Hboeuphoria - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago



i don’t like your girlfriend!


based on the song ↻ girlfriend - avril lavigne

an ongoing drabble series of elliot with a gf you don’t like

some drabbles will include nudity, sexual abuse, vulgar language, light smut (bc i suck at writing it) drug use, drug abuse



# what a fuckin’ bitch

# the whores want to fuck each other?

# truth or dare?

# kiss kiss fall in love

# aw shit…here we go again

# nate jacobs

# rue rue

# the fallout

# happy birthday/YOU GAVE HER A GUN!?

more tba…


i’m excited to be posting this, this was originally a drabble series for jungkook of BTS but i’m no longer interested in them so i decided to remaster it and write for elliot from euphoria. i feel like euphoria matches the vibes of this series more, i have more material since euphoria is a show based around teen drama and that’s what this fic is about LOL, i’m not sure how much exposure this will get because my following is mostly kpop + tumblr isn’t showing people on tags but i hope whoever reads this enjoys nonetheless <3


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3 years ago

# what a fuckin’ bitch

# What A Fuckin Bitch
# What A Fuckin Bitch


warnings: none, word vomit

wc: 971


# What A Fuckin Bitch

“You’re staring again.” The voice snapped you out of your thoughts, as you were just watching Elliot and that damned ‘girlfriend’ of his makeout in the hallway.

“Fuck off Rue. I was NOT staring.” You looked at her with an annoyed glint in your eyes,

“Plus even if i was, it would be pretty hard not to, they’re eating each other's faces in the middle of the hallway!” The pout adorning your lips was too prominent for you to deny that it was on your face, it was just a little irritating to see the same scene every single day. You could almost hear their saliva being swapped as they continued to grossly kiss against the lockers.

“C’mon Y/N,” she placed her thumb on the base of your top lip in an attempt to release it from the hold of your bottom lip, “Just don’t look at them. The bell is about to ring, I'm sure they’ll snap out of it when they hear it.” she placed her hand on your shoulder and inched closer to your face. “You don’t have to be jealous all the time, you know that.” your pout deepend at her words.

“But Rueeeeeee,” you whined like a child, “It's so gross, why do they have to do that right here?” You tried to give her puppy dog eyes in order to coax her into agreeing with you, but she's known you far too long to fall for your tricks.

“This coming from the same girl who said she would fuck Elliot in the middle of the-” you quickly covered her mouth with your hand, “RUE! I told you not to talk about that outside of my room!” you could feel the vibration of her chuckle bouncing off of your palm, she removed your hand and placed it on your chest near your heart. “It’s okay to be jealous babe, I know you’ve liked him for so long, it's only natural that you’d want to beat the crap out of a girl who fucks him everyday.” you scoffed in response, “Well you got one of those things correct.” her eyes widened at your statement. “You admit that you like him?” you rolled your eyes at her, “No, i admit that i want to beat the shit out of her. She's not even that pretty, right Rue-Rue?” she gave you a teasing smile, “I mean...shes pretty fucking hot, shes got a nice rack and a nice ass too.” you hit her arm in retaliation

to her vulgar statements. “Rue! Now is not an appropriate time for your lesbian fantasies. Also, you’ve never told me I had a nice rack, or a nice ass! Rue, please tell me I have a nice ass-” Your sentence was cut off by a soft chuckle. Fucking Elliot.

“Y/N, I’m sure your boobs and ass will be hot to some guy soon enough,” he teased. Your old pout caused by Rue was replaced with a scowl caused by Elliot, “You’re a jerk Elly, no one was even talking about you.” Your sass was purley fueled by watching him and his toy basically fuck on top of the lockers, several people having asked them to move.

“No need to be sassy, miss. I may not have been the topic of conversation, but I did walk in on your chat soon enough to know how hot Rue thinks my girl is.” the word ‘girl’ rolling off his lips made you cringe hard, why her?

he winked in Rue’s direction, she rolled her eyes in response, “Well, I have to go before the Bell rings, Plus Jules is waiting for me,” she kisses you on the cheek and punches Elliot in the arm. She trudded away and left you and Elliot together to have your own conversation, “So little lady, what’s got you so down in the dumps?” you threw your head back and let out another obnoxious whine, “First of all I’m not little, and second of all I’m so ‘down in the dumps’ because I don't have nice boobs or a nice ass,” you met his doe eyes with your sad eyes, you never had a problem expressing your insecurities to Elliot, he never really had a response, he just nodded and rubbed your back. That was the same scenario now. He just nodded his head and proceeded to talk,

“Well I’m sure the guys at school think you're hot, I mean it's not like your ug-” you heard the familiar clacking of heels against the floor,

“Baby?” Fuck, it was her. Elliot wasn't much of a relationship guy, he usually couldn't go more than a week without having a new girl on his arm. It never bothered you, of course you were jealous but you had a little bit of clarity knowing that he wouldn't be worried about them within a couple days. It was weird that Elliot had stayed around with this girl for so long, it's been two months, which is a long time for Elliot. Damn, how good was this girl's pussy? You hated her bitchy attitude and her mean face, what did Elliot even see in her anyways? Besides her looks, her boobs were pretty nice.

“I miss your lips babe, c’mere.” Here goes the loud and disgusting smacking that was sounded by their lips clashing. You rolled your eyes and got ready to turn your heel to leave them be. You looked at them one more time, “Bye Elly,” he gave you a shortwave and used the same hand to cup her cheek. She lifted her hand and performed a “shoo” motion at you which made your blood boil.

You rightfully walked away and used all your being to not go back over there and yank the extensions out of her head.

“What a fuckin’ bitch.”

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3 years ago

i’m an asshole, baby

Im An Asshole, Baby
Im An Asshole, Baby

song ♫ bad idea! - girl in red

asshole elliot <\3 word vomit bc i rlly wanted to write this but i had no idea how to go about it so i kinda went a diff way than the ask 😵😵 + elliot and the reader r fwb

ask: elliot accidentally saying something hurtful to yn and she tries to play it off like, “yeah no i’m fine. it’s whatever!” or “oh, i forgot you even said that. my attention span is short.” knowing damn well she ends up spending her time after school balling her eyes out.

Im An Asshole, Baby

“At least Jules can give a decent fuckin’ blow job, I have to fuck your face to get even a little bit of pleasure.”

You froze, your breath hitched in your throat and you stared right into Elliot’s eyes. What the fuck?

You and Elliot have always had a very playful dynamic, making fun of each other was the love language that you guys shared. You and Elliot were extremely close, he gave you your first everything. Your first kiss, your first time, your first time smoking weed, he was always the first person you did it with.

One time, when the two of you were high, you expressed to him how insecure Jules made you. She was different, unique, outgoing, beautiful, she had everything you could want for yourself. Her and Elliot were getting very close and you noticed how much more sexual the jokes between the two of them had gotten. You werent Elliot’s girlfriend, so you had no right to be mad, but the way he made you feel during sex made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world and you selfishly wanted that side of him all to yourself. He was so gentle with you, he checked in on you, he did what you wanted, feeling so cherished made your heart soar.

He let out a dry chuckle, he was waiting for your response to his insult, but he heard you fall silent, “Yo, are you good?” You tilted your head at him a little and slowly began to stand up from the bench that you were sitting on.

You couldn't believe that you had told Elliot such a sensitive piece of information about your self image and he threw it back in your face like it was nothing.

Something else Elliot knew was that you weren’t the most experienced person when it came to sex, you had only been with one other guy besides Elliot. He was an ass who only cared about his pleasure so you didn't really have enough time to learn anything from him. You always worried about your performance in bed with Elliot, he always told you how good you were doing and how much he enjoyed guiding you through the process.

“I’m fine. I just remembered I have to go home, my dad said I have to be home by 6.” You saw him frown, he nodded and brought the joint back up to his lips.

“See ya, Y/N. Be safe.” You walked away from him and the tears started to form in your eyes. Were you really that bad? Why did he bring up Jules?

Elliot always knew how to hit you where it hurt, but it never hurt this bad. You were self conscious in a lot of aspects and being made fun of for how you were in bed diminished your self esteem even more. You had given yourself to him and he uses one of your insecurities against you? Part of you felt like you were being dramatic, but the other part felt like you had a right to be mad at him.

You walked into your house and immediately went upstairs. Being told you dont give good head isnt a big deal, but being told that by the only person you’ve ever been with in that way can destroy how you see yourself in future sexual relationships, especially if its in comparison to another person who is far more experienced than you are.

Im An Asshole, Baby

You flopped down on your bed and stared at the ceiling. Your own thoughts were eating you alive, it was only a joke, why are you such a fuckin crybaby?

Your thoughts were interrupted by the buzz of your phone. It was Elliot.

Elly >_<: hey, did you make it home okay?

You: yeah

Elly >_<: good good good


Elly >_<: u wanna hang tomorrow? got sum more weed when u left :p

You: not tomorrow, sorry el.

You were normally always free to hang out with him and smoke. But now that you knew how he felt about your sexual performance, you were too embarrassed to face him.

Elly >_<: :(((((((( y not?

You: busy

Elly >_<: dudeeeeeee ur literally NEVER busy wdf

You: i am tomorrow..

His text bubble kept disappearing and reappearing, your heart rate started to speed up, he was obviously hesitant on what he was gonna say.

Elly >_<: is this about what i said at the park?

Elly >_<: if so sorry lmao

Elly >_<: didn’t think it was dat srs….crybaby

You: ok el.

Elly >_< : bruh lol, take a joke. gonna ask again, wanna hang out tomorrow?

You: no

Elly >_<: when you stop bein such a fuckin baby i’ll text you again, bye


You put your phone down. Not only did he hurt your feelings, but he’s now making you feel stupid for feeling the way you do. You honestly didn’t want to see him again until you got over it or until he apologized once he saw how much it hurt you, but knowing Elliot, those chances were very slim.

You threw yourself into your pillow. Why did you like guys who were such fucking assholes?

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