Harry X You - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Daddy!Harry blurb

So this is my first time writing smut and blurb. I had a dream of this happening and needed to write it down

WARNING: INCLUDES SMUT!!! And cockwarming and soft dom!H and daddy!Harry!!!!

Daddy!H smut

Harry met Y/N at a cafe near his office. He was running late for a meeting but being the CEO of his own company had it's perks: he could show up anytime he wanted. However, he did have a $50M deal on the line so he had to rush a bit. As his name was called for his drink order, he was too in a hurry to get the drink that by the time he looked back to head to the door, he turned too quickly and spilled his hot drink on a girl waiting for her drink behind him. Y/N was in shock as the hot coffee poured over her chest staining her white polo that she had specifically worn for a job interview that day.

Y/N felt like breaking down, thinking she'll never get that job knowing she's going to show up with a stained blouse. Tears started to well in her eyes. Immediately Harry felt guilty and started to get tissues so as to help clean her chest, together with a strew of apologies, he tried to calm down the hysterical mess that was Y/N and offered to buy her a new blouse. Already being late for her job interview, and to avoid a scene by breaking down, Y/N rushed out of the cafe with tears in her eyes, leaving Harry in the middle of the cafe.


Harry arrived 30 minutes later to his office. He had to buy a new cup of coffee and got rid of his suit jacket as it was stained as well, leaving him without a jacket and dress sleeves rolled up his arms with a tie loose on his neck. He had finished the deal early and was just basically chilling in his office when the head of human resources came in to tell him that there was an interviewee waiting for him.

He was currently looking for a new assistant after his last assistant spilled coffee all over his documents and he had no choice but to fire her. Harry nodded at the HR person and sat down on his desk. However, he didnt expect that his "possibly" new assistant was the same one who he spilled hot coffee on earlier that day. Y/N herself couldnt believe what she had gotten into. But she needed to trust her instincts.

Harry, still feeling guilty, was about to start on a full-on monologue of an apology but he stopped himself and finally got a good look at her realizing how beautiful she was. He hadn't noticed that as he was in a hurry to clean up his mess a while ago. He never got a good look at her face. How her doe eyes seemed to shine perfectly at the sight of him. He didnt notice her brown hair properly fixed and her plump lips that Harry thinks he could just kiss all day. He greeted her and before he started with the interview, apologized once more for the incident. He couldn't stop the smirk growing on his face when Y/N blushed and looked down, saying it wasn't a big deal, clearly embarassed by the situation. She could feel him stare at her and she felt so flustered but Harry thought she looked too pure and submissive thinking of how he made her flustered by just saying a few words and just by simply looking at her.

Harry didnt have any other problem with her either, to be honest, Harry was impressed actually. She had a well-prepared resume and didnt have any problem with it and so Harry hired her. So when Harry stood up to give her a proper handshake, Y/N was too happy, she went in for a hug as a thank you.

Harry stood there not knowing what to do, he usually doesnt hug people but after the events that happened that day, maybe he could learn how to tolerate Y/N. See he had the reputation of being cold and strict to his workers that whoever would cross him expected to never see the light of day. However, this was Y/N.

The same Y/N who cried over ruining her interview because of a stained shirt. The same Y/N who got flustered over Harry's stare and words. The same Y/N who jumped up happily to give him a hug after he hired her. Plus how could you decline a hug from a person with the brightest smile and bubbly spirit?


Their relationship started off professional but as Y/N's presence continued to grow onto Harry, he found it hard to ignore her and found her more beautiful the more she worked for him. Like how Harry thought of how cute she was when she was clumsy at times especially when she would enter his office. He couldnt keep his eyes off her when she was in his presence because of how beautiful she was and she became self-concsious over that, becoming flustered and sometimes tripping over her words or clumsily taking paper off his hands especially when he would purposely brush his hands with hers. She couldnt stop the blush creeping up from her neck to her cheek, and harry would just smirk over her submissiveness and clumsiness knowing that he had that kind of effect over Y/N.

However, he hated how he couldn't control himself when he was with Y/N it felt like all of his energy came from Y/N and his mood would lighten up when she entered his office. He felt like she was the sun and he couldnt work properly without her. This became a problem at times because he couldnt seem to get work done without her or he couldn't bring himself to reprimand her when she would accidentally mix up papers that resulted in delaying meetings and paperworks. He tried to reprimand her, knowing that he even fired his last assistant because she spilled coffee over his paper but for Y/N, he couldn't just let her go. Even when she was in front of him, with tears welling in her eyes apologizing for mixing up the paper for hundreds of times, he couldnt bring himself to get mad at her. I mean how could he? When she's looking up at him with doe-filled puppy eyes welling with tears and a pout growing by the minute. He couldnt stop himself from taking her into a hug and simply saying, "It's okay. I forgive you. Just dont do it again."

She eventually caught on about his overgrowing fondness to her when she found out that he fired his last assistant for spilling coffee over his paperwork and he had the choice to fire her as well because she messed up his paperwork but he just let it go. She knew something was up but for the most part she was just grateful he hadnt fired her yet. Plus, how could she ignore the sparks that travel through her body when he brushes his fingers across her hands? Or the overwhelming feeling of being captured by his stare when she enters his office. All of these feelings towards her was confirmed when she accidentally walked in on him jerking off while he was panting her name. He didnt stop when he saw her curiously standing by the door. He nodded at her to enter his office, and Y/N submissively entered and shut the door. She slowly started to walk to his desk and when she was in front of him, she couldnt stop her jaw from dropping. He was really big and Y/N was really inexperienced.

That day, she learned how to give her first blowjob and Harry came minutes after she decided to suck him, with the help of Harry of course. After that, they started to do the whole "dating" thing where Harry found out that Y/N was new to all the dating stuff and she never really had a boyfriend before. He knew he had to lead them into the relationship since she didn't know alot about that area but he was more than willing to do it. He ultimately found out that she was a "little" when she asked him if she could call him daddy while he was taking away her virginity. When she said that, Harry felt like he could burst. He fell more in love with her and he could literally feel himself almost cumming by the thought of it.

After that, they fell into a typical dd/lg relationship where Harry took care of her in all aspects. He had to eventually fire her so as to not spread any rumours of unfair treatment to the rest of the workers because Y/N was his girlfriend. However, he made sure to provide for Y/N and making sure she never has to work again. Y/N eventually moved in with Harry in his huge mansion because it was more practical to work on their relationship when they were in each other's company constantly especially since Y/N 's very clingy and needs a specific type of attention. However, Y/N still wanted to work, she didn't like being stuck in the house and doing nothing and she felt like people were judging her thinking she was just using Harry for the money so she tried to find a way to repay him for everything he has done for both of them but daddy Harry always has the final say. He eventually negotiated with her, not being able to say no to her puppy eyes and pouty lips, saying that she could still work by helping him with paperworks and such but she has to stay at home for that. With that, a deal was signed between them and it was sealed with a kiss.

They immediately fell into a routine. They would wake up, with harry eating her out or Y/N tending to his morning wood, whoever woke up first. Eat breakfast, and then Harry got ready for work, saying his goodbyes, then sealing it with a kiss before he left. Y/N would stay, do some chores, edit some of the paperworks he had left in the office, and wait for her daddy to come home, then they both would eat dinner together, cuddle, have sex or watch a movie, and fall asleep.

It was like that everyday and Y/N was elated with how their relationship worked. Some would say they moved too fast but Harry was just really happy that he finally had someone to spend his life with.


Ever since Y/N and Harry got together, he fixed his schedule so he wouldnt have to go into the office everyday, there were days where he could stay at home and work in his home office so he could take care of Y/N.

This all started when Y/N opened up about how clingy and dependent she is as a little and needed Harry to be there for her. Like how she always needed a bottle of milk when she woke up. Or she would need morning cuddles after waking up. Or when she had to sleep or be put down for her afternoon nap, she had to make sure that Harry's cock was inside of her or else she could not sleep properly.

This started when harry introduced cockwarming and she fell absolutely in love with the concept and now she cant get enought of it. Harry loved how dependent Y/N was on him because finally, he could take care of someone and how could he decline Y/N's warm pussy on his cock, stretching her out and making her comfortable as she slept. He loved how she was totally dependent on him that she couldnt sleep without him inside her. It completely warms his heart that Y/N loved and needed him so much, he finally has someone who needs him as much as he needs her. So when Harry was stuck in his home office one Saturday afternoon, completing paper works, and a tired, sleepy Y/N peeked in her daddy's office after knocking, he knew what she would be asking next.

Harry took his attention away from the paper in front of him, looked up and nodded his head over so as to signal her to come to him. She shut the door and timidly walked to his lap. She kept whining when she got to him and settled once more when she straddled his lap.

"Are you tired bunny? Wanna take a nap?"

Harry asked. Y/N whimpered and pouted. Showing him her puppy eyes and softly rubbing them. She nooded her head cutely and put her head on his chest. Y/N rarely takes afternoon naps and only does so when she knows Harry's home or when she feels extra clingy or feeling more little and in her headspace. And Harry feels guilty because it's a Saturday and usually Saturday's are meant to be little space days where afternoons are used to developing their dynamic as daddy and little by coloring, drawing, watching cartoons, etc. So when Y/N found out that Harry was in his home office for the day, she felt more clingy as possible, she didn't want to disturb him; Tried to be a big girl, trying not to disturb her daddy or else she could be punished but Y/N took the risk because She really needed her daddy.

However, Harry has a meeting with another business on Monday and he had to prepare for it, making sure he has read all their propositions so he knows he isnt being scammed. But of course, his little one always comes first, whatever happens. He made that promise to her when they first started dating. Even sometimes joked about how he would give up his company for her and Y/N would usually laugh it off thinking it was a joke but deep down she knew he was serious.

"Yeh puppy? 'M sorry daddy's stuck in the office all day, promise to give you extra cuddles later, maybe watch some movies later yeh? Wanna take a nap now?" Y/N timidly nodded, with her pout still fixed on her face.

She looked down and started to get rid of his bottoms, letting his cock free up. She whined softly and slid down on his cock, not having panties on since she was just in the house the whole day. Y/N sighed contently feeling full and leaning her head back to his chest.

"Y'alright now lovie? Gonna take a nap now? Hmm? Gotta stay still tho bunny, gotta finish these first and then I'll put us on the bed so you can rest properly okay?" Y/N nodded with her eyes closed, sleep almost taking over her eyes as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

But before sleep takes over her, she looks at him. "Kissy?" Y/N softly asks. Harry, before turning back to his paper work, smiles softly at his little bunny and adoringly looks at her face. "Of course lovie, anything for my darling girl." He softly says as he attaches his lips to hers, softly kissing her lips and he chuckles when he hears soft snores realizing that she fell asleep as they were kissing. He gives one last kiss on her head and gets back to his work.


Y/N doesnt bother him for awhile, having done this alot of times already, Harry's found a bit of self-control when it came to Y/N. He knew she needed this and whatever his girl wants, she gets. He knows that whatever they were doing wasnt malicious because his girl just really needed some rest and this is the only way to do that. Plus, it was comforting to know that she needed him for the simplest things, it warms his heart knowing that she needs him for simple events like these. And he couldn't complain, he already feels guilty for working on a Saturday, his girl deserves it. However, as Harry is finishing his 2nd to the last paperwork, Y/N starts squirming around, eyebrows furrowed and frown prominent on her face looking like she's having a nightmare. Harry lets her be but he can feel her breath hitting his neck, and she's squirming around. Harry looks up from the paper, trying to soothe Y/N but she gets even more frisky. He puts his left thumb on her mouth making her suck on it, knowing that it soothes her and it helps a little.

However, that doesnt last long as She starts bouncing up and down his cock mumbling words like "no daddy, don't leave me daddy" and "daddy, come back" or "I be a good girl please" she starts squirming more and more and properly bouncing up and down his cock. Harry tries to wake her up or rubbing her back to soothe her but she just keeps going faster and faster and Harry's already too hard from being inside her for so long. He tried not to give in but He can feel her walls tighten around him and he cant find the will to stop her.

She's already proper bouncing on his cock and he's trying so hard from not thrustinf into her but he ultimately does. He's gotten so hard inside of her and her warm wet walls dont help him at all. He tried to hold it off, trying to focus on waking her up, whispering softly in her ear so as to not scare her. As he tries to wake her up again, he gets closer to his release and he can't think straight, feeling her warm walls pulsing over him and when she finally says "daddy please" in her sleep, Harry loses it cursing softly as his little girl bounces on him and he cums inside of her.

He sees his cum dripping out of her and its by then that she starts to come down from her nightmare. He presses himself to her ear, slowly coaxing her out of her sleep "Love, lovie, wake up, you're having a bad dream" she slowly opens her eyes, her hands slowly rubbing them.

She mumbles incoherent words, harry only really understanding and hearing "why you wake me up daddy?" Harry takes her hands off her eyes and hold her face.

"You were having a nightmare love, you were squirming alot, proper bouncing on top of me and you made daddy cum look" Y/N looks down and sees harry's cum slipping out of her.

She pouts and looks like she's about to cry, scared she'll get punished. "I'm sorry daddy. I just wanted to sleep."

As her pout grows, harry groans, his cock gettng once more hard inside of her. "It's okay puppy. 's no big deal. Daddy's fault that he took so long with his work yeah? Let's just go and cuddle then yeah? Take a bath with ya and I'll put some bubbles. Ya deserve it lovie okay? No tears bubba. Daddy loves you okay?" Harry softly says to her thumbing away the tears that are about to fall.

Y/N timidly replies "Wubs ou too daddy"

After a bath with lots of bubbles as promised and giggles shared between the two eding with cuddles while watching Rom-Coms, Harry's glad his little love is happy and that the fullness in his heart wouldnt all be possible if he hadnt spilled coffee on her


Tell me what you think about it please! Ty!

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1 year ago
Cop!harry Based On This Request

cop!harry based on this request

Summary: You defied Harry and he's not happy about it.

A/N: couldn't help myself with this one you guys. 2289 words

Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, smut (oral, male receiving), possessive and toxic behavior (cop!Harry monitors her activity which isn’t normal in a healthy relationship)

cop!harry masterlist

Harry walked in the door about ten minutes after you got home. You’d been out with a friend chatting over tea. You met Ronnie at the gym and hit it off so you’d been chatting with her and hanging out more often. You’d lost track of the hours when you apologized to your friend that you had to leave and got home just in time. You tried to play it off that you’d been home awhile but Harry knew your routine well. And it wasn’t like he minded if you hung out with anyone during the day but he was very protective and liked to know if you were going to be out during the day because he worried. Being a cop meant he was always trying to keep you safe even when it wasn’t necessary.

You had intended on being home to start dinner well in advance but you were having such a nice time chatting with Ronnie that the time passed by too fast.

“Hey baby,” Harry walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your front, and kissed your neck as you lit the stove to boil water.

“Hi. How was your day?” You spoke, trying to quell your nerves. You knew he was going to sense your hesitance. And of course, he did.

“What’s up?” He turned you around to look at you directly. His bright green eyes and dark curls always did you in. You couldn’t lie to him. And of course, you weren’t planning on lying, you were going to tell him but you needed to work up to that. You figured you’d just casually mention it as if no big deal. But you knew he wouldn’t like it. He always expected you would tell him when you left the flat ahead of time. But you didn’t this time. Not even a text to inform him. It felt silly. You were only just down the street. And Harry was too protective.

“Uh, nothing… I was gonna tell you that I went out and met up with Ronnie again-“


You blinked and nervously laughed, “Um, a few hours ago. Got home just before you did.”

“Why didn’t you tell me, Y/n?”

You looked down to take a breath but he grasped your chin and tilted your face back up so he could see you, “Let me see your pretty eyes when you explain to me why you didn’t tell me you were going out to see Ronnie.”

Your heart fluttered. You loved it when he was like this. Loved how forceful he could be but how it was tinted with sweetness, “Sorry, Harry. I was going to but it felt silly. I was only just down the street. I didn’t want to bother you.”

Harry pressed his lips together and nodded slowly as he moved his hand down to your neck, “Didn’t want to bother me… I see. I see. Well, we’ll discuss this after dinner,” he gave your throat a gentle squeeze before letting go and taking a step back, “M’hungry and I need a shower.”

You finished boiling the potatoes and roasting the chicken thighs in the oven by the time Harry was seated at the table and reading the paper as he waited. Silently. You knew you were in for it. At the least, you’d get a stern talking to. But you wouldn’t mind a nice spanking. The more you thought about the possibilities of what he might have in mind the more nervous you got. But your nerves were more of excited anticipation. Never of dread because you trusted him.

You brought the plates to the table and sat across from him quietly.


The entire dinner was silent. Harry didn’t speak a word to you as he continued reading the paper while scooping bites of food into his mouth.

When you were nearly done you cleared your throat and looked at your lover, “Harry?”

He continued looking at the paper as he raised a brow, “Hmm?”

“Um, did you want to discuss what happened? You said we’d talk about-“

“I said after dinner,” his gaze finally shifted to yours as he folded the paper and placed it down on the table, “But since now you suddenly want to talk to me go for it.”

“Uh, I mean. I just went out with Ronnie. Only a few blocks away. Like I said.”

Harry stayed quiet as he ate the last bite on his plate, his steely glare never leaving your face.

“So… I know I should have let you know but I… I didn’t think-“

“You didn’t think is right. Not very smart of you. You know that the only reason I want you to let me know is so that if anything happens I’ll know where you are. I need to be able to protect you and I can’t do that if I don’t even know you’ve left the flat.”

“Harry… you don’t have to always protect me. Nothing is going to hap-“

He stood up from his chair and pulled at your arm, lifting you from your seat, “Love how now you want to talk but earlier you couldn’t be arsed to give me a little heads up that you’d be gone. But that’s not what I want. Now that I know you didn’t want to talk to me earlier, I don’t want to hear your excuses. I don’t want to hear you talk at all right now in fact. Let’s fix this shall we?”

Harry pulled you into the bedroom and pointed at the bed, “Climb up and lie on your back, hang your head off on this side.”

You scrambled to position yourself like he wanted. You hung your head off the edge of the bed and you could only see Harry from upside down as he pulled his pants down.

He reached across your body and pulled at your dress, causing you to lift upward as he slid it off your torso and over your head.

“Open up wide.”

You did as he said. You knew what he was about to do. He intended to shut you up just like he said he would.

He tapped his tip at your lips, not fully hard yet, but he was warm and smelled like soap from the shower he’d just had, “Tongue out. Lick it up, make me nice and hard. S’one thing you’re good at at least.”

You jutted your tongue out and Harry moved his dick over your wet muscle, his balls pressing into your eyes and forehead as he moved himself over your lips and tongue.

You felt him grow hard over your lips and he leaned over your body again, this time pinching your nipples and making your squeal.

“Ah ah ah… shhh… None of that. You’re not meant to talk since you insist on keeping secrets.”    

With that he pushed his cock past your lips, rendering you completely muted as he began to throatfuck you. You felt him get in deep as he rolled his hips into you and moaned.

Harry watched as your neck bulged from his cock with each heavy thrust. He could only see your chin and neck as he tucked himself in all the way, his balls pushed onto your nose.

When he began to go in a little harder you flopped around a bit, your arms flailed up, and tried to grab onto him but he just held your arms down so you’d stay still while he continued to get himself off.

“S’better, yeah?” Harry panted his words, “You wanted to keep quiet so that’s what you’ll get. Always get… ffucck, Y/n!” He gasped as you gurgled and choked, your chest heaved upward in search of air.

He pulled out to give you a gulp of breath and with his shiny cock resting over your mouth you dripped saliva down your chin and into your hair. Your face was red from the blood rushing to your head as you gasped before he plunged in again.

“See? Always get what you want. Don’t you?”

You couldn’t answer. Not only could you not shake or nod your head, but your vocal cords were also barely usable.

He loved your gags and your gurgles as he fucked into your mouth. You couldn’t say or do anything. Your pretty nipples were perked and your soft tits swayed as he pressed himself into you over and over again. He panted with the way you swallowed around his thick tip repeatedly. More drool cascading out of the edges of your mouth, making a filthy mess of yourself and his balls.

In an act of mercy, he pulled out again to watch you inhale a breath sharply, sucking oxygen into your lungs before he laid his scrotum over your mouth, “Suck my balls,” he spoke lowly without an ounce of irony.

Your whole face was wet with saliva and his balls were slippery on your lips but you managed to pull on them and suck on them like he asked. You liked this part. The break in between so you could pull air in through your nose and prepare yourself for what he was about to do. Because the next round he was going to destroy your throat so you wouldn’t be able to speak for days. He’d go until he came and had you nearly drowning in his come. But you wanted it. You yearned to drink his come and choke on it. You knew no one could do this to him the way you did. No one else had his knees nearly giving out from how well you did it. No one else. He didn’t want anyone else. He chose you. Even left his fucking wife for you when all your friends told you no married man ever left their wife for their mistress. They’d all been wrong. He chose you.

“You ready for this, darling? I’m gonna make you wish you had just texted me where you were. Talking and communicating is good isn’t it,” Harry moaned as you lapped at his heavy balls.

But you didn’t answer him and so he moved back, pressing your arms down and removing his cock from over your face, replacing your view with his upside-down face instead, “Communicating is good isn’t it? Answer me now.”

“Yes. Yes, sir. I’m sorry,” your voice was hoarse. Harry scoffed and stood back up. He teasingly stroked his cock and pressed his tip between your lips, holding one of your arms down with his weight leaned over you “That’s right. I need you to always communicate with me. Always let me know when you’re leaving the flat. I ask you to do that because I care for you,” his breathy words came out slowly as he began to paint his spit-covered cock all over your wet face, smacking your cheeks with the weight of his punishingly hard dick, “You’re a cop’s girl, after all. There might be weirdos out there after you because of me. I can’t let anything happen to you. So this is your lesson. You need to learn to talk to me and communicate.”

Suddenly he let go of his shaft and held you down by both of your arms as he stuffed himself back inside of your throat and groaned. This time, his thrusts weren’t kind. They were a punishment.

You squeezed your eyes closed and opened up your jaw and throat as much as possible. Your sinuses were beginning to drain with how he was going in hard and deep, your throat was going to be bruised.

Harry’s grunts and gasps and your wet gurgles and gags filled the bedroom and the hallway where the door was left open. You let your mind stop and your body float away as he used you for his pleasure and taught you a lesson.

Your throat always felt so good for him. He loved when you’d get still and just let him take over when he was punishing you. Sometimes you’d resist but by the end, you always gave in and let him have his way. Watching the way he could see his cock filling your throat with how your neck bulged each time he pushed in, how his balls kept thudding onto your upper lip and nose, the slick saliva dripping all over your face and into your hair.

Harry let go of your arms to cradle your head so he could hold you still as he pumped his come down your throat. You sputtered and gagged, choked on his come and he moaned over you, keeping his dick lodged down into your throat until he was finally done twitching and pouring into you. Until his orgasm subsided.

He slid himself out and you reached up for his thighs and gasped. You looked like a wreck. You looked like you’d just been throatfucked good.

Harry smiled as he knelt down and took your hands from his thighs so he could help you sit up slowly. He kept your hands in his as he sat down next to you on the bed and kissed your forehead, also wet with saliva.

“Good girl. Have you learned your lesson about not talking to me or communicating now? How it’s better for you if you just let me know what you’re doing so I’m not left in the dark and worrying about you?”

You nodded and coughed as you tried to swallow but it hurt. He’d really done a number on your throat.

Harry wiped the excess spit around your lips and chuckled softly. “Good girl. Now let’s get you cleaned up, sweetheart. I’ll help you with a bath and then we’ll have some ice cream for dessert to soothe your scratchy throat.”

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