Ginny Weasley - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Incorrect HP Quote #9

Harry: If you had to choose between Hermione and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose?

Ginny: That depends, how much money are we talking about?

Hermione: Ginny!

Harry: 63 sickles.

Ginny: I'll take the money.

Hermione: GINNY!!!

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3 years ago

Incorrect HP Quote #10

Harry: I've done a lot of dumb stuff.

Draco: I witnessed the dumb stuff.

Ginny: I recorded the dumb stuff.

Ron: I joined in on the dumb stuff.


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3 years ago

Incorrect HP Quote #10

Harry: I've done a lot of dumb stuff.

Draco: I witnessed the dumb stuff.

Ginny: I recorded the dumb stuff.

Ron: I joined in on the dumb stuff.


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3 years ago

Incorrect HP Quote #11

Ginny: Why are you on the floor?

Draco: I'm depressed.

Draco: Also I was stabbed, can you get Hermione, please.

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3 years ago

Incorrect HP Quote #11

Ginny: Why are you on the floor?

Draco: I'm depressed.

Draco: Also I was stabbed, can you get Hermione, please.

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6 years ago
A Small Gift For @botherkupo. Happy Birthday! ^_^

A small gift for @botherkupo. Happy Birthday! ^_^

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Rumor Has It | Draco Malfoy x Reader

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January 3rd, 1994. The Hufflepuff Dormitories. 9:17am. 

Penelope's hands hurriedly tried to flatten the heavy mass of curls resting on her flushed cheeks, having spent the last few months trying to hide them by a small potion she had created but she made a small mistake and had completely forgotten to bring some of the concoction back with her after the holidays. Eyeing her reflection in the mirror deciding to make her way downstairs to grab breakfast, making sure to take long strides to the Great Hall. Nervously walking into the hall with the frizzy curls bouncing around her face, running her ring cladded fingers through the tousled curls as the two familiar red heads made their way over to her with a cheeky grin on their faces. Penelope felt a grin making its way onto her face, slowing her movements down to make sure the twins didn't attempt anything on her, they walked over to her in almost perfect sync. Fred reached out ruffling her dark curls, letting out a whistle his brother following along, she smacked his hand away from her flustered face.

"Can it, Weasley."

"You look good, love." Fred chuckled, cheekily winking at her only making her already bright cheeks turn a shade darker, pushing past the tall redheads to make her way over to her green eyed boyfriend. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders her chest flush against his back, pressing her lips onto his freckled cheek. The blonde flushed a light pink, turning to face the curly haired girl cupping her face pulling her in for a soft kiss. All of the surrounding Gryffindors whistled and cheered for Neville, being the first time he initiated the first kiss unlike all the other times Penelope had done so. Pulling away from the boy smiling softly, turning towards her table nearly skipping over to her fellow Hufflepuffs, waving at Cedric sitting besides the tall dark haired boy. He leaned over to ruffle her curls as he offered the girl a warm bagel, who let out a soft smile at his actions.

February 18th, 1994. The Room of Requirement. 11:57pm.

Penelope thrust her wand rather harshly ignoring the small jolt of pain she felt in her shoulder blade, a stream of yellow lighting up the dark room making it's way over to her target sending Draco flying towards a mat. A grunt left his lips, standing up from his position on the floor his skin a light red from the blood rushing up to his pale face. She extended a hand out towards the white haired boy, his large pale hand grasping onto her letting her help him off of the mat muttering out a soft thanks. Patting his sweaty frame giving a wide grin, wiping the sweat off her face feeling rather worn out from the 3 hours of working out and helping Draco practice his dueling spells.

"Didn't know you knew wordless spells,"

"There's a lot you don't know about me. You're really good, Malfoy. I still don't know why you won't join the group." Penelope let out sincerely, setting her wand on the table next to the couch plopping down on spot besides Draco nudging him with her elbow. His features hardened, turning to face her his chest still heaving up and down from our intense session, swiping his tongue across his bottom lip.

"Potter is a part of that group, a leader nonetheless, I'd rather take orders from a ferret..."

"Is this your way of calling me a ferret, Malfoy?" Penelope grinned, feigning hurt turning towards the blonde whose face was sporting a light pink. He faced the dark haired girl an apologetic look etched on his features before relief washed over him as she let out a giggle, sending a playful glare at Penelope as she laughed even louder. Draco would never admit it but he considered Penelope to be one of his closest friends, as much as he wanted to think otherwise, the girl reached a part of him no one had reached before.

"You are cruel."

"You love it, Draco. Wanna head off now? It's almost midnight, " He agreed standing up from the comfortable couch, grasping the girls hand helping her onto her feet. She thanked him making her way over the dark oak door that appeared a few feet in front of her. Penelope waved her wand over Draco and herself letting their looming figures blend into their surrounding, opening the door slightly poking her head out to check for any lingering prefects. Jutting her hand out for Draco to take making their way down the cold corridor, the wind feeling nice on their sweating frames smiling softly as Draco shoved her shoulder playfully. Penelope smacked his shoulder leaning away from his touch making her way further down the hall, letting out a loud giggle as the blonde successfully wrapped his arms around her lifting her up into the air.

"You cheat," She stuck her tongue out waving her wand once again locking eyes with the reappearing pair of grey eyes, letting a smile creep its way up her face grinning wider as he gave her a smile back. Draco turned his head away from Penelope as blood rushed up to his cheeks, making his way to her common room the dark haired girl trailing beside him.

The moonlight streamed in from the windows showing off their giddy smiles, the sounds of laughter lingering in the evening. The pair of kids chased each other around making sure not to wake any of the sleeping picture frames, as much as they thought they had been quiet all he frames had woken up to the sounds of the girl laughing. All of the older wizards and witches looked over the abnormal pair, nearly fawning over the amount of happiness oozing from the pair as they came to a stop in front of the Hufflepuff common room quickly scurrying off to their portraits to not disturb them. A peaceful silence washed over Draco giving the girl a smile, letting his actions speak for him, bringing her into a large hug his chin resting atop of her curls. Penelope wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling into the crook of his neck the scent of his signature cologne and fresh pineapple filtered into her nostrils, tightening her grip on the tall boy.

"Thank you once again, for giving me a chance to be better. You are helping a lot more than I'm letting on, Davey"

"Thank you, Mal. That means a lot to me... I'll see you tomorrow okay? Same time. Don't be late," She pulled away from him, giving him a small wink patting him on the shoulder as she made her way into her common room. As the door shut behind her, she let out a small sigh waving her wand over herself muttering a spell to replace her uniform with a pair of pajamas making her way hurriedly to the dorm room. Draco made sure the girl had made her way into the room successfully before making his way down the hall, tucking his hands into his robe keeping a firm grip on his wand. The night had gone a lot better than the previous nights, he had managed to catch Penelope off guard and he had never felt so accomplished with himself. Draco only managed to get a couple feet before he had fallen to the ground his face slamming into the cold stone. Oh that is definitely going to bruise the blonde thought to himself, rubbing his cheek softly.

February 29th, 1994. The Hufflepuff Dormitories. 9:48am.

Penelope bit her bottom lip slightly, adjusting the length of her flower printed dress. The dress really showed off her curves coming to mid thigh flowing around her slightly, along with a brown purse displayed across her chest a pair of white shoes being the final touch to her outfit. Her curls framed her makeup covered face neatly, pushing the frame of her glasses further up her nose before hurriedly making her way down the stairs to meet her boyfriend in the Great Hall. Today was their anniversary, and they were planning on going to Hogsmeade and spending their evening there. The moment the curly haired girl had reached the Courtyard full of other students waiting for the clock to hit 10 so they could leave, she spotted her blonde haired boyfriend nearly running over to him.

"Neville!" At the mention of his name, he turned to face the direction of her voice the smile being wiped off his face entirely making her come to a stop. Neville's face flashed red, pushing his way through the crowd making his way as far away from the girl as possible stopping to meet to his friends a couple of ways from her. Her chest tightened the smile on her face falling, gripping onto her purse staring after the green eyed boy shifting her weight on the balls of her feet. Penelope brushed her curls away from her face looking around at all the familiar faces feeling a stinging sensation making its way to her eyes, blinking away the tears making her way out of the Great Hall but before she could get close to the entrance a hand wrapped around her small wrist. Her tear filled eyes locked with a familiar pair of grey ones, nearly bursting into tears but she only managed to let out a loud exhale. The sound of Filch's voice caught her attention, pulling away from the grey eyed boy making her way outside the hem of her dress fluttering around her thighs as she began making her way to the trail, trying to avoid the large groups of people. Draco practically had to sprint to catch up to the short witch, receiving odd looks from people around them. He came to her side, nudging her with his shoulder in an attempt to grab her attention.

"Petal... are you alright-"

"No. I can't even pretend that I am. Today is Neville and I's anniversary, and we were supposed to go to Hogsmeade together, but when I tried to greet him this morning he completely brushed me off. Did I do something wrong? Draco... I-I don't know maybe I'm overreacting-" Penelope's voice cracked feeling the warm tears run down her cheeks, wiping away at the tears rather hastily looking down at the floor. The blonde wrapped his arm around her letting her cry into his pitch black button up, rubbing small circles on her back holding her close to his chest. Her heavy breathing quieted down for a minute, clutching at his coat softly pulling away from him.

"Sorry about your shirt..."

"Petal, don't apologize. You are in no position to be apologizing. Would you like to spend this evening with me? I understand if you would want to go back inside, and I respect that-"

"I'd love to, Draco" The girl muttered out meekly, waving her wand at her face feeling her makeup become lighter and as crisp as she had done it in the morning. Draco took this chance to admire the small smile on her lips, jutting out his arm to the girl a grin making its way onto his face her arm looping with his leaning her head on his shoulder. He let her rest on him, feeling the morning breeze blow over their faces the scent of honey and cinnamon filling his nostrils as she nuzzled closer to him. The only sounds that surrounded the pair were the sounds of people chattering as they passed by them, and the loud laughter of the kids goofing around and trying to race each other to the gate.

May 26th, 1994. Hogsmeade. 11:29am

The cool evening air hit her rosy cheeks, her feet making her way out of the warm store full of enticing sweets. She let out a happy sigh, clutching her bag of treats closer to her side turning to face the grey eyed boy who had made his way over to her. Penelope flashed him a toothy smile, shoving him playfully making her way down the stone path. Her eyes scanned the pretty colors swirling with the pretty clouds, feeling herself relax as she watched the fluffy clouds float by. The curly haired girl was so entranced by the evening sky she hadn't noticed the large group of people making their way out of the Hog's Head pub. Before Draco could warn her, she had crashed into a group of 6 people sending her flying to the floor. A loud squeak left her lips, scrambling up from the floor her cheeks blazing red.

"Watch where you're going" At the harsh sound of a familiar voice, she turned to face Ginny who was helping Neville off the floor glaring at the small girl. Penelope clutched her bag of sweets, taking a step back eyeing her group of friends her heart physically breaking at the harsh looks they were giving her. She chewed on her bottom lip anxiously peering up at Draco whose face was stone hard and staring out at them, his hand buried in his pocket where his wand remained.

"I-I'm sorry."

"You have no reason to apologize. If you even think about laying a finger on her let alone look at her-"

"Draco it's okay. I'm sorry to bother, I'll see you guys later," At the sound of Draco's mouth starting to sputter more incoherent curse words at the group, she hastily grabbed onto his clothed arm and dragged him further away from the group. Her heavy breathing had quieted down significantly, subconsciously tightening her grip on Draco's sleeve leaning into his shoulder letting their quiet footsteps be the only sound in the woods.

"Is everything alright?" He murmured, letting his voice drift across the evening air looking down at the brunette beneath him. She nodded softly, letting her free hand grab a hold of the fence in front of her scanning the beautiful colors streaking the sky. It had only been 2 months since Neville and her had broken up, and she was rather conflicted on her feelings. She was heartbroken about her breakup but after spending so much time with the boy beside her she began wondering if she had started growing feelings for him. Penelope picked at the paint chipping off the fence, her heart beat racing trying to think of a way to ask the tall boy next to her a rather complicated question.

"Draco? C-can I try something?"

"Of course," At the mere murmur of his words she turned to face the blonde, cupping his chiseled cheeks and pressing her plump lips against his. His lips parted instantly, his body stilling as a million thoughts coursed through his mind. Draco's eyes fluttered shut reciprocating the motions of their lips moving together, tentatively wrapping his arms around her waist. The pair remained in their state of bliss for a moment, letting the bright colors light up the sky in front of them as they become one with one another.

That kiss had answered all of her questions. Those kisses she had shared with the green eyed boy felt so bland compared the blonde whose arms were holding onto her tightly. This kiss felt like an atomic bomb unlike the small fluttering in her stomach she usually felt after kissing Neville.

“W-what was that?”

“A kiss-”

“Penelope,” Draco breathed out keeping her a couple inches from his as he searched her eyes for an answer, trying not to get his hopes up. She sighed clamping her eyes shut as she felt her nerves overwhelm her.

“I like you. A lot more than I thought I originally did... I-I get it if you don’t feel the same way. I just had to get that off my chest,”

“Are you blind, Davey”

“A little,” Penelope mumbled playfully motioning towards the glasses framing her face, to which Draco chuckled at leaning in to rest his forehead against her, “why do you ask?”

“I figured you of all people would have noticed that I have had the biggest crush on you ever since I bumped into you and Potter at Diagon Alley. But, I never pulled a move because that’s not the kind of man I am. Now that you are no longer taken, and I know for a fact you won’t reject me.... would you like to go on a date with me, Penelope David?” Penelope felt a grin creeping onto her face nodding her head rather eagerly to the blonde, bringing the boy into a kiss, melting into his touch as he gripped her hips pulling her close. They stood there swaying back and forth as the spring wind blew through their hair, enjoying the peaceful silence as they finally had everything out in the open.

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send requests! i’m always up for writing anything, just send me a quick little inbox and i’ll make sure to write it as quickly as possible. and if you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to make it :))

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3 years ago


If Harry Potter characters had a PowerPoint night

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2 years ago
I KNEW IT I Freaking KNEW It Wasnt Just My Imagination That These Dweebs Shared A Lot Of Dumb Private
I KNEW IT I Freaking KNEW It Wasnt Just My Imagination That These Dweebs Shared A Lot Of Dumb Private

I KNEW IT i freaking KNEW it wasn’t just my imagination that these dweebs shared a lot of dumb private jokes i kneeeeewwww iiiiiiiiit

(here’s the link to that text post!)

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2 years ago

McGonagall: In dark times, it is important to remember the things we love. So, let’s all put something we love in a box and look at it whenever we feel sad

Hermione: Can I put Ron in a box?

McGonagall: No

Harry: Can I put Ron in a box?

McGonagall: No

Ginny: Can I—


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10 months ago

the tortured poet’s department song is definitely harry and ginny if they ever broke up

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10 months ago
Today, We've Got Letters To Charlie From His Siblings Throughout The Years Created By @liiilyevans. They're
Today, We've Got Letters To Charlie From His Siblings Throughout The Years Created By @liiilyevans. They're
Today, We've Got Letters To Charlie From His Siblings Throughout The Years Created By @liiilyevans. They're
Today, We've Got Letters To Charlie From His Siblings Throughout The Years Created By @liiilyevans. They're
Today, We've Got Letters To Charlie From His Siblings Throughout The Years Created By @liiilyevans. They're
Today, We've Got Letters To Charlie From His Siblings Throughout The Years Created By @liiilyevans. They're

Today, we've got letters to Charlie from his siblings throughout the years created by @liiilyevans. They're filled with angst, happiness, and apprehension. Enjoy and make sure to click on the photos for better quality.

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3 years ago

I know, right! Both gals are excellent in their own way. No need to put any one down in order to praise the other.

Ginny Was Closer Than Anyone To Destroying A Horcrox When She Was 12! And Yet Everyone Praises Hermione

Ginny was closer than anyone to destroying a horcrox when she was 12! And yet everyone praises Hermione who only got herself petrified. And in DH, Hermione failed to destroy the horcox. I mean she wasn’t even close to destroying it, unlike Ginny.

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4 years ago

Another HP Headcanon Cuz I felt like it lmao

I honestly feel like that once Hermione became Minister (Let's face it, the girl is suited for the job) she'll have this law that before the acceptance letters get sent to each and every wizard, someone has to check through all the address and make sure that where they sleep in isn't like a "Cupboard under the stairs" or something like that. Cuz let's face it - Hermione loves Harry (Like a brother!) and she doesn't want anyone to go through what he did so she made that law just so that if ever the living space of the magical child isn't satisfactory or something like that, they can be taken away to a good home or maybe she'd start an Orphanage for Magical Children wherein NO ONE GETS ABUSED and like everyone - especially Harry and Ginny - likes to donate to that orphanage.

AND ALSO - I just imagine Hermione talking to Prof McGonagall (Or whoever is the Headmaster of Hogwarts) to make it known that all teachers have an open door policy wherein all students can go to them and just talk about their problems - this is so that if ever a child doesn't want to go home and has a good reason, they can go to a teacher and it'll be handled so that there's not going to be another Voldemort case or something like that

I dunno, just thought about it and yeah

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I've been thinking about the battle of Hogwarts recently, and I really dislike the idea of all the Slytherins leaving after Pansy threatens Harry. I feel like not all of them would have left. I have this beautiful image in my mind of a different scenario. It's right before the battle and Voldemorts amplified voice has delivered its dire message. Not a word is spoken until Pansy steps forward and urges everyone to "grab him". Except this time Ginny isn't the first to put herself in front of him. Before anyone can even think, a Slytherin sixth year, a girl barely of age, makes her way past Pansy and blocks her path to Harry Potter. The hall remains silent as everyone watches in shock. A Slytherin protecting Harry Potter? They have forgotten that while Slytherins are cunning and ambitious, they are also determined. They have forgetten that your house is a representation of the values you hold closest, not the only traits you possess. They have forgetten that Slytherins can be brave, wise and loyal. That just because someone is a Slytherin, doesn't mean that they are evil. The still doesn't last long, just long enough for people to realise what has happened. Ginny steps forward and takes the girls hand. A girl in her year, a girl she had never spoken to before, had stood up for what was right, and she would stand with her. And then the other houses join them. First the Gryffindors, then the Ravenclaws and the Hufflepuffs. Then the Slytherins. The four houses standing together, shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, ready to protect their fellow student from the evil outside. For Cedric Diggory. The spare. For Harry Potter. The Chosen one. For themselves and their future, just as the sorting hat had advised. Not all of them go to protect him but many do. The Slytherins cannot blame their housemates for not wanting to fight. They knew that many of their parents and family members would be out there fighting against them. No one could blame them for wanting to avoid that. Still, some Slytherins went anyway, knowing that they would be forced to face their loved ones. Pansy wants to scream. She yells and calls them blood traitors, slinging foul curses at them before MacGonagall cuts her off and sends her, and those housemates who chose, away. Everyone burst into cheers as they left the great hall, many running to congratulate their Slytherin friends on joining them. Harry turned around to find the girl who had stood up for him. A girl he didn't even know. He found her in the crowd and she noticed his looks. As he went to flag her down, he was dragged away, but before he lost her to the roar, she nodded her head to him in understanding. And so they fought. Side by side, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff alike protecting each other. Some fought their own parents, backed up by friends who they knew would never let them down, no matter what house they were from. They fought, they died, they were injured, they tended to the wounded. They cried, they mourned, and they held their loved ones even closer. They watched as Voldemort arrived with Harry Potters body at his feet. They listened to his grand speech as he urged them to join them, his own house, his family. But no Slytherin joined him that night. They stood side by side with their schoolmates, and they joined hands, because if they were to die then they would die together. And they did not regret their choice at all. They cheered when Harry rose up, they fought in the last stretch of the battle, and they watched the final showdown in awe. It was finally over. Harry never learnt the girls name. He never found her again. But many years later, when Albus Potter worried about his house, Harry didn't tell him of Severus Snape. He told his son of a girl he never knew standing up for him in front of her own housemates and certain death. He told his son of the Slytherins who fought and died beside him to make the world a better place. He told his son that if he was a Slytherin he should be proud. For Slytherins could be brave, wise and loyal. They were all just students.

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5 years ago


molly teaches ginny to sew, ginny retaliates by lovingly embroidering swear words onto all of her clothes

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8 months ago

Ginny Weasley is that girl

that’s the end of my Ted talk. thank you for coming

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4 years ago
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Я снова везла в томарри-челлендж. Тема: Обмен телами 

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