Harry X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Daddy!Harry blurb

So this is my first time writing smut and blurb. I had a dream of this happening and needed to write it down

WARNING: INCLUDES SMUT!!! And cockwarming and soft dom!H and daddy!Harry!!!!

Daddy!H smut

Harry met Y/N at a cafe near his office. He was running late for a meeting but being the CEO of his own company had it's perks: he could show up anytime he wanted. However, he did have a $50M deal on the line so he had to rush a bit. As his name was called for his drink order, he was too in a hurry to get the drink that by the time he looked back to head to the door, he turned too quickly and spilled his hot drink on a girl waiting for her drink behind him. Y/N was in shock as the hot coffee poured over her chest staining her white polo that she had specifically worn for a job interview that day.

Y/N felt like breaking down, thinking she'll never get that job knowing she's going to show up with a stained blouse. Tears started to well in her eyes. Immediately Harry felt guilty and started to get tissues so as to help clean her chest, together with a strew of apologies, he tried to calm down the hysterical mess that was Y/N and offered to buy her a new blouse. Already being late for her job interview, and to avoid a scene by breaking down, Y/N rushed out of the cafe with tears in her eyes, leaving Harry in the middle of the cafe.


Harry arrived 30 minutes later to his office. He had to buy a new cup of coffee and got rid of his suit jacket as it was stained as well, leaving him without a jacket and dress sleeves rolled up his arms with a tie loose on his neck. He had finished the deal early and was just basically chilling in his office when the head of human resources came in to tell him that there was an interviewee waiting for him.

He was currently looking for a new assistant after his last assistant spilled coffee all over his documents and he had no choice but to fire her. Harry nodded at the HR person and sat down on his desk. However, he didnt expect that his "possibly" new assistant was the same one who he spilled hot coffee on earlier that day. Y/N herself couldnt believe what she had gotten into. But she needed to trust her instincts.

Harry, still feeling guilty, was about to start on a full-on monologue of an apology but he stopped himself and finally got a good look at her realizing how beautiful she was. He hadn't noticed that as he was in a hurry to clean up his mess a while ago. He never got a good look at her face. How her doe eyes seemed to shine perfectly at the sight of him. He didnt notice her brown hair properly fixed and her plump lips that Harry thinks he could just kiss all day. He greeted her and before he started with the interview, apologized once more for the incident. He couldn't stop the smirk growing on his face when Y/N blushed and looked down, saying it wasn't a big deal, clearly embarassed by the situation. She could feel him stare at her and she felt so flustered but Harry thought she looked too pure and submissive thinking of how he made her flustered by just saying a few words and just by simply looking at her.

Harry didnt have any other problem with her either, to be honest, Harry was impressed actually. She had a well-prepared resume and didnt have any problem with it and so Harry hired her. So when Harry stood up to give her a proper handshake, Y/N was too happy, she went in for a hug as a thank you.

Harry stood there not knowing what to do, he usually doesnt hug people but after the events that happened that day, maybe he could learn how to tolerate Y/N. See he had the reputation of being cold and strict to his workers that whoever would cross him expected to never see the light of day. However, this was Y/N.

The same Y/N who cried over ruining her interview because of a stained shirt. The same Y/N who got flustered over Harry's stare and words. The same Y/N who jumped up happily to give him a hug after he hired her. Plus how could you decline a hug from a person with the brightest smile and bubbly spirit?


Their relationship started off professional but as Y/N's presence continued to grow onto Harry, he found it hard to ignore her and found her more beautiful the more she worked for him. Like how Harry thought of how cute she was when she was clumsy at times especially when she would enter his office. He couldnt keep his eyes off her when she was in his presence because of how beautiful she was and she became self-concsious over that, becoming flustered and sometimes tripping over her words or clumsily taking paper off his hands especially when he would purposely brush his hands with hers. She couldnt stop the blush creeping up from her neck to her cheek, and harry would just smirk over her submissiveness and clumsiness knowing that he had that kind of effect over Y/N.

However, he hated how he couldn't control himself when he was with Y/N it felt like all of his energy came from Y/N and his mood would lighten up when she entered his office. He felt like she was the sun and he couldnt work properly without her. This became a problem at times because he couldnt seem to get work done without her or he couldn't bring himself to reprimand her when she would accidentally mix up papers that resulted in delaying meetings and paperworks. He tried to reprimand her, knowing that he even fired his last assistant because she spilled coffee over his paper but for Y/N, he couldn't just let her go. Even when she was in front of him, with tears welling in her eyes apologizing for mixing up the paper for hundreds of times, he couldnt bring himself to get mad at her. I mean how could he? When she's looking up at him with doe-filled puppy eyes welling with tears and a pout growing by the minute. He couldnt stop himself from taking her into a hug and simply saying, "It's okay. I forgive you. Just dont do it again."

She eventually caught on about his overgrowing fondness to her when she found out that he fired his last assistant for spilling coffee over his paperwork and he had the choice to fire her as well because she messed up his paperwork but he just let it go. She knew something was up but for the most part she was just grateful he hadnt fired her yet. Plus, how could she ignore the sparks that travel through her body when he brushes his fingers across her hands? Or the overwhelming feeling of being captured by his stare when she enters his office. All of these feelings towards her was confirmed when she accidentally walked in on him jerking off while he was panting her name. He didnt stop when he saw her curiously standing by the door. He nodded at her to enter his office, and Y/N submissively entered and shut the door. She slowly started to walk to his desk and when she was in front of him, she couldnt stop her jaw from dropping. He was really big and Y/N was really inexperienced.

That day, she learned how to give her first blowjob and Harry came minutes after she decided to suck him, with the help of Harry of course. After that, they started to do the whole "dating" thing where Harry found out that Y/N was new to all the dating stuff and she never really had a boyfriend before. He knew he had to lead them into the relationship since she didn't know alot about that area but he was more than willing to do it. He ultimately found out that she was a "little" when she asked him if she could call him daddy while he was taking away her virginity. When she said that, Harry felt like he could burst. He fell more in love with her and he could literally feel himself almost cumming by the thought of it.

After that, they fell into a typical dd/lg relationship where Harry took care of her in all aspects. He had to eventually fire her so as to not spread any rumours of unfair treatment to the rest of the workers because Y/N was his girlfriend. However, he made sure to provide for Y/N and making sure she never has to work again. Y/N eventually moved in with Harry in his huge mansion because it was more practical to work on their relationship when they were in each other's company constantly especially since Y/N 's very clingy and needs a specific type of attention. However, Y/N still wanted to work, she didn't like being stuck in the house and doing nothing and she felt like people were judging her thinking she was just using Harry for the money so she tried to find a way to repay him for everything he has done for both of them but daddy Harry always has the final say. He eventually negotiated with her, not being able to say no to her puppy eyes and pouty lips, saying that she could still work by helping him with paperworks and such but she has to stay at home for that. With that, a deal was signed between them and it was sealed with a kiss.

They immediately fell into a routine. They would wake up, with harry eating her out or Y/N tending to his morning wood, whoever woke up first. Eat breakfast, and then Harry got ready for work, saying his goodbyes, then sealing it with a kiss before he left. Y/N would stay, do some chores, edit some of the paperworks he had left in the office, and wait for her daddy to come home, then they both would eat dinner together, cuddle, have sex or watch a movie, and fall asleep.

It was like that everyday and Y/N was elated with how their relationship worked. Some would say they moved too fast but Harry was just really happy that he finally had someone to spend his life with.


Ever since Y/N and Harry got together, he fixed his schedule so he wouldnt have to go into the office everyday, there were days where he could stay at home and work in his home office so he could take care of Y/N.

This all started when Y/N opened up about how clingy and dependent she is as a little and needed Harry to be there for her. Like how she always needed a bottle of milk when she woke up. Or she would need morning cuddles after waking up. Or when she had to sleep or be put down for her afternoon nap, she had to make sure that Harry's cock was inside of her or else she could not sleep properly.

This started when harry introduced cockwarming and she fell absolutely in love with the concept and now she cant get enought of it. Harry loved how dependent Y/N was on him because finally, he could take care of someone and how could he decline Y/N's warm pussy on his cock, stretching her out and making her comfortable as she slept. He loved how she was totally dependent on him that she couldnt sleep without him inside her. It completely warms his heart that Y/N loved and needed him so much, he finally has someone who needs him as much as he needs her. So when Harry was stuck in his home office one Saturday afternoon, completing paper works, and a tired, sleepy Y/N peeked in her daddy's office after knocking, he knew what she would be asking next.

Harry took his attention away from the paper in front of him, looked up and nodded his head over so as to signal her to come to him. She shut the door and timidly walked to his lap. She kept whining when she got to him and settled once more when she straddled his lap.

"Are you tired bunny? Wanna take a nap?"

Harry asked. Y/N whimpered and pouted. Showing him her puppy eyes and softly rubbing them. She nooded her head cutely and put her head on his chest. Y/N rarely takes afternoon naps and only does so when she knows Harry's home or when she feels extra clingy or feeling more little and in her headspace. And Harry feels guilty because it's a Saturday and usually Saturday's are meant to be little space days where afternoons are used to developing their dynamic as daddy and little by coloring, drawing, watching cartoons, etc. So when Y/N found out that Harry was in his home office for the day, she felt more clingy as possible, she didn't want to disturb him; Tried to be a big girl, trying not to disturb her daddy or else she could be punished but Y/N took the risk because She really needed her daddy.

However, Harry has a meeting with another business on Monday and he had to prepare for it, making sure he has read all their propositions so he knows he isnt being scammed. But of course, his little one always comes first, whatever happens. He made that promise to her when they first started dating. Even sometimes joked about how he would give up his company for her and Y/N would usually laugh it off thinking it was a joke but deep down she knew he was serious.

"Yeh puppy? 'M sorry daddy's stuck in the office all day, promise to give you extra cuddles later, maybe watch some movies later yeh? Wanna take a nap now?" Y/N timidly nodded, with her pout still fixed on her face.

She looked down and started to get rid of his bottoms, letting his cock free up. She whined softly and slid down on his cock, not having panties on since she was just in the house the whole day. Y/N sighed contently feeling full and leaning her head back to his chest.

"Y'alright now lovie? Gonna take a nap now? Hmm? Gotta stay still tho bunny, gotta finish these first and then I'll put us on the bed so you can rest properly okay?" Y/N nodded with her eyes closed, sleep almost taking over her eyes as she leaned her head on his shoulder.

But before sleep takes over her, she looks at him. "Kissy?" Y/N softly asks. Harry, before turning back to his paper work, smiles softly at his little bunny and adoringly looks at her face. "Of course lovie, anything for my darling girl." He softly says as he attaches his lips to hers, softly kissing her lips and he chuckles when he hears soft snores realizing that she fell asleep as they were kissing. He gives one last kiss on her head and gets back to his work.


Y/N doesnt bother him for awhile, having done this alot of times already, Harry's found a bit of self-control when it came to Y/N. He knew she needed this and whatever his girl wants, she gets. He knows that whatever they were doing wasnt malicious because his girl just really needed some rest and this is the only way to do that. Plus, it was comforting to know that she needed him for the simplest things, it warms his heart knowing that she needs him for simple events like these. And he couldn't complain, he already feels guilty for working on a Saturday, his girl deserves it. However, as Harry is finishing his 2nd to the last paperwork, Y/N starts squirming around, eyebrows furrowed and frown prominent on her face looking like she's having a nightmare. Harry lets her be but he can feel her breath hitting his neck, and she's squirming around. Harry looks up from the paper, trying to soothe Y/N but she gets even more frisky. He puts his left thumb on her mouth making her suck on it, knowing that it soothes her and it helps a little.

However, that doesnt last long as She starts bouncing up and down his cock mumbling words like "no daddy, don't leave me daddy" and "daddy, come back" or "I be a good girl please" she starts squirming more and more and properly bouncing up and down his cock. Harry tries to wake her up or rubbing her back to soothe her but she just keeps going faster and faster and Harry's already too hard from being inside her for so long. He tried not to give in but He can feel her walls tighten around him and he cant find the will to stop her.

She's already proper bouncing on his cock and he's trying so hard from not thrustinf into her but he ultimately does. He's gotten so hard inside of her and her warm wet walls dont help him at all. He tried to hold it off, trying to focus on waking her up, whispering softly in her ear so as to not scare her. As he tries to wake her up again, he gets closer to his release and he can't think straight, feeling her warm walls pulsing over him and when she finally says "daddy please" in her sleep, Harry loses it cursing softly as his little girl bounces on him and he cums inside of her.

He sees his cum dripping out of her and its by then that she starts to come down from her nightmare. He presses himself to her ear, slowly coaxing her out of her sleep "Love, lovie, wake up, you're having a bad dream" she slowly opens her eyes, her hands slowly rubbing them.

She mumbles incoherent words, harry only really understanding and hearing "why you wake me up daddy?" Harry takes her hands off her eyes and hold her face.

"You were having a nightmare love, you were squirming alot, proper bouncing on top of me and you made daddy cum look" Y/N looks down and sees harry's cum slipping out of her.

She pouts and looks like she's about to cry, scared she'll get punished. "I'm sorry daddy. I just wanted to sleep."

As her pout grows, harry groans, his cock gettng once more hard inside of her. "It's okay puppy. 's no big deal. Daddy's fault that he took so long with his work yeah? Let's just go and cuddle then yeah? Take a bath with ya and I'll put some bubbles. Ya deserve it lovie okay? No tears bubba. Daddy loves you okay?" Harry softly says to her thumbing away the tears that are about to fall.

Y/N timidly replies "Wubs ou too daddy"

After a bath with lots of bubbles as promised and giggles shared between the two eding with cuddles while watching Rom-Coms, Harry's glad his little love is happy and that the fullness in his heart wouldnt all be possible if he hadnt spilled coffee on her


Tell me what you think about it please! Ty!

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3 years ago

Coffee Shop

a/n: My first one-shot on here!! I'm excited for this :)) Please do give any feedback, it would be much appreciated! I love to read y'alls thoughts. Also remember yall, the reblog button is right next to the like! Not proof read, all mistakes are mine. Requests are open!! Love you guys 🥰

Pairing: Coffee Shop!Harry x Y/N (oh and Niall makes an appearance)

Warnings: fluff- just two idiots in love, drinking, tiny bit of swearing (Italics mark as flashbacks)

Summary: Harry works at the coffee shop, and Y/N's a regular customer.

Word Count: a little over 2.4k

Coffee Shop

“Iced Americano for Lydia!”

The coffee shop was bustling with energy- there was always a person occupying every single seat, and the noises of the coffee machines and staff always added to the liveliness of this shop. The dings of the door opening and closing indicated a new person entering, and the orders being taken place were just another ingredient to the mix.

Deja Brew, as they had named it, was the busiest and most known coffee shop within the city. People would come in here for the morning runs before work, they would simply sit at a table while typing away at their computer, or they would be here with friends. Everyone loved this tiny area- all the things about it screamed home.

What Harry loved most about it, however, was one specific customer- mocha and blueberry muffin girl. He had developed a little crush only a while ago… but he had been seeing her ever since he had started working here.

“Hey, how may I help you?” Another one of his coworkers took her order. Aiden was in the back during his break time. He was looking down at her phone as he had nothing better to do.

“Hi! I’d like a mocha and a blueberry muffin please,” she said. Harry looked up to see the most beautiful person he had ever seen to date. She already had her card out and was ready to pay.

“Will that be all?” She smiled up at his coworker, the small wrinkles by the side of her light brown eyes showing.

“Yes, please.”

He thought he would never see her again. He thought he would get over that “love at first sight”. What he didn't know was she was a regular. Ever since then, he observed that she always ordered the same thing off the menu. Every. Single. Day.

Only a few days after taking her order, Harry had gotten her mocha and blueberry muffin ready before she came into the shop. He wanted her to pay and leave so she wouldn't have to wait to continue her day. All of this but he didn't even know her name.

People had crushes on others without knowing their names, right? He wasn't crazy, right?

It did bother Harry a little bit, but that was okay. He got to see her everyday, and that was enough. And it wasn't like she was ever going to notice him anyways.

He was broken from his daydream when his coworker, Niall tapped Harry on his shoulder.

“Wondering when your lover will walk through the door?” Niall teased him.

“Oh for fuck's sake, Niall. She's not my ‘lover’,” Harry sighed and checked his watch for the fifth time. ‘She should be here any moment’, he thought. He had her order packed fresh and ready.

“Haha, biggest joke of the year. I’ve seen the way you admire her. If you aren't gonna make a move, I might just make one,” Niall rolled his eyes. Harry could tell Niall was only joking. He wouldn't do that to his friend… hopefully not.

“Hey,” Harry dragged out. “Don't you dare.” Just like any other day, she walked into the shop at the same time as before. He quickly shooed Niall away as he laughed, and Harry grabbed the blueberry muffin and mocha and made his way to her. This would be the day he would finally give her the order.

“Hi, blueberry muffin and mocha?” Harry asked her even though he already knew the answer. She looked as pretty as ever, and his crush was only growing.

“Oh, yes,” her voice was sweet and light. That made Harry wonder even more what she would be like if he got to know her.

“Your name?” he asked. To be honest, he didn't even need her name. Her order was sitting on the side counter. All he had to do was pick it up and hand it to her. But he wanted to know for the sake of not feeling weird of having a middle school crush on her and not knowing her name.

“Y/N,” she said while digging something out from her purse. Y/N. A name as soft and beautiful as the person shown outside. He found himself staring at her, and as soon as she looked up, they locked eyes. Now it felt like eternity for Harry, but it was only a few seconds that they held their stare. Y/N broke it by offering him a smile, only for him to swoon all over it mentally.

“Alright, your total will be $6.30.” She quickly paid, said thanks, and left. A short conversation but a worthy one nonetheless. He finally got to know her name after two weeks of crushing on her. Niall came up to Harry and stood behind him, trying to find where Harry was staring off to.

“Oh lord. Now what happened?” Niall asked.

“Y/N,” Harry breathed out. “That's her name.”

“Oh wow, you know her name now. Good for you,” Niall said. Harry just rolled his eyes and continued to work, with Y/N in his mind for the rest of the day.

Coffee Shop

It had been a few weeks since Y/N had told Harry her name… and their “relationship” had gotten better. When she came into the shop everyday, she always waved to him on her way in or out.

And he smiled and waved back.

In those few weeks, that crush had developed into something more, since he got to see her everyday. He wanted to be able to hang out with her, take her on dates, and just talk to her about life. But he didn't want her to think that he was creepy or a stalker- definitely not a stalker.

It was around 7 in the evening, and Y/N was seated in a dimly lit corner booth with someone. ‘Why was she here so late?’ he thought. The guy she was with was wearing a white knit sweater and glasses, and his black hair was styled in a quiff. He was talking to Y/N but she was looking around the shop. The guy was quite engrossed in his story- Harry could tell by the way he was moving his hands… he was also the only person talking.

Y/N was sipping her coffee and nodding her head every once in a while, but Harry could tell she wasn't really paying attention. She set her coffee down on the table and fiddled with her rings. Meanwhile, the guy moved closer to her while she moved farther away. She was already at the very edge of the seat.

Suddenly the guy's phone rang. He walked out of the booth, immediately picked up the phone, and started talking.

“Yes, mum. I’ll be there,” he replied to the phone. He quickly said something to her and walked through the door of the shop. Y/N sighed and made her way to the counter to pay for whatever the guy and she ordered.

“You ok?” Harry asked. She looked tired and ready to go home. “Looks like he just walked out on you.”

“Oh yeah, he's a treat,” she said sarcastically. “Apparently his mother called him. Good thing he left because I couldn't stand a minute more of him. ” Both of them shared a laugh, but then Harry asked the question that was on his mind the entire night.

“So is he your…” He didn't want to finish that so he wouldn't be assuming anything. The last thing he wanted to do was offend Y/N.

“Oh no, he was just a guy I met off of an online dating site. Not really sure how I matched up with him though, all he talked about was the movie series that he's obsessed with.”

“Sounds pretty boring to me. ”

“Trust me, that's an understatement. Even if I were to get with him… I’d just rather not.”

“So then? Who would you like?” Harry wondered. He’d wanted to know for a long time. He was hoping for something along the lines of him, but he knew that was a long shot. He always kept hoping for something that was out of reach for him. He had a tendency to do that.

“I don't know, maybe someone nice and simple? I want our relationship to be a two way street, and not like how this so-called ‘date’ went. Again, I’m not really sure how I got set up with him,” she rolled her eyes. Harry noticed how she also used her hands while talking to express herself.

“I can imagine. Once I got matched with someone and when we were out, she had this guy on her arm the entire time. They even started making out in front of me while we were having coffee,” Harry shuddered at the memory. That’s one reason why he will never go on Tinder dates again.

“Oh my god,” she laughed. He could never get tired of that laugh. “That must've been so awkward. Third-wheeling the entire time.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m pretty sure that was her ex and got back with him.”

Y/N gasped at the fact, “Seriously?” Harry nodded his head while she raised her eyebrows and shook her head. “Oh wow. People are so extraordinary.”

Y/N was a living example of that. Harry could listen to her all the time and still kiss the ground she walked on. Only having known her for not a long time, he couldn't wait to get to know more about her.

Changing the topic of dating, she asked, “Wanna go somewhere to drink? It’s a Friday.” She looked at him with hopeful eyes, and he knew that she wanted a distraction from her shitty night. Drinking isn’t all that fun alone. So he had no other option to agree. He had no right to decline an offer from Y/N herself.

Coffee Shop

It was around midnight, and the two of them had had one too many glasses of alcohol to drink. They were sitting in a booth in the corner of a random bar they found down the street, and the music playing on the T.V. added a livelihood to the place. They had done a couple shots. Then some lighter drinks to continue the night. Neither of them wanted this night to end.

Y/N was sipping on her pink drink that Harry didn't know the name of, and he himself settled for a beer. They were both all giggly, and the cuddly side of Y/N came out halfway through the night. Her head rested on his shoulder, and his head was on her head. She had completely let go and Harry was glad to see her like this, dating and work definitely was a hassle. He knew from experience.

Y/N had told Harry a lot of stuff about her life, from her childhood embarrassments to her graduating.

“I was jumping on the bouncy house, when my mouth got stuck on the side net. My tooth fell out! I couldn't find it, so all the people around the bouncy house started looking for it with me.”

Harry, on the contrary, had let her speak. Sure, he pitched in with a few of his stories from time to time, but he wanted her to enjoy it. He also wanted to hear her voice more.

He watched her fingers as they fiddled with her rings and how she gasped in between her stories when she remembered another. Call him smitten, but it was something Harry enjoyed and found comfort in. Had he mentioned that he could do this all day?

Suddenly Y/N sat up with attention and sat her drink down on the table. She turned her body to face him and started, “You know why I come into your coffee shop everyday?” She didn't even let him answer. “It’s to see someone… and do you know who that is? It's you! It was my first time coming into the shop when I first saw you. But then I knew that I had to see you more,” she said.

Harry was too stunned to speak. She came everyday to see him? She was spilling secrets that Harry wasn't sure she was aware of. Although, she wasn’t drunk, but also not not tipsy.

She grabbed his face in her hands and squeezed his cheeks together. “You’re so cute, Harry. Your eyes are to die for.”

“Oh- thank you. You aren't so bad yourself, Y/N.”

“So tell me… are you dating anyone? Any girlfriend? Boyfriend?” She lets her hands drop from his cheeks and back to her side.

“Not yet. But I mean, the spot’s always open if you ever wanna fill it in.” She let out a loud giggle and responded back almost immediately.

“I’ll sleep on it, get back to you tomorrow morning.” Her smile was brighter than the shining moon, and her cheeks were strawberry red. It was a sight to behold. He took out his phone and open the camera. He took a quick picture.

“What was that for?” Y/N asked.

“Just a photo to remember the beautiful person in front of me.”

“Oh please, Harry. You’re too much,” she said. She stood up and dragged them both in front of their booth.

“Dance with me,” she whispered to him.

She put her hand on his shoulders, and his on her waist. They slowly swayed in their spots to the soft music in the background, and they held eye contact for some time.

The pink neon light from the window sign was lighting up Y/N’s face, and that made her look even more adorable.

How was it possible for someone to be this gorgeous?

Y/N leaned in to rest her forehead on Harry’s and their noses softly rubbed against each other. Her lopsided smile was still quite big, and Harry had the same on his face.

It felt like eternity to him when they leaned in, and neither of them knew who did it first. Her lips were placed onto his in a matter of seconds. It was a soft and cute kiss, but it was enough for Harry. Her lips felt like heaven.

They pulled away and Y/N giggled. Harry stole another kiss, and then gave a tiny peck to her nose.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of kissing you, darling.”

She ducked her face into his neck, where she placed another light kiss.

“Take me home, Harry. You can kiss me all you want there.”

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4 years ago
Love Island Chapter One

Love Island Chapter One


I’ve been working on this series for a while, planning and writing it for months. I’ve been obsessed with the show for months and thought why the hell hasn’t anyone written a fic where our good old Harold is an islander?? So I decided to take it upon myself. Now, I’m aware that the timing of this is ill as the recent passing of Caroline and trying to rewrite the first chapter has been difficult as I don’t want to be insensitive and include her but I also don’t know who the show will pick to host the next season and I don’t want to postpone this much longer. So I know the way the first day in the villa goes where Caroline is there to help with the first coupling and introductions but like I said I don’t want to be insensitive. I’m not going to address her death in the fic as to not be triggering for anyone as I know the topic of her death and the cause is another sensitive topic. I’m going to play it as if the viewers wanted less outsider interference. So please, I know it doesn’t make a load of sense but just bare with me. 

Every Summer ten sexy singles go to a gorgeous island villa to win 50,000 pounds, and hopefully find love all while being filmed and streamed to thousands of viewers across the world. There’s flirting, fighting and a bit of bits. This summer we have a new batch for the picking and they’re all very ripe. So get ready for Love Island, it’s gonna be a long, hot summer. 


The villa is gorgeous, it’s the only thing you can think as you sit atop the jeep, the sun beating down on your skin, wind whipping through your hair. You don’t really know what emotion you’re feeling. Shocked you were picked? Happy? Ecstatic? Nervous? All of the above? Probably the latter. You look to your right through your peripherals at the girl sitting next you. You’ve already done introductions but you know for the camera you’ll have to do them again. 

Her name is Emily and she’s stunning. Dark piercing brown eyes, gorgeous high arched eyebrows, thick honey blonde hair, and a toned body to match. The producers told you not to get to know each other too well as after the first coupling you all will be playing a game where you will do exactly that and more. Their words. 

As the jeep slows down you reach towards the hot polls and slip down the jeep, stumbling a little in the heels you were wearing, and probably would have to get used to. You look down to your navy blue bikini to check if any area’s needed smoothing. The bikini was new, your whole wardrobe was actually. After checking if all was good, you looked up and put your widest smile on, walking around the front of the jeep and joining hands with Emily you walk into the villa. 

You know once the show airs it will show your intro, explaining how you are a bank teller, you are 24 years young, and you were the type of girl that was a lady in the streets but a freak just about everywhere else. You’re almost positive a couple risky pictures from your Instagram will show. Most likely including the one a friend took of you from the ground as you dance drunkenly on top of a bar counter. 

Walking through the lounge you walk into the backyard where you see three other girls sitting around the fire pit. The first one you set your eyes on is sitting on the far left and has short blonde hair, deep brown eyes and is wearing a hot pink strappy one piece. The girl next to her has middle length light brown hair, and the most beautiful green eyes you’d ever seen. She was wearing a gold flashy bikini. The last girl has long light brown hair and deep brown eyes, she was wearing a high legged brown one piece that on paper doesn’t sound appealing but on her she made it a show stopper. The girls smiled and waved us over. 

“Hi ladies, saving the best for last clearly. I’m Mara.” The one on the far left says as she sticks her hand out shaking both yours and Emily’s hands. 

“I’m Emily and this is Y/N” Emily says gesturing to you as you both move to sit next to Mara, every one scooting down a bit to let you in with enough room between all of you. 

Next to Mara was Lily, the girl with the gorgeous green eyes and next to her was Olivia. 

As you and the four other girls sit around the unlit fire chatting you learn just the little bits about each other, as all of them have been told about the game coming later as well. All you guys can say is your names and ages. 

You learn Emily is the oldest coming in at 29. Where Lily is by far the youngest at 19. Mara is the same age as you at 24. Leaving Olivia at 25, only a year your senior. 

Immediately you think Emily will be a good friend of yours and someone you may be able to come to for guidance but you remind yourself you’ve seen the show before and people tend to surprise you. You still have no idea who any of these girls are, you have no idea who is here for love or who might just be here for a quick cash grab, and you certainly don’t know which one of these girls will act all friendly to your face before stabbing you in the back in the communal bedroom. You don’t even wanna think what may happen once the boys get in. 

Before you can even think another thought you hear the infamous chime. 

Someone has a text, each of you girls pull out your phone to see who has it. Before getting into the jeep you were handed a special iPhone. They say special cause it has next to nothing on it. All you can really do is take pictures and text the other islanders. Other than that the only thing the phone can do is receive texts and calls from the producers. It’s practically useless but you’ve already come to dread the text chime knowing full well that sometimes that chime can mean horribly bad news. 

Emily holds her phone up before speaking. 

“Oh guys it’s me. Welcome new Islanders, please make your way to the pool and stand on the hearts in the water. The first coupling is about to begin. #LoveIsland #ItsADoozy

“Oh wow.” You mutter before you all stand and walk into the water where all you can think is, my fucking shoes are ruined now. 

Standing in front of all of you is a black screen when suddenly it lights up with the name Charlie. To your right you hear the footsteps and out walks a gorgeous boy with brown hair and brown eyes and beautiful body. 

“Hello there ladies.” He smiles, looking down as he walks to the heart just out of the water we were all standing in. He looks at you and smiles a little, making you look down and blush. 

You were never the girl to get much attention from boys in school. You were never the prettiest in your friend group but you were definitely in the pretty group of girls. You always felt like you were the friend that was only kept around to make your other friends look better, if asked they’d deny it and you were sure it wasn’t true but that never made you feel any better. Once you got out of school your glow up was quick, you grew into yourself for sure. You got into a different friend group and started meeting new people, a few boys started to take notice of you but never as many as your other friends. Either way, you still were not used to guys looking your way before others, and it still makes you blush.

The screen quickly changes from his name to ‘If any of you fancy Charlie, please stand forward’.

You, being the first in line at the far left, look to your right watching as two girls step in front of their heart. The two girls are Emily and Lily. You take one more look at Charlie before stepping forward yourself. You were here to find someone and step out of your shell, this wasn’t the place to play shy. 

Charlie smiles. “Spoil me with choices.” He laughs and most of the girls either giggle or smile.

Emily being the very last on the right has to go first or so it was explained to us before we got in the jeep. The only time we would have real direction would be on the first day and all they told us was what order to get in line and that when stepping forward at the coupling the last girl was to introduce herself, name only, and then it would go down the line from there. That was all that we were told. 

So, Emily speaks up first and says her name, as does Lily and you as well. 

Charlie smiles looking at all of you before he speaks. 

“This is awkward as hell for me, I swear I’m not one to pick a bird off her looks alone but since all I know is your names, I’m gonna couple up with Emily.” He says before walking toward her and pecking her on the cheek. 

You smile and look down at your feet as you step back to your spot. Within seconds a new name flashes on the screen, Kyle. 

Out walks another very attractive man with long brown hair, a sexy amount of facial hair, and piercing brown eyes. He gives a warm smile to all of us, not saying anything as the screen asks us to step forward. 

This time, you decide not to as last time didn’t go so well. Telling yourself next time you will. 

The girls that do step forward however are Olivia, Lily, and Mara. He picks Olivia. 

The screen then flashes the name Oscar and just as the other to the man that walks out is a show stopper. Neatly trimmed hair and a body to die for. 

This time you do step forward, as well as Mara. He picks Mara. 

Now, you’re starting to worry, your anxieties are taking ahold of you. Is there something on your face, you try to subtly reach up and rub it off without taking any makeup off along the way. Did your bathing suit crease when you were bonding with the girls around the fire pit, you knew you should have checked before the guys came out, how could you have been so stupid? 

Before you know it the next name that comes up on the screen is Reece, and the man that follows is beyond beautiful. As soon as the screen asks you to step forward you push your harmful thoughts aside and step forward. 

Reece looks at you and smiles and you can feel that little bit of hope in your chest, you look down the line to see no one else stepping up. Finally. 

“And how lucky am I that the prettiest one here steps forward for me? Lads, you’re all telling me you skipped out on this one?” He joked as he walks towards you, you can’t help but giggle as he places his hand on you back, leaning forward to kiss your cheek. 

“Reece.” He says, reintroducing himself. 

“Y/N.” You repeat as well. “Nice to meet you.”

“The pleasure is mine, getting me a 10 bird like you on day one. What are the odds?” He says and you try to hide the slight frown. Being called a bird or getting a number is a major turn off for you, but it’s day one. He’s probably just as nervous as you are, if not more. 

You’re so busy thinking about how you already don’t like something about Reece you don’t even notice the last name flash on the screen, or the last guy to follow after it. 

But when you do eventually look up, you lock eyes with a man that seemingly was sculpted by the gods. Fluffy brown hair, green eyes that you could stare into for years, and lips that you were already dying to abuse. 

The hand resting on your lower back seems to burn it’s way into your skin hotter and hotter the longer you hold eye contact with the boy in front of you, you look back to the screen, Harry it reads. 

Harry, fitting, you think as you take a look back to the top of his perfectly sculpted hair. 

You reluctantly tear your eyes away from Harry as you smile back at Reece, trying to reassure him. 

“Well, seeing as I’m the last of the lads, I’ll pick Lily.” He says and it’s only then you notice that Lily was the only girl to step forward for Harry. 

The screen flashes again, this time reading, ‘Y/N and Reece, Mara and Oscar, Emily and Charlie, Lily and Harry, you are now all in your couples, but don’t get too comfortable. Please welcome, James.’

Out walks another guy, just as attractive as the rest of the men. The screen flashes again. 

‘At the end of the week there will be a recoupling, girls choice, the last man standing will leave the villa. And to help the girls get to know the boys we have a little game planned. #GuessWho #FirstGame

You look next to you to Mara, a look of worry in her eyes that you’re sure matches your own. 

Before anyone can say anything the dreadful chime makes it’s way through the air. Harry holds up his phone. 

“Lads, please make your way to the other end of the pool, ladies, stay right where you are. James will be reading statements made about each islander, the other person in the couple will have to decide if the statement is true or false, if true each person will take one step closer to each other, at the end the couple the closest wins and will go on the first Love Island Date at the end of the night. Islanders, take your marks, get ready, get personal.” He reads and you can’t help but laugh at the cheesy joke.

“Alright, ladies and lads, the first statement is about Y/N.” He says and you can feel all the eyes on you. “True or False, Y/N’s last relationship was wow, 6 years ago.” He says before looking up at you. You can hear everyone speculating but you keep a blank face, holding eye contact with Reece as he tries to decipher whether it’s true or not. 

“I’m gonna say it’s false, she seems quiet but I think she’s a little nasty inside.” He says smirking at you and you look down smiling as you take a step forward, the group laughs as Reece swims a bit closer to you, you can’t help but laugh with everyone. 

The game continues for a little, during you learn Harry is a not-so-secret softie, Reece claims to have slept with 200 woman in the last year, Mara is skilled on a stripper pole, Oscar wrote a number one selling book, Emily once had a threesome with her best friend and Travis Scott, Charlie has a Spiderman costume, Lily once used a Justin Bieber poster to masturbate, Olivia lost her dog in Russia, and Kyle went to a job interview accidentally orange after his sister in law practiced her spray tanning skills on him the night before. 

At the end the couple closest was Emily and Charlie. 

As you all made your way out of the pool the girls all decide to put on warmer clothing as the sun is starting to set and being wet in the night was never ideal. Once upstairs you can’t help but peak into the communal bedroom, all white walls and floors with fun Love Island phrases on them in bright colors, each bed dressed in different colors of blue, pink and green. You don’t know which bed you want. You know from experience that if you ever wanted to get, well, intimate, you would want the corner bed at the end but at the same time, you don’t want to give Reece any ideas for the first night, but who’s to say later you won’t regret that decision when you would like to get there with Reece. It is still the first day after all. 

Before getting too far into your own head you turn the other way into the dressing room to see all the girls digging through their bags for new clothes, you follow their lead and walk to your bag. 

You decide on loose light grey/blue romper that looked more like a dress due to the flowy, looseness of the fabric. Perfect for a warm, breezy first night at the villa. You go to pull out a pair of strappy grey wedges but decide against it as you wanted to relax your feet a bit after wearing wet heels for a few hours. 

“So, what do we think?” Emily says as she unclips her dangly earrings from her ears. Smiling at all of us with a flirtatious smirk. “So far I really quite like Charlie, he looks like the kind of guy to not be so laddy you know? Like I don’t think it will be very hard for him to open up and if I’m honest I hate that awkward moment where you have to dig for information and all that hard work.” She confesses and you nod. 

“I’m not so sure about Oscar. He mentioned being an author right after the game and it really makes sense cause I’ve already seen him trying to word sentences out in his head. Like it’s much too early to be getting so deep like this. Like it’s the first night and he’s trying way too hard. Like I understand trying to impress the girl but this is already too much. He’s used the word ‘unprecedented’ like six times talking about just getting into this villa like just say it’s crazy. But at the same time, he seems really sweet and I feel like I shouldn’t just write him off right away.” Mara explains. 

“Well, I really like Harry. He seems a little quiet and spends a lot of time watching everyone else.” Lily says, quickly looking at you but taking her eyes off you just as quickly. “But I think I could really get to like him. And when the game said his favorite movie was Love Actually all I could think about was cute little rom-com marathons in my loft, all nice and warm and cuddly. He just seems super sweet and cute and like he’s not afraid to just be himself. Also, have you seen his face? I mean, how does that happen? He’s literally perfect.” She says and you have to hold your sigh in. You hate when people put others on pedestals and call them perfect, everyone has their flaws and although you would be stupid to disagree about how attractive Harry is, he’s almost 100% not perfect and you would be naive to think so. But she is fairly young so being naive shouldn’t surprise you when it comes to someone of her age. 

“Kyle seems nice, I just don’t know.” Is all Olivia says something you can admire about her. Not wanting to divulge too much but also not thinking too far into it. 

“Y/N? You’ve been quiet, what’s going through that pretty head of yours?” Emily asks and you smile. 

“Reece seems nice, I just don’t want to write him off right away. He’s just been a little crude so far. I can’t help but think he’s probably discussing my body qualities down with the other lads right now. The first thing he said to me was I was a 10 which like cool but I’m not a number you know? I’m just assuming he’s nervous and trying to appear cool or something. I mean he’s so young, we have a five year age gap, he’s only 19.” You say, ranting slightly. “But I think it’s about time we get back down there, don’t want to leave them waiting too long.” You say, laughing a little as you and the girls all go back down to the boys, finding them all sat around a now lit fire pit. 

The rest of the night goes but with light chatting and getting to know the rest of the islanders. 

When the night comes to a close Reece pulls you aside to the day beds. 

“So, I just wanted to speak with you really quick before we all head up to the bedroom.” He says as you both climb into the bed and under the light blanket. “So, I feel like I approached you wrongly. I came into this villa knowing what happens and I wanted to create a strong relationship with the lads cause I know as important as it is to build something with you, it’s also important to build something with them cause it may come down to bro code when the next coupling comes and we just got here, I don’t want to be the first to go. But I think I can feel like, you not into a lads lad, and that's not really who I am. It’s who I like people to think I am but it’s not really who I am.” He confesses and you nod.

“I’m a lot more secluded in real life, I came here to try and open up and have more fun. And you’re right the first impression we had wasn’t good but it wasn’t just you. I’m sick of being perfect and living my life the way everyone else wants me to, it’s the whole reason I came here, to try and be more me than I have before, if that makes sense. I feel the last few years of my life I’ve been living inside a cocoon you know like all anyone has seen was this boring brown cage I’ve been trapped in but inside I had this fun, colorful butterfly waiting to come out, and I needed to come her to let her fly, and I’ve drank way too much champagne. This is getting way too deep for the first night.” You say laughing and he agrees. 

You both agree to go upstairs. Walking up you see the eleven beds, five on each side and one at the front in the middle. Reece immediately walks to the one second to last on the left side, you follow in suit. Having already changed into a sports bra and shorts you climb in as he tears his shorts off, leaving him in just his pants before climbing in beside you. 

This first night has a lot of complicated decisions in just how you’re going to rest. Do you face him? Do you turn away? Do you cuddle? Do you not? Do you go as far as building a pillow wall?

You decide against the wall but do turn to the other side. You think you made the right call as in a few minutes you feel Reece’s warm hand slide onto your hip as he moves in closer to you. His nose digging into your hair. He doesn’t try to initiate anything and before you know it you both are drifting off to sleep. 


In the morning you wake to the sounds of banging pans outside in the kitchen. Reece still sound asleep beside you, you look around. Mara, Oscar, Emily and Charlie are all gone as you look around you lock eyes with Harry seeing as he is waking up around the same as you were. He nods towards the door and you nod. Carefully pulling the duvet away from your body and slowly removing yourself from Reece’s grip you follow Harry down the stairs and outside. 

“So, how’d you sleep in a room with ten other people, next to someone you just met the day before?” You ask him and he laughs, shaking his head. 

“Little weird but guess we’ll have to get used to it if we plan to be here for a while and I don’t plan on leaving any time soon.” He laughs and you nod. 

You walk out the back door to see the two couples laughing in the kitchen together as they work around each other, clearly cooking up something. 

“Good morning sleepy heads!” Emily yells and you try to shush her. As five other people are still asleep upstairs. 

“Smells good out here? What’s cookin good lookin?” You joke as you and Harry slide onto the bar stools on the other side of the stoves.

“Just a nice big, full english. Got the saus’, the beans, the works. Courtesy mostly of our resident chef Charles here.” Emily says, reaching up to plant a kiss on Charlie's cheek. 

“Heyyy, never said I was a chef, just that I know my way around a kitchen. I’m a personal trainer, too busy cutting calories, no time for cutting onions.” He says and you all laugh.

Not much is said for the next thirty minutes as you all watch Charlie bounce around from cooking station to cooking station, everyone else coming down as the minutes pass. 

Just as you are all plating the food and sitting down Reece comes out, a sour look on his face as his eyes set on you but he covers it quickly, replacing it with a smile before walking over and grabbing a plate. 

He walked over to you, the hand not holding his plate coming to rest on your back as he sits down beside you. His bare leg resting against yours as he leans forward to kiss your cheek. 

“Didn’t like not waking up without my partner this morning? You and early riser or sommat?” He asks and you smile, shoving some beans into your mouth as you nod, feeling smothered and interrogated. He smiles before digging into his own food. 

The rest of the day goes by without a hitch, the boys getting in their workout while the girls switch between taking smoke breaks and tanning. 

As the day progresses you remember to ask Emily how her date with Charlie went the night before. The two had slipped out quietly while everyone was around the fire pit. 

“Oh it was so sweet. A white cloth covered table with a candle in the middle. We had little finger sandwiches and just talked about everything and nothing at the same time.” She gushed, grabbing your hands and turning to you on the loungers, you smile and congratulate her.

The rest of the night went by quietly and as the sun went down Emily decides to round the girls up to the rooftop terrace. 

“So I think we’ve been ignoring the real issue here. We’ve been tanning and grafting all day forgetting that in five days we have to make the choice on who leaves the island. And I have a feeling some of us want to recouple.” She says looking at you and Mara. You look down avoiding eye contact with Lily as you can feel her eyes on you. 

“Well I’m happy with Harry so I know who I’m choosing.” Lily says pointed like, puffing her chest out and looking directly at you. 

“Yeah but we don’t know the order we’ll be picking in. Lily I think you should keep your options open seeing as someone might pick him before you get to.” Emily says and Lily sighs before nodding. “So, in the spirit of girl code I think we should just all come out and say out number one and our back up, no lying, no trying to protect anyone. As much as I want us to all be friends, this is Love Island not Friend Island.” Emily says and you all nod. “I’ll go first. I’m really Happy with Charlie but I’m willing to get to know James.” She says and everyone nods. “Who’s next?”

“Well, you all know my number one is Harry, but Reece seems like a piece of me.” Lily says shyly looking up at you. You smile at her reassuringly. 

“I’m not too into Reece to be honest so graft up girl, but I’m definitely interested in Harry, but Charlie doesn’t seem too bad either.” You say looking at Emily and she smiles and nods. 

“See this is good, we all need to have a plan B.” Emily says. “Mara, how about you?”

“I’ll be honest I’m putting all in on Kyle, Oscar’s just not doing it for me, as attractive as he is, I can’t moan the name Oscar. I can’t stop thinking about Sesame Street every time I say his name.” She says and we all laugh. 

“And funny enough, I’m totally into Oscar, and Kyle just isn’t doing it for me.” Olivia said and we all smiled. 

“See, so much easier when we get this out in the open.” Emily said giving you and Lily a quick look. “Let’s get back down there before they fill the pool with jello mix or something.” Emily said and the girls all laughed before piling out. “Oh Y/N wait, can I talk to you real quick?” Emily said, taking hold of your arm before you could walk down the terrace stairs to follow the rest of the girls. “So I couldn’t help but notice the animosity between you and Lily and how you’re both going after the guys you’re coupled up with. And I just want to make sure neither of you are going to do anything to each other you’ll regret. We have to live with these people, maybe for a long time and I don’t want anything to get out of hand.” She says and you nod. 

“I like to think I’m a good person yanno? But the looks she’s giving me take me right back to secondary school, the mean girls and the bullying. I feel like just because Reece picked me and Harry picked her she feels like she has some claim over him and it’s like you said this is Love Island not Friend Island but I’d like it to be both yanno? Like I feel like we got off on the wrong foot.” You say and she nods. 

“She’s definitely got some fight and spite in her. But I feel like she’s just trying to keep her head afloat and once she’s with someone that makes her happy and you’re with someone that makes you happy you guys could probably be good friends. I don’t want anyone to get hurt while we’re here, we’re here to have fun. That being said, I saw your face when Reece came down this morning, what did he say to you that had you so uncomfortable?” She asks and you take a deep breath.

“It wasn’t what he said, it was how he said it. He told me how he didn’t appreciate waking up without me in this mean way and his grip on my back tightened just kind of threateningly. Like if he didn’t wake up tomorrow morning with me next to him I’d regret it. I just feel like he has a dark side he’s hiding.” You say and she nods. 

“We’ll just have to keep a close eye on him, and if he’s being as weird as you say, just be discreet when it comes to grafting on either guys.” She says smiling and leaning in a little to give you a side hug. “Anyway, let’s get back down there, I wasn’t kidding when I said they might be filling the pool with jello mix.” She jokes and you laugh before walking down with her following close behind. 


“Hey, Harry, can I talk to you inside for a spell?” You ask later that night. You look towards the daybeds where Lily and Reece were chatting, he was on the chair beside it while she was laying on the bed.

Harry nods before following you inside and onto the sofa in the lounge. 

“So, what’s up babe?” Harry asks, his hand patting down on your bare leg, sitting a little too close for someone who just sees you as a buddy and you can’t help the internal smirk with this thought. 

“I just wanted to talk yanno? Like we seem to get on pretty well and I thought maybe I should get to know this lad.” You joke and he smiles. 

“Alright, well what do you want to know? I’m an open book just gotta start reading.” He says and you smile.

“That’s a good one I’m gonna steal that.” You laugh and he smiles. “So, what do you do? We’ve been here for three days and I know nothing about you.” 

“I’m a song writer, for varying record companies. I just write songs and sell my books to them and then they give them to their artists.” He says and you lean forward. 

“That’s so cool? Have you heard anyone famous singing your songs?” 

“Ed Sheeran’s sang a few, Ariana Grande, The Weekend, a few lesser known bands and artists but those are the big names, the ones I can remember anyway. My name is well known in the music industry but not to the rest of the world so I get by. My books sell for a quite a bit.”

“A very subtle brag in there.”

“Maybe a little, hard not to be proud I’ve worked hard. What about you, what do you do?”

“A little more boring, I’m an FSR at a bank. I help people open up new accounts and send in loan applications.” You say and he nods. 

“A lot more dependable than what I do, I go into a writer's block and I’m worried about the next months rent.” He says and you laugh. 

The laughter dies down as you both look at each other.

“You worried about the next coupling.” You ask and he looks down before looking back up at you with a small smile on his face. 

“Not really to be honest, I think I might end up on top this time.” He says, his hand slipping on to your leg again and he you laugh, looking down at his hand before back up into his eyes matching his smile. 

Before you can say anything else you hear laughter coming closer, his hand detaching from your skin as you turn around to see Charlie and Emily drunkenly giggling into the lounge and up the stairs, but not before she sends a pointed smile at you. 


The next day as all the islanders were relaxing as usual you heard that dreaded text chime.

“Girls, I’ve got a text.” The girls all gasp before yelling out to the boys that you have a text. 

“Islanders, today we’re going to play a little challenge where we find out what’s hidden in everyone's cases. #unpack #ExcessBaggage” You read out and everyone gasps. 

“Let’s go Islanders!” Charlie yells out and next thing you know you’re all running out the front door of the villa to the challenge area. 

The girls go to the left while the boys go to the right and in the middle is a large baggage claim conveyor belt. 

“All right, so I’ll be hosting again.” James says as he picks up the cards. “The way the game works is I will read a card with a fact about one of the boys or girls and the opposing team has to decide which girl or boy the fact is about, whoever you think it is, you have to kiss them. The team with the most baggage uncovered wins a special surprise at the end.” James said and the girls all look at each other and silently agree that they have to win. “Ok starting with Olivia, this boy broke bro code with his best mates sister. Olivia which lad do you think did some bits with his mates sister?” James asks and we all huddle up. 

“I think the skeezest guy so far has been Reece.” Emily says and we all agree. 

Olivia walks over and plants a kiss on Reece’s mouth and all the boys gasp. 

“The answer is, Reece you naughty boy.” James says and the group laughs. “Next fact, Islanders, next fact!” James yells getting us all to settle down. “This islander thinks his celebrity look alike is Chadwick Boseman.” He says laughing. “This one is for Emily.”

“Well, the only black guy here other than James is Oscar so, it has to be him.” Lily says and you all nod slowly. Emily looks back at the girls quickly before walking over and kissing Oscar. 

“The answer is, Oscar!” Little conceited but.. “Next one, for Y/N this boy is a massive NSYNC fan and claims to have once had at least 15 posters on his wall in his childhood.”

“I think I know this one off the bat.” You say before walking straight up to Harry. You go over and start to give him a light kiss before you know it his hand is in your hair and his tongue is sliding into your mouth. You can feel the nape of your neck burning with fire as his fingers thread their way into your hair. You mouths molding into one. You can’t say you’ve ever had a kiss like that one before. When you finally pull away you’re gasping for air and running back to the girls giggling. Emily nudges you and you smile back to her. 

“This boy was horrified about the day his mum was cleaning his room and found a 10 pack of condoms with only 1 left and confronted him about it after he came back from school. This one is for Mara.” James says and all the boys are laughing. 

“I feel like Charlie would be proud so the only option is Kyle.” Mara says and we all agree before she walks over and gives him a kiss. 

“Ohhhhh, sorry girls the answer was Charlie.” James says and we all gasp. 

“I’m a mums boy a heart what can I say?” Charlie confesses holding his hands up in the air. 

“Alright finally fact coming to Lily, this boy claims to have had a 10 way! How does that even work?” James asks and we all laugh.

“Well there’s only one option now.” She says before walking over to Oscar and giving him a quick peck. 

“And Oscar it is! Now give us the deets, who did what in that?” James asks.

“It involves a lot of watching.” He says and everyone laughs and gasps. 

“Alright moving onto the boys now. Starting with Kyle, this girl accidentally sent a nudie to her dad instead of her daddy.” James says and everyone gasps. You look around at all the girls wondering who it was. 

The boys huddle together before Kyle comes over and gives Emily a kiss.

“Incorrect! It was Lily!” James says and Lily hides her head in her hands. 

“They were under the same name!” She yells as we all laugh. 

“Coming to Oscar, this girl replaced her boyfriends shampoo with Nair Hair Removal after she caught him cheating on her with her cousin.” James says and you already have an idea of who it was. 

Oscar goes over and gives Emily a quick peck.

“It was Emily!”

“Don’t fuck with cheaters I’ll tell you that.” She says and we all nod and laugh. 

“Must have made family reunions awkward after?” Harry asks and she nods. 

“Oh he’s not invited anymore.” She says and we all gasp.

“Next one goes to Reece, this girl has only slept with one person.” James says. 

Reece doesn’t even look at the boys before he walks over to you. He looks back at who you assume to be Harry before grabbing both sides of your face and pulling you in for an aggressively rough kiss. You kiss him for a second before having to roughly push him off of you.  

You can see the smirk he makes before he turns off and glares at Harry and you can’t help but roll your eyes at the immaturity. 

“Reece, come on man, it was Mara!” James says and Reece just shrugs.”Next coming to Harry, this girl's first job was in a porn shop!” The guys all laugh but inside you know it’s you. 

Harry makes eye contact with you and after the night before you know you told him about how it was the only place that would hire you having no previous experience. He walks over and places his hands on your waist, the area once again burning and you start to wonder if it’s the heat of the sun or something else. His lips make contact with you and this time you initiate the tongue in the kiss, taking him somewhat by surprise. He pulls away and looks at you before smiling and walking back to the boys, the smile staying on his face for some time. 

“Alright Charlie last one, come on man you got this. This girl lost her job when her uniform was in the wash so she used a sexy Halloween costume instead!” James says and Charlie laughs before walking over to Emily. 

“Fuck it, I just wanna kiss her.” He says before leaning in and giving Emily one of the steamiest kisses you’ve ever seen. 

“Alright boys, seeing as the girls won, 4 to 2, the girls will be winning, a spa night in the hideaway!” All the girls yell in victory and jump up and down together before ditching the boys and running back to the villa as the sun started to set. 


The next two days go on fairly unproblematically. The boys have been grafting hard and the day before the recouping the girls are feeling the power. The girls were scattered around the villa, Mara and Emily taking a smoke. Lily was in the pool. Olivia was up in the dressing room planning outfits for the next day while you were trying to get your tan on. 

Your eyes were closed and you could feel the warmth of the sun beating onto your skin, burning it’s way into a tan. Suddenly the light of the sun was shadowed and you opened your eyes to see James standing above you. 

“Oh uh sorry, didn’t mean to block your light, just wanted to have a quick chat while we have a bit of spare time.” He says and you nod, sitting up straight as he moved around the lounger to sit on the one next to yours, facing you. 

“Making the rounds?” You ask and he laughs lightly before looking down to the hands he had clasped together on his knees. 

“Can’t get by you can I?” He asks and you laugh. 

“I work in a bank, I’m trained to spot nervous people a mile away.” You say and he laughs and nods. 

“Very true, so to jump right in. I know you and Harry got something brewing, hard not to notice after that challenge, but I don’t think he’s going anywhere. If you don’t pick him Lily will and you’ll get your chance at the next coupling but if I’m not picked I’m leaving the villa. I figure if we couple up we can be a friend couple and then maybe when some new girls come in or I get to know some of the other girls maybe I can have a chance to find someone and the next coupling Harry will pick you, I can tell her wants to be with you, we all can. And I don’t think he’ll risk letting it go any longer.” He says and you nod slowly. 

“And what makes you think I’ll risk someone turning Harry’s head. Like you said, other girls come in and you find someone new to be with, if I’m not with Harry what’s stopping him then? But I’ll think about it alright?” You say and he nods, smiling before standing up and making his way to the smoking area to where Emily and Mara are, you can’t help but roll your eyes before returning to you tanning and relaxing. 


The next day is held with excessive tension. You can cut the air with a knife, the air is so thick. You can see the guys all on edge, all of them being overly concerned for the comfort of the girls, trying to lay their placement in the villa in concrete. 

While the other girls are taking advantage of the nice treatment from the boys you found yourself upstairs trying to figure out what to wear. It’s custom for the islanders to dress up a little when it comes to recoupling and you were never one for nice dresses. Outside of the office you were always in leggings and sweatshirts. 

But eventually you a short flowy floral dress. The dress got form fitting around the upper stomach area where two straps came up around from the waist to wrap around your neck, a triangle cut out showing the area between your breasts. You were going to pair it with white and tan wedges. 

After picking out the outfit you jumped in the shower, rinsing and washing and shaving your body of all the days impurities. As you were bent over, dragging the razor up your leg you heard the bathroom door open, you quickly turn around to see Harry looking at you with wide eyes. Just as quickly as you connected eyes, he is turning back around. 

“I didn’t see anything, I swear.” He says quickly.

“Harry.” You sigh. 

“Ok maybe a thing or two but I wasn’t loo-”

“Harry!” You huff. “It’s fine, it’s a communal bathroom for a reason.” You say and he laughs as he slowly turns back around, the glass door of the shower doing little to cover your nude body, the only barrier is the fog that steamed up the glass. You watch as his eyes rake down the to view the distorted figure of your body. 

You shake your head before returning to cleaning yourself up. You hear Harry moving about the room as he turns on the sink and starts to brush his teeth. 

“So, the recoupling is in a few hours.” He says and you hum in agreement. “Made your choice yet?” He asks, you turn to see him curiously peering at you. 

“I did, I just don’t know what the other girls are going to choose.” You say and he nods. You finish up before reaching up the nob and turning off the water. You reach up to the towel you had draped above the glass door and towel off your hair before wrapping the same towel around your body. 

As you step out of the shower you make eye contact with Harry once again, reaching up to adjust your towel once more. 

“But, just so we’re both on the same page, who are you choosing?” He asks nervously and you smile as you look down at your wet, bare feet. 

Shaking your head you look back up at Harry, “You’ll just have to wait and see.” You say teasingly before walking into the dressing room and quickly pulling on your dress just in time before Harry walks back out of the bathroom. 

“Get dressed Harry, less than two hours before the big night.” You say and he shakes his head as he walks back downstairs. 


Everyone is gathered around the fire pit. Sitting in their couples. From left to right the order goes, Olivia and Kyle, Emily and Charlie, Lily and Harry, you and Reece, Mara and Oscar and then James. 

The air, though cool, felt like it was cutting through your skin. It wasn’t an easy decision to boot someone from the villa. You and the girls share a look and you can tell there’s a shared feeling of guilt between all of you. 

The first text goes to Emily. 

“Emily, please make your choice on you are going to couple up with.” She reads before standing up and walking to the front of the fire pit. “This last week has been the most amazing week of my life. I’ve made friends,” She looks at you “I’ve gotten to know all of you. Being the first to pick takes a bit of the pressure off and at least now I know I can end up with the boy I want to be with. I want to pick this boy because over the last week I’ve gotten to know him better, and I think he has more to offer, more that I’d love to learn more. And I feel like I should show my appreciation that he picked me in the first place by picking him now. So the boy I want to couple up with is, Charlie.” She says before walking up to him and kissing him. We all clap for them as they sit back down in their couple. 

The next text went to Mara. She stands up and walks to the front before taking a deep breath. 

“This is so hard. I want to couple up with this boy because although he’s quiet, I am too. I think two quiet people can make a good team. I want to give us a shot to be a good team. So the boy I want to couple up with is, Kyle.” She says and you quickly look over to Oscar who looks absolutely crushed. It looks like his chest just caved in. 

The next text went to Olivia.

“Over the last few days, all we have done is play games based around getting to know each other. A lot has been revealed during these games, maybe too much.” She jokes and you all laugh lightly. “The things that came out in these games haven’t always been good but some have and the things I’ve learned have made me only more attracted to this boy. So in the pursuit of getting to know more from this boy, I’m going to couple with is Oscar.” She says and you can see his face light up from across the fire pit, but next to him you watch James face sink deeper.

You can’t help but think back to the conversation you had with him earlier, maybe you should pick him. No one deserves to be here anymore than anyone else. How are you supposed to do this?

The next text came to Lily.

“I feel like everyone knows who I’m going to pick. Harry and I have gotten along swimmingly for the last week and I’d love to see where we go” She says looking at you “but I’ve never been in the business of doing what everyone else thinks I’m going to do. I’ve had a few nice conversations with this boy and I want to have more. So the boy I’m going to couple up with Reece.” She says and he smiles as he stands up and kisses her on the cheek before the sit down beside you. 

You stare down at the phone as it lights up in your hands. You read the text that tells you to stand up and make your choice. Slowly you push yourself off the bench and walk to the front of the fire. 

“Well, this sucks. Having to choose who leaves is not easy. You both are amazing guys, but I can only choose one. I’m not going to drag this along, the boy I want to couple up with is Harry.” You say and he shoots up and comes to you, both hands pulling your lips towards his to crush you into a mind blowing kiss. 

Just as you two are breaking apart you heard James getting a text. 

“James, your time at the villa has ended. Please pack up your things and leave the villa immediately.” He reads and you all surround him in a group hug, letting him know he will be missed. 

You watch as he walks away and upstairs before you feel Harry’s hand on your wrist. 

“Come.” He says and you nod before following him over to the day beds. 

“I’m really happy you picked me. I’m just gonna say it. I’m overjoyed.” He says smiling after you both have wrapped yourself into the sheet. 

“I’m pretty happy too.” You shyly confess, he smiled before leaning forward and pressing his lips against yours. 

His hand makes its way to the side of your thigh before tugging you to straddle over him. The kiss deepened into an intimate makeout. 

His hands roaming your body and you not so subtly grind your body into his, urging him to let out a quiet moan. 

“Holy shit you’re a dream.” His voice rasps out. 

“You’re something else as well.” You joke and he laughs before jokingly pushing you off of him and rolling over to hover over your body. 

He leans in to connect your lips once more but before they can meet you hear the noise of heels on a marble floor which can only mean one thing. 

New Girls. 


What do you think is gonna happen next? What do you think the new girls will be like? Thoughts about the new couples? My asks are open!

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1 year ago


imagine the surprise on jessica or another coworker's face if they saw them out or her coming to see him at the office and he is being all over her, i know he would go manic if anyone gave even the lightest judgemental look to her but he also would bring it up to her after when they are alone "such a little slut uh, acting all shy and cute around everyone but still fucked a married man without thinking twice and got all those gifts, my little whore..."

okay just gonna write this real quick...

**This is a little blurb to go with The Arrangement**

Took 30 minutes to write this 😬 Apologies for the lack of editing and proofreading. I should be doing other things but felt inspired? lol! Hope you enjoy :)

1905 words

Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, DDlg, degradation, slight exhibitionism

Y/n didn’t have a class that day so she spent part of her morning lounging in her silk pajamas, sipping on cold brew coffee, and working ahead on an assignment due on Friday. But she had the idea that she’d go and visit Harry at the office. Plus it’d be fun to see everyone again.

After taking a shower and picking out a cute outfit from their walk-in closet she called a taxi to take her downtown. She sent a quick text once she was on her way.

Headed to the office. See you soon xxx

She figured she’d meet him for lunch. Maybe he could get out of the building for a bit.

Harry was in a meeting when she texted him but he saw her note and smiled to himself. He didn’t need to worry about anything. He and his wife were done. Sean sold him his part of the company and shares so he wasn’t around. And if anyone even so much as dared look at Y/n with any kind of contempt he’d set the record straight. There were already whispers of his new relationship with Y/n. What Sean had done with his wife. The divorce Harry was in the middle of.

When she stepped into the front of the office the office receptionist jumped from her seat and greeted Y/n with a warm smile, “Can I get you anything to drink?”

“Nothing to drink for me. I can wait out front until Harry’s done with his meeting,” she said as she gestured toward the sitting area.

“Nonsense. I’ll bring you to Mr. Styles’ office to wait there. It’s a nicer view anyway. I’m sure he’d prefer you there.”

Following the receptionist toward Harry’s office Y/n was stopped by Jessica, “Y/n! What are you doing here?”

Harry stepped out of the meeting just as Jessica and Y/n were speaking.

“Oh! Hi! I’m just here to say hi to everyone. Wanted to see Harry real quick. How have you been?”

Y/n really wanted to get the attention off of herself. She realized most people knew that she and Harry were a bit of a thing at this point. But she still felt shy about being so open with it.

“I’m well. So you’re here to see Harry, huh? How’s that going?”

Y/n looked down at her expensive shoes and then shrugged before looking back at Jessica, “It’s good. Yeah.” She smiled shyly.

Harry walked up behind them at that and grabbed Y/n’s hand and gently pulled at her, “Hi darling. Come with me to my office?” He looked at Y/n as he spoke before turning to speak to Jessica, “You don’t mind if I pull her away for a bit do you?”

“Not at all. Nice to see you, Y/n.”

The moment Harry had his office door closed and locked he grabbed his little girl by her hip and pulled her into him, “What are you doing here?” He put his hands into her hair gently running his finger through it.

“Just wanted to see you. Thought maybe I could get you out of the office for a little lunch,” she smiled sweetly.

“Oh, it’s food you want? Interesting…” he continued with his fingers in her hair, “Thought you came here to show off. Let everyone know who you belong to now.”

“Harry…” she spoke softly, “that’s not why I’m here. I just-“

“Looking so cute and innocent in front of everyone. Showing off all the gifts I’ve bought you,” he nudged at her ear with his thumb over the Cartier diamond earrings he’d bought her, “It’s because you want everyone to know you’re Daddy’s little slut. Isn’t that right?”

“I just wanted to see you. That’s all,” she grasped his hand and moved it up to her lips so she could kiss his fingers, “I just missed you a little today. Thought it would be fun to see you,” she spoke between kisses as she kept her eyes on him.

“Just wanted to see me… Well, here I am. And I’ve already eaten lunch. It’s 2 pm, little girl. I have a feeling you came here for a different kind of fun.”

She smirked and then lowered her gaze to his lips as she dropped his hand and put her arms over his shoulders, “Just missed you, Daddy.”

Harry grinned and gave in to kiss her lips finally. She tasted sweet and smelled delicious. And her cute new dress fit her perfectly. Harry held her out in his arms and looked down over her outfit, “I do have good taste, don’t I?”

Y/n nodded and giggled as she looked down over her dress. She hadn’t worn this one yet. It was a little short and her heels were a little high. She’d also purposely put on a skimpy thong in hopes of him pushing it to the side and touching her or fucking her even.

“You really have everyone fooled, you naughty girl. They think you’re so sweet and shy but really, you had an arrangement with a filthy rich married man who gave you his credit card and then you stole him from his wife and now look at you,” he put his hand around her throat and pushed her back toward the couch in his office, “Shacked up with me, taking all my money, getting fucked every night, and pampered to your heart's content. You’re not innocent.”

Her blood rushed to her extremities and her head began to feel light and floaty like she usually did around him. Her pussy clenched and she moaned at his words and how he squeezed her neck softly.

“Sit down.” He gestured to the couch behind her as he let go of her neck.

She complied, holding the bottom hem of her dress as she put her bottom onto the soft cushion.

Harry sat next to her and leaned back into the couch, “Undo my pants.” He said but when she hesitated he continued, “Come on. I haven’t got all day. I’m a busy man, Y/n.”

She turned her body toward him and began to undo his pants. Harry brought a hand to her chin and grasped it to move her face to look up at him, “Haven’t got time for pleasantries. I’ve got a meeting in,” he lifted his wrist and looked at his expensive watch, “25 minutes.”

Y/n nodded as she unzipped his pants and sat back to wait for his next instructions, “Bend over the arm of the couch, put your pussy on the corner there so you can rub your clit while I fuck you.”

Quickly she got up and draped her body over the arm of the couch, placing herself at the edge where she could get enough friction from the couch. But truly, she didn’t care if she came or not. She was only there to please him. To let him come and get off.

Harry lifted her dress up as he pulled himself out of his briefs and tsk’d at her, “Desperately wet already. Just as I suspected. You’re going to make a mess of my couch, aren’t you?”

Y/n turned her head to look at Harry as he hooked a finger into the flimsy material and pulled it to the side so he could look at her pussy, “I’m always wet for you, Daddy,” she spoke quietly with rounded eyes.

Harry grinned and nodded, “I know you are baby.”

Harry braced himself with one arm on the back of the couch as he pushed himself into her. They both gasped at the delicious feeling of being connected. Two bodies as one. Moving together, breathing one another in, deeply attached and intrinsically joined.

When he’d dipped in as far as his balls would allow Y/n let out a groan that was too loud so Harry used his free hand to cover her mouth as he continued to rail into her, “Shhh… thought you wanted to keep up the appearance of being innocent. Wouldn’t want anyone to know what kind of whore you are, getting fucked on the couch in my office right next to the break room. Anyone in there could have heard you. Is that what you want?” Harry panted his words as he worked himself into her, the couch began to lightly bang into the wall at his thrusts, “You want people to hear how good I give it to you? How hard I make you come?”

Y/n’s eyes were rolled into the back of her head. She was happy to be a hole for him to come in but his cock always felt so good inside of her. And the cloth of the arm of the couch pressed into her pelvis and clit just right. She was glad his hand was over her mouth because he was driving into her deeply and each time he bottomed out she grunted into his hand unintentionally.

Harry spoke quietly into her ear as he continued fucking her, his balls whacking into her flesh, the obscene sound of wet pussy being fucked and skin colliding in repeated cadence in time with the couch hitting the wall, “I bet they all have their ears pressed to the door right now. They can all hear you little pussy getting fucked hard. That’s what you wanted, Y/n? Wanted to show off how good your cunt gets pounded?”

Her gurgles were muffled and Harry’s palm was wet with her saliva. He could tell she was drooling. He could see how red her face was and that she had goosebumps on her skin. Her eyes were fluttering. She was about to come. Which was good because so was he and he had to get going. His guests would be meeting with him in his office and he knew there would be a bit of cleanup involved.

“Gonna come on Daddy’s cock again? Didn’t you just come on his cock this morning, baby? Fffuck, my little girl is so needy. Needs Daddy’s come inside of her, doesn’t she? Poor thing. Wants to get knocked up and keep me forever doesn’t she?”

Y/n moaned and her walls clenched Harry’s cock as her orgasm took over. Her limbs stiffened and she grasped onto the material of the couch. Yes. She wanted all of that. If she could keep him forever, make him give her babies, and then he’d have to keep her.

Harry hissed at how tight her pussy gripped him but he continued his thrusts until he began spurting into her, punching into her deeply so his come could coat her and fill her insides.

Y/n opened her eyes when Harry released his hand from over her mouth and put her panties back into place. He helped her up and kept her in his arms, kissing her temple, “Okay to walk out of here like you are? Or do need a minute?”

She gulped and wiped under her eyes with one hand as she clutched onto Harry’s arm with her other, “I just need to wipe my face and calm myself a little.”

“Whatever you need. I have a mirror behind the cabinet door if you need it.”

Y/n straightened herself out and waved her hands over her face to cool down a bit as Harry wiped up the couch and then got his laptop ready for the meeting.

“Okay. I’m good now,” she smiled as she picked up her purse from the coffee table.

Harry kissed her forehead, “See you tonight at home at 7.”

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1 year ago
Cop!harry Based On This Request

cop!harry based on this request

Summary: You defied Harry and he's not happy about it.

A/N: couldn't help myself with this one you guys. 2289 words

Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, smut (oral, male receiving), possessive and toxic behavior (cop!Harry monitors her activity which isn’t normal in a healthy relationship)

cop!harry masterlist

Harry walked in the door about ten minutes after you got home. You’d been out with a friend chatting over tea. You met Ronnie at the gym and hit it off so you’d been chatting with her and hanging out more often. You’d lost track of the hours when you apologized to your friend that you had to leave and got home just in time. You tried to play it off that you’d been home awhile but Harry knew your routine well. And it wasn’t like he minded if you hung out with anyone during the day but he was very protective and liked to know if you were going to be out during the day because he worried. Being a cop meant he was always trying to keep you safe even when it wasn’t necessary.

You had intended on being home to start dinner well in advance but you were having such a nice time chatting with Ronnie that the time passed by too fast.

“Hey baby,” Harry walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your front, and kissed your neck as you lit the stove to boil water.

“Hi. How was your day?” You spoke, trying to quell your nerves. You knew he was going to sense your hesitance. And of course, he did.

“What’s up?” He turned you around to look at you directly. His bright green eyes and dark curls always did you in. You couldn’t lie to him. And of course, you weren’t planning on lying, you were going to tell him but you needed to work up to that. You figured you’d just casually mention it as if no big deal. But you knew he wouldn’t like it. He always expected you would tell him when you left the flat ahead of time. But you didn’t this time. Not even a text to inform him. It felt silly. You were only just down the street. And Harry was too protective.

“Uh, nothing… I was gonna tell you that I went out and met up with Ronnie again-“


You blinked and nervously laughed, “Um, a few hours ago. Got home just before you did.”

“Why didn’t you tell me, Y/n?”

You looked down to take a breath but he grasped your chin and tilted your face back up so he could see you, “Let me see your pretty eyes when you explain to me why you didn’t tell me you were going out to see Ronnie.”

Your heart fluttered. You loved it when he was like this. Loved how forceful he could be but how it was tinted with sweetness, “Sorry, Harry. I was going to but it felt silly. I was only just down the street. I didn’t want to bother you.”

Harry pressed his lips together and nodded slowly as he moved his hand down to your neck, “Didn’t want to bother me… I see. I see. Well, we’ll discuss this after dinner,” he gave your throat a gentle squeeze before letting go and taking a step back, “M’hungry and I need a shower.”

You finished boiling the potatoes and roasting the chicken thighs in the oven by the time Harry was seated at the table and reading the paper as he waited. Silently. You knew you were in for it. At the least, you’d get a stern talking to. But you wouldn’t mind a nice spanking. The more you thought about the possibilities of what he might have in mind the more nervous you got. But your nerves were more of excited anticipation. Never of dread because you trusted him.

You brought the plates to the table and sat across from him quietly.


The entire dinner was silent. Harry didn’t speak a word to you as he continued reading the paper while scooping bites of food into his mouth.

When you were nearly done you cleared your throat and looked at your lover, “Harry?”

He continued looking at the paper as he raised a brow, “Hmm?”

“Um, did you want to discuss what happened? You said we’d talk about-“

“I said after dinner,” his gaze finally shifted to yours as he folded the paper and placed it down on the table, “But since now you suddenly want to talk to me go for it.”

“Uh, I mean. I just went out with Ronnie. Only a few blocks away. Like I said.”

Harry stayed quiet as he ate the last bite on his plate, his steely glare never leaving your face.

“So… I know I should have let you know but I… I didn’t think-“

“You didn’t think is right. Not very smart of you. You know that the only reason I want you to let me know is so that if anything happens I’ll know where you are. I need to be able to protect you and I can’t do that if I don’t even know you’ve left the flat.”

“Harry… you don’t have to always protect me. Nothing is going to hap-“

He stood up from his chair and pulled at your arm, lifting you from your seat, “Love how now you want to talk but earlier you couldn’t be arsed to give me a little heads up that you’d be gone. But that’s not what I want. Now that I know you didn’t want to talk to me earlier, I don’t want to hear your excuses. I don’t want to hear you talk at all right now in fact. Let’s fix this shall we?”

Harry pulled you into the bedroom and pointed at the bed, “Climb up and lie on your back, hang your head off on this side.”

You scrambled to position yourself like he wanted. You hung your head off the edge of the bed and you could only see Harry from upside down as he pulled his pants down.

He reached across your body and pulled at your dress, causing you to lift upward as he slid it off your torso and over your head.

“Open up wide.”

You did as he said. You knew what he was about to do. He intended to shut you up just like he said he would.

He tapped his tip at your lips, not fully hard yet, but he was warm and smelled like soap from the shower he’d just had, “Tongue out. Lick it up, make me nice and hard. S’one thing you’re good at at least.”

You jutted your tongue out and Harry moved his dick over your wet muscle, his balls pressing into your eyes and forehead as he moved himself over your lips and tongue.

You felt him grow hard over your lips and he leaned over your body again, this time pinching your nipples and making your squeal.

“Ah ah ah… shhh… None of that. You’re not meant to talk since you insist on keeping secrets.”    

With that he pushed his cock past your lips, rendering you completely muted as he began to throatfuck you. You felt him get in deep as he rolled his hips into you and moaned.

Harry watched as your neck bulged from his cock with each heavy thrust. He could only see your chin and neck as he tucked himself in all the way, his balls pushed onto your nose.

When he began to go in a little harder you flopped around a bit, your arms flailed up, and tried to grab onto him but he just held your arms down so you’d stay still while he continued to get himself off.

“S’better, yeah?” Harry panted his words, “You wanted to keep quiet so that’s what you’ll get. Always get… ffucck, Y/n!” He gasped as you gurgled and choked, your chest heaved upward in search of air.

He pulled out to give you a gulp of breath and with his shiny cock resting over your mouth you dripped saliva down your chin and into your hair. Your face was red from the blood rushing to your head as you gasped before he plunged in again.

“See? Always get what you want. Don’t you?”

You couldn’t answer. Not only could you not shake or nod your head, but your vocal cords were also barely usable.

He loved your gags and your gurgles as he fucked into your mouth. You couldn’t say or do anything. Your pretty nipples were perked and your soft tits swayed as he pressed himself into you over and over again. He panted with the way you swallowed around his thick tip repeatedly. More drool cascading out of the edges of your mouth, making a filthy mess of yourself and his balls.

In an act of mercy, he pulled out again to watch you inhale a breath sharply, sucking oxygen into your lungs before he laid his scrotum over your mouth, “Suck my balls,” he spoke lowly without an ounce of irony.

Your whole face was wet with saliva and his balls were slippery on your lips but you managed to pull on them and suck on them like he asked. You liked this part. The break in between so you could pull air in through your nose and prepare yourself for what he was about to do. Because the next round he was going to destroy your throat so you wouldn’t be able to speak for days. He’d go until he came and had you nearly drowning in his come. But you wanted it. You yearned to drink his come and choke on it. You knew no one could do this to him the way you did. No one else had his knees nearly giving out from how well you did it. No one else. He didn’t want anyone else. He chose you. Even left his fucking wife for you when all your friends told you no married man ever left their wife for their mistress. They’d all been wrong. He chose you.

“You ready for this, darling? I’m gonna make you wish you had just texted me where you were. Talking and communicating is good isn’t it,” Harry moaned as you lapped at his heavy balls.

But you didn’t answer him and so he moved back, pressing your arms down and removing his cock from over your face, replacing your view with his upside-down face instead, “Communicating is good isn’t it? Answer me now.”

“Yes. Yes, sir. I’m sorry,” your voice was hoarse. Harry scoffed and stood back up. He teasingly stroked his cock and pressed his tip between your lips, holding one of your arms down with his weight leaned over you “That’s right. I need you to always communicate with me. Always let me know when you’re leaving the flat. I ask you to do that because I care for you,” his breathy words came out slowly as he began to paint his spit-covered cock all over your wet face, smacking your cheeks with the weight of his punishingly hard dick, “You’re a cop’s girl, after all. There might be weirdos out there after you because of me. I can’t let anything happen to you. So this is your lesson. You need to learn to talk to me and communicate.”

Suddenly he let go of his shaft and held you down by both of your arms as he stuffed himself back inside of your throat and groaned. This time, his thrusts weren’t kind. They were a punishment.

You squeezed your eyes closed and opened up your jaw and throat as much as possible. Your sinuses were beginning to drain with how he was going in hard and deep, your throat was going to be bruised.

Harry’s grunts and gasps and your wet gurgles and gags filled the bedroom and the hallway where the door was left open. You let your mind stop and your body float away as he used you for his pleasure and taught you a lesson.

Your throat always felt so good for him. He loved when you’d get still and just let him take over when he was punishing you. Sometimes you’d resist but by the end, you always gave in and let him have his way. Watching the way he could see his cock filling your throat with how your neck bulged each time he pushed in, how his balls kept thudding onto your upper lip and nose, the slick saliva dripping all over your face and into your hair.

Harry let go of your arms to cradle your head so he could hold you still as he pumped his come down your throat. You sputtered and gagged, choked on his come and he moaned over you, keeping his dick lodged down into your throat until he was finally done twitching and pouring into you. Until his orgasm subsided.

He slid himself out and you reached up for his thighs and gasped. You looked like a wreck. You looked like you’d just been throatfucked good.

Harry smiled as he knelt down and took your hands from his thighs so he could help you sit up slowly. He kept your hands in his as he sat down next to you on the bed and kissed your forehead, also wet with saliva.

“Good girl. Have you learned your lesson about not talking to me or communicating now? How it’s better for you if you just let me know what you’re doing so I’m not left in the dark and worrying about you?”

You nodded and coughed as you tried to swallow but it hurt. He’d really done a number on your throat.

Harry wiped the excess spit around your lips and chuckled softly. “Good girl. Now let’s get you cleaned up, sweetheart. I’ll help you with a bath and then we’ll have some ice cream for dessert to soothe your scratchy throat.”

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1 year ago

A Good Boy

A Good Boy

Summary: Harry's got the hots for his young stepmom and she's pretty fond of him too. But they're both trying really hard to be good. Loosely based on this ask.

A/N: This is stepmom!reader x virgin stepson!harry. There is a 7 year age gap and Harry met her at the age of 19. He is 21 in this story. 21.4k words

Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, inappropriate relationship between a stepmom & virgin stepson, smut

Her husband, Leonardo, was the kind of man that could only be described as a provider. Not a lover, not a sweet man, not a gentle soul. Just a provider. Her mother asked her why she was marrying the older man, “Y/n he’s 15 years your senior! It’s preposterous! He’s rich but you can find real love…” She’d heard it all. But she was interested in having nice things. Being able to finish her art and history degree and go to the tennis club and shop with her girlfriends.

He also bought her the cutest little red Mercedes and the biggest diamond ring. And his house was- well it wasn’t just a house. It was an estate sat in the Hollywood hills near other celebrities and affluent humans (or robots she sometimes thought). She even had her own bedroom. It was an odd setup for sure, but a setup nonetheless.

Leonardo made it clear. He wasn’t looking for love. He was looking for a pretty thing with a good head on her shoulders that he could fuck when he needed and buy nice things for. Someone to bring with him when he had to show face at events and parties who could hold a somewhat intelligent conversation. She could do that. And he wasn’t a bad-looking man either. He was fit and tall with a deep voice and his deep pockets were just the cherry on top.

Did this make her a gold digger? She supposed that yes, it did. But what of her husband? This was what he wanted too. No one was being tricked. Everything was very simple and clearly defined. Down to the fact that she could sleep with anyone she wanted as long as she was discreet and didn’t give him the details. The same went for Leo.

Though Y/n hadn’t been interested in sleeping with anyone else, she was certain Leo did on his business trips and “boys-only vacations” he often took with his friends.

Y/n wasn’t bothered by the lack of love or the fact that her marriage wasn’t conventional. She was getting everything she wanted and she was happy. Sure a little intimacy was nice but she had close friends and so far, that was all she needed.

.           .           .

“Leo! Marla is here with the Uber! I’ll see you later!” She shouted toward his study as she made her way out the door. It was Friday night. Girl’s night. Every other Friday she, Marla, Cyndee, and Gina met at Murphy’s Lounge to dance and drink a few too many martinis. It was always fun. Sometimes she flirted with some man who wanted to dance. But never anything more. She could have if she wanted. More. She could have done more but she never felt the need. No one interested her enough to make that sort of leap into partaking in the open aspect of her marriage.

The bar was full, as it usually was at 8 pm on a Friday night. Gina and Cyndee had already secured a table and had cocktails in hand when she and Marla got there.

And just like every time the four of them got together, they acted as if they hadn’t seen one another in ages. Sometimes they could be overly dramatic in their greetings but they genuinely appreciated one another.

“Okay. The first round is on me, but the rest is on Daddy Leo,” Cyndee bubbled out her words in laughter.

Y/n playfully smacked Cyndee’s arm, “Oh so now you’re calling my husband Daddy?!” She rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, I am. He’s a Daddy, Y/n. Like, there’s no way you don’t call him Daddy when-“

Y/n placed her hand over Cyndee’s mouth, “Oh my god you’re too much sometimes! No more talk of Leo! The rest of the drinks are on him and we’ll leave it at that,” she laughed.

That was usually how it went. Leonardo picked up their girl’s night tab and paid for their taxis or Ubers.

“Okay. We’re just gonna get our drinks and we’ll be right back.” Marla swept Y/n off to the bar so they could order their usual drinks. For Y/n it was a nice stiff lemon drop martini.

Marla ordered a whisky sour, with extra orange slices and then rambled on about Ryan, her on-again, off-again boyfriend. They were on again at that moment but she was wearing thin, once again.

“Why do you do it to yourself, Marla? If you want to be done then just be done. You’ve tried and it hasn’t worked. I feel like you could do better anyway. Ryan’s nice but I think you two have run your course.”

“Ughh… I know, Y/n. God do I know. Easier said than done. There’s so much history, and friends in common. And we have a fucking dog together! I just… I don’t know.”

The bartender handed them their drinks and then Y/n gave the guy her credit card, “Please put this card in place of Cyndee Daniels tab. We’ll use this one instead.”

Josh was the bartender that evening. A cute college-aged young man with a bright smile who always remembered her name.

“Of course, Ms. Y/n. Will swap these out. As usual.” He winked.

She leaned over the bar as she took a quick sip of her martini while Josh went to retrieve Cyndee’s card. She looked down the bar at the faces of other patrons and suddenly was met with the clear green eyes of Leo’s son, Harry. Her stepson. She wasn’t sure if he’d seen her and it wasn’t as if Y/n had done anything wrong but she just hadn’t expected to see him there.

She leaned up again, peering around the woman sitting on the stool to her left and her eyes landed on the young man. Freshly shorn dark curls and a soft pink smile crooked up as he spoke animatedly to the guy sitting next to him. And just as she assumed he hadn’t seen her he turned and looked at her squarely, his lips moving as he spoke something to his friend then nodding in acknowledgment at Y/n before pulling himself off the stool he was on and making his way across the bar to her.

“Is that Harry?” Marla spoke as she leaned in.

“Yes, it is.”

Harry was a nice young man. He was polite, sometimes overly polite she thought, and he was charming. Y/n liked Harry. She didn’t know him all that well. He lived on campus at the university so she saw him rarely. But she did recognize that he’d cut his hair. He had long dark curls when she first met him. He looked like a bad boy, covered in tattoos with a permanent smirk on his face. But once she got to talking to him, she realized, he was a big sweetheart really. The long dark hair and tattoos were just a look. A style. Harry was a nice young man.

The truth was, all the girls joked about how attractive Leo and his son were. Both men were quite handsome. Y/n couldn’t deny that. Harry was tall like his father and built nicely. Long legs and a well-muscled chest. A great jawline and crystal green eyes that allured.

“Hi, Y/n. Marla,” Harry spoke as he looked from Y/n to Marla.

And that was another thing about him. He always remembered everyone’s name. He had met Marla maybe twice, yet here he was drinking beers at a bar and remembering the name of Y/n’s best friend whom he barely knew.

“Hi Harry,” Y/n smiled up at him, “Like the hair,” She reached up and whisked a finger into a short curl before bringing her hand back down into her own space.

Harry smiled broadly, a glorious dimple digging into his cheek as he raised an arm and ran his long fingers through his soft dark hair, “Oh! Yeah. Thank you. Got it cut a few weeks ago. Still getting used to it. Um, how are you doing?”

“Good. Girl’s Night, you know,” she shrugged and looked over at Marla who stood next to her, “We’re here every other Friday for some dancing and drinks,” when she turned her gaze back to Harry’s his soft eyes were intently watching her as she spoke. “Um, yeah. How are you? How’s school?”

Harry tipped himself forward to his toes and then lowered back down to his normal height, “Good. S’good. Already looking forward to Spring break,” he chuckled.

“Oh yeah! Me too. I’m not even in school anymore and I’m already making plans,” she chuckled.

Suddenly something dawned on Y/n. Her eyes went wide and then she squinted as she looked at her stepson, “Wait. You’re not 21. You’re too young to be here, Mister.”

Harry snorted a laugh and nodded, “I know. I know. But I’m turning 21 in two weeks. Figured I’d try out my fake ID once in my life. Before it’s too late,” he grinned.

“So you’ve never done this before?”

“Nope. First time. And of course, my stepmom is here when I do. Just my luck.”

Y/n laughed and her smile almost hurt her cheeks it was so wide.

A small jab to her side reminded her that Marla was still standing there, “Oh, sorry. Yeah. We should be heading back. We’re just over there if you want to stop by and say hi to the girls.” She pointed to the table where Cyndee and Gina were already watching the scene.

“Sure. Yeah. Of course. Um, it was really nice to see you, Marla,” Harry smiled gently at her and then looked back down to Y/n, “I’ll come by and say hi before I leave.”

The moment Y/n got to the table Cyndee pulled her arm, “Your stepson. Oof. He’s really attractive. Have you and him ever… you know?” She joked. Of course, Cyndee knew better.

“Oh stop it! Of course not! He’s a 20-year-old kid!” Y/n spoke in exasperation.

“You’re only 27, Y/n. You’re not much older. In fact, you’re closer to his age than you are to Leo’s,” Gina said.

Now Gina was usually the voice of reason so to have her on Cyndee’s side was ludicrous. Of course, she knew Cyndee was teasing but still.

Y/n took her seat and rolled her eyes as she took a healthy gulp of her sweet and tangy martini.

“And his haircut. God, he’s adorable like that. Damn,” Marla spoke next to her.

The music eventually began to grow louder and the martinis were going down far too easily. Especially after dancing and working up a sweat away from her seat. But one thing that didn’t change through the night was that her eyes kept finding Harry’s. It was like she couldn’t stop glancing over at him. But it didn’t help that every time she dared to peek he was looking at her already.

She couldn’t be sure that he was watching her dance but there was something about just the idea that he might be that had her swaying her hips a little more sensuously and using her hands to rub down her body like she was some kind of sexpot. But in truth, her dance moves were definitely subpar. But three martinis will tend to make one feel unnecessarily bold.

Y/n decided on just one more drink. A fourth martini to round out the night, plus she wanted to walk up to the bar near Harry and talk to him a little bit more. Just a friendly little tease about how he was only sitting and not dancing. Even his friend had gotten off the stool and danced with a young woman on the dance floor for a bit.

“You’re not really making the most of this special night, Harry,” she elbowed at his arm gently as she leaned over the bar to wave at Josh.

“What do you mean?” Harry’s eyes were a little red and he was quite obviously a little drunk.

She looked down at his wetted lips and back up to his pretty eyes, “You’re not even dancing. Just sitting here like a lump drinking beer after beer.”

“Ms. Y/n, another lemon drop?” Josh spoke as he put his hands on the bar top in front of her.

“Yes, please, Josh, and close it out too. I think all the girls are done for the night.” She laughed.

She turned back to look at Harry, “So no girls here you want to dance with? Even your buddy got out there a little bit. Where is he by the way?”

Harry turned around and looked over his shoulder for his friend and shrugged, “Maybe shagging in the bathroom. Haven’t seen him in a while now that I think of it. And no. No girls here I want to dance with.”

Y/n pouted and tilted her head as she reached up to touch his hair again, “I’ve seen a bunch of pretty girls around your age here, Harry. Some even checking you out. You should get out there and dance a little. Really fully experience Murphy’s Lounge,” she looked over her shoulder and then leaned in to speak quietly, “It’s your last chance with your fake ID,” she smiled as she tugged his curl the smallest bit.

Harry smirked, “Child abuse!” Craning his neck away from her fingers, he patted at his hair as if the tiny tug had hurt.

She rolled her eyes as Josh returned with the drink and her card, “See you in a couple weeks.” He smiled at her before returning to the other customers.

Harry’s features became serious again, “You know him?”

Y/n sipped her martini and nodded, “Yeah. We’re here often enough. So, yeah.” She shrugged keeping her eyes on her adorable stepson. Okay, maybe it was more like adorably handsome stepson, but still.

“Come. I’m gonna put this away,” she lifted her card upward as she motioned him to follow her, “And you and I are going out there to dance a little. We’ll find you someone cute to groove with a little.”

She expected Harry to protest a bit but he didn’t. He stepped in behind her and followed her to her table with his beer in hand. He stayed close to her as she bent down to slip her credit card into her purse. The security in the room always watched their table so no one took their things or tampered with their drinks (and the nice little tip Y/n, by way of Leo, didn’t hurt either).

“Leave your beer here. We’re gonna need our hands free!” she giggled as she pointed at the table.

“You’re okay to leave your drinks out like this? Thought that was a big no-no.”

Y/n looked in the direction of the man standing a few feet away, “He’s watching over the table. Now come on!”

The floor was packed with warm bodies moving and gyrating. The music was loud and the rhythmic base could be felt underfoot. She’d long lost sight of the girls as she began to sway and raise her arms upward.

Harry stayed close to his stepmom’s side and shuffled around a bit. His body was a bit stiff but he laughed when Y/n grabbed his hands and made him spin, “Loosen up a bit! Come on, Harry!”

Rolling his eyes he grinned and began to dramatically move about, trying to feel the beat and push down how awkward his movements felt.

Y/n kept her hands on his to encourage him to move with her and they both laughed as Harry began to relax into it a bit. His big smile only widened as the song was switched up to something that felt quite naughty and suggestive.

She released his hands because it felt like he was getting the hang of it. Not to mention she was beginning to enjoy the way his big hands fit around hers. And that couldn’t happen.

She turned around and continued swinging her hips and, moving with the rhythm as best she could. Long moments went by and she closed her eyes and allowed herself to get back into the swing of dancing and feeling the freedom and excitement of her night.

A hand pulled at her hip from behind and she opened her eyes and turned to see her stepson towering over her from behind. She hadn’t expected the sudden grip he had on her so she turned in confusion causing his palm to fall away. Harry looked over her shoulder and then dipped down to speak into her ear, “A man came over and was just about to try something with you. Wanted to discourage him a bit. Sorry.”

Y/n followed where he was looking and there was indeed a man there looking at her. And it wouldn’t have been too out of the ordinary for this to happen. She dealt with these things well usually. Sometimes she’d dance a little and flirt a little but that was it. It didn’t bother her. It was all in fun.

She chuckled and pulled at Harry’s shoulder to speak in his ear, “You don’t have to worry about me, Harry. I can take care of myself. I’m a big girl. But thank you.”

Harry licked his lips and turned his face toward her to speak, “I know you’re all grown up. Just didn’t want to see that with my own eyes is all.” His words were spoken close to her ear, his deep baritone vibrating from her neck and over her ear as she turned to look at him, only he didn’t move his face away and their gazes connected for a moment longer than felt innocent.

She swallowed and a small smile plucked upward on her lips, “Okay. Do you want to stay close then? Protect from the predators while I dance?” Her smile widened and she laughed but Harry’s smirk felt like something just the opposite of funny as he looked down over her face and to her neck and then over her lips.

“I’m not going anywhere,” his smirk remained as he shook his head and then in a surprise motion turned her around to face away and put both hands at her hips as they began dancing together.

She could feel his heat from behind her and his fingers held onto her hips possessively but she liked it. Especially when her hips moved to the beat and Harry’s hips moved behind her. He wasn’t pressing himself into her backside but she could feel him moving with her. He was keeping a polite distance. Though, everything that was happening was very inappropriate.

It was inappropriate because she liked it. Because this attractive young man behind her was looking at her in a way she noted was not innocent. Because she’d been obviously flirting with him at the bar. Because Harry was her stepson.

When the beat dropped low and the song slowed to something even more provocative and playful they both slowed and she felt Harry’s thumbs on the bit of skin exposed between the bottom hem of her blouse to just above her skirt’s waistline. His grasp on her skin was burning into her flesh, his fingers gently brushing and then squeezing at her.

“You’re not a bad dancer,” Harry remarked into her ear and she felt his chest press into her back.

And without thinking too deeply about it, or perhaps it was the martinis that left her so uninhibited, she dropped her head back and toward his mouth and felt his lips at her ear, “I’m a terrible dancer. But thank you anyway.” She laughed.

Harry chuckled into her ear, not backing away from how she’d leaned into him but instead pulling at her just enough that his fingers pinched her waist and she could feel him smile as he spoke against her ear, “Nothing about you is terrible, Y/n.”

His deep tone gave her a chill and goosebumps traveled down her neck and over her bare arms. Her good sense had been momentarily suspended as she smiled and dared to move her bottom into his hips.

When she heard his groan in her ear she closed her eyes and placed her hands over his, pressing his hands flat over her waist so she could feel his long fingers under hers, feel his warm palms digging into her skin.

“Better stop. I’m getting a little,” Harry suddenly backed off, his hands releasing her hips and she turned to look up at him as he ran a hand through his hair. He was flushed and his pupils were large, making his soft greens appear dark and heavy as he looked at her with an unmistakable glint of lust. She was sure she looked the same.

“Of course. Yeah. It was fun, though,” she smiled as she began to head back to the table. Harry followed.

They slid into the booth and took their drinks, letting the music of the bar fill in the gaps of their silence.

Y/n realized she was wet. She scolded herself inwardly. Her stepson was off-limits. Hell, to her most men were off limits because she was married (despite her open marriage). But especially Harry. She didn’t know if she should apologize or just let everything that had happened slip away without acknowledgment.

They were both drinking and so that had something to do with her behavior. With his. But mostly hers because she was the stepmom. She should have known better.

“Sorry we didn’t find you a cute girl to dance with,” she offered as she rounded her eyes and grinned, trying to make light of everything and ignore what had just happened between them.

Harry shook his head and looked down at his beer, then shifted his eyes to hers, “I think we did find me a cute girl to dance with,” he licked his lips and huffed a laugh shaking his head again as he lifted his beer.

“I’m done done done! Some guy bought me two shots. On top of the four cocktails I had. I’m fucked. I need to get out of here so I can crash into bed. You okay to leave with me?” Marla was suddenly plopping down at the table as she slurred her speech.

Y/n laughed, glad for the interruption. She wasn’t sure how to respond to Harry’s comment, “Yeah. We can get out of here. Where’s Gina and Cyndee?”

Marla pointed at the edge of the dance floor. Two men flanked them with drinks in hand.

“As you can see, they’re fine.”

Marla, Y/n, and Harry stopped by to say goodbye to Cyndee and Gina before leaving the loud bar. The night air was sobering as she used her Uber app to call for a taxi. Harry stayed with them, like the gentleman he was until their ride showed up.

Marla flung herself into the car as Y/n squeezed Harry’s arm, “Thanks, Harry. I’ll see you… I don’t know when, but this was fun! Yeah? Oh! It’ll probably be for your birthday, right? Party at our house. That’s right,” Y/n was mostly talking to herself. They were throwing him a party. Of course, it was going to be a big bash. Tons of college kids and family and drinking since he was turning 21.

Harry nodded, “Yeah. Weekend after next. Saturday. I think I’ll come over Friday night and stay the whole weekend.”

.           .           .

Harry had always liked Y/n. She was sweet to him from the start. Right off he could tell she wasn’t like Leonardo’s other girlfriends. He’d gone through a lot of them and when he decided he liked Y/n enough to keep around, Harry was genuinely happy about it. His dad was kind of cold and overly structured at times but he always took care of his family and Harry wouldn’t mind having Y/n around. He was 19 when he met her.

Harry’s mom left Leo when he was just a boy. She remarried years later and Harry hadn’t seen her so happy ever. He chalked it up to his dad’s standoffish behavior. He barely showed Harry, love, even. But It was okay for Harry that way. His mom was warm and raised him well. She showed him more love than he’d ever need in a lifetime. She made up where his dad lacked.

So for that, Harry did feel a bit sad, for Y/n, who had such a bright smile and contagious laugh, to marry such a cold creature as his father. The kind that his mother left. His friends joked that Y/n was a gold-digger and they urged him to try and mess around with her. See how far he could take it. But that was out of the question. Not because his stepmom wasn’t smoking hot, but because she was his stepmom. There was just so much wrong with that.

It did irk him, though, that he found her so pretty. But it wasn’t just that. She was smart too. She was easy to talk to and she could keep up with Harry’s little goofy jokes and she never took herself too seriously. Despite having her lips painted red and wearing high-fashion couture courtesy of Leonardo Styles, she was fun and kind.

Harry also benefited from his dad’s money, though. Just because he opted to live with his mother until college didn’t mean he didn’t have everything he wanted. A nice car, nice clothes, vacations with friends, concerts, sporting events, the newest cellphone. Leo didn’t bat an eye if Harry wanted something. And eventually even gave him a credit card to use for anything he wanted.

Yeah, Leo Styles was fucking wealthy. Dirty wealthy. The kind that people hate to see because it’s so excessive and unnecessary that it’s ugly.

But what could Harry do? His dad was a little cold and filthy rich. He didn’t control how his dad dealt with his money, though plenty of people also lumped Harry in with all that. Assumed he was some spoiled rotten brat who’d grow up like his father.

And that was just the thing, though. His dad wasn’t mean or bad per se. He was just rich because of the Styles’ family fortune. And he rarely showed any emotion. His dad did do nice things for the community and donated to good causes, threw fundraisers, and funded schools for children with special needs and gymnasiums for the local children who didn’t have a place to go and play freely.

And he wanted a wife that was smart and pretty. Someone with a brain who could handle a good conversation with grace. Harry understood the arrangement well. There was no love involved but it was a marriage of convenience for both of them. No harm, no foul. Harry didn’t mind it. Others seemed to have heavier opinions about it, though.

“Damn, Harry. You gotta do something about that. She keeps looking over here at you. While she looks like that? Let’s get your v-card taken care of once and for all.”

“Stop it, Jay. She’s my stepmom.”

“So? You told me yourself she’s just married to your dad for the money-“

“No, that’s not what I said. And it doesn’t matter what kind of thing she and my dad have going on. It’s not gonna happen.”

“God look at her. She’s fucking fine, Harry. She wants you too. I can tell. Look you don’t have to take my advice but this one,” he said as he gestured toward Y/n, “She’s a tiger in bed. I guarantee. Look at her move. Bet she could show you a thing or two.”

Harry shoved Jay and shook his head as he looked away before he was caught staring at his stepmom again.

She was hot. Her skirt was short and her little top kept riding up so he could get the tiniest peek of her waistline each time she raised her arms. Harry didn’t want to let his mind wander to those kinds of places. He’d already recognized how gorgeous she was. Liked her personality and how funny she was. If she were younger and not his stepmom, maybe. Maybe.

“Rebecca’s over there. I’m gonna go dance with her a bit. Sheila is too. You should come out and dance! Meet someone! Get laid!”

Harry sighed and sipped his beer as he leaned away from Jay’s arm, “No thanks.”

He did want to get laid of course. It wasn’t like he couldn’t have found a willing participant. It just hadn’t ever happened. He’d messed around a bit but in all honesty, Harry had a hard time wrapping his mind around a quick fling or something that was only sex. He liked connection and love. Wanted that whole thing with someone before getting to that point in the relationship. He knew it was silly to take it so seriously. And it wasn’t like keeping his virginity was his goal. It was just that he wanted it to be with someone special. Yeah, he was a bit of a sap like that.

But no one would know it really. That Harry was a big sap. A virgin at almost 21. Only his closest friends knew and they were sworn to secrecy. People assumed Harry had had lots of sex. That he was fucking people left and right. Because Harry was a flirt. He was super smooth and confident and charming. The kind of man people would imagine just had tons of sex. Plus he was incredibly attractive.

When Y/n was suddenly stood next to him at the bar, sweat at her hairline and soft lips with a cute smile as she spoke to him closely about how he was just sitting at the stool, not making the most of his first time in a bar with a fake ID, he felt his stomach twist. Maybe it was her scent, or the alcohol coursing through his veins, or the way she kept looking at him while she was dancing. Whatever it was, he knew he’d just moved into dangerous territory in his mind.

But she pulled at his hair and licked her lips and stood close so she could speak in his ear and he was easily convinced to finally get up and go dance with her.

Dancing wasn’t really a big deal to him. He wasn’t shy to dance. He honestly didn’t care all that much what people thought of him. He just didn’t want to get out there and dance while she was dancing like that. While she was looking at him in that way. Because he knew he wouldn’t be able to resist her. Something had slipped out of its normal position for Harry that night. He was thinking of his stepmom in very inappropriate ways and he was powerless to stop the indecent thoughts he had about her body and her lips and her voice. It was so wrong.

When he turned her around and put his hands on her hips he allowed his fingers to wander over her skin to the very spot he’d been watching each time she lifted her arms. But this time he pushed the material up to give the pads of his fingers access. And she didn’t stop him.

Her hair smelled good and when he spoke against her ear she got goosebumps. Fucking goosebumps from his voice in her ear.

But then the unthinkable happened and she pressed herself into his front. And luckily she was just off to the left a bit because had she been to the right another inch or so she’d have felt him. He was thick under his dark jeans and it was because of his stepmom.

Her skin and her lips and her hair and the way she smelled and reacted to him. But he had to stop. He backed away knowing that it was the smart move. Hating that it was the smart move.

He came down the shower drain imagining Y/n on her knees with his cock down her throat, gagging and urging him to go in deeper that night after the bar. He closed his eyes and yanked himself and he orgasmed so embarrassingly fast to the image of her. His stepmom. That was the first time he’d masturbated to Y/n’s image. And it felt dirty. It felt forbidden and disgusting.

But then he did it again the following evening in his bed. He was thankful for having his own room in the frat house. Stroking his cock as his thighs quivered and his head was thrown back into the pillow under him, imagining Y/n riding his cock and showing him what she liked had him gasping as he came all over himself.

He tried to move on and get things back to normal in his brain about her. The way they were before that night at the bar. But he couldn’t stop thinking about her. Part of that was because of how she responded to him, flirted with him. The way she was looking at him and how she danced with him. He knew he didn’t imagine it. She was into it. And now that he knew that… well, the result left Harry tugging one out to his stepmom every night thereafter.

.           .           .

The party was going to be big. Leonardo told Harry to invite everyone he wanted. And of course, he and Y/n invited their friends too.

There was a DJ, a catering staff with bartenders and lots of presents.

Y/n was helping with the setup. Friday was busy for her, the day before the party. She’d almost forgotten about Harry mentioning he’d be coming on Friday to stay the whole weekend. Almost.

In fact, she hadn’t forgotten at all. She tried pushing that memory down but it was still there, underneath everything. Her nerves were wild as she helped direct some of the landscapers and people bringing gifts in from the guests. Tables and chairs, and a dance floor laid near the area where the DJ would be set up. Speakers were placed all over the estate so music could be heard no matter where anyone was.

She was in sweat shorts and a tank top and tennis shoes with no makeup. She had wanted to shower and get freshened up a little at least. Before Harry arrived. Though, she wasn’t entirely sure he actually would come that evening as he said.

But then she laughed at herself worrying so much over how she looked to her stepson. A silly silly girl, she thought to herself. Who cares? Why should she care? She was doing all this for his birthday party anyway. And she was his stepmom.

Looking down at the placement of the dance floor tiles being installed she allowed her mind to drift to that night at the club. His warm skin, his deep voice. The way he handled her like he knew what he was doing… She hated that she had been allowing those kinds of thoughts to trickle in about him. Hated, hated that two days ago when she had sex with Leo it was Harry she was thinking about.

She felt like a nasty and disgusting woman. A pervert.

In the early afternoon, the landscapers had gone and the garden looked like it was ready to be filled in with hundreds of people ready to party. She was proud of the way it turned out. It all looked great.

But she was hungry. She’d eat then shower. Hopefully, before Harry arrived. If he arrived that evening.

The chef’s kitchen had a lovely granite island with unstained walnut and wide plank hardwood floors. The refrigerator was ridiculously large. Opening up the state-of-the-art appliance she peered inside trying to find something quick to eat. She planned on having cheese tortellini later on. Leo was out for the day and told her not to wait up. That he would be back late. Some conference or something. It wasn’t abnormal for him to be gone for hours or days. She enjoyed the quiet and loved to eat simple dishes when he wasn’t around. Things that she craved like macaroni and cheese, fish sticks, or cheesy tortellini, and a bottle of wine.

She settled on yogurt and a double serving of granola as she sat at the island. She just needed an in-between lunch and dinner snack to tide her over.

Just before she scooped her last bite into her mouth she heard footsteps and then his voice, “Anyone home?”

She quickly scrambled off her stool and stood up just as he entered the kitchen. His dark curls were perfectly placed on his head and he wore a colorful Hawaiian-style shirt and black jeans with leather Chelsea boots.

“Hi! Yeah, was just eating a snack. Uh, make yourself at home, Harry!” Her tone was a bit too perky and she cringed at how silly she sounded.

Harry smiled gently and nodded as he dropped his gaze to her legs and back up, “Yes ma’am. Just gonna take this up to my room first.” He lifted his duffle bag, “Looks really good out there,” gesturing with his thumb over his shoulder, “Looking forward to it.”

“Oh, so glad you like it. It was some work to get everything just right. The guys setting up were so great, though. There are still a few more things to finish up tomorrow but I think for now we’re on track. But um…” she walked to the sink to rinse her bowl out as she looked over her shoulder at Harry, “I’m, uh… just headed to take a shower, though. Haven’t had the chance yet today. So…” she trailed off her sentence. None of what she was saying mattered to him at all. She was sure of that.

Harry puffed out a quick little laugh, “Okay. Yeah. Well, I’ll be in my room.”

Her shower was delightful but her nerves weren’t soothed. She was wound up tight and now that her stepson was here in her house, alone with her… she closed her eyes to compose herself. A ridiculous woman. A dirty and perverted creep. Who thinks of their stepson in this way? It’s absolutely disgusting. Immoral. Depraved. Evil. But it had all begun with that night and the way he danced with her. Innocent. Until it wasn’t.

She stayed in her room for a while. Not sure how she should go about acting casually in front of Harry. After that night at the bar, how could she? They had crossed a line. She had crossed a line. She took responsibility for this whole mess in her mind. She was the one at fault. Harry was only 20. Well, 21 now. Technically his birthday was today.

Fuck! She’d forgotten to wish him happy birthday!

Pulling her leggings up and slipping on a t-shirt she huffed as she paced the room. Well, now she had to go and tell him and also apologize for the state she was in when he arrived and how she’d forgotten and…

Calm down. He probably doesn’t even care, Y/n.

Knocking at his cracked-open bedroom door she peeked in to see that Harry wasn’t in there. She looked down the hallway and for some strange reason she stepped into his room and her eyes landed on his laptop that was open.


He was watching porn. Y/n let out a surprised laugh and shook her head. She was overstepping so many boundaries. She looked at the screen as she moved away, intending on leaving his bedroom and going to find him when her eyes landed on the title of the video he had up.

Stepmom and Stepson Share a Bed

Her pulse grew fast and her palms began to sweat. Of course, perhaps that meant nothing. Perhaps that was just something he was watching that he found hot and didn’t realize it was stepmom porn or something…

She backed herself out of the room quickly but when she felt his hands on her shoulders and his voice, that fucking voice that sounded like sex, “You okay? Nearly ran me over-“

But he stopped short, a sharp inhaled breath into his lungs cutting off his words. He looked at the bed where his laptop was open and realized what she’d seen. He’d been saving his favorite stepmom porn videos lately. This one was just up. He wasn’t actually watching it before he’d stepped out of the room. It had just been on the screen when he closed out the Word doc he was working on for an essay at school.

“Fuck.” He whispered and released her shoulders, “Y/n, I… look that was just-“

Y/n turned with wide eyes and held her hand up quickly, “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have come in here. I was looking for you to um… I was gonna wish you a happy birthday, and I… I’m the one that should be sorry. That…” she pointed toward his bed, “I shouldn’t have seen that.”

Harry was embarrassed. He felt like crawling under the bed and staying there til the day he died. Never to be seen or heard from again. He was so careless to leave that up like that.

He swallowed and ran his hands over his face and shook his head, “Oh my god. Fuck.”

“Hey, it’s okay,” Y/n placed her hand on his forearm and pulled one of his arms down, “Look at me.”

Harry opened his eyes and looked at her like she asked, “No worries okay? That was just nothing. It’s just porn. Everyone looks at porn. It’s normal. Okay?”

“Watching stepmom porn is normal?”

Y/n swallowed. She didn’t think he’d directly come out and say that, “Well… I mean… sure. If there’s a category on Pornhub for it that means someone likes it. You’re not the only one.” She tried to laugh but it died in her throat when Harry clenched his jaw and tilted his head back to look up at the ceiling.

“And besides,” her fingers tightened over his arm, causing him to look back down at her, “it’s not like that’s about me anyway. Come on… it’s just porn. So don’t-“

“Of course, it’s about you, Y/n. Why else would I be interested in that kind of thing?”

She let go of his arm and she felt like she could faint. She grasped onto the door jamb and wobbled as she looked down at her feet to steady herself and then back up at Harry.

“Are you okay? Here, let’s sit.” Harry took her arm from the door jamb and slowly guided her to her sit down on his bed where he promptly shut his laptop and moved the forsaken thing away from them, hidden from view.

“I’m okay,” she put her hands up and blinked her eyes as she turned to look at Harry next to her on the bed. “I didn’t expect that is all. That it had anything to do with- I just…”

“But that night at the club. That was… well… haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. I’m sorry. I know that’s inappropriate.”

Y/n bit her bottom lip and nodded before taking a deep breath, “Yeah. I guess. Me too.”

“You too? What?”

She turned to look at his verdant crystal eyes, “I can’t stop thinking about it. And it is inappropriate. And I take all the blame. It was my fault that it even got as far as it did. I’m sorry, Harry.”

Harry shushed her and took her hand, “No. Don’t be sorry. This isn’t just on you. I’m an adult too, Y/n. This is on me just as much. So, I’m sorry. I feel like I probably pushed it that night. I was the one that touched you and made up that story about that guy.”

She recollected that night and the short conversation they had about the guy that was trying to dance with her when Harry had put his hand on her hip. The man was looking at her so she thought what he said was true. She hadn’t even questioned it, “You mean that man… that he wasn’t… you did…” she couldn’t finish her thought. It was. A lot. That revelation felt dense with just enough muscle to peel away some kind of layer of wool that had been placed securely over the situation in safety.

“Yeah. I’m so sorry, Y/n. I don’t know what got into me that night. I really didn’t mean for any of this- It’s… my fault. I started it. I’m really sorry.”

She felt like they were somewhat on even ground now. He’d done that. She wouldn’t absolve herself of blame. No, not at all. She was still the heavy in this situation. She wouldn’t allow herself to feel exonerated by his admission. She was seven years older and his stepmom. She was ultimately to blame.

“God, Harry. Please. I’m…” she paused. His gaze on hers was hard to break. His soft mint eyes made him appear so pure and blameless. But then his deep raspberry lips, darkly pigmented against his face were seductive. Harry was like a siren. An enchanter. He was beautiful.

“No. You’re… amazing and I’ve just gone too far. It’s okay. This is silly,” he laughed and disconnected their eye contact as he looked downward, “This is-“ he looked back up at her and felt his heart thrum hard in his ribs, “silly.” His last word, just a whisper. A word he didn’t believe.

She shook her head, keeping her eyes on his, “And you surely have other options anyway. It’s just a phase. I’m sure you’ve got plenty to pick from. The charmer you are,” she chuckled lightly trying to lighten the mood and suggest it was temporary. That he could be with any young college girl he wanted. Probably had someone lined up for his birthday party even.

Harry’s brows cinched together and he shook his head, “No. I don’t. You don’t know this about me but… I’m actually…” he sighed and looked upward not wanting to see her expression when he told her, “virgin.”

That was not what she expected. Not at all. First of all, Harry Styles was beautiful. He was a sight! A paragon on legs with a gorgeously calming voice and the sweetest disposition anyone could ever dream of. He was perfection if there ever was such a thing. His beauty went before him but his grace and kindness were what made him so appealing. So utterly attractive. How was it that this astonishingly amazing man, absolutely as nice as anyone could ever be, was a virgin? Not to mention he had his dad’s money at the helm. There was nothing about Harry that wouldn’t get him laid in an instant.

“Virgin? Seriously?” She stuttered, “Umm… but not that there’s anything wrong with that…” She almost didn’t believe him as she asked. They’d never discussed this of course, but in her mind, it was quite impossible that he had never had sex.

“It’s true. Yeah. S’embarrassing but I really want it with… not just anyone. I don’t know. It’s not like I haven’t done anything… but I’m not like I’m sleeping with whomever I can.”

Y/n nodded. She got it. As a female that was a conundrum she had as well.

Well, it was slightly different but the basics of why she didn’t just go and sleep with anyone was the same when she was his age. It was because she felt deeply about things. Wanted it to mean something. It didn’t always after she learned that others didn’t feel the same way she did. She learned that getting hurt was sometimes part of relationships. Part of sex. As sad as that was.

“Oh.” She smiled at him and spoke softly, “That’s how I used to feel too. Thought it should be special. But then when I thought it was going to be, the guy didn’t care so it turned out it was only special for me. I realized it didn’t really matter what I wanted. I can’t control what everyone around me wants.”

Harry felt his heart pinch at her words. That wasn’t fair. And that was exactly what had him so worried. That he would give it his all only to have the other person feel as if it was nothing important. Just a moment in time.

But it was a big moment in time. It should mean something. Both people should feel its presence and its significance.

They remained silent for a moment as Harry threaded his fingers in between Y/n’s and licked his lips, “Are we alone?”

She turned her head to look at the man. The whole scenario was unbelievable to her. They’d both admitted attraction and that they’d overstepped boundaries. They also both felt bad about it all. But what did that mean? Did that mean she should just stand up and tell him not to worry about it and not to bring it up ever again? Tell him she won’t say anything if he doesn’t say anything? Give him a hug and a pat on the back?

Yes. That is exactly what she should do.

Unhooking her fingers from his she leaned in and hugged him before standing up from his bed, “Your dad will be home late. So, it’s probably better if I go downstairs and do something to keep me busy. This,” she moved her fingers to point at him and then herself, “we can just chalk up to some bad timing and hormones or whatever. Don’t worry about it. I think it’ll be better for us to just pretend it never happened.”

Harry stood up abruptly, his height overtaking Y/n’s significantly with how close he stood, “Just like that? Just forget that we both said those things?”

She took a step back as she kept her eyes on his, “Yeah. Don’t you think that’s for the best? I mean, Harry… I’m your stepmom.”

Harry pulled his lips into his mouth and frowned as he put his hands on his hips and moved away from the bed. He walked toward his door and turned back, “You can forget it and pretend it never happened if you like. I won’t be, though. I’m not going to say anything but I’m not going to pretend this didn’t happen either.”

Her heart dropped. She hoped he’d just brush it all off and try to move on. That was the best way to go about all of this. It’s not like they could have some kind of affair anyway. He was too young and his dad was her husband. It would be crazy to do such a thing.

“I mean… what did you want here? I feel like moving on is the best thing for both of us.”

Harry breathed out an incredulous laugh and shook his head, “I don’t know. Honestly. Thought…” he looked down at his shoes, “No one needed to know. No one would know.”

“No one needed to know what?”

Harry lifted his gaze up to Y/n’s, “If we… kissed or… anything. It would be easy. Dad’s never home. And you’re so-“ he blinked his eyes and she watched as he honed in on the spot where her breasts were under her t-shirt. She hadn’t put a bra on before slipping the shirt on in her haste to wish him a happy birthday, “Kind and patient. Feel like that would be really nice.”

She felt like her jaw was on the floor. Felt like that would be really nice. She couldn’t argue that. It would be really nice. A man with a warm heart in her bed. Someone she could show what she wanted without worry that he’d be offended. A man that looked like Harry. Young and with all that stamina. She imagined that he probably would want it a lot, especially now that she knew he was a virgin. That he’s been so neglected and that the moment he got a taste of it he’d never want to stop…

She shook her head before she allowed her mind to go too far into that hole, “We can’t, Harry. You understand that right,” she bit her lip. She wanted to grab him by his hips and smear her mouth over his as she pushed him into his bed and had them reenact the stepmom and stepson share a bed porno he had up on his laptop.

Harry nodded, his face set in an unreadable expression, “Of course, Y/n. I wouldn’t push you to do anything you didn’t want. I’m sorry.”

She hated that he kept saying sorry. That he felt bad for any of this when it was on her as well, “Please, Harry. Stop saying you’re sorry. You’re not to blame. I just think we should keep level heads here. You’ve done nothing wrong.”

His breathing deepened so much that Y/n could see the way his chest rose and fell under his shirt. She noted his gaze taking her in, not just her eyes, but her lips and her neck, her hips where the shirt stopped and her leggings showed under, “Oh… Y/n…” he shook his head, “I’ve definitely not been innocent. If my porn history isn’t enough to apologize for then my dirty thoughts surely are. You’d certainly agree that I should be apologizing if you knew the sorts of things I fantasize about with you.”

Y/n looked down. She couldn’t take his saturating gaze and these admissions any longer, “I don’t know why you’re telling me this. It’s okay that it’s private and as long as it’s not acted on… you shouldn’t feel bad.”

“Of course.” Harry gestured toward the hallway as he looked at Y/n. There was nothing more to be said on the matter. Harry knew she was right.

She nodded as she exited his room and heard him close the door behind her as she stepped out into the hallway. All she wanted to do was to tell him happy birthday. But instead, she left confused and frustrated and far more guilty than she had been before. She had no idea how to navigate this. But she only knew that no one could know their secret.

.           .           .

The caterers arrived before everyone else to get things set up. Small little aluminum warmers lit to keep the food warm. The bar was set up with a washing station and glassware (none of that plastic stuff Leo had said). The sound equipment was tested. Everything was going to be amazing, Y/n thought. For Harry’s 21st birthday party, this was surely going to be a great time.

She hadn’t seen Harry after their encounter in his bedroom the day before. He’d been quiet the rest of the evening. He didn’t even come down to eat.

Leo arrived home just after midnight and today he was working a little, tying up loose ends for something Y/n didn’t bother to pay attention to. Her mind was elsewhere anyway. Her thoughts kept wandering to Harry. Was he okay? Certainly, he wouldn’t be too upset. They hadn’t even really done anything. And they shouldn’t! Plus he was so young and he would have plenty of time to find someone special. She couldn’t be that for him. Certainly not.

Just before she’d had the chance to run upstairs to her room to get her party outfit in order she caught a glimpse of Harry as he was leaving the kitchen. His dark curls were messy. He looked like he had just gotten up.

She laughed to herself. A typical 21-year-old. Sleeping half the day away so he could stay up late and party with his friends tonight. She felt like that was a good sign.

Her dress was modest and what she deemed appropriate. She had originally selected something different for the party, but after her talk with Harry the night before, she went a more conservative route. Perhaps he’d ignore her when he saw the other pretty girls his age that he knew at the party. She hoped there would be someone else that caught his eye. Someone that could make him forget all about whatever it was that happened between them.

She pulled her hair into a low bun, smoothing the bits that always tended to poke out from a sleek do. It was easy to keep her hair this way. And it was more mature too she felt. Rather than keeping her hair down in styled waves or curls, the low bun was a nod to her stage in life. The married woman with a stepson stage.

She decided to not wear perfume or lipstick either. She wanted to do anything she could to fade into the background for the party. She’d be running around anyway, at the beck and call of the people working the party should they need anything. She knew it was probably unnecessary as the people they’d hired were all professionals and some of the best in the industry. But she felt she would need to keep herself busy.

The first to arrive were Leo’s parents (Harry’s grandparents) and then Harry’s mom, Anne. Anne had been around a lot for the last few days helping Y/n get everything sorted. Y/n was actually quite fond of Anne. Harry’s mother was a saint. She loved that her relationship with Leo’s ex was so good.

“Where’s the birthday boy?” Anne smiled as she backed away from the hug Y/n had given her.

“Oh! I think he might still be getting ready. I believe he slept in late. Saw the back of his head about an hour ago and he appeared to be half asleep,” Y/n laughed.

As more of the guests arrived, Y/n noted the young women and men Harry had invited. Plenty of attractive and exciting college kids.

The music was started and drinks were being served but she still had not seen Harry. Nor Leo for that matter (though she wasn’t surprised to have not seen Leo – probably absorbed in his work).

Going inside and tiptoeing her way up toward Harry’s bedroom to urge him to come out and join his own party she found that his door was closed. She applied two knocks to the wood as she put her ear in close to hear anything.

When it was silent and the door didn’t open, she knocked again. Harder, “Harry? You in there? Party’s getting started without you!”

Suddenly the door was pulled open and before her was her stepson looking like he was ready to kill. Not kill in the way that was violent, but kill with his looks. Kill with the way he’d dressed and left half his buttons undone at the top, a sheer milky white shirt with cream embroidered flowers draping away from his chest and allowing peeks of his tattoos. Black, well-fitted jeans and black Chelsea boots. His signature cross necklace hung between his pecs.

“Wanted to be fashionably late. You know… birthday boy and all,” he raised his brows unamused at Y/n and she felt the condescension drip from his words, “After you… step mummy,” he gestured for her to lead the way.

She was stunned by his tiny attitude. It wasn’t much. He hadn’t been particularly rude but his tone and his cheek were new. He was normally very polite with her. Very sweet and all smiles.

She nodded as she began to head down the stairs, Harry behind her. The moment they walked out to the garden Harry headed in a direction away from her. Without a word. But that was good. He should go and have fun with his friends.

Y/n had invited Marla to the party, which she was thankful for. Marla kept her mind off the tall young man of the hour.

“I can never get over how fantastic this place is. And look at all this,” Marla waved her wine glass above her head as she gestured toward the decorations, “This looks magical! When I fall in love and get married, can I have my wedding here?”

“You have to find the right man first. Ryan’s not it.” They laughed together.

Y/n wasn’t nearly as busy as she thought she’d be. As she hoped she’d be. She drank a few glasses of wine and checked on the guests but Anne had most things under control as did the staff that were taking care of everything.

She kept wishing she had more to do because her eyes kept searching for Harry. She spotted him over and over again. He was drinking whisky, with his friends laughing, and of course, there was one girl he was talking to.

She scolded herself at the touch of jealousy she felt. The girl was Harry’s age. Lovely young thing. But when she saw just the two of them talking as Harry had a hand flat on the bench behind the girl she hated how close they were standing. How flirty he looked. She especially didn’t like that the girl would reach out for his buttons and pluck at them every so often.

But why should she be jealous? He was a 21-year-old guy and he was her stepson. It was quite silly to feel anything other than happiness for him.

The cherry on top was after Leo gave his speech and everyone toasted and then the DJ began to play house music. The dance floor was packed and Y/n watched on as Harry and the young girl danced together, much in the same way he’d danced with her two weeks prior. His lanky body moved behind hers, his hand at her hip, his face close to her ear as he said god-knows-what to her.

She wanted to go out and dance too. There was no reason for her to not dance. Just because Harry was out there, enjoying his time, she didn’t need to wallow at the edge and watch the fun.

“Let’s dance!” Y/n pulled Marla with her to the dance floor.

It was just like their normal Friday night outings and since the night before they didn’t get to go out because Y/n had been busy with the party setup, tonight would be girl’s night for her and Marla.

The two laughed and moved their bodies to the beat, holding their wine glasses as level as they could so it didn’t slosh out.

She was finally having fun. Finally felt the anxiety and the guilt melt away as she danced and drank a little more wine. She had been silly to be jealous or upset. There was no reason for any of that.

But then she saw his eyes on hers. He hadn’t been looking at her all night. She figured that was for the best. But now he was watching her as he danced with the girl in the white mini-dress. His gaze was cold. His face set in a glowering smirk as he spoke something to the girl. She watched as the young woman leaned her head back to look up at Harry and his lips nipped at the space just below her ear.

She felt she could vomit. It was too much. She thought she was okay but she didn’t want to see that. Didn’t want to watch as Harry kissed anyone else and looked at her with such disdain. Was he mad at her?

She excused herself to Marla and rushed into the big house, moving into the kitchen to set her glass down. There were people in the house. Chatting, laughing, and some even dancing inside.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she leaned over the island and tried to calm her brain. What was she doing? What was wrong with her?

Warm hands covered the tops of her shoulders and the deep rasp of her stepson was in her ear before she could even open her eyes, “I need to talk to you.”

She jumped in surprise and turned around quickly as Harry ticked his head toward the stairs and he began heading toward them. She followed behind, moving up the steps with him and she assumed he would want to talk in the hallway or his room but he continued walking past his door and to the other side of the house toward her bedroom.

Without even a pause he opened her door and entered her room as if he owned it. As if it were his room.

She followed in behind him, her face set in confusion. She couldn’t know what he was going to say or what he wanted to talk about.

“Was offered a blowjob,” he blurted out as he paced. “From Leslie. She’s cute and I’m… anyway… I wanted to tell you,” he stopped and looked at Y/n, moving toward her, “in case you wanted to… maybe you’d changed your mind or-“ he ran a hand through his hair.

“What?” She was stunned, “You… why are you telling me?”

“Because I want… you, Y/n.” He said with finality.

Harry was stood close with his pink lips parted as he looked down at Y/n. He was serious. He was dead serious and she was surprised. The young girl was pretty and she wanted to give him a blowjob… “Me? What about… Leslie? She’s so cute and-“

“Not as cute as you. Ever since that night, I can’t stop thinking about you.” He cocked his head and smirked, “And I like this look,” Harry moved his hand to the material of her dress gently before letting his hand drop down to his side, “Perfect length so no one gets any ideas about you. A modest silhouette. Your hair falling out of this bun you tried to hold it in,” his hand moved upward again to push the hair off her shoulder that had indeed come undone from the bun.

“You must have had too much to drink. I’m not what you’re looking for-“

“You are. You are exactly what I’ve been looking for. And I’m not drunk, Y/n. Not even close.”

Her breaths deepened as Harry’s hand stayed at her neck where he’d pushed her hair. His thumb rubbed over her pulse point slowly. And he was suffocating, crippling her resolve. Making her question her sanity. She couldn’t allow this. Could she?

“Well, it doesn’t matter. I can’t. We… we can’t.”

Harry licked his lips, “We can actually because no one would know. Want it to be you. Want you to show me. I trust you.” He didn’t lose his composure as his palm moved upward and his thumb brushed the outer corner of her mouth.

She closed her eyes and allowed her mouth to part the slightest. She didn’t know what she was doing. Letting him stand so close. Letting him speak to her about this. Letting him touch her lips. Letting his words sink into her core.

“Harry…” she breathed out his name as she felt the pad of his thumb press over her bottom lip. Her eyes remained closed. This wasn’t happening. If she kept her eyes closed she wasn’t here and this wasn’t happening. It was just a fantasy.

The trouble was though, that it was happening. And even with her eyes closed she could feel him and how he was standing so close she could smell the whisky on his breath and feel his body heat next to hers. Feel his thumb push past her lips the slightest as her tongue poke out to taste the tiniest bit. Felt his hand grip her face and his smooth mouth on hers and his hand on her waist and his chest pressed to hers.

She forced her fingers into his hair and moaned into his mouth but then- in a sudden moment of clarity, she pushed at his chest and shook her head, “This is wrong. We can’t, Harry. You get that, right?”

Harry backed away and looked down at his feet, “I do. You don’t want me.”

She nearly blurted out to him that that was incorrect. That she did want him. That she’d fantasized about him far too often but it was unhealthy and it could only lead to disaster.

Instead, she stayed quiet. He needed to drop this. She needed to stop this. It had gone too far.

When he left her room she sat down on her bed. Now she’d gone and kissed him. Tasted his lips and the way he kissed her felt so real and so passionate. She’d missed that bit of passion. That sort of enthusiasm. It wasn’t something Leo gave her at all. She didn’t even know it was something she was missing. But Harry had woken something up in her. Ever since that night. And now the kiss had felt like she was beyond getting back to ignoring that need she’d buttoned up and pushed down. She wanted more. But that couldn’t happen.

She was surprised by Harry’s gall too. He was quite pushy, which she hadn’t expected of him. Harry, who was so gentle and thoughtful and sweet was really adamant about pursuing her.

Her tummy was still warm and filled with butterflies. He’d kissed her. And she wanted to take it further but she couldn’t. That was out of the question.

.           .           .

When most of the guests had gone and the house grew quiet Y/n sat outside under the twinkle lights. She’d turn them off before going in and calling it a night but she wanted a few moments of peace with the last bit of the bottle of wine she’d worked her way through after Harry had gone and scrambled her good sense.

Good sense. What a laugh. As if she had any good sense after that night at the bar. It should have never gotten as far as it had.

Y/n was also sitting outside in hopes of making sure Leslie left before she went back in. Or at least gave Harry enough time to get his blowjob or whatever it was that was going on in his bedroom.

Because Y/n was well aware that Harry had her in there. He made a show of it in fact.

When she’d gotten back outside after calming herself from the kiss, Harry had Leslie against the side of the house with his tongue down her throat. And as much as she tried to ignore that and pretend she wasn’t bothered by it, she was bothered. It hurt her feelings but she shouldn’t feel hurt. Harry should be doing things with girls his age and losing his virginity to anyone that wasn’t his stepmom.

But she kept looking over at them and when she caught Harry gazing back at her as he kissed Leslie she could almost feel her hair singe in anger. He was doing it on purpose. To make Y/n jealous.

And before he brought her into the house he casually introduced Leslie to her and then leaned in to whisper to Y/n with his whisky breath, “Last chance.”

So, not only was she a little hurt she was a little pissed. Because he was being downright bratty with it.

Half of her hoped that Leslie would take his virginity and he’d get it out of his system and that would be that.

The other part of her, the depraved, nonsensical evil bit that she kept pushed deep deep down away from anyone, wanted to make him pay for being a little jerk to her. She imagined spanking him even, which was ridiculous because he was so much larger than she was. As if he’d somehow fit over her lap and bare his ass to her for a spanking. She laughed at her thoughts but they didn’t end there.

The more wine that wound its way into her bloodstream the filthier her fantasies got. He’d grow hard after she punished him and then she’d show him what a real blowjob was like. Make him forget all about Leslie. She’d let him feel her throat on him but wouldn’t allow him to come. Instead, then she’d pull him down by his hair between her legs and guide him over her, giving him specific instructions for cunnilingus. And he’d keep licking at her and begging for more of her even after she’d come. He wouldn’t want to stop tasting her but then she’d tell him to stop – that only good boys deserve more.

Of course, the fantasy ends with him begging her to take his virginity and then making him eat his come from her pussy since he came too fast, like the virgin he is.

Depraved. But god was she turned on just thinking about it. She bet he’d like all that too.

Plucking her bottle of wine up she flicked the lights off and went into the house. No sense in staying outside and hoping Harry was quiet enough when she went inside. Plus she was quite tipsy and just needed to be put to bed.

Putting the bottle down on the counter she heard Leo sitting in the living room on a call.

It was nearly 2 am so she was surprised he was chatting with anyone but she could tell it was something for work. Plans for a business trip.

Instead of waiting and talking to him, she made her way up to her bedroom. She slowly passed Harry’s room and noticed that there was a light on but no noises to be heard, thankfully.

And she wasn’t jealous. Of course, she wasn’t. What was there to be jealous of?

After a warm shower and slathering her body in lotion, she opened her ensuite bathroom door and stopped dead in her tracks.

“What are you doing in here?”

Harry was lying on her bed, sprawled out on top of her comforter wearing the clothes he wore at his party minus his boots.

Harry lifted his head and snorted a laugh, “Wanted to say g’night to my stepmom. But then I laid on your bed,” Y/n could hear the slur in his speech and saw the way his eyes floated in his sockets as he looked at her, “and it’s so comfortable.” He pressed his palms down and moaned at the feel before plopping his head back onto her stack of feather pillows.

She stood over him and placed her hands at her hips. She was thankful she’d put on her robe before stepping out of her room. Half the time she opted to walk around her bedroom naked.

“Well, goodnight, then Harry. It’s time for you to go back to your room.”

Harry squeezed his eyes closed and the grin on his mouth widened as he spoke, “Mmm… but this feels so good. S’cozy right here.”

Y/n sat at the end of the bed and sighed. He was clearly drunk. Earlier he hadn’t been when she kissed him. Now, he was very clearly inebriated.

“Your bed is cozy too, though. You should go back to your room. Get some rest.”

Harry propped himself up by his elbows and planted his eyes on hers, “You’ve been in my bed? When?”

Shaking her head and laughing at the absurdity of this whole scenario she spoke, “I know your bed is comfortable because I helped Leo pick out your new mattress. It’s the same one as this.” She patted the bed under her.

Harry nodded slowly and she noticed his gaze at her cleavage so she tightened her robe just as there was a knock at her door.

A gasp fell from her lips and she shoved Harry off the bed, whispering, “Under the bed! It’s your father!”

Harry huffed a laugh and put his hands up in surrender, “Yes, ma’am.”

She hushed him as he scooted himself under her bed and Y/n ran to her bathroom door, “Yes!”

The door opened and Leo stepped in, a suitcase left in the doorway, “I just wanted to let you know I’ve got a sudden meeting tomorrow late morning so I’ve got to take the 5:00 am out to Savannah.”

Putting the towel up to her hair to act as if she’d just gotten out of the shower (she sort of had) she walked across the room to him, “Really? When will you be back?”

“Day after tomorrow. It’s a morning meeting, then golf, then dinner. Then the next morning I have a flight that gets me back in LA at noon.”

She smiled and slid her arms over his shoulders to bring him in for a quick hug and he caught her off guard by kissing her cheek and squeezing her back before pulling away, “Car’s outside waiting,” he ticked his head toward the door, “Tell Harry when he emerges tomorrow for me, will ya?”

When she shut her door and turned toward her bed she let out a breath of relief. She was glad Harry stayed quiet. But then she realized as she lifted her bed skirt that he’d fallen asleep down there.

Rolling her eyes she contemplated what to do. Leave him there? Wake him and help him back to his room? She really didn’t want to deal with getting him into his bedroom. Nor did she want to deal with a drunk Harry by waking him up. But ultimately her guilt wouldn’t let her leave him there on the floor. He deserved to sleep in a bed.

“Harry… come on… wake up. Leo’s gone,” she pushed at his arm gently, “Harry…” she said tunefully, elongating the yyyyyy at the end of his name.

Pulling at his arm she got him part of the way out from under her bed and lifted his arm up, “Come on… wake up,” she lightly patted his face and that seemed to do it.

Harry’s eyes opened up and landed on hers. Sparkling and green and soft. And drunk.

“Let’s get you up. Come on. Time for bed.” She helped him sit up and tucked herself under his arm and began to stand to help him upward. But he was dead weight.

“Can I please stay with you? Please, Y/n? Your bed is so soft.”

She looked at him as he spoke and she realized he was not going to make it to his room. He’d have to sleep on her bed.

But that was fine. She’d just put him in her bed and then go sleep in any of the other guest rooms. It was better than letting him sleep on the floor or attempting to walk him to his bedroom.

“You can sleep in my bed. That’s fine. Can you lift up with me?”

Harry’s smile took over his features and his pink lips looked wet and soft. He was super cute when he was drunk.

“For real?” Harry raised an arm and steadied himself with the edge of the bed, the other side assisted by Y/n as he was pushed upward to his feet.

“There we go. Okay…” Y/n nudged him to sit and Harry’s full weight fell onto the bed and he laughed.

He immediately went to grab at his pant button and Y/n paused and put her hand on his shoulder, “Uh, just lie down. I’ll go and get you some water. Be right back.”

She was doing her best. Truly. She was quite tipsy herself and her bed had been calling before Harry showed up in her room. And now here she was traipsing across the massive home to get her stepson a glass of water. She figured he’d appreciate that when he woke up in the morning. And she had hoped that by the time she returned to her room, he’d be asleep and she could sneak out and go to the nearest guest bedroom and crash there. She was tired.

But when she returned to her room, Harry had successfully pulled his pants and sheer button-up shirt off and was left in nothing but his grey boxer briefs. And he was not asleep.

Placing the water next to the side of the bed he was on, which was where she’d normally be sleeping she noted, Harry stretched his arms behind his head and smiled, “Hop in.”

She shook her head and laughed as she pulled her charger from the wall and grabbed her cell phone, “No, Harry. That’s not a good idea,” she turned off the lamp on the far side of the room and began to walk toward the door.

He sat up quickly, “Wait. You said… You’re not staying with me?”

Y/n turned to look at him, handsome and messy.

And her stepson she reminded herself.

“I’ll just be next door. Think it’s best we’re not sleeping in the same bed, Harry. Just lie down and-“

“No. Please,” Harry tried to pull himself out of the bed but his motions were lethargic and clumsy, “want you here. Just… stay with me. Please. I swear no funny business.”

She sighed and began to shake her head and repeat herself but when Harry started to place his long legs down onto the floor she rushed back to him so he wouldn’t hurt himself. That was her logic anyway. She didn’t want him to fall or crack his skull open.

Steadying him by his arms she pushed him back toward the bed, “Stay. You’ll hurt yourself.”

Harry hummed and reached up to put his fingers in her hair, “I’ll stay if you stay. If you go to the guest room I’ll just follow you like a puppy dog, Y/n.” His words were watery and his gestures were clumsy.

She closed her eyes and groaned. She was so tired. So tired. And she just wanted to lie down. And she certainly couldn’t have Harry attempting to follow her to another room and hurt himself by falling down the stairs or something.

“Fine. But you just go to sleep. I’ll stay here with you but you have to promise me you’ll go to sleep and behave.” She pointed at him.

Harry’s exaggerated grin returned as he laid his head back onto the pillow and watched her cross the room to turn off the last lamp.

Fuck, she cursed to herself under her breath. She’d forgotten to put on pajamas. She was naked under her robe.

But okay. No problem. She’d just leave her robe on and it would be fine.

Climbing into bed, on the odd side, she stretched her limbs as she laid flat and closed her eyes. She was just so tired.

“Thank you. For staying. I promise I’ll behave.”

.           .           .

Y/n’s alarm woke her up and she groaned and reached over to turn it off but instead, her palm found a bare, solid chest. She popped her eyes open and the events of the previous night had come rushing back. She let Harry sleep in her bed and she was reaching over toward where her phone normally was but she’d been on the opposite side of the bed.

Rolling over to press the alarm off she sighed as she snuggled back into her pillow. 6:45 am was too early to be up for a Sunday. She contemplated moving herself to a guest room since Harry was still asleep but her soft bed lulled her back into a deep sleep where her dreams were vivid and she found herself kissing Harry again. But this time, her dream took it further and she was on his lap and then they were in his bed. By any standards, it was a very good dream. A very good one.

So when she woke up for the second time that morning things were… different. Her head was not on her soft pillow and there was a hand on her bottom. She slowly came out of her easy dream state, still reeling from the kind of dream she’d just had of her stepson when she realized her cheek was smushed on Harry’s pec and it was Harry’s big palm on her bottom slowly, slowly, slowly moving down toward her thigh. He was awake.

Her dream-riddled brain mulled over what was happening. It was a slow rise but her awareness steadily stirred. Her robe had come undone and her thigh was over Harry’s. His chest was rising and falling gently and she realized her palm was over his heart, which she could feel thudding underneath. She had cuddled up to him like he was one of those body pillows.

It was nice. It felt soft and lazy and sweet to lie in her bed on a Sunday morning in the arms of a man. And the leftover remnants of her dream had her still feeling wound up.

Hesitantly, she moved her head to look upward and Harry’s hand halted when her gaze met his.

She could see him swallow and he spoke groggily, “Sorry. You were… I didn’t want to wake you.”

The way his sonorous voice reverberated from his chest against her skin and her shoulder made her meltier than she already was.

Her hand was still over his chest and she could feel his heart rate increase as he kept his eyes on hers, “It’s okay. Thank you for letting me sleep.” She was going to move. To get up and pull her robe securely around her body so he didn’t catch a glimpse of anything but she didn’t want to move. She wanted to bask in the heat of him for a little longer. To feel his fingers on her bare bottom for a few more moments. Perhaps to even feel him caressing her again. And maybe… just maybe…

She slid her palm up and scooted herself fully into his arms, her chest over his, and laid her head down against his shoulder, “Let’s just stay here a little longer. If that’s okay?”

Harry blinked his eyes and knew Y/n could feel the way his heart was lobbing around behind his ribs. His cock was already hard but she hadn’t figured that out yet and he didn’t want to scare her off because he did want to stay like that for longer. With her.

He pulled his arms around her, removing his hand from her bottom and bringing it up to wrap around her back, “That sounds perfect.” He was just glad she hadn’t moved too far up or her thigh would have come into contact with his erection and surely would have ruined the moment.

Y/n closed her eyes and indulged in the way his arms felt around her. Her bare hip was against his and it felt so salacious. So tender. Her breasts were pressed into his chest, with one of them uncovered and warm against his skin.

“Dad left for a meeting? On a Sunday?” Harry suddenly inquired. He had always been suspicious of his father’s frequent trips.

She nodded her head over his chest, “Yeah. Sometimes he has weekend meetings. It’s more like a golf outing than anything. Probably just some buddies getting together for some fun.”

“Hmm… You’re okay with him just heading out like that last minute?”

“Yeah. It’s normal. I’ve gotten used to it.”

He wasn’t sure that his father was a good husband to Y/n. He found it odd too that they had separate bedrooms. But he didn’t usually question it. However, this morning he was feeling soft toward her (well, soft emotionally… physically he was anything but soft) and wanted to protect her in some way.

Harry didn’t know how he was going to survive. His boner was only growing thicker and with the way she was wiggling over him, her thigh was nearly brushing against his –

Too late.

When she nudged at it, feeling him stiff against her thigh, she smiled to herself. She hadn’t looked down over his body but she half wondered if he was as turned on as she was. It was easier for her to hide what her dream had done to her and what being in his arms was causing to slip out from between her legs, but this pleased her.

“I’m sorry. That’s… I can’t help it.” Harry explained and Y/n lifted her head up and glanced down at where he was straining under his boxer briefs. It nearly startled her too. She hadn’t expected… that. And even though he was covered up with his underwear she understood that what he had going on there was… well she’d say he was a lucky guy and it was truly an outrage that there hadn’t been a lucky girl to try it out.

“Don’t apologize,” she looked back up at him and realized he’d been looking at her boob. The one not covered. And with the way she’d lifted herself upward to look down at him, her nipple was out for him to peek at.

She licked her lips and brought her hand down over his pec to lift herself further. Bot tits made their appearance and Harry groaned and looked away, “Sorry. Trying not to look.”

Gently putting her hand up to his jaw she turned his face to look at her, “Do you want to look?”

Harry’s eyes widened and he nodded, “Well, yeah. But I didn’t think you’d want me to.”

“You’ve seen breasts before right?” Y/n laughed and slid her thigh against his thickened cock, this time on purpose.

Harry kept nodding, “Yes. Quite a few. But just not yours.” His eyes danced over her nipples and back up to her eyes, almost to make sure it was okay.

She loved his deep, raspy morning voice. Loved how gentle and intimate the moment felt.

“Did you see Leslie’s breasts last night?” Y/n teased with a smile as she lowered herself down, her naked nipples pressing into his warm skin.

Shaking his head no he laughed, “Nah. She passed out. If you thought I was drunk last night, should have seen her. Nothing happened. Wouldn’t have been able to even if we wanted.”

When Y/n felt Harry’s hand timidly return to her low back and then ghost over her ass she let out a shaky breath. She couldn’t remove her eyes from his. He was so pretty and he deserved to be put out of his misery she thought. A bad idea, yes. But to hell with it.

Sliding her thigh further over him she pushed herself to straddle him and sat up over him. Biting her lip and looking down at his chest and smoothing her hands over the smattering of hair he had and the dark tattoos… he was sexy.

Harry couldn’t stop his eyes from taking her in. Her robe was draped over her sides but was open so he could see her breasts and her tummy, her belly button and he glanced back up at her and parted his lips as he risked moving his hands over her bottom. With the way she was looking at him and touching him, he felt the risk would be worth it.

“Squeeze a little,” she whispered as she put her hands over Harry’s and directed him to take a handful of her bottom in each palm. Harry swallowed hard and panted.

“Oh my god,” his words were spoken in a quiet breath as he relished in the feeling.

When she rocked her hips forward and dragged her core over his fabric-covered cock Harry gasped and his chest rose and fell in heavy breaths.

“I had a dream about you,” she spoke as she moved her hands back up his chest and to his face as she leaned over him, putting herself directly over his erection and ground herself over him, “It was really naughty. And I’m still worked up over it. Just tell me if you want me to stop,” her pussy was wetting the fabric of Harry’s crotch and he groaned before lifting his face upward and pressing his lips to hers. He definitely did not want her to stop.

The haste of the kiss was hectic and chaotic. Harry pushed the robe off her shoulders and she flung the thick cotton down onto the floor before placing her fingers into the band of his underwear, “Let’s take a look.”

She sat back and pulled his underwear down so his cock sprung out. She continued lowering the material until his balls were free and she moaned, “It’s really pretty. Can I suck you off?”

Harry brought a hand up to his arm and pinched his skin, wincing when he felt the sting. He wasn’t sure he was really awake. Not only was Y/n completely naked on top of him, she was licking her lips and asking if she could suck him off.

“Fuck. Please yes.”

“Do you like to beg, Harry?” She grinned as she crawled herself backward to put her face above his lovely cock.

“For you, I will.”

“Mmm… such a good boy,” she looked up at him as she licked along the underside of his shaft and Harry choked out a moan. His thighs were already quivering. She figured he wouldn’t last long but that was fine for what she had in mind.

Her mouth was watering so wetting him properly wasn’t too hard as her tongue slid over his hard prick. She dotted kisses along the way and looked up at his eyes and then down to his pretty dick.

Using her hand, a palm she licked and wetted, she gently massaged his balls as she finally pulled his tip into her mouth. She lowered over him as much as possible on the first go before bringing herself off of him, “Want you to come down my throat. Okay? Want to taste you.”

Harry’s face was twisted up in ecstasy already and she hadn’t done that much, “I’m gonna come too fast.” He whined.

Shaking her head and licking over his tip she whispered against his throbbing cock, “Be a good boy and come down my throat, Harry. It’s okay if you come fast. Just feel my mouth and my tongue on you and enjoy it. Can you do that for me?”

“Ffuck…” Harry threw his head back into the pillow as she drew him back into her mouth and began sucking, “M’gonna be your good boy. Yes.”

Harry’s voice was shaky and his groans were progressively louder as she took him deeper. He clutched the blankets tight as his stepmom fondled his balls and sucked on his cock.

He’d been given blow jobs before. But already this one was far and away the best he’d ever had. Y/n was sensual and confident and she knew what she was doing. When her eyes found his every few moments that was his favorite. Watching as she looked at him dreamily with his cock in her mouth was a picture that would be seared into his mind for all eternity. Better than porn. Because it was real.

“Ahh! Shit! M’coming, please!” Harry shouted and moaned as his hands finally found their place in her hair out of instinct.

He’d pressed on her just enough that her nose was pushed into his pubes and she felt his twitching prick beating and pumping as come gushed from his tip. He came a lot. She couldn’t breathe or move but she kept her jaw wide and gagged around him as he crammed himself further into her throat and he cursed and moaned and rolled his hips upward in orgasm.

When he’d finally drained himself of everything he had he loosened his grip on her hair and she pulled up, gasping and coughing.

Harry’s fucked out gaze was adorable, she thought. A small smile on his face with pink cheeks and a splotchy red chest from the exertion of his orgasm.

She leaned over him and grasped his jaw, causing his mouth to fall open as she spit down over his tongue, “Swallow.”

Harry gulped down her mix of saliva and his come before his pink lips curved up into a big smile, “Yes ma’am.”

Y/n chuckled and then kissed him before pushing herself upward to climb off but Harry caught her arm before she could get too far, “Wait. You don’t want me to like…”

“Of course I do. But only if you want to. Have you ever eaten anyone out before?”

Harry pushed himself up by his elbows and nodded, “Yeah. Wouldn’t say I’m any good at it. Not sure I could make you come.”

There was a thrill that filed down her spine and to her toes. She didn’t need to come. She just loved how it felt to have someone with their face between her legs. It had been a while. Leo didn’t often give her cunnilingus.

“But do you want to?” She asked pointedly. She wouldn’t dream of having him do something he didn’t like.

“Fuck yes. Just show me what you like and I’ll do it.”

Harry released her wrist and she put her bottom onto the mattress and stuffed pillows behind her so she could sit up and watch. She loved the way Harry was watching her body and how dark his eyes were. He’d just orgasmed but she was confident he’d grow hard again soon. And then perhaps she could give him what he really wanted.

“Take your underwear off the rest of the way.”

Harry got up to his knees and nodded, “Yes ma’am.” A sly smirk on his lips at the new nickname he’d been using for her.

Y/n had never been a fan of being called ma’am. She felt she was too young to be a ma’am but when Harry did it in this context, it got her blood pumping wildly through her veins.

When Harry’s boxer briefs were long gone she pulled at his wrist as she opened her legs up, “Start off just exploring. I’ll guide you if you want. Use your fingers, lips, tongue… and try to keep your eyes on mine.”

Harry licked his lips and knelt over her, his hands finding her outer thighs first and spreading her wider as he looked over her glistening pussy, “So wet. Is this for me?”

His question was a surprise to her. But it was definitely lined with something innocent. Almost as if he hadn’t expected her to be in the state she was in.

Nodding her head slowly and smiling she spoke, “All for you. That’s what you did to me and you haven’t even touched me yet.”

Harry’s dimples poked into his cheeks as he shyly smiled, “Just trying to be a good boy for you ma’am.”

He jutted his tongue out and licked upward from her seeping entrance to her clit and she moaned softly as she watched him. He kept his eyes on her pussy at first. She wanted him to look up at her but she allowed him a moment to get acquainted.

He used one of his hands to gently spread her labia and lick upward again, stopping at her clit and flicking it just the tiniest bit.

“God. You know where the clit is, don’t you? That’s really good, Harry.”

He finally looked back up at her as he mouthed over her pussy and sucked gently. She keened and smiled, “Yes! Keep doing that.”

So he did. He sucked and licked, giving special treatment to her clitoris and he moaned over her as he closed his eyes and lapped at her, and kissed his way around her cunt slowly.

“Finger me. Put two in. Like this,” she reached down to his hand and twisted so his palm was upward and then pulled on his pointer and middle finger, nudging the pads of his fingers to her entrance.

His long digits inside of her didn’t disappoint. He pressed them in and pulled out slowly as he continued lapping and sucking and she gasped into the room.

She looked down at him after the initial recovery of his fingers inside of her for the first time and he was already watching her. She slid a hand over her body, stopping at her breasts for a moment before pushing her fingers into his hair, “You’re so good for me, Harry. Just like that…” she was breathless.

Harry clamped his eyes closed at her praise and used his free hand to reach up and touch her left tit. He kneaded at her flesh and then circled the pads of his fingers over her nipple slowly and she mewled, “Come up here. Suck on my breasts,” she pulled at his hair a little to lift his face, “Keep your fingers inside of me.”

Harry did as she said, pumping his fingers into her as he moved up over her body and latched on to the breast he’d been fondling. He was a star pupil. His tongue laved sensually over her areola and he continued looking at her as he stuffed his fingers knuckles deep.

Sucking on her nipple and pulling away he moved to the other side and a muffled moan vibrated over her chest and she felt his cock against her thigh. He was aroused. Thick and full once again. She knew this would happen. Or at least she hoped it would.

Harry drew his tongue to the underside of her breast and sucked in tightly, pinching her skin and she gasped as she watched him work. He moved to her other side, repeating his gesture and bruising the underside of her boob with an intense suckle that had her flesh turning purple nearly instantly.

“Fuck, Harry.”

She had little need to guide him much. He was passionate enough and horny enough that everything he was doing was just right by her standards.

Harry popped off her nipple and looked up at his stepmom with eyes that brimmed with lust and need, “I want you so bad. Please…” his dark pink lips were wet and set in a pout as he pulled his brows together. He looked like he was in pain. But he didn’t cease fucking into her with his fingers.

Y/n carded her fingers into his hair and cooed at him, “What do you want, baby? Tell me.”

She was aware of what he wanted. But somehow she was getting off on having him tell her and ask and beg with his big puppy dog eyes and pouty lips.

Harry’s hips dipped down so his prick sat in the spot right next to her pussy. She was wet all over and there was a nice little bit of glid for Harry right there as he removed his fingers from her cunt and pushed them into his mouth. He was holding himself over her with one arm as he licked her essence from his digits before pulling them out to steady himself with both arms, “You. Want to… be with you. I’m so hard again.”

She knew what he wanted. And maybe it was the haze of the dream she’d had or a sudden lack of inhibition on her part, but she wanted the same thing. And his pretty cock would feel nice wrenching into her insides and poking deeply into the viscera.

Y/n nudged at him to move back so she could sit up further, “Are you sure? Because that means you won’t be a virgin anymore. I don’t want to have you regret anything.”

Harry shook his head, “I don’t care about being a virgin. The stigma. Never mattered. But,” he put his palm over the top of her thigh and looked at her with hooded eyes, “I know you’ll show me how good it is. I trust you. Only if you want me.”

The sting of warmth shrouded her neck and then her heart. He was sweet and he was convincing.

Nodding her head she put her palm over his cheek and smiled, “I do want you. And I trust you too. Which means this has to stay between us. No one can know.”

Harry nodded. The tiny bit of scruff on his face scratched at her skin as he turned to kiss her palm and grasp her wrist in his hand, “Then, please. Just tell me what to do and how you want it. I’ll be so good for you.”

Intertwining their fingers, Y/n pulled at him to give him a soft kiss. Wet. Trembling. They both were. This was either the biggest mistake of their lives or the beginning of an extraordinary secret. They both knew it. It would change everything. It already had. They’d already given in.

Whispering as she scraped his scalp and dotted kisses at the edge of his mouth, “Do you want a condom? Will that make you feel better? I can’t get pregnant so that’s not an issue and everything else is good in that regard. Up to you.”

Y/n always wore condoms with Leo, at his insistence. Because of their agreement. An open marriage if you will. But with Harry, she’d forego the barrier knowing he was a virgin.

“Do you want me to wear one? I do have some that I’ve never used,” he laughed as he spoke the word used.

“I’d like to feel you just like this,” she lowered her hand to his throbbing shaft and inhaled sharply at how warm and thick he was in her hand, “If that’s okay.”

Harry closed his eyes and nodded, “More than okay.”

“Good. Now. When you fantasize about having sex. What position are you in the most?” Y/n wanted to have him start off with what he fantasized about. She knew he’d like any position, most men did.

The edge of Harry’s mouth quirked up as he breathed out a laugh, “Just… all of them. But, normally I’m on top,” he swallowed.

“That’s good. Let’s start there.” She lay back and spread her legs, gently pulling at him to follow.

Harry put himself between her thighs and brought his palms down to the mattress on either side of her shoulders.

“Push your hips down and line up over me,” She took her hand and guided him so that his heavy cock was slipping through her labia, getting coated in her slick, “Yes, now, move back and forth and just feel how wet I am like this. How it’s getting all over you before you even need to push inside. Feels good right?” Harry’s mouth was dropped open and he nodded, “Yes.”

“Mmm… feels good to me too. When you do that, your tip is hitting my clit. See?” She looked down between their bodies, urging Harry to do the same.

He groaned as he continued gliding through her wet pussy lips, “Fuck. So pretty.”

The sound alone was sexy. Her pussy was really wet and the noise that his dick caused with each pass through her folds was pornographic.

“We’re pretty together, aren’t we?”

He nodded and moaned, moving himself a little faster.

“Such a good boy. Now, I want you to kiss me. Keep your mouth on mine and then when you’re ready, put your delicious cock inside of me. Okay?”

Another moan fell from his lips as he lowered himself to kiss her mouth. Y/n licked over his lips and Harry opened up and used his tongue against hers as he slowly pushed his engorged dick up and down, nudging her clit on each upward thrust. His mouth was watering as he got himself into position, putting his knees down to steady himself and rearing back to align his pink tip with her puffy, wet entrance.

Never removing his lips from hers as he continued kissing her and sipping at her tongue he dipped gently into her. First, his wide head barely smoothed into her until he was met with resistance from the small muscle of her vaginal opening.

She could feel him hesitate, knowing he wasn’t sure if it was too much. She smiled into the kiss and spoke, “Just push. It’s like that on purpose. A little tight on the first go but once you’re in there it’s so good. You’re just a little thick so this is gonna be normal for you. Gotta just press in past my tight opening.”

The whimper that fell from his mouth before he pushed his lips back to hers made her head spin. But what really got her was when he did as she said and pushed in through her muscle and slid himself in half way.

They both gasped, parting from the kiss. There it was. He was inside of her. He moaned into her mouth as he pulled back so his tip was pulled out and then reentered, pushing past that tight muscle again as he licked into her mouth.

It was good. She knew it would feel good. His hard cock was heavy and thick and as he pressed himself in until he couldn’t push any further she gasped at how deep he was.

Harry was on a different plane of existence in that moment. He’d given his virginity to the hottest woman he’d ever met and now he was allowed to fuck her. She’d given him permission and he’d given her permission and his dick had never ever felt so good.

He’d had his cock sucked and he’d used toys with lube that mimicked pussy, but this was… warm and real. And it smelled like her and his mouth still tasted like her and she was moaning as he moved into her. She was enjoying it too. And that… that was the best part.

He continued moving his mouth over hers as he thrust his way into her as deep as he could get until his balls were pressed into her bum. He was more than thankful that he’d already come so he could last a bit longer. He’d still come embarrassingly fast, he was sure, but now he had a little advantage. Instead of three minutes, possibly ten? He hoped. At minimum. Because he didn’t want this feeling to ever end. He’d fuck his stepmom for the rest of his life if it felt this way. They could just stay like this in her bed, slipping together and kissing and being connected.

A knock at the door and the voice of a female was heard from behind the wood.

Harry stopped his movements and Y/n grasped onto him with one hand to keep him still and put her finger up to her mouth, “Who’s there?”

“I’m Harry’s friend, Leslie. Sorry to bother you. I didn’t know where he went.”

Harry’s breaths were rapid as he stared down at the pretty woman he was inside of. He’d totally forgotten about Leslie.

“Uh… I think he left? Maybe? Not sure hon! I’m in the middle of something and…” she didn’t know how to get rid of the girl. She didn’t want to be rude but she was truly very much in the middle of something. Something very good. She was just thankful that the door was locked.

Harry slowly began thrusting again as he kept his eyes on Y/n’s, holding himself up over her.

“That’s okay! Sorry! I’ll be leaving. Just tell Harry I will talk to him later!”

The smirk on Harry’s face as he began to press in harder had Y/n’s tummy on fire, or perhaps it was his lengthy cock pushing into her guts, “Thank fuck she’s gone. In the middle of losing my virginity here,” he laughed as he rocked his hips sharply and Y/n grunted at the harsh thud.

“Oooh… fuuu….” Y/n moaned with a smile as he did it again, “So good like that. You gonna fuck me a little harder now? Be a good boy and make it hurt a little.”

Harry was a good listener. Had always been. This time was no different. He began to plunge into her with a dizzying drag, forceful and trenchant. Just like she liked. Especially when it was Harry doing it.

“Like that? You want it like that?” He punctuated his words with each rut of his hips.

“Yeah, just like that,” she scraped her nails over his back and keened as her body was rocked upward on each of his thrusts, “How do you feel? Tell me what it’s like.”

Harry’s hips stuttered as he brought the cadence down so he could speak, “Fuck, it’s good. So fucking nice,” he wanted to say more about how it felt. Wanted to tell her he could do this with her forever and that her pussy was the only one he’d want to fuck from now on (he was sure of that). Wanted to blurt out that she was so pretty and how perfect they looked together. But he held back with the understanding that his lust was clouding the things his heart was feeling at that moment.

“Tell me mmm… oh yes! Right there!” She closed her eyes and bit her lip to keep from shouting loudly when Harry ground into her just right, not sure if Leslie was still in the house or not, “Tell me what it feels like inside of me.”

Harry’s panted words were slow and deep, “Like I’m gonna come harder than I ever have. It’s so warm and smooth. Gripping me so tight. Never want it to stop…” his hips smacked against hers as he moved into her with a hungry force.

Her mouth was wide open as her breaths were being knocked out of her lungs and her tits swayed under him.

Harry looked down at his sexy stepmom with her lusty face and body and he lowered down to wrap his lips around hers. She brought her legs over his back and pushed at his bottom with her heels to urge him deeper.

Using his forearms to hold himself up he rolled his hips into her slowing down his pace to make it last. He wanted to feel her like this for a little longer. He knew he could come soon.

Wet squelches between their bodies where they were connected and sliding together with no barriers and tiny creeks from the mattress filled the room. The sound of illicit sex. The sound of something happening that was so wrong that it was good. So good.

Y/n could tell Harry was going to come as his breaths heaved and his thighs trembled against her each time he pushed in, “Harry… you feel so good filling me up. I want to come too,” her words were panted as Harry sliced into her deeply and stilled his hips as he looked down at her.

“Want you to come too. What do you need, Y/n?” Harry’s chest rose and fell quickly as he pushed his thumb over her cheekbone.

“Is it okay if I get on top and ride you how I like? Always come when I get on top.”

Harry smiled and licked into her mouth for a good moment, pulling at her lips and grinding into her further so she could feel him as deep as he could possibly go before, pulling back and gently bringing her thighs down as she placed her feet flat onto the mattress.

Y/n sat up and ogled Harry’s body as he turned and moved to his side. She crawled over him, pushing him down to his back, and sat over her knees between his legs. She brushed her palms up his sturdy thighs up to his hips, never touching his throbbing prick before leaning over him and kissing his right thigh upward to the apex of his thigh and crotch, careful to leave him wanting. Repeating the same worship on his left thigh but taking a little time over the tiger tattoo. She looked up at him as she licked over the ink and then continued kissing her way up, devastatingly close to where he needed her. So close.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Harry. All of you,” she brushed her hands up over his laurels and to the butterfly that was rising and falling with his breath, “I’m surprised you haven’t found someone special already.” She praised. As she lowered her lips to his belly button he felt her hair ghost over his cock and whimpered.

Y/n smiled into his skin as she grazed her teeth gently upward to the butterfly licked around the lines before dotting hot kisses over his pecs, “Please… please…”

Raising her face and looking up at her stepson, “Please? What is it, baby? What do you need?” Her smirk was devious. Harry loved it. He fucking loved every single thing she was doing.

“Wanna feel you on top. Gonna burst.”

Lowering her lips back to his pecs she sucked a nipple passed her lips and nipped. Harry threw his head back into the pillow and coughed out a loud groan, “Ask me nicely. Like a good boy. You’ll get anything you want from me if you’re good, Harry.” Her words were breathed out over his skin and the spattering of chest hair. Her lips made their way up to the swallows.

“Please, ma’am. I want to feel you on top. If you… ffuck… please.”

Her grin did not disappear as she licked and pecked her way up to his neck, “I’m dripping for you, Harry. Such a sweet boy with such a big cock for me to play with. Isn’t that right?”

Harry was going to lose it. This was his fantasy. No. It was better than anything he imagined. Y/n was better. He loved being put in his place because most of the time no one ever challenged him. Or made him feel this way.

“Y…yes. Just for you.”

Y/n sat up and straddled him, placing her knees down on the mattress to the sides of his hips. Finally. She placed her messy cunt over his shaft and slid herself up toward his frenulum and down toward his base, “Just for me. That’s right. Gonna let me play with your cock and fuck myself on it and make myself come, yeah?”

Harry nodded frantically and placed his palms on her hips as she leaned forward and placed her hands over his pecs, “When I start to ride you I’m gonna go slow, up and down like this,” she demonstrated by repeating the motion of her hips, tilting her pelvis down and letting her clit drive up and down over him as she panted, “so I can keep my clit in contact with your pelvis and I’m gonna come pretty fast. I need you to let me come before you do. And if you want you can come inside of me. That’s up to you. Just let me know what you want.”

Harry nodded, “It’s okay if I come inside of you?”

“Yes, it is. Would love it if you did but it’s your choice in the end. Can come in my mouth again if you want, or my tits. Whatever you like.”

“Inside of you, please. That’s what I want.”

“Mmm… such a good boy,” she tilted herself down so her breasts ghosted over his chest as she kissed him softly, lips moving with his and small sips of tongue before she slowly sunk down over him. That same mouthwatering initial push of his wide tip into her opening snapped and then spread her apart, “Hhharry! Fuck your dick is so fucking good!”

He couldn’t speak. It was so intense. His fingers gripped her hips as she shifted over him slowly. Her nails pinched into the flesh over his muscled pectorals and he felt his balls tighten. Her moans and pretty mouth with her tongue peeking out had him leaking steadily with pre cum, “I’m trying…” he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. Her tits swayed as she rode him and the way she felt on him had him tipping too fast, “Fuck… Want you to come first…”

She cooed and slowed her hips, sitting upright and changing the position of him inside of her. Deeper yet as she leaned back gently and looked down to where his cock was buried into her.

Harry chanced a peek, not wanting to miss it, and he was not ready for the sight. He groaned and brought one hand from her hip to her clit and then looked up at her before focusing back on the way his cock spread her pussy lips as he thumbed over her clit.

“My sweet boy. Just hang on. This feels so perfect. Just want to soak it in with you.” She lowered her hand over his fingers where he was circling over her button and she hissed, “Gonna make me come so hard Harry,” she swayed her hips back and forth, keeping herself upright so they could enjoy the lurid show of their connected bodies.

Currents of hot arousal coursed through her body as she clenched over him and felt his cock nudging her cervix. It was a tight fit but it had her body leaning into an orgasm.

She leaned back forward, Harry’s fingers pushed away as he placed his hand back onto her hip and she slid up and down, dragging her clit into his pelvis and her gasps and fluttering walls signaled to Harry she was coming.

He closed his eyes and felt sweat at his temple as she felt her squeezing and pulsing as she moaned his name and he felt her thighs shaking, “Yes… yes! Harry! I need you… need this… Hhaaarry… fuck! Fffuck!”

The mattress moved and creaked under Harry’s back as his stepmom got off on his cock and Harry was certain he was already filling her up with gushes of his pre-come. He was doing his best but he’d never experienced a cunt squeezing around him in orgasm. It was witchcraft and he was obsessed. He’d never be the same.

“Come! Harry, come inside of me baby…” she moaned as she continued rocking over him, everything slick and smooth between them.

Harry choked out the loudest moan and he was so far gone he couldn’t be bothered to care how vocal it was. He didn't care if anyone heard it. He was coming and his sight dimmed as he pumped into his stepmom’s pussy as she milked him with her spasming muscle. Together their moans were the music of relief.

Y/n could feel him throbbing and pulsing inside of her as he released his sperm into her aching and slippery inner tissues. He was punching into her so deep from below her it made her quiver in euphoric pain. She leaned over him and attached their mouths as he finished himself inside of her. She grasped his head on each side, her fingers in his thick hair to keep his head tilted up so their lips could move together.

He'd come undone completely. Tears pricked at his eyes and slid down his cheeks as he whined into her mouth and attempted to kiss her in return. He moved his hands to her ass and pressed her down as he lifted his hips so he could burrow in deep causing her to gasp and then squeak at the punishing plunge.

“Fuck, Harry!”

They were both shivering and heaving and kissing with saliva-covered lips and moans and wildly beating hearts.

When he’d calmed he sucked in a sharp breath as she collapsed over him and snuggled her face into his neck. They were sweaty and sticky and hot but it felt precious and perfect.

Harry closed his eyes and basked in the way Y/n felt on top of him, her warm breath at his neck, her wet pussy soothing his softening cock as his heart calmed. He dragged his hands up from her bottom to her back and rubbed along her spine, the pads of his fingers slipping through the layer of sweat that had formed.

He felt her lips pucker at his neck and then her nose push upward until her lips were at his jaw and then she pushed up to look down at him.

“Are you okay?”

Harry couldn’t imagine not being okay as long as he was getting fucked like that. But the issue was that Y/n was not just some girl he could date and then fall in love with. There would be no possibility of them being together. In fact, he was unsure that this would ever happen again and that had his heart sinking before he could even answer her.

She noticed the look of unease over his features and she swiped at his cheeks with her thumbs, “Hey… what’s wrong? I’m sorry, was that-“

“No. That was everything I ever wanted it to be. It was perfect, Y/n. I’m… fine. I’m okay. Just thinking.”

She nodded as she moved herself off of him and lay on her side to talk to him. He followed her and rolled to his side, his hands not leaving her hips, not yet ready to be rid of this moment.

“Tell me. What are you thinking about it? You can talk to me.” Her fingers brushed over his arms and up to his shoulders as she watched his glassy eyes closely.

Harry smiled sadly and shook his head, “It’s stupid. It’s not your problem.”

Y/n sighed and lifted her leg to drape her thigh over his, “Talk to me. Please. We just did something very risky and now we’re treading in dangerous water. Let’s keep open with each other. Okay? Because there’s no one else to talk to about this,” she grazed her knuckles along his cheekbone, “Pretty boy. Please talk to me.”

He took a deep breath as he closed his eyes to gather the thoughts brimming from his head.

“I don’t know how I’m ever gonna forget about this and move on.” He opened his eyes to look at her and slowly smoothed his palm over her side and to her breast, “I really like you. I’m feeling things that maybe I shouldn’t.”

Y/n nodded and swallowed. She loved the way his fingers ghosted over her nipple and how glassy his green eyes were, how gentle, “Me too.”

He blinked his eyes, all shiny eyelids and damp lashes covering and then revealing his pretty irises, “You do? Feel things?”

She grinned and closed her eyes. It felt like a lot. She wasn’t in love with him or anything and this had been a mistake for sure. An epic error. But she was feeling something. His warmth and his heart and his excitement. It transferred over to her veins and her skin and the roots of her hair and sparked a longing for something. When she opened her eyes again she licked her lips, “Yeah. I like you a lot. Wouldn’t have gotten this far if I didn’t.”

“Would you… consider doing it again? With me? Like,” he clenched his jaw and brought his hand up to her clavicle, “a thing just for us. Our secret?”

He was sure she’d say no.

Biting her lips she lifted herself and pulled Harry’s bottom arm under her head so she could draw in closer to him. She just wanted to be as close as possible. She brought her hand to lie flat over his heart and tilted her head back to look up at him, her thigh still braced over his hip. He moved his hand down her body to the back of her thigh as she adjusted herself in close.

“It’s so bad. What we’ve just done. It crosses a line. So many invisible lines,” she whispered as she traced her finger upward to his neck, “But… I guess I don’t care. Because I wanna keep doing it. I guess that makes me a terrible person.”

Stitching his brows together he frowned, “You’re a beautiful person, Y/n. So kind and smart,” he squeezed her hip and pulled her up to his mouth so he could kiss her. His stepmom, his lover, his paramour. He pulled back, his nose pressed to hers, “If you’re a terrible person then I’m right there with you. Let’s be terrible people together.”

They both laughed at Harry’s words and grinned widely.

It was ludicrous. A wild suggestion to continue their illicit affair. Of course, it would be easy. Too easy. That is as long as no one ever found out.

“Do I have you for the rest of the day?” Y/n tucked herself in closer as she asked.

“That you do. And I think there’s so much more for you to teach me. Might be a really late night for us.”

“Oh definitely, until the wee hours. So many things you need to learn before I let you leave.”

A/N: What did you think? I have so many ideas for this story but I didn't want it to get any longer than it already is. Would you guys be interested in seeing more? Let me know!

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1 year ago

A Good Boy | 2. No Panties?

A Good Boy | 2. No Panties?

Summary: Harry goes to visit Y/n and his father for dinner. He tries to be on his best behavior in front of Leo but Y/n is the one that can't hold back.

Note: This is stepmon!reader x stepson!harry - proceed with caution and don't read if you don't like it. You guys wanted an update today so you'll get this! The next part to follow this will be very dirty. This is just the set up for what's coming in the following update. Read first part here.

Word Count: 8,857

Warning: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, inappropriate & forbidden relationship, age gap, cheating, lying

think I interrupted your dad and yn having sex when I was leaving yesterday. so embarrassed :(

Harry sat in the library at the University and grinned to himself at the text from Leslie. He was scrambling to finish up his essay that was due later that day. He’d slacked off a bit on Sunday. But he felt that had been worth it. He’d already mostly had his paper done anyway. He just needed to format it and add his citations. Maybe an extra sentence or two and clean up his conclusion. But yeah. Worth it.

He felt like his face was still burning hot and he definitely had a hickey on his clavicle. His t-shirt covered the blue mark but he could still feel her lips on his skin and… well… he could also still smell her. Her perfume. Traces of sex. He hadn’t had time to shower before he left that morning. He’d gotten a little sidetracked when he had her sitting in his lap on the kitchen stool and they were coming together one last time before he had to go. It was as if they hadn’t been sharing their bodies with one another for the better part of the day on Sunday and into the wee hours. He loved that she enjoyed him so much. That she’d been able to come (massive ego boost). That she liked his cock (great big, huge ego boost). He really liked her voice when she was panting dirty words to him and the way she used her tongue to get him off and to paint saliva over the inked designs on his skin.

He swallowed hard as he clicked to save the document and sighed. He knew he was in trouble. Because she was his stepmom and he couldn’t really have her. Couldn’t pursue her and invite her to his dorm. Couldn’t visit her on a whim and beg her to do that thing she did with her-

“Harry,” his thoughts were interrupted when he heard Jay and looked up to see his friend, “Tried calling you yesterday, dude. We all went out to brunch. The one that you were supposed to come to. For your birthday? Remember?” Jay sat down across from him with his own laptop.

“Ahh shit. I forgot man. Sorry.” He did forget. He had been quite preoccupied with Y/n all day. And even if he had remembered he wouldn’t have peeled himself away from her to join his friends for an overpriced, subpar brunch to drink away their hangovers. He could do that on any Sunday. But the chance to have his stepmom in her bed all day with her smooth skin and her soft voice in his ear and her tits in his face… well that was not such a common Sunday activity.

“Got hung up with Leslie then?” Jay raised a brow and smirked before looking at his screen.

Harry scratched the back of his neck and blinked his eyes. He hadn’t thought of what he’d say about what happened. And he really wanted to brag that he’d finally had sex. Over and over again. But he couldn’t, “Uh… sort of. I just drank a lot. But… yeah. The hangover was brutal. Spent most of the day in bed.” At least that last part was true.

“You didn’t get laid? Leslie would’ve you know. And she’s a nice girl too. I know you’re looking for someone sweet. She’s into you, H,” Jay shook his head.

Harry decided to not entertain that line of thinking, “I am sorry, though, man. Just completely slipped my mind. Barely made it here this morning. It was a long day yesterday.”

.           .           .

Y/n threw her sheets into the wash and showered Harry’s scent off her body. Which was a shame because she liked the reminder of him. Her little secret. Not so little really, but quite massive in fact. The secret that is. Of course.

She hated that he needed to go. That he was such a good student and that he took his studies seriously. He had an essay to finish. But also, on the other side of that feeling, she was glad he’d gone when he did because it gave her time to freshen up and get her mind on straight before Leo got home.

Harry had been an absolute surprise to her. Hell, she was a surprise to herself. She’d never done anything so… forbidden. But god was it erotic and it felt so good. Better than good. She was fucked. Even then, she couldn’t wipe the smile off of her face as she sat on The Stool™ and picked at her eggs. Not two hours prior she was coming around him and giving him permission to come inside of her. In that very spot. She wiggled over the stool remembering how his fingers dug into her thighs as he held her steady and moaned into her mouth.

“Ms. Y/n?”

She jumped when she heard Linda’s voice from behind her. She’d nearly forgotten that the housekeeper came on Mondays, “Yes! Hi Linda.”

“I noticed your bed covers are gone. Would you like the satin or cotton?”

“Oh… The cotton is perfect. But with the silk pillowcases, please. Thank you.”

Yes. It was a very good thing that Harry had gone when he did. She couldn’t imagine having to deal with Linda catching them in the act. In the kitchen. On the very stool, she was sat upon.

When Leo came back he left his suitcase near the door and asked Linda to take care of it for him. Y/n greeted him with a hug, “How was it?”

“It was… fine. How was everything here yesterday? We’ll have that all cleaned up today?” He gestured with his chin toward the front door to indicate the yard that still had chairs and tables and lights and a dancefloor in place from the party.

“Yes. In about an hour, they’ll be arriving to pack up everything. And everything was fine here too yesterday.” She smiled.

Leo walked off, presumably to go to his bedroom and shower.

That was easy. Too easy, Y/n decided. She bit her lip and remembered how Harry promised her that no one would need to know. How easy it would be. He was right. Easy peasy.

It all felt like a dream to her as she stepped out into the yard and was reminded of that night. How excited she was but then how confused she felt when they kissed. And then the anger that coursed through her when Harry tried to make her jealous. That had worked. She had been jealous. She didn’t like to admit that but she was. Even with Leonardo, she didn’t care all that much about what he might have been doing last night. But with Harry… her stepson… she shook her head as she walked back inside and decided to do something, anything, to get her mind off him. Because she was already missing him. Missing his dimples and his voice. His pink lips and tattoos. The way his breath smelled like her and his curls that were wild after they showered and he let it air dry.

And she could still feel him too. An entire day of sex was exhausting in the best way. But her body knew where it had been and who it had been with. She still tingled with need despite how satisfied she felt.

Then her eyes roved the kitchen island and she spotted a ring. His ring. A simple thick white gold band. She suddenly had an idea.

.           .           .

It felt good to turn his fully completed essay in on time despite how rushed it had been last minute. But then that only reminded him of why it was last minute and he was left grinning as he walked back to his dorm.

He figured he was due for a shower as he took a piss after looking down over himself and catching her scent again. Remnants of her were matted into the bit of hair at the base of his prick. It was a pity to wash away her soft feminine perfume but it would have been weird if he didn’t bathe himself. Right?

Turning on his shower he heard his phone ding and he plucked it up quickly, his heart pounding heavily in his chest when he realized it was Y/n.

Left something here. Guess we’re gonna have to figure out a way to get it back to you.

Attached to the message was a photo of her pretty thumb dawning said something. His ring. But that wasn’t the intent of the photo he realized when he took the whole picture in. She was naked behind it. Blurred just enough as a background image but he could see the curve of her waist and her tits and the color of her flesh uninterrupted by any fabric. The details weren’t clear but he knew what it was.

So Harry smirked to himself and took a photo of his own bare finger, sans the ring, and used the focus to keep the details at the forefront clear but have the background with his naked frame blurred.

you’re right. feel naked without it. any suggestions on ways i can have it returned?

He sat his phone down and already his prick was thickening up. From a single fucking text with a photo of blurry flesh tones.

Licking his lips he waited for her to text back but after a minute he decided he could just wash off and rub one out in the meantime.

And perhaps it was all the sex he’d had the day prior, and even that very morning, but his quick shower where he was meant to just come in under two minutes took a little longer. He stroked and stroked and moaned (thank god he had no roommates) and his thighs shook as he was reminded of how Y/n had bent herself over and bared her ass to him just the night before.

“Let’s try it like this. Use your hips to just rail me. Fuck me like you want me to remember you for days, Harry.”

So he did. His thighs were burning as he steadied himself in a hasty rhythm and used his hands to squeeze her bottom and watched as he stuffed his cock into her repeatedly. She rubbed at her clit and cried out each time he bottomed out.

“Spank me. Really hard. Both sides.” Her words were panted as she turned her head to look over her shoulder at him. Her tits swayed at each of his heavy thrusts and he brought his palm down over her ass and she hissed with a grin, “Harder. I know you can do it better than that…. FUCK!”

He guffawed as his next strike caused her to shriek and she moaned and then melted into the mattress as he continued swatting her bare bottom, “God yes. Just like that. You are so good, Harry. Such a good boy.”

He placed his palm onto the linoleum shower as he came. His orgasm poured out of his tip in spurts as he groaned and spoke her name between breaths.

With the towel wrapped around his waist, he smiled when he noted two new texts from her after stepping out of the shower.

Tit for tat I see. I deserved that.

Leo’s leaving this weekend. Friday morning. Won’t be back til Monday night. Perhaps we can arrange something for you to come pick up your ring then?

Harry took a deep breath as he read over her words. He didn’t have classes on Fridays so he could potentially go there Thursday night. But then his dad would still be there. But of course, the sooner he could see her the better. Even if Leo was around.

How’s Thursday night? And I feel like it’s gonna take a few days for me to get over the loss of the ring so if you don’t mind me staying until Monday morning then I think that can work.

.           .           .

She hated deleting the texts. But it was necessary. It wasn’t as if Leo would ever go through her phone but still. He didn’t care if she had a sidepiece. He would, however, care that her sidepiece was his son. She was certain of that. Even though he hadn’t said specifically, don’t have sex with Harry, he didn’t need to. It was something that went without saying. A moral boundary. She knew better. But she wasn’t sure that she wanted to stop. No, she was sure she didn’t want to stop. Harry was… tender and fun and sexy. He was eager and vibrant. Confident without being egotistical.

There were more photos and suggestive messages over the following days. Until he finally arrived Thursday evening after his last class.

He’d called Leo and told him he was coming over for dinner that night and that he’d stay and leave the following day.

So that’s how Y/n found herself with her little apron floating across the kitchen making dinner for the three of them. She had a little music playing and felt the nerves bubbling out of her tummy. She couldn’t wait to see Harry again. Just to lay eyes on him. To hear his voice. There could be no funny business that night, but she had him for the entire weekend and it was like a dream. She felt like she was in high school again. Heart thumping in her chest, head spinning and swimming. She kept getting interrupted by her thoughts. Wooden spoon in hand, hovering over the bowl with her head in the clouds. Images of what they’d done together, what they would do together.

He seemed to really enjoy eating her out. And his enthusiasm for it was obvious on Sunday when they were curled up together on the couch watching a movie and he dragged her legs over his lap and then asked…

“Can I try again? Want to see if I can make you come.”

His fingers reached up underneath her shorts and slowly dragged along the seam of her panties with his eyes growing dark as he licked his lips, “Please?”

He’d been trying. The first time he hadn’t made her come because she stopped him to have him play with her tits while he was fingering her. The second time she nearly came. Was so close but he couldn’t quite get her to tip. She reassured him that was normal. Most guys couldn’t really make a woman come if they didn’t know her body well enough, “No one has ever made me come from only eating me out. Ever. Don’t feel bad about it, Harry.”

But he wanted to try again. Third time’s a charm and all. So she nodded and he quickly rid her of her shorts and panties and dug in. He did everything he learned she liked and went slowly and softly at first. Watching her intently and moaning into her pussy.

She’d long forgotten the movie they were watching in favor of enjoying the scene with Harry’s mouth and fingers trying to work her to her end.

“Please… I need you to come. What do you need? Tell me exactly what you want so I can be good. Want to be the best for you.”

She thought for a moment. Since she’d never come from cunnilingus she figured maybe it was because she’d never sat on anyone’s face before. Perhaps a change in position…

Harry lay flat on the couch as she straddled his face and put her palms on the cushioned arm as he pulled her down over him and got back to lapping and sucking.

That was good. That felt… really good. The more she settled into the position of having her thighs around his head as she sat over his mouth she began rolling her hips slowly and realized that also felt really good. His nose was perfectly big enough that she could use it on her clit every time she shifted her hips up, but then each time she tilted her pelvis down Harry’s lips and tongue would stimulate her clit. It was perfect. The right amount of soft licking and sucking along with that healthy friction she got from his nose.

When she felt that initial tingle, the spark of her orgasm snaking around to her center she was surprised and relieved. She was finally going to come. And she was glad it was Harry who was doing it.

But Harry was beyond glad. He loved the idea that he could be her first for something. When he felt her quivering and her gasps turned into soft moans and chants of his name as she yanked his hair and ground herself over him his eyes fluttered into the back of his head. She was coming on his face and it was all he ever wanted. He didn’t even know it was anything he’d been missing out on but to have a woman coming from oral sex, from the way he flicked his tongue and kissed her pussy made her lose it and that was the best thing that happened to him all day. Yes, he’d lost his virginity but this was a notch on the belt of experience. This earned him bragging rights.

She collapsed over him when she began to come down and he caught her by her hips before she fell off the edge of the couch, “C’mere. I wanna hold you.” He laughed as he pulled her into his arms before she toppled over the arm of the couch.

She realized how beyond fucked she really was in that moment. With his eyes on hers and his arms holding her to his chest and their hearts beating in synch. He was special to her. His genuine care had her filled with butterflies and confusion, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him ever again.

She sighed as she shook that memory from her mind. Stay on track, Y/n.

Leo hadn’t made it back from his appointment that afternoon yet but it was LA and traffic was rotten at that time of day. She hoped Harry wasn’t too caught up on the 101.

When her phone chimed with the notice that someone had arrived at the gate she swallowed and tried to keep calm. It could be Harry. It could be Leo. She had her hands deep in soggy flour so she couldn’t check to see which but either way. Harry was going to be there.

She heard the door close and her heart rate picked up. SZA’s Snooze was playing and she grinned to herself at the irony and before she could call out to see who had come in she saw him enter the kitchen. It wasn’t unlike last week when he came in with his duffle bag and that sexy smirk. Except this time it held so many other layers.

“Leo’s not back yet. Had an appointment downtown. How was traffic?” Small talk. That’s how she’d start. Her nerves were on fire as he raised a brow and placed his bag on the floor and sauntered toward her.

She tried following him with her eyes as he walked behind her without a word. Her hands were still stuffed in the flour mixture as Harry pressed his chest to her back and put his arms onto the island on either side of her, “Like this song.”

His voice in her ear was sultry and she knew that drop in his tone. She gasped as he pressed his warm lips to her neck and then swayed her with his crotch glued to her bottom. She closed her eyes and let his proximity and his touch filter into her bones and her veins and her cells. His lips were soft as he moved up toward her cheek and she felt him smile, “Nobody do body like you…” he sang the words quietly and nosed at her cheekbone as he rocked them to the slow beat.

God, she hadn’t been with anyone that was just so naturally good at being sexy and dreamy like Harry. He was a dream. He might have been a virgin before but he was sensual and flirty and exciting in a way she’d never known. He might have not had all that much experience, but he was a natural lover. Thoughtful and romantic without even needing instructions.

“How long til he’s back?” He spoke his words against the corner of her lips as she turned her face toward him. Her lips were already parted and her eyes were closed.

“I don’t know. Traffic is bad. He said he’d be home at five but it’s already six.”

Harry’s hands found her waist as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her mouth. She swooned. She actually swooned, nearly falling and passing out in his arms like one of those Victorian women who wore their corsets too tight and any little excitement would have them fainting.

Harry laughed against her lips, “You okay?”

She nodded and looked at him as he craned his neck to see her eyes, “I need to wash my hands. I’ve got wet flour all over them.”

The grin on Harry’s face was devious as he looked from where her hands were stuffed into the flour and then back to her face. He wasn’t budging at all, “So pretty with this apron on. Didn’t think you could be any prettier but here we are.” His fingers moved down to her hips.

She was wearing a dress. A little short. She wanted to look cute. And her plan to not wear panties was suddenly dawning on her as she felt the tiniest bit of slip on her thighs. She grinned back at him, “Thank you, Harry. Always so polite.”

He nodded and stepped back an inch as he moved his hands from her hips down to her bare thighs, “I try. I do my best to please you, ma’am.” His smirk remained as his finger slowly pushed the hem of her skirt upward, “You don’t mind if I just take a peek?” He tilted his head as he looked at her, his fingers inching up slowly, “To tide me over til tomorrow? Missed you.”

Y/n bit her lip and felt her neck grow warm. He was about to see what she didn’t have on underneath but she nodded, “Okay. Go ahead.”

The fabric of her dress was pulled upward and the air of the kitchen was cool over her backside. Harry groaned as her supple bottom came into view, not a single shred of material to cover herself from him, “Fuck. No panties?”

Her chest rose and fell deeply. She could have him just quickly fuck her. Who knew when Leo would return? It would be risky-

Harry dropped to his knees, “Please… can I have a little taste. Just a…” he smushed his fingers into her bottom and kneaded her flesh apart to get a better glimpse, “Please?”

“God, Harry. Okay.” It was insane. Absolutely nonsensical for this to be happening but it was. His tongue roved her folds as he moaned and lapped at her from behind. Slick and warm with his fingers biting into her skin. But when he slid his fingers over her clit she gasped and leaned forward to allow him more and Harry dug his face into her deeper.

It was quite the scene. From the front of the kitchen, one would only see Y/n leaned over the counter with her apron and hands in the bowl of dough, her eyes closed and mouth dropped open as she panted his name. But just behind the island, hidden from view, there was her stepson, eating her out with her ass bared to him and his tongue plowing through her labia.

Suddenly they heard the door close and Harry quickly stood up and wiped his arm over his face as he backed away from his stepmom and turned to the sink to wash his hands.

His cock was so hard but luckily his dark jeans would hide what he had going on.

Y/n was still panting with dark eyes as Leo stepped into the kitchen, “My son!” He crossed the room and wrapped Harry in a quick hug before backing away.

That was a close call. Y/n tried regulating her breathing as she pulled her fingers out of the dough and smiled at Leo, “He just got here. You both have great timing! Dinner will be ready in about an hour.” She lifted her sticky fingers and moved to the sink to rinse her hands off as Harry said something to his dad about traffic and then excused himself to go up to his room for a bit. Her teeth dug into her lip as she looked down into the sink at her flour-covered fingers and imagined Harry taking care of himself in his bedroom as he thought of her. She didn’t miss the way his prick started to stiffen when he was pressed into her back as he kissed her neck.

It was crazy to Y/n how quickly she could shift from being blushy and hot to being composed and cool in front of Leo. Dinner was plated and the three of them sat outside in the garden overlooking the pool.

Leo picked out a nice cabernet for them to share and Harry sipped a glass of tequila. She tried not to pay too much attention to Harry’s hands as he ate and grasped his glass. Or his lips as she spoke. She glanced at his jaw a few times as he chewed his bites and she spoke about the tennis club and then they got onto the topic of the war in Ukraine.

As cold as Leonardo was, he was at least of sound mind when it came to politics. He was liberal and he was quite a forward thinker. He was fair in his opinions. At least.

Her second glass of wine had her ears warming up and she felt more relaxed. No one would have guessed she was a ball of nerves but she was. Harry being at the table with his soft green eyes finding hers every few minutes as they spoke felt especially weighty when Leo was there too.

But on the surface, everything appeared as normal.

“And how are your grades?” Leo asked his son.

Harry perked up and nodded, “Good. All A’s. Nearly missed turning in a complete essay on Monday after that party but got it in just in time and got a 90 on it. Felt pretty good.” He pulled his lips inward to hide the grin that threatened to make its appearance as he caught Y/n’s gaze on him. Their expressions were similar. A knowing look. A secret only they shared.

“Figured. You’re always an excellent student. Never have to worry about you mucking it up do I?” Leo boasted.

“He is a great student. I even offered for him to stay longer on Sunday to relax but he was so intent on getting his schoolwork done instead. It’s quite impressive.” She didn’t need to chime in. Her words were a lie. Though she did know he was a great student, and that was impressive.

Harry smiled down at his plate before letting his eyes wander up to Y/n’s, “Thank you, ma’am. I take pride in learning and being good at what I do.”

She clenched her jaw and stifled a small titter she nearly let out. His innuendo wasn’t missed by her, “It shows too,” she spoke wryly and then bit into her roasted cauliflower.

His nostrils flared as he mimicked her by biting into a forkful and chewing hastily.

When they’d finished up dinner, they all made their way to the heated pool after changing into their swimwear.

It was… a task. A task to not look at Harry’s lean muscles and tattoos. The soft part of his hips that gave way to the elastic of his yellow trunks. His strong thighs. She swallowed to moisten her throat at the sight of him with dimples as he laughed at something Leo said.

But she felt his eyes on her as she stepped into the pool. She pretended not to be bothered by knowing his eyes were scanning her in small increments. He couldn’t gawk at her in front of his father, but he could take subtle glances to feast on.

To Harry, though, he wasn’t getting enough. He wanted to paste his eyes onto her body and allow himself to splurge on her tummy and her back. He was already keyed up a bit at the idea of having his brains fucked out all weekend. He knew he could be patient. He had to be. Leo joked around with Harry about Leslie a bit. Even he thought his own son was getting girls left and right. He had no idea that Harry had been a virgin until only days prior.

“I’m glad you came over today so I could spend a little time with you. Haven’t done anything like this in a while. And your birthday party doesn’t count either.”

The sun started to go down, oranges and pinks covering the horizon toward the Pacific Ocean, as they listened to music over the blue tooth speakers, and the subject of conversation had started on sports. Y/n zoned out a little. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy sports, but in comparison to Leo, she was nearly clueless. She watched the dusk take over what had been a bright blue sky only thirty minutes earlier and smiled to herself as Harry’s voice floated over the water toward her as he spoke to his father.

“I’m gonna run to the bathroom. Be right back!” Harry spoke as he pulled his wet body out of the pool, climbing up onto the patio, his body dripping with water as he padded his way toward the back of the house.

Leo placed his back toward the edge of the pool and rested against it, “What do you have planned this weekend? Going out tomorrow with the girls?”

“Oh… I might. I’m not sure. Actually, Cyndee wasn’t feeling well this morning so we’re just playing it by ear. Tennis club Saturday. Maybe just hang out here in the pool. Relax. Not much. Bet you’re gonna have a good time in the Hamptons.”

Just as Leo was about to respond his phone rang and he cursed under his breath as he pulled himself out of the pool, in much the same way Harry had only moments before. He wiped his hands on his towel before lifting his cell phone up to his ear and holding a finger out to Y/n as he walked toward the back of the house to take the call.

Looking out to the horizon, the pinks had turned purple and the sky grew darker. The music on the speakers was some sort of slow hip-hop song she wasn’t familiar with but she liked the beat. Easy and a little sexy. From her peripheral, she saw Harry walking toward the pool.

She turned her head and grinned, “That was fast.”

Harry wore a small frown and slid into the water right next to his stepmom, “Yeah. Just went to the pool house. And um…” he turned to look back toward the house and lowered his voice, “Is he cheating on you, Y/n?”

The breath in her lungs stilled at his question. She wasn’t sure how much Harry knew about her and his father’s situation but she knew she hadn’t told him everything. And she knew that it was unlikely he would be privy. It wouldn’t have been his business in any normal circumstance. But theirs was not a normal circumstance.

Shaking her head she let out the breath she was holding and looked at his kind eyes brushing her fingers in between his under the warm water, “Not really. We have an agreement… But we don’t discuss the details with each other. We are free to see other people. But don’t tell your dad I said anything.”

Harry’s frown remained as he shook his head, “Of course, I would never say anything. Are you… seeing other people too?”

“No. God no. Since I married Leo I haven’t been interested in seeing anyone else. Until you.”

The frown lines slowly disappeared as his soft lips curved up, “Yeah? Really? You’ve been free to be with anyone? But it’s just me?”

Harry’s hand grasped her thigh as he stood only inches from her in the pool. Definitely closer than appeared innocent.

Nodding her head and letting him pull at her leg she spoke in a murmur after looking over Harry’s shoulder to make sure they were in the clear, “Just you, baby. You’re all I want.”

His demeanor changed back into his bright and confident self at her words, “So if I ask you really nicely you’ll give me anything I want, right? S’what you said Sunday.”

Y/n breathed out a laugh and cocked her head, “Depends. Tell me what you want.”

Harry’s fingers moved up her thigh slowly as he spoke in a whisper, “Let me come to your room tonight.”

She raised her brows and scoffed, “Well that certainly wasn’t asking nicely was it? Sounded more like you telling me.”

He licked his lips and dropped his gaze to her mouth, “Please, ma’am,” the smirk on his face deepened his adorable dimples, “Can I come to your room tonight? After he’s asleep?” He motioned with his chin toward the back of the house indicating his father.

“And what do you think is going to happen if you are allowed to come to my room tonight?” She tried hiding her own grin but it was futile. Harry’s smile and the way his hand was pasted to the inside of her thigh, only a hand’s distance from the crotch of her bikini bottom was making her feel dizzy.

“Whatever you want ma’am. I’ll do anything. Even if it’s just to hold you.” His tongue swiped over his bottom lip and his eyes were hooded. He was turned on.

Letting her hand drift toward his swim shorts she grazed her fingers over his crotch and sucked in a small breath as she kept her eyes on his, “Poor thing. When was the last time you came Harry?”

A laugh puffed out of his nose as he continued speaking in a low whisper, “This morning.”

Looking at the house and back to Harry she cupped him in her hand and moaned lightly, “Oooh… I see. A horny thing aren’t you? What did you think about?” She slid her hand into the waistband of his trunks and wrapped her palm around his smooth shaft and watched as his lips parted and he closed his eyes to take it in.

“You. You’re all I think about, Y/n.”

“Me?” She spoke into his ear as he opened his eyes to look at her, “I’m so flattered. What do you imagine? Am I sucking you off in your fantasy? Are you fucking me? Tell me about it?”

She was surprised by the way he was looking at her. As if he were the dominant. The aggressor, yet she knew he’d bend immediately if she told him to. She loved his moxie. Loved how he oozed confidence despite the way he’d beg her and whimper for her.

His fingers found the edge of the fabric of her bikini at the lower part of her hip and poked a finger in, moving it down toward her inner thigh, “This morning I imagined I was eating you out. Came all over myself in my bed wishing you were sitting on my face smothering me with your pussy.”

She’d met her match. Harry was not shy to say dirty things. He was submissive to her but he was still very much able to keep her on her toes. She swallowed and nearly pulled him down so she could kiss him but she saw Leo return and quickly released Harry’s dick and leaned back into the edge of the pool to act as if they’d only been talking.

Both Y/n and Harry were a mess until it was bedtime. Harry was thankful his boner went down before he got out of the pool and Y/n was just glad that the wet between her legs was disguised by pool water.

“I’ve got to get up at like 5 am so I’m gonna go to bed. Harry stay up as late as you like bud,” he leaned in and kissed Y/n’s forehead as they all stood in the kitchen, “Probably won’t see you in the morning. I’ll call you later after I land.”

When Leo had gone upstairs and Y/n put away the clean dishes from the dishwasher Harry was seated at the island quietly.

“You gonna go to bed? Or are you not tired?” Y/n asked as she pulled out a stool to sit on.

Harry glanced down at the empty stool between them and back up to his stepmom, “Not particularly tired no. Was hoping you had an answer for me. About the question I politely asked you earlier.”

Sighing she put her elbows onto the marble and kept her gaze on Harry’s, “You know this can only work if we don’t get caught.”

He nodded, “We won’t. I’ll be quiet as a mouse.”

She smiled and sat up, “Do you smoke weed?”

Harry blinked his eyes at the sudden change of topic and nodded, “Yeah. Not like every day but often.”

She bit her lip and looked at the corner of the room. Contemplating whether she should or not. She should. She definitely should. And why not? It was just a little weed. And she needed to calm down. As composed as she appeared, she was vibrating with nerves and her body ached for him but she knew they couldn’t do anything tonight.

“Come with me.” She jumped down from the stool and Harry followed her upstairs to her room. She closed the door and locked it before crouching down in front of her dresser and opening up the bottom drawer, retrieving a box and lifting it upward, “My stash. If you ever need some and I’m not here, you’re welcome to it.” She spoke as she stood up and opened the lid.

“Wow. My stepmom’s a stoner. Had no idea.” Harry laughed quietly as he stood behind Y/n and looked over her shoulder down into the box.

“I’m not! I just like a puffy treat once in a while. Something to help me sleep and calm my anxiety.” She pulled out a joint and a lighter.

“You have anxiety?”

She shrugged as she walked across the room toward the large window that looked out to the backyard, “Kind of. Not diagnosed or anything but low level. I get anxious sometimes. This helps to make my mind chill a little.”

She sparked up the tip and inhaled as she unhooked the window lock and pushed the glass outward to open up before blowing the plume out into the night air.

Harry nodded at her words. He supposed it was the same for him. Low level. Normal levels he imagined. He took the joint she passed him and drew the cannabis into his lungs.

After a few lungfuls each Harry could feel the softening of his nerves and yet, it did nothing to calm how aroused he was around Y/n, “So does this mean you’re gonna let me stay in your bed with you tonight?”

She stamped out the joint and placed it on the windowsill before turning to look up at Harry. She was ready to jump his bones but she knew they had to be quiet. They could get to the juicy stuff tomorrow. Perhaps that evening would just be about being close and talking in whispers.

“Yeah. But no sex. It’s too loud. We have plenty of time for that all weekend,” her grin was adorable and Harry couldn’t help himself when he grasped her chin and kissed her lips.

It took her by surprise but she melted into him quickly as she wrapped her arms around him. Harry walked her backward to her bed and pulled her in with him before parting from the kiss, “Like I said. I’ll take anything you give me. No sex is fine with me.”

The problem with lying in a bed naked (Harry didn’t want to go and get his sweatpants from his bedroom and since he was naked he insisted that Y/n be naked with him and she easily obliged) with your brand new lover after having smoked a little weed is that it’s hard not to be horny. It’s hard to keep a ‘no sex’ rule when you still have so much to explore and the person you’d love to explore is lying right next to you without a shred of clothing covering anything.

Harry tried not to let his hands wander. He kept his palm over her hip, only letting his thumb travel over her skin softly as he spoke. And she kept her hand a safe distance from his cock, which was thick and hard, ready to be used.

“Well, when I graduated last year it was the same. All the professors really just wanted their students to get a good grade so they were always helpful and then would offer extra credit. You’ll be fine, Harry. You’re so smart.”

“Feels that way. Which is nice. I like having a little bit of a break.”

Y/n kept her eyes on his as he spoke and then they were quiet for a moment when Y/n was reminded of something, “What did you hear Leo saying that made you ask me if he was cheating?”

Harry didn’t stop his slow touches over her sides as he spoke, “I heard him say that he had to keep his voice down because his wife and his son were nearby. Then he said he couldn’t wait to see them either, but it sounded like he was speaking to a woman or like a lover. Not a friend.”

She nodded and squinted her eyes. She hadn’t known Leo to be sneaking away for calls to lovers. She always imagined that anyone he might have on the side would be a once or twice sort of thing. Someone who might not even have his number. But perhaps she was wrong.

But she wasn’t upset. She had Harry in her bed and his dark curls were messy with the way she ran her fingers through it earlier. She scraped her nails lightly over his pecs.

“Can I kiss you?” His voice barely came out above a whisper.

“Harry…” she looked into his eyes and then down between them and moaned softly, letting her hand travel down just a little, “If you kiss me it’s not gonna stop there. And you know it.”

The smirk on his lips edged upward on the right side of his mouth, “So you’re saying you can’t resist, is that right?”

She laughed and rolled her eyes, “No. I’m saying you can’t resist.”

Harry shook his head and rounded his eyes innocently, “Ma’am, with all due respect…” his nostrils flared as he spoke in jest, fingers digging into her hip, “I will do literally anything you tell me to. And if you say we’re not going to have sex, then I will resist. It’s you who makes all the decisions here. I’m simply following your lead. And all I’m asking for is a kiss.”

He had a point and she knew that was the truth. She wanted to fuck his brains out, that was the reality. And if his pillowy lips wrapped around hers and his tongue lapped at hers she’d be climbing over him and attaching herself to his cock.

Instead of answering she continued pushing her hand down his abs and toward his heavy cock, softly ghosting her fingers over his tip and he keened.

“Fuck…” Harry breathed out his words and he closed his eyes.

“I wish we could, Harry. But we can’t. It’s too risky.” She wanted to grasp him in her hand but she only brushed her fingers over him. Just to touch. Just a little.

His hand moved up from her hip and over her arm to her neck and then her face, “Fine with me. Love just being here with you. What would you do with me if we could right now?”

Y/n licked her lips and pushed her face into his touch as she scooted into him closer, “I’d have you creampie me and then I’d climb onto your face and make you eat your come out of my pussy until I orgasm.”

Harry’s mouth dropped open and the tiniest whine from the back of his throat sounded, “Fuck. I want that. Can we try that first thing in the morning?”

Nodding her head she felt his fingers drop to her jaw, gently rubbing his knuckles over her skin, “Definitely. Yeah.”

His face was so close to hers. She was throbbing already, clenching tight as her skin heated up under his gaze. He looked like he could devour her and it made her heart thrash in her chest.

“Yeah? Want me to fill you up? You like that, don’t you? Then I’ll let you smear it all over my face, clean you all up with my tongue and make you wish you were married to me. There’s no way I’d ever want anyone else if I had you.”

Y/n’s eyes went wide for a moment but she actually couldn’t be mad at that. If she wasn’t so far gone and horny out of her mind she might have scolded him for that but instead, she groaned softly and pulled him in for the kiss she’d been desperate for.

She hadn’t meant to. Not really. She was going to just lie with him and fall asleep and keep things quiet and tame. But she couldn’t stop it. She needed him. Needed him to soothe her ache and her heart.

Harry trembled as he pulled her in closer and opened his mouth for her, kissing her back wetly as his mouth was already watering. He was going to get what he wanted. He smiled into the kiss knowing where it was leading as she pulled him on top of her and she spread her legs, “Fuck me and come inside of me. If you make one peep we’re stopping.”

Harry breathed in and out slowly to ground himself as he lined his tip up to her sodden entrance. She was soaked. And puffy. Her clit was standing at attention because of how aroused she was. How aroused he made her.

He plunged into her and dropped his mouth wide as she closed her eyes and panted at the feel of him, “Yes…” she whispered.

Harry’s face was set in anguish as he rocked into her. His cock had been so hard and already leaked from the tip before she even kissed him. It was only going to be a matter of minutes before he was going to fill her up like she wanted.

Wet, sloppy sex sounded in the room and her mattress gave way to their weight at each of Harry’s thrusts. He was good to keep quiet but Y/n was struggling the most as she peeped the tiniest moans and then breathed his name softly as she felt him throbbing inside of her.

“Come inside of me, baby. Give me your come. Want it…”

Harry was quivering and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as his penis was sheathed in her tight pussy. It was warm and wet and his cock felt so good moving inside of her that he couldn’t hang on one moment longer. He clenched his teeth and his balls tightened as he fucked into her, his orgasm filling her to the brim. His ears rang as he came and his chest heated up from ecstasy.

Y/n watched in awe. Harry was good. He stayed quiet but even better was the way he felt when he was orgasming inside of her. His heavy cock pumped and throbbed and she felt every one of his ridges and shot of come that poured out from his tip. Perhaps it was the weed that made her so sensitive but it was an incredible feeling.

And Harry was blown away by having an orgasm inside of Y/n while he was a little high. He’d never trembled so hard in his life but he couldn’t stop shaking as he came and eventually calmed from his orgasm. He was shivering still as he held himself up over her with a grin. Proud that he’d managed to stay completely quiet.

“Good boy. Just like I told you. Now, you ready to use that mouth to clean me up? I need to come so bad, Harry.”

He nodded as his shaky limbs steadied himself, pulling out and then quickly grasping her ankles and lifting her legs upward to see it. To watch the bit of his creamy come drip from her pussy.

“S’pretty isn’t it?” She asked as she watched his face. He’d gotten lots of eyefuls of his creampies on Sunday. He nodded and then released her legs before plopping down on his back and scooting himself into position so she could climb on.

Before lowering her pussy to his mouth she watched as his come dripped over his lips and kept her hands at the headboard, “Eat it.”

Harry licked his lips and swallowed before opening his mouth again and looking up at her eyes. He just wanted her to sit on him so he could make her come.

The moment her cunt covered his lips she gasped when he pulled at her clit and his tongue lapped up her messy pussy. Swallowing his come mixed with her sticky arousal he moaned softly into her.

She grasped onto his hair as she gyrated over him, rubbing herself on his lips and over his nose, her pussy was on fire from need and desperation and the prickle of his facial hair.

“Fucking gonna make me come, baby. Oh my god, Harry…” she panted her words as quietly as she could while she used his face for her pleasure. Harry tried to keep his eyes open but she was riding his face roughly and it was almost impossible. He wanted to watch her tits bounce and the way her lips parted, wanted to watch her come as he ate her out. He forced his eyes open every few moments to see her riding his face as he held on to her thighs.

She began to spiral into a boiling-hot orgasm as her thighs nearly gave out from the exertion of her muscles. Looking down at where she was rubbing herself on him she was struck by his vibrant green eyes on hers as she began to come. The tight cord inside of her snapped and she gushed over his face. His nose was amazing. She kept bumping her clit into it and riding over the tip of it but being sure to give him air in between.

His face was shiny and pink and his eyes were droopy by the time she caught her breath. She shakily moved herself to lie over his body, pressing her chest into his and nuzzling into his neck. She was spent. He was spent.

Not only was it late, but they were both a little high from the joint they shared. Tired was an understatement.

She could have fallen asleep right over his chest like she was. Harry wrapped his arms around her and spoke quietly, “We should clean up. I’m all sticky and wet.”

Y/n groaned and smiled as she looked up at him. The handsome young man with her wet arousal smeared all over his face, “You’re right. Then we’ll go to sleep.”

The moment they were cleaned and snuggled under the covers with limbs intertwined Harry drifted off into a dreamless sleep. Y/n was sure that having Harry in her bed was the best part of their affair. His warm limbs loosened and his heartbeat slowed as he began to lightly snore with his mouth open. He was adorable. Not just adorable. He was striking and self-assured. He was smart and gentle. He was affectionate.

She hadn’t realized how much she missed affection. She’d been without it for so long that she thought the affection her friends gave her was quite enough. But now that she had a taste of Harry’s sunny smile and his tender heart she wasn’t sure she could go back to the once-per-week schedule of sex and then separate rooms after. The occasional hug and kiss. That just wouldn’t do anymore. Harry was forbidden but she was already hooked.

A/N: The next part will be their “quiet” weekend together 👀

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Thank you for reading! I appreciate any support so remember to comment, reblog, & like 💕

Tags: @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs @shishcabobsworld @daphnesutton @spinnerswife69 @michellekstyles @golden-hoax @a-strange-familiar @yousunshineyoutempter @tenaciousperfectionunknown @swiftmendeshoran @luvonstyles @tiaamberxx @lukesaprince @dirtytissuebox @closureesny @lhharrylilpumpkin @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysmimi @itsgigikay @angelbabyyy99 @lllukulele @lanadelharry @novasblogofstuff @gills-lounge @damnasstyles @malwtilda @0oolookitsme @babybunharry @anothermannharry @love-letters-to-uranus @itjustkindahappenedreally @kelly-fushiguro345 @harrys-foxy

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1 year ago

A Good Boy Masterlist

A Good Boy Masterlist

A stepmom!reader x stepson!harry forbidden romance au

Summary: Harry's got the hots for his young stepmom and she's pretty fond of him too. But they're both trying really hard to be good.

A/N: In this story, Y/n meets her stepson, Harry, when he's already an adult in college. For the parts written, he is 21 and she is 27. She is 6 1/2 years older than he is.

Warnings: 18+, NSFW, inappropriate / forbidden romance, smut, angst, cheating, lies & secrets, age gap

1. Surrender (21.4k words)

The one where they finally give in to their desires (should be read first).

2. No Panties? (8.8k words)

Harry visits his dad and stepmom for dinner and he begs Y/n to let him stay in her room after Leo goes to bed.

3. Overheard (14.4k words)

Leo's out of town and someone finds out about their secret.

4. A Mistake (12.5k words)

Y/n goes to an event with Leo for Valentine's Day and Harry's upset. Hurt feelings lead to a messy fallout.

5. When In Greece

more to come

Tags: @becauseheartsgetbroken-hs @shishcabobsworld @daphnesutton @spinnerswife69 @holy-macncheese-balls @cookielovesbook-akie @lilfreakjez @itsgigikay

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7 months ago



summary: an episode of the sidemen documentary follows harry around his day to day life with you. [12.3k words.]

pairing: reader x bog (W2S.)

notes: longly anticipated!! i’m so happy it’s done and i’m excited to share it with you!! (i’m so nervous and feel like it’s going to disappoint 😃) hopefully it lives up to your expectations!!!! it was so cute to write and soo long to edit i got a bit lazy so hopefully there isn’t too many mistakes. mentions breakup era. pleaseeee let me know what you think and let me know your favourite moments! much love, don’t forget to reblog! <333


Two months of lights, cameras, and lack of privacy, eight whole weeks of cameras following you, or in particular, your boyfriend, around.

The Sidemen documentary was coming . . . and you knew your boyfriend was dreading it.

“I don’t like this . . never catch a break from these . . bastard cameras,” you made eye-contact as he was mic’d up, your first official day of filming playing in front of you.

You laughed at his attitude, getting mic’d up yourself with cameras already rolling, you snapped the film clapper closed making him jump, “smile! you’re on camera baby!”

As far as you were aware, each of the boys were getting an episode each containing an hour and a half long of footage of them in their natural habitats, showing what they got up to off-camera, how they behaved off-camera, their home life with loved ones, hanging with friends, staying with family, and sometimes, getting up to no good.

Harry was someone who of course cherished his privacy greatly, dropping social media and cameras whenever he could outside work, he was a live-in-the-moment man with no desire to post everywhere he went and everything he did — so the boys agreeing to this idea was against his own will, and he had no choice but to agree to it when the other six signed the agreement, loving the idea of getting their own reality show, different from the last which just showed the making of the group.

For eight weeks, the boys all had their own camera crew, nothing too OTT as a big professional team most likely took away from the moment and made the whole ordeal less natural, so most camera footage came from ones placed around their homes, with just a couple days a week, a pair following them around if the occasion required them too. They’d then have extra footage to throw all together, jumping from one boy to the other to see what they got up to, already one episode complete with the amount of footage they’d gathered from them all working and hanging together in London.

You couldn’t lie, you were pretty stoked.

You felt like the Kardashians, hoping to get your moment and show everyone just how loveable you were, how you, dare say, could be funnier than your man, and more importantly, were not the heartless cow the little boys following them made you out to be.

You supposed you were excited because you got to show everyone why Harry picked you, why he liked you, and just how well you went together. You wanted to show them how much you loved him, and effortlessly.

Harry and the boys had spoken on how far they agreed to get into it, how deep they would dive into areas and share even more of their lives with the world, and according to him, they were willing to spill most, taking in the fact they didn’t have much . . dirty areas of their lives to uncover. Ethan may have some younger day recollections he may sugar coat, and JJ might not go too overboard on those first paycheck days but Harry felt like his was different than the rest – stuff he wasn’t sure about sharing fully that people probably knew about anyway, most revolving around you . . and the timeframe you split ways.

On one hand, he wanted to say fuck off, it’s nothing to do with anyone, but on the other, he felt like it was a dirty secret he’d have to live with forever, not knowing if telling everyone would make him feel lighter, and he felt like he owed it to you.

You did feel bad for him, but he was in control of what he wanted to share, and you wouldn’t dare say anything he didn’t want you sharing, so you didn’t get the point in it, “it’s your show, you show what you want to show,” you’d told him the day before, “you know I don’t care.”

Not that it mattered, you had a feeling you wouldn’t be in it much, it was Harry’s episode afterall, not yours.

“Do I share these?” he pulled out the massive photobook thrown carelessly in a box under his bed, busting with photos of just the two of you from 2014 to 2018.

The documentary was based around these boys from YouTube, from social media, of course there was gonna be hundreds of clips and photos imported. Just last night, JJ had sent in a snapchat from 2017 he’d said he’d sent to the crew to include on his episode, sending the boys into hysterics of laughter.

You also had the fun job of getting to pick what songs you wanted over some footage, Harry allowing you to do that job as he said you were best at picking songs that fit the moment, so you’d started a list already of 30 songs they could put over your fun, chill moments to add to the carefree vibe. You didn’t think there’d be much heavy songs for Harry’s segment. “Yeah . . just do it.”

I suppose you didn’t have issue with sharing those moments because they only worked in your favor, and it just showed Harry’s . . humane side, I suppose.

Plus, they were still only seeing a fraction of the memories you created together, but it was Harry’s call, and you just wanted to reassure him it wasn’t the biggest deal.

“Why? ‘Cause you look good in them and I don’t?”

“Shut up, man,” you’d rolled your eyes playfully, “you were the internet’s crush back then.”

A lot of footage had been captured back in London and although you appeared in scenes, mostly around the house, it was casual conversation and moments between you, nothing personal or intimate.

Today, you were back in Guernsey and Harry’s family were in the middle of saying their piece in the series:

“As his mother, can you tell us what he was like in school?”

“Did you ever think he’d end up in this type of career?”

“Do you think he’s good at what he does?”

Talking about his upbringing, what he was like as a kid, how he is as a brother, what they thought he’d grow up to be, they liked getting to have their say without Harry interjecting, sitting in a room without him barging in to tell them not to do him dirty with their stories. Big things that played a great part in his life, that made him . . him, of course they had to be discussed.

“Can you tell us what he’s like as a boyfriend, do you think he’s a good partner to y/n?”

Harry’s mum looked around to make sure he wasn’t about before continuing to speak, “—dying about her,” she breathed exaggeratedly, shaking her head, “absolutely dying about her.”

Cameras followed you a lot more than usual that week, capturing clips of you doing the most normal of things, standing by the sink, making a cup of tea, playing with Herb on the floor. It cut to you leaning on the counter, arms folded as you watched Harry faff about for something in his suitcase alongside his mother, watching him get worked up while you stood and watched humorously.

“He . .” she couldn’t explain it, “he honestly — i can’t imagine him with anyone else . . . i can’t visualise them with anyone other than each other, they just fit, I just . . .” she shook her head again, “i just can't imagine another girl sticking him that long - putting up with him the way she does. Nobody will compliment him as well as she does - in the way that she does.”

Everywhere began to play as your photos began to pop up, a small edit of a stack appearing on top of the other, photos from the year you got together until the most recent ones of this year, ones of you in different countries, different events, dressed casually on vacation or smart for a wedding.

“Think they began dating in 2014?” she guessed, “not that he was telling anybody, he was very hush hush as you can imagine . .” she rolled her eyes, more old pictures appearing of the two of you from that year, a fluffy-haired teenage Harry smiling in multiple pics with a fresh-faced girl, full of youth with her full rosy cheeks and bright eyes, wrinkle-free with her signature messy ponytail and frizzy flyaways. A lot of your photos were taken in secret places, from cars when you used to only go out at nights or his room during the day when no-one was home in his house, your aesthetics and styles extremely different from how they were now.

You’d forgotten Jack Wills existed until you saw those photos.

“Never used to let anyone even look at her, you weren’t allowed to speak to her when he brought her home,” Rosie said her bit from the seat in the sofa, “just used to rush up the stairs before we could get the chance to. And I hated him for that ‘cause I was the most excited, I was waiting for the day I got a girl in the family, you know?I wasn’t even 15, I was buzzing at the idea of this person being able to . . be like a big sister to me? I think most girls have that dream of being besties with your brother’s girlfriend, them treating you like you’re older than you are and treating you like a friend rather than a kid.”

It cut to a clip of you curling Rosie’s hair, then another taking pictures of her at the front door, and another of you laughing about something on your phone with glasses of rosé. You could say she got that sister dynamic she always wanted.

“ ♪ Feel the rain on your skin! No one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in! No one else! No one else can speak the words on your lips!—”

You were driving and she was next to you, belting out the words alongside each other while the sun blazed down, dancing with your arms and hands. She was a friend for life.

“Your brother is being a massive dickhead right now, I’m going to kill him when I see him,” it cut to another of you being able to vent to her, biting your knuckle in the passenger seat as she drove you both in her car, nodding whilst checking her blind spot, “yeah, he’s a prick,” she agreed, not even knowing what wrong he’d done.

“—she’s known me since I was 14, she came into my life when I was at that age you kind of distance yourself from your family, you think you’re more grown up that you are and you’re going through changes and you feel alone - she is exactly what every young girl needs at that time, she was a very . . safe space for me and she’ll always be a safe place for me.”

Few images appeared of you both, a lot when Rosie was just a girl when you tagged along on their family holidays and she somehow managed to get Harry out of his room for you two to bond and mess about, taking pictures and helping her with her hair and makeup to take selfies on your phone that was much cooler than hers - not forgetting the trendy filters at the time.

“Harry is very . . .” Rosie struggled to explain her thought process, “he’s a good boyfriend to sum it up, he is very good to her as she is to him, they’re very settled together, but like . .” she was leaning back in the chair, playing with her ponytail in thought, considering she didn’t know a lot of sides of her brother, she could only base her knowledge on her experience around them, and him at certain points in his life, “I think if you knew Harry before y/n . . and when they weren’t together, you wouldn’t expect him to be the boyfriend type? Not in that sense, but like, my brother is so laid back and careless about . . a lot of things, including people.”

It cut to him walking around the kitchen, eating something from his hand as her voice played over, “he’s a dickhead a lot of the time. He can’t do dating. He can’t do high maintenance, granted - he does if y/n requires it,” she giggled, “but he hates people, hates socialisation and meeting new people, he can’t do it,” she almost laughed, not painting her brother the best, “he doesn’t care about stuff like that, he doesn’t have an opinion on marriage, he doesn’t care to have kids ‘til he’s like 40. I think he can be viewed as a very selfish person which I do get, like he wants to live his life and that’s it, which is why I think if you didn’t see him with y/n you would think . . he’d be awful to a girlfriend? Very self-absorbed, not very attentive . . doesn’t care what she gets up to . . . really only cares about himself, like, wouldn’t take a great lot of pride in an other half, like they’d kind of just be someone for him to have when he comes home like . . a convenience I guess?”

Him walking around his kitchen panned out to him approaching you by the island, looking down at the recipe you and his mum were going to make, he appeared behind you, violating your personal space, head almost in your neck as he peered down, still chewing on whatever, and your hand subconsciously slipped into his to take a bit of whatever he was eating as you both observed the page below you, chewing obnoxiously.

“But he worships her. He is a very different person when he’s not with her.”

“—What are you doing you donny?! ‘Av just - what you doin’!!!”


“Stop!!!” He pushed you away from the sink.

“I’m putting it in the sink!!!”

“No!! Don’t!!!”

“They are . . a very secure couple.”

It cut to you both standing amongst your friend group, standing the same, swaying side to side, and then smirking at the comment made by a friend before looking at each other knowingly.

“They just make it work.”

You both sat on the sofa, one at each end, your legs over him, his hand massaging your socked foot, your eyes glued to the movie on the TV while his stuck to his phone he had propped up on the arm of the chair to watch the football game. “Effortlessly.”

And then it was Harry in the chair, that look on his face that showed he was not nervous or angry to be doing this bit but . . had been putting it off. “So how did it start?”

He slowly broke out into a smile, eyes closing at the famous question.

The date ran back to 2014, footage showing the old school building and other places around Guernsey you could always be caught at growing up. “Basically we knew each other from school . . that’s where we knew of each other, nothing major. We didn’t speak or anything, just had classes or whatever . .” he sat with his fingers hooked, head low in thought as he sat with his legs spread, trying to think, “she didn’t even like me, she’ll tell you.”

Photos and videos of Harry in his school uniform appeared, of him in class and with friends and of course, that god-annoying video of him trying to be funny by running headfirst at a wall in a changing room. “I was an annoying kid. I was as I am today, probably worse,” he evidently cringed. “Y/n hated school as it was, all her friends left, she didn’t enjoy it very much, she was pretty . . Wednesday Adams coded,” he laughed taking the piss out of you and your heartless youth, “didn’t give a fuck if the person sat beside her in maths died, y’know—”

A pair of socks hit him as he shielded himself with his arms, laughing at your attack and scolding, “now take that back! That’s not true!—”

Photos of you appeared on the screen, taken by old friends who helped get you through the rest of school at the time, sat in class with always a nonchalant judgmental look on your face, an expressionless one in your shirt and tie or one of you sticking your middle fingers up by the front desk as your teacher had their back turnt, taking wayyy too long to find their glasses to read your paper. You were as pretty back then as you were now, having the flex of not having horrifically ugly photos from school, you’d always had your bold features and a natural face, hair always in a messy ponytail. Anyone who saw you knew you wouldn't have been the popular it girl at school, but you were unofficially crowned the prettiest girl in the school by everybody, you were just too . . scary to be the obvious highschool crush . . and as effeminate as her, I guess.

“So we did know of each other beforehand, never interacted though—”

“Did you fancy her?”

Harry dramatically sighed and groaned, rolling his eyes as he fell back in his chair, feeling like the piss was being taken out of him but he didn’t say no to the question. It cut to him sitting up and whispering after you’d gone, rushing a little, “i feel like everyone had this unspoken crush on y/n but we never acted on it ‘cause she had this weird vibe she didn’t give a shit about you, so . .” he quickly explained, “not that you’d tell her that ‘cause she could do without the ego boost, y’know?”

He explained how it basically started over a text he’d sent, not even officially shooting his shot but something that required you to come to his house after you’d spotted each other in a shop a year after you’d both left school. “I saw her when I was out with my mum . . and I think I text her on Instagram or Facebook for something — ‘cause I’d never text her on my own accord, I wasn’t that ballsy,” he cringed again, explaining smoothly, “was I what? Seventeen? NO! Wait! Y/n, weren't I 17?” He asked off camera.

“—16? Think we were 17 that year, no?”

“16?” He questioned, leaning back in his chair. “Fucking hell, was I 16?” He began to laugh, waiting for the crew to work it out, which was right, he wasn’t 17 until that November. “Fuck me, any wonder my mates thought I was a fuckin’ weirdo.”


“Anyway, shoppin’ – we got to talk for a bit and then . . I dunno, we just bumped into each other after that, we always saw each other on nights out and then . . I dunno, I somehow did get the balls to–to ask her to go out with me,” he looked oddly at the camera, “something like that, there’s no proper timeline, it just . . just felt like it happened. It did just happen,” he licked his lip in thought, “one minute she was this girl from school who hated everyone and definitely hated me . . and the next I–I was sat across from her at dinner and going to festivals over the summer and,” he scratched his nose, “ . . . and now I can’t get fucking rid of her!” he threw himself into the sofa in a fake cry, covering his eyes in a distressed manner.

Clips appeared, captured by friends and camera crew, of you both in your unusual couple state of hidden moments of affection and intimacy, like Faith who’d zoomed in on you both talking to each other in your tipsy manners, dressed elegantly for Vik’s wedding, Harry’s hand pulling you into him and not so discreetly dropping to your ass, his evidently drunk smile on his face, eyes creasing as you both snickered together over something funny — not forgetting the caption ‘GET OFF MY WIFE!!!!!!’

Another was a video from your snap memories, the pair of you in bed, Harry’s head under your arm while the other curled under his neck, cradling him at your chest with your thumb stroking downwards from his cheekbone while he, was evidently, rough from his night out, but clearly not suffering too bad with your touch.

And another was from Freezy when it was 2:00AM in Ibiza one year, and an 18-year-old Harry carried you up 5 flights of stairs bridal style in your bikini, after you’d conked out at an after-after-party.

“Most people at that age don’t really want a relationship but . .” he shrugged, “i did. With her.”

A snapchat of you both at 16, running down the paths of Guernsey to his house at 12:00AM in the dark featured, the camera flying around you could hardly hear anything, just laughing ‘cause you were partly scared, and he made it worse by screaming behind you to scare you, which did, ‘cause you screamed back.

And then another of you in his room at his first house, baby faces talking to the camera in his bed, the caption saying something about getting him to watch love island with you.

“—he surprised me, getting into a relationship that young and I did have my doubts . . you know, he’s your average lad, he’s young and he’s making more money than . . anyone at that age for a start,” his dad laughed from his seat, “but . . you know, these boys trips, parties, moving to a different city — they never changed his mind. He’s never been — I don’t even think he had a—a celebrity crush or . . .”

Videos from Christmas of you all sitting at the kitchen table at night, sipping over glasses of Bailey’s and munching on crisps and pretzels with a board game played on the screen. You and Harry were in partnership, and you were tucked right into his side, chewing on your crisps whilst you both drunkly observed the cards in your hands, and then you moved to the left to show his Nan, who hadn’t been playing the game but was helping you out more than Josh and his dad agreed with.

And then the next was another video in the club, quite a suffocating club you could remember, and in the world of the prettiest of girls with their killer bodies, dazzling wardrobes and sexy dance moves they were currently showing off - you were being filmed with your dweeb boyfriend and his chicken-neck dance moves with sunglasses on, your friends laughs, but you too, in your sexy little two piece were mimicking his dance moves, smiling idiotically at each other like you were the only two in the club, ignorant to everyone around you trying to intervene.

“Did you ever think you’d last this long?”

And then it was your turn.

You sat on the sofa, smiling at the lens and thought about your answer.

First, you had to introduce yourself in his story.

“I’ve been with Harry for almost 10 years, we went to the same school although I didn’t like him as much as I would have, had I got to know him . .”

“—perfect example of don’t judge a book by its cover,” the camera zoomed out on you to fling to Harry interrupting, waving his finger at you.

“—well no because you were still really annoying,” you looked at him, fighting to roll your eyes. “We didn’t start going out until we’d left, I was seventeen? I think?”

My girl played over old pictures of a 16-year-old you, your old instagram selfies and school pics taken just before Harry entered your life - before London took over your feed and your social life went from 0 to 100.

The clip cut to you in your house, standing with Harry in the living room with your mum around the corner in the kitchen. Two suitcases lay on the floor, open and overflowing with clothes that needed sorting, trying to sacrifice what was coming home with you and what was staying.

“I’m getting flashbacks,” the woman started, circling the mess on her floor.

You snickered a little, knowing what she was getting at, and found it the perfect subject to focus on whilst the film crew were in your home. “What was that like, like did you not want to kill me.”

“Kill you?! I could’ve trailed you around this whole island and broke my frying pan across you head when you told me!”

Harry secretly laughed too, sharing a glance with you leaning on the fireplace. “I—to be fair, I’d have killed me too.”

“You didn’t get it at the time and you said you knew where I was coming from but you’ll never get where i’m coming from ‘til one day your teenage daughter tells you she’s moving to London —LONDON— with her boyfriend –BOYFRIEND OF BLOODY FIVE MONTHS!—”

“—six months.”

“–shut up,” she threw a t-shirt carelessly behind her to hit the boy, “either way, don’t come crying to me when your child pulls a stunt like that, goodness sake. The balls you had to tell me, not even ask, to tell me—”

You laughed at her, and she laughed too telling the story, but you knew at the time she did probably want to kill you all jokes aside. Call it your biggest rebellion move but hey . . it paid off.

“Were you just scared for me?”

“Of course I was scared but . . I was more scared you were,” she let out a huff, folding a pair of jeans, “diving head first, it was so fast. What if you were dropped sooner than expected and . . I don’t know. You just think of these things when your parent, you always assume the worst! I love you Harry but I had to be prepared incase you broke up with her and I had to fly over and beat you up for making a fool of her and embarrassing her like that!”

“— ♪ heartbreak is one thing, my ego’s another, I beg you don’t embarrass me, motherfucker,” you danced in the kitchen to the song, hand gripping your boy’s arm while the other hung around his neck, waving your finger warningly and poking his chest like there was some truth in the lyrics.

You sister stood in the back too, half-smirking at the discreet telling off you were giving although it seemed like a cutesy little joke.

No, there was truth in the lyrics.

“I wanted to kill you because you aren’t usually that stupid and thick, but you thought this was the brightest idea ever and your little plan sounded clever . . . you didn’t think ahead or take in any ‘what-ifs’, your mind was made up already! No point in arguing with you, you were going whether I said yes or no,” she ranted. “Can’t keep you apart for five minutes!”

“Did you think you’d ever last this long?”

You swayed on your chair, facing the lens in your face and made a face, “. . not at all, no.”

Videos of your first apartment in London began to play and it brought all the nostalgic feels: regular videos of you and Harry appearing in the back of Freezy’s recording or you giving a haul of clothes in your first bedroom; videos that Lux had taken of you passed out on the sofa by 9:00PM after a night out made you laugh but it was the view of the city lit up that stole the show. “Since I was young, I used to hate people my age getting into relationships because I knew it was a waste of time and they got really dramatic about it. When they were together barely a year and acting like a married couple it used to bore me. How do you not realise you are both 17 and are not going to end up together? It just doesn’t work, it’s a normal thing like you’re still so immature at that age and you shouldn’t really settle — so I didn’t count myself any different,” you explained. “I knew I loved Harry and I really did want it to last a long time but mentally I did give it a year in my head ‘til he fucked off and left me for someone else,” you shrugged, “th—that’s just how I thought, I knew he had money, he was young, he was good-looking and girls really fucking fancied him - I wouldn’t have blamed him for tapping out I mean yeah, I would have been heartbroken and I’d probably hate him but as well like, I was being honest with myself, I was 17, I knew it wasn’t that deep. I knew he might not be the one for me.”

Harry playing with Herb took the screen and you sat in the back, watching the dog get hyper, wagging his tail and scraping the floor with his nails.

“Especially with the friend group, like, they used to joke and say he was getting girls and all that in front of me to wind me up but deep down I genuinely expected something to come from them. I think 8 months into dating Harry it must have been like . . . Ayia Napa or Ibiza? He was on a proper lad’s holiday, and I had like, fully accepted my fate. He was going to cheat on me, he was going to break it off - I was fully prepared – I was ready. I was like ‘this is where it ends ‘cause if he’s going to cheat on me, it’s going to be on that holiday, in Ayia Napa, surrounded by his mates who will be egging him on—’”

“Are you home my darlin’?!” keys slid across the counter as Harry kicked the door closed, making eye-contact with the camera in their kitchen and immediately cringed, regretting the pet name.

“—yep! I’m in the room!”

“But he was the one,” you sighed dreamily, visibly warmed, but you did bang your head on the wall, leaning too far back and grabbed your head.

“Ok, see you later, love you.”

“See ya.”

“Love you.”

You continued to the door.


“See you later?!”


You opened the door and proceeded to close it, biting your tongue as you heard a thump of footsteps before Harry’s head poked out from the living room and look at you like you’d grown 20 heads. “Did you not hear me?!”

“What?!” You played dumb.


“Love you?!” You said back passive-aggressively, trying not to break, and it was even harder when his face fell and formed into a genuine offended and slightly irritated look.

“Are you fucking serious?”

You laughed then, not able to to stay serious as he walked over in his socks and messy hair, phone in hand, you had to lean on the door frame as you cackled. This was exactly how you expected him to go. “I’m joking!” you walked back to him.

“Are you?!” He sassed.

“Yes!” you chuckled, wrapping an arm around his neck, “I heard you, I was just doing it for the cameras,” you laughed, pointing to the one filming you in the hallway, “i’m sorry, i’m sorry,i love you,” you kissed him and his bitchy face, “i’ll see you later.”

“Yeah, just as well,” he grumbled.

“I’ve known Harry since he was a literal kid, bro. Just before he turned 18, we were hanging out, agreed to be roommates, ready to be his brother over in London town,” Calfreezy crossed his leg over the other in the sitting room of the apartment, fingers crossed in concentration, “I brought that guy to his first big nightclub, lads holiday, showed him all the big boy places he could spend his money – y/n if you’re watching, i am not to blame for his gambling habits,” he ruled out, “and he loves it man, it’s Harry bro, he loves a night out and a drink and a good time with friends — but my guy has no interest in girls. Not one inkling and I know it sounds silly ‘cause he’s been cuffed since forever but genuinely like — any other guy that age with that kinda money and attention from girls — he just had this thing – he’s — I mean he doesn’t fucking like anybody! Let us not forget! He doesn’t like people to begin with but . . I think as a longtime friend of his, I’ve seen him go through a lot of phases but the loyalty and . . I think the pure dedication and commitment — I mean this guy - the guy would almost make you think he’s disgusted in women who isn’t his mrs, you know?” he actually laughed, “and he’s always been like that. Any other guy would more than likely give that up and go through girls like a fuckin’ . . pack of cigs. We used to think he was a right twat like we wanted to shake him, he was like a 16-year-old acting like he was married, we were like be young bro! Enjoy life!! We just didn’t want him settling for the first one - no disrespect to y/n but at this time, we y’know, we didn’t know how great she was, we just assumed she was gonna take him from us, deprive us of a fun time with our boy. But I think he always knew it was special . . I think he just knew he found a best friend in it and would never, y’know, dick it up, so big up him for not listening to us.”

Videos of you three in the apartment played, laughing over something in the kitchen, hitting them on the arm. “I have seen the many different versions of that guy but he’s himself most when they’re together. He’s very chilled,” he noted. “I love y/n. I know exactly why Harry’s with her and why it’s worked for so long. She’s a part of our friend group, she’s good with the boys. She has a very loveable soul and they stay the best match I’ve ever encountered.”

Right Here played over a combination of funny snaps of you and the group, the funniest drunk memories caught between you both in clubs, on holiday, random streets of towns being the most unwise pairing, a right pair of dickheads. Falling off chairs, spilling drinks, dancing weirdly or running and swinging from things - there was no time for a backstory to all of them, but the clips alone were enough for viewers to rewind and replay, wishing they could be apart of your friendgroups.

“I’ve never seen two people so suited. It’s disgusting, man,” he finished.

“Don’t freak out . . but we have to get our bloods done next Thursday.”



“NO Y/N.”

“Harry, yeah, we have to—”

“NOOOOO—” his fingers gripped his hair before he shoved his face in a pillow, crumbling up into the sofa with a groan, “no, no y/n, I’m not—”

“Listen,” you held up the letter.




“It’s just a needle, Harry, it takes 10 seconds—”


Cut to you both in the car on your way, Harry’s head leaning on the window, hand stressfully on his temple, silently hyperventilating in his seat while you were driving with a hand patting his thigh every now and then, holding in laughter whilst steering the wheel. “S’okay, don’t worry about it—”

“Please shut up.”

“Does your partner support your career?”

Harry pulled a confused face, itching his ankle in the chair. “Eh?”

“Right, bye, love you,” you kissed cheeks at the drop-off, watching him hop out for the building before indicating back onto the road, singing to yourself, “back home I go, lonely two hours ahead.”

“Oh man, she’s like . . it’s not even in question, obviously she does. It’s something I’ve taken for granted and still probably do at times,” he scratched his beard. “She just took to it as I sort of expected her to and . . yeah. I mean I-I don’t think my ‘lifestyle’” he air-quoted “involves much adaptation I mean, I’m not a fucking footballer, I’m not gone every day, left her with three kids to deal with, embarrass her with cheating rumours in a paper every week, y’know–” he grinned playfully, picking at the armrest, “but I-I understand it’s still not normal. These last couple years more than ever, I see it more as the channel grows and evolves into bigger things: it’s not just filming once a week on a fuckin’ – football pitch or at home in your bedroom anymore, we’re doing what we been doing: big videos, all the side channels, SidePlus now, products and just– fuckin’ everything – it’s a lot. I am gone more but I–I like to think I’ve done pretty well at – working things around us, though. No-one will understand that but trust–trust me! Arguments have been had! I have refused point blank at times ‘cause I’ve felt like I haven’t seen my mrs!” He awkwardly laughed, waving his finger. He felt like he didn’t see his front door sometimes, let alone his girl.

“Do you really want to bring that?” You screwed your face up slightly at a shirt in your hand he was just not going to wear - you knew he wasn’t, and as he stood in front of you, glancing between you both, he realised too because his smile began to grow, inching closer. You threw it in the case anyway with an eye roll, keeping him happy.

“Does it ever get in the way?”

He scratched his chin again, shaking his head, “nah, not that I can think of. We’ve never had an argument over it, I don’t think – which I think just proves her support and . . understanding. I mean I know it’s time consuming, it bores me at times so God knows how she really feels!”

“Has anything ever got in the way of you two?”

Harry’s expression slowly faltered and he paused, glancing to the camera tight-lipped, he visibly bit his tongue in his mouth as music faded.

Silence, and then a black cut.

A mix of old clips, snapchats, videos and vlogs that had since then been deleted began to play, all of which highlighting the bits that may have been small and unnoticeable, actually were part of a bigger, ongoing problem.

The first was a clip from Freezy’s deleted vlog, you and Harry both sat in the booth opposite him but a foot apart, drinks flowing at a bar in the airport, the boys already tipsy, but you’d been too focused on your phone while Cal was egging your man on with some joke. Cal said something, and anyone watching knew he shouldn’t have said it, because the way Harry’s eyes shot to the left to look at you from his seat, yours shot right to look at him, and silent stare down filled the air before Freezy’s laughter cut in. It was the kind of joke you didn’t make around your mrs, but there was more to it that only you and Harry knew about, and anyone watching could tell there was a warning in your eyes.

‘That why you didn’t want me helping with your suitcase’ you’d started a ‘petty’ argument with him just before your flight, your fault that already put a downer on the trip.

You remembered the comments bashed you for that one 10 second clip, how you were a ‘classic woman’, a bitch-faced spoilsport for leaving the table and unable to take a joke — not that it bothered you.

Another was a snap from one for the boys accounts, videoing Harry so far gone, he was unrecognizable with how outward he was being - the center of attention, sunglasses on, ‘dancing’ obnoxiously but it had the group in hysterics, accidentally knocking glasses down and bumping into people just asking for a fight. Joe had recorded your reaction which was funniest of all, standing there clearly not pleased, not enjoying yourself, arms folded with an untouched drink, you forced a smile so you didn’t get slaughtered again online.

You were pretty sure you tried to take Harry to A&E that night because he’d completely fucked up his face with his antics, scared he’d hit his head a certain way, you remembered the blood everywhere, you’d spent ages washing it out of his hair the next morning.

But he wouldn’t let you, warning you not to, that it wasn’t an option and you weren’t allowed to take him. You didn’t understand at first but Freezy had tried to reassure him, telling him ‘it’s fine! It’s fine! Just say you were spiked?!’ — and then it made sense – and Harry wished he’d hit his head harder to knock himself out instead of having to deal with you when you dropped his hand and walked off.

That clip was also there, the boys laughing around Harry on the ground while you walked off, again, painting you as the joykill you were.

The rest were taken from youtube videos, any drug-related comment or innuendo made about him or from him montaging for a minute, finishing with your clip on a podcast about your attitude towards it, “i don’t find any of those . . drug joke as funny moments, funny, I really don’t. You won’t catch me laughing.”

“Get them the fuck—” you threw the mini weighing scales out of your kitchen drawer to fish for the scissors, wondering why you hadn’t thrown them out yet. Actually, you did know why: Harry refused to because they were Supreme, and it was a funny gag gift.

Harry currently sat in the armchair clueless as what to say, scratching his head as he debated where to go with it.

He didn’t want to touch on the topic but . . he felt like he kind of owed it to you . .

“Weee . . . did . . break up for a bit.”


“You’re all fucking me off, I’m actually quitting tomorrow – Simon shUT THE FUCK UP!”

“Ay— HARRY! You just fucking broke that throwing it at the wall you fucking moron! Get fucked! Move! You’re not even fucking funny!”

Videos of his rotten attitude montaged, his foul behavior seeming different this time around when viewers would now realise he was being genuine and not just messing about.

“I was a massive knob.”

He shared his memories he’d sent to friends of him ripping any photos of you off the walls and facing photo frames down, done as a laugh. Other clips of him throwing your things in the bin when he was moving apartments, makeup wipes and bottles of tan, saluting a good riddance for the camera when really he’d get all deep in his head when he’d first found them and taken an hour to make a move.

“I literally was insufferable, wasn’t I?” He watched his mum who had joined him, squeezing in beside him.

“Oh yes. Oh Jesus Christ,” she mumbled the more she began to think about it.

“Nobody wanted him near, he was a — a literal monster,” she got to say when he left. “Genuinely. The fights in this house — there’s no arguing in any of my kids, they all get along; don’t get me wrong, they’re brothers and sister, they have their moments, but all in all they’re close. They back each other and they get on. At that time—”

Rosie had the most videos from those years when she’d secretly film her brother being a spoiled little twat who argued with anyone going. It was the funniest thing in the world for them to watch back, seeing his bitchy self start an argument with the dog at that point.

She’d zoom in on his oh-so-punchable face and record him have a hissy fit in his dressing gown with their younger brother, Josh, who turned to shoot a look at Rosie at the time to see if she was witnessing that moment then.

“I was kept out of that whole thing, I never got any details but Harry was open and did say it was more so on his part or he he was a dick or something, which, personally, to me sounds about right if it’s between him and y/n,” she shrugged, not wanting to get into it too much either. “I did have my suspicions but to be honest, i’ve never really wanted to know, and even then, there was no asking anyway or you got blown up in your fuckin’ face,” she made a face at the camera.

“When we broke up, my life genuinely flipped, I was so lost on what to do, I literally did not know where I went from there. I forgot who I was for a moment,” you sat in the chair all cozy. “I think I went through multiple identity crises, became an alcoholic, gave my whole family PTSD and spent a million pound on holidays and holiday insurance,” you listed with your fingers. “I transformed into a different person.”

And then Escapism played, and your photos and videos began to play, your hot pics on one of many vacations and recorded memories from friends capturing you in your single era, singing, dancing, living life up as a freed woman.

“If you look at my socials, you’ll think I look like I’m living my best life - like I escaped a horrendous marriage. My media is the definition of a hot girl summer all year around. I made amazing memories and reconnected with so many friends and saw so many different places together and it was the best time, I did find the light at that time, but . . I’m given more credit that I’m due because I was really not that girl all the time. I was really weak and struggled to adjust to my new normal for a long time. I cried a lot,” the camera panned in on your face for your blunt fact, likely to become a relatable meme, “‘n yeah, I was not as I appeared after those holidays ended, I was sad and I missed him. A lot.”

Your own personal videos began to play, ones from your saves, some from your sister as she had hellaaa videos of you during this time as she’d seen it as the biggest pisstake ever. She was like Rosie, secretly recording you starting arguments but more likely - crying to your mum in the midst of an argument ‘cause you were easily set off.

Most were the ones from home as you’d moved back, and everywhere you went, no matter what you were doing, your aura was negative. Always looking lonely. Dress fittings for your cousin's wedding or sitting at your Nan’s 75th birthday, you could tell you were trying to not dampen the mood but you could tell even surrounded by your loving family members, you were still blue and missing a piece of yourself. When you pointed out you were going through a breakup, it was easy to spot in photos and videos.

The funny ones were when you picked your sister up from school, and she always filmed herself singing your breakup bangers together.

“It was a hard timeframe . . and I didn’t ever think we’d ever get back together. like, if we did, it’d fizzle out quickly after, probably worse. It’s a tricky thing to explain because it didn’t end on bad terms but it did in some ways . . and it wasn’t immediate either but it was . . ? I don’t know. I can’t explain it. It was a little messy and it still doesn’t make sense in some areas but . . we got over it and that’s what matters, but it was a big grey area in my life. It’s like falling out with your best mate. I really had to like, rebrand my life,” you raised your brows at the camera. “But there was no . . bad blood between us. I was angry for reasons but I never ever hated him. I never talked bad about him or the boys in general, my side of the street was kept clean. I still cared about him and worried a lot about him, actually.”

Much happier songs played over memories from when you got back to your London life, enjoying the bottomless brunches on balconies and going on runs with your girls under the bridge, you did show the brighter side to it. “Eventually I did get over it, I guess. Still, I thought about him the odd time but I was done being sad. I think we were broke up like . . almost 2 years or som—”

“–were like a year and a half, not even—”

“Ok, a year and a half,” you rolled your eyes back.

Jamming to more songs in the car, more girls holidays, more clubs, more drinking and more new people. “I think it was good to have that time apart and see what life was like when living it entirely for yourself. A lot of issues can come from getting into a relationship quite young and people often forget who they are but I think it was more just finding that again and taking that leap whilst you have no restrictions or responsibilities, y’know? I had no rent to pay for a bit, was out of work for a while, I took that time to spend money and make memories and be on my own for a bit, just as Harry did. We can laugh about it now . . I think.”

When you’re drunk and soppy, maybe it’s the latter.

It cut to a snapchat of the very blond laid on his sofa, hungover and hanging out his arse, contemplating his life choices with his hand on his head whilst Freezy sat and recorded him from the other sofa, laughing his head off at his mate’s contemplation. “I hate being single, I hate hate HATE it. I fucking hate drinking, i’m not going out again, ever in my fucking life . . . what am I even doing? Why did I do that? You can — please fucking shoot me the next time I suggest that, I want you to kill me before that. Never bring me outdoors again, I’m never leaving this room again.”

“Doesn’t matter what we did in that timeframe apart, I think we’ve filled each other in on every little second we lived apart, there’s no secrets, no bitterness — we know all the girls holidays, lads holidays, the stories just get told naturally.”

“AH! Don’t add that photo!” You squealed, unplugging your phone from the laptop downloading your data.

“How did you guys end up talking again?”

“I used to play this when I was broke up with your brother,” you and Rosie jammed to I’ll Be Thinking Bout You on your way back from the store, dancing like that banger like it was just released.

“We basically got to talking and . . met up. Talked. A lot of talking,” Harry explained with his leg crossed, “it wasn’t like we got straight back together, it was a longgg process. I didn’t even think it would happen, as much as I wanted that to happen — I didn’t actually think it would. I didn’t even think she’d agree to meet up.”

About You played over the scenery of London around the area you and Harry had met up at a little over four years ago, after you, did in fact, hold on and hope that you found your way back in the end. “I realllly didn’t want to go, I was a bundle of ner— I actually— this is funny, because I thought at the time, right, I was just gonna run into him and talk and be very mature and hear him out and then . . go home and get on with life and be normal like it was nothing. I was thinking it was gonna be like a job interview,” you were really laughing at this point, “mate, when I tell you,” you were crying from laughter but also maybe because of the bittersweet memory that pulled at your heart, “I had game face on, ready to be all professional and then — it’s like you’re just sucked back to the beginning like the walls come crumbling down . . I was 17 again. Literally lovestruck. I literally got a kick in the face of these feelings I thought I’d never have again. It was like everything was erased and I was just looking at him like . .”

“♪ And the love kickstarts again,” Harry sang from the kitchen.

Little photos from your rekindling era played next and it was sweet to see. Taken in 2020, just before Lockdown, when you started talking again and going for coffees . . and then it was games and activities . . and then it was games and activities with dinner and drinks — and then you were back to square one.

The photos were mostly selfies of you both in dark places as you were still keeping things on the DL and the thought do your friends or family coming across them was terrifying. “I enjoyed Lockdown given the circumstances, it feels like it was yesterday but I feel like we got back together . . 10 years ago,” he chuckled, “it feels like we were never even apart, we spent Lockdown together and . .” he shrugged, “mate I fuckin’ loved Lockdown,” he chuckled, “it was perfect like -not perfect obviously- but I mean we got to be young again, living at home, no work to do – I know I shouldn’t say it so much but I really did love Lockdown.”

“Our normal came back while the rest of the world was all over the place,” you itched your ankle.

“Right, bend over,” you instructed, holding up a belt from your suitcase, “you know the drill.” He laughed, a clip of you both talking about the competition you had over who could take a whip better on a podcast playing afterward, giving context.

“She keeps you humbled, doesn’t she!” Harry’s Mum called.

He just looked at the camera without needing to say anything.

“I’ve never been so grateful for someone like that, she is very important to him and important to his . . growth? He moved out quite young as you know and we haven't always been there to maybe keep an eye on him, per say, ‘n keep him grounded but she has,” his mum ranted, “I’ve always loved the fact she’s kept a normal life and normal jobs and strived to keep that normality y'know? I admire her for that and her independence because she could have easily dropped and been a . . stay-at-home girlfriend,” she laughed, “he has no hold over her that way and it shows she doesn’t care what what he does and how much he makes, and I think it also subconsciously keeps Harry grounded, y’know, he always thinks twice about things he might do or say. . .”

“Yeah she influences my perspective,” Harry rubbed his eye, not really paying attention, “you can’t impress her with money, you can’t bribe her with anything, she’s–she’s someone I need around, yeah.”

“How do you think things would be if she maybe didn’t get along with your career / lifestyle?”

“Pffft,” Harry let out a breath, scratching behind his ear. “There’s–there’s a funny answer and there is the honest answer.”

It was a simple answer. It was the same one he’d had since before his first big cheque and the same since his latest one. He probably had it before he’d even joined the Sidemen.

“Oh he would.” His mum answered.

“Yes. Definitely,” Rosie agreed. “He’ll pretend he wouldn’t but definitely. Absolutely.”

“I think he’d pretend he wouldn’t but I think he would,” Josh fixed his hair.

Nobody would understand the depths to your relationship, how you’d been there for each other during the highs and lows, as a safety net and shoulder to cry on, stuff that would never hear the light of day on the internet. They’d never hear about getting through those hard days together when a loved one passed or when you were in the most manic meltdown over life in general - you had each other and that was all you needed. You’d sensed that pretty early on, but it showed the most on those long days, whether holding each other during a loved ones funeral or stroking their hair from a hospital bed - which most of the time had always been you lying in the bed, the last time being when your appendix had burst.

You never knew something like that could be life-threatening as it was until it happened to you.

The day before, you’d felt like shit, blaming it on the bug, you felt like you’d had a fever while also shaking with the cold; you felt sick and your stomach was in knots, hurting even when you coughed.

You’d brushed it off and gone to bed with painkillers, only to wake up the next morning in 10 times worse agony. You couldn’t even sit up, your stomach ached like never before, especially on the right side.

You had no clue what was wrong, but Harry remembered how you looked, how you trembled and had sweat dripping down your face, how you were breathless and burning up. He had to trail you to sit and stand from bed. When he watched you almost faint he wasted no time picking you up and driving you to the hospital, not trusting an ambulance to be able to find the house in time.

To cut a long story short, your appendix had burst, and as most know, a burst appendix left untreated can cause infection (like Peritonitis) and cause serious complications, and you can even die.

Your issue was . . you had caught Peritonitis.

It was slightly complicated because you had left it later than ideally and although complications were being dealt with, you were frightened for yourself in the long run - what if you got organ failure? What if your fertility was fucked? What if your life expectancy had 20 years chopped off?

You had surgery and it was all well and good now, but at the time - it was really fucking scary.

You felt out of the loop and confused what was happening. You were terrified, but if there was one person who managed to make your biggest worries sound stupidly minuscule - it was your Harry.

You were in pain days after your surgery and just wanted to cry all the time - you did cry all the time, and the many what if’s just made you stress more.

Harry had said he wanted to punch the doctor for running you through all the precautions and possibilities while you were sobbing tears as it was, but you knew he just had to tell you even if they didn’t all apply to you - he was just going over the depth of your situation and why he’d need to check up on your for the coming weeks after.

Really, it was more worries to fill your head with.

You remembered him saying about internal organs being damaged, organ failure being a thing, life expectancy wouldn’t be impacted, pain and bruising, fertility potentially being impacted if blocked fallopian tubes appear and a bunch of other stuff that just made you want to roll off that hospital bed.

“It’s so sore,” your eyes were painfully heavy from crying and your stomach only hurt more with the subtle jumps you gave between breaths.

You clung to Harry’s arm, wrapped around, cuddling it as he sat next to your bed, also tired, his anxiety just as bad as yours.

He’d never seen you in this state and he absolutely hated it. Your parents were on holiday, your mum not able to come comfort you, and you didn’t want anyone else to see you anyway. His heart broke the entire time and he begged he got the pain instead of you, physically and emotionally. “My head is so sore,” you whined more, hand covered your eyes. That was from the crying.

“I know, darlin’, I know, you need to calm down and just breathe, you’re alright now, you can’t do anymore, we just have to wait and see,” he used his other hand to stroke your head, swiping the hair from your face and soothe your thumping head.

“It’s so sore,” you felt disgusting in your body anyway at the thought of a dirty infection creeping through your system, but the pain in your abdomen was still fresh.

“Y/n, it’s only been a few hours, it is going to be sore,” Harry tried not to seem inattentive, tickling his thumb over your forehead and beginning to stroke your eyebrow. You tried to relax.

He passed you water, hoping it’d help with the headache, and took it back as you cuddled more into his arm, your sad frown not budging.

He didn’t want you to cry, but he didn’t like when you went quiet, either. “Stop thinking.”

“What if my tubes are impacted?”

His heart crushed at your tone, broken and hopeless, like you’d already accepted your fate.

“Y/n, as long as he didn’t say you have 10 days to live, I don’t really give a fuck about the rest.”

You knew Harry had an underlining of anger, whether it was because he was scared or for not going to hospital sooner. He’d told you to go the moment he saw you discolored and you refused, reassuring you’d be fine the next day. You’d always brushed off things like that, refused to phone in sick to work or get something checked out, although in fairness, you usually were always fine the next day or so, this time just had to do you wrong.

You didn’t mean to be annoying, but now you felt like you were putting your future at risk being so careless. “But what if they are . .”

The doctors told you they couldn’t see any issue with any of your organs during check-ups, including your reproductive system, but you always had that fear and what-if moments, although you never went to fully look into it to make sure.

It didn’t matter to Harry anyway, and overtime he effortlessly made you not care either - not in a careless manner but he’d proved to you that even if it was just the two of you forever - you’d be fine with that; that it was appealing anyway.

“You need to stop thinking there’s something wrong with you. I told you as long as you’re ok, that’s all that matters. That’s my priority. I’m not leaving you if they had to take away all your toes, your eyes, if you had to be in a wheelchair for fuck sake. I told you if we can’t have them naturally then we’ll adopt but I’m not thinking about that right now, y/n. You should just be focusing on getting better and stop waiting for the worst. You’re just stressing yourself out for no reason.”

He was tough with you and you needed it. You’d be the same with him.

“You’re lucky you didn’t faint and hit your bloody head,” he breathed, replaying you losing your footing in the house and scraping the counter with your hand to try and catch yourself. He didn’t know what he’d do in that situation. He’d probably collapse right after you. “You’re so fucking lucky.”

You could feel your lip wobbling as he spoke to you, realising just how much you worried him.

And how much he loved you.

You squeezed his hand. “You make me sound like an ungrateful cow.”

“You are an ungrateful cow,” he said seriously, but then you felt his lips on your cheek, kissing you affectionately over and over again ‘til you gave a small giggle. You could feel his smile on your face too. “Never scare me again like that, you witch,” he’d said, before continuing.

“I know, I’m sorry.”

You wrapped your arm around his head, pulling him as close as the bed allowed you, holding your boy who squeezed you (gently) back. “I love you so much Harry.”

“Not as much as I love you, girl,” he muffled in your hair, kissing you again and again.

“This was me just over a week after my appendix burst,” you held up your phone for the camera focus on, a stunning image of you standing at the stairwell of a club, dressed beautifully for the event in your shimmering short skirt and top, looking like a model posing for a magazine cover with your long crossed legs on display, “–when I nearly died. Well, I didn’t really nearly die but it was serious,” you scrolled through the next couple images, showing the one of you and Harry posing together at the bottom of the staircase, noses an inch apart and smiling wholeheartedly at each other. “Oop, this one’s too lovey dovey,” you said just as he threw himself down next to you on the sofa, throwing an arm over your shoulder, you laughed, “that’s our rule, if it’s too lovey dovey, it doesn’t get posted,” you snorted, leaning into his embrace.

And he’d been with you through recovery, just as he he’d been by your side when you had your wisdom teeth removed, broken your leg, broken your arm, had your kidney removed, gotten spiked, caught covid - he was always there to pick you up. Help you walk if you needed to, help cut your food up, to shower, drive you around or stop you from saying the craziest shit when you were doped up.

He had your back, and you had his, although, in this sense, he seemed to sound the more sensible one, which if you know Harry, is very fucking hard to believe.

Harry sighed in thought as he tried to tiptoe around the previously asked question, bouncing his leg annoyingly high, “i-it’s hard because I know I always sound like I don’t give a fuck about the boys and the channel and I’m overworked and I’m done with making videos – i-i am gratful I’m not gonna get into that but y’know,” great, waffle.

“If we agreed to end it now, I’d have no problem, like, I-I wouldn’t be mad about it. I’m old. I’m ready to, y’know, I’d move back here and think about what I want to do next with my life,” he scruffied his hair, “you can only do it for so long.”

“If you had to choose between the two though—”

“—fuuck sakee,” he groaned.

Why did they want him to be a simp so bad?

“I think . . if I knew . . my lady was getting fed up with my work, and feeling like it was getting in the way of things, or impacting my mood too much, because it does sometimes,” he gave a knowing look to the camera, recalling the many times he came home snarky and cold from a video that didn’t go his way or even filming too long, “I—I would agree to stop, yeah. I would know when to stop.”

You making the bed back home aired the screen, tidying it up and placing belongings on your bedside tables fans would be pointing out in fan account. Harry stood talking with you, discussing something about what he would wear to an upcoming wedding as you put your clean laundry in your drawers.

“Maybe that should be my excuse!” He laughed, the idea shining brightly in his head.

Plating your dinner in the kitchen, pouring a small amount of sauce over it, making it look all neat and presentable while steam was still coming off it had viewers wishing they had you to cook for them everyday.

“At the end of the day, an ideal life for me doesn’t involve work. If I missed it, I would go back to it but on my terms. I want to move out of London, move back to Guernsey. I want to raise my family there. I want to travel any time I want, spend time with my family and friends without a camera in my face all the time. I don’t look forward to coming home to work everyday, the channel doesn’t greet me home every day, it’s not gonna grow old with me and-and have a family with me!”

And more wholesome clips played of Harry’s life with you. Videoed moments at festivals, on vacation, riding jet skis and sleeping on planes together. Partying with friends, cheering him on at charity matches and overdoing every birthday, moments when Harry walked into your bedroom with a cake in one hand and Herb in the other, cards and gift bags on his wrist - purposely singing badly. Mauling a kebab after a night out, laughing at how messy you both are but not caring ‘cause you’re in your own house. Ones of you cracking smiles in hospital, shopping together in town and chilling in your family backyard, waiting on the barbecue. Harry trying to open a bottle of champagne over you on Valentines, shoving the last bit of food in your mouths from going out to dinner, being weird in the living room after sharing two bottles of wine and joining each other on Christmas Day after being with your own families.

“I can’t believe he’s getting married.”

“I know! I’m going to cry seeing them together—” you awed at the idea of Simon and Talia on their big day. You were packing for the airport, making sure you had everything, most importantly, your dress and Harry’s fit. You’d do the same 100 times for Vic and Ellie’s, packing back-ups so you didn’t embarrass them with your underdressed attire if accidents happened.

“Then The Big 123 next,” Harry chuckled, grabbing the jacket you tossed him. “WhO nExT?”

“Tell me about it,” you stuffed your makeup bag inside, “I mean a diamond on my finger wouldn’t hurt,” you bit your tongue to hide your snigger, the camera catching Harry’s amused but tired eye roll.

“No, but it’d hurt my wallet,” he threw your bra at your head.

“Well Boggy, clock’s tickin!”

“And what? You gonna piss off if you don’t get what you want?” He smirked, craning his neck in disbelief at you. You’d never been pushy for a ring but maybe it was all weddings going on you were getting FOMO.

You shrugged playfully, folding a shirt, “look, I know ten other guys who’d already have that rock around my finger.”

“Yeah well, I’ll get you both a rock and tie it to your necks and drop you in the ocean, how’s that sound?” He pranced over the piles of clothes to quickly leave you laughing by yourself in the room, no longer interested in the convo.

The next bit had your journey traveling to Italy to the Minter wedding, reunited with the boys and getting ready for the reception. The ceremony wasn’t filmed but the moments after when music was playing and drinks were flowing and laughs between friends were being shared, had been. Quick shots of you sat on Harry’s lap, dancing with Faith, somehow behind the DJ booth and getting loved up on Harry as he tickled your neck with kisses behind you, fingers interlocked over your shoulder.

. . and then ‘serenading’ him with your 7th glass of prosecco in hand . . . and him reciprocating.






It was entertainment for the guests, friends laughing and family members of the happy couple witnessing the reason for friendships. “—♪ TO KEEP ME FROM GETTING TO YOU, BABY!”

“I do want to get married . . .” Harry shot a look at the camera from the living room sofa, telling the camera he most definitely did not want to get married. “Y/n wants to get married,” he corrected. “I have no issue getting married, it’s nothing to do with assets or fear of commitment or–or any shit like that, it’s the actual wedding part.”

“Tell your son to propose to me already,” you picked at the dinner as it was to be dished, his mum copying you and smiling at the comment.

“Fuck off y/n!” He responded.

“Get a nice holiday booked and do it, love,” she told him casually.

“We’re just back from Italy and Dubai and doing Amaterdam next week! Give me a minute to breathe!”

“Did my best,” she looked at you.

“Where do you see yourself in five years time?”

“Where do I see myself in five year’s time? Hmph.”

The blond thought, trying not to deep it but it was quite a big question.

“I’m not gonna say about the channel being done ‘cause I’ve said that for ages and if we haven’t stopped after 10 years then I don’t know. I can see it slowing down, and I’d be ok with that. I wouldn’t mind doing the odd one every now and again but definitely slowed down with work.” He tried to calculate his age next. “I think I should be married by then . . maybe a kid, maybe.”

You and Harry at Simon and Talia’s wedding stood at the practice dinner, Olive in your arms, laughing away at you and Harry smothering her in attention. Effortlessly making her laugh and hide under your chin with cackles, Harry couldn’t believe a baby this young could be so pleasant. You both looked at her so lovingly and she was so happy being left with you both while Ethan and Faith got to mingle at the bar.

“Kids are so needy though, man,” he rubbed his eye, “mm, five years, yeah maybe one,” he gave in, “new house, maybe married, maybe a kid - I’m saying maybe in case it doesn’t happen. Would I like it to? I mean,” he looked up, shrugging, “not that i’d rush anything but yeah, I’d be happy. I am excited for that stage but I do still enjoy what’s left of my youth . . but I do want a family and I want to grow old with y/n and our kids on a farm . . with chickens and dogs . . and be done with work. If my life is like that in five years, I would not be complaining.”

Harry’s mum put away the dishes after you had washed them, joining your man on the couch after dinner, you threw yourself under his arm as he focused on the match, instinctively pulling you close as you began flicking on your phone. Your natural habitat.

“I’m happy with how things are at the minute though. I moan a lot but I wouldn’t change a thing for now. I’m happy,” he smiled, sending a genuine look to the lens. “Check-in in five years and see where I’m at.”

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