said I should give our marriage a few years before deciding to end our marriage. But probably by then I would have a child or two with Leif and that would make ending the marriage a bit more difficult.

Why was I the one to be picked. My sister, Sigrlinn was excited to be in the line up to be the second wife of Earl Leif. Her, only being born 6 months before me. She always wanted to be better than me at everything. Which wasn’t that difficult but being married to a Earl. But I was picked, so I guess I win this even if I was very against marrying him. 

I argued with my father telling that I rather marry someone that I felt something for. Love or even attraction to him. He married 6 wives because he felt attraction to them why not me. 

As I glanced at the different stalls in the market and their difficult buys. I headed back to where I left Edda sleeping. Leif said he and Aesa are going hunting, which mostly means they are having sex in the woods for most of the morning. 

I seem a little lost because I ended up at the docks. “How did I get here?”

I was about to turn around before I hear crying. Most noticeably a little girl’s crying. 

Finding the source of the quiet cries behind a barrel. I kneel down in front of the little girl that seemed around 6.

“Hello, my name is y/n. Are you okay?”

The little girl looked up from her arms that hide most of her face. She sniffles before speak in a croaking tone, “My-my mother. I lost her.”

I reached my hand out to her, “Come, let’s go find your mother. What is your name?”

“Maiken.” Small hand places into him.

I pull her out from her hiding space. “Maiken could you tell me what your mother looks like?”

Maiken thinks for a moment. “She is wearing boots and a dress.”

Right that is most woman. “Could you tell me about her hair and color of her dress.”

“Her dress is brown and her hair is short and black.”

We head to the area she said she lost her mother. The little girl says non of them are her mother. We continue though Tamdrup until we get to the market place I just was. I look up into the sky seeing it’s already half morning. I sigh.

“Are you hungry Maiken?”

She nods. We approach a stall that was selling bread and I bought two small loafs. I hand one to Maiken. She happily begins to munch on it.

Deciding to head to the hall. Maybe her mother is there.

 After a short walk. We are at the entrance of the hall. I quickly scan the surrounding area for the woman before entering. None fit the description.

Looking around I see a few people speaking to one another. Looking to the other side, there is a group about 7 speaking and laughing.  One notably being the king’s brother.

Our eyes meet and after a few seconds, Maiken softly yanks on my hand. Pulling my attention back to her. Her eyes begin to water. I place my hand onto her shoulder.

“We will find your mother and I will be with you until we do.”

My eyes glance to the man approaching us. He stops leaving a great distance between us. Halfdan speaks, “I didn’t know you were already a mother?”

I blink surprised. I shake my head. “No I found her by the docks, she got separated from her mother. Been looking for her for most of the morning with no luck.” 

Halfdan leans against the wooden post that held up the hall structure. He fiddles with a small knife as stares at us. 

“Halfdan is there something you would like to say?”

Halfdan clears his throat. “You looked like a good mother.”

“Oh...thank you, Halfdan. But I am not rushing to have children.” I chuckled. I can feel my cheeks getting a bit warm.

Maiken decides to spoke and a bit bluntly. Too bluntly. “ Y/N is the king’s brother, your husband?” 

My eyes widen and I try to speak but my words came out as a clumped stutter. 

Halfdan begun to laugh, before speak to the young girl. “No, she is to be married to Earl Leif.”

“Oh, why.”

“Well my father wanted one of his daughters to married Leif and Leif choose me.”

“But do you love him, like my mom and father do to each other?”

I stare at the young girl taken back from her sudden questions. As she is trying to pick apart me.

I kneel down to the child’s height. Brushing her black hair back away from her eyes. But before I could speak, a woman voice erupted. I stood up. See a woman looking frantic. Maiken turn to see the woman. “Mother!” As Maiken ran to her. Jumping into the woman’s arms.

The woman walked up to me. Before bringing me into a hug. “Thank you, Y/n for keeping my daughter safe.”

“No need to thank me.”

She turns to her daughter, “Come Maiken.”

Maiken nods happier before shouting to me “Bye Y/n” waving as they walk out of the hall.

I turn to Halfdan, “I have to head back to the lodge. Bye Halfdan.”

“I am going the same way. I’ll walk you there.”

I nod to him as we walk out of the hall and down the path, It was short distance the whole was it was quiet but it was not awkward. 

We arrive in front of the wooden door. I shyly smiled at Halfdan, “Thank you...I hope to see you more around Halfdan.”

He nods to me before leaving, I watch as Halfdan walked away, before my attention was pulled away by Edda opens the door stretches her arms upwards, yawning . She smirks but doesn’t say anything. Y/N asks what is she smiling about. 

Edda smirk some how become bigger, “Oh nothing.”


Later on in the evening, after we ate. Leif and Aesa stated they would like to  train. They lunged me along with them. Luckily Edda also wanted to train. 

But I sat on a stump forced to watch Earl Leif and Aesa duel. I looked to see the other men and woman training. Looking further on the training ground. Harald and Halfdan and their men are also training.

Edda comes over to me. Tossing me a sword. I panicky clasp the handle before the sword hit me. “Ready to train?” 

I look up and down the sword, nodded. “I have not trained in weeks. My skills has became rusty.” 

“And that is why I want you to train more. So you are able to defended yourself.”

We begin, starting off slow and causal combat. Before the duel became a little bit more intensely. That is how Edda likes to train. Start off slowly until I has beaten and bruised. I do not mind, it makes me stronger. 

Before I knew it I was lying on my back on the dirt. Having a sword pierced into the ground next to my next. I widened my eyes realizing what happened. I begun to laugh. 

Edda grabs my hand and pulls me up. “You fought a lot longer than the other times y/n. You are getting better.”

“I have a great shieldmaiden to teach me. That is why.” I grin at Edda. Edda walks a short distance to drink. I fiddled with my sword. We both turn to a loud shout. Coming from the Earl himself. He marching up to Edda. Throwing his sword to his right. 

I back a bit up. What in gods name is he doing?

Leif yells at Edda, shouting that I am not a shield woman. That I am his wife soon. That once the time comes, he will train me in fighting. I do not know why he is getting so upset at this. This is truly embarrassing. I glance to see even the Tamdrup warriors are curious of why this Earl is acting like a child.

I watch as Edda just rolls her eyes, putting her cup down, and returning over to where I stood. I watched as Leif returned to Aesa.

“He is an arse.” 

 We decided to watch Harald’s warriors train. My eyes continue to watch Halfdan every move. I try to advert my eyes, to watch any other Viking, but Halfdan keeps gaining my attention. Halfdan easily takes down his opponent. I smile lightly behind my hand, holding back a snicker of happiness. He is a furious fighter. 

I feel Edda’s eyes on me, Edda elbows me. Chuckling at me. 

I elbowed her back. We continue elbowing each other until the man who Edda was speaking to on the first night we got here. 

Edda stood up quickly, greeting the man. I clearly my throat feeling a bit out of place.

The man turns to me before speaking in a rough deep tone, “You must be y/n. Edda speaks highly of you. My name is Thorir.”

“It is good to finally have a name to the face.” I greeted the tall blonde Viking.

Edda and Thorir decided to train together, as I sat glancing at the other men train. Truly only at one man. 


I and Edda headed back to the lodge, I headed into the tub. After I asked Edda to brush my hair. “I want to shove goat shit down his throat and bury Leif in the middle of the forest.”

“I agree you should.” 

We both silently look at each other before bursting into a laugh.

Edda continue to brush, “But I can see your still have eyes for you know who.”

I whisper to Edda, “Shush, if Leif found out. He would whine even more. I do not want to make my marriage awful just because I am attractive to someone else.”

“You can have him as your lover.” Edda abruptly stops brushing due to laughing hard. 

I huffed, “That is not what I want Edda, you know this. I do not even know if he finds me attractive.” 

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3 years ago

Arrange Marriage ~ Halfdan x F Reader part 3

Authors Note: I’m sorry this chapter took so long to release. One of my family members passed away and that held my focus. If this chapter seems off, probably that is why... before hand, I would like to apologize. Also like to apologize again if there any typos, grammar issues or anything of the sorts. 

Warnings: Swearing, age gaps, arrange marriage, angst, mentions of sexual themes. If there are any others that I missed please tell me and I will add them.

Part 1    Part 2


Time feels like it rushing on by. Feels like the gods are rushing time just so the wedding is sooner than I want it to be. It’s been a week since we arrived in Tamdrup. Nothing seem to happen. Trained with Edda. I have not seen Halfdan nor King Harald, they are busy getting ready for another scouting trip. 

While making a simple soup for dinner, I turned to the sound of someone entering through the door. Leif heavily steps made their way to the table. He started to discuss multiple topics about his home and his father. Soon the soup was finally done. 

We sat down and as I took the first bite. I felt Leif’s hand on my right shoulder. I stopped eating. I looked up to him and smile, “Are you both enjoying the soup?” Asking hoping that would make Leif stop. But I was wrong. 

His hands slowly went up to my neck. I could feel daggers stabbing my skin, I look at Aesa as her eyes sharpened. “It’s delicious y/n.”

His hands went from the front of me and down my back. As he wanted to pull me closer, but he was interrupted when someone knocked on the door. Leif pulled his hands away from me and went to open the door. A man stood outside stating that he needs to speak with Leif. Leif nodded and stepped outside.  I begin to eat again without an distraction but before the spoon could hit my lips. Aesa scoffed, “Y/N...” We looked at each other, “I was Leif’s first wife.”

“I know that Aesa. I can tell you’re upset at me, but I am just following what my father wanted.”

Aesa face turns around. Her face went from a frown to a disgusted and snarked back, “Why don’t you want to marry Leif, my husband. He is a great Viking.” 

My eyes widen and mouth fell open. I am confused by this woman. 

I left abruptly. I felt so much pressure when Aesa stares daggers at me. As if she wanted to cut me down right then and there. I found Edda in the market 

We took a stroll through the woods away from any ears. I explain to Edda about what occurred with Aesa not so long ago. “I am confused and concerned. She does not make sense. Her mood changed in an moment, it was difficult to keep up with it.”

“I over heard that Aesa used to live in Tamdrup. Her personality is off settling and can snap at any moment. Jealous of most to all woman that are close to her lovers. You heard of Aesa threw an axe at Halfdan.”

I nodded. Edda continued, “Guess they had something before she married that oaf, Leif. Clearly it did not end well... but y/n.” Edda smiles, “You’re happy about that.” 

I sigh, “Edda, please stop.”

“I can not...” Edda smiled disappear and her eyes filled with symptom, “You have a different look when he’s around. Nothing I’ve seen before. I just...maybe after sometime after your divorce with the earl. You can get with a better Viking. One that doesn’t already have a crazy wife.”

We walked in silence as we headed deeper into the wilderness. I do not know how long that will be...before the end. It’s to strengthen the bond of the two. King Siverr has no children yet and is not willing to marry another, so the duty was past to the Earl whom is willing to take another bride.

The moon begun to rise higher and higher. I and Edda went our separate ways. I headed to Leif and Aesa lodge. Right after I entered. I feel a pain spread across my cheek. What just happened?

I whine quietly, inhaling a deep breathe. My eyes look up to Aesa with her hand readying once more. Another smack, whacks me on my other cheek. I grab and pull Aesa’s hair back hard. As she leaned back, closing her fist ready for a punch. She struggle to reach me with it, but she grabbed me and drove her elbow into my nose. I push her back a good distance away.

We both breathe heavily. I feel the blow that hit my nose, the pain finally reveals itself and I feel droplets leaking from my nose.

Aesa begins to state, “I do not like you, not even an piece of you. How can you call yourself Norse but you can’t even defend yourself. Everything handed to you! Right Y/n.”

I grab a rag off the table before I rush out the door. I held it to my nose. Feel the blood gush from it. Pain slowly fades but only a little. But my whole body hurts. I have no where to go. If I went to Edda. She would ask questions, and if she found out what happened...there would be a fight between Edda and Aesa and then everything would be a mess.

Edda did say once mead helps pain go away. I bought a few jugs of mead, I found my away from Tamdrup, not too far though, upon a hill. I begin chugging the mead. I’m loosing my ability to walk straight but I still found a place to sit down in the dirt. 

I am a good distance where I can drank away the pain but still see the people below as I lay more into the ground.

Time slowly passed back, I hear distance voice. I turn my head to see a group of men walking out of the woods and down the hill that I am currently on. My vision is blurry due to how much alcohol I consumed, but I make out that one familiar Viking. That I wish to not see me like this. Why are the gods playing with her life?

I grab the rag that is mostly covered in almost dried blood and I attempt to rub the dried blood that is under my nose and lips. I whine, it still hurts.

 I glance upwards to the men, we lock eyes for a brief moment. Halfdan steers his direction over to me. I turn my head away, I am embarrassed and wish to not explain what happened earlier on. 

I hear his voice speak in a stern tone, telling them to go ahead. I hear the dirt shuffle beneath his boots. “What happened Y/N?”

“Ah well...” I thought I was hiding well. I try to think but who can think quickly in a drunken haze. “I... fell against something. I thought drinking away the pain, but it still hurts.”

He shakes his head. He takes the rag and spits on it. Wiping the dried blood away. “There none anymore, it’s all gone. You shouldn’t be out here alone when it’s getting dark.”

“You are right! Why don’t you sit with me Halfdan. I won’t be alone.”  I can not think clearly at the moment. I speak the first thing that I thought of.  My mind has became foggy.

I open my eyes to see Edda sitting in the bath. I push myself off the bed, “Oh, look. You’re awake.” Edda laughs as she head leans back. 

I rubbed my eyes, “What happened.” My head feels heavy and my body is aching. 

“A few things. Stop drinking so much you are a fool when you are drunk. Found you pulling Halfdan. You’re lucky I saved him from you. You never acted like this with anyone. Even when you drinking. You desire him! Sexually”

My widen my mouth open, I am puzzled. “I do not Edda!”

“You can deny that Y/n.”

I sit up and sat quiet. When we first meet I felt a bit drawn to him. I don’t believe it. I can’t believe it.

Edda smirked, “If you looked at Halfdan...he has a reputation of being wild and cruel, but his face when seeing you drunkenly pull him. It looked like he had not idea what to do. It was a sight to see.” Edda left out a hardly laugh. 

I bury my face into my palms, “No, no, no don’t say that. How am I suppose to show my face to him now.”

Edda’s laugher quickly died and the room got tense. “Y/N... you have to be careful. Some people take advantage of weaker people. Us, Vikings take advantage of weaker people. You should not show weakness against anyone. I can continue to train you in combat again.” 

I nodded agreeing with her. I think it would be best to learn to fight. I only know the basics but I need to know more. The world is too dangerous.


A day later. I was awakened by Leif stating that his brother just arrived at the docks. I push myself off the bed and rub my face awake. Earl Leif’s younger brother, Narfi, is in Tamdrup. I didn’t know he was coming. This actually will be my first time meeting Narfi. 

I got up and dressed, quickly doing my braids, before Leif, Aesa, and me head to the docks. As we walked Edda comes up next to me, she gave me a look as if she was reinsuring me. 

We watched as Narfi helped others unload the boats. I could clearly point which one he was. Being the tallest and looked much like Leif. He’s much taller and mightier than Leif. His blonde hair shaved at the sides and his braid long. Longer than Harald’s braid. I can tell that Narfi carries himself highly.  

Narfi grinned coming up to his brother. Pulling him into a brotherly hug. 

Leif smiles, “Come, allow the thralls to do that. Meet King Harald.” 

Narfi looked over to me. Our eyes meet, I quickly look away from his gaze. His presents seems different from Leif’s but wasn’t good. 

Walking into the mead hall after them I see Halfdan leaning against the pillar, drinking and speaking his brother. I just want to flee instead of letting him see me. I feel myself cowering behind everyone. No I shouldn’t...I going to be brave. While Leif introduced Narfi to Harald. I took a few deep breathes and walked over to where he now stood.

“Halfdan...I just wanted to apologize to what happened. I feel so embarrassed ” 

Halfdan begins to laugh. The delightful sound hits my ears. My heart heats up almost like a fire. 

“You’re fine, It was interesting. Was surprise that you acted like that when you have so much mead in you.”

“I do not usually drink like that.”

“You drank because of something. I saw blood on you...are you clumsy drank?” 

I sigh deeply turning to look back at the room. Seeing Aesa hanging onto her husband. “Yes I guess I can be a little clumsy at times.”


For the pass two weeks. Nothing happened, trained with Edda, worked on getting stronger to wield my sword, but we mostly focused on blocking. 

Leif caught up with his brother. Leif stated that he hasn’t seen his brother in a few years. He been traveling around Norway. While Narfi has been here, he been making friends and acquaintance with Tamdrup’s citizens. Which is nice, seem he can become friends with others easily. He seem to make Tamdrup like his home. 

Narfi seems to respect others. Take others intakes and helps others when they need it. Even yesterday he helped me cook and clean, he is truly a kind gentleman. Narfi is the better half of their father’s sons. 

It’s middle day and the outside air was breezing through my hair as me and Edda headed to the market. We need more spices and herbs for tonight’s supper.

As I was looking through the different herbs at one of the venders and discussed more ways to train with Edda. We heard shouts and cries coming from a distance away. Before I could process what was happening. I see people running and screaming. A angry group comes into the market area covered in blood. Slicing anyone who is in their way.

Edda grabbed my hand. I dropped everything I had and she pulled me away from the chaos. Twist and turning. She yanked me in many directions. I don’t know where we are at the moment. I turn around to see if we were being followed but I was not being pulled anymore and my body pushed against Edda’s a little.

I face forward once again to see why we stopped. My skipped a few beats seeing a group of the raiders. They inched forward at us. We stepped back. Edda held her sword wary of each of the 4 men that was backing us up into a dead end.

Edda slowly removed her other sword from its holster and gave it to me. “It’s going to be alright Y/N. But only if we give it are all. We live or we die here Y/N.”

I take one last deep breathe, before the men start rushing at us.

Two ran at Edda. While a shorter one lifted his sword at me, and brought it quickly towards me. I do my best to dodge his sharp looking sword. I swing my sword to the right then to the left. The man blocked both of my attacks.

I need to focus. Either we make it out alive or we die here on this dirt ground...I think what they would do with us if they capture us alive. Edda told me many times before...if I am captured alive. Find something sharp and end it.

I will not be be defeated. I am not weak! I wipe my sword at the man’s leg, he blocks it. I use my dominant leg to kick the man’s right leg. Before aim my sword the leg I kicked.

He blocked it once again but my tip of my blade pierced his knee cap. He yelps out in pain. Before grabbing my hair and easily tossing me onto the ground.

My sword lands in front of me. I try my best to get off the ground.

The man grabs my hair again. He’s words fall off his tongue like venom, “You are Leif’s to be. You haven’t been fucked either. You are a pure woman. I can change that, I would glad be to take you right here and right now. I’ll make it last so you enjoy every moment of it.” His tongue found its way onto my ear. 

He pulled me up closer to the front of his face. I looked into his eyes. My hands quickly fiddled with my belt before I pulled out my small knife and lodged it into the man’s neck. I watched as his eyes widened in pure shock.

I fell as he let go of my hair and I push myself up quickly. I see Edda has finished one of the two men she faces and she quickly stabbed the last one...where is the fourth man.

I see the man behind waiting for Edda. His sword ready to strike.

I shout, “Behind.”

Edda jumped slightly to the right. But the blade went straight through her right abdomen. Edda grunted but I know she held her pain in. Not to give the enemy their glory. Edda turned around and quickly turned her sword backwards and shoved it into the man’s stomach. Edda pushed it upwards until the man’s life left his eyes. She let go of her sword and the man fell onto his knees. Edda pulled her sword out of his chest. Before she fell to her knees.

I rush towards her holding her up. I examine the blade, “Edda, it’s okay. Stay away Edda. Please stay away. I am going to bring you to the healer.”

I grab her sword. I lift my friend’s body and have her lean onto me. I wrap her arm around me. I talk to her. Attempting to keep her wake as we make our way slowly to the healer.

Walking through Tamdrup seems the chaos has died down and nobody is around. I see a few dead lying there. Edda can’t die. I need her. Please gods please. Don’t do this to me. Don’t do this to Edda!

We reach the healer. One takes her from me. Another one helps her take the blade from Edda’s body. I cringe at the sight of the blood leaking out of her. I bite my lip, tears wish to fall. I need to stay strong for Edda. She is going to live. The healers begin working.

I step out of the hut. I walk to the side of the structure and slide down the wall. Edda’s sword dropped next to me. My body, my heart, everything is aching. It feels like my world is coming apart! I pull my knees up to my sitting body and cover my eyes. My tears begin to fall.

A few moments a thrall comes up to me. Telling me to come with her Lord Leif told her to find me. To see if I am safe and to bring me to him. I nod and picking up Edda’s sword. I walk into the healer hut and places her sword next to the bed she is current lying in. As the healers still working on her. I grab Edda’s limp hand, “You are too stubborn to die. You are a fighter Edda. Fight through this!”

The thrall brings me to the to the hall. The female thrall leads me in and parts away from me once I lock eyes with Leif. He rushes towards me, pulling me into a hug here. He bends down to my kiss my forehead. I shivered. 

Leif brings me more closer to the front of the hall where everyone’s attention was on. Whispers and shouts were scattered amongst the room. Harald was sitting on his throne while Halfdan was a few steps away from him. I see he had blood stained on his tunic. He look to be deep in though, while Harald spoke to Halfdan. I turn my focus on the man kneeling in front of the throne. He seems to have no reaction, just a simple blank expression. 

Leif breath hits my ear, “That is the leader of the outlaws.” 

Harald shouts everyone to quiet down. I watch as the man kneel soon starts to shake...and begins to plead to Harald. “Please! This was not my doing. I did not plan to over throw you. It was the Viking, Narfi. He wanted to take over Tamdrup and become Earl here.” His cries die down. 

I sense Leif next to me tense upwards. He won’t take this newly information about his own brother well.

Harald shifts a little, he speaks clearly, to a group of men and woman “Go find Narfi and bring him here!”

The group leaves, and the tension begins to rise. Just by being in the same room as the lord he isn’t happy. He is angry for blood, but he knows he can not kill his brother.

He begun to grind his teeth together. I decide to mention Edda’s condition. “Edda was wounded during the raid. We were cornered and she protected me, even after she got wounded, she did her job. The healers are working on her now.” 

Leif eyes widen, “My love...” Bringing me into his body. “I will pray to the gods for a good outcome. She is a strong warrior. You look to be unscathed, only but a small bruises, but you are still beautiful.” Leif grabbed my hand squishing it into his. 

I wanted to wince out in pain. Maybe he doesn’t realize what he’s doing. Due to finding out what his own blood brother did. Leif finally loosed his grip of my left hand. I wiggled my fingers back to life. 

A man came rushing in, shouting for King Finehair, “Narfi has fled from Tamdrup!”

Harald rises, clearly pissed off. 

Leif takes out his hatchet and walks up to the kneeling man, he rose his arm high in the arm before bearing it into the leader of the outlaws neck. The man shouts to Harald, “Narfi is heading to. I can take you there, just-” The man never saw it coming. Leif wipes the blood off onto his tunic.

I lean into Leif, “I am going to check on Edda, I’ll be back soon.”

Leif nods slightly. I hesitate before leaving his side. My gaze rests upon the blonde brother, his eyes were set upon me. I halts in my action of leaving, before my senses are back. I rush away and out of the hall as they discuss their plan.

After I go see Edda, the healer said she did all she could do. She stopped the bleeding. It’s the gods decision to keep her alive. We just have to wait to see if she awakes.

I stand at the hall entrance waiting to walk in. I turn around and watch the sunset.  I want to just start shouting my lungs off. Who knows how long she will be asleep. Only the gods will tell if she will wake up. I trust them. I want to trust them to choose the right decision. 

I sigh out loud and before I take another step, I am yanked backwards and feel a fabric stuffed into my mouth. The person hand held it in position. I yelp as I’m stilling being pulled into an area that empty of passing people. 

I thrash my body in every direction. I reached around for the man’s lengthy braid. I yank it hard, six times. Until I yanked the last time my hand come forwards and noticed a clump of hair between my fingers. The man grunted in pain and loosed his grip onto me. Go now! Run to the hall! I shouted to myself. Getting some sense into me. My legs starts to run, but the man is right behind me.

I shout for help and before I could enter once more the man grabbed me my hair . I yell out in pain as I slowed down, and the man stood behind me, holding a sword to my neck. 

I open my eyes to see Leif, Halfdan, Harald, and Aesa. The three men eyes widen open and watching the man hold me in place. “I have her and come any closer, this sword slices her neck right open. I was only here to bring her to Narfi.” 

Leif draws his sword. Slowly approaching us. My senses are going all over the place. I feel only the cold blade against my neck. Can this day get any better?

I feel the man behind me go limp. Once again his arms around me go limp. I heard the sword drop from his hands and onto the floor. I start to feel something flow onto me, something wet. My vision blurs slightly. I reach up and touches the substance, Bringing it forward to studied it. It’s blood. I wobble and loose my footing. Slipping backwards. 

I land into someone. I slowly tint my head to see the familiar face. “Halfdan.” My vision return to normal. He helps me up and brings me over to sit. Leif brings me a drink. I quickly chug it down, it doesn’t matter what it is. It bringing my senses back. 

 Leif kneeled down to me, whispering sweet things to me, but I didn’t pay attention. I noticed Halfdan wiping the blood of his sword. He was the one who punctured the man through his neck. He’s the one who saved me. This feeling as I watched Halfdan dominated my whole body. I even like this feeling, the feeling of being protected by another someone who I now desire to get to know. 

I turn my focus back to Leif when he states to the two brothers that they need to find Narfi and the rest of his group.

“We’ll leave tomorrow with a group and well hunt him down. Y/N is in danger as well, she should be with someone trusted while we are gone.”

Halfdan placed his sword back into his holster, “I’ll watch over her. Keep her safe for you Earl Leif.” 

Leif nodded agreeing but his grip on my thigh tights, before stands up, “Let’s get ready.” 

Leif helps me walks me out of the hall. “I want to be with Edda for the night. To pray to the gods for her well being.”

The Viking male inhales deeply, “I’ll take you there, but see me away tomorrow.”

I nodding to Leif as I bid him a good name night. Before I enter the structure where my friend is current condition is iffy. I kneel down to her, using my hand to brush away her face that covered her face. When we were kids she always used to watch over when I would get ill. This is my first time seeing her like this...so vulnerable. 


I hardly got any rest last night but I step foot behind the large group who was sending off King Finehair and his men to find the one who was going to take over Tamdrup and defiled their fine king and his brother.

Through the crowd, I see Halfdan standing with Harald. His hair gently being pushed aside by the breeze. My heart begins to flutter. I watch as Harald brings Halfdan into a brotherly hug. I can see they deeply care one another. 

While Aesa comes up next to me. Almost scaring me half to death, ruining the moment. She spat out, “Come let’s see Leif off.”

We made our way through the crowd. Leif sees us and his grin widens. He bringing Aesa into a deep kiss. I turn awkwardly away from the scene. I look over at the two brothers as they were heading over to us.

Leif clears his throat, drawing my attention back to him. “Looking at something you aren’t suppose to.”

My eyes widen and I begin to stutter to find the right words. Leif bursts out laughing, before Leif bringing me into a long hug. I stand there shocked at what is happening. This man is hard to read, but than some days he’s upfront with what he is thinking.

We pulled away as Harald spoke that they are ready to leave. “My brother will keep your wife to be safe. She’s in good hands.” Harald turned from up and up at the crowd and begins his speech to his people of Tamdrup. Stating that they will find him and bring him to justice. He will not live after humiliating Tamdrup. The people cheered and Halfdan stood next to me as his brother hopped aboard the ships. 

Leif was about to step upon the floating device, before he turned back to me. He looks down at me. Before I knew what was happening, his hands grabbed the back on my head and he leaned down. Bringing me to his own lips. My eyes widen at his actions. I stood still, not attempting to make the Earl angry but as his lips moved again my unmoving lips. He pulled away, but before he whisper into my ear, “A farewell present until I see you next.” 

Leif enter the ship and waved to Aesa and me. As I stood shocked and in discomfort. 


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