Hawks: Kills A Member Of Shigaraki's Found Family - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Here’s my idea of what I think could happen:

Shigaraki hears the news, and at some point gets a hold of Twice’s body. He uses the AFO quirk to take Double and takes all new measurements of himself. Shigaraki then does his own homage to “Sad Man’s Parade” and creates a *%#$ ton of Shigaraki clones that spread out far and wide, all of which have both Decay and Double.

Hawks killed Twice due to the perceived threat of a clone army, using “the ends justify the means” to rationalize his actions. But that line of thinking goes out the window if the means don’t lead to the ends that are desired. Trying to prevent an army of Twices, only to give rise to an army of all-powerful Shigarakis, would mean that Hawks’s actions directly lead to even more casualties than if he just left Twice alone. His means lead to the worst possible ends.

If that isn’t “a taste of his own medicine made a million times worse”, I don’t know what is.

listen, Shigaraki's policy of revenge is clearly "give them a taste of their own medicine and then make it a million times worse".

Stain disrespects him? Shigaraki disrespects him harder, then gets him into jail. Overhaul disrespects him, kills a comrade and destroys another one's arm? Shigaraki kills one of theirs, destroys both of his arms, metaphorically spits on his quirk-less body and takes his quirk-erasing bullets (work of a lifetime), then leaves him to the heroes. Redestro chops off his broker's right fingers and threatens to disrespectfully terminate his villain organization? Shigaraki mocks him, then levels his city, makes him chop off his own legs, almost terminates his villain organization except that he is appointed leader by RD himself.

Now, I could go on, but the unexpected point of all this is: how much was Twice worth? How could you possibly repay the death of a man who could multiply himself endlessly and then make. it. worse?

Eh, dunno, you answer that.

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