Hanamusa Comic - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

This is adorable! And I have to say, I am Jessie in this! If my partner can pull off both, I would react similarly.

Wine Night Was Cut Short
Wine Night Was Cut Short
Wine Night Was Cut Short
Wine Night Was Cut Short
Wine Night Was Cut Short
Wine Night Was Cut Short
Wine Night Was Cut Short

Wine night was cut short

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7 months ago
Jessie, Ash, Frillish and Pignite stand over a burnt up bush, looking concerned

Jessie: We really shouldn't have had a battle so
close to your mom's garden.
Ash: Yeah... So you're taking the fall, right?

Jessie turns to Ash, upset

Jessie: ME? WHY ME???
Ash looks up at Jessie judgmentally, with his arms folded. Jessie looks at him annoyed and defensive. Frillish nervously scoots out of frame.

Ash: You're the adult here.
Jessie: And you're your mom's "sweet baby boy". You'll get in less trouble than me!
Ash points at Jessie accusatorially, and Jessie looks down at him frustrated. Pignite nervously scoots out of frame

Ash: Well you're her girlfriend or whatever! Plus you owe me!
Jessie: For WHAT???
Frillish and Pignite awkwardly watch their trainers bicker

Ash: Remember the Litwick mansion? When I saved you from losing your life force and getting lost in the spirit world forever?
Jessie: Okay, well remember Celebi and that time I saved YOU from falling to your doom?!
Jessie and Ash get in each other's faces. Jessie crosses her arms and Ash gestures to himself. The bush is still smoking in the background.

Ash: Yeah but I saved the world that other time with Lugia!
Jessie: Are you forgetting whose sacrifice helped you save the world in the first place?
Delia: What?

Jessie and Ash whip their heads to look at camera
Delia stands at the front gate, holding her purse and wearing her apron. She looks confused.

Jessie: Ah! Delia!
Ash: Mom! Sorry we
Delia: It's okay, I'm not mad about the garden. I'm more concerned that you two have had so many life threatening experiences I didn't know about.
Ash and Jessie smile nervously and give each other an uncomfortable side hug. Bush burning in the background

Jessie: Ha yeah! But it's okay! We're okay!
Ash: We've got each other's backs!
Delia: So you can have each other's backs when you clean up this mess~

Jessie and Ash's faces drop

Jessie: Yes, dear...
Ash: Okay
Delia: And please, try not to hurt yourselves. You worry me sometimes...

One Upping

[All comics in order here]

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7 months ago
Plot Twist: Jessie Genuinely Thinks This
Plot Twist: Jessie Genuinely Thinks This
Plot Twist: Jessie Genuinely Thinks This
Plot Twist: Jessie Genuinely Thinks This
Plot Twist: Jessie Genuinely Thinks This
Plot Twist: Jessie Genuinely Thinks This
Plot Twist: Jessie Genuinely Thinks This
Plot Twist: Jessie Genuinely Thinks This

plot twist: jessie genuinely thinks this

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10 months ago


I probably should have started doing this forever ago but I wasn’t sure how long I was gonna stick with drawing these comics. But I guess we’re in it now! This will be continually updated~ EVERYTHING UNDER THE CUT


Keep reading

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5 months ago



[All comics in order here]

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6 months ago


I probably should have started doing this forever ago but I wasn’t sure how long I was gonna stick with drawing these comics. But I guess we’re in it now! This will be continually updated~ EVERYTHING UNDER THE CUT


Seguir leyendo

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10 months ago
Delia lays across Jessie's lap on the couch. Jessie looks down at her lovingly and scratches her head. 
Delia: Mmmmmmm~
Pikachu suddenly pops up on the couch and Jessie looks at him with slight surprise
Jessie: Hm?
Pikachu: Pika!
Pikachu climbs on Delia's back and nudges Jessie's hand off of Delia and onto his head. Jessie smiles, amused, while Delia opens her eyes groggily and looks up at Pikachu

Delia then nudges Pikachu away with her arm and sits up. Jessie looks down at Delia surprised

Delia: Noooooooo it's my turn Pikachuuu! She's mine.
Pkachu: Pikaaaa...
Cut to later with Ash in the forground, looking at Jessie scratching both Delia and Pikachu's heads. They both look blissed out. Jessie looks at Ash.
Jessie: What? You wanna get in on this?
Ash: I can't think of anything that would make me more uncomfortable

Head Scritches

[All comics in order here]

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9 months ago
Jessie, James and Meowth all sit on the Ketchum's living room couch. Jessie confidently strikes a dramatic pose. James sits opposite of her, lounging. Meowth is in between them, irritated because Jessie's leg is in his face
James: Glad you and Delia finally got together.
Meowth: Yeah, it was lookin' bad for a bit there.
Jessie: Ha! There was no way I was gonna let her be the one that got away. She coulant resist me. I'm brimming with charisma and sex appeal.
Delia walks in next to Jessie handing her a musubi. Jessie's eyes are wide and sparkly as she cutely looks up at Delia.
Delia: I made you a musubi!
Jessie: Yay! Thank you!
Delia: It's scary how long you can go without eating. Take care of yourself babygirl.
Jessie: Heehee, okay!
Delia looks at the boys from the foreground. James waves and Meowth gives her a thumbs up, both of them smile at her kindly.
Delia: You two want anything?
Meowth: Oh we're A-okay!
James: Thank you!
Delia walks off with Jessie, James and Meowth smiling at her silently. Jessie holds the musubi she'd taken a bit out of, with a blush and sparkles in her eyes
Meowth and James both shoot Jessie a look once Delia leaves. Jessie looks at the furiously, blushing and sweating
James and Meowth: "Babygirl–?" 


[All comics in order here]

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1 year ago



This is around when Team Rocket first started staying with Delia (and before Delia and Jessie start dating)

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1 year ago

(If you’re still taking requests), we’ve seen a lot of Delia flustering Jessie but has Jessie ever flustered Delia?

(If Youre Still Taking Requests), Weve Seen A Lot Of Delia Flustering Jessie But Has Jessie Ever Flustered
(If Youre Still Taking Requests), Weve Seen A Lot Of Delia Flustering Jessie But Has Jessie Ever Flustered
(If Youre Still Taking Requests), Weve Seen A Lot Of Delia Flustering Jessie But Has Jessie Ever Flustered
(If Youre Still Taking Requests), Weve Seen A Lot Of Delia Flustering Jessie But Has Jessie Ever Flustered


This is before they're actually dating! Probably the first time Delia really realized how naturally pretty (and tall) Jessie is.

Jessie still has villain tendencies. Using someone else's hairbrush??? Criminal.

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1 year ago


This is before Delia and Jessie start dating and Delia’s tryna get it. Jessie opts out of living with James and Meowth because she’s still trying to get into nursing school, doesn’t have a job yet and claims she’d feel bad not pulling her weight (at least that’s what she tells them). AND because she does enjoy Delia’s company a lot. Little did she know she’d miss being around her former coworkers all day everyday

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1 year ago
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss
First Kiss

First Kiss <3

Based on a fanfic based on a post I made! Give it a read it’s so cute!

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1 year ago
Not Really But She Grows Into It Eventually
Not Really But She Grows Into It Eventually
Not Really But She Grows Into It Eventually
Not Really But She Grows Into It Eventually
Not Really But She Grows Into It Eventually
Not Really But She Grows Into It Eventually

not really but she grows into it eventually

never forget:


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1 year ago


A lot is happening here lol. Ash comes home, finds out his mom’s dating Jessie, Delia calls Jessie her girlfriend for the first time, James and Meowth ALSO find out that Jessie and Delia have been dating for some time and Mimey is not having it.

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1 year ago


I probably should have started doing this forever ago but I wasn’t sure how long I was gonna stick with drawing these comics. But I guess we’re in it now! This will be continually updated~ EVERYTHING UNDER THE CUT


Keep reading

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