Henry Cavill X Female Reader - Tumblr Posts
I feel like writing some Henry Cavill (and possibly some of his characters) but I don't know what to write.
If anyone has any requests of him, please send them in. I'll try and get to them as soon as possible.
And it doesn't matter what sort of fic request it is, I'll write it. If I don't want to write it, I'll let you know.
This is so unique! I can't wait to see how this story goes! đ€

Sir Sherlock Holmes & The Indian Princess
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Chapter 1 || Masterlist || Chapter 2
Chapter Summary: In England, Sherlock Holmes receives an alarm letter from his dear friend Doctor John Watson. In Delhi, You don't mind being a teacher, but with new building plans, you reflect on your circumstances and opportunities.
Pairing: Sherlock Homes x Desi!reader
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Slow burn, generational trauma, colonisation, implied murder, death of a parent, classism & caste.
Word Count: 6k

Author Notes:
â Everything written in bold is being said in Hindustani
â The Reader character goes by the last name Newalkar and is the daughter of Damodar Rao Newalkar â the adopted son of Rani Laxmibai. I must advise this story is pure fiction but based in the occupation of the British Raj that invaded and Colonised India.
â I am a White European/Australian woman, I apologise for any cultural or historical inaccuracies. I am receiving help from online sources and desi Tumblr mutual @livesinfantasyland and I heavily encourage other Indian/South Asian/Desi readers to share their thoughts, constructive criticism and help as I write this story.
Inspiring Song: "Paint it Black" by Ciara

11:35pm Thursday 26th June 1890, 221B Baker Street, Marylebone, Westminster, London, England.
This story begins and ends with the sound of rain.
The roof had begun a leak. And when this leak came to play it had a habit of landing directly on the head of a disgruntled and lonely fellow. Â The greatest detective in London who could not find a friend. Granted I must inform you, Mr Sherlock Holmes did in fact have some friends, but by misfortunes, none were presently in the country.
He angrily sighed. Another drop of rain hit his head.
He launched from his arm chair and grumbling moved an empty teapot to sit on the cushion he previously sat. The drops thus made a small tinkling as they landed inside the empty pot.
He rubbed his eyes and checked the time on the mantle piece clock. He had lost weeks of his life. Hours squeezed down to into unknown days or months, he could not tell. It did not help how he consistently drew the curtains closed to design total darkness other than the fireplace and his candles to light up his home.
A light shiver ran up his spine. The weather was dangerously cold today. His fingertips upon inspection grew from pale white to a dark pink.
He wandered if perhaps it was time to have a holiday in sunny Spain.
A knock on his door broke his imagined vacation like a hammer to glass.
His pesky landlady Mrs Hudson intruded on his stuffy dust filled space. She grumbled nonsense about the filth of her apartment sheâs rented out to the famous Detective before handing him a thick envelope.
And the moment he could see and recognised the handwriting he snatched the Letter from her wrinkly fingers and banished her with a bellowing shout. The woman fluttered out and muttered her further disgusts of his treatment.
But Sherlock did not care for her opinion or rather anyoneâs for that matter, Sherlock only cares about the stamp he tore opened the parchment he eagerly unfolded.
John Watson. Doctor, soldier and dear friend. He was Sherlockâs greatest companion to note. He had never felt such brotherly love until he met the very man seeking a roommate here in baker street.
Doctor and detective used to comb London for clues to solve crimes and very noticeably took an interest at the sports of pleasure. The luxurious brothels of London welcomed him and his friend with open arms and spread legs. Doctor Watson was the easy victim of sex while Sherlock was one to enjoy his opium pipe and watch his friend succumb to the mouths of half-pound harlots.
And among these adventures of interesting women did the doctor find himself in a savage tussle with another jealous male patron...
Sherlock recalled the evening with mirth. His dear friend, brother in arms had been pummelled to a pulp and drunk as a daisy. So when Sherlock escorted him to a hospital, the imbecile had declared that he was doctor of the ward and did not need any stitches. It is a grand thing perhaps Doctor Watson could not fathom the memory of yelling too proudly that his medicine could be only found in the elixir of a womanâs warm cunny.
His nurse, a dirty bird at heart had giggled at this...that nurses name was Mary Mortenson. And she became the very enamoured Mrs Mary Watson.
Sherlock was not fond of his friend becoming so besotted with his bride. He tolerated the womanâs presences at best. Unspokenly, the detective saw competition to gain the doctors attention and it was becoming far too obvious that Mrs Watson would win. Every. Single. Time.
After a month of young love the married pair had decided their honey-moon should be experienced back in Johnâs birth land...Delhi, a city in India. Mary was to meet the senior Mr and Mrs Watson. Coincidently, the English rose was not averse to the foreign landsâŠshe so happened to have been born in Agra. Happy and married, they boarded and sailed across the sea.
Sherlock had high hopes their ship would run scarce of supplies so they might return quickly. He missed his dear friend and even his annoying wife.
The letter in between if thumbs and fingers were the first words from them he had gotten in nearly three months. The letter read as followed...
âDear Sherlock,
Mary and I have come to my home I grew up in as a boy. I was blessed with my parents merry welcome. However, unfortunate circumstances have designed two coffins. For merely a week into our visit my beloved parents have passed. I have yet to decide whether to bury them in the English tradition or burn them in the Hindi ritual. My predicted return back to Baker Street may appear futile and non-existent. Please. Come visit us as soon as it is convenient.
13, 25, 27, 16, 1, 18, 5, 14, 20, 19, 27, 8, 23, 5, 27, 2, 5, 5, 14, 27, 13, 21, 18, 4, 5, 18, 5, 4.
Your sincere faithful friend, Doctor John H. Watson.â
Sherlockâs eyes raced over the page, and cupped his mouth staring at the plethora of numbers. They were not any numbers. John was a simple man, he wasnât the smartest being but Sherlock appreciated his humble attitudes, he liked the doctor admitting he wasnât a world genius, just a man who knew his medicines.
So when an enigmatic set of numbers was written at random Sherlock thought of the most simplistic cypher.
For every number was a letter. 1 being A and 26 being Z, leaving 27 to be a space between a word.
His brows lifted. The message was clear and alarming.
âMy Parents Have Been Murdered.â
He determined his dear doctor had written this cryptic message under the desire of secrecy. His eyes lit up. It meant John needed Sherlockâs help. A case. Something was amiss. John did not know the killers name. If he did, he wouldâve written it or not bothered to write asking Sherlock to visit at all.
He couldnât have run faster to his rooms to start backing as soon as possible.
Sherlock Holmes had know idea what he was going to find in a land he had only heard stories from Watsonâs childhood. He was eager to see his friend, to help him and to finally have an adventure.

01:35pm Friday 11th July 1890, Anglo Arabic Secondary School, Desh Bandhu Gupta Rd, Ajmeri Gate, Delhi.
You dragged the piece of white chalk across a black board and sketched a simple phrase in the English language. You smiled to the young faces that filled the room, sitting in long benches and desks. Their eyes wide and curious, eager to learn.
You waved your hands, âNow, clean your chalk slates students, you are going to learn how to spell good afternoon in English.â
They wipe them down with their small damp clothes and tucked them away in the groove at the top of their slanted desk. You waited patiently until they all sat with their hands resting flat on the wooden desks, mouths shut, eyes seeking knowledge.
You underlined each letter of the first word, âGee, ouw, ouw, dee, this spells âGoodâ and now âAfternoonâ is Aya, eff, tee, Ee, Ara, eynnn, ouw, ouw, eynn.â
The young boys sounded it out with you. Their sweet pubescent voices unionised. You smiled. They were so advanced at such a young age, most of the boys had come from average and wealthy families that could afford them to come to such a fine school. Many were Muslim, others Hindu, it was a good sign of peace. The youth coming together despite their differences. And on odd days you would teach the white children, boys and girls of British and French families who wanted their children to learn Hindi, Arabic and Urdu.
You didnât mind teaching white children, some of the boys could be very disrespectful but you gathered it was behaviour picked up from their arrogant fathers. It wasnât the young boys who had pillaged these lands, it was their fathers and grandfathers.
âThe gee,â you circled the G, âRemember in English is also pronounced like Guh and,â you tapped the double oâs, âOuw ouw in english together when two is said âoooowaâ. Followed by dee being said as Dah. So, letâs say it together?â
You dragged a white line under the word and sounded it out with your students.
You smiled.
You repeated, âGood.â
âNow letâs look at the word âafternoonâ,â you announced.
You cleaned the board and looked back at your students. One of the little boys who sat in the front was rubbing his eyes. You smiled softly. He was only six years old. His older brother, a young man now would most likely be the one to collect his brother from school and carry him sleeping back home. You looked at the bell tower just outside the window. It was nearly time for your students to go home and you to return back to your lodgings.
âAye and eff is said as AAaff, then tee is a quick Tuh! And what is Ee and Arrra sound together children?â
âErrr,â they all purred.
You sounded out half of the word with them, âAafftuherrr.â
You rubbed your chalk dust covered fingers together and further explained as you pointed to each important letter, âeynnn makes a Na, sound. And we just practiced double ouw, so sound it out.â
Like a symphony of speech, you all said together, âGuh-oooow-dah Aafftuherrr, Na-ooow-na. Good Afternoon.â
The deep bowing clang of the bells outside rang through the yard and open window shutters. The children looked eager to leave. Their hands were readily holding their slates, ready to put them inside the empty wooden box in the corner of the classroom where they kept all their slates and dusters and the bucket for where they kept their chalk.
âGood afternoon students,â You bided.
âGood afternoon Teacher Madam,â They called back.
âYou may go back home now. Practise your English alphabet song.â
The boys were fast as rabbits, leaping from their desks and fleeing the classroom out the hall and down the stairs. But some at least saluted you as they left. It was a habit theyâd picked up from the white boys who saluted their male teachers. You smiled to yourself as you waved them out. Each left with beaming smiles and playful chatter among themselves.
As you went about sweeping the floor after wiping the chalk from the board, you wondered if you should go to the temple and pray for your students successful education or if you should consider washing your clothing today. It had been very dry today, any moment and you knew the wet season and humid rain would arrive to flood the streets clean of dust and fill the forests with life of green goodness.
As you put away the English education books on the small shelves by the door, a familiar face came rushing in, flushed and excited
If it wasnât her jingling anklet and bangle that announced her To your classroom, it was her shrill cry of your name that did. Â
âY/N! Quick!â Miss Anjuli Paraiyars exclaimed, âYou need to come with me.â
Her dark ink hair was peaking out from her sun patterned veil. The wispy curls stuck to her sweaty forehead and framed her dazzling walnut eyes. They were flooded with mischief that matched her biting lip. Her brows wriggled lightly.
Placing the last book onto the shelf you turned to acknowledge your dear friend.
âAnjuli,â you happily sighed, âWhatever is the matter?â
She waved her hands about, hoping to quicken you along and out the door, âIt is the Watson son, Doctor Watson, he wants to speak with you with important news.â
Your eyes widened. âWhat on earth does that poor soul wish to say to me? After the death of the good Mr and Mrs Watson, I would assume he was still in mourning, why would he call upon me?â
Following your friend outside into the scorching sun, you lifted your saree over your head. She had her family Ox and cart waiting outside the school gates.
âWhat important news Anjuli?â You said a little standoffishly.
âHeâs offering you a job,â She said giddily. She climbed up into the cart and leant down offering her hand to you. Â Once in the cart side by side she sighed, âThatâs all he would tell me,â She grabbed the reigns and cane and tapped the Ox to start moving out onto the dirt road, âBut we all know how very generous he can be like his dear parents.â
Anjuli was right. The late Victoria and Hamish Watsonâs were angelic to the local community. Victoria had been the very soul to teach your late mother English and she was the one to encourage you to attain education enough to become one of the very few first female Indian teachers. She was a well known philanthropist, often aiding the sick and homeless and funding the Indian hospitals. Hamish was a local accountant, financial advisor and lawyer. He was known to be good to the children particularly. He would often hand out sweets as he walked down the street with his briefcase bag. He often aided the locals find new homes when the British planned to evict them and replace white families in their place. The English couple had lived in the country for many decades, long before you were even born. They spoke fluently enough and mimicked the culture so well that you couldâve believed they were born here themselves.
You sat back and nodded, âMay their souls attain moksha.â

02:45pm Friday 11th July 1890, Willingdon Crescent, Central Ridge Forest, Delhi, India.
The sun baked down on the streets of Dehli. The Ox cart rolled along, itâs tail flicking the flies circling itâs flank every so often.
You pinches your saree scarf and covered your face before a bug could fly into your mouth.
Anjuli had to hold the reigns and cane, she leant closer to you and giggled as she nodded to the khaki covered soldiers. Walking by in many small groups.
Anjuli had a terrible habit, she fell in love too easily. For some ungodly reason Anjuli admired the foreigners that had come so long ago and invaded your beautiful country. Maybe she liked how different they looked. The flaxen hair and ice blue gazes in the faces of pale freaks were so opposite to the raven manes and hairy russet warmth of Indian men. It was erotic for her. You just didn't understand how she could so easily find infatuation with the people you considered an enemy, and so should she.
âOh look at them,â she giggled girlishly.
You rolled your eyes, âIâm looking.â There was a timid strain in your voice. You had no real interest to entertain Anjuliâs fascination.
When Anjuli noticed how you in fact weâre not looking but rather looking ahead on the road path she playfully smacked your arm.
âLook!â She sucked her teeth and teasingly scolded, âDo you not know delight at the sight of men?â She reached forward and abruptly touched the front of your blouse, squeezing around for the softness of your breasts, âAre you sure youâre a full grown woman?â she smiled wickedly and prodded her finger in between your legs covered by your top petticoat.
You squeaked loudly and batted her hand. She howled with laughter and kept giggling even as you scowled at her beneath your veil.
You turned your head away from her and scoffed, âI am not as easily swayed by British soldiers. They look so sickly as pale as they are,â your nose wrinkled, âHow could I righteously take a husband in front of beloved Lakshmi and her Vishnu when they look like they tempt Yama too take them at any moment?â
Your friend rolled her eyes, âOh nonsense,â she tapped your hand and waved her fingers into a crowd of soldiers, âSee there that one, his hair the colour of wheat, he is a handsome man. He would make a fine husband.â
And as the cart rolled passed, you couldnât help gag at the smell of the same man Anjuli proclaimed would make a fine husband.
âA fine swine perhaps. Many sow in heat could come trotting to him from miles with such a putrid scent.â
Your head wobbled and your flat palm waved at her, âA husbands good qualities are not to stand on his appearance alone. One day he will grow old, fat, bald and ugly.â
A long dragging sigh came out from the woman beside you. She managed to move both reigns into one hand and playfully tugged your saree away from your face
âYouâre no fun, come on,â she jerked her chin out to the same street as the ox was about to pass another group, âTell me you donât find any of them a little attractive?â
You stared at the oncoming group and now sucked your teeth. You crudely stated, âTheyâd be far more attractive if they left. Went back to their lands, leave our villages and the people of Bharat in peace.â
Anjuli stared blankly at you. Before she could pinch and prod you again you relented and noticed one of the men in the crowd so different from the others.
He was tall, his hair a dark chestnut that matched the shade of his suit. His face was bare and clean in comparison to the soldiers who all adorned moustaches and muttonchop beards on their faces. He was carrying a rather large brief case and walking stick.
âFine...that one,â you nodded, âIn the brown English clothes.â
âThe one wearing a suit?â Anjuli snickered, âHeâs not a soldier though?â
You giggled,âAnd it is for such a reason I find he is most handsome among them.â
You both gazed at him as the ox fully passed by. Anjuli smiled at you.
âHe is rather tall. Strong. What do you think he does?â She asked, âMaybe he is a farmer, or a bricklayer?â
You shook your head. âNo. He couldnât be.â
âHe dresses too finely. It is not their Christian Sunday Sabbath today. He probably is a rich businessman, with a wife and children.â
You looked back to the path as the dusty road became thicker in trees and travel further away from the street. You thought about that strangers wife, what she might look like, probably some English rose with a house full of servants at her command, surrounded by maids and wet nurses for her children. She would live in a grand house and hold soireeâs, welcoming guests from all around to celebrate life. She would have a massive library and a place of worship. It was the life you shouldâve had, the life you were owed and denied merely by the changing events of history and the extinguish of your fatherâs birthright.
Your soft smile faded; you felt a twinge of repulsion mixed with a hint of anger. Youâd think after all these years you wouldâve chosen to forget this, ignore this, let go and accept your circumstances in this life.... You didnât live with your father anymore who would remind you practically daily why not to trust the English or any white man, as if you didnât witness their subjecting abuse and consistent disrespect.
Your eyes fluttered shut, you reached to your side and touched Anjuliâs wrist. She was your truest friend despite her differences and low status. Anjuli came from a Shudra family, and you? You were the daughter, the descendant of Brahims and Kshatriyas...now lowered to the Shudra caste classâŠYou never knew the lavish life of the Jhansi palace, nor tasted the rich foods served on golden plates and surrounded by pretty creatures of the palace menagerie. You would never know the joys of running through the gardens with other children in the royal family.
Everyone was gone, everything was gone. All that was left was your father who scarcely remembered that life but shared all he remembered so his memories would live on through you and bring you hope that one day it would be yours. It was a cruel false hopeâŠ
Eighteen years ago, you had been born inside of a nice house in Indore to the daughter of a prestige painter Vasudeoraobhau Bhatavdekar. As far as you knew, your father loved your mother very much for the incredibly brief time that they were married. A rare jewel in beauty is how he described her often. A marriage of love and choice. Your father said she was softly spoken and obedient, but it was her unconditional love for him and his dreams that held his heart in appreciation.
It was by unfortunate command that she would fall ill to childbed fevers after you were born. After youâŠa girl...not a son. You were nothing in the eyes of the British raj and had no chance of being installed as an heir for any restorationâŠyou were the last hope and failed before your first breath. And that was something youâd never forget.
For a small time, you were raised in that home and then it was decided by your father that you would learn English. His tutors were not available, so he cut your hair short and shipped you off to Delhi with your young uncle Save to the Anglo Arabic Secondary SchoolâŠIt did not take the teachers and headmaster long to discover you were a girl. Before you were to receive the beating of a lifetime it was Mr Hamish Watson who so happened to be accounting the school costs to save you. He took you to his wife who taught you English and then set you to live with his maid servants, Anjuliâs mother.
Your friend spoke after some time of silence, âOh, Iâm meant to tell you- My cousin Vijay sent word this morning, heâs seeking a wife. My mother wants me to ask if youâd like to meet him, a prospective match.â
Your lips curled into a sneer, âIsnât he the one that use to tie our braids together in a knot during Diwali and chase us around the street making animal noises?â
You recalled a young teenage boy about five years your senior with a tooth gap and ruffled hair. He was so annoying, calling you names and bullying you by calling you fat and ugly. He was spoilt and rude. He mocked you when you told him you were a princess. He said you were a princess of pimple pox and nothing more. Oh how you remembered the way your blood boiled.
âWe were children, he was playing, only a boy,â she smiled, âHeâs a man now, studying to be a barrister in Bombay but he will be visiting in a few weeks to help us move.â
Ah yes, the dilemma you needed to find a solution too soon. It was a month ago that a letter had been nailed to the house door, it was an eviction commandment made by the British military and government. The Paraiyars family and you had to leave the home in Raisina hill, why? Because the British do what they likeâŠbuilding concrete monstrosities over beautiful land and demolishing the history of your people like it was worthless dust. Rumours spread about a grand governors palace was to be built there, but they couldnât burn the village to ash with people living inside...well....at least not on their "morally good Christian conscious."
âVijay I believe owns a cottage near the seaside. You could be his bride and live with him instead of moving back to Indore to your father.â
Moving back was not possible...not after his most recent letter.
âFather hasâŠfelt it improper for me to move back to Indore. He believes that my existence would cause me more harm than good under his jailersâ eyesâŠHis pension he shares I give mostly to your mother for board. I have saved my wages, I am consideringâŠmoving to a boarding workhouse in Jhansi or Agra, but tell your mother I would like to greet Vijay when he arrivesâŠâ
You smirked looking down at your fingernails, âLakshmi forbid I run out of money and need to resort to the âcharityâ of Christians or to prostitution.â
Anjuli made a face, shaking her head and brushed her shoulder into yours, âYou wrinkle your nose at every man, white, black or bronze,â she smiled cheekily, âI doubt youâd make a good prostitute.â
âAnjuli!â You shrieked.
Both you and her erupted into a large happy shrill of giggles enough to gain head turns from passing public. You and her playfully poked your elbows into each other. Anjuli was right, there was no chance that you could make a suitable prostituteâŠyou hadnât had sex and didnât know how to please a man, most men you barely liked. They could be selfish. Anjuli on the other hand, she was a frisky thing. She had kissed a hundred men and given her âprecious flowerâ to a boy back when she was thirteen. She had no shame. Anjuli had shared her sordid tales of lust to you many times. You knew her boyfriends that snuck her out at night and returned her by morning. You promised never to tell her mother or father who surely wouldâve disowned her if they knew how promiscuous she was. It was best if they believed she made money with her parents in the markets selling dyed clothes and wooden jewellery boxes.

03:04pm Friday 11th July 1890, 5 Bistdari Road, Central Ridge Forest, Delhi, India.
Arriving to the Watson Bungalow was simple enough, the ox cart rolled and bumped over the rock and sandy grooves of the path. Anjuli pulled the reigns of her beast and helped you both down. She tied her ox to the outside gate posts, the precious creature lowered its head and munched on dry grass that still was hinted in green. The ox would be glad as soon the wet season would hit and all the food delight lush and green would return.
You and Anjuli stepped inside and removed your sandals, Anjuli then led you through the house. It had been some time since you had been here. Anjuliâs mother was dismissed as Mrs Victoria Watsonâs maid when the new Watson bride had arrived.
Doctor Watson, their son was a short ferrety man. His face was covered in a long mutton mustache like a snake of hair slithering along his face. He was a grown man from the teenager you had met many years ago. His parents had sent him to Europe to school, as far as you were aware he had join the army and fought in some notorious war battles like The of Battle of Abu Klea.
As you entered the bureau office, you found him hunched over some paperwork, his brows scrunched. His eyes lifted up and brightened his face on seeing you both.
âOh Miss Paraiyars, Anjuli dear,â he said clapping his hands and opening a drawer in his desk, âThank you so much dear for bringing darling Miss Newalkar here. Here,â he handed Anjuli a small bag and slipped four rupees into her hand, âand take these sweets back to your Mataji, Mrs Paraiyars.â
Anjuli put her hands together and smiled, wobbling her head before leaving you alone to return outside back to her ox cart.
You had your hands pressed together peacefully while the doctor hobbled over to you from around the desk. He was smiling brightly and nodded his head to you, offering you a chair in front of the desk.
âY/N thankyou for coming on such short notice. I requested your presence in person to offer you a job position.â
Your smile fell, you sheepishly explained to the man, âI am currently employed at the Anglo school Doctor, Babu.â
The doctor nodded, âYesâŠAnjuli tells me you are still teaching the children English and Hindi?â
âYes Doctor Babu,â you confirmed.
âHow much are you paid per month?â he asked quickly, touching his lips lightly in thought.
âTwenty five rupees,â you said softly, you didnât dare try to sound prideful.
The doctor smiled and pulled out a piece paper contract, he then stated, âI will pay you a hundred per month.â
Your eyes widened, and then narrowed. It was too spectacular to be true, it sounded Impossible. Your fathers pension was only a hundred and fifty rupees a year, for the doctor to give you a hundred per month was unfathomable wealth. What on earth was he wanting from you!?
âWhat is the position,â you swallowed breathlessly, âDoctor Babu?â
âHousekeeper andâŠa carer,â he sighed, âI need you to live here, and watch over one of my friends. He is from England and I am afraid he might not understand the customs here.â
He leant against the desk cocking his head and looking down at his feet awkwardly. âPlease,â he begged, âhe is different to other men. He is particular and perhaps rather spoilt. I need you to make sure he doesnât get lost, harmed or too upset. It is pressing that I should return to my wife in Agra. I would have hired Mrs Paraiyars, in fact I did offer this role to her, but I have been informed she will be moving and her English is not as it once wasâŠand my English friend is ratherâŠparticular and impatient with broken speech...â
He wrote a signature across the bottom of the document and held it out for you to read. It was realâŠyour mouth watered. You could save more than your regular wage and easily move back to Indore without burdening your father or motherâs family. Â
âIf you accept my offer, you may live here as a free lodging, you recall where the servant quarters are I am sure? You will also receive a handsome budget for food. And-â he paused looking up and pocketing the cheque, he gasped, âSherlock! Dear god man! Did you walk here from the train station?!â
You turned around in the chair and took in the sight of a familiar looking soul.
He was the gentleman from the road. The supposed businessman with his briefcase. He was taller standing here with you then when you sat above in the ox cart. He was standing in the doorway to the office. He stepped inside and lowered his walking stick and briefcase.
âMy friend,â the handsome stranger gleefully called, âMy dear John Watson, I came the moment I read your message. One of the khaki coated lads pointed me here.â
Up close now you could observe his features on a better judgement. Sherlock Holmes was well known in the British gazette for his distinct physical appearance. With his broad angular frame, sharp hard features, and mighty frame, he exuded a striking and intimidating aura that commanded respect. He reminded you of warriors you imagined before bed in story's of battles your father described at Jhansi Fort.
His face was marked by a strong, sharp pointed nose and intense, deep-set sapphire eyes. His hair was kept combed and short below his ears short and slicked back, revealing his angular eyebrows, and his pink lips that were tightly pursed. He wore a grand brown suit coat with a crisp white shirt, and woolen sweater vest beneath it. And at the base of his throat was a dark burgundy tie. Something about the time reminded you of blood. A cut throat. You felt cold.
His eyes smoothly shifted to you and your presence, his lips parted softly, he glanced back at John, âA patient of yours Doctor?â
The moustached man bristled and shook his head, he stuttered and leant his hand out to you. you carefully chose to take it and rise from the chair as he introduced you.
âOh- I- SherlockâŠum, Sherlock Holmes, I would like you to meet Miss Y/N Newalkar.â
âMiss Newalkar,â the doctor waved his hand over the figure of the giant stock of a man, âThis is the very gentleman I was informing you about. This is my friend Detective Sherlock Holmes.â
You pressed your hands together and nodded in greeting. One of Sherlockâs brows raised and his lips hardened in a straight line.
Doctor Watson explained back to the detective, âI was in the middle of discussing whether this dear lady would like to accept a role of housekeeping during your stay here.â
âWhatever for?â Sherlock snickered, âIs your lady wife not up to par with her duties?â he shoved his hands into his pockets and rocked on his leather shoes while his eyes scanned all the way down to your bare feet. It was a crude look of judgement. The westerner seemed to forget not everyone shared the same styles and habits here. You tried not to roll your eyes at him as he scanned your arms and the parts of your belly that the saree did not cover. Those dark blue orbs crawled up and settled over your faux sweetened smiling face.
âSomeâŠplans have come up unexpectedly. Mary is back in Agra, staying safe with her family,â John stated, his fingers rubbed together, âI need to be with her. And the hospitals are in desire of my services as a surgeon. I ask that you will look around, see if you can find anything hereâŠâ he leant in closer and whispered to the man, âI will visit every couple of days, to check up on you and see if there is truth to be founded in my suspicions.â
âJohnâŠâ the detective pat his friends shoulder, âI am happy to see you. I promise I will do my very best.â
âThankyou,â said the doctor.
Sherlock jerked his chin to your direction, âHow much does the dear girl here know?â
âWell, IâŠnot much,â the doctor blushed and looked back to you, âMiss Newalkar, your thoughts on the job position role?â
You swallowed and nodded slowly, âI accept the conditions, thankyou for your most gracious offering, Doctor Babu.â
The doctor smiled and carefully touched your back, leading you to the exist of his office as he happily stated.
âSplendid! Please, this is the contract. Sign it and return with your belongings later on a few hours while I converse with my friend and guest.â
You looked back at the mysterious Sherlock Holmes and back to the contract. You wobbled your head in goodbye and went on your way. The way you could feel his eyes over your body walking away made you shiver. He was a intimidateding looking man. You left the home and slipped your sandals on.
You thought about how you would now be the housekeeper of a prestigious British family in the community. A wave of relief to your stability washed over you. You didnât need to crawl to your father and your motherâs family. You started smiling ear to ear. All you needed to do was take care of a house and baby-sit an Englishman who was vulnerable to these new lands.
âDid you see him go in?â Anjuli smirked from the ox cart, waving you over, âThe British man you fancied?â
You jerked your chin up proudly exclaiming, âI met him.â
Your friend gasped with a wide smile, âWhat is he like?â
âI donât really know,â you shrugged before waving the contract in front of your friends face, âbut I am going to be his housekeeper, I need to inform the school of my resignation.â
Anjuli looked at the contract, she couldn't read english but made a light sad sound and sucked her teeth before sighing, âOh, those children will miss you dearly.â
And that you could both agree. You grabbed the ox reigns and tapped its flank with the cane rolling back to the school again quickly to collect your last wage.

If you are a victim of sexual abuse, assault or domestic violence or know someone who is please reach out to these links that share helpline services, phone numbers or emails. Consent and respect is important in every relationship whether between friends, family or even strangers.
Australian Helpline Services
UK Helpline Services
American Helpline Services
India Helpline Services.

Need more of this! đ„”đ„”đ„”
|| Exotic ||

Description: You were The Duke of Suffolk's exotic little gift for devising the perfect plan that had led to the successful colonization of your homeland.
Disclaimer: I (unfortunately) do not own Charles Brandon. This story contains dark and mature content so please browse at your own discretion. Minors do not interact. Please DO NOT REPOST my work in any way and DO NOT USE MY IDEAS WITHOUT PERMISSION, thank you.
Pairing: Dark!Charles Brandon | Brown!Reader.
Warning(s): Noncon/dubcon, colonization, racism, age gap (reader is in her early 20's, Charles is in his late 40's), coercion, dacryphilia, p-in-v, boob play, virginity loss, d/s dynamics, power imbalance, misogyny, naive!reader, corruption kink, fingering, humiliation, degradation.
Note: I have clearly taken creative liberties. My stories are generally inclusive for all ethnicities and body types but in order for the plot to make sense, the reader has to be brown and preferably South Asian. Though you can still imagine yourself in it all the same. Also, English is not my first language and I haven't really watched the show so I apologize beforehand for the lack of use of the appropriate language that this piece requires.Â

One of her many shouts burst through the crevices of the chambers that she had been forced into by the frustrated servants who were just as upset as the maiden by her relentless protest and fight. Charles sighed to himself as he took a sip of his drink, numbly watching the fire and waiting for his unwed young bride to be prepared for him.Â
He was the only one who could actually understand her, as she solely spoke her native tongue that he had learnt to ensure the preparation of a fail-proof plan with flawless execution. Infiltrate and occupy. To everyone else in his Estate, she was a wild savage with no sense of civility. One that the Master had taken a fancy to during his business expeditions in her homeland.Â
When his wisdom and cunning had added yet another colony to Henry's growing kingdom, the King was obligated to give his best friend the object of his attention as a gift. Charles' eyes that would follow her every time she was around the marketplace, naively going about her day with no knowledge of the coral eyes that observed her every move from afar had not gone unnoticed by the King.
"I do apologize in advance, Master" the head maid bowed after approaching his seat. "The girl has been prepared and placed in your chambers but she is bestial and restive. I do not recomâ"
"That will be all, Mrs. Chapman, goodnight" the lady was mildly taken aback as she had gotten used to being the second in command ever since the Master's family had passed away from a devastating plague sometime over a decade ago.Â
The silence of the Estate had been his companion during his idle hours for years before this night. Â
And now there was herâŠ
Charles sighed to himself as he lifted his heavy body out of his seat after putting down the glass and made his way to his feral little present that awaited him in his chambers.Â
His form silently moved through the shadows of the dimly lit halls as the man neared the enclosure he was planning to remain in for weeks at the very least. Undeniable anticipation and excitement began to course through his veins that had not felt this warm for ages now the closer he got to the heavy double doors.Â
Charles paused for a second before he entered, tuning her shrieking out and taking a moment to both calm his nerves and settle his composure. He was getting too old to tolerate the wailings of a child for long, but he did not want to ruin this for himself.Â
When the man was sure a few moments after that he was ready, he raised his head and entered.Â
It had been too long.Â
Much to his surprise, the shouting ceased at once and was replaced by quiet sniffling upon his appearing. He had been told that the years had granted him an intimidating mien but it was only now that he believed it when the girl's ear numbing protests turned into mere whimpers at his showing up.
A frown made its way on Charles' face when he turned away from the door after ensuring the security of its latches to finally face the girl. Because though she looked stunning -and Heavens, the sight before him was truly breathtaking-, he found her delicate, dusk-hued hands bound to the headboard of the bed with cloth pieces that matched the shade of her attire.
And oh, her attireâŠÂ
Tan fingers decorated with scarlet henna that was deep in shade, hands sparkling with the jewelry that had been draped over them and locked in place at her wrists from below and around the base of her digits from top. The velvety caramel of her arms adorning red and gold glass bangles that jingled every time she mumly struggled against her cruel restraints that cut at her obviously pampered skin whenever she moved. Her face was half-covered with a dark red drape into which sparkling beads had been sown in the shapes of flowers. Her binds that held her arms captive and away at her sides caused her heavy chest to push out against the deep neckline of her crimson blouse, the mud coloured swells feverishly trembling every time she grunted and give a pull to her bruising wrists. The long skirt she had been made to wear below matched the color of the rest of her clothing articles, her fight having raised it up her hazel shaded ankles around which glittery jewelry similar to the hand pieces she wore were wrapped. Her toes that curled every now and then had been coloured the same scarlet shade as her fingers and the sheets contrasted her body in the most stunning way.
The King had really outdone himself with Charles' reward this time around.Â
The curve of her body was perfect and different to everything the older man had ever had the pleasure of experiencing. A familiar but much forgotten warmth spread over his chest and traveled down to his nether regions as he neared the girl.Â
"D- Don't come any closer!" A scared little maiden from a foreign land speaking in an inferior tongue was not to tell him what to do in his own house. "T- This is utter blasphemy! A girl is to only present herself like this to her husband on the night of their wedding! This is vile and most sinister!"Â
Charles sighed to himself before taking a seat next to her. Then he raised the drape from over her face and rested it above her head, only to reveal the most uniquely beautiful face he had ever seen in any land, the dark and thick curls that framed her features accentuating her beauty even more. "Then I suppose it is a good thing that you are my bride, is it not?" She did look the part.Â
Her big, almond shaped brown eyes that had been lined with kohl widened when he responded in her tongue. "N- Never!" Y/n tried to move away, her heavy nose ring that was being held up by a thin, gold chain on one side of her face bouncing every time she spoke with nervous agitation. "I- I would never wed one that bears likeness to corpses!" Now this was amusing to Charles. The man could not help the small smile that spread over his lips. "B- Better to die than lay with a blue eyed ghoul!"Â
Heat spread across his spine at her naivete.
Then he softly snorted. "In that case I am most regretful to inform you that these decisions are for the men to make, little one" she flinched her face away with a gasp when he went to caress her cheek with the coarse back of his hand. "Young maidens like yourself are much too simple minded to know what is right for them."
"It definitely is not becoming the slave of an old devil!" One of Charles' eyebrows raised at that.Â
One with a mouth.Â
Taming her would surely be an experience.
"Now that would be real blasphemy, letting such exquisite beauty go to waste by sending it into slavery" the girl was puzzled for a moment as she blinked up at him in confusion, unable to decide whether it was a compliment or an insult to her prior words. Perhaps both. Definitely a trap. The Duke took this time to lean towards one of her binds and reached for it. "Do you promise to behave yourself if I rid you of these?" He had heard the servants' complaints of her biting and kicking them.Â
The girl was at a loss of words as she warily watched his face for a hint, clearly struggling to understand his intentions. Charles bit his lip to suppress his smirk. He was not aware that he still had the charm that had had a renown of its own during the days of his youth.Â
"Hm?" Y/n's eyes traveled from him to where his hand hovered above the bind. Her bottom lip disappeared between her teeth and she sucked at it for a few moments before returning her gaze to his. The stubborn girl only nodded, not sparing him any more words than necessary, keeping a careful eye on his movements.
Not that there was much she could do against him.
Charles' fingers pulled the knot free and gathered her bruised wrist in them after it collapsed from its suspension. A gasp escaped the girl when he brought it to his lips and pressed a soft, ticklish kiss to the tender skin, lowering it only to reach for the other bind though caressing it with his thumb all the while.
A frown marred the girl's features as she rotated the wrists in their joints for relief, but only for a few moments. Before any words could be exchanged, her free hand that was not being pampered by the man's suspicious tenderness reached for one of the heavy pillows.Â
The Duke's jaw ticked as his eyes shut in forced composure, curls tossing astray when the pillow was hauled in his direction to serve as a device for escape. But alas. He was faster in judging and blocking the weapon with one firm hand.Â
Charles breathed through his nose to refrain from expressing his ire and bit back the surge of strength that tried to overpower him. The darkness grew within him as his realization of the sheer power he held in this moment coupled with her intoxicating scent drove him completely mad. A whine left the girl as she hissed, twisting her fragile wrist within his rough palm to try and break free from the bone crushing hold it had been held captive in during her attempt to flee.
"Now, where do we think we are going?" While it took Y/n all of her strength to try and push his arm away, the man easily hauled her body back in its previous spot before addressing her with a much unimpressed look.
"Home! I want to go home!" Tears glistened in her deep brown eyes as her chin wobbled, but she refused to give up her struggle. "You cannot keep me here, old devil! I shall protect my honor at all costs and I shall run away!"
The Duke could not help but let out a cold chuckle at that, keeping his firm hold on her all the same. "You are here on the King's orders, little one. Even if you manage -which you will not, let me assure you-, they will just bring you back here to me."
"Then I implore you let me go!" She was very obviously desperate. And he could feel his sick excitement increase. "Please, I do not wish to be here! I refuse to be desecrated at the hands of your likeness!" Charles had never been one to coerce or force; courtesy of his global popularity, but all this fight and pleading kept adding to the fire that was spreading within him.Â
It was then when he had to physically refrain himself from pouncing at her right then and there to strip her of all dignity and innocence, he realized that he wantedâ nay, needed this girl under him at all costs.Â
And fast.
There was not a doubt that he wanted to break her. But the enjoyment he wished to take from it was not an instant one that would soon become tiring.Â
Rather, one which would only get better and more interesting by the day.
Seeping under her beautiful skin like a poison that scorches but is eternally inadequate to fully kill.Â
"No can do, you have been given to me by the King himself to keep and guard as I see fit" he couldn't resist the urge to caress the top of her hand with his thumb and gave in. "You are safe within the premises of the Estate and under my name. Though if you breach itâŠ" Her throat gulped down a nervous bile as her cheeks elongated in horror and big eyes widened even more.Â
"I- If I breach itâŠ?" Y/n couldn't help but edge on when a few moments passed in silence and the Duke refused to share more information.Â
Charles' shaky inhale was nerve-wracking as he willed a troubled expression onto his dark eyes. "You will surely be torn apart into hundreds of pieces before any measure of aid can even be attemptedâŠ" Her mouth fell open in shock at the revelation. "Word around here spreads fast, I hearâŠ" He pretended to hesitate. "Everyone is curious whether it feels better or worse between the legs of an eastern womanâŠ" She stopped her struggle, the jingle of her glass bangles dying down. "And if they also bleed redâŠ" She suddenly shuffled closer, sniffling and nearly cowering into him.Â
There, there.Â
"M- My honorâŠ!" Was all she could whimper after a few beats of haunting silence.Â
Charles sighed in a deliberately long breath, feigning sympathy as though he was not the sole reason of her being in her present circumstance. "Let me have it, and I shall protect it with my life" dipping his head forward, the Duke leaned in, the movement forcing a shaky gasp out of the girl. "I am afraid your only choices are that or who knows what at the hands of my landsmenâ"
"I beseech you speak no more!" Shaky hands flew to cover her ears as she sobbed out loud at last, the movement causing the drape to move and reveal the heavy looking pendents that hung from her ears. Charles wondered if they would make the same sound as her bangles and anklets if he were to take her while she wore them.Â
The Duke bit his lip as he felt blood rush to his nether regions.Â
Oh, it truly had been a long time.Â
The feeling was nearly foreign.
Yet painfully inviting; welcoming.Â
"We are each our own devil, little one." He let go of her wrist, lowering his head as he went to move away. "I can see that you rather leave here, so I willâ"
"N- NoâŠ" The girl slowly shook head at first and then resorted to vehemently doing it when he continued to turn away, stopping him by clinging to one of his arms before pulling his half risen body back down next to her. "Must not bring disgrace to grandfather's turban!" As they were a symbol of pride and honor in her culture.Â
Charles sighed in a commiserative manner. "I most sincerely wish there was a way I could help you" he could almost visualize her thought process as her furrowed eyebrows raised from their prior position.Â
"B- But you just said there was!" Now it was his turn to bring his eyebrows together although in faux confusion, unbeknownst to the girl. Â
"Did I?" When she desperately nodded with a spine-chilling eagerness that contrasted her prior abhorrence to his existence, Charles couldn't help but shift a little to try and relieve the growing ache between his legs.Â
"Y- YesâŠ" The Duke just had to crawl between her legs now.Â
"I am afraid I do not recall, sweet one" her tears only made the pressure that was ever-building worse.Â
"A- About⊠That⊠Just nowâŠ!" When Charles tilted his to the side in pretend puzzlement, she couldn't help but cry out in frustration. "A- About surrendering my honor to you to keep and protect!" His heart jumped at the way she said it, the thumping of the organ now matching that of his nether regions.Â
"But you did not seem to like the proposition tâ"
"I like it! Please, I do!" She desperately squeezed his hand that she held in both of hers. "I agree! To all of it!" The girl had moved onto her knees. "Please, please guard me! I beg to be taken under your wing, Master, please!" Her heavy breasts jiggled against her blouse as she leaned towards him and pistoned her body up and down on her heels in a pleading manner. His eyes couldn't help but travel down to the inviting sight.
And to think that she was not even aware of just what she was doing.Â
Charles could not help but imagine her bouncing on something else entirely.Â
"Are you sure, little one?" The girl's nods were so eager she seemed more and more like just another bride by the passing second. "I do notâ" mortified for her endangered honor, she bolted forward and pressed her lips to his, though for a while too brief for The Duke's liking.
In the blink of an eye, she was back in her spot on her knees, leaning back against the heels of her feet and looking down at her hands that still held his. "I- I am sure, M- MasterâŠ" A shaky breath escaped him at the way the word rolled off her tongue. "W- Want to be guarded andâŠ" Her tongue darted out to swipe across her bottom lip while she mustered the strength required to utter the next words. "K-" she hesitated for a second now that she had somewhat calmed down. "Kept by you."
Charles could not help the triumphant smirk that spread across his still much handsome features. "If that truly is the case, thenâŠ" His free hand reached for her tear stained face as his index finger hooked under her chin to prop it up and closer to him. "Come here."Â
The girl's breaths were heavy as her palms grew a nervous cold against his, dampening the top of his hand with the clamminess that produced between them. Her shy eyelids fluttered along with her thick, curly lashes as she tried to look at him with their lowered position, the rise and fall of her chest increasing when Charles moved in until there was no proximity left between them.
The mass of hair lined along the edge of her eyes trembled when Charles' soft lips pressed against hers and his rather coarse mustache tickled the skin under her nose, causing her to squeeze his hand reactively and send another icy shiver down his spine. The Duke sighed against the warmth of her tender mouth, sensing that she was not really responding both due to the circumstance and lack of experience but the feeling was too thrilling for him to let go just yet.Â
Y/n whimpered when the man softly moaned into her mouth and tilted his head to further deepen the kiss, now moving the hand he had on her chin sideways along her jaw until he was cupping it to hold her face in place. The room filled with loud sounds of skin sucking against skin for short intervals and the girl soon found herself gasping for air.Â
"Down on your back, now" Charles growled and barely managed to hold back when she finally broke the kiss by softly biting down on his bottom lip to be allowed to breathe, the action only adding to his need in turn.Â
In a matter of a few moments, the unwilling girl was lying in The Duke's bed compliantly, cheeks flushed and eyes teary in contempt, yet legs parted in a welcoming manner as he pulled at the harnesses of his clothes while trying to triumph over his frantic breathing.
But there was only so much he could keep under control.
He could not recall the last time a pretty little thing had been presented for him like this, if ever.Â
And she looked so innocent, so sweet, so supple, submissive and small with her big, glassy kohl lined eyes full of fear.Â
The sound of the last of his garments hitting the ground was a loud thump in the deadly silent room as he silently marveled at just how vulnerable she really was.
Solely at this mercy.
The girl's jewelry jingled softly as she gasped under her breath and whipped her head in the other direction at the sight of the man; practically a stranger, yet devastatingly now the owner of her new life standing nude before her in all his glory.Â
Charles could not help the sick smirk that made its way on his face at the sight before he slowly mounted the bed like a serpent slithering towards its prey, movements silent and intentions vile. Y/n was forced whimper out a shaky breath when Charles crawled over her as she felt his very exposed body graze against her clothed one.Â
"Here, now." He placed one hand beside her head and used the other one to recenter her face to look up at him, palm unintentionally cupping her jaw as his thumb caressed the soft skin of her cheekbones. "Keep those pretty eyes on me, little one" her full chest touched against his each time she took another one of her exaggerated breaths, frozen in place as she looked up at him in horrified confusion. Â
Her deep brown eyes only widened more at what he did next when his hand left the side of her face to meet one of hers that lay limp at her sides. "Do you feel that, sweet girl?" Y/n's mouth fell open when Charles guided her trembling hand to his painfully hard sex organ and prompted her to touch it. "This is what you do to meâŠ" His eyes traveled down her face and onto her much inviting spotless neck, descending down to the perfect curve of her swells that smoothed into a bump before coming back up to look into hers, "everytime, while fully clothed. I dare not imagine what I'd do if you were even half indecently clad" her face was hot with a deep blush.Â
Embarrassment, humiliation, shyness.
Charles moaned when she started moving her hand along his length, a petrified expression on her face as she grunted a little with having to reach so far down, though not daring to complain. "Good, good." He had had enough of the slow strokes, The Duke wanted something more fulfilling, faster, tighter, warmer if he did not want to end up bruised down there by the night's end. "Very good" his thick curls fell over his face when he dipped his head down to kiss her, a few strands of silver glinting in the dim light of his chambers as he pushed Y/n's arms above her head, the placing causing her swells to nearly fall out of her deep blouse.Â
When Charles pulled back to breathe, he cursed as he grinded against her before kissing her once more and then trailing his lips along her jawline, pecking every patch he touched. "Hmmm, keep them there" he referred to her arms, leaving them above her head and slowly bringing his own down by tracing the outlines of her body with them. "Tell me you'll keep your arms above your head for me because you're my good girl" his hands greedily groped her heavy chest, causing the girl to wince as her back arched in response to the foreign treatment, her neck craning to one side as Charles sucked and lapped at the tender skin his mouth was latched onto.
"I- I⊠ah!" Her eyes fluttered close and clenched when he suddenly bit down on the junction between her shoulder and neck before tracing his tongue over the sore area to cool the pang, hands squeezing her soft hips at the same time. "I w- will keep my arms a- above my head for you because I am your g- good girl⊠M- Master" fuck.Â
There was a bewitching way about the way that name rolled off her tongue.
Charles could swear stars appeared in his vision as the pressure between his legs increased.Â
"Heavens, little one!" The Duke grunted as he snatched the fabric of her skirt upwards and away from her priorly covered legs, the overwhelmed man unable to hold back anymore as he moved to her swells now that he had left some satisfying marks of his passion along the width of her neck. "Where have you been all this time?"Â
Happy and safe at home with my family. A tear trickled down the side of Y/n's face as she shivered when his nude leg brushed against hers that was just as exposed as his now, the contact evoking a strange feeling within her. Goosebumps appeared on her skin and the hair on the back of her neck rose as Charles' lips hovered above the pulpy skin, the golden brown bristles of his beard scraping against its feathery softness. Â
"Hm?" Charles growled when she gave no response but then chuckled as he ran his tongue along the narrow valley of the cushions on her chest. "Silly little thing doesn't know what to say now, does she?" A shaky breath escaped him as the coarse back of his hand rubbed against her tender thighs that he had finally managed to expose by pushing the skirt all the way up to her waist. Y/n's eyes widened and she jumped up against his face with a start when his impatient hand snatched at the neckline of her blouse and pulled at the fabric until it separated from the rest of the cloth and tore off in a big piece. But before the girl could voice her shock, Charles beat her to it. "Tell me you've been obediently waiting on your Master, me, all this time" his demand was husky and harsh against her breasts that he was taking his time tasting and biting, the softness making him moan.Â
The girl gulped as she blinked through her teary vision, biting her lip in concentration and snaking her fingers around the bars of the headboard to keep them there like she had been ordered to. The last thing she could afford right now was to anger The Duke who was becoming less and less of a man by the passing second, every single little thing about him turning primal and beastly.Â
"I- I have been obedientlyâ" the sickening words burnt on her tongue for she must have been a cradled babe when the man on top of her was in the prime of his youth. "Been⊠Bâ" her throat was parched as her tongue ran over her dry lips every now and then to create a semblance of hydration.Â
"Go ahead, sweet girl" Charles had begun rocking against her already, rubbing his curled length between his stomach and the top of her caramel thigh, the contrasts of their skins only adding to his pleasure. "You're doing so well for me" the slurp of his mouth against one of her hardened nipples overshadowed the sound of him ripping her underclothes away.Â
Y/n tried to close her legs, utterly uncomfortable and much too exposed as she felt herself getting thirstier than before, the strange surge of waves that his indecent touches and lewd words were causing in the base of her stomach tightening into a ball each time he squeezed her somewhere or dug his teeth into the soft cushions of her breasts, razorlike canines stinging against her plush swells.Â
"I- I have been obediently w- waiting on m- my Master, you, all this time..." Her back arched with another start when Charles' fingers dipped between her nude legs and touched the most private part on her body, the feeling of the soft, warm and moist bumpy flesh causing him to moan so loud against the breast that he was sucking at now after having marked its companion to his liking.Â
"HeavensâŠ!" Was all the older man could gasp out as he let his fingers glide free over her folds and squishy petals to both get a feel of them and memorize every little detail possible. "You're wet, Godâ" his smug smile was so deep that his dimples appeared and he had to peek between his curls that fell over his eyes when he looked up at her. "You are not even aware of it, are you?" The girl had no idea what he meant indeed. "Oh, you sweet little dirty girl" as he attacked her lips with his desperate mouth, his free hand flew to restrain both of hers back above her head when the tip of his finger prodded at her tiny slit and the girl gasped, unaware of its existence altogether.Â
"Nuh, uh, little girl" Charles tutted between hot, breathy, wet and sloppy kisses, the red color that had been painted on the girl's lips now an increasing mess around both their mouths. "Good girls keep their arms up and eyes down under their Masters" he let go only to reach for one of her ear pendents and hurriedly felt it with his thumb before ducking down to push his tongue in her mouth to explore the tight enclosure, stifling the gasp she let out when he finally sheathed the finger he had been stroking her with inside her hot cavern. "Do you understand?" He was breathless when he pulled back momentarily to moan at the feeling of her stiff opening clenching around his digit. "Tell me you understand."Â
The girl struggled to breathe under his beast-like countenance, accidentally biting down on his lip albeit only to make him moan harder when he started to move his finger in the vertical fashion it was meant to be stimulated in. "I- IâŠ" The pain, the buzzing excitement increasing in the pit of her stomach, the strange feeling which was starting to overpower the initial ache of the intimate intrusion as well as the way Charles was basically chewing away everywhere he could reach her with his mouth with such urgency that it seemed as though she was on the verge of disappearing and would do so any second.Â
"Please, go ahead" the tenderness in his desperate plea surprised both of them as Charles worked her open for his leaking cock that held a renown for splitting open tight little cunts. "You sound so sweet when you do" his free hand now explored her ear by grazing the fingertips along the crevices of the helix and cartilage, some places pierced with small and shiny studs with expensive stones in them, other spots having gold earrings hanging from them. Â
The Duke decided she was more extraordinary than everything he had ever seen in terms of beauty.Â
Perhaps to a point where it shifted to the realm of the sublime.Â
Immeasurably superior.Â
Feeling the buzz in her cunt get stronger when he added another finger to her warm enclosure of soaking flesh, the girl threw her head back and whined when Charles enveloped one of her sore nipples between his lips again. "I- I understand, Master." And that was it.
It had to be now.Â
The man tore himself away from her by sheer willpower for his chest wished not to be parted with hers much softer and inviting one, hard arms snaking under and around her back to reunite their contrasting skins as Charles' cock slipped into place against her opening as though it had been made only to do that.Â
"It will hurt a little," lifting her off the bed, he moved onto his knees to move better as he readied himself to sink his cock deep within her. "But then it will feel so good you will beg me to keep you in this bed for days on end" the confused girl did not want to agree but her stimulated body was betraying her in ways more than one. "Just trust meâŠ" His features twitched when he finally lowered his hips and her somewhat prepared entrance allowed the tip to violate the hot cavern, the feeling overwhelming him into groaning aloud and for the girl to reach for his broad shoulders to sink her nails in, eyes and mouth widening alike.
Was it even supposed to be put in there?Â
She knew something happened behind the closed doors of a married pair for the fulfillment of marital duties and to create children but⊠this?Â
Y/n did not know so she was not sure but as Charles started to move his hips, guiding her body with the arms he had around it to accommodate his soft thrusts, she wondered why the queer heart-upsetting feeling that made her somewhat nauseous felt a very unusual kind of⊠good at the same time amidst of everything.Â
The girl could not recognize the feeling as pleasure just yet for she was yet to experience the end and get addicted to it like all did, but sweat broke out on her temples when she realized that she wanted him to go on, move faster, make the pain disappear and rub her in that way again to unravel the mysteries of this mysterious ball that was growing tighter and more suffocating by the passing second.Â
"I am the biggest cock you've ever had, huh little one?" Her cheeks were flushed as she frowned in pain, mouth agape. "Say it" his demands were primal growls as he felt himself twitch inside her, one hand coming to pat her cheek condescendingly to get her to listen better. "Tell me I am the biggest cock you've ever had" the burn of her nails was too good against his hard shoulders.Â
"Y- You are the biggest cock I h- have ever had, Master" Y/n's voice broke as she blinked away tears and stars, unaware of the meaning of her own words.Â
"That is correct" he groaned as though in pain, tugging his cock out of her before pushing it back in again. "I am the biggest cock you have ever had. The only cock you had ever had" the man was breathless against her. "The only one you will ever have. You're all mine" the promise was sealed with a furious kiss.Â
"P- PleaseâŠ" For what, she knew not. But her head craned back as she jutted her chest out towards him to treat again the way he had been doing for the past few minutes, the marks that he had left on her skin hot and territorial.Â
"What is it, sweet girl?" Charles husked as one of Y/n's hands moved to brush the mop of his curls away to get a better look at his blue eyes. So remarkably handsome. Her eyebrows furrowed as the sheer manliness of his aged face brought an indescribable shiver down her spine and made her clench around him, causing the man to grunt in pleasure as his hips started to speed up.Â
"H- Hurts but feels so⊠soâŠ" Charles smirked as he panted, struggling to move within her narrow passage of flesh. "D- Don't know butâ oh," one of his hands dipped between her legs and the result was the most obscene sound she had ever made and he had ever heard. The genuineness of pure surprise and pleasure made The Duke's head spin. "Master!"Â
"Don't you worry your pretty little head, my sweet" Charles spoke through a mouthful of one of her dark brown nipples, slurping at it and his own spit as he went. "Just trust Master and lay back, he will take care of you" her toes curled as she let out the same sensual sound again, arching her back and going limp momentarily due to the shock of whatever her body was suddenly subjected to.Â
"I was made to protect you, only in death will I be kept from this oath" Charles whispered in her ear after moving to it, pressing kisses to it as well as her cheek to fuck out her orgasm to the best of his ability. It had been a while but that did not mean he had forgotten any of his infamous tricks. Y/n could only blink away the stars that appeared in her darkened vision as she barely made out his promise over the ringing of her ears coupled with the thumping of her heart.Â
Was it a good thing?
What could be done if it was not?
Though as Charles grunted before she felt something warm and wet fill her cavern, the man reuniting his arms around her waist to piston into her harder and deeper than he had done in the past few minutes, she felt a sense of permanency wash over her.Â
Something broken forever.Â
An angel completely tainted.Â
A cage eternally chained.Â
The rosy pink mix of dissolved purity and unholy discharge below their conjoined bodies was a testament to the fact.

Tagging đ©·: @warriormirkwood @secretdream2 @hangmanscoming
iâm obsessed
Hi! Hi! Cotton! How are you babe? SoooooâŠâŠ Ive had this little fantasy in my head i would like to see you put to words in the way you do (i love your writing <3) Henry Cavill, but plot twist! Hes your college history teacher! You call him sir! And reader has a praise kink, with some orgasm denial, overstim, and size difference (from the kink roulette). I will absolutely adore it if you would write this! if not no worries! ily đ«¶đ»
teacherâs pet~
àłââ· college professor henry cavill x student afab ! reader
àłââ· word count: 2.2k+
àłââ· a/n: hi babe! i am doing meh rn, i think i have strep throat, anywayyyy....i loved your fantasy and i enjoyed putting it into writing, i hope it was what you were looking for. i am loving all the henry cavill requests!!! not proofread
àłââ· warnings: stalking, teacher- student, dry humping, p in v sex, praise kink, cunnilingus, innocent virgin reader, orgasm denial, overstimulation, SIR KINK
àłââ· please reblog & leave a comment with your thoughts đ«¶đ»
â°â€ linktree â°â€ pinterestâ°â€ check request rules

you had a tiny little crush on your professor. not that you were any different from the rest of the students in his class. professor cavill had every eye on him since the moment he walked into class. everybody wanted to fuck him. no one ever did.
there were rumors he was gay, as he showed no interest in girls, but he also showed no interest in men. so you tried to make do with your unrequited love.
you had a ridiculous schoolgirl crush on him.
every girl would race to sit in the front row, you were happy to stare at him from a distance.
your friends would make lewd jokes about professor henry.
and you would blush and squirm, not really comfortable with the way they talked about him. jealous, possessive.
your thoughts strayed as you walked through the campus, short plaid skirt swaying in the wind.
you slammed into a tall, hard, beefy man, his huge hands went to your waist to keep you from falling.
âcareful there sweetheart.â his voice was gruff and familiar.
âyes sir, iâm sorry.â you looked up through your eyelashes at him, his eyes crinkled, never straying from yours, his lips twitched and he pinched your chin with his thumb and index finger, eyes never straying from yours.
he let go and brushed the hair from your face before turning around and sauntering off. his thick legs moving with surprising grace for someone his size.
you stared shell-shocked at his retreating back.
your friends squealed around you.
âhe definitely wants to fuck you!â
âBYE! he totally wants to fuck your sweet unpopped cherry!â
âstop it! he can hearâ you protested.
âhe will definitely split you in two, have you seen the size of him? god, thatâs hot babe!â
you groaned in irritation trying to walk away, but they chased after you.
âhe definitely has a thing for your innocent virgin thing.â
âitâs always the innocent angels who are the dirtiest cock sluts.â
âyou are such a BITCH!â you could not help but laugh at your friendsâ teasing. you knew they were playing around, they loved to tease you, blood would rush to your face and your skin would darken. but it was all in good faith, this incident would be forgotten by tomorrow.
â ŚŚà«ąàŒàŒàż
the incident was in fact, not forgotten by the next day, girls shot you looks and some of your classmates teased you.
âi bet that's how you get straight aâs! damn! fucking professor cavill, i am green with envy.â
you scoffed with humor. âshhh!!! heâs going to come soon!â
âyeah! in you!â
when henry entered a hush spread around the room.
ânow what is all this ruckus about?â he raised a thick brow, eyes boring into you.
ânothing sir!â you balked.
he hummed, staring at you for a second before getting on with his lesson.
â ŚŚà«ąàŒàŒàż
henry used all his willpower to keep his gaze from your frame.
you had always been in the periphery of his vision in the past but yesterday when your smaller frame bumped into him he took notice.
he could not help himself, hands touching you lovingly. you. his student.
your wide eyes, plaid skirt and white top, a knee-length sock with a pair of huge white sneakers.
you did not seem to care that much about your outfits, not making a statement, just preoccupied with other things. like your lap. which was really frustrating on his part. why did you not look at him? you took notes diligently. eyes staring at the projector and back at your notes, never on him.
your shyness piqued his interest. he got through the lecture on muscle memory. his eyes flickering to you from time to time. he had an obsessive audience, he wasnât dumb, he had graduated summa cum laude, top of his class. so he knew to control himself during class.
before or after class, howeverâŠ
â ŚŚà«ąàŒàŒàż
you had a stalker. your core clenched with sensations you had only read about in your romance books. you had never experienced the desperate pounding ache that professor cavill made you feel deep in the apex of your thighs.
you made eye contact with him again however many times this week in the campus café, and your thighs clenched with need. you ordered your sugary drink, paid, and waited with anxious trepidation at having his eyes on you. you hurried out once you got the drink. you had to do something about him, it was wrong.
wellâŠ.. maybe it wasnât personal, why would you ever think that he would be stalking you? it could be an unlikely string of coincidences that led him to every place you were on campus, it was as if he had learned your schedule. that made you feel dangerous things, delicious taboo thoughts about your professor who was likely more than half your age older than you. you walked through the campus, sipping your sweet drink.
â ŚŚà«ąàŒàŒàż
the stalking was getting out of hand. you needed to do something about it. your pussy wept and clenched and you did not know what to do with all the needy sensations that made you look at your pillow and want to hump it silly.
you knocked on his office.
âcome in.â
âmr. cavill,â you entered his cozy office, it had wooden floors leather couches, and huge shelves overfilled with books. and a slightly messy desk where he sat on an expensive-looking chair.
âyes?â he looked up at you with his blue eyes. soft in a way you had never seen them.
you froze not knowing what to do now.
he cocked his head. âwhat is it, sweetheart?â
âdonât you think itâs inappropriate to call a student that?â
âdo you not like it?â he frowned.
âthat- thatâs not the point!â you felt your face heat. you pressed your thighs together.
he chuckled, âlook at you, you are downright squirming. do you think i would risk my career for any student?â
âno.â he confirmed. âcome here.â
he was taking a huge risk, but your dilated pupils and heaving chest told him the results would be enjoyable.
âwhere?â your voice was meek.
his grin was machiavellian and your cunt was aching with need, you walked toward him, sliding one leg over his lap and resting your core against his hard bulge.
you moaned at the contact against your pussy covered by thin drenched panties, your plaid skirt fluttering around you.
his big hands went to your ass and he pressed your hips down.
you mewled.
âthis feels so good sir.â you moaned. âiâve never felt anything like this.â
he groaned, âfuckâŠdonât tell me your sweet little pussy has not been fucked before?â
the friction was so good, your pussy lips split open, the bulge of his hardness rubbing against your aching, puffy, swollen clit. your hips jerked and spasmed.
âso needy⊠look at you, humping my lap like a needy bunny. are you a needy bunny, baby? do you touch yourself?â
he hummed, pleased âgood, that means i will be the first to make you cum, and i wonât stop until you are a crying mess. office hours are over and we have all the time in the world. take your panties off sweetheart and get back on my lap.â you obeyed, the cool office air on your sensitive pussy made you clench. he reached for the panties, you stared at him as he smelt them before pocketing them
the texture of his pants was heavenly against your bare pussy. nothing restricting your movements. the texture was rough against your sensitive cunt, harsh and punishing and exquisite.
your pussy gushed, making a mess of his pants, but you did not care, too busy chasing that build-up of pleasure to think or be embarrassed about the mess you were making.
you rutted against him almost at the peak, when he stopped you with his hands.
âi changed my mind, i want you to cum on my dick,â
you whined in protest, hips jerking softly, but it was futile.
you were smaller than him, his large thick frame contrasting yours. he stood up, and carried you with him, one arm wrapped under your ass, the other swiping all the contents of his desk to the floor with a loud crash.
he sat you on the desk and knelt in between your open legs. âlook at me, kneeling for you. you think i would kneel for just any pretty girl? no. i do not. ever since i crashed into you my thoughts have not strayed from your pretty innocent eyes. from your thighs, that skirt, i want to fuck you in nothing but that skirt.âyou moaned, pussy bursting with arousal, he leaned his head on your inner thigh, eyes taking in your glistening, dripping cunt, he slid a finger in between your wet folds, splitting you open, rubbing the tip of his finger against your clit. your hips chased the friction.
âyou are such a good girl, taking attentive notes and every assignment you turn in done so carefully. you want to please me donât you, sweetheart? you want to be a good girl? well, you are. never been touched. have you been waiting for me, sweetheart?â
âyes- yes sir!â you whined.
âgood, girl,â he looked up at you and damn you if it wasnât the most beautiful sight you had ever seen. he split you open with his tongue and you yelped at the foreign deliciousness of his tongue on your pussy.
he kissed and nipped softly, devouring you like a man starved. this time you felt the pressure build easily, faster, but once again he stopped, and it was agonizing, you felt your walls pound with need ache.
this time it was his fingers which split you open and you were so sensitive you could not help the tears that escaped the corner of your eyes.
âlook at you, a whiny, needy, whimpering mess. so sensitive. never been touched huh? well you are doing so good. my good girl. bet you will become all cock drunk when i fuck your little pussy. but i have to get you all nice and wet and ready for my cock, so it doesnât hurt my favorite student. my dick is already hard because of your delicious sounds baby girl, i canât wait to get my dick inside you.â his fingers pumped in and out of you, your body spasming with overstimulation.
âplease sir!â you whined and cried out at your over sensitive pussy being teased. you needed release fast, and you needed him to stop his movements, but if he stopped you were positive you would meltdown from deprivation. âplease!â your syllables dragged out.
you looked so pathetic and needy he decided to take pity on you. swirling his thumb on your clit. âjust a little longer, alright? i want your first orgasm to be on my cock!â
âplease sir!â this time your voice cracked.
âcome on sweetheart, you are doing such a good job, you are so good, my pretty girl, so perfect.â
he stood up, his hips aligning with yours, your trembling hands reached to unbuckle his belt, he let you struggle through it, watching with fond eyes as your frustrated fingers worked his belt, his pants, then his boxers, his large angry cock springing free. it was so beautiful you wrapped your fingers around it, pumping it experimentally. he groaned out and bucked into your hand. you looked up at him through your lashes, silently voicing s question he answered with a smile. you aligned his dick with your cunt, hips canting to fit him in.
he was so big he stretched you open, your cherry popping burned but it could have been worse had he not made you all wet snd ready. henry gripped your hips and sank fully into you, both of you moaning at the sensation of your tight cunt being stretched by him. he was so big by comparison it made you so needy. you bucked your hips, encouraging him to move, and move he did.
rutting into you with all his strength, those muscles were not just for eye candy after allâŠ
your body spasmed with each thrust and it wasnât long before your pussy clenched him and the pressure in hour core built and built until burst, making you bite his shoulder to keep from screaming at your first orgasm, hands scratching his back.
he groaned as you squeezed his cock, hips pumping fast, this time chasing his own pleasure, it hurt so good, you were so sensitive but you did not want to stop. the best you could do was cry and slide your hands to his waist, pulling him to you with each thrust.
it wasnât long before he followed after you cum filling you and dripping down where you joined. he joined your foreheads together and with the last last pumps of his hips wipe the sweaty tendrils of hair from your forehead, kiss your nose, and tell you how good you were, how good you felt. you were his good girl. the ultimate teacherâs pet.

pairing ~ geralt of rivia x f!reader
word count ~ 5.2k
summary ~ geralt was never a man of many words, so he does what he can to show how he feels for you.
warnings ~ fluff!! mild language, gross man tries some verbal harrasment, intimidation & unwanted touching, (geralt saves the day!), hurt/comfort, mention of reader wearing a dress, descriptions of blood and injury, mutual pining but they're idiots, minor angst, not good self talk, mention of feelings of worthlessness
a/n ~ uh oh friends i accidentally opened a doc and this happened, i am an absolute sap for pet names and goodness gracious writing a fic about a geralt giving a pet name escalated into this, so i hope you all enjoy!! mwauh!!

A delicate, weak thing that floats away on the breeze at the mere mention of any danger.
Even when you had tried to prove yourself time and time again that you were certainly not either of those things
It was still what he called you.
"I don't need anything, especially not from you" He had huffed at you during your initial meeting
You tried not to be taken aback but his gruffness, you had been told of Witcher's harsh nature's your entire life, hearing the stories and songs of their exploits throughout your village since you were small, but still, you had never expected to meet one, nor had you expected for any of them to be quite so large.
When he finally stood to his full height, you had to actively make sure to keep your mouth closed in fear it might fall to the floor if you let it act on it's own accord.
Though he was much taller than you, you refused to be intimidated by him, still standing your ground before him, thankful your dress covered your legs, less anyone see your trembling knees.
The brunette beside you still persisted. "She's perfect, I promise, and we'll never have to see her again afterwards, hm?" He turned to you with a smile, and you shook your head earnestly, though you couldn't deny how some part of you longed to stay with the pair longer than for just this.
The white haired man took you in once again, his heated gaze traveling from your slightly worn shoes to your hair as if he were appraising you like a cow from market. He finally sighed, "Fine." He grumbled, almost slamming his mug down on the wooden bar.
"I think he likes you" The other man commented, gently placing his hand on your lower back as the both of you followed the Witcher out the front door.
It was surely an unconventional way of meeting, but there seemed to be nothing truly conventional about either of the pair, Jaskier and Geralt as you later learned. You would have expected such a harsh man would have taken up more, like-minded companions, but the more you witnessed Jaskier's sunny disposition combating with Geralt's brash nature, the more you felt that this pairing was one that was always meant to be.
Though your addition to the group was quite unexpected.
You were only supposed to be nothing more than midnight Striga bait, something to lure it out into the forest, only to be hopefully saved at the last second by Geralt's skill. That was all you were supposed to be, but as your heart raced that night, feelings of both fear and excitement pulsing through your veins, as shadows cast by the full moon danced around you, you knew you couldn't go back to your village. How could you? All your life, you had only ever known muddy streets and market barkers and clouds that never seemed to allow the sunshine to peak through. How could you ever return to any of that, when just these few moments in darkness gave you more adventure than in any of your years of living in the light of your town.
Jaskier seemed to notice that particular glint in your eye once the deed had been done.
"Wasn't she helpful?" He smirked, "Maybe we should keep bringing her along?"
Geralt only grunted in response as he looked upon the now deceased creature.
You tried your best to hide the smile that threatened to split your cheeks at the thought, you could only imagine what a week with them would be like if this was just one night.
"I mean..." Jaskier sauntered slowly over to him, "She did catch us this Stri-"
Geralt turned to him in an instant, a wordless, piercing snarl plastered on his face, and you felt a slight twinge of disappointment at his obvious disdain at the thought of you joining them.
"It would take us another three days to bring her back, it would just make things quicker if she stayed with us, and, no offense" He quickly turned to you, "I'd rather continue on, than have to travel three extra days back to that shit hole."
Geralt hummed, turning to you now, and in the pale light of the moon that shown through the trees, you swore you saw him appraising you once again just as he had when he first met you.
"We're taking you back as soon as this is over." He spat as he walked towards you, shouldering past you as he stomped through the woods.
Jaskier flashed a quick smile at you, "He'll come 'round, he always does."

One week turned to two, two turned to three, weeks turned to months, and you still continued to be brought along on adventures with the two, experiences that you never could have imagined partaking in, in even your wildest dreams, were now things that you experienced on a fairly regular basis.
You saw kingdoms, glittering castles, and kindhearted princesses. You witnessed the fiercest monsters and the most entrancing magic, the adventures you had always been warned to stay away from, you found yourself right in the middle of all of them.
Though as thrilling as your new life was, sometimes you would miss your somewhat-soft bed and the comfort of knowing you would always have some place warm to stay, but you made the most of what you had, savoring the creature comforts you came across as much as you could when you did gather enough coin for a night or two stay at a local inn.
It was on one of these particular nights when he had first called you that.
Geralt had sent you in with a small satchel to pay for the rooms while he hitched Roach on one of the posts outside of the inn.
It was an infrequent occasion when you had enough to rent three separate rooms for yourselves, but monsters were not an infrequent occurrence around these parts, and the influx in beasts also meant a slight raise in pay.
"Three rooms, please" You spoke softly, stifling a yawn with your hand as you did. It had been a long journey, and both you and Jaskier knew no one but Geralt was allowed to even touch Roach, so walking long distances was something you had gotten used to, though getting accustomed to the walking didn't mean you had grown to be any less exhausted after the lengthy journeys.
"One room." The main replied sharply, snapping you from you exhaustion almost immediately. "I only see one of ya. One room."
"One room." He looked you over, a sort of repugnant heat in his gaze that you didn't quite care for. "One room... For the pretty lady all alone at night... Not very proper of ya" He scoffed.
Your stomach turned at the man's words as he circled around the desk, only pausing when he stood directly beside you.
"My friends are right outside. They'll be here in a minute." You hastily replied, not bothering to make eye contact with the man.
You visibly recoiled when you felt his hot breath suddenly fan across your cheek. "Y'er friends aren't here now are they? One. Room."
You quickly jumped from the mans touch on your waist, and finally turning fully towards him, you saw how his smile was a nauseating mix of yellows and greens as he sneered at you, creeping closer to you as you now felt yourself being cornered in between the corner of the small desk and the wall opposite.
"Well, if y'er gonna be so impolite, no room then." The man towered over you, and although you tried to keep calm, you couldn't help the way your breath shook as you stared up at the man.
The sudden sound of the swinging front doors slamming against the walls made you jump, "Petal!" You heard Geralt call.
The man almost instantly stepped away from you, his gaze now pointing to the floor. You turned to Geralt, your eyes wide with confusion and shock.
"Was wondering if you had gotten our rooms" He added, calmly sauntering over to you and gently placing a firm hand on your lower back, pushing you quickly out of the corner and into his side.
Your mind was racing, both from the shock of the inn keeper's advances and Geralt's sudden entrance and even more sudden touches. It wasn't like he hadn't ever touched you before, it was only that this felt different. Other times, he had just aimlessly grabbed at you, quickly pulling you away and out of reach from whatever creature you found yourselves up against, those touches were rough and almost meaningless, he was only saving you because he had to. You knew you were nothing but another burden for him to worry about on those hunts.
This was different. This was soft, protective, and for a moment, you even thought it was something akin to caring.
You could hear the door shudder behind you again and you could tell it was Jaskier, a soft 'oh' coming from behind you as he watched the situation unfold.
"I was just tellin' her we got three rooms just for ya right next to each other, down that hall" The man rushed, pointing down the dimly lit hallway with shaky fingers, "Just straight to the left."
Geralt took the small bag from you, reaching into it and placing a handful of coins on the counter. "Thank you" He mumbled, an intimidating glare on his face before he led you off.
You noticed how few coins he had given the man as you passed the counter and knew it was nowhere near the actual cost for three rooms, yet the man still didn't dare to say a thing as you three walked off.
Probably a matter of self preservation more than anything.
You opened the door to your room, a satisfied hum escaping your lips as you felt the warmth of the small bedroom already begin to flood your shaken senses.
"Are you alright?"
Your breath hitched in your throat at the unexpected voice that came from behind you, turning quickly to see that Geralt still lingered in the doorway.
"Fine," You sputtered, "Just a little shaken, that's all."
"Are you sure?"
You had never seen him so concerned, his brows were furrowed as he looked at you, his lips drawn into a thin line of concern.
You smiled softly at him, "I'm fine, I promise, just need some rest." You threw your arms above your head as you yawned once again.
"That's... Good." The words seemed to almost pain Geralt to say, like he was confessing something to you he hadn't even confessed to himself yet.
"Thank you, though, for your help." You smiled, a foreign heat blooming in your chest as you uttered the words.
Geralt didn't respond at first, his head tilting to the floor, though you swore you watched the beginnings of a smile begin to turn the corners of his lips. He mumbled a quiet "Goodnight", as his eyes flickered to you form, quickly looking you up and down again before shutting the door behind him, leaving you no less astonished then you were before.

The morning came all too quickly, after a rather sleepless night, you felt yourself longing for another night's stay, and if it weren't for the previous night's events, you thought that maybe you would have been able to convince Geralt to stay one more night, but you knew neither him, nor you would want to stay another evening under the same roof with that man.
You weren't sure if you would have gotten much sleep regardless.
The word echoed through your fatigue-addled mind, even as you felt yourself slowly pulled to consciousness by the slivers of sunlight that peaked through the thin curtains in the bedroom.
He could have just called you by your name, it wasn't like he didn't know it by now. But Geralt was strategic, he never did anything without a reason, so maybe it was just a tactic to get the man away from you? Imply that the two of you were a bit more familiar to scare the man off?
"How are you faring?" Jaskier asked, tearing you from your thoughts as he adjusted his bag on his shoulder.
"I'm fine" You replied, staring to feel like a broken record, "I am, Geralt seemed to come in just in time though" You chuckled lightly, both watching him as Geralt readied Roach
"He always has a way of knowing when you're in trouble" Jaskier mumbled
"What-" You were quickly cut off by the familiar whinny of Roach, the both of you instinctively aligning yourselves on the side of her as she made her way through the town.
Jaskier only let out a smug, self satisfied hum, continuing to look forward and leaving you to torture yourself with your own thoughts.

You couldn't tell how long it had been since you left the inn, it could have been days since and you probably wouldn't have noticed, your brain only occupied by the teasing phrase Jaskier had spoken to you.
"Are you alright?" You heard Geralt's coarse voice utter once again, you huffed in frustration, how many times must everyone ask you that?
"Yes." You answered sharply, though a strange, pained feeling washed over you at your tone towards him, you chose not to think too much on it now. You finally turned up to him, noticing how he had suddenly stopped, the abrupt pause had Jaskier also now looking to him, his head tilted in confusion.
If you had blinked, you would have missed it at the speed at which Geralt dismounted, but he now stood directly in front of you, his face only inches from your own, and your chest filled with that unfamiliar, warm feeling from before.
"You can ride... If you'd like..." He finally spoke, his eyes never meeting your own as he did.
You had to stifle the scoff that threatened to leave your lips, for a moment you wondered if some Doppler had snuck into his room at night and taken his place, but then you looked into his eyes, that same unintelligible bashfulness when he stood in your doorway had appeared in his eyes once again.
"That would be nice... Thank you" You would have been a fool to say no, this would surely be the only time he would ever offer for anyone to take his place on Roach. Not only that, but you felt yourself thinking of how his face would possibly fall if you denied him, and you almost winced at the thought.
With just as much suddenness as the night before, his large hands wrapped around your waist, "May I?" He asked, a surprisingly timid smile appearing on his face.
You nodded softly, your eyes growing wide when he lifted you onto the horse as if you weighed nothing. You swallowed thickly as you adjusted yourself on Roach, nodding again as Geralt began to pull on her reigns to continue the journey.
You looked around you, sighing as you admired the new view from atop the horse, but even as you admired your surroundings, you still heard the soft grumble that came from the man.
You were too stunned to say anything, you almost thought you had imagined it, but the annoyed groan from Jaskier beside you only confirmed what you now knew to be true, he had said it again.
There was a long journey ahead, but you noticed how you seemed to dread it a little bit less.

You weren't even supposed to be there.
Both you and Jaskier had initially stayed back at the small camp you had set up that morning, peacefully enjoying some tea you had managed to make after several failed attempts of starting a fire.
Geralt said it was to be simple, nothing he hadn't done before, but something about the deafening silence you both heard when the lake was so close, had something uneasy settle in your stomachs.
"Geralt?" Jaskier called, the both of you now sitting in anxious silence as you awaited for some sign of life.
Though nothing came.
Jasker called his name again, his cries once more met with the same blaring quietness.
It was as if your legs moved on their own accord as you carelessly threw your small cup down, starting in the direction of the lake, ignoring the concerned yells from Jaskier as you did.
You weren't the monster hunting type, that's not what they had brought you on for in the first place.
You were bait at most, and someone to make tea at the least.
You didn't kill monsters.
You felt a fearful shudder run through you at the idea that you may actually have to fight something, this was nothing anyone had ever prepared you for, but you supposed there was a first for everything.
The foul smell of the bubbling water filled your nose first before you even began to see the lake, though still, you heard nothing.
You continued to sprint as fast as your legs could take you, silently praying to hear some sound, any sound, as you got closer.
A yell, a grunt, a whisper even, you'd take anything.
But still, the silence persisted.
You couldn't quiet the shocked yell that ripped through your lungs at the sight when you finally reached the body of water.
The monster was dead, and somewhat guiltily, you felt your shoulders sag in relief as you observed how it's limbs had been haphazardly thrown in all directions, and the familiar sword nestled within the top of it's skull. But laying along the muddy bank was Geralt, both hands pressing firmly on his side, his eyes screwed shut and his jaw clenched.
You called his name, rushing to his side, almost sliding across the ooze-covered ground as you knelt beside him.
As if he sensed your presence, he moaned, sluggishly turning his head to you.
"What happened?" You asked frantically, he only moaned again in response and you huffed, distraught and almost delirious as your eyes scanned him.
As you sat beside him and got a closer look at his form, you could tell he was bleeding, a dark, crimson liquid leaking between fingers he pressed so snugly against his side. You tried to calm yourself as your frenzied hands wandered his chest and torso, searching for any other injuries, you knew he had to be taken back to the camp, but you were also certain you wouldn't be able to drag him back there on your own, nor did you think that even with you and Jaskier's strength combined you would be able to do so, leaving you with only one other option.
"Geralt?" He groaned, his eyes now blinking open, "Geralt?" You grabbed both his shoulders, briskly shaking them before you called his name again. After a moment, his eyes finally fully opened, a soft smile appearing on his features as he slowly began to gain his full consciousness.
"Petal..." He hummed, his eyes almost fluttering closed again before you shook him a second time.
"Can you do something for me? Geralt?" Your voice was almost hysterical as you spoke, "Can you do me one favor?"
Geralt continued to smile gingerly as he nodded his head.
"Okay, could you get up for me? Could you stand?"
His face immediately dropped into a pout as he shook his head, a deep rumble of a chuckle escaping him as he did.
You took a deep breath, attempting to steady yourself. You didn't know as much as Geralt, but you knew enough to know that this was not good.
He was delirious.
You internally cursed yourself for not listening to him more in those quiet moments he would talk to Roach about the other monsters he had dealt with.
You had no idea what you were dealing with.
"Camp..." He finally mumbled, his voice was weak, not like his usually commanding tone.
"Yes, we have to get you-"
He almost knocked you over at the force at which he abruptly stood, his legs trembled as he took slow steps, and you shot up beside him, lifting his arm and placing it around your shoulders to balance him as much as you could.
"C'mon-" You strained as he leaned all of his weight on you for a moment, "Let's get you back"
The rest of the dawdling journey was spent in the company of ditzy hiccups and laughs, you would imagine what a handful he would be if he ever got drunk, but your mind was too preoccupied with the still-bleeding wound Geralt covered with his other hand on his side.
"Oh my Gods" Jaskier murmured the moment he saw you appear from beyond the brush, rushing to Geralt's other side to assist you.
"What happened?" He inquired, tone almost just as frantic as yours
"I don't know."
"Is he going to be alright?"
"I don't know." You hated how your voice shook as you spoke, if your voice was stronger, maybe you would have yelled at Jaskier for his insistent line of questioning, but your only focus was now on Geralt.
You both grunted as you layed him down on the thin cot in his tent, Jaskier turned to look through the bag that was placed in the corner, anxiously tossing bottles and small pouches to the side.
Geralt grumbled once again, turning again to his side to look at you. "Petal..." He groaned, and you found yourself nodding.
"I'm right here" You sighed, your eyes now brimming with tears. "We're going to take care of you, okay? Like you've always taken care of us. You're going to be okay, promise?"
His delusional smile faded for a moment, before he shook his head.
"No, no, don't do that, you are going to be okay... Jaskier!"
"I'm doing my best!" He scrambled, "It's usually Geralt doing this-"
Geralt's left hand suddenly fell from his side, fingers weakly pointing to a rounder, black bottle that had been tossed aside in Jaskier's initial panic.
Jaskier clumsily placed the bottle in his hand, your shoulders sagged in relief when Geralt swiftly removed the cork from the bottle, drinking its contents in a single swig. His breathing seemed to even in mere seconds as his eyes fluttered closed.
"Well," Jaskier sighed, "He's not dead."

You couldn't recall a time when you had seen him sleep for this long, in fact, you couldn't seem to recall a night where you had seen him sleep at all.
Even as you turned his body and adjusted his limbs so you could properly bandage and clean the deep slash on his side, his light snoring continued.
Jaskier had left the tent hours ago, adamantly saying how he needed to rest after such a stressful event, even though you could still here the soft strumming of a lute and quiet humming just outside the tent long after he had left the two of you.
The world was quiet once Jaskier had officially retired, Geralt's breathing and the muted crackling of a slowly dying fire being the only sounds that surrounded you as you worked.
Though Geralt was never the most talkative travel companion, it was still strange for him to be completely silent, not even a grunt or hushed 'hmm' to break the reticence.
"You worried us, you know? I know you hate that, people worrying over you, but you scared us" You whispered, trailing your fingers along the injury, now completely covered by beige cloths and hidden underneath his shirt. "You scared me, I thought I was going to have to kill a monster" You chuckled to yourself, "I wasn't sure how that was going to go, maybe you should show me... At some point... Maybe" Your voice was wistful as you spoke, wondering if he would ever take you up on that offer once he finally awoke, most likely not.
He had always made it a point to never put you in any real danger, even though sometimes you'd find yourself standing directly in front of jaws that would surely eat you alive in seconds, Geralt would always assure you that you were safe, that he would kill the beast before it ever got close enough to truly hurt you.
Every time you had asked him for any sort of training so you could defend yourself if anything went wrong, he'd only scoff at you "I don't need you hurting yourself, or worse." He would always say, "I'll handle it, Petal."
"Why do you call me that?" The words tumbled from you before you could even think about them, "I do have a name you know," You smiled "I've never understood why you call me that." Maybe you didn't mind it so much.
You froze, unsure if your mind was playing tricks on you in the silence, or if Geralt had actually spoke.
"It's because you're soft."
Yes, he was definitely speaking to you.
You chose to ignore him completely at fist, looking forward as if he wasn't laying directly below of you as you sat on the small log you had turned into a makeshift seat. He's just waking up from a dream, you thought, he's still recovering
You heard a deep chuckle before he spoke again, "You wanted to know, and now you're ignoring me."
"Geralt? You're awake?" You asked, finally facing him.
"How are you feeling?" You stammered, your breaths becoming shallower as you wondered if he had heard all of what you had said.
"Nothing I can't handle."
"I'm glad" You sighed, "I'll leave you then." You added abruptly, your only thought being of leaving the situation as quickly as possible. Though just as you began to stand, a firm hand gripped your wrist.
"No, stay." He grumbled, his eyes blinking away the remainder of his fatigue. "Please."
You returned to your place and he slowly released you, his fingers softly lingering on your hand before it dropped to his side again. Geralt groaned as he attempted to sit up, almost wincing as he finally straightened himself.
"You should res-"
"I'm fine." He grumbled, "Thank you, for... This" Geralt gestured to his side as you nodded.
"No need to thank me," You did your best to hide the twinge of anxiety in your faintly trembling voice as you spoke, but you were certain you'd already been found out regardless. "It's the least I could do after all you've done-"
His rough hand had found yours again, the pad of his thumb tracing over your knuckles as he listened to you.
"For me..." You managed to continue, your eyes focusing on the abrupt, calming touches from the man in front of you.
You could almost swear there was the beginning of a soft smile on his lips as his eyes followed his fingers, lightly tracing the ridges of the top of your hand. "It's because you're soft, Petal" He finally stated, "I never meant anything by it."
"No it's nice-" You faltered, "I just never thought it was because you liked something about me" Your voice was thick with weariness and confession as you spoke. It wasn't that Geralt hadn't shown you any ounce of caring or friendliness during the time you had known him, it was only the fact that you never thought that a man so blunt and threatening would ever give you an epithet based off of something as gentle as the softness of your touch.
Your eyes finally flickered to his and you almost instantly wanted to return your gaze to your lap. His stare was too sharp, too intense, for you to even handle without having to look away for a moment.
You had to think that he was still feeling the effects of whatever venom or blood loss - induced haze that had gotten you into his tent in the first place.
He couldn't be looking at you like that.
Like he wanted to smother you alive.
Like he wanted to keep you all to himself in this small space forever.
Like he wanted to love you.
A contemplative 'hmm' was all you received in response at first, though still tracing over your hand, he continued "And why do you think that?" He questioned.
"You never wanted me to join you in the first place."
His movements stilled, you found yourself even shocked by your own words. You had never spoke to him so plainly about your feelings, perhaps it was something about being so close to him that made it so difficult to hide.
"That's true." He acknowledged, and you felt a dull, thrumming ache of discontent bloom in your chest at his admission.
"I was only ever bait for you to use to get you monsters" You added, feeling an unexpected rush of tears flood your eyelids.
There was a brief pause before he responded again, "That's true."
"And when I ask for you to train me, to show me something that could be more useful than just standing and waiting for something to kill me, you refuse." You felt helpless as you spoke, feeling like you were finally admitting things to yourself you had pushed to the very corner of your mind for so long. You felt disposable, and it hurt to watch as he mindlessly agreed to all of your concerns. "I want to be something more..."
You meant to say something else, something quick and biting so he understood that you weren't to be taken advantage of anymore, but you weren't sure that even if you opened your mouth a single sound would even escape. You felt your cheeks begin to dampen as your teeth pulled at your quivering bottom lip.
Through the heart beat thundering in your ears, you heard Geralt murmur your name, nevertheless, you refused to look at him, your gaze still fixed on the soil under your feet as you tried to stifle your own whimpers.
Your breath hitched in your lungs when two fingers grabbed your chin, tilting your head upwards. You hadn't noticed how he had shifted, now kneeling in front of you, his face level with your own.
He stated your name again, this time with more certainty as he stared back at you, his brow lightly furrowed as his hand shifted to cup your face, his thumb whipping the tear that rolled down your cheek. "But so much has changed since I've begun to know you..." He whispered, "You are more to me."
You didn't have a moment to respond before his lips crashed into yours, his other hand creeping up to your neck as he pulled you closer. His kiss was bruising, though it still remained a gentle mess of passion and tears as he cradled you between his palms, holding you with a tenderness as if he held the entire planet within his hands. He groaned into you when your hands found purchase on the collar of his black tunic, your senses completely surrounded with nothing but him as he slanted his lips across yours.
"You are more to me than that" He spoke breathlessly, his lips still continuing to chase your own between words, "I care for you, and I know that I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to you."
"Please, I can't lose you because of this. You mean too much to me." His breathing was shallow as he pulled away from you, hands still cupping your cheeks as he did.
You could only nod at first before finally gathering yourself enough to speak, "I care for you, Geralt..." Your smile was weak and tearful as you replied. "Too much to leave now."
"Stay?" He whispered, pressing his forehead against yours as you nodded softly once again.
Geralt let out a pained moan as he adjusted himself on the cot, slowly lowering himself on the linen and shifting himself just enough to allow you room to lay beside him.
You smiled as you pressed against him, the comforting warmth of his arms wrapping around your waist already beginning to push you into sleep.
Before the exhaustion of the day could finally pull you under, you felt the delicate press of Geralt's lips against your forehead, the quiet rumble of his voice finally lulling you to sleep.

oh my goodness gracious, my heart, i am actually kind of super excited about how this turned out surprisingly!! i do love some hurt/comfort, and i've been feeling slightly e h about myself, so i hope this does bring some comfort to anyone feeling that way!! or just some comfort to you all in general!! i hope you are all doing so well!! mwauh!!
want more geralt? check out my masterlist!!
Daddyâs Princess Fairy

pairing: Husband!Dad!Sy x Wife!Mom!Reader
summary: Sy comes home to his newborn babygirl and wife after his last ever deployment, and heâs desperate to meet his tiny twin, and get into his wifeâs panties (Dilf Sy) likes, comments and reblogs are appreciatedđ«¶
Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist
âDaddyâs nearly home booboo, heâll be out here any second nowâ Y/n cooed bouncing her baby girl in her arms, the two month old softly snuggled against her mama, the both of them waiting at the entrance of the military base along with the other families. Her eyes tracing each body that left the aircraft, her breath hitching when she saw her big hunk of a man step out, his head shaven but his beard grown rough and long. God he looked filthy but so sexy.
Biting her lip she saw him take off his dark sunglasses as he scanned the crowd carefully, his lips pulling into a smirk once he saw his baby momma waiting at the back, away from the crowd; holding his baby girl. Practically skipping all the steps he threw his bag to the ground, his built arms bringing his wife and newborn into his arms, this was his first time home since that night their daughter was conceived. That one special night by the fireplace.
âFuck pumpkin, missed ya nâ your sweet self sâmuchâ He grumbled inhaling her scent deeply as he grazed his nose up and down her cheek, his other hand cupping his daughterâs head, this would be the first time he would see her in person. âAnd this- this is Penelope, Penelope Syversonâ Y/n giggled holding up Penelope up to Sy, and even he could see she already was his twin, the same grouchy look already.
âSheâs stinkinâ adorable, iâd say jusâ like her momma but iâm seeinâ frowns on her alreadyâ Sy chuckled seeing his babygirl whimper and wiggle, leading Y/n to place the tiny babe into his arms, and just the mere size difference between the father and daughter was enough to make a witchâs heart melt. âShe missed you, anytime you wasnât on the phone sheâd cry and whimper until I played your voicemailâ Y/n explained tucking Penelopeâs bib a bit more, seeing how she was drooling onto her daddyâs arm.
âAwk babygirl you break ma heart, mânot leavinâ again, I canât do it- thatâs me doneâ Sy chuckled bending down and kissing her forehead, breathing out a sigh of relief, he was finally discharged and able to start the rest of his life. âDamn right you arenât leavinâ, we still need to give our bubby a brotherâ Giggling Y/n latched herself onto his arm, the happy family walking towards the pickup truck waiting for them; Y/n watched on as Sy carefully put his pride and joy into her carseat, pouting up at Y/n when he realised Penelope wouldnât let go of his finger.
âBabe, jus pull your finger out come onâ Y/n laughed as he shook his head, âno can do sugar, donât want my babygirl thinkinâ am leavinâ her again, canât be her first heartbreakâ
âIf ya let go iâll give ya some of your treat when we get home, after I put Pen down for her napâ It hadnât even been two seconds but Sy carefully pulled his finger out, kissed his baby bye bye, and jogged over to the driverâs side of the pickup truck. âNow ya gotta keep your promise, wait- are you even okay down âerâ Sy questioned looking concerned down at her crotch, he knew how hard the healing process was for his wife, needing stitches and medication. It honestly broke his heart that she had to go through it alone, but she was strong and independent, just his typa woman.
âYup! Doctor gave me the green light a while ago, jus wanted to surprise ya for when you got home, Captain Syversonâ Y/n winked grabbing a handful of his thigh tightly, his eyes widening and smacking her hand off, âJesus woman didnât ya read the sticker on the car? Thereâs a baby on boardâ He joked intertwining their hands and kissing her knuckles, leaning forward and pressing a heated kiss to her lips, his beard scratching her face in the best way possible. His tongue venturing out to lick over hers, tasting his favourite watermelon lipbalm causing him to groan into their kiss.
âForgot how much I missed these luscious lips of yoursâ He growled pulling away, kissing her lips once more before sitting back in his seat to look at her, his wife. âYeah? What else did ya missâ She giggled leaning over and pulling him back towards her, both her hands holding onto his as she looked up at him, her fingers then playing mindlessly with the wedding ring on the chain around his neck.
âThese other lips down âereâ Laughing his hands smoothed up her thighs, settling under her dress, right on top of her panties waistband; he could already feel that it was those cotton white ones that he had a thing for. She just knows him so well. âNo you didnâtâ
âI didâ She winked pulling up her skirt enough to show the start of the soft cotton pants, pulling the skirt down fast enough once his fingers tried their way up again. âNuh uh mister, only when the angel is bed do we get to playâ She scolded turning the ignition on for him, watching as he scoffed and turned his attention to the road
âAlright princess fairy queen, ah need ya to get to sleep prontoâ Sy whispered into his babyâs tiny ears, the tiny tot sleeping on his bare chest, her head nestled comfortably on the curls on his chest. Her tiny fist clutched peacefully as tiny gurgles and coos came out every time she hiccuped or moved. âPrincess fairy queen? Really Sy?â He heard his wife ask from the nursery door, clad in her white silk robe, very clearly not wearing anything underneath.
âI need my little girl to know sheâs the best of âem all, nâ that means callinâ her every nickname on Godâs Earth so she knows how much ah love herâ Looking down at his tiny tot, he felt the need to lean down and nuzzle his nose with hers, pulling away instantly when he heard a toot. A fart.
âNow was that from me or you?â Sy frowned holding her up to face him, her tiny eyes clearly shocked, her own farts had woken her up just from how loud it was; âTell ya what bubby, youâre definitely your daddyâs daughterâ
âYeah thereâs now way that loud thing came outta this tiny precious sugar cubeâ Sy questioned seeing the tired girl had gone to sleep in his arms again, thankfully for Syâs sake she didnât need changed, well not yet anyway.
It finally seemed like baby Penelope finally got the memo when she finally stayed asleep in her bassinet, after 20 minutes of him just whispering pointless happy memories of him and her momma, many soft baby back rubs and head scratches and of course with her binky in place. Princess Penelope was down for her nap. Now Sy could have his wife, any way he darn wanted.
âMomma, you spoil me too muchâ Walking into their shared bedroom Sy saw his wife, her robe untied as she laid on the bed waiting for him, a chocolate covered strawberry already in her mouth as she winked at him, her legs spread open showing off her glistening folds; she needed him as much as he needed her.
âIrish twins?â Y/n asked plucking the strawberry from her mouth, licking its juices from her lips as she quirked up a brow; Sy doing nothing but growl and rush to get rid of his white t-shirt and cargo pants. âIâd give ya irish triplets if it were possibleâ He snarked climbing on top of her, his body hovering over hers as he bit into the strawberry that was back in between her lips, his teeth squeezing the juice down the valley of her tits. His delicious welcome home treat, just for him to enjoy.
PSA:Hope you all enjoy this bit of Daddy Sy đ
Library blog of works: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
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@pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @bookfrog242 @alina02 @alexxavicry @lastwandastan @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @kzhlvlysstuff @thoughtsofreid @cilliansangel @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @luvabellee @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouusugar @queensgirl718 @sweetybuzz25
See you all again very soon xoxo
- Fae
Baby Subway

Pairing: Husband!Henry Cavill x Shy!Pregnant!Wife!Reader
summary:Henry has to order for his shy pregnant wife when she wants a sandwich and he just has a cuteness explosion over her, and so do some fans (DILF Henry) (req by @stormcloudss )
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated
Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist
âCome on honey, no need to be shy, itâs only Subwayâ Henry chuckled holding onto his wifeâs hand, the shorter woman stood behind him shyly, her head shaking rapidly; her 7 month bump softly rubbing against his back. His other hand reaching behind his back to smooth over her stomach, feeling the tiny flutter kicks following his touch.
âT-they might think i-iâm weird or something, can y-you order hubs?â She whispered kissing his arm softly, nuzzling her head into it like a puppy, following his footsteps as he walked up to the counter full of ingredients. âOf course pup, do anything for you, just the usual yeah?â Henry turned halfway to bend down and press a soft wet kiss onto her lips, a giggly smile forming onto her lips.
âYes please, but add mushrooms pleaseâ She whispered on her tippy toes, kissing just below his ear, smiling at the hickey she left on his neck from that same morning. Her pregnancy hormones had left her nothing soft of a raging sex monster, she would encourage Henry to take her anywhere and anyway possible, as long as she would be able to feel his cock inside her sensitive pussy.
Whether it be the kitchen table, against the porch railing of their backyard, any of their bedrooms and anywhere where they found themselves needing each other. So this morning when Henry felt his shy wifeâs mouth on his hardening cock he obviously had to fuck her to another universe, with her orgasms being twice as sensitive, her swollen tits never leaving his mouth; her husband now obsessed with the growing globes.
âUhh hi there, yeah, a foot long right baby?â Henry asked looking up at the order board, âU-uh a six inch is okay-â
âYes a foot long, with uh, tomatoes, cucumber, salami, Mariana sauce and southwest sauce please.â Henry replied politely, wincing when he felt his wife pinch his ass, âOH, and mushrooms pleaseâ He chuckled holding both her hands now, seeing her sundress flow through the side of his eye, a new purple floral thing Henry had bought during their trip to Portugal.
âWas that alright honey?â He whispered pulling her to the side as they waited on their order, his hands resting on her hips while she played with the chain around his neck; a necklace that had their wedding anniversary on it. âY-yeah thank you so much hubbyâ She beamed leaning up to kiss his beard covered chin, her hands clutching onto the opening of his denim coat. With Henry whispering sweet nothings into her ear, causing his woman to giggly shyly while they hid in the corner of the subwayÂ
âReckon you can give me your sweet goods later?â He joked feeling her panty lines over her dress, his eyes trained on her cleavage, painted with a thin layer of sweat during the summer months. âHmm yeah I think so, need you so badâ She whined pressing het body flat against his as much as she could, quickly breaking away when she heard the worker call out the order.
âWhatâdya say pup?â Henry said intertwining their fingers, his thumb rubbing over her knuckles comfortingly as he urged her towards the counter. âThank you missâ She said out loud, her heart hammering in her chest, for the longest time she had major anxiety about the simplest things, such as ordering food. So it was a total blessing when Henry the man of her dreams was willing to take that responsibility, basically memorising her order for each restaurant.
âGood job pup, beinâ such a brave mummy, canât wait for our lilâ girl to come out jusâ like her mummy; so precious nâ beautifulâ He said out loud, catching the attention of the older women nearby, Y/nâs face heating up at all the unnecessary attention. âI-I wanâ her to be like you, all warm nâ cuddly like a teddy bearâ Y/n said excitedly swinging their arms back and forth, her subway sandwich held in Henryâs other arm; apparently itâs too heavy for his baby to carry.
âWait can I have my sandwich now please, weâre starvingâ Y/n whined as soon as they got through the front door, her lips turning into a pout, her eyes watering and her brows furrowing. Although her face slowly brightened as she saw Henry was leading them straight to their kitchen, she could practically feel their baby girl bouncing for joy in the womb. âYou hungry baby yeah? Want Daddy to feed mummy for you?â Henry joked bending down to her bulging stomach, kissing wherever the babyâs foot kicked, the imprint being seen through the thin sundress.
âI think she said yes, feed meâ Y/n giggled sitting herself onto Henryâs lap, her throne as they like to call it. âWhatever the princess baby wants, she getsâ Henry chuckled opening the sandwich, cutting it up into bite amounts, smiling when he saw spurts of sauce covering his wifeâs face; his hands immediately coming to wipe her face delicately, while she held a wide smile on her face.
âI think she likes the mushroomsâ Y/n whispered rubbing her stomach as she ate the last bit of the foot long sub, struggling to stand up with such a full stomach, her body supported by her loving husbandâs arms. âI think you did too babeâ Chuckling he stood up alongside her, caressing her ass lovingly, even giving it a playful squeeze as he kissed her cheek; her hand coming up to caress his face slightly.
âI think w-we need to take a f-family nap pleaseâ  Y/n said giggling patting her belly, pulling Henry with her towards their custom made sofa, the wide plush couch basically fit the both of them snuggly enough. âWant your pregnancy pillow honey? Know you canât sleep comfortably without itâ Henry urged grabbing the massive white worm looking pillow on the other side of the room; helping her to lay down and manoeuvre her body around the material.
The pillow fitting in between her legs, allowing her to hug onto it as if it was Henry, âWow no room for daddy?â Henry scoffed jokingly spanking her thigh lightly, watching as she cutely shuffled forward, leaving him room behind her body to slip in, making her the little spoon. âH-hubs sheâs kickin, feel!â Y/n laughed grabbing his larger hand, and placing it on the front of her stomach,
âWe made her baby, the perfect mix of me and you, I hope her brother is the sameâ He whispered kissing her neck hotly, his hands moving up to grope he swollen sore breasts, making her moan out and nuzzle back against his crotch and chest.
âW-wait brother? Hold on!â
-- Twitter --
@/whitelillies3000: Omg Henry Cavill and Y/n Cavill just came into the subway I work at !! !! HE ORDERED FOR HER AND HE KEPT HER AWAY FROM THE OTHER CROWDS IN STORE BY HUGGING HER AGAINST THE CORNER. I SWEAR SHE IS THE CUTEST THING ALIVE, HE EVEN GOT HER TO SAY THANK YOU TO ME BC SHES SO SHYI NEARLY STARTED BLUSHING. Anyways I love the Cavill couple, YIn is stunning pregnant and Henry just can't keep his hands off her, literally kept touching her up and kissing her; AND RUBBING HER STOMACH (wa) Sleeping in the highway tonight. Next thing you know they're walking hand in hand down the street, she was literally skipping while reaching for her subway but he wouldn't let her carry it so she pouted AND HE JUST KEPT KISSING HER UNTIL SHE SMILED AND GIGGLED AGAIN UGHZ
Library blog: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
Taglist (not accepting new @, please use library blog)
@pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @bookfrog242 @alina02 @alexxavicry @lastwandastan @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @keiva1000 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @kzhlvlysstuff @thoughtsofreid @cilliansangel @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @luvabellee @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouu @queensgirl718 @sweetybuzz25
Marvel VS DC

Pairing: Husband!Henry Cavill x MCU Actress!Reader
summary: Fans retell the best moments of what they see from Y/n and Henryâs relationship
Warnings: implications of smut?nothing but fluff really
- Requests are open!
Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciatedâ„ïž
Welcome To The Fae Station: Full Masterlistđ«
Library of Henry Cavill: Full Henry Masterlist
@/legend47fr: Did anyone see Henry and Y/n's instagram storiesđđ They had a superhero themed gender reveal, all the DC men represented boys and the Marvel women represented girls. Too cute.
@/7littlebunnies: I heard from a secret source that Henry purposely visited Y/n at set nearly everyday just to see her in her suitâ ïž mans had the hots for her even in costume
@/letmeliveplease: I donât care what anyone says, I want Henry and Y/n to adopt me. Henry literally spends his days doting on her while she sits and bakes him treatsđ„č I need to be there
@/marvelsuperstar: Just saw Henry Cavill taking Y/n stationary shopping, anyone know why?
âł @/lozardeggs: In an interview Y/n said she wanted to go back to school to get her PHD in History, THIS MAN IS JUST SO FREAKIN SUPPORTIVE OF HER
@/nowyouseeme3: I love how at every one of Henry's premieres, Y/n has made it her duty to cosplay as a DC character despite her contract with marvel. She slays it everytime. âł @/blowuphorse: donât forget that Henry said it leads to him having a âcardioâ workout every timeđ
@/Y/nhasmyheart: Never letting anyone forget about the time Henry and Y/n were on the beach and the paps got a pic of Henry touching up on Y/n's body. âł @/rainbowsandflowers: Okay but can we blame him? the girlâs a goddess on Earth
@/iamnotgroot: Henry and Y/n's son is so cuteđ„° According to Y/n he copies Henry alla time, such as when asking for a kiss, but because he has a lisp it comes out adorably
âł @/leonotaquarius: forget that. Imagine the Henry Cavill asking you for kisses even though youâre married
@/Evanstan: in the background of Chris Evans' party vid, why is my focus on the Cavill couple making out in the background
âł @/buckszer: Y/n said so herself that Henry has the drive of an 18 year old hornball, IF THAT GIVES YOU ANY ANSWERS
âł@/Evanstan: yeah no wonder they have like 4 kids already and theyâve been together like 6 years đ
@/Hartystsyles: Letâs just remember that 10 years ago in an interview, Y/n said her major celeb crush was Henry, WHAT MANIFESTING METHODS DOES MISS GIRL USE?!
âł @/lemonsmoothie: No clue honey, but I jus remember her havin no hope because they have an 8 year age gap AND SHE WAS 22 AT THE TIME, she works her magic for real
âł @/theojameslove: Just know that on their first date, Henry said he knew he was gonna marry her and went to go buy a ring
@/33overloax: My brother works at a bar, and apparently he saw Henry there for a bachelor party. This manâs wearing a tshirt with Y/n's face on it and it said âIM HAPPILY MARRIED THANK YOUâ
âł @/officialY/nCavill: You best believe I did that, have you seen my manđ I ainât taking any chances
@/francaiswho: During filming Henry canât wear his wedding ring during scenes, so he got it tattooed onto his ring finger just to prove his devotion đ„Č
@/fleabagmonkeyface: Saw The Cavill couple and their baby at the zoo, the baby had a Marvel tshirt but a DC hatâ ïž I overheard a few of their convos with their baby and I near started sobbing because of how cute it was. They call him bambi đ
@/onyourleft: Kill me. A friend of mine saw Y/n modelling clothes for Henry once she got our of the changing rooms, and he would whistle and cheer for her every time she twirled
@/brownbobstyle: Remember when Y/n was mobbed by crazy fans and Henry near started a fist fight for her, THEN WENT ON ALL HIS SOCIALS TO CALL OUT BY NAME ALL THE PAPARAZZI THAT DID NOTHING TO HELP. Love that man
@/fishiesfornemo: Bringing us back to that time of twitter when Y/n was pregnant and posted about how she made Henry sleep on the couch because he said she was overreacting. Next morning she woke up to a whole buffet for breakfast as an apologyđ Henry then posted that he never said that and it was just smthn that happened in one of Y/n'a dreams
@/HenryCavill: Can someone tell me how do I get my sleeping wife with a grip like a gorilla, off me in the morning. itâs been three hours. iâm hungry
âł @officialY/nCavill: Fine then, no cuddles for you. Ever.
âł @/HenryCavill: Now hold on there honey, I never said that. You know I love your cuddlesâ„ïž
âł @/Cavillfan1: LOOOL HENRY GOT TOLD đđ
Baby Subway

Pairing: Husband!Henry Cavill x Shy!Pregnant!Wife!Reader
summary:Henry has to order for his shy pregnant wife when she wants a sandwich and he just has a cuteness explosion over her, and so do some fans (DILF Henry) (req by @stormcloudss )
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated
Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist
âCome on honey, no need to be shy, itâs only Subwayâ Henry chuckled holding onto his wifeâs hand, the shorter woman stood behind him shyly, her head shaking rapidly; her 7 month bump softly rubbing against his back. His other hand reaching behind his back to smooth over her stomach, feeling the tiny flutter kicks following his touch.
âT-they might think i-iâm weird or something, can y-you order hubs?â She whispered kissing his arm softly, nuzzling her head into it like a puppy, following his footsteps as he walked up to the counter full of ingredients. âOf course pup, do anything for you, just the usual yeah?â Henry turned halfway to bend down and press a soft wet kiss onto her lips, a giggly smile forming onto her lips.
âYes please, but add mushrooms pleaseâ She whispered on her tippy toes, kissing just below his ear, smiling at the hickey she left on his neck from that same morning. Her pregnancy hormones had left her nothing soft of a raging sex monster, she would encourage Henry to take her anywhere and anyway possible, as long as she would be able to feel his cock inside her sensitive pussy.
Whether it be the kitchen table, against the porch railing of their backyard, any of their bedrooms and anywhere where they found themselves needing each other. So this morning when Henry felt his shy wifeâs mouth on his hardening cock he obviously had to fuck her to another universe, with her orgasms being twice as sensitive, her swollen tits never leaving his mouth; her husband now obsessed with the growing globes.
âUhh hi there, yeah, a foot long right baby?â Henry asked looking up at the order board, âU-uh a six inch is okay-â
âYes a foot long, with uh, tomatoes, cucumber, salami, Mariana sauce and southwest sauce please.â Henry replied politely, wincing when he felt his wife pinch his ass, âOH, and mushrooms pleaseâ He chuckled holding both her hands now, seeing her sundress flow through the side of his eye, a new purple floral thing Henry had bought during their trip to Portugal.
âWas that alright honey?â He whispered pulling her to the side as they waited on their order, his hands resting on her hips while she played with the chain around his neck; a necklace that had their wedding anniversary on it. âY-yeah thank you so much hubbyâ She beamed leaning up to kiss his beard covered chin, her hands clutching onto the opening of his denim coat. With Henry whispering sweet nothings into her ear, causing his woman to giggly shyly while they hid in the corner of the subwayÂ
âReckon you can give me your sweet goods later?â He joked feeling her panty lines over her dress, his eyes trained on her cleavage, painted with a thin layer of sweat during the summer months. âHmm yeah I think so, need you so badâ She whined pressing het body flat against his as much as she could, quickly breaking away when she heard the worker call out the order.
âWhatâdya say pup?â Henry said intertwining their fingers, his thumb rubbing over her knuckles comfortingly as he urged her towards the counter. âThank you missâ She said out loud, her heart hammering in her chest, for the longest time she had major anxiety about the simplest things, such as ordering food. So it was a total blessing when Henry the man of her dreams was willing to take that responsibility, basically memorising her order for each restaurant.
âGood job pup, beinâ such a brave mummy, canât wait for our lilâ girl to come out jusâ like her mummy; so precious nâ beautifulâ He said out loud, catching the attention of the older women nearby, Y/nâs face heating up at all the unnecessary attention. âI-I wanâ her to be like you, all warm nâ cuddly like a teddy bearâ Y/n said excitedly swinging their arms back and forth, her subway sandwich held in Henryâs other arm; apparently itâs too heavy for his baby to carry.
âWait can I have my sandwich now please, weâre starvingâ Y/n whined as soon as they got through the front door, her lips turning into a pout, her eyes watering and her brows furrowing. Although her face slowly brightened as she saw Henry was leading them straight to their kitchen, she could practically feel their baby girl bouncing for joy in the womb. âYou hungry baby yeah? Want Daddy to feed mummy for you?â Henry joked bending down to her bulging stomach, kissing wherever the babyâs foot kicked, the imprint being seen through the thin sundress.
âI think she said yes, feed meâ Y/n giggled sitting herself onto Henryâs lap, her throne as they like to call it. âWhatever the princess baby wants, she getsâ Henry chuckled opening the sandwich, cutting it up into bite amounts, smiling when he saw spurts of sauce covering his wifeâs face; his hands immediately coming to wipe her face delicately, while she held a wide smile on her face.
âI think she likes the mushroomsâ Y/n whispered rubbing her stomach as she ate the last bit of the foot long sub, struggling to stand up with such a full stomach, her body supported by her loving husbandâs arms. âI think you did too babeâ Chuckling he stood up alongside her, caressing her ass lovingly, even giving it a playful squeeze as he kissed her cheek; her hand coming up to caress his face slightly.
âI think w-we need to take a f-family nap pleaseâ  Y/n said giggling patting her belly, pulling Henry with her towards their custom made sofa, the wide plush couch basically fit the both of them snuggly enough. âWant your pregnancy pillow honey? Know you canât sleep comfortably without itâ Henry urged grabbing the massive white worm looking pillow on the other side of the room; helping her to lay down and manoeuvre her body around the material.
The pillow fitting in between her legs, allowing her to hug onto it as if it was Henry, âWow no room for daddy?â Henry scoffed jokingly spanking her thigh lightly, watching as she cutely shuffled forward, leaving him room behind her body to slip in, making her the little spoon. âH-hubs sheâs kickin, feel!â Y/n laughed grabbing his larger hand, and placing it on the front of her stomach,
âWe made her baby, the perfect mix of me and you, I hope her brother is the sameâ He whispered kissing her neck hotly, his hands moving up to grope he swollen sore breasts, making her moan out and nuzzle back against his crotch and chest.
âW-wait brother? Hold on!â
-- Twitter --
@/whitelillies3000: Omg Henry Cavill and Y/n Cavill just came into the subway I work at !! !! HE ORDERED FOR HER AND HE KEPT HER AWAY FROM THE OTHER CROWDS IN STORE BY HUGGING HER AGAINST THE CORNER. I SWEAR SHE IS THE CUTEST THING ALIVE, HE EVEN GOT HER TO SAY THANK YOU TO ME BC SHES SO SHYI NEARLY STARTED BLUSHING. Anyways I love the Cavill couple, YIn is stunning pregnant and Henry just can't keep his hands off her, literally kept touching her up and kissing her; AND RUBBING HER STOMACH (wa) Sleeping in the highway tonight. Next thing you know they're walking hand in hand down the street, she was literally skipping while reaching for her subway but he wouldn't let her carry it so she pouted AND HE JUST KEPT KISSING HER UNTIL SHE SMILED AND GIGGLED AGAIN UGHZ
Library blog: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
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@pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @bookfrog242 @alina02 @alexxavicry @lastwandastan @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @keiva1000 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @kzhlvlysstuff @thoughtsofreid @cilliansangel @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @luvabellee @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouu @queensgirl718 @sweetybuzz25
Daddyâs Princess Fairy

pairing: Husband!Dad!Sy x Wife!Mom!Reader
summary: Sy comes home to his newborn babygirl and wife after his last ever deployment, and heâs desperate to meet his tiny twin, and get into his wifeâs panties (Dilf Sy) likes, comments and reblogs are appreciatedđ«¶
Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist
âDaddyâs nearly home booboo, heâll be out here any second nowâ Y/n cooed bouncing her baby girl in her arms, the two month old softly snuggled against her mama, the both of them waiting at the entrance of the military base along with the other families. Her eyes tracing each body that left the aircraft, her breath hitching when she saw her big hunk of a man step out, his head shaven but his beard grown rough and long. God he looked filthy but so sexy.
Biting her lip she saw him take off his dark sunglasses as he scanned the crowd carefully, his lips pulling into a smirk once he saw his baby momma waiting at the back, away from the crowd; holding his baby girl. Practically skipping all the steps he threw his bag to the ground, his built arms bringing his wife and newborn into his arms, this was his first time home since that night their daughter was conceived. That one special night by the fireplace.
âFuck pumpkin, missed ya nâ your sweet self sâmuchâ He grumbled inhaling her scent deeply as he grazed his nose up and down her cheek, his other hand cupping his daughterâs head, this would be the first time he would see her in person. âAnd this- this is Penelope, Penelope Syversonâ Y/n giggled holding up Penelope up to Sy, and even he could see she already was his twin, the same grouchy look already.
âSheâs stinkinâ adorable, iâd say jusâ like her momma but iâm seeinâ frowns on her alreadyâ Sy chuckled seeing his babygirl whimper and wiggle, leading Y/n to place the tiny babe into his arms, and just the mere size difference between the father and daughter was enough to make a witchâs heart melt. âShe missed you, anytime you wasnât on the phone sheâd cry and whimper until I played your voicemailâ Y/n explained tucking Penelopeâs bib a bit more, seeing how she was drooling onto her daddyâs arm.
âAwk babygirl you break ma heart, mânot leavinâ again, I canât do it- thatâs me doneâ Sy chuckled bending down and kissing her forehead, breathing out a sigh of relief, he was finally discharged and able to start the rest of his life. âDamn right you arenât leavinâ, we still need to give our bubby a brotherâ Giggling Y/n latched herself onto his arm, the happy family walking towards the pickup truck waiting for them; Y/n watched on as Sy carefully put his pride and joy into her carseat, pouting up at Y/n when he realised Penelope wouldnât let go of his finger.
âBabe, jus pull your finger out come onâ Y/n laughed as he shook his head, âno can do sugar, donât want my babygirl thinkinâ am leavinâ her again, canât be her first heartbreakâ
âIf ya let go iâll give ya some of your treat when we get home, after I put Pen down for her napâ It hadnât even been two seconds but Sy carefully pulled his finger out, kissed his baby bye bye, and jogged over to the driverâs side of the pickup truck. âNow ya gotta keep your promise, wait- are you even okay down âerâ Sy questioned looking concerned down at her crotch, he knew how hard the healing process was for his wife, needing stitches and medication. It honestly broke his heart that she had to go through it alone, but she was strong and independent, just his typa woman.
âYup! Doctor gave me the green light a while ago, jus wanted to surprise ya for when you got home, Captain Syversonâ Y/n winked grabbing a handful of his thigh tightly, his eyes widening and smacking her hand off, âJesus woman didnât ya read the sticker on the car? Thereâs a baby on boardâ He joked intertwining their hands and kissing her knuckles, leaning forward and pressing a heated kiss to her lips, his beard scratching her face in the best way possible. His tongue venturing out to lick over hers, tasting his favourite watermelon lipbalm causing him to groan into their kiss.
âForgot how much I missed these luscious lips of yoursâ He growled pulling away, kissing her lips once more before sitting back in his seat to look at her, his wife. âYeah? What else did ya missâ She giggled leaning over and pulling him back towards her, both her hands holding onto his as she looked up at him, her fingers then playing mindlessly with the wedding ring on the chain around his neck.
âThese other lips down âereâ Laughing his hands smoothed up her thighs, settling under her dress, right on top of her panties waistband; he could already feel that it was those cotton white ones that he had a thing for. She just knows him so well. âNo you didnâtâ
âI didâ She winked pulling up her skirt enough to show the start of the soft cotton pants, pulling the skirt down fast enough once his fingers tried their way up again. âNuh uh mister, only when the angel is bed do we get to playâ She scolded turning the ignition on for him, watching as he scoffed and turned his attention to the road
âAlright princess fairy queen, ah need ya to get to sleep prontoâ Sy whispered into his babyâs tiny ears, the tiny tot sleeping on his bare chest, her head nestled comfortably on the curls on his chest. Her tiny fist clutched peacefully as tiny gurgles and coos came out every time she hiccuped or moved. âPrincess fairy queen? Really Sy?â He heard his wife ask from the nursery door, clad in her white silk robe, very clearly not wearing anything underneath.
âI need my little girl to know sheâs the best of âem all, nâ that means callinâ her every nickname on Godâs Earth so she knows how much ah love herâ Looking down at his tiny tot, he felt the need to lean down and nuzzle his nose with hers, pulling away instantly when he heard a toot. A fart.
âNow was that from me or you?â Sy frowned holding her up to face him, her tiny eyes clearly shocked, her own farts had woken her up just from how loud it was; âTell ya what bubby, youâre definitely your daddyâs daughterâ
âYeah thereâs now way that loud thing came outta this tiny precious sugar cubeâ Sy questioned seeing the tired girl had gone to sleep in his arms again, thankfully for Syâs sake she didnât need changed, well not yet anyway.
It finally seemed like baby Penelope finally got the memo when she finally stayed asleep in her bassinet, after 20 minutes of him just whispering pointless happy memories of him and her momma, many soft baby back rubs and head scratches and of course with her binky in place. Princess Penelope was down for her nap. Now Sy could have his wife, any way he darn wanted.
âMomma, you spoil me too muchâ Walking into their shared bedroom Sy saw his wife, her robe untied as she laid on the bed waiting for him, a chocolate covered strawberry already in her mouth as she winked at him, her legs spread open showing off her glistening folds; she needed him as much as he needed her.
âIrish twins?â Y/n asked plucking the strawberry from her mouth, licking its juices from her lips as she quirked up a brow; Sy doing nothing but growl and rush to get rid of his white t-shirt and cargo pants. âIâd give ya irish triplets if it were possibleâ He snarked climbing on top of her, his body hovering over hers as he bit into the strawberry that was back in between her lips, his teeth squeezing the juice down the valley of her tits. His delicious welcome home treat, just for him to enjoy.
PSA:Hope you all enjoy this bit of Daddy Sy đ
Library blog of works: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
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@pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @bookfrog242 @alina02 @alexxavicry @lastwandastan @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @kzhlvlysstuff @thoughtsofreid @cilliansangel @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @luvabellee @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouusugar @queensgirl718 @sweetybuzz25
See you all again very soon xoxo
- Fae

First Time Sex After Baby (Henry Cavill X Female Reader)
Warning: Smut and fluff. 18+ Do not post my work anywhere else. Reblogs on Tumblr are fine.) @thereisa8ella Thanks for the prompt, love. Hope you like it! Itâs long, but you knowâŠ.after 6 weeks of no sex taking it slow is important LOL! 6 Weeks. 6 long, damn weeks before you can have sex with Henry after giving birth to your perfect baby. You both love your daughter so much. Henryâs smitten with her and is a devoted father already. ButâŠthe sex deprivation between you, especially since youâre used to going at it damn near every day, is killing you both. You both marked this day on the calendar. Six weeks, not one day more, not one less. Tonight, it is on. Itâs been way too long, and you both need some physical release. Youâve been stealing lustful glances at each other, and heâs been staring at your full breasts. A great perk of having a baby is the size of your boobs has increased even more. The only issue is that youâre not ready for a random sitter. Leaving your precious girl at only 6 weeks old is tearing you up. Henry knows this and just like you, he doesnât want to separate from the little one for long, especially with someone who isnât family. After many conversations, you both decide to let his mom watch the baby at her home. You both trust her and she has other grandchildren, so she is a pro at it. You drive back from your mother-in-lawâs home, and youâre sniffling. This is the first time away from your baby girl, and youâre so upset. Henry places a hand on your thigh.Â
âShould I turn back, love?â he asks, concern filling his voice, both for you and for himself. He misses her too already.
You shake your head. âNo, she is fine. Your mom adores her and I trust her. Itâs justâŠI am not used to being without herâŠâ
âI know, Y/N. Itâs going to be okay,â he says and gives you a reassuring smile. âI think itâll do us some good to be alone for a bit.â
You smile back and wipe away a tear. âI do miss you, Henry.â
âMe too, baby. I adore how great you are with our daughter. You are the best mother I could have ever asked for my child. But not going to lie, babyâŠI miss some attention too.â He returns his attention to the road, but leaves the hand on your thigh, stroking it slowly.
You know what he means. You miss your hunk too. And right now, you canât wait to show him just how much youâve missed his sexy big muscles wrapping around you, his lips on your neck, and his grunts and moaning when heâs unraveling inside you. The thought alone makes you wet already. You get home and get inside. Henry tells you to wait in the living room and tells you to stay there for a few.
âI thought weâd be going into the bedroomâŠâ you say, confused.
âJustâŠwait.â He beams one of his smirks, making your knees wobble.Â
You wait on the sofa for what seems an eternity and finally, he returns. âOkay, come.â
You follow him to the master bedroom but he leads you into your bathroom. The lights are off but the soft glow of dozens of candles cast a beautiful golden light everywhere. The oversized garden tub is filled with water, and you can tell a bath bomb is fizzing away. Rose petals are scattered around the tub and the tiled floor. You stare in awe. You canât even remember the last time the two of you had enjoyed a romantic romp in the tub.
âOh my gosh, Henry,â you nearly weep. âThis is so amazing.â
He comes over and starts peeling your top off. His entire demeanor has changed from casual and talkative, to silent and intoxicating. His fingers brush against your flesh as the shirt comes off over your head and it sends tingles over your entire body.
He unzips your jeans and peels them down. Youâre aware that your figure is a bit different than pre-baby, but Henry has done nothing but tell you how gorgeous and sexy you are the entire pregnancy and even the last six weeks. The way he looks at you in the black bra and panties tells you he means it too. His breathing becomes heavier and he unclasps your bra. With your bare breasts freed, he begins to caress them softly. âFuck, baby, I miss you so much,â he whispers.
You moan, already feeling like you could come from his touch and voice alone. He slips your panties down so incredibly slow that the pleasure you feel may kill you. You already want him inside you, railing you, but itâs been a long time and you want to savor this night of freedom you have and take your time. He draws back and takes your hand, then leads you to the tub.
âGet in,â he orders softly. You step into the warm water, heaven filling your pores. You sit and get comfortable, already feeling all tension leaving your muscles. Youâve been devoting every minute to your daughter, who you love so much and would take care of for the rest of your life, but it has taken a toll on you physically or mentally. This bath and alone time with Henry is well overdue. Henry starts undressing. Fuck, heâs been working out, even more, to deal with the lack of sex and his pent up frustration, and his muscles are bulging even more. Heâs fully naked, his organ already erect and begging to be near you. He climbs in the tub and shuffles behind you, so that you are sitting between his legs.
He begins rubbing your shoulders, his hands massaging you smoothly. He then trails down your back, kneading and massaging. You moan quietly, the tension trapped in your muscles fading away.
His lips begin planting kisses all over your back, while his hands caress them do your sides. He continues kissing as his arms circle you from the back and his hands find your breasts already. He cups them and begins kneading the nipples, which are sensitive from nursing. He takes his time, really feeling them in his big hands and showing appreciation.
His touch is getting you high, and being this close to him makes you want to lose your mind. You swivel around, your eyes locking. His blue eyes are full of impatient lust and youâre pretty sure yours are too. He pulls you close as you straddle him. His lips crash against yours and his tongue wastes no time. You lean into him, taking his kiss and the roughness of it. He is passionate and all of the build-up of the past weeks is evident as he hungrily bites your lower lip. âBaby, I need you now,â you say, pulling away for air. You shuffle on his lap to align to his hardness.
âSo itâs okay to do itâŠright?â he asks, concern on his features. âWill I hurt you or something?â
You giggle, even as your own breathing is labored. âWait is a precaution. And we were good.â You kiss him again, the tip of your tongue teasing his lips as you pull back. âWe waited like the doctor said.â
âIâve been a good boy,â he smirks, his hands cupping your ass and pushing you up. You release a whine as you settle right over his hardened tip. âA patient one.â
âYou have been,â you coo. âTime to reward Daddy for being so patient.â
As if unleashing all the frustration and lust bottled inside of him, he grabs your hips and brings you down slowly onto his erection, the tip slicing through you and filling you halfway. The new sensation of having him back inside you seems like the first time you ever slept with Henry. You whine loud, already feeling your core grip tightly around his erection. Then he thrusts up, completely filling you to the hilt. You both enjoy this first thrust, just letting him settle there. Your eyes are closed and your head leans back in ecstasy. Man, youâve missed this feeling so much. Just having you so deep inside you, your souls mixing, his flesh merging with yours. This is what made your baby. Your soul connection and the incredible way your body just fit together like puzzle pieces.
You savor this moment but the need is too strong and overdue and Henry needs you more than ever. He brings your hips up, his hands tight on your hip bones, but you welcome the pain. Then, he slams you back down on him again, forcing a loud moan out of you. Instead of settling into another long moment, he looks at you with those âGonna fuck the shit out of youâ blue eyes.
You use your knees to ride him, matching the rhythm of his thrusts in no time. It might be a while youâve had sex, but you reconnect immediately, your bodies reading one another perfectly. Your drape your arms around his neck as he keeps thrusting up, his speed becoming faster and you impaling yourself deeper on him.
âFuckkkkk,â you scream.
Water splashes out of the tub, and you know thereâll be a flooded mess on the tile. But who gives a shit?
Henry surely doesnât, because he leans forward, his back peeling away from the tub. He positions you better on top of him, so that he can control your body with each thrust. One of his hands wraps at the back of your neck and he fucks you deeply, pumping you up and down, his grunts filling the bathroom.
You know you canât last long. You both cum at the same time, an explosion of overdue lust that is now culminating. He releases inside you with a loud groan, You are not far behind and as he gives you another slamming thrust, your walls clench and tingle, till the orgasm takes over.
Minutes later youâre both enjoying the last of the warm water, leaning back as he cradles you into his arms.
âMan, I missed this so much,â he whispers into your hair.
You nod. âAs have IâŠ.butâŠâ
ââŠyou miss her too,â he finishes with a smirk.
You look up at him sheepishly but he smiles. âI do too,â he replies. âLetâs do it again then go pick up our sweet angel.â
There arenât enough Charles Brandon x reader stories out there
Since First I Saw Your Face - Masterlist

Lady Y/N Wentworth is a young noble woman whose world has quite suddenly changed. Y/N had a very secluded upbringing. She never knew her mother and was raised, almost solely, by her father, Baron Edmund Wentworth, in his quite country manor. But now, her father is dead and she is alone in the world, save for Lady Colton, her fatherâs sister. Y/Nâs aunt and her family took her in for a time after the death of the baron, but Lady Colton has now decided to send her niece to court. As a maid in waiting to the Queen of England, Y/N will receive a steady income and hopefully, find a suitable husbandâŠhowever, a life in the bustling court is far from appealing to Y/N, and all she wants to do is go home and grieve for her father in peace.
But, perhaps her feelings will change when he meets the Kingâs closet friend, Charles Brandon, the recently widowed Duke of Suffolk, .
Will he become a friend to her? And would she be contented if that was all he became?
Chapter 1 -Â New Beginnings.
Chapter 2 - Introductions and Interruptions.
Chapter 3 - An Uneasy Mind
Chapter 4 - Early Mornings
Chapter 5 - Messages and Music
Chapter 6 - Breakfast
Chapter 7 - Wandering eyes and Distracted minds
Chapter 8 - Songs and Surprises
Chapter 9 - Dances and Disguises
Chapter 10 - Games and Aggression
Chapter 11 - Worries and Ruminations
Chapter 12 - Panic and Pavans
Chapter 13 - Realisations
Chapter 14 - Fear and Anger
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
The one with âWe were on a breakâ

I have had this one shot ready for a week, but I didnât post it because is not festive, but today I said fuck it đ
Pairing: Henry Cavill x reader
Summery: After a fight you and Henry decide to take a break⊠you spend all your night deciding if maybe you didnât make a mistake, Henry spends his night differently Warnings: angst, cheating (is it cheating? is it not? if you have seen the episode of Friends this is inspired of, you know what I mean), child abandonment. Poorly written English, English is not my first language so Iâm sorry if there are any mistakes
The last year had been difficult for you and Henry, the constant arguing, the couple therapy, the costant nagging every time he traveled for more than a week without you, the fear every time he went out with his friends.
It all had started 12 months ago: you had just been promoted at your job and you couldn't have been happier, after years and years of given your all to your job your boss was finally recognizing your effort, you were engaged to the love of your life, you had a beautiful house and a super cute and fluffy pup. But the promotion hadn't only come with the gratification of your effort being recognized, it was also followed by a lot more responsibilities and hours in the office.
Henry had been happy and supportive of you, of course he had been, he had always wanted for you to be fulfilled in every aspect of your life and he knew that, even if you didn't need to work because he could provide with anything you could need and want, you had always wanted to be indipendent, you didn't want him to think you cared about his money, not even for a second. You always joked that when he got tired of it he could just "hang up the capeâ and you would give him an allowance.
Even though he couldn't have been happier for you and your accomplishments, the longer hours in the office had started to weigh on both of you and your relationship.
Your relationship had always needed a lot of work: Henry traveled a lot for his job but you had always managed because you used to have stable hours, but being now the head of your own team you couldn't always go back home at 5 p.m. like you used to, beside you had just been promoted you couldn't ask for time off already.
All of that had reduced the time you could spent with Henry when he was home and it had started a chain of reaction that had ended with the biggest fight you and your fiancĂš had ever had in four years of your relationship.
You could still remember that day, and the days after, like it was yesterday, you could still remembered the emptiness you had felt as soon as Henry had slammed the door of your house, you could still feel the dread of losing the love of your life for a mistake you weren't sure you could forgive.
-10 months before-
You were in your office with your boss Daniel, trying to fix the mess that was the last shipment, you could see your cell lighting up with Henry's calls, but you could also feel your boss eyes burning the back of your head so you couldn't really answer, beside you were almost done. You didn't know what time it was, you didn't know how long it had taken but you had done it: you had fixed the problem and you had impressed your boss.
"Good job today, I was sure you were the right person for the promotion but i'm happy I wasn't wrong"- Daniel, your boss had smiled at you⊠and he never smiled, so you took it as a win.
"Thank you"- you had said while putting your coat on
"Why don't you take the next couple of days off? I know the last couple of months, after your promotion, have been tough and don't think I haven't noticed that you have been the last one leaving the office almost everyday since getting promoted. The project is bascially done, we have fixed the shipment problem, I'm sure your team can manage the last details without you"- you wanted to jump for the happiness but had tried to stay professional.
"Are you sure?"- you double checked
"Of course, you deserve it. I don't want to see you until next week"- Daniel said while leaving the office.
You were on cloud nine, you were tired of course but you couldn't wait to be home: all you wanted was to get home, drink a glass of wine and tell Henry the good news. You couldn't wait to spend some time with Henry: maybe you could take a long weekend trip, it was going to be amazing.
You arrived home and the first thing you noticed was that Kal didn't come as soon as he heard your car and that could mean only two things: he and Henry weren't home or Kal was too busy taking care of Henry to come to the door and that worried you...
"Babe? Kal? I'm home"- you said while hanging your coat. Henry didn't answer you but you could now hear Kal wining and the tv on so that meant he was home.
You went to the living room, sure that Henry was there by now, even if he hadn't answered when you had said hi, maybe he had just fell asleep while watching a film.
Only when you entered the living room you were able to noticed that the table was set, a simple candle as center piece, and a bouquet of red roses was resting on what was supposed to be your side of the table. Henry was on the couch and it was clear he was very much awake
"Babe. I'm so sorry, I-" you tried but he didn't let you finish
"it's 11 p.m. Y/n, you told me you were going to be home at 6 at most... at 6 and it's 11 pm"- you could see it was upset and the last thing you wanted was to have a fight. You were so tired, you just wanted to hug your boyfriend and go to sleep preferably with your bear of a man and your baby-bear of a pup keeping you warm.
"I know I'm sorry, I really tried but the shipment department made a mistake and it took a while to fix it but listen-" he stopped you again and now you were getting annoyed. He knew there were really few things that got on your nerves and people not letting you speak was one of them. But you took a deep breath trying to stay calm as long as you could because you could see Henry was mad and one of you needed to keep a clear head if you wanted to avoid a fight
"You tried, yeah that's what you keep saying, that's the only thing I have been hearing from you in the last two months, well that and the message on your voicemail since you seem to have decided to stop answering my phone calls. Do you even remember what today is?â-he asked and even before he had finished to speak you wanted to curse. Fuck the roses, the home cooked dinner, he was wearing your favorite suit...
"It's our anniversary"- you whispered, it's not like you had completly forgotten, you had rembered this morning but you hadn't seen Henry before going to work since you had gotten out while he was still on his morning run, just to be sure not to get late. You had asked your boss to go out a little bit early but then the mess had happened and you had forgotten about the anniversary, about the dinner Henry had planned weeks ago without telling you anything about it, wanting it to be a surprise. He had only aked you to be there and well... you hadnât been .
"Yeah it's our anniversary and I just spent it without even seeing my fiancĂš since she was busy working all day"- he wasn't screaming, Henry never did, especially not at you, but it didn't mean he was any less angry
"I tried, I swear I had asked Daniel yesterday to finish early but-"
"Daniel of course"- he interrupted you again and now you had had enough
"What's that supposed to mean?"- now you were getting angry... ok you were sorry you forgot about dinner, you were sorry you got home late, but calm-Y/n had run out of patience and you didn't like the tone your fiancĂš was using with you
"There is something I should know? about you and Daniel?"- Henry asked and in that moment you could have strangled him
"Please tell me you are not serious right now"- you tried one last time to reasoned with your fiancé
"Do you think I didn't noticed how he looked at you at your promotion dinner? How he always tried to get his hands on you?"
"OH MY GOD! Not this again, there is nothing between us, he is fucking married and even if he wasn't do you really think I would cheat on you? is that the consideration you have of me? Do you really think that low of me?"- you didn't know if you wanted to cry or scream, maybe a bit of both. You were sure your relationship was solid but now it almost seems like it was falling to pieces in front of you
"No of course not. I dont know"- Henry said sounding deffeated
"You don't know... after four years together you dont know"- you could feel tears starting to fall but you didn't give them any mind -"Maybe we should take a break"- you added after a while you and Henry had spent waiting for the other to say something
"Yeah... let's just take a breath, I'm gonna take a walk, do you want me to get you something while I'm out?"- Henry was looking at you and even though you wanted to stop your mouth before it could spell the next words, you couldnât, it almost seemed like you had lost control
"I meant a break from us"- you muttered
"You want to break up?"- Henry asked and you could see he was shocked and mad all over again
"I..."- you wanted to tell no but you couldn't speak, you wanted to stop him while he was getting his coat, you wanted to tell him you loved him when he was almost at the door, but you didn't. All you did was watch the love of you life slamming the door of your house while crying, Kal spent the whole time whining
You had spent that night crying, trying to reach Henry on his phone to tell him you didn't really mean it, you were just tired and a little bit mad, you wanted him to get back home so you could rest and have that conversation when you weren't running high on emotion.
You had wanted to tell him you didn't mean it, there was no way you had meant it.
You heard the door opening and Henry getting in the house, you took a deep breath and tried to stop thinking about the past: you and Henry had moved past that fight and what it lead to. You had needed months of couple therapy but you were finally in a good place again.
"Hey baby"- you said while hugging Henry, the memory of that night had left you needing a little bit of affection
"You ok?"- Henry asked, he could probably see a lingering pain in your eyes, the pain form remembering but you didn't want to bring up that fight again, you had talk it through in therapy and you were over it, but sometime you still thought about that night, about what you could have said differently, you still wished no mistake had been made at work so that you could have been home on time... nothing would have happened then, or maybe it would have anyway, who knew. Your therapist had told you there was no good that could come from the 'what if' but you couldn't help yourself and, even if he didn't tell you, you knew it was the same for Henry, you knew he still thought about it, he still wished things had gone differently.
"Yeah of couse, I can't stop thinking about our trip for our anniversary in two months. Paris here we come"- you laughed trying not to think that your anniversary would always coincide with the worst memory of your relationship with Henry. But you had both decided you didn't want to lose the pleasure to celebrate your anniversary.
Henry smiled at you while tenderly kissing your temple
"I love you"- he said and your heart warmed as it did every time you heard those words from him. You two were ok... yeah you were
"I love you too"
You were about to kiss Henry when you heard Kal barking and the ring of the doorbell soon after.
"Are you waiting for someone?"- you asked
Henry shook his head before going to the door, you decided to stay in the kitchen so you could start cooking dinner, whoever was at the door Henry could handle it. But when 5 minutes had passed and Henry hadn't yet come back and hand't invited whoever was at the door in, you started to worry
"Henry who was it?"- you asked while reaching Henry at the door, but once you were there you almost stopped breathing: she was in your house with a stroller at her feet.
-10 months before- the day after the fight-
You had spent the previous night trying to reach your boyfriend on the phone to ask him to come back home, to let him know there was no way you wanted to break up, not even take a small break. That wasn't true, you had just been a little bit mad and very tired. But your calls hadn't been asnwered. You had then decided to leave him a message
"Hey baby I'm sorry about our fight, I didn't mean it, of course I don't want us to take a break. I'm gonna wait for you in our bed ok? Please come home. I love you"- your message had said
You were sure that as soon as Henry would have listened to your message, he would have come back home and you would have made up. There was no doubt in your mind.
You had fallen asleep while waiting.
The next day you had woken up expecting to find the warm presence of your fiance next to you, his big arms hugging you like he always did but you were alone, Henry's side of the bed was made.
You started to worry: there was no way that Henry after listening to your message hadn't come home, something must have happened.
You were ready to call every member of the Cavill family, every hospital in town to make sure he was ok, when you heard the door closing.
"Henry?"- you knew you were almost screaming but you were scared, you had been sure your fiance was nearly dead until a minute ago, otherwise why hadn't he answered your calls, why hadn't he come home.
"Oh my god Henry"- you flew in his arms as soon as you saw him, he squeezed you in between his arms, almost like he was sure you were going to leave. - "I'm so sorry about yesterday, I was just tired, you were right I need to balance my work and my personal life better, but you need to know I would never cheat on you, not with Danel, not with anyone. Beside Daniel gave me the next couple of days off, we could take the car and go on a road trip, we always wanted to do that. Henry are you ok? Did you get hurt?"- you asked in the end when you finally noticed you had been talking for minutes without Henry saying anything back.
"I'm sorry"- he only said
"I know I'm sorry too, we just had a fight, nothing that a calm conversation with a hot chocolate can't fix"- you gently kissed him on the nose.
Now that you weren't scare to death for your boyfriend safety, now that you could finally breathe and think clearly you noticed that your phone hadn't stopped beeping since you had woken up
"Oh my god, what is happening? I swear to god if something happened at work again I'm quitting"- you went to pick up your phone to understand what was happening that had people blowing up your phone.
"i'm sorry"- you heard Henry's saying once again while you looked at the thousand messages people had sent you, every one of them had photos of Henry with his arms around someone else, of Henry entering an hotel with another woman, photos of Henry kissing a woman that wasnât you.
You looked at Henry and when he once again said sorry you were sure you were gonna be sick
And now that woman was on your door step, with a straller on the floor at her feet.
"what is she doing here?"- you asked Henry and you knew you sounded harsh.
You could see the hurt in Henry's eyes, the fear of losing you, the same fear you had worked on together on therapy, you could see it, of course you could, but at the same time you could also see the woman your fiancé had cheated you with in your home, with a baby in toe.
âI donât knowâ- Henry said unsure, it was clear he didnât know who to look at, his eyes kept going from you to the women at your door to the baby no one had talked about yet.
You wanted to run, you really did, the woman that had almost broke your relationship forever was in front of your fiancĂ© and even though you didnât think Henry would hurt you like that again you werenât going to risk it. You didnât want to hate her: it was Henry who was in a relationship back then, he was the one who had made the mistake, but still you didnât want to see her.
âI donât want itâ- the woman said bringing back you on earth
âWhat?â- Henry said
âI donât want it, the baby, itâs yours. You can do whatever with it, you can keep it or give him up for adoption, I donât careâ- she sounded like she was talking about a thing and you really wanted to punch her
âYou canât just leave your baby with me, you donât even know meâ- Henry said while you stood there looking at the scene like it was a movie you were watching, like it wasnât really happening in real life, like it wasnât happening in YOUR LIFE.
âItâs not my babyâ- she said before turning her back to you and leaving, the baby was still asleep in the stroller on the floor.
Henry picked the stroller up, and started to go in the living room, probably trying to understand what to do now
âY/nâ- Henry called you once he noticed you stood still at the door but you couldnât move. You wanted to look at your fiancĂ© but you knew once you did everything was going to become real or well real for you at least.
âY/n, babyâ- Henry said coming back to you once he was sure the baby was safe and asleep. He gently shook you, trying to get you to look at him and not at the now closed door
âYou have a babyâ- you just said
âYou have a baby with another woman⊠you had a baby with the woman you cheated me withâ- you knew you sounded like a broken record but you were still processing
âWe-â- Henry tried but you stopped him before he could even really begin
âDonât even try saying that we were on a break, because I swear to God Henry⊠Fuck, you have a baby, and itâs not mine, fuckâ- the tears were coming, you knew it, but you couldnât help it, what do you do when your fiancĂ© have a baby with the woman he has cheated you with?
âI think I need a momentâ- you said
âOkâ- Henry said thinking you were going to go to the bedroom, but soon it was clear he had been mistaken -âwhere are you going?â- he asked when he saw you putting shoes and coat on and opening the door
âI need a momentâ- you left without even looking at you.
You knew you should have stayed, you didnât want to hurt him, you really didnât but at the same time you were feeling all the hurt you had tried to leave behind and you didnât know what to do.
-10 Months ago, the day after the fight-
âY/n, talk to me pleaseâ- you had been staring at your phone for what it seems like hours without saying a word and Henry was starting to get worried. He tried to gently take your arm but you took a step back
âDonât touch meâ-
âIâm sorry, Y/n I made a mistake, an horrible one but Iâm sorryâ- Henry tried again
âA mistake?! You slept with another woman Henryâ
âShe didnât mean anythingâ
âAnd yet she was worth jeopardizing our relationshipâ
âI didnât think there was a relationship to jeopardize, I thought we were broken upâ
âI asked for a break, a break I was ready to call off as soon as you got out of the house, I tried to call you so many times last night but you were too busy screwing someone else to answer me. You were busy sleeping with another woman after you had just accused me of cheatingâ-
âIâm sorry, I thought we were broken up, it doesnât justify what I did I know, I fucked up but please, please, tell me we can fix it, tell me how to fix itâ- Henry asked with glossy eyes
And you just stood there looking at the man you loved asking yourself if you would ever be able to forgive him
You werenât even sure where you were gonna go, you werenât even sure what to do, you just got in the car and stood there.
You just stayed in the car, in front of your house where your fiancĂ© was alone with a month-old baby, a baby that you didnât give him.
You looked at your phone, you didnât even know how but you had spent an hour in your car without doing nothing, you took a deep breath and looked at the house: there was no doubt anymore, you knew what you were going to do.
You exited the car and got in the house; you could hear the babyâs screams, so you let them lead you where your man and the baby were.
âYouâre backâ- Henry took a deep breath as soon as he saw you: you didnât know if it was because he didnât know if you were actually going to come back tonight or at all, or if he was hoping you could help him with a baby that apparently had been crying for a while, almost for as long as you had been gone.
âWhy is the baby crying? Did you check the diaper? Did you feed him?â- you asked getting closer to Henry and gently caressing the babyâs feet
âYouâre backâ Henry said again
âHenry focus, yes Iâm backâ- you looked at your fiancĂ©âs eyes for the first time since you had been back and you could see he was just as scared as you, you were both scared you werenât going to survive another tsunami
âYou leftâ- he just said
âI know, Iâm sorry, I needed a moment or an hour apparentlyâ- you shrugged
âWhere did you go?â- he asked
âNowhere actually, I just got in the car and stayed there, I needed a moment but we are gonna be alright, ok?â- you caressed Henryâs curls before pooping the baby nose softly watching the baby stopping screaming for a second before starting again -âweâre gonna be ok, we are probably gonna need to schedule a couple appointments with the therapist, but we are gonna get past this, but we need to focus on the baby right now.â
âOkâ- he just said waiting at you for direction⊠oh your man
âI think she left some formula and some diapers so Iâm gonna take care of the baby and you are gonna make some callsâ
âYes Henry calls. You need to call one of your brothers to get some stuff for the baby, the last thing we need is paps seeing me or worst you buying baby stuff, we need to be careful, at least until we have a better understanding of the situation. You also have to call your lawyer we need to know what to do, how we can be sure the baby is safe, how we can be sure no one can take him from usâ- you were on a roll
âUs?â- Henry asked still shocked about the whole affair
âYes us, if this baby is yours weâre gonna take care of him, love him like he deserves, like I know you have wanted to do as soon as she said it was your baby even if you havenât said anything because you think Iâm gonna leave you, Iâm not. If you are the father, this baby is mine too, thatâs it! But Henry tomorrow you need to make one more call, we need to have a paternity test made and probably have a doctor take a good look at him, just to be on the safe sideâ- you could see Henryâs heart breaking a little.
The little man has been in his life for just an hour and he was already attached, he was heart broken at the simple idea of giving him up.
âHenry I really hope she told the true, I know you want to be his father, but if youâre not, donât you think his father deserves to know?â- you gently smiled at him
âYouâre rightâ
âOf course I am, I always am rightâ- you smiled at him knowing that you were going to be alright. The baby, who had calmed down a little as soon as you had taken him in your arms and had started bouncing around, gave a little scream of unhappiness
âYeah someone is hungry, arenât you baby boy?â- you softly said to the baby.
You looked up, knowing that Henry was looking at you two and seeing his eyes filled with love you knew you were gonna make a beautiful family
âWeâre gonna need a nameâ- you and Henry smiled
Ps: Feedback is always welcome and appreciated â€ïž
Henry Cavill taglist: @xxxkatxo @mansaaay @thorins-queen-of-erebor @maan24 @grounded-in-light @omgkatinka @xprettyqueenx @marytudorbrandon @kebabgirl67 @narnianaos
(If youâre name is crossed itâs because I wasnât able to tag you. If I forgot to tag someone please forgive me and tell me again đ )