Heart Shot - Tumblr Posts
Bonnie can we maybe have a Heart Shot drabble of OC having glimpses of her past (maybe as a nightmare) and loveboy and pink haired boy comfort her (◕ᴗ◕✿)
First drabble ever omg 🥺

When Jimin walks into the apartment of Jungkook, he's greeted by the lights still on, and both you and the younger male still very much awake.
Surprising, because it's 2 AM.
"Why are you two still up?" Jimin asks as he finally let's his guard down for once, setting his gun down on the table near the door before he slips out of his shoes and jacket.
"She can't sleep." Jungkook says before you can argue against revealing it, making Jimin sit down next to you on the other side on the slightly worn down sofa.
"Why's that?" Jimin wonders, watching the way you hold your almost empty mug of what he assumes must be tea. Jungkook hoards all kinds of tea in his home for every ache and pain- from muscle ache to stomach cramps or sleeplessness, he always has some sort of remedy on hand it feels like. "And don't hit me with some 'I couldn't sleep without you' bullshit babe, we all know that you love naps." He chuckles, trying to ease the clear tension in your body.
It doesn't work, and that alone makes him more serious.
"I just.. don't want to." You mumble down into your mug almost, Jungkook running a comforting hand up and down your back. He doesn't know either why you refuse to rest, having almost fallen asleep standing upright today because you apparently didn't sleep last night either.
"I don't buy that." Jimin denies. "Spill it. We can't help you if you don't tell us." He presses, and it takes a good moment of silence before you quietly speak up.
"I'm having.. nightmares." You reveal. "But.. they feel too real to just be.. imagination."
"Oh.." jungkook hums towards you in empathy, knowing full well what you must be talking about. "I can.. I'm not sure actually what to do.." he says defeated, looking over at the older male in search of help.
Even yoongi can't just delete the memories for you, because your brain is painfully human and biological. You'll have to accept and work through those memories at some point, one way or another.
"You're safe, no matter what you might dream of." Jimin urges surprisingly gently this time around. "I know it's hard, but from now on, whenever you dream, and you're scared- remember one thing;" He tells you, turning your face a but so you look up.
"When you wake up, we'll be here." He says, and at that, you nod, tearfully, but a little reassured.
And they both keep their promise, because no matter how often you wake up startled by whatever memory has decided to infiltrate your dreams-
They're there.
Heart-Shot: Masterlist

Main tags: Cyberpunk AU, Jikook x Reader, Ex-lovetoy Jimin, Ex-Nomad Jungkook, Ex-Lovetoy Reader, strangers/enemies to lovers, angst, graphic descriptions of violence, adult (smut, guns drugs, alcohol, etc), fluff, romance
Main Story:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
None yet (Requests are open!)