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1 year ago

Spy Kids 4 wasted a great character

Netflix released that stupid We Can Be Heroes but for Spy kids movie recently so I’m taking it as a chance to rant about how Spy Kids 4 (the really bad one with time puns) wasted the actually devastating character that is Danger D’Amo. Basically his backstory is that he was a kid in the 1920s whose dad worked on a time travel project. On the day of a test Danger (that might be an alias I don’t remember) runs in at an inappropriate time and gets hit by the machine. This causes him to be frozen in time, but still conscious of it. As he is frozen he watches his father try to free him, but died over time of natural causes. Eventually the OSS or whatever discover a way to release him after decades of being frozen and now he’s just a grown adult stuck as a kid with nothing to care about since everything he knows is gone. He then works to try and travel back to be able to live his life properly, but he fails every time. This causes the plot of the movie where time speeds up because he’s trying to travel back to be with his father. At the climax he gives an actually heartbreaking speech about just wanting more time with his father since his was so short (I wish I could put this more eloquently but you get the gist). At the end of the movie it finally works but he later comes back as an old man (the movie is ambiguous on what happened). He has grown wise and shuts down the Time Machine. Don’t take this to mean the movie is good, no the movie is a terrible, corporate, treats kids like idiots, cash grab. But some writer decided to go incredibly hard and create a character that’s genuinely heartbreaking.

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