Herbs For Protection - Tumblr Posts
Herbs for Protection
General Protection ~ Hawthorn, Comfrey, Heather, Hyssop, Bay Leaf, Mistletoe, Mullein, Peony, St. John’s Wort, Solomon’s Seal, Vervain, Clover, Mugwort, Agrimony, Poke, Overlain, Violet, Aloe, Fennel
Against Negative Energy ~ Nettle leaves, Elecampane, Rosemary, Yarrow, Dill, Ivy, pennyroyal, Betony, Cayenne, Fern
Banishing ~ Dragonsblood, Angelica, Cactus, Asafetida, Garlic, Rue, Heliotrope, Lilac
Protection of Material Items ~ Juniper, Myrrh
Home Protection ~ Marjoram, Bay Leaf, Coriander, Holly, Foxglove, Pure Salt, Camomile
Uncrossing ~ Ague Root, Hyssop, Peppermint, Thyme, Cinquefoil, Wormwood, Verbena, Rose
Ward Off Evil both Spiritual & Mundane ~ Acacia, Basil, Agrimony, Sandalwood, Boneset, Mullein, Rosemary, Frankincense, Rue, Violet, Caraway, Balm of Gilead, Fern, Lilac, Periwinkle
Bad Dreams & Nightmares ~ Lavender, Dandelion, Hyacinth
Physical Attack ~ Carnations, Geranium, Camphor, Elder, Vetivert, Juniper
Psychic/Astral Attack ~ Cedar, Clove, Dill, Ivy, Yarrow, Nettle leaves, Pennyroyal, acacia, St. John’s Wort,
Ultimate Protection Magic Masterpost, Part 2
Family/Loved Ones Protection Jar
Quick Protection Spell
Full Moon Protection Spell
“I Send You Safety” Spell
Knitting Spell (For Protection)
Ayano’s Theory of Happiness Spell
Ritual To Protect Loved Ones
“This Person Is Under My Protection” Sigil
“This Person Is Safe & Happy” Sigil
“My Significant Other Is Happy & Safe From Harm” Sigil
“My Child Is Safe From All Harm” Sigil
Pet Protection Spell Jar
Pet Protection Spell Bottle
Pet Protection Spell
Pet Protection Spell
Protective Chant For Dogs
Protective Chant For Cats
Cat Protection Bag
Cat Blessing/Protection Spell
Animal Blessing Spells
Animal Protection Spell
Animal Candle Protection Spell
“Watch Over Me” Pet Protection Guardian
“Always Come Back To Me” Spell
“My Dogs Will Be Safe and Happy” Sigil
Pet Protection Powder
Protection Against Nightmares
Protection During Sleep
Nightmare Warding Stuffed Animal Spell
Ghost Nebula Protection In Sleep Spell
Protection While Travelling
Jar Spell for Safe Travels
Protection For Travellers Spell
Roadtrip Protection Charm
Empath/Emotional Protection
Calcified Heart Spell
Empath Protection Jar
New Job Protection Pouch
Corvid Safety Spell
Emoji Spell for Protection Against Extreme Weather
Cleansing & Protection from Mind-Altering Spells
Dragon’s Bite Powder
Sweeping Powder for Protection & Energy
Dark As Night Protection Powder
Anti-Curse Powder
Archer’s Protection Powder
Protection Powder Recipes
Fire Salts
Black Salt
Empath Protection Oil
Demonwitch’s Hellcat Oil
Flying Devil Oil
Moon-Infused Protection Water
Storm Witch’s Ward Water
War Water
Circles, Shields & Wards
Casting a Circle for Beginners
Methods of Casting Circles
Personal Shielding
Basic Protection
Keeping Yourself Protected
The Basics of Wards & Warding
A Crash Course In Warding
Top Ward Mistakes I
Top Ward Mistakes II
Threshold Magic 101
Charms, Amulets & Talismans
The Rowan Cross
Grass Charm
Hag Stones
Moon Snails
Protection Wreaths
Protection Chimes
Elemental Protection Charms
Folklore Charms for Home Protection
Tech Magic
Turning Your Wifi Into Wards
How to Anti-Taglock Pictures of Yourself
Simple Email Protection Spell
Technomagic Ward
Cyber/Tech Protection Ideas
A Basic Guide to Servitors
An Introduction to Servitors
How to Create a Protective Servitor
Spell and Meditation for Calming, Serenity and Peace Within Self
“Warrior of Light” Guided Meditation (YouTube)
Protection Correspondences
Protection Correspondences
Quick Protection Magic Reference Guide
[part 1]
Magical Properties of... Mugwort

Mugwort is a pretty affordable and very popular herb in the witch community. It grows in ditches and rocky soil, and holds a very bitter flavor (mugwort tea is not very appetizing). The Romans would put a sprig of Mugwort in their shoes to avoid getting tired on long journeys. It was associated with St. John the Baptist, and wreaths of Mugwort were worn to repel evil spirits. Mugwort has anticoagulant and disinfectant properties, and has a nerve-calming effect.
In witchcraft today, Mugwort is used as a visionary herb. Mugwort amplifies psychic vision and may induce prophetic dreams. People drink mugwort tea or burn it as an incense to help with lucid dreaming, astral projection, and meditation.
This is an herb of the Goddess as Crone, so Mugwort encourages wisdom and observation. When paired with a divinatory method of your choice, Mugwort is an excellent helper for confronting difficult truths.
Keeping Yourself Protected

Ways to provide protection from spiritual and physical beings:
Make a witches bottle: They provide you with protection against curses, hexes, and spells sent your way as well as to protect your property and possessions.
Salt circle: A salt circle provides the person inside with protection from negative entities and demons. Line your window sills and door way entrances with salt to create an impenetrable barrier.
Iron: Repels evil.Three iron nails driven into a doorway or window sill will block negativity from entering your home. Note: Iron repels Fae!
Plants: Some plants have protective properties.
Ask your deity for protection
Mint leaves in your shoes protects you from curses
Put pepper in protection sachets to protect against magickal attacks.
Burn bay leaves to reverse curses
Scrawl your home and clothes with protective sigils
Quartz Crystals: Provides protection.
Paint your front porch blue to ward off ghosts:They fear water so this may confuse them.
Hang an upside down horse shoe above your door: to ward off evil spirits.
Hang wind chimes around your home: To scare off bad spirits
Nazar or evil eye: Protects your home from bad luck.
Rowan: Two branches from rowan trees bound together with red thread in the shape of a cross. It provides protection when hung above doorways, according to celtic traditions.
Arrowheads: Placed above your door will help keep burglars and unwanted guests out.
Cinnamon Sticks: Tied over the door will protect your home.
Rosemary wreath: A wreath of rosemary bound with green thread can provide your home with protection. Add other plants that correspond with protection as well.
Ivy: Grown up your house provides protection,
Mistletoe: Hung in the house protects it from thunder and lightning.
Acorn: According to Norse mythology, placing an acorn on the window sill protects the home from being struck by lightning.
Pine branch: Where it for protection.
Create your own protection amulet
Place mirrors around your home to deflect the evil eye
Sources: Charissascaulderon.com, scribol.com
Stay safe and have a Happy New Year!
==Moonlight Academy==
Home protection salt bowls
This is a modified version of the salt bowls I created for my home this morning. I kept some stuff to myself for privacy reasons. Correspondences are random/ important to me but not necessarily agreed upon by everyone. Feel free to use ingredients that make sense for you based on their purpose.
Uses: place in a discreet location (so it won’t be disturbed) in various rooms throughout your home to cleanse, banish negativity, and provide protection. This particular recipe focused on cleansing/ banishing negativity and bringing an overall sense of peace and love to the home
Materials: *feel free to substitute or add herbs based on your needs.
-small bowls, one for each room
-salt: protection and purification
-Himalayan salt: protection, peace
-Ground egg shells: grounding, protection
-Juniper Berries: warding off evil
-Lavender: calm, peace
-Incense Ash: protection
-Bay Leaves: prosperity
-Sage essential oil: protection, banishing negativity
-sharpie to write on bay leaves
-mortar and pestle (optional)
1. Raise your energy, set your space, and call upon any outside forces as you see fit.
2. Write hopes, wishes, desires, sigils, runes, whatever you see fit to set intentions on your bay leaves. Add one bay leaf per bowl.
3. Mix all other ingredients minus the essential oils into a mortar and pestle. Focus on intention and call upon anyone again as you’re grinding. Pour into small bowls. (you can mix in a larger bowl and distribute to smaller bowls without grinding if a mortar and pestle is not available)
4. Add one drop of essential oil per small bowl
5. Hold hand over each bowl in turn, transfer your energy, invoke the Gods, elements, and components of the spell to work together to bring peace, calm, and safety to each room (invoke on whatever energies you originally called upon or whatever you see fit)
Now your bowls are ready to be distributed around your home! I did one per major room (bedroom, office, kitchen, living room) You can do as many or as little as you choose! Be sure to properly dispose of ingredients, cleanse the bowls, and start over any time you feel they are becoming less effective, or if negativity has unexpectedly built up in your space.