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4 years ago

Arrange Marriage ~Halfdan x F Reader Part 1

Authors Note: There is hardly any Halfdan fics and I fell in love with him while rewatching Vikings and I just needed to get a bit more writings about him out there =) 

Felt weird writing this, seemed too quick. Usually I write long ass stories that chapters that take weeks to write.  -Also my first fic on Tumblr woot! Very nervous about this. ~Also loosely based on actually history to fit the the show. Set year after second Paris attack in that 12 year time frame.

Warnings: Swearing, age gaps, arrange marriage, sexual themes, nudity. Angst (I think) If there are any others that I missed. Please tell me and I will add them.

Part 2 | Part 3


I’ve been staring at the approaching capital of Vestfold, Tamdrup. My legs bouncing slightly from excitement to finally get off this boat or was it because I’m heading to a new place that I’ve never been. Could be both. 

Looking to the man that stood on the edge of the boat. Up at my soon to be husband, while he told his men to raise the sail.

 He stepped down from the ledge and back inside the floating device. He headed over to the back of the boat were I was and sat down next to his first wife, Aesa, bringing her into a heavy kiss. Her dirty blonde hair wipes through the crisp morning winds. 

I advert my eyes while my nose scrunched.  

Leif Otryggsson turning around to face me, his older face held a grinning expression, “I am thrilled that we made it and with more than enough time before we are to be married. Right Y/N?” 

I look into his eyes and smiled slightly. His dark green eyes burned into mine until his gaze went back to Tamdrup. I’ve immediately dropped my smile. 

Our boat and the three others that followed us, pulled next to the wooden dock. Quickly thralls and Vikings dispersed and got off the boat.

Leif hopped of the boat. He looked as if to take in the moment and the scenery.  Coming back to reality, Leif helped Aesa off the boat, then he held out his hand to pulled me up. I noticed that I was the last one to get off. I stood up looking at Leif’s outwards hand, placing my smaller one into his rough one. He pulled me onto the wooden dock.

We walked forwarded over what to be fish guts and I step on the dirt of Tamdrup for the first time. My eyes focus on the cloudless blue sky that watched over us.

Why are I here? Right, being one of my father’s many children. I am the 12th child out of 16. Eight daughters and eight sons. My father is Earl Ragnvald of Nordmøre and he had 6 wives. My mother dead 3 winters ago due a sickness. I loved my mother dearly but it helped the grieving process a lot that my father’s other wives treated me like their own daughter. 

Father made a decision to create a closer alliance with Earl Leif. He decided to allow Leif to choose which one of us to marry. He had 5 to choose from, me being the youngest. Which he choose me, mostly because I was the only virgin. My sisters had experience in pleasing men and he decided to choose me. 

Vikings usually do not care for saving until marriage, but I never felt a need to have sex with anyone. A few warriors have tried but I declined all of them. Probably because I did not feel anything for them. 

I certainly do not feel anything for Earl Leif either. His light red hair that grew down his middle of his back. He held it back with a ponytail. A small braid on along his right check. His red beard was kept short but also a bit messy. His features looked like any other Viking, but maybe I can grow to love Leif Otryggsson. 

Leif wanted us to be married where he first married his first wife. On  a hill just outside Tamdrup. He says the gods will bless our marriage like they blessed Aesa and his marriage for many years. 

I heard a deep rough voice shouting a welcome to us. I blink to see Harald Finehair, as Leif said that he are close ally to Harald, who he self deems a King. He places his hand onto Leif shoulder. Greeting us to his capital and asking why Earl Leif was present.

Leif begins, “I only came to marry,” He gestures to me, “Y/N, daughter of Earl Ragnvald.” 

 Harald smiles, his rough voice erupts, “Welcome! My kingdom is small but doesn’t mean our feasts are. Come, follow.” 

Thralls follow right behind me. And Edda, a friend since I was young and a skilled shieldmaiden. Edda wanted to come along and stay with me. Earl Leif was hesitant at first but agreed to my request to allow her to come.

Edda was a taller than the average Viking woman, wavy, dirty blonde hair, pulled back in tight braid while her right side was cleanly shaved. Her sharp green eyes could cut anyone just by her glaring at them. She was well trained.

 As for me I can hold a sword, but I do not trust my talents with a weapon, I think I could never hold my own in a battle.  Edda always helped me with training, but I never consider myself a shieldmaiden 

We walked through a market place when Leif asked a question about where Harald’s brother was. 

 “Halfdan will be returning shortly. He has been scouting Rogaland.” 


“One step closer for me to become king of all Norway, Earl Leif.”

King of all Norway is a great ambition. When travelling here Leif told me about Harald and his dream. Leif believes Harald Finehair will never become king. Leif just plays and tricks to be on the best side. Flipping sides when needed. But Leif is on Harald’s side until we head back to King Svein’s territory. 

We stopped in front of a few cottages. Harald states that they are empty allowing us stay while we are here. I thanked Harald as thralls brought our items inside. 


The day quickly becomes night, with that the feast begins. Me and Edda walk into the loud and cheerful hall. We both stand in the doorway as we glance around the hall to taken in the sights.

I felt the warmth surrounding me from the chilly summer’s night. The songs that were happily sung by the drunk folk. That included King Harald, his rough voice could be heard through the chaos. I see Leif and Aesa sitting together eating like everyone else. 

Edda pushes me towards the table. “Go. Sit down next to your soon to be husband.” 

I look back at her. Biting the inside of my check nervously.  

Edda rolled her eyes, “I know you weren’t until some else made you y/n.” 

I watched as Edda turns to a close by group of warriors and begun to speak to a few men.  

Taking a deep breathe and heading over to the center of the room. Sitting down on the bench on Leif’s right side, while Aesa was on his left. Being the closest to Harald’s throne. 

He sat drinking his mead while still trying to sing. Harald’s singing died out and he soon he raised his cup high, “To our guest! Even though I do not have my queen yet. The gods have blessed you with another wife, Earl Leif. Skol!”

Everyone lightly lifted their cups towards Harald and shouted ‘Skol’ with him and with that the chaos began again. 

I took a slightly sip letting the mead slide down. Leif leaned in towards me. He been drinking many cups tonight, it sent shivers down my spine and my stomach felt uneasy. He continued to mutter into my shoulder. Luckily he was speaking softly and how loud the room was, it turned to words in the wind that didn’t reach my ear. Leif went back to playing with Aesa’s blonde messy ponytail.  

Feeling less confined, I sigh heavily, II felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped slightly out of my seat. Turning to see Edda, I relaxed. Edda leans down and whispers, “Eat Y/N, you’ll feel better. You look ill, your face is becoming pale.” 

I nod to her as I picked up a few slices of bread, stuffing my face, “Happy.” 

“Yes.” Edda chuckles as she patted my shoulder before leaving me alone again. I swallow what’s in my mouth. I picked at the bread and just took smaller bites. 

A short time has passed by and while I watched the others in their own amusements. A group of Vikings come from outside, bringing a cold draft in with them. There was about 15 Vikings and Shield Maidens looking around before dispersing in all directions. 

The Viking that lead the pack into the mead hall stayed in in the middle. Harald removed himself from a group and lifts his arms up happily. Harald shouts, “Brother, back so soon!” Harald places his arm around the Viking that once stood in front of the pack. The room shouted a greeting. 

My eyes followed the new Viking male. His short, dirty, blonde hair contrasted his brother’s long brown hair. I also notice that he also has many facial tattoos. That must be Halfdan the Black and both of them are heading this way. 

I’m trying not to stare but I felt like I had to take in his appearance closer than others I’ve met. It’s a different feeling that I’ve felt before. I watched them approaching the end of the table.

Once Leif left his attention off Aesa, he saw Halfdan. He jumped up off the bench, “Halfdan good to see you after all these years.” They grip their lower arms. 

“Yeah, too many years Earl Leif.” Halfdan spoke. His eyes went around the three of us. When our eyes meet, I felt my face getting warm. 

Leif gestured with his hand, “This is my first wife Aesa, It been years, you probably do not remember her, Halfdan.”

“Aesa, it’s good to see you again. You throw an axe at me.”

“It’s so good to see you too Halfdan. Too bad that I missed.” Aesa smirked. 

Leif interrupted his wife, “And this the daughter of Earl Ragnvald and my soon to be second wife, Y/N.”

I am kind of taken back. When our eyes meet, my body felt different. Different when Leif’s and mine eyes meet. This feels true strange.

Harald breaks our eye contact, “When are you both to be married. Should marry her soon Leif.”

“The gods will favor our marriage if we have it during the same moon me and Aesa were married.” Leif says, “In 2 full moons. Just before the summer end.”

My stomach turns again. It feels too soon. I allowed my head to drop before  taking my cup and gulping it down. Knowing it’s mead, it could be a long night of displeasurement. I was now the only one left at the table with Leif went to competed with the other Vikings. While Aesa left the table and is happily speaking to other woman, while I ate bread and drinking too much.

I noticed that Harald and Halfdan do not have wives. Strange they seem to be very popular with woman. I feel like there is history with Halfdan and Aesa, didn’t seem to end well.

After some time has passed, and I drank my weight in mead. I could feel it taking over my actions because I can not stay still. Feeling a bit wobbly as I try to find Edda through the crowds of people. I don’t usually drink this much. 

Finally finding Edda sitting with a few men. One of them is whispering something into her ear. “Sorry to interrupt.” 

Edda whispered something else to his, before standing and headed next to me. “You are fine. I watched you attempting to walk to me.  Let’s get your drunk ass to bed.” 

“I have to tell Leif before heading out.” Edda grabs my forearm bringing through the crowd and to Leif. 

I looked at Leif’s watching us as we approach him. “Earl Leif, I’m going to go head to bed.” 

“I’ll head back with you.”

“No, please continue to enjoy the feast.” 

Leif nods to me and I headed out of the hall. I bring my furs a bit closer to my skin hoping to stop the chill. 

After a short walk, we entered the lodge. We were greeted by the thralls. 

I want to take a bath to try to ease this feeling of displeasure. I asked the thralls to put a bath together. 

“The feast was interesting, wasn’t it?”

“Yes. You seem to have your fun.” I grinned at her. “I was my fault you were taken away from that handsome Viking.”

Edda sat on a chair, she leaned and smirked. “We are going to be here for a while, I have time.”

I sat on the opposite seat of my friend. I started to pick at the wooden table. “What is wrong y/n.”

 “I do not want to be married.”

Edda heavily breathed outwards in agreement. “I understand how you feel. You’ve been my friend for years. You’ve want to save yourself for the one. Which I think is fucking stupid. But that’s me. I fucked many Vikings because it’s what I desire. Y/n, what do you desire?”

I took a moment to think of an answer. What do I even desire. Yes I would love to lie with a man once and a while, but not knowing anything about them is... not what I want. “It changes Edda, I want to love. I am going to be a second wife. Just a new addition. I seen my father wives. My mother never got any attention, yes she loved him, but he loved the others more. That is what I my fear is. The person who says they love me then just go fucks someone else.” I breathe sharply inwards. I rub the side of my heads. 

“Maybe the gods will see you in this struggle and rewards you for your pain. They will...I know it. And look your bath is ready so go in and relax. I’m going to check the surrounding.”

I nod to her. I stood in front of the wooden tub. I thank the thrall and ask her to leave. She quickly leaves as I completely undress. Setting in and sit down in the hot water. It feels great as I roll my my shoulders. I sink more back in the water. After about few moments. Earl Leif comes in. He grins. 

“I am taking a bath Earl Leif, sorry that I can’t rise to great you.”

“Nonsense. Rise, we are to be married. You should not be shy about you own naked body. I will be seeing it a lot of after we are married.” 

I don’t like the sound of that. Make it seem that my body is a just a prize to be won. Sighing quietly to myself. I dig my nails into the side of the tub before I push myself to stand, greeting Leif. 

Leif walks more into the room and in front of tub. He stops me from sitting back into the tub. He gripes my forearms keeping me upwards. He brushes my hair away from off my skin, “Gods. You are beautiful.” His right hand traces along my collarbone and down my arm. 

My breathe hitches. I frown but he does not notice because his only focus is looking at my wet naked body. My body shivers from the cold air.

Leif smiles and his hand continues by going right under my breasts. I shiver and bite my lip not wanting to make any sounds to make him continue this show. Leif lets go of me and turns away. Allowing me to reemerge under the warm water.  

“I want to fuck you right now” Leif takes a deep inhale of my soaked hair. “But that will have to wait. I’ll leave you in Edda’s care as I go back to Aesa and the feast.”

I weakly nod and stare as Leif walks out of the room. 

After Leif leaves, I sat down once again. I am so happy that Leif is waiting until our wedding night as he thinks it will give him more luck. While Vikings usually embrace sex. If the gods favor me more...maybe, Leif will fall sick and die. 

Leaning my head back until my whole head went under. I just need to think. To empty my thoughts. But not a moment after, I am pulled back to the air above. 

I rub the water away from my eyes to see Edda. She let go on my hair. Her frown deepened, “Was worried that you was trying to drown yourself.”

I shook my head, “I wanted to see if the gods had a message to tell me. Are they putting me through a test. I wanted to see a sign. To see if this is my true fate.” 

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4 years ago

Arrange Marriage ~ Halfdan x F Reader part 2

Authors Note: Nervous but okay to post this. Set year after Paris attack in the 12 year time frame.

Warnings: Swearing, age gaps, arrange marriage, mentions of sexual themes, angst. If there are any others that I missed please tell me and I will add them. Also Grammar Mistakes.

Part 1 | Part 3


I woke early in the morning just after the sun rise. The second day since arriving in Tamdrup. I want check out the market, the people and the area. What else can I do until I get marriage and sails back to Earl Leif’s home. 

I could just divorce him in due time, but father said I should give our marriage a few years before deciding to end our marriage. But probably by then I would have a child or two with Leif and that would make ending the marriage a bit more difficult.

Why was I the one to be picked. My sister, Sigrlinn was excited to be in the line up to be the second wife of Earl Leif. Her, only being born 6 months before me. She always wanted to be better than me at everything. Which wasn’t that difficult but being married to a Earl. But I was picked, so I guess I win this even if I was very against marrying him. 

I argued with my father telling that I rather marry someone that I felt something for. Love or even attraction to him. He married 6 wives because he felt attraction to them why not me. 

As I glanced at the different stalls in the market and their difficult buys. I headed back to where I left Edda sleeping. Leif said he and Aesa are going hunting, which mostly means they are having sex in the woods for most of the morning. 

I seem a little lost because I ended up at the docks. “How did I get here?”

I was about to turn around before I hear crying. Most noticeably a little girl’s crying. 

Finding the source of the quiet cries behind a barrel. I kneel down in front of the little girl that seemed around 6.

“Hello, my name is y/n. Are you okay?”

The little girl looked up from her arms that hide most of her face. She sniffles before speak in a croaking tone, “My-my mother. I lost her.”

I reached my hand out to her, “Come, let’s go find your mother. What is your name?”

“Maiken.” Small hand places into him.

I pull her out from her hiding space. “Maiken could you tell me what your mother looks like?”

Maiken thinks for a moment. “She is wearing boots and a dress.”

Right that is most woman. “Could you tell me about her hair and color of her dress.”

“Her dress is brown and her hair is short and black.”

We head to the area she said she lost her mother. The little girl says non of them are her mother. We continue though Tamdrup until we get to the market place I just was. I look up into the sky seeing it’s already half morning. I sigh.

“Are you hungry Maiken?”

She nods. We approach a stall that was selling bread and I bought two small loafs. I hand one to Maiken. She happily begins to munch on it.

Deciding to head to the hall. Maybe her mother is there.

 After a short walk. We are at the entrance of the hall. I quickly scan the surrounding area for the woman before entering. None fit the description.

Looking around I see a few people speaking to one another. Looking to the other side, there is a group about 7 speaking and laughing.  One notably being the king’s brother.

Our eyes meet and after a few seconds, Maiken softly yanks on my hand. Pulling my attention back to her. Her eyes begin to water. I place my hand onto her shoulder.

“We will find your mother and I will be with you until we do.”

My eyes glance to the man approaching us. He stops leaving a great distance between us. Halfdan speaks, “I didn’t know you were already a mother?”

I blink surprised. I shake my head. “No I found her by the docks, she got separated from her mother. Been looking for her for most of the morning with no luck.” 

Halfdan leans against the wooden post that held up the hall structure. He fiddles with a small knife as stares at us. 

“Halfdan is there something you would like to say?”

Halfdan clears his throat. “You looked like a good mother.”

“Oh...thank you, Halfdan. But I am not rushing to have children.” I chuckled. I can feel my cheeks getting a bit warm.

Maiken decides to spoke and a bit bluntly. Too bluntly. “ Y/N is the king’s brother, your husband?” 

My eyes widen and I try to speak but my words came out as a clumped stutter. 

Halfdan begun to laugh, before speak to the young girl. “No, she is to be married to Earl Leif.”

“Oh, why.”

“Well my father wanted one of his daughters to married Leif and Leif choose me.”

“But do you love him, like my mom and father do to each other?”

I stare at the young girl taken back from her sudden questions. As she is trying to pick apart me.

I kneel down to the child’s height. Brushing her black hair back away from her eyes. But before I could speak, a woman voice erupted. I stood up. See a woman looking frantic. Maiken turn to see the woman. “Mother!” As Maiken ran to her. Jumping into the woman’s arms.

The woman walked up to me. Before bringing me into a hug. “Thank you, Y/n for keeping my daughter safe.”

“No need to thank me.”

She turns to her daughter, “Come Maiken.”

Maiken nods happier before shouting to me “Bye Y/n” waving as they walk out of the hall.

I turn to Halfdan, “I have to head back to the lodge. Bye Halfdan.”

“I am going the same way. I’ll walk you there.”

I nod to him as we walk out of the hall and down the path, It was short distance the whole was it was quiet but it was not awkward. 

We arrive in front of the wooden door. I shyly smiled at Halfdan, “Thank you...I hope to see you more around Halfdan.”

He nods to me before leaving, I watch as Halfdan walked away, before my attention was pulled away by Edda opens the door stretches her arms upwards, yawning . She smirks but doesn’t say anything. Y/N asks what is she smiling about. 

Edda smirk some how become bigger, “Oh nothing.”


Later on in the evening, after we ate. Leif and Aesa stated they would like to  train. They lunged me along with them. Luckily Edda also wanted to train. 

But I sat on a stump forced to watch Earl Leif and Aesa duel. I looked to see the other men and woman training. Looking further on the training ground. Harald and Halfdan and their men are also training.

Edda comes over to me. Tossing me a sword. I panicky clasp the handle before the sword hit me. “Ready to train?” 

I look up and down the sword, nodded. “I have not trained in weeks. My skills has became rusty.” 

“And that is why I want you to train more. So you are able to defended yourself.”

We begin, starting off slow and causal combat. Before the duel became a little bit more intensely. That is how Edda likes to train. Start off slowly until I has beaten and bruised. I do not mind, it makes me stronger. 

Before I knew it I was lying on my back on the dirt. Having a sword pierced into the ground next to my next. I widened my eyes realizing what happened. I begun to laugh. 

Edda grabs my hand and pulls me up. “You fought a lot longer than the other times y/n. You are getting better.”

“I have a great shieldmaiden to teach me. That is why.” I grin at Edda. Edda walks a short distance to drink. I fiddled with my sword. We both turn to a loud shout. Coming from the Earl himself. He marching up to Edda. Throwing his sword to his right. 

I back a bit up. What in gods name is he doing?

Leif yells at Edda, shouting that I am not a shield woman. That I am his wife soon. That once the time comes, he will train me in fighting. I do not know why he is getting so upset at this. This is truly embarrassing. I glance to see even the Tamdrup warriors are curious of why this Earl is acting like a child.

I watch as Edda just rolls her eyes, putting her cup down, and returning over to where I stood. I watched as Leif returned to Aesa.

“He is an arse.” 

 We decided to watch Harald’s warriors train. My eyes continue to watch Halfdan every move. I try to advert my eyes, to watch any other Viking, but Halfdan keeps gaining my attention. Halfdan easily takes down his opponent. I smile lightly behind my hand, holding back a snicker of happiness. He is a furious fighter. 

I feel Edda’s eyes on me, Edda elbows me. Chuckling at me. 

I elbowed her back. We continue elbowing each other until the man who Edda was speaking to on the first night we got here. 

Edda stood up quickly, greeting the man. I clearly my throat feeling a bit out of place.

The man turns to me before speaking in a rough deep tone, “You must be y/n. Edda speaks highly of you. My name is Thorir.”

“It is good to finally have a name to the face.” I greeted the tall blonde Viking.

Edda and Thorir decided to train together, as I sat glancing at the other men train. Truly only at one man. 


I and Edda headed back to the lodge, I headed into the tub. After I asked Edda to brush my hair. “I want to shove goat shit down his throat and bury Leif in the middle of the forest.”

“I agree you should.” 

We both silently look at each other before bursting into a laugh.

Edda continue to brush, “But I can see your still have eyes for you know who.”

I whisper to Edda, “Shush, if Leif found out. He would whine even more. I do not want to make my marriage awful just because I am attractive to someone else.”

“You can have him as your lover.” Edda abruptly stops brushing due to laughing hard. 

I huffed, “That is not what I want Edda, you know this. I do not even know if he finds me attractive.” 

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7 months ago

The last two seasons of Vikings make me want to cry.

Like. The first four seasons weren't perfect, but they were GOOD. I enjoyed them.

I couldn't even finish season 6.

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4 years ago

infedility. alfred the great


PAIRING ➨ alfred the great x reader

GENRE ➨ historical fiction, fantasy.

SUMMARY ➨ as aethelred’s wife, you knew you should have been tending to his every needs as you had been taught when you were younger. but stuck in a loveless marriage had you seeking out other ways to satisfy your needs. luckily, your brother-in-law is on the same boat.

WARNINGS ➨ mentions of smut, adultery, ooc elsewith.



you glared down at elsewith as she walked arm-in-arm with alfred through the royal villa. you weren’t jealous of the fact that she was with him, no, at the end of the night alfred met up with you in the secret room the two of you shared and sated every single one of your needs, even if it took him a while to open up to you at first. you were jealous that she was able to call him husband and show him off around wessex. you wanted to be in her shoes, to be the one recognized as alfred’s wife, to be able to show your love and loyalty to the king instead of having to hide it behind closed doors. catching your eye, he continues to talk to elsewith while his index and middle fingers do that little flutter in front of his left thigh. the two of you did it whenever you needed the other, especially in front of your spouses. 

you bow your head, pretending to be interested in the fruit stand next to you. aethelred was somewhere, most likely with ethelfled, the daughter of bishop cuthred. you weren’t jealous of her, either. you were in fact very happy for the two of them, as you wish aethelred would be happy for you if you were to let him know of your crime. were you a sinner, for loving one as much as you love alfred? even if the two of you were married?

you were a christian woman in a christian city in a chistian country, and while you may not see your love as a crime, the rest of your countrymen would. especially the men. they would most likely want to hang you up in the middle of the villa for all to see, a sign around your neck claiming you of what you were. but as of right now, you couldn’t care any less. you had alfred warming your bed at night. 

but it was still elsewith he had to go back to. 

elsewith was a nice woman, you knew that, but sometimes she was too weak for a queen. she didn’t know what to say and when to say it, she kept her mouth shut, and she never knew of how to care for alfred when his illness put him into a deep sleep for days on end. it always you next to judith, helping her make his salves and foraging for the needed ingredients. it was always you he placed his trust in, always you he went to for comfort, always you he reached for when he needed a hug. it was always you. 

and he had been forced to marry her. 

making your way through the castle, you went the familiar path you had taken many times before, locking your sight on the door that held back the room with the bed tucked away in the corner. that same bed you took alfred so many times in, introduced him to many different positions and multiple fetishes you had first heard from your married friends. 

knocking on the door three times like the two of you had practiced, alfred opened it to let you in, grabbing your arm and tugging you into the room. as soon as the last centimeter of your dress made its way through, he closed the door behind you, locking it immediately and pressing you up against the wood. “my mother knows about us,” he whispers lightly. your eyebrows shoot up, eyes widening as your mouth opens to speak. he promptly places his hand over the lower half of your face, keeping you quiet whilst continuing to speak. “she doesn’t blame us, however. she tells me that i need to do whatever i need to in order to gain an heir for the throne. even if it means laying with my own brother’s wife.” 

he pulls his hand off your mouth, seeing your face drop into one of relief. she didn’t blame you for sneaking around with alfred. 

Infedility. Alfred The Great

few moons passed after your talk with alfred about his mother, and yet again, you were on your stomach, feeling your brother-in-law continously thrust his hips into yours, your breaths leaving in small bursts. “f-fuck,” you reach behind you to grab at his moving hip, grasping at the dark material of his tunic as your knuckles whitened at the force of your hold. “you fuck me so good.” 

the door to the chamber opens, alfred’s hip stopping just as he thrusted back inside, his cock nestled deep in your wet walls as your husband, aethelred, stared down at your in disgust. “i was wondering where my wife was,” he began, “and i thought she would be out in the fields picking more things for your salves, but instead i find her getting fucked by my own brother.” 

you sigh, head bowing as your forehead rested against the pillow just a few inches above you. you should be ashamed, ashamed that your husband found you in such a lewd position, but instead, anger filled your heart. here he was, shaming you for something he was also doing. he always left to warm ethelfled’s bed, and when he finds you doing it as well, he has the nerve to be vexed? “by my own brother!” he scoffs. “the one who is apparently so righteous, he could barely lay with his wife on their wedding night!”

“aethelred,” you warn.

“i ought to have you hanged in the villa!” 

“aethelred!” you yell back. you push a shocked alfred off of you, wincing as his cock fell out from within you, and the young king rushed to cover himself with the furs. as you stood up, the skirt of your dress fell down to your ankles, hiding your modesty from the two pairs of eyes. both of which have already seen you in such lewd positions. “you’re such a fucking hypocrite, aren’t you? you go behind my back and fuck ethelfled all you want, leaving your poor wife to fend for herself, expecting her to cook and clean and keep your bed warm as you stuff your cock into another bitch! and when your wife goes out and finds herself someone who loves her as much as she loves him, you get angry. you might call alfred righteous, but he is just human. we all are! every single one of us!

“we can never be righteous,” you continue. “we are all too corrupted to even reach it. so, while we are here on earth, who are we to deny our desires? after all, it’s human nature to procreate. and procreation must come from sins of the flesh, but also of pleasure!” you throw a vessel at aethelred, hitting him on his ribs. “and didn’t your mother do the exact same thing? didn’t your father? didn’t alfred come from adultery?

“we are all human, aethelred. accept it.” 

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2 years ago

devotion. hvitserk lothbrok


PAIRING ➨ hvitserk lothbrok x freyja

GENRE ➨ (somewhat) smut, historical fiction, fantasy.

SUMMARY ➨ the goddess of war, freyja, is put onto kattegat to aid the lothbroks during their future raids. both the seer and aslaug have seen her coming, and the queen welcomes her with open arms. catching the eye of hvitserk lothbrok, she treats him as no one has done before; as an equal, instead of a dog.

WARNINGS ➨ smutty themes (no actual smut this chapter)


SELENE NOTE ➨ this was a spur of the moment fic, so there might be some misinformation, though i tried to do as much research as i could on freyja!  in this fic, freyja is blonde and blue eyed. according to the myths, she is described as having “long flowing blond hair, blue eyes and a gorgeous figure which she doesn't mind flaunting, as she often appears naked to her worshipers.” i also imagined her face claim to be emilia clarke as daenerys targaryen, but much taller. here’s what she wears this chapter:  for the norse terminology, i used both @honestsycrets​‘s references and from this site: !



feeling something press against her ankle, freyja’s eyebrows furrow, creating deep creases on her glabella, pressing her cheek deeper into the pillows she rested on. her foot flicked up, almost like a cow’s ear flicking away a fly, trying to knock away whatever hovered over her. however, it continued, moving up her calf, up to her thigh, then to the softness of her hips, and feeling it tickle against the exposed skin, she realizes of what it could be. “good morning,” hvitserk’s voice was tranquil in the still air of dawn, his hand moving down to the velvety folds in between her legs, middle finger circling her bundle of nerves, freyja’s mouth opening in a silky sigh. “no one but us is awake,” he whispered into her ear, nipping at the satiny skin of her neck. 

“is it that early in the morning?” she moans, arching her neck to give him more room to continue his assault. 

“you said that you’ll be here for me in the morning!” he whines, actually whines, his hand landing on her neck, fingers wrapping around into they could touch the back, where her spine was, his pointer finger on top of her ear as his middle finger felt the lobe.  the goddess’ lips quirk up in a smile, “i guess i did, hvitserk.” her left leg wrapped around his waist, using her strength to roll them both over, hvitserk landing on his back as if he were deadweight. “then i have a promise to fulfill.”


when hvitserk walked into the great hall, a hush falls over the waking individuals, a pep in his step as he made his way towards the table where his family sat. they had all heard everything. the thump of the bed against the wall, the soprano moans that verberated out of the room into the halls, the guttural groans that accompanied them, and then, the call of the names within the room.

hvitserk and freyja. 

when the prince walked towards the table to fill his belly with the warm breakfast the thralls had cooked, they noticed slight differences in him. his gait was jovial, his hair perfectly laid with braids freyja had taken her time to place, his skin glowed, his eyes held a euphoric look. “it seems as if he was fucked to valhalla and back,” sigurd calls out, the men in the hall cheering the second eldest on, some clapping his shoulder as he pulled the chair from under the table. he didn’t dare look his mother in the eye, afraid of what she would do since hearing him fuck the goddess she worshipped. would she congratulate him? punish him? he didn’t want to know the answer to that last one. 

“i heard you had sex with freyja,” aslaug’s voice boomed in the great hall. hvitserk nodded, twirling his fork in his fingers as he continued to eye the food placed on his plate. he tensed, readying himself to earning a slap to the face or a fork thrown in his direction. instead, his mother’s face eased into a smile, her hand reaching out to hold her son’s hand in hers. “it seems as if my son hvitserk has been chosen by the goddess of war, freyja!” the others cheer, raising their cups or horns in the air. “but, it also seems as he was chosen to help her bring forth more kind!” more clamor, people smacking hvitserk on the back, the lothbrok feeling the small pangs of discomfort from underneath the green kyrtill freyja had helped him put on. hvitserk sighs heavily when one of the slaps he received caused the torn piece of chicken in his hand to fall, landing on the wooded ground below him, someone else stepping on top of it. it was no longer salvageable. 

freyja stepped into the great hall, her falcon feather cloak seeming as it if were floating behind her, and as she moved her arm to pull away the right side of it from her body, two cats walked out and meowed, their coats a blue so subtle it was almost gray, emerald green irises looking around the halls. bygul and trjegul wandered around, the latter of which jumped up on one of the tables, staring directly at a man simply known as solveig, squinting his eyes as he waited to be fed. solveig tears a piece from the chicken leg he had, placing it in front of him.

purring, trjegul eats, licking the table clean after the meat had been eaten, his eyes closing slowly in happiness. he leaps off the table, walking gracefully along the floor towards freyja. reaching her hand out, trjegul jumps, taking her arm in his paws. quickly turning her arm around so he was upright, she presses him against her chest, her left hand coming up to stroke the fur behind his ear, purrs pouring from his mouth. freyja walks from the doorway of the hall to where hvitserk sat, watching him as he petted bygul, the cat tilting his head in content. placing a hand on hvitserk’s shoulder, she sits down on the empty spot next to him, chin resting against the top of her hand. sitting made her feel uncomfortable, feeling the all too familiar ache between her legs leaving a feeling of want, the goddess crossing her legs at the ankles to help alleviate it. “he’s never let anyone else touch him,” she softly remarks, she presses a kiss at the junction where his neck and shoulder meet. 

hvitserk shudders lightly, biting his bottom lip to stop a wanton moan from slipping out, but a few of the men that stood close laughed, knowing that the simple kiss gave him a reaction that he tried to hold back. “i’m glad that i am the first,” he turns to face her, taking her chin gently in his hand, leading her to his lips. hearing loud cheers coming from the men around them, freyja chuckles into the kiss. placing her free hand onto hvitserk’s soft cheek, she deepens the kiss for a second before pulling away, “we are still at the table with your family. i don’t think that it is proper.” 

his cheeks flushing a bright pink, he turns away from her, stabbing his fork onto the fish his mother’s maids had cooked. ivar, while still remaining a bit jealous that it was his brother the goddess favored, still chuckled at the fool he had made of himself, the deep blush on his cheeks, the awkward silence he had taken on. 

just that small comment from freyja made him stumble over his own two feet, so what made him so special that she had chosen him for procreation? hvitserk was the quieter of the brothers, always following the strongest, which was why he was margrethe’s second choice. he was always after ubbe. ivar didn’t care that he wasn’t even a choice for her. it meant that he was unattainable, something his brothers knew nothing about. almost every woman in kattegat has had a taste of them, and someday, they’re going to realize that they didn’t like them, and would all want ivar. 

but a rage burned deep inside of him. ubbe was always said to have been an exact copy of ragnar, their diplomatic father that had led them to rich lands, hvitserk now laid with the goddess of war, said to be the most beautiful in asgard, sigurd was born with the serpent-dragon fafnir in his eye, and ivar. . . he was born with frail bones and imponent. hvitserk must have had many unidentified children running around kattegat with how much he had slept around, and ivar. . . he could barely stand on his own. 

that thought alone made him want to kill his brothers. 

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