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Top 10 Marvel Preys:
10 Hercules

After having fully digested Thor, and turning him into bellyfat, Hulk found that god meals was one of the best. He would love to have some more. Luckily for him, there's another god on the team, named Hercules. So during sparing session together, Hulk created his own rules, and gulped the God down his stomach, into the acid tank. Hulk was pleased with his new meal, laying down and letting him digest. The god struggles were a pleasure that couldn't be denied.
9 Ikaris

Star-lord and Ikaris were assined to work together for a mission through space. Peter was the jalous type and was irritated to work with such an awesome man on his ship. And on his side Ikaris isn't the most cooperative person either. This mission promised to by a failure. But when they were in the ship, Star-lord got hungry and when looking at Ikaris, knew how he could benefit from this teamwork. He swallowed the other one without thinking too much. Drooling all around it, savouring the muscles the superhuman has. When he came back home, Ikaris was no more than belly fat on Quill.
8 Thor Odinson

Thor know what it's like to feel hungry. He has a monsturous appetite and in consequence ate a lot of his teammates, Clint, Scott, Banner. But one day he discovered that his dear Captain, Steve Rogers, 'suffers' from the same appetite. He was suprised to see Spider-man halfway down the Captain's throat when he entered the room. Steve panicked at the sight of Thor and continued to gulp the kid down sending him straight to his acid gut, where screams followed as he get's digested. Rogers didn't know what to do as Thor discovered his secret. But Thor quickly get's a turn on as he tells Steve it's normal to feel so hungry, and he wouldn't mind be eaten by his Captain. Steve accepted the offer and send him down his throat, straight to the stomach. As Thor land in the acid pool he's welcomes by broken pieces of what Peter has become. Cap's enjoying his double meal, as Thor is trying his best to enjoy himself dispite the ripping of flesh and his broken bones...
7 Black Bolt aka Blackagar Boltagon

Meeting between leaders weren't the most fun part, but it must exist. This time only Black Bolt and Mister Fantastic were present, Cyclops and Cap being late. So it promised to be a very boring meeting, at least so it was until Reed dicides to have some fun. He swallowed Blackagar's head into his mouth, followed by the rest of the muscular body, closing his mouth when the prey's feet entered. The meal landed in the acid pool, and started to digest. Bones crushing, flesh ripping, Black Bolt was in pain, but he didn't scream. When he was completely digested and turned in a pile of bones in the middle of the meeting room, Cap and Cyclops arrived, soon following the same fate as their fellow teammate.
6 Ant-man aka Scott Lang

Sam always loved to go big, so when he had to work with ant-man, a man who can litteraly shrink to the size of an ant, he wasn't realy hyped. But it quickly changed when he discovered that Scott not only gets small but also giant, a giant that would be one of a challenge for his ass. When Ant-man turned into Giant-man during the battle, it didn't took long for the black man to get him fully up his ass. Now Sam's laying on a Giant-sized belly. Waiting for his meal to break down an turn into the biggest log of shit.
5 The Human Torch aka Johnny Storm

Spider-man and The Human Torch were close friends, and they knew they can have each others back. But there's a risk when one is a prey, just like Johnny. The risk being, that when Peter is hungry he highly will go for the handsome blond. Which he did. This time during patrol Peter couldn't resist anymore, he knows it's dirty to eat a friend, but he can't deny it anymore. He gulps Johnny all down his stomach, where he ends up in the acid pool, waiting to digest. As he's lying there, Johnny's pleading his friend to release him, not wanting to die, but he's a prey, he should accept his fate.
4 Quiksilver aka Pietro Maximoff

Pietro was kind of a brat. Always irritating Barton calling him of all names, 'old man' being his favorite. But when you never leave someone alone, even more if this someone is a pred, you shouldn't be surprised to end up in his ballsac. Now the 'old' man is laying in his bed, with a big smile on his face. ''That's what you deserve.'' He soon starts to masturbate, turning Pietro into jizz. Some up and downs later and Clint jerks the boy's remains all over his abs, pecs and face.
3 The Winter Soldier aka Bucky Barnes

Bucky and John didn't go along well. Bucky couldn't stand the other calling himself Captain America, and the other didn't like bucky not suporting him. Well the fact that he swallowed the previous Captain America up the ass didn't help. But Bucky has to accept that Steve is no more, well just a pile of bones now. Eventualy Walker will understand that it will probably never happen, well if he can't get Bucky by his side, he will get him inside. When they were both alone, John took his cock out and slurped Barnes in it, the figure of The Winter Soldier visible through it, sliding down the cock straight to the ballsac. Dispite his struggles Bucky will eventually end as a cumstain on the wall.
2 Spider-man aka Peter Parker

Peter trusted Quentin, deeply. But when he betrayed him and revealed himself as Mysterio, he felt bad, not because he trusted a criminal, but because he still likes him. He always found him atractive, he can't help it. That's why, when Quentin took his cock out and shoves the kid in it, during the confrontation, Peter let him do. He would lie if he says he doesn't like it. Spider-man is sliding deeper down Beck's giant cock, ending in his ballsac. Quentin is moaning as he's jerking of wildly, eager to turn this kid in his next load of cum. All while Peter has accepted his fate, closing his eyes forever.
1 Captain America aka Steve Rogers

Friends since forever, Bucky and Steve could always count on each other. They were often send together during mission, 'cause their complicity was unmatched. And so they were send to a mission to infiltrate some Hydra bases, like they often do. But this time it was different. Because this time Bucky had a powerfull hunger. Such things did happen in the past, and he would feast on a shield agent or a criminal, but now there was no one around, no one except Steve. He knowd he shouldn't but his hunger comes first. At an unexpected momment, during the infiltration. The Winter Soldier swallows his childhood friend. With big hungry, slobbery bites he gets first the head in, followed by his pecs, abs and legs. Bucky moans as the blond is getting deeper and deeper inside. Drool, all over his meal, and himself. He soon takes his last bite of his meal, locking him inside forever. Steve is struggling inside, trying to speak it out. But it's useless, he's isn't Bucky's chilhood friend anymore, but his meal. With a smirk on his face he gives his swollen belly a big slap, breaking Rogers into nothing.
After he burped Steve's bones and skull out, he goes back to his mission as if nothing ever happened.