He Will Always Be Our Adorable Maknae - Tumblr Posts
7 years ago
I think he's trying to tell us something lol.

핑크빛 상남자 COOKY 귀여운 외모에 짙은 눈썹, 깜찍한 몸매에 거친 야성을 간직한 반전 매력의 토끼. 모두에게 거칠지만 내 친구에겐 더 거친 쿠키는 화가 나면 울끈불끈 근육질로 변하니, 토끼라고 무시하면 큰 코 다칩니다. Created by JungKook
Pink Cool Guy COOKY Dark eyebrows on a cute face, an adorable body that holds his rough, wild nature, [Cooky] is a bunny with unexpected charm. He may seem rough to everyone, but to my friends, when an even more rough Cooky gets mad, he changes into his with his rippling muscular build, so if you look down on him for being a bunny, you’ll pay the price. Created by JungKook
Trans cr: Kylie @ allforbts © Please take credit when taking out
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