HE IS THE CUTEST - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

what if i cry

What If I Cry
What If I Cry

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1 year ago



0.5k words /// genre: fluff


Seungcheol thought it was absolutely adorable how excited you had gotten when he suggested a date to the aquarium. His heart swelled at every exclamation mark and heart emoji you sent him as you talked on and on about your love for the aquarium.

So when the day came, he had no qualms about paying for both of your tickets and he would have no issue paying for whatever you'd want from the gift shop after. 

Why? Because while you were staring at the numerous swimming by, the dim blue lights reflecting off your skin, he was watching you. 

A smile tugged at his lips as you rattled off “woah!”s and facts you read off the info stands. He was barely listening to what you were saying, more entranced with your voice. 

He never once protested as you directed him to stand somewhere, telling him you'd take pretty pictures of him and the manta rays. He didn't even need to fake a smile because he hadn't stopped grinning ever since you got to the parking lot earlier. 

As you gushed about how gorgeous your boyfriend looked in the photos you had just taken, he took your hand in his, wrapping his fingers around yours securely.

He didn't let go until you had made it all the way to the other side of the aquarium. You asked him to take a photo of you in the pretty blue lights, handing him your camera. But as you moved to go and pose, you found yourself stuck in his grip. You offered a soft glare. “Cheol.”

“Yes, dear,” he hummed, fiddling with your camera with his one hand. 

“Let go of my hand so I can go pose with the jellyfishes,” you told him, trying to keep from laughing.

He looked up to offer you a silly smile. “Why? You look just as pretty at this distance.”

“But I want the jellyfishes in the background,” you whined at him, tugging at your hand despite knowing he wouldn't let go. “Can't you let me go for a minute?”


“Just for one minute.”



He shrugged. “I just like holding your hand.”

You sighed. “But I want a photo with the jellyfishes.”

“I'm not letting go of your hand,” he protested with a pout that was just about enough to break your resolve. “If I let go of your hand, you won't give it back to me until we leave. I'm getting jealous of the fish as it is.”

“You're jealous of the fish?” you laughed, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. “Gosh, how can I say no to you?”

“You can't,” he responded simply before snapping what would clearly be a very unflattering close-up photo of your face – you dreaded to think what it looked like on your otherwise perfect camera roll. You rolled your eyes at that as he giggled.

But you still wanted that photo with the pretty jellyfishes and the pretty lights. You decided to compromise. “Fine, if you won't let go of my hand, can we at least take a photo together?”

He hummed in approval. “I like the sound of that.”


Note: today's upload was actually supposed to be a Park Jisung drabble, but I didn't like the drabble I wrote. so, by popular demand (read: @luvlino threatened me), I decided to upload a second Seungcheol drabble instead.

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2 years ago
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gordon ramsay quaking rn !? ( cr . namusrpomised )

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3 years ago

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6 years ago
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Baby Interacting With Stays ( UR PRAWN)
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baby interacting with stays (©️ UR PRAWN)

bonus: his smile puts the sun to shame


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