Henry Cavill Fluff - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I feel like Walter marshall needs more love...fluff...smut...both? whichever. He seems so overlooked 😅

Mmm, he does need more love and is overlooked. I wrote this during the movie because I haven’t seen it before. I chose to have a male reader because I hardly see a fic of Henry/character with a male partner. And let me just say that Henry is even more fucking hot

A/N: I finished the movie before I could finish this but I absolutely loved the movie


I Feel Like Walter Marshall Needs More Love...fluff...smut...both? Whichever. He Seems So Overlooked

Closing the door behind him, he immediately goes to the kitchen. Not because of the delicious smell that breezes throughout the room, but because he knows you're there, keeping an eye on the food.

You feel his arms wrap around your hips, his hands resting on your lower abdomen. His face pressed against the side of your neck. "Hey, Walts." A groan in return vibrated against your neck.

“Day’s been a real pain in the ass.” He says, already knowing that you were going to ask how his day was.

It was usually a little routine for the both of you at night; him coming home to you cooking dinner or setting the table or when he comes home late, you’re in bed already and his dinner in the microwave with a little note on the door of it, saying, Don’t forget to eat, I’ll know if you throw it out.

When you bend over to put the tray of frozen fries in the oven, Walter moves with you. His hands move to your hips, bringing your ass against him.

Standing back up, you let him bring you over to the free space on the counter. His hands grip your hips to lift you up and sit you on the counter, his body wedging in between your spread legs. His hands maneuver under your ~his~ shirt, yours go the sides of his neck, fingers playing at the nape of his neck.

“What’d you do all day?”

“Cleaned the place, watched some movies and did dinner.” A hand moves to rest against his jawline, your thumb tracing his bottom lip. “I also took Pup out on a walk.” And on cue, your Saint Bernard stepped into the kitchen.

“Can he go?” Walter grumbled, wanting to spend some alone time with you.

“Dinner’s almost ready for all of us, so he’ll have to stay a little longer. But afterwards, he can go to bed and so can we.”

Walter presses his lips to yours, humming in agreement. His lips then trail down to your neck, your hands pressed against the back of his.

Seconds later, the oven dings, letting you know that the fries are done. Pushing away at his shoulders, he doesn’t budge. “Walter, baby, I gotta get the fries out.”

His hand turns the knob of the oven off, the warmth of his hand back on your skin. His lips don’t leave your bruised-forming neck.

Moving your hand to slide it between his lips and your neck, he licks at your palm. It doesn’t disgust you as he’s done it so many times whenever you do it.

When he knows that you’re not moving your hand and that you’ll do it if he goes to the other side, he growls at you as he looks at you.

“After. Dinner.” You growl back at him.


“Good.” Grabbing his cheeks, you bring his face closer to yours to press your lips against his before going to serve dinner.

Dishing out your dog’s food, Walter decided to slap your ass, loving how it moved from the impact and your reaction of yelling at him.

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3 years ago

Baby Marshall Time-Out

Pairing: Walter Marshall x M!Reader


Closing the door behind him, he sees a box move around the lounge. A small smile forms on his face as he puts his keys and gun on the counter in the kitchen.

Walking to the lounge, he kneels on the ground to tap at the box. It stops moving, only a small shuffle towards him. He gets taps in return.

Sitting down fully, he lifts the box up a bit to see his daughter peep her chubby face out from the gap. Her mouth curves itself into a smile, showing her gums and few growing teeth.

She crawls out from under the box to stand in between his outstretched legs. “Daddy.” Her small, chubby hands bury themselves in his beard, slightly tugging at the hairs.

“Hi, baby.” Walter presses his nose against his baby girl’s, having her giggle from the tickle of his beard. “Have you been good for your daddy?”

“No, she hasn’t.”

Walter turns his head to see you leaning against the door-frame of the hallway connected to the lounge, arms crossed over your chest. “She was fussy with her food, kept moving away when I tried to change her clothes and nappy as she had puked and wanted to be butt-naked, and she made a mess with her toys.”

Your husband looks back at the little girl who tried to crawl away from him, as if she knew she was in trouble. “Oh, no, little one.” Walter’s hands hold onto her hips to lift her up and bring her back to his body.

Standing up to his feet with the toddler-baby crying in his arms, he moves to her highchair to sit her there.

You and Walter watch her kick her little feet and hit her hands against the tray with tears streaming down her red, heated cheeks.

When she opens her eyes, she sees her daddies watching her. Her hands and feet stopped their movements, the tears stopped too, just her heated, wet cheeks on show.

“Are you done?” Walter asked, walking over to her.

Her arms raise up, wanting him to pick her up, but he just leans down to be face-to-face with her chubby face.

A slam of her hands on the tray is his answer, along with a bunch of babbles.

“You stay there for five minutes.” Standing up to his full height, arms crossed over his chest, he watches her slump her upper body over the tray. She points her little finger at the Saint Bernard, who’s sitting next to Walter. “He’s not going to help you.” She moves her hand to point at you, who’s cooking dinner. “Daddy’s not helping you, either.”

“Baba.” She points at Walter, who shakes his head. She moves her attention back to the dog, making grabby hands at him.

The dog walks towards her and was about to boop her feet with his nose, but he feels a tug on his collar, meaning not to interact with the child. When he walks away and lays on his bed in the lounge, you hear the little girl whine.

Talking to grab your attention, you turn around to lean against the counter, letting the pasta cook in the pot. You look at her, seeing that her cheek is squished against the backrest as her back is facing you. “You heard daddy. You stay there until your time out is over.”

Closing her eyes and tilting her head back, she lets out a scream. When she looks back at Walter, she hits her tray again. “Ba!”

“No. You have 10 seconds.”

Waiting for the seconds to end, she raises her arms, letting Walter pick her up. “You’re lucky you’re adorable.”

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9 months ago

Daddy’s Princess Fairy

Daddys Princess Fairy

pairing: Husband!Dad!Sy x Wife!Mom!Reader

summary: Sy comes home to his newborn babygirl and wife after his last ever deployment, and he’s desperate to meet his tiny twin, and get into his wife’s panties (Dilf Sy) likes, comments and reblogs are appreciatedđŸ«¶

Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist


“Daddy’s nearly home booboo, he’ll be out here any second now” Y/n cooed bouncing her baby girl in her arms, the two month old softly snuggled against her mama, the both of them waiting at the entrance of the military base along with the other families. Her eyes tracing each body that left the aircraft, her breath hitching when she saw her big hunk of a man step out, his head shaven but his beard grown rough and long. God he looked filthy but so sexy.

Biting her lip she saw him take off his dark sunglasses as he scanned the crowd carefully, his lips pulling into a smirk once he saw his baby momma waiting at the back, away from the crowd; holding his baby girl. Practically skipping all the steps he threw his bag to the ground, his built arms bringing his wife and newborn into his arms, this was his first time home since that night their daughter was conceived. That one special night by the fireplace.

“Fuck pumpkin, missed ya n’ your sweet self s’much” He grumbled inhaling her scent deeply as he grazed his nose up and down her cheek, his other hand cupping his daughter’s head, this would be the first time he would see her in person. “And this- this is Penelope, Penelope Syverson” Y/n giggled holding up Penelope up to Sy, and even he could see she already was his twin, the same grouchy look already.

“She’s stinkin’ adorable, i’d say jus’ like her momma but i’m seein’ frowns on her already” Sy chuckled seeing his babygirl whimper and wiggle, leading Y/n to place the tiny babe into his arms, and just the mere size difference between the father and daughter was enough to make a witch’s heart melt. “She missed you, anytime you wasn’t on the phone she’d cry and whimper until I played your voicemail” Y/n explained tucking Penelope’s bib a bit more, seeing how she was drooling onto her daddy’s arm.

“Awk babygirl you break ma heart, m’not leavin’ again, I can’t do it- that’s me done” Sy chuckled bending down and kissing her forehead, breathing out a sigh of relief, he was finally discharged and able to start the rest of his life. “Damn right you aren’t leavin’, we still need to give our bubby a brother” Giggling Y/n latched herself onto his arm, the happy family walking towards the pickup truck waiting for them; Y/n watched on as Sy carefully put his pride and joy into her carseat, pouting up at Y/n when he realised Penelope wouldn’t let go of his finger.

“Babe, jus pull your finger out come on” Y/n laughed as he shook his head, “no can do sugar, don’t want my babygirl thinkin’ am leavin’ her again, can’t be her first heartbreak”

“If ya let go i’ll give ya some of your treat when we get home, after I put Pen down for her nap” It hadn’t even been two seconds but Sy carefully pulled his finger out, kissed his baby bye bye, and jogged over to the driver’s side of the pickup truck. “Now ya gotta keep your promise, wait- are you even okay down ‘er” Sy questioned looking concerned down at her crotch, he knew how hard the healing process was for his wife, needing stitches and medication. It honestly broke his heart that she had to go through it alone, but she was strong and independent, just his typa woman.

“Yup! Doctor gave me the green light a while ago, jus wanted to surprise ya for when you got home, Captain Syverson” Y/n winked grabbing a handful of his thigh tightly, his eyes widening and smacking her hand off, “Jesus woman didn’t ya read the sticker on the car? There’s a baby on board” He joked intertwining their hands and kissing her knuckles, leaning forward and pressing a heated kiss to her lips, his beard scratching her face in the best way possible. His tongue venturing out to lick over hers, tasting his favourite watermelon lipbalm causing him to groan into their kiss.

“Forgot how much I missed these luscious lips of yours” He growled pulling away, kissing her lips once more before sitting back in his seat to look at her, his wife. “Yeah? What else did ya miss” She giggled leaning over and pulling him back towards her, both her hands holding onto his as she looked up at him, her fingers then playing mindlessly with the wedding ring on the chain around his neck.

“These other lips down ‘ere” Laughing his hands smoothed up her thighs, settling under her dress, right on top of her panties waistband; he could already feel that it was those cotton white ones that he had a thing for. She just knows him so well. “No you didn’t”

“I did” She winked pulling up her skirt enough to show the start of the soft cotton pants, pulling the skirt down fast enough once his fingers tried their way up again. “Nuh uh mister, only when the angel is bed do we get to play” She scolded turning the ignition on for him, watching as he scoffed and turned his attention to the road


“Alright princess fairy queen, ah need ya to get to sleep pronto” Sy whispered into his baby’s tiny ears, the tiny tot sleeping on his bare chest, her head nestled comfortably on the curls on his chest. Her tiny fist clutched peacefully as tiny gurgles and coos came out every time she hiccuped or moved. “Princess fairy queen? Really Sy?” He heard his wife ask from the nursery door, clad in her white silk robe, very clearly not wearing anything underneath.

“I need my little girl to know she’s the best of ‘em all, n’ that means callin’ her every nickname on God’s Earth so she knows how much ah love her” Looking down at his tiny tot, he felt the need to lean down and nuzzle his nose with hers, pulling away instantly when he heard a toot. A fart.

“Now was that from me or you?” Sy frowned holding her up to face him, her tiny eyes clearly shocked, her own farts had woken her up just from how loud it was; “Tell ya what bubby, you’re definitely your daddy’s daughter”

“Yeah there’s now way that loud thing came outta this tiny precious sugar cube” Sy questioned seeing the tired girl had gone to sleep in his arms again, thankfully for Sy’s sake she didn’t need changed, well not yet anyway.

It finally seemed like baby Penelope finally got the memo when she finally stayed asleep in her bassinet, after 20 minutes of him just whispering pointless happy memories of him and her momma, many soft baby back rubs and head scratches and of course with her binky in place. Princess Penelope was down for her nap. Now Sy could have his wife, any way he darn wanted.

“Momma, you spoil me too much” Walking into their shared bedroom Sy saw his wife, her robe untied as she laid on the bed waiting for him, a chocolate covered strawberry already in her mouth as she winked at him, her legs spread open showing off her glistening folds; she needed him as much as he needed her.

“Irish twins?” Y/n asked plucking the strawberry from her mouth, licking its juices from her lips as she quirked up a brow; Sy doing nothing but growl and rush to get rid of his white t-shirt and cargo pants. “I’d give ya irish triplets if it were possible” He snarked climbing on top of her, his body hovering over hers as he bit into the strawberry that was back in between her lips, his teeth squeezing the juice down the valley of her tits. His delicious welcome home treat, just for him to enjoy.


PSA:Hope you all enjoy this bit of Daddy Sy 😗

Library blog of works: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection

Taglist (not accepting, please use library)

@pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @bookfrog242 @alina02 @alexxavicry @lastwandastan @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @kzhlvlysstuff @thoughtsofreid @cilliansangel @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @luvabellee @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouusugar @queensgirl718 @sweetybuzz25

See you all again very soon xoxo

- Fae

Tags :
9 months ago

Baby Subway

Baby Subway

Pairing: Husband!Henry Cavill x Shy!Pregnant!Wife!Reader

summary:Henry has to order for his shy pregnant wife when she wants a sandwich and he just has a cuteness explosion over her, and so do some fans (DILF Henry) (req by @stormcloudss )

likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated

Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist

“Come on honey, no need to be shy, it’s only Subway” Henry chuckled holding onto his wife’s hand, the shorter woman stood behind him shyly, her head shaking rapidly; her 7 month bump softly rubbing against his back. His other hand reaching behind his back to smooth over her stomach, feeling the tiny flutter kicks following his touch.

“T-they might think i-i’m weird or something, can y-you order hubs?” She whispered kissing his arm softly, nuzzling her head into it like a puppy, following his footsteps as he walked up to the counter full of ingredients. “Of course pup, do anything for you, just the usual yeah?” Henry turned halfway to bend down and press a soft wet kiss onto her lips, a giggly smile forming onto her lips.

“Yes please, but add mushrooms please” She whispered on her tippy toes, kissing just below his ear, smiling at the hickey she left on his neck from that same morning. Her pregnancy hormones had left her nothing soft of a raging sex monster, she would encourage Henry to take her anywhere and anyway possible, as long as she would be able to feel his cock inside her sensitive pussy.

Whether it be the kitchen table, against the porch railing of their backyard, any of their bedrooms and anywhere where they found themselves needing each other. So this morning when Henry felt his shy wife’s mouth on his hardening cock he obviously had to fuck her to another universe, with her orgasms being twice as sensitive, her swollen tits never leaving his mouth; her husband now obsessed with the growing globes.

“Uhh hi there, yeah, a foot long right baby?” Henry asked looking up at the order board, “U-uh a six inch is okay-“

“Yes a foot long, with uh, tomatoes, cucumber, salami, Mariana sauce and southwest sauce please.” Henry replied politely, wincing when he felt his wife pinch his ass, “OH, and mushrooms please” He chuckled holding both her hands now, seeing her sundress flow through the side of his eye, a new purple floral thing Henry had bought during their trip to Portugal.

“Was that alright honey?” He whispered pulling her to the side as they waited on their order, his hands resting on her hips while she played with the chain around his neck; a necklace that had their wedding anniversary on it. “Y-yeah thank you so much hubby” She beamed leaning up to kiss his beard covered chin, her hands clutching onto the opening of his denim coat. With Henry whispering sweet nothings into her ear, causing his woman to giggly shyly while they hid in the corner of the subway 

“Reckon you can give me your sweet goods later?” He joked feeling her panty lines over her dress, his eyes trained on her cleavage, painted with a thin layer of sweat during the summer months. “Hmm yeah I think so, need you so bad” She whined pressing het body flat against his as much as she could, quickly breaking away when she heard the worker call out the order.

“What’dya say pup?” Henry said intertwining their fingers, his thumb rubbing over her knuckles comfortingly as he urged her towards the counter. “Thank you miss” She said out loud, her heart hammering in her chest, for the longest time she had major anxiety about the simplest things, such as ordering food. So it was a total blessing when Henry the man of her dreams was willing to take that responsibility, basically memorising her order for each restaurant.

“Good job pup, bein’ such a brave mummy, can’t wait for our lil’ girl to come out jus’ like her mummy; so precious n’ beautiful” He said out loud, catching the attention of the older women nearby, Y/n’s face heating up at all the unnecessary attention. “I-I wan’ her to be like you, all warm n’ cuddly like a teddy bear” Y/n said excitedly swinging their arms back and forth, her subway sandwich held in Henry’s other arm; apparently it’s too heavy for his baby to carry.


“Wait can I have my sandwich now please, we’re starving” Y/n whined as soon as they got through the front door, her lips turning into a pout, her eyes watering and her brows furrowing. Although her face slowly brightened as she saw Henry was leading them straight to their kitchen, she could practically feel their baby girl bouncing for joy in the womb. “You hungry baby yeah? Want Daddy to feed mummy for you?” Henry joked bending down to her bulging stomach, kissing wherever the baby’s foot kicked, the imprint being seen through the thin sundress.

“I think she said yes, feed me” Y/n giggled sitting herself onto Henry’s lap, her throne as they like to call it. “Whatever the princess baby wants, she gets” Henry chuckled opening the sandwich, cutting it up into bite amounts, smiling when he saw spurts of sauce covering his wife’s face; his hands immediately coming to wipe her face delicately, while she held a wide smile on her face.

“I think she likes the mushrooms” Y/n whispered rubbing her stomach as she ate the last bit of the foot long sub, struggling to stand up with such a full stomach, her body supported by her loving husband’s arms. “I think you did too babe” Chuckling he stood up alongside her, caressing her ass lovingly, even giving it a playful squeeze as he kissed her cheek; her hand coming up to caress his face slightly.

“I think w-we need to take a f-family nap please”  Y/n said giggling patting her belly, pulling Henry with her towards their custom made sofa, the wide plush couch basically fit the both of them snuggly enough. “Want your pregnancy pillow honey? Know you can’t sleep comfortably without it” Henry urged grabbing the massive white worm looking pillow on the other side of the room; helping her to lay down and manoeuvre her body around the material.

The pillow fitting in between her legs, allowing her to hug onto it as if it was Henry, “Wow no room for daddy?” Henry scoffed jokingly spanking her thigh lightly, watching as she cutely shuffled forward, leaving him room behind her body to slip in, making her the little spoon. “H-hubs she’s kickin, feel!” Y/n laughed grabbing his larger hand, and placing it on the front of her stomach,

“We made her baby, the perfect mix of me and you, I hope her brother is the same” He whispered kissing her neck hotly, his hands moving up to grope he swollen sore breasts, making her moan out and nuzzle back against his crotch and chest.

“W-wait brother? Hold on!”

-- Twitter --

@/whitelillies3000: Omg Henry Cavill and Y/n Cavill just came into the subway I work at !! !! HE ORDERED FOR HER AND HE KEPT HER AWAY FROM THE OTHER CROWDS IN STORE BY HUGGING HER AGAINST THE CORNER. I SWEAR SHE IS THE CUTEST THING ALIVE, HE EVEN GOT HER TO SAY THANK YOU TO ME BC SHES SO SHYI NEARLY STARTED BLUSHING. Anyways I love the Cavill couple, YIn is stunning pregnant and Henry just can't keep his hands off her, literally kept touching her up and kissing her; AND RUBBING HER STOMACH (wa) Sleeping in the highway tonight. Next thing you know they're walking hand in hand down the street, she was literally skipping while reaching for her subway but he wouldn't let her carry it so she pouted AND HE JUST KEPT KISSING HER UNTIL SHE SMILED AND GIGGLED AGAIN UGHZ


Library blog: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection

Taglist (not accepting new @, please use library blog)

@pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @bookfrog242 @alina02 @alexxavicry @lastwandastan @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @keiva1000 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @kzhlvlysstuff @thoughtsofreid @cilliansangel @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @luvabellee @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouu @queensgirl718 @sweetybuzz25

Tags :
5 months ago

Baby Subway

Baby Subway

Pairing: Husband!Henry Cavill x Shy!Pregnant!Wife!Reader

summary:Henry has to order for his shy pregnant wife when she wants a sandwich and he just has a cuteness explosion over her, and so do some fans (DILF Henry) (req by @stormcloudss )

likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated

Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist

“Come on honey, no need to be shy, it’s only Subway” Henry chuckled holding onto his wife’s hand, the shorter woman stood behind him shyly, her head shaking rapidly; her 7 month bump softly rubbing against his back. His other hand reaching behind his back to smooth over her stomach, feeling the tiny flutter kicks following his touch.

“T-they might think i-i’m weird or something, can y-you order hubs?” She whispered kissing his arm softly, nuzzling her head into it like a puppy, following his footsteps as he walked up to the counter full of ingredients. “Of course pup, do anything for you, just the usual yeah?” Henry turned halfway to bend down and press a soft wet kiss onto her lips, a giggly smile forming onto her lips.

“Yes please, but add mushrooms please” She whispered on her tippy toes, kissing just below his ear, smiling at the hickey she left on his neck from that same morning. Her pregnancy hormones had left her nothing soft of a raging sex monster, she would encourage Henry to take her anywhere and anyway possible, as long as she would be able to feel his cock inside her sensitive pussy.

Whether it be the kitchen table, against the porch railing of their backyard, any of their bedrooms and anywhere where they found themselves needing each other. So this morning when Henry felt his shy wife’s mouth on his hardening cock he obviously had to fuck her to another universe, with her orgasms being twice as sensitive, her swollen tits never leaving his mouth; her husband now obsessed with the growing globes.

“Uhh hi there, yeah, a foot long right baby?” Henry asked looking up at the order board, “U-uh a six inch is okay-“

“Yes a foot long, with uh, tomatoes, cucumber, salami, Mariana sauce and southwest sauce please.” Henry replied politely, wincing when he felt his wife pinch his ass, “OH, and mushrooms please” He chuckled holding both her hands now, seeing her sundress flow through the side of his eye, a new purple floral thing Henry had bought during their trip to Portugal.

“Was that alright honey?” He whispered pulling her to the side as they waited on their order, his hands resting on her hips while she played with the chain around his neck; a necklace that had their wedding anniversary on it. “Y-yeah thank you so much hubby” She beamed leaning up to kiss his beard covered chin, her hands clutching onto the opening of his denim coat. With Henry whispering sweet nothings into her ear, causing his woman to giggly shyly while they hid in the corner of the subway 

“Reckon you can give me your sweet goods later?” He joked feeling her panty lines over her dress, his eyes trained on her cleavage, painted with a thin layer of sweat during the summer months. “Hmm yeah I think so, need you so bad” She whined pressing het body flat against his as much as she could, quickly breaking away when she heard the worker call out the order.

“What’dya say pup?” Henry said intertwining their fingers, his thumb rubbing over her knuckles comfortingly as he urged her towards the counter. “Thank you miss” She said out loud, her heart hammering in her chest, for the longest time she had major anxiety about the simplest things, such as ordering food. So it was a total blessing when Henry the man of her dreams was willing to take that responsibility, basically memorising her order for each restaurant.

“Good job pup, bein’ such a brave mummy, can’t wait for our lil’ girl to come out jus’ like her mummy; so precious n’ beautiful” He said out loud, catching the attention of the older women nearby, Y/n’s face heating up at all the unnecessary attention. “I-I wan’ her to be like you, all warm n’ cuddly like a teddy bear” Y/n said excitedly swinging their arms back and forth, her subway sandwich held in Henry’s other arm; apparently it’s too heavy for his baby to carry.


“Wait can I have my sandwich now please, we’re starving” Y/n whined as soon as they got through the front door, her lips turning into a pout, her eyes watering and her brows furrowing. Although her face slowly brightened as she saw Henry was leading them straight to their kitchen, she could practically feel their baby girl bouncing for joy in the womb. “You hungry baby yeah? Want Daddy to feed mummy for you?” Henry joked bending down to her bulging stomach, kissing wherever the baby’s foot kicked, the imprint being seen through the thin sundress.

“I think she said yes, feed me” Y/n giggled sitting herself onto Henry’s lap, her throne as they like to call it. “Whatever the princess baby wants, she gets” Henry chuckled opening the sandwich, cutting it up into bite amounts, smiling when he saw spurts of sauce covering his wife’s face; his hands immediately coming to wipe her face delicately, while she held a wide smile on her face.

“I think she likes the mushrooms” Y/n whispered rubbing her stomach as she ate the last bit of the foot long sub, struggling to stand up with such a full stomach, her body supported by her loving husband’s arms. “I think you did too babe” Chuckling he stood up alongside her, caressing her ass lovingly, even giving it a playful squeeze as he kissed her cheek; her hand coming up to caress his face slightly.

“I think w-we need to take a f-family nap please”  Y/n said giggling patting her belly, pulling Henry with her towards their custom made sofa, the wide plush couch basically fit the both of them snuggly enough. “Want your pregnancy pillow honey? Know you can’t sleep comfortably without it” Henry urged grabbing the massive white worm looking pillow on the other side of the room; helping her to lay down and manoeuvre her body around the material.

The pillow fitting in between her legs, allowing her to hug onto it as if it was Henry, “Wow no room for daddy?” Henry scoffed jokingly spanking her thigh lightly, watching as she cutely shuffled forward, leaving him room behind her body to slip in, making her the little spoon. “H-hubs she’s kickin, feel!” Y/n laughed grabbing his larger hand, and placing it on the front of her stomach,

“We made her baby, the perfect mix of me and you, I hope her brother is the same” He whispered kissing her neck hotly, his hands moving up to grope he swollen sore breasts, making her moan out and nuzzle back against his crotch and chest.

“W-wait brother? Hold on!”

-- Twitter --

@/whitelillies3000: Omg Henry Cavill and Y/n Cavill just came into the subway I work at !! !! HE ORDERED FOR HER AND HE KEPT HER AWAY FROM THE OTHER CROWDS IN STORE BY HUGGING HER AGAINST THE CORNER. I SWEAR SHE IS THE CUTEST THING ALIVE, HE EVEN GOT HER TO SAY THANK YOU TO ME BC SHES SO SHYI NEARLY STARTED BLUSHING. Anyways I love the Cavill couple, YIn is stunning pregnant and Henry just can't keep his hands off her, literally kept touching her up and kissing her; AND RUBBING HER STOMACH (wa) Sleeping in the highway tonight. Next thing you know they're walking hand in hand down the street, she was literally skipping while reaching for her subway but he wouldn't let her carry it so she pouted AND HE JUST KEPT KISSING HER UNTIL SHE SMILED AND GIGGLED AGAIN UGHZ


Library blog: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection

Taglist (not accepting new @, please use library blog)

@pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @bookfrog242 @alina02 @alexxavicry @lastwandastan @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @keiva1000 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @kzhlvlysstuff @thoughtsofreid @cilliansangel @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @luvabellee @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouu @queensgirl718 @sweetybuzz25

Tags :
5 months ago

Daddy’s Princess Fairy

Daddys Princess Fairy

pairing: Husband!Dad!Sy x Wife!Mom!Reader

summary: Sy comes home to his newborn babygirl and wife after his last ever deployment, and he’s desperate to meet his tiny twin, and get into his wife’s panties (Dilf Sy) likes, comments and reblogs are appreciatedđŸ«¶

Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist


“Daddy’s nearly home booboo, he’ll be out here any second now” Y/n cooed bouncing her baby girl in her arms, the two month old softly snuggled against her mama, the both of them waiting at the entrance of the military base along with the other families. Her eyes tracing each body that left the aircraft, her breath hitching when she saw her big hunk of a man step out, his head shaven but his beard grown rough and long. God he looked filthy but so sexy.

Biting her lip she saw him take off his dark sunglasses as he scanned the crowd carefully, his lips pulling into a smirk once he saw his baby momma waiting at the back, away from the crowd; holding his baby girl. Practically skipping all the steps he threw his bag to the ground, his built arms bringing his wife and newborn into his arms, this was his first time home since that night their daughter was conceived. That one special night by the fireplace.

“Fuck pumpkin, missed ya n’ your sweet self s’much” He grumbled inhaling her scent deeply as he grazed his nose up and down her cheek, his other hand cupping his daughter’s head, this would be the first time he would see her in person. “And this- this is Penelope, Penelope Syverson” Y/n giggled holding up Penelope up to Sy, and even he could see she already was his twin, the same grouchy look already.

“She’s stinkin’ adorable, i’d say jus’ like her momma but i’m seein’ frowns on her already” Sy chuckled seeing his babygirl whimper and wiggle, leading Y/n to place the tiny babe into his arms, and just the mere size difference between the father and daughter was enough to make a witch’s heart melt. “She missed you, anytime you wasn’t on the phone she’d cry and whimper until I played your voicemail” Y/n explained tucking Penelope’s bib a bit more, seeing how she was drooling onto her daddy’s arm.

“Awk babygirl you break ma heart, m’not leavin’ again, I can’t do it- that’s me done” Sy chuckled bending down and kissing her forehead, breathing out a sigh of relief, he was finally discharged and able to start the rest of his life. “Damn right you aren’t leavin’, we still need to give our bubby a brother” Giggling Y/n latched herself onto his arm, the happy family walking towards the pickup truck waiting for them; Y/n watched on as Sy carefully put his pride and joy into her carseat, pouting up at Y/n when he realised Penelope wouldn’t let go of his finger.

“Babe, jus pull your finger out come on” Y/n laughed as he shook his head, “no can do sugar, don’t want my babygirl thinkin’ am leavin’ her again, can’t be her first heartbreak”

“If ya let go i’ll give ya some of your treat when we get home, after I put Pen down for her nap” It hadn’t even been two seconds but Sy carefully pulled his finger out, kissed his baby bye bye, and jogged over to the driver’s side of the pickup truck. “Now ya gotta keep your promise, wait- are you even okay down ‘er” Sy questioned looking concerned down at her crotch, he knew how hard the healing process was for his wife, needing stitches and medication. It honestly broke his heart that she had to go through it alone, but she was strong and independent, just his typa woman.

“Yup! Doctor gave me the green light a while ago, jus wanted to surprise ya for when you got home, Captain Syverson” Y/n winked grabbing a handful of his thigh tightly, his eyes widening and smacking her hand off, “Jesus woman didn’t ya read the sticker on the car? There’s a baby on board” He joked intertwining their hands and kissing her knuckles, leaning forward and pressing a heated kiss to her lips, his beard scratching her face in the best way possible. His tongue venturing out to lick over hers, tasting his favourite watermelon lipbalm causing him to groan into their kiss.

“Forgot how much I missed these luscious lips of yours” He growled pulling away, kissing her lips once more before sitting back in his seat to look at her, his wife. “Yeah? What else did ya miss” She giggled leaning over and pulling him back towards her, both her hands holding onto his as she looked up at him, her fingers then playing mindlessly with the wedding ring on the chain around his neck.

“These other lips down ‘ere” Laughing his hands smoothed up her thighs, settling under her dress, right on top of her panties waistband; he could already feel that it was those cotton white ones that he had a thing for. She just knows him so well. “No you didn’t”

“I did” She winked pulling up her skirt enough to show the start of the soft cotton pants, pulling the skirt down fast enough once his fingers tried their way up again. “Nuh uh mister, only when the angel is bed do we get to play” She scolded turning the ignition on for him, watching as he scoffed and turned his attention to the road


“Alright princess fairy queen, ah need ya to get to sleep pronto” Sy whispered into his baby’s tiny ears, the tiny tot sleeping on his bare chest, her head nestled comfortably on the curls on his chest. Her tiny fist clutched peacefully as tiny gurgles and coos came out every time she hiccuped or moved. “Princess fairy queen? Really Sy?” He heard his wife ask from the nursery door, clad in her white silk robe, very clearly not wearing anything underneath.

“I need my little girl to know she’s the best of ‘em all, n’ that means callin’ her every nickname on God’s Earth so she knows how much ah love her” Looking down at his tiny tot, he felt the need to lean down and nuzzle his nose with hers, pulling away instantly when he heard a toot. A fart.

“Now was that from me or you?” Sy frowned holding her up to face him, her tiny eyes clearly shocked, her own farts had woken her up just from how loud it was; “Tell ya what bubby, you’re definitely your daddy’s daughter”

“Yeah there’s now way that loud thing came outta this tiny precious sugar cube” Sy questioned seeing the tired girl had gone to sleep in his arms again, thankfully for Sy’s sake she didn’t need changed, well not yet anyway.

It finally seemed like baby Penelope finally got the memo when she finally stayed asleep in her bassinet, after 20 minutes of him just whispering pointless happy memories of him and her momma, many soft baby back rubs and head scratches and of course with her binky in place. Princess Penelope was down for her nap. Now Sy could have his wife, any way he darn wanted.

“Momma, you spoil me too much” Walking into their shared bedroom Sy saw his wife, her robe untied as she laid on the bed waiting for him, a chocolate covered strawberry already in her mouth as she winked at him, her legs spread open showing off her glistening folds; she needed him as much as he needed her.

“Irish twins?” Y/n asked plucking the strawberry from her mouth, licking its juices from her lips as she quirked up a brow; Sy doing nothing but growl and rush to get rid of his white t-shirt and cargo pants. “I’d give ya irish triplets if it were possible” He snarked climbing on top of her, his body hovering over hers as he bit into the strawberry that was back in between her lips, his teeth squeezing the juice down the valley of her tits. His delicious welcome home treat, just for him to enjoy.


PSA:Hope you all enjoy this bit of Daddy Sy 😗

Library blog of works: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection

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See you all again very soon xoxo

- Fae

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1 year ago


Summary: Henry becomes a father... Just not how he thought it would happen.

Word count: 2.160

Warnings: mentions of domestic violence, lots of fluff




"Six children?"

"Well not biologically, but.... yes."

(Y/n) looked uncertainly at Henry. The blue eyes stared at her in disbelief.

"You have six children living in your house?"

She sighed. That was always the point at which every guy ran away.

"I understand if that's too much for you," she began. 

Henry shook his head still in disbelief, but grinned. "Do you ever sleep, or do you just get used to  sleep deprivation?"

She smiled cautiously. Didn't trust the peace yet, though. "To be honest there are two kids one 9 and one 12 and four pubescent teenagers."

He regarded her quietly across the restaurant table. "Are you okay?" he asked, "Did I say something wrong? I know my reaction may have been a little surprised, but I didn't mean to cut you in."

She relaxed a little. "It's just... Most guys run away as soon as they hear that, and that would really be .... a shame."

Henry smiled and shook his head. "I don't run away. I hate cardio."

That made her smile.

"But you'll still have to tell me how you get to adopt six children and teenagers.... And that as a single woman in her mid-twenties."

"It's like cats. Somehow I guess it doesn't stay with just one." She tipped her wine glass. "The first one was Jason. He was the son of my neighbors at the time and would come by my apartment every so often in the afternoon until his mother got home. One night he showed up at my door bleeding. His father caught him with make up and beat him black and blue. It took a while, but then he could move in with me. He's graduating from high school this summer. He has even been accepted to a make up school. He wants to go into film as a makeup artist." She smiled softly. "He's come a long way."

Henry curtsied in shock at the story. "Fatima is 16 and has been disowned by her family for not being a virgin. She has ambitions to study law. I don't think anyone will stop her from going to Oxford. Mike is almost 16 - next week - and grew up without a father and even though his mother tried everything, she has high level schizophrenia. She has been institutionalized and now lives in care. We visit her whenever her condition allows it. Mini - Emilia ran away at some point. We don't really know what happened. She is 14. Kamon is 12 and comes from a refugee family. His parents have been sent back to Thailand. We are trying to get a visa for them. Until then, I'm kind of his foster family. He and Mike are not officially adopted. Both love their family and do everything for them, even if they can't always be there. And Lilly. She is 9. Her family died in a car accident. No family member has been found."

She was silent for a moment and continued to contemplate her wine before looking up and looking at Henry.

"Henry... I understand if this is too much, but.... they've all been through enough in their lives and every single one of them has their reasons for making it hard for new people in our family. So if, against all odds, you say yes to this circus, know that it's not so easy to get out of it either." Her gaze became insistent. "If you leave me, that's one thing, but I won't do that to the kids."

Henry, who hadn't said anything all this time, took one deep breath and reached for her hand lying on the table. He smiled. "If they're willing to meet me, so am I."


Henry stood in front of a gigantic house. His house was already big, but this one surpassed it. Despite its size, however, it didn't seem ostentatious. It looked cozy and inviting. The word 'home' popped into his head.

Shouts and frantic footsteps sounded from inside. 

He pressed his thumb on the doorbell. Immediately, everything went silent.

The door opened with a jerk. A dark-skinned boy stood before him, beaming at him. From the colored eyeliner, he concluded that it must be Jason.

"Hello Mr. Cavill." he said in a noticeably loud voice.

Immediately, frantic footsteps sounded and he saw scattered bodies running through the background.

"Hi. Henry will do." he smiled.

"Come on in. I'm Jason. Ehhm... (Y/n) isn't here yet.... Mike had... They had to go to the hospital."

"Is he okay?"

Jason shrugged. "Normally, he is. Boxer you know... Tea?"


He stepped into the house. It was swept as if empty, yet the traces of life could be seen in it. Self-painted pictures. Photographs. Various equipment for hobbies. Shoes in different sizes. And that was just the hallway. Henry let himself be led into the kitchen and sat down on one of the chairs. None matched the other.

"Mike had a match this morning. (Y/n) said he's already patched up. They're already on their way here."

Henry smiled. "With something like this, you should take your time."

Jason set the steaming cup down for him and sat with him.

Henry accepted it gratefully. "It's very quiet."

"Be glad." was all he said, sipping his tea. "I don't want to chase you away, but it's like human history here. The periods of absolute peace are relatively negligible." He ran his index finger over the rim of his cup and grinned. "And I'm one of the worst divas here. Just a warning."

The front door opened and a rumble sounded, followed by an amused giggle. "Sorry about that." a boy's slurred voice rang out.

"That's okay big guy. Come on off to bed." he heard (y/n).

"I'm fine!"

"That's because they drugged your ass off so you can't feel your face."

"Where's Ammy?"

"Mike you need to rest now. You can call Amber when you're in bed."

"Who are you?" A blond boy in a gray sweatshirt and swollen face looked at him from the doorway, aghast. "Who's that?" he turned to (Y/n).

"A friend Mike. That's a friend. Jason stop filming him!"

Still grinning, Jason put the phone away and turned to Henry. "Welcome."


"What's the dog's name?", Kamon asked him.

"That's Kal...like Superman." he smiled at the shy boy.

"I like Batman."

Henry rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh yeah, why?"

"Batman watches out for kids nobody else wants. Like (y/n)."

Henry smiled.


"I told you not to rummage through my things!" yelled Emilia down the hall.

Henry and (Y/n) sat in the garden each holding a book.

"I wasn't rummaging. I was getting MY eyeshadow, that you stole from MY room!" shouted back Jason. "It's not my fault you leave your lovey-dovey fanfictions lying around in the open like that!"

"You have no business in my room!"

"That being said - Tom Holland? Really?"

A splintering sound rang out.

"I guess that was the vase, then," (Y/n) sighed.

"I would have thought she was more of a Sebastian Stan type," Henry reflected loudly.


"How long has she been sitting there?" whispered Henry to (Y/n).

"Since this morning. She hasn't looked up from that book in five hours."

Fatima sat at the large parlor table surrounded by books, writing notes and index cards.

"That's impressive. Scary, but impressive."

Kal walked over to the table and nudged her.

"I have to study! Sit!" Kal obeyed immediately and sat next to her chair.

"She'd make a good drill sergeant," Henry grinned.

(Y/n) sipped her coffee. "You've never seen her in exam stress."

"This isn't exam stress?"

"This is relaxed studying."

Henry looked in shock at the girl with noise cancelling headphones. (Y/n) grinned into her cup.


 "They need more glitter!" determined Lilly.

Henry reached for the can of edible glitter and sprinkled more of it on the unicorn cookies.

"Like this?"

The little girl looked thoughtfully at the tin. "Like this."

Henry bowed theatrically and slid the tin into the oven. "All for your majesty." The girl giggled.

(Y/n) just watched with a smile.


Jason and Mike sat on the sofa grinning together at a tablet, each with headphones in their ears.

This wasn't normal. Even Henry knew that by now. He wondered if they were both watching porn. He'd been that age once, too. He knew what that was like.

(Y/n) came into the living room and looked over there shoulders at the two of them. She laughed uncontrollably grunting, but immediately suppressed it and came over to him.

No porn, he concluded.

"What about these two?" asked Henry, pulling her to him on the sofa and onto his lap.

"Just a movie," she grinned.

"What movie?"

She continued to shake her head with a grin and waved it off. Henry was very reluctant to be shut out. So he sat (y/n) down next to him on the sofa and stood behind the two teenagers. When he saw his younger self in a black hoodie grinning and holding up a tarot card, he groaned in annoyance.

The boys snorted indignantly. Henry looked defiantly at the display.

"Oh come on Sweet Cheeks! What's wrong?" asked (Y/n) with a laugh.

He looked at her with an intensity that promised she would pay for this yet. She could hardly wait.

"What's with the hair?" laughed Jason.

"It was in back then!"


Henry stood in the kitchen making coffee while there was the familiar bustle around him. Kamon couldn't find his second shoe, Lilly needed a certain T-shirt, Jason occupied the bathroom, Mike shoveled eggs into his mouth, Fatima just drank the coffee straight out of the pot, and Emilia hid behind a book.

He could hardly believe that over a year should have passed already.

They had grown close to his heart. He didn't want to miss the chaos at all. The last time he left for a job, it seemed almost eerie how quiet it was that night. He had told (y/n) about it over Skype. She'd just grinned and said those feelings liked to sneak up on one.

"Do you think they want me in their life?" he had asked her uncertainly.

She had only smiled. "Wait a minute." She disappeared and came back a moment later with a piece of paper. She held it up to the camera. "Lilly drew this for you today." It showed eight roughly drawn people. Under each one, in capital letters, was the name.... except for (y/n) and him. It just said Mum and Paps. Henry stared wide-eyed at the screen. "Please act surprised when you come back. It's supposed to be a gift.", she put the paper back down. "Are you crying?"

Henry had remained silent. He had only nodded.

He smiled at the memory. The picture hung framed in the hallway. It had become Henry's favorite picture.

"Car one go!", (y/n) called down the stairs.

The three mismatched teens got up from the table and walked to (y/n)s car.

Henry packed the last of the snacks into Lilly and Kamon's lunchboxes before he, too, packed them into his cat and drove them to school. Jason had a little break from make up school and stayed at home.

Henry came back earlier than (y/n). He waited patiently for her in the kitchen. Looked at the mismatched chairs and the photos on the wall. Photos that now included him. (Y/n) came shortly after him and dropped into her usual seat next to him. She reached for the waiting cup of coffee and dropped her head on his shoulder. "How did I do this alone before?"

Henry laughed.

"I mean it. Don't you dare leave! I can't take it anymore!"

Henry just smiled at her. He got up from his chair and knelt down in front of her. He pulled a small box out of his pocket and held it in front of him. "I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life anywhere but with you and the kids. (Y/n) will you marry me?"

She looked at him with shocked eyes. "Are you sure?"

He nodded with a smile. "I want to take Lilly to her dance lessons. I want to be there when Jason gets his first jobs. I want to see Fatima come top of her year at Oxford - in law AND medicine." They both laughed. "I want to cheer Mike on in his competitions. I want to watch Emilia find the romance she secretly wants. I even want my heart to break when Kamon is reunited with his parents. I want to be with you. I want to be with the children. I don't want to run away. I want to be part of this family."

"You already are," she smiled, crying. She pulled him close and kissed him.

"Does that mean yes?" he grinned.

"Yes you idiot." she laughed.

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