Heist Tag Game - Tumblr Posts
Thanks for the tag, @wyked-ao3! I've already done one of those here but I love this tag game and have a lot of fun doing it, so here we go again, this time with Valen & Luke from Scrapyard Boys!
(Also, shoutout to @thecomfywriter for creating this tag game!!!!! <3)
Also setting the stage! Let's think that, in this made-up scenario, Valen & Luke are stealing something from one of the warehouses belonging to the billionaire Jake Acheron, the villain of the story.
Valen and Luke would probably have made sure to properly bypass the security measures in the warehouse and gotten past electric fences (probably using Valen's powers to temporarily disable the charge so they could climb over the fence), armed guards, and multiple security cameras.
Then, when close to the warehouse, Valen would use the Henley shirt to craft a small, makeshift rope that he'll secure on one of the window's metal beams and use to climb the wall (with a boost from Luke) and crawl through the window. Once inside, he'll make sure he landed somewhere without any guards or henchmen, and then he'll find and open the door for Luke to get inside as well.
Then, Valen will use his powers to cause an electric discharge in the sector they're in, temporarily disabling the security cameras with a short circuit, hopefully without causing the lights to go out. Swiftly, they'll make their way through the hallways - now without worrying about being seen in the cameras, until they get close enough to the area of the warehouse where the bulk of the cargo is kept.
Getting through to that bigger area of the warehouse may prove a challenge, but using the oil and the lantern, Luke is able to set off the smoke alarms further down the warehouse, causing the door to be left unchecked. With the matches, the duo picks the lock and now inside the proper containment area of the warehouse, set off to try and find the vault.
Once they do find it, they do the following steps:
Valen shortcircuits the vault's security latch, causing it to fall open.
However, the Asset/MacGuffin that they want which is held within, is currently placed atop some kind of pressure plate. So, in a full "Indiana Jones" kind of move, Luke puts on the gloves - to avoid leaving DNA or fingerprints on the plate - and manages to swap the MacGuffin for the book with enough dexterity that the sensors don't go off.
They use the shovel to carve a whole on the warehouse's nearest brick wall that leads outside, after hiding the MacGuffin in one of their backpacks.
Then, they get out of the warehouse and haul-ass to the nearest exit route.
Once they're almost out, using the string as a makeshift sling throw the cup, Valen throws the cup strategically at a nearby alarm, to sound it off - just so he can watch the guards scramble to figure out what is going on, while he and Luke slip seamlessly through their fingers.
Successfully leaving behind the warehouse and the now panicking guards, the duo hops on the motorbike they used to get there, and drive as fast as they can to the inner city, before going to their hideout.
Tagging (in case they wanna try this out!) - @kaylinalexanderbooks, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @the-letterbox-archives, @the-golden-comet,
@clairelsonao3, @eccaiia and OPEN TAG
🦹♂️GAME- morreial's heist supplies 🦹♂️
While I lay there, waiting (I really did want those fruits), I scoured through my drawers, looking to collect all the necessary materials for this operation: a piece of string, a lantern, oil, matches, a book, a cup, an enchanted shovel, and a pair of gloves. And, of course, my navy blue Henley I found Caramel napping in the other day.
tagging the TCW crew and all my followers to ask yall a goofy question: bolded above in blue are the tools Morreial uses in chapter 18 of Throne of Vengeance (ToV) to commit a heist of an armoured vault.
My question to y'all is-- how would you (or your ocs) use those supplies to commit the heist?
lmao this is so silly, but i'm curious, because editing me is reading this for the first time in months and i'm genuinely curious on how this man managed to pull this off when THIS is what he put in his toolbox.
Have fun!
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