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7 months ago
Here's My Final Piece For The 2024 Transformers Reverse Mini Bang, Hosted By @tf-bigbang! I Had The Pleasure

here's my final piece for the 2024 transformers reverse mini bang, hosted by @tf-bigbang! i had the pleasure of working with @jellydishes who wrote an amazing fic called "Golden Slumbers"! PLEASE check it out: LINK

and here's an extra comic for the fic made from a small excerpt :D

Here's My Final Piece For The 2024 Transformers Reverse Mini Bang, Hosted By @tf-bigbang! I Had The Pleasure
Here's My Final Piece For The 2024 Transformers Reverse Mini Bang, Hosted By @tf-bigbang! I Had The Pleasure
Here's My Final Piece For The 2024 Transformers Reverse Mini Bang, Hosted By @tf-bigbang! I Had The Pleasure

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1 year ago

I just finished watching s1 of earthspark yesterday and wow. I have feelings. There were so many scenes that tore me apart emotionally, both good and bad, but there's 2 specific scenes in particular that made me tear up (not saying these were necessarily the most emotional scenes, they're just the ones that I felt my eyes get watery at)- note that I have NEVER cried at a transformers show before, and I rarely get teary-eyed at them (maybe 4 times total including these 2 earthspark scenes)

My poor babies

So much trauma in so little time-

Poor Twitch, she's just a kid and there's so much pressure on her little shoulders- her fragging sob killed me inside πŸ’”

The way mandroid tells Hashtag that she's alone pains me- she's literally just a child (this poor iPad kid) AND THE WAY SHE STARTS APOLOGIZING AFTERWARDS GOT ME TEARING UP- SHE GENUINELY SOUNDS SO BROKEN πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”


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10 months ago

I'm going to need Hashtag saying, "Chat, is this for real?" in season two to the other Maltos while she is actively NOT live streaming.

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1 year ago
Okay, But Megatrons Reaction To Starscream Putting His Own Life At Risk To SAVE Hashtag?
Okay, But Megatrons Reaction To Starscream Putting His Own Life At Risk To SAVE Hashtag?
Okay, But Megatrons Reaction To Starscream Putting His Own Life At Risk To SAVE Hashtag?

Okay, but Megatron’s reaction to Starscream putting his own life at risk to SAVE Hashtag?

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1 year ago
Congrats On The New Daughter, Starscream!!! All Hail Lord Catboy
Congrats On The New Daughter, Starscream!!! All Hail Lord Catboy

Congrats on the new daughter, Starscream!!! All Hail Lord Catboy πŸ˜ΌπŸ‘‘βœ¨

It’s only a matter of time before he gets hit by the yass filter too πŸ“ΈπŸ“Έ they’re working their way down the list

no filter under the cut

Congrats On The New Daughter, Starscream!!! All Hail Lord Catboy

This post is my love letter to TFE Starscream I ADORE HIM SO😫😫😫😫😫

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1 year ago
Se Imaginan Que Si Sea Cierto Que Se Conoscan, Necesito El Contexto Yaaa

Se imaginan que si sea cierto que se conoscan, necesito el contexto yaaa πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸΎ

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Transformers: EarthSpark Missed Connection storyboard!

When I first started on the production I knew Nightshade was going to be my favorite, so getting to work on their episode was a treat!

This was the first (and only) episode I was on where we had the voice recordings before we started boarding. That is, with the exception of Bumblebee and Alex. So you still get to enjoy SOME of my scratch audio!

The intro for this episode was reworked and streamlined to get the runtime down. Originally, it opened with Robby and Mo announcing to the Terrans that today was a "no school day" which meant no tutelage, only fun. Hearing this, Nightshade gleefully runs back into the barn trying to decide which scientific field they want to study! The other kids are baffled, but Robby shrugs, "we're just gonna have to show them how it's done." Cut to the opening title card, then we return to the story with everyone gathering in the pasture.

There were some design changes that happened after the fact, like the Smart Trainer and Nightshade's helmet. The dugout in particular got switched around, which impacted some of the staging in the final show. I feel ICON did a great job adjusting the shots to match the updated set!

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