Hermione Granger Imagine - Tumblr Posts
Hermione Granger Masterlist
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Not Single - Hermione Granger
Hermione x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 213
Requested: Hi! I really love your blog and I was wondering if you would take a request for a Hermione Granger x female reader?? Where the reader is a Slytherin and Blaise decides to flirt with the reader and Hermione comes over is like “Back off my girlfriend, yeah? Thank you” Thanks in advance. - @legendaryglitterwitch
Authors Note: Sorry its somewhat short, but thank you for requesting!
Harry Potter Masterlist

“So y/n?” Blaise strutted over and sat down in front of Y/n.
“Yes Blaise?” Y/n asked with an innocently confused look on her face.
“What do you say, you me an Hogsmead?” he winked
“Why?” Y/n tilted her head in even more confusion.
Blaise smirked, believing that she was considering his date idea. “Well, your Slytherin I’m Slytherin. Your single, I’m single. Your Gorgeous-”
Y/n shook her head in realization. “Blaise, I’m not-”
“She’s not single,so back off my girlfriend, yeah? Thank you.” Hermione spoke coming back to the table. She had just gone to find a book they needed for a project when she heard Blaise asking her girlfriend out on a date. Assuming she was a single prince when she is totally not!
“I kinda feel bad, but at the same time I also really don’t.” Y/n said as they both watched the now embarrassed boy leave the library with his head down.
“Well, I don’t. He was flirting or at least trying to flirt with my girlfriend.” Hermione spoke as she sat back down next to her.
“I’m yours don’t worry.” Y/n smiled leaning over to wrap her arms around her girlfriend. Giving her some reassurance and to help calm her down.
Different - Draco Malfoy
Draco x Fem!reader Weasley
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,118
Summary: Y/n is a Weasley but she’s very different from her family. Her hair’s not red, she’s a Slytherin, and now? She’s dating Draco Malfoy. Will Ginny and Hermoine be able to help keep her brothers in the dark? Or will they find out no matter how hard they try?
Harry Potter Masterlist

“I think Ron’s catching on.” Y/n rested her head on her arms, which more currently folded on the table in the liberty. Y/n was stressed hiding something when you have so many siblings around all the time was not easy.
“No trust me he’s not.” Hermione shook her head, trying to comfort her friend.
“Out of all our family Y/n/n, Ron would be the last to figure it out.” Ginny laughed. Ron was oblivious, Hermione knew that as much as anyone and started laughing as well. Although both noticed their friend still looked stressed about the situation.
“Don’t worry, Y/n.” Hermione gave Y/n a smile trying to ease her friend's mind.
“They're all gonna hate me when they find out.” Y/n referred to her family. Ginny was the only one who knew, her and Hermione. No one else on her part. Besides her parents.
“Mom and dad don’t hate you and they know. I know and I don’t hate you.” Ginny nudged her older sister arm to arm also trying to ease the tension.
“I don’t either and I don’t get along with Draco at all.” Hermione reached across the table to hold her hand. Y/n was originally nervous to tell Hermione, given her and Draco’s history. Their history also having played a part in why Y/n turned Draco down for so long. Till Hermione convinced her to say yes.
“It’s just… I’m already so different from my family- our family it’s-” Y/n started but got cut off. Often at times, Y/n didn’t do things because she didn't want to be even more different than her family. She didn’t have the Weasley's hair, she wasn’t a Griffindor, and now she’s dating a Malfoy?
“An that’s ok. We still love you.” Ginny smiled.
“Y/n/n, Draco has said unforgivable things to me but I support your relationship with him because you make eachother happy. And let’s face it, you make him a better person.” Hermione added, and it was true. Draco has been an ass to Hermione for years, but she cared about her friend's happiness.
“You do.” Ginny agreed with Hermione. Draco has been a different person since Y/n finally agreed to a relationship with him.
“That’s why we’re helping you.” Hermione squeed Y/n’s hand, giving her smile. “You're my friend, you're like a sister to me. So until your ready for your brothers to know, I’ll help you keep it a secret.”
Ginny placed her arm around her older sister's shoulder in a half hug. “And if they don’t like it you really think mom won’t rip them a new one?”
The three laughed at Ginny’s statement, the 3 girls knowing very well how true her words were. After the laughing calmed down they decided to have a girls night in the common room for Gryffindor.
^ ^ ^
“I don’t care about what your brothers will think, you know that right?” Draco asked, he knew she was scared of what they’d think, and he completely understood where she was coming from.
“I know. I’m grateful for that. I’m just worried for their reactions.” Y/n smiled up at him through her lashes, since she was resting her head on his shoulder. “Weren’t you nervous about your parent's reaction? They weren’t to thrilled if I recall correctly.”
Y/n shrugged his arm off looking down, sometimes it felt like everyone in their world didn’t want them together. Draco turned a bit in his seat adjusting himself so he could face her. Lifting her chin up to look him in the eyes. “On this matter. I only care about what I think. Besides my mother loves you, and between my two parents the opinion on you would only matter from her.”
“I don’t care what they think of you, of us. I just don’t want them to hate me. For not telling them, for keeping a secret, or just because- hell I could think of a bunch of things.” She told him letting out a shaky laugh out of nerves.
“They won’t.” Draco reassured, hoping to ease her nerves. “AN if they do. That’s their loss. But you’d still have your parents, Ginny, Hermione, my mom, and you have me.”
“That’s all I really need.” Y/n smiled reaching up to pull him into a kiss.
“Woah.” Fred and George said at the same time. Both twins were just as shocked as the couple sitting in front of them. Draco and Y/n didn’t even bother to move away from eachother, they were caught making out anyway so no use.
“Ummmm- hey?” Y/n said awkwardly looking at her older brothers.
The twins looked at eachother having a silent connection before looking at the couple. “We have one question.”
“What is it?” Draco asked.
“How long?” Fred asked curiously.
“8 months.” Y/n answered confidently.
The twins looked at eachother again before turning back to face the young couple. “One more question.”
Y/n laughed at her brother's antics. “Yes?”
“Not for you.” Fred said smiling at his little sister.
“Oh” Y/n gulped nervously
“You.” The twins spoke at the same time, pointing to Draco.
“Me?” Draco asked worried slightly.
“Yes.” They answered trying not to laugh.
“What is it?” Draco gulped but was ready to answer anything they ask.
“Do you love her?” George asked with an unreadable look. Which un-nerved Draco and Y/n a little bit.
“Yes. I do.” Draco answered after a short moment of thought before looking at Y/n.
“I love you too.” Y/n smiled looking at him, shocked since they were taking things really slow and they hadn’t said ‘I love you’s’ yet.
“Then we’re good.” The twins stated smiling widely.
“Really?” Y/n asked hopeful that she might have at least two of her brothers on her side and ok with her relationship.
“Yeah.” He smiled at her, nodding.
“Thank you, guys! Don’t tell Ron!” Y/n called after them as they left the abandoned tower.
“We won’t!” They called back.
“That was better than you thought it’d be.” Draco commented letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
“Yeah. I’m glad.” Y/n nodded letting out her own sigh of relief.
“I do think Ron will be a very different story though.” Draco admitted, truthfully he does not think Ron will accept it at all. Maybe not ever, if anything he might just become social with Draco but the young Malfoy doesn’t believe Ron will ever truly accept him. “We’ll deal with him when it comes to it.” Y/n said hoping that the day Ron finds out is very far in the future.
Tag: @gruffle1 @padawancat97