Have I Mentioned That I Just Write Up The Repots? Lol - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

The pitter-patter of rain against the windows had awakened her in the dark hours of the early morning. Having always been a light sleeper, that had only seemed to have developed into a more sensitive ear in motherhood, she had laid in bed not ready to get up and start the day that early in the morning. When her husband began to stir, she knew that once he was up, the day would officially begin but she wanted to take a moment with him before that happened.

As he humored her, she nuzzled against him, eyes closed, humming happily. The warmth of his body chased the small cold that had begun to sink into her as she wrapped her arms around his waist, molding her body against his. At his question, she chuckles against his body. "I can think of something." In a swift movement, she pulls him and flips them so that she's under him. "But you'd have to be quiet."

Her lips waste no time in peppering his neck with kisses and her hands reach up to tangle up in his hair. "Of course, I'm not." She chuckles, as she presses her mouth against his. "I love the chaos they bring, but how often do we get moments like these to ourselves? Unless," she says with a small sigh, hands falling to either side of her. "You meant that you wanted us to just get up and make some muffins, then we can totally do that instead." With that, she begins to wiggle out from underneath him to sit up and get ready for the day.

The Pitter-patter Of Rain Against The Windows Had Awakened Her In The Dark Hours Of The Early Morning.

( @clubsmarties cont. from here )

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