Hes So Comforting And Adorable :( - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

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Sans Night 220126
Sans Night 220126
Sans Night 220126
Sans Night 220126
Sans Night 220126
Sans Night 220126
Sans Night 220126
Sans Night 220126
Sans Night 220126

san’s night â˜Ÿ 220126

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2 years ago


pairing : seonghwa X gn!reader

au ; fluff, established relationship

warnings ; none

wc ; 700 words


“seonghwa, you can’t be serious”

this was probably the fifth time (approximate) that seonghwa had interrupted your fruitful working time with yet another plea for what sounded like an excuse for kisses.

“what?” he gasped dramatically. â€œmy arm hurts”


“i need you to kiss it better for me”

“gosh, hwa” you mumbled under your breath, as he watched you, wide-eyed. like a curious child, one might say.

seonghwa was someone you could trust with your life. although the screams from your apartment, when a little spider friend decided to join him in a shower, were hilarious.

but, no matter how much he hated bugs, he’d always be your knight in shining armor.

he’d always be the one with open arms on a bad day, never complaining about his snot and tear clad shirt, rather leaving kisses to your forehead everytime he heard a sniffle.

he was also the one to sulk around all day because you didn’t give him a good morning kiss, like a few weeks ago, when you had to leave bed early (and somehow wrangling your way out out both his arms and legs around you).

he refused to do anything other than sitting on the couch with a little pout when you came home later that day. he didn’t even budge when you said you brought home strawberry cake.

that was until he finally spoke up about not getting a good morning kiss, with so much seriousness, one might think he was actually being serious.

“hwa, sweetheart i’m sorry” you tried getting his attention which was definetly not on you.

no reply. instead, his gaze jabbed against the slice of cake lying on the table.

“i’ll make it up to you” you said with a hope that he’d finally stop sulking.

now that was something he’d like.

“fine” he said, maintaining his â€˜angry man’ etiquette. but you saw that little smile. â€œkiss me”

seonghwa was strawberry cake personified. much like strawberry shortcake. he was the one rooting for you, a lopsided smile telling you that everything’s going to be okay.

maybe it was the subtle things that seonghwa did that made you fall for him even more. maybe it was, the subtle things that made you fall for his stupidly-cute antics every single day.

“y/n” he whined. oh god, there it is, that stupid pout. â€œkiss”

“fine, you big baby” he smiled wide when you finally gave in, leaving a kiss on his cheek.

“hey ! that’s not fair !”

everytime he did something remotely adorable, like waddling around in his rabbit pj’s, he’d always have a tinge of red left on his cheek. and it would always spread down to his ears and neck when you kissed him.

seonghwa was always considered the â€˜mom’ in his group of friends. he’d always be the one taking care of everyone, pestering and nagging. sometimes, they’d even whine about seonghwa being too much of a mom.

seonghwa’s hugs were like hot chocolate. the warmth his body engulfed you, and the kisses being pressed everywhere on your face, were better than hot chocolate, though.

a smile broke out from you, as you pressed a kiss against his lips for probably the twentieth time that night, his arms pulling you closer to him.

“i thought you were busy” he said, innocently. the glint in his eye said otherwise. with no reply from you, he continued, â€œthought so, your lips are too pretty to not kiss all the time”

and you went red.

see, that was another thing about seonghwa and his shameless flirting. he doesn’t have a time or place to put them to good use

not that you complained.

seonghwa always looked at you like you hung the stars, hongjoong would complain after weeks of pining over you. which now has hongjoong knowing way too much in detail about what you like.

of course, seonghwa wouldn’t let you go ever again without a morning kiss. but he liked waking up next to you, in peace, better than anything in the world ; sweet words and stinky morning breaths.

he wouldn’t trade it for the world.

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2 years ago



he’d rather you hold him like this, now and tomorrow, and the days and weeks and months after. the years, the decades.

PAIRING. albedo / gn! reader GENRE. fluff WORD COUNT. 771

NOTE. reposted from my old blog. i like this drabble too much to just let it rot in my archive. (also i am posting this now to let you guys all know that yes, i am still alive lol.)


the autumn dew under the midnight moon sits idly outside the window. it watches you in silence—watches the tangled limbs and messy sheets and forgotten pillows. ALBEDO pulls you closer, runs his fingers up your back, then down. up, down. up. until it settles on the curve of your waist. his hand hovers there, in a hold that’s tender; in a warmth that speaks.

“you look–” he stutters. he opens his mouth, only to close it again. it takes him a few seconds, but the seconds don’t even matter. “you look nice.”

“nice?” you ask him. autumn in mondstadt, for that moment, becomes warmer. his face burns red, and he hurries to hide it in the crook of your neck. you respond with an even warmer laugh, to tease him. it’s an exhilarating thought—to know you have some sort of power over the chief alchemist, the ALBEDO, that he flusters. “just nice?”

ALBEDO snuggles further into you. where he starts and you end is nothing to be questioned anymore, for under the midnight moon, you are one.

he kisses your neck, once. he adds another kiss somewhere along the curve of your throat, then he leans back to kiss your jaw. he smiles against your skin with every touch of his lips.

“beautiful, i mean,” he corrects. ALBEDO runs his fingers up your back again. down. up. except his fingers, this time, speak more than just warmth. it says, carefully: let’s stay here, together. revelling in the warmth of each other and forgetting all about the reds and oranges of leaves falling outside the room.

autumn in mondstadt, for that moment, means something else to you now. autumn in mondstadt now means fleeting kisses on your skin, fingers running up and down your spine. autumn in mondstadt now means “you look beautiful,” when the smiles are lazy and lethargy catches up with the way you and him look into each other’s eyes. beautiful is a word he describes you, on one autumn in mondstadt, when the night grows old and the world grows quiet.

but ALBEDO does not stop there. he kisses your cheek and you feel his breath brushing against your skin. “you are beautiful in ways i have never seen.”

this is his revenge. this is his way of saying that he has as much power to fluster you as you have on him. this is a silly, little competition that you’d laugh at later in the morning. this brings heat that starts on the tips of your fingers up to the tips of your ears.

“stop!” you whine, burying your face in your hands. ALBEDO laughs, and the moon laughs with him, you think. let’s stay here, in each other arms. “don’t say that.”

“but it’s true,” he says, earnest. his voice drips with such sincerity that it almost tears you up. he carefully removes your hands away, placing it on his jaw instead. he leans into it, like he’d rather you hold him like this until autumn ends and winter comes. until winter dissipates into the bright of spring and spring turns into summer. he’d rather you hold him like this, now and tomorrow, and the days and weeks and months after. the years, the decades. he’d rather be here, with you.

he turns to kiss your palm. you let words build home in your chest before you ask ALBEDO to be home with you: “if you say things like that, i might just fall in love with you.”

ALBEDO smiles. “didn’t you already?” he teases, then laughs at the lighthearted shake of your head. “well, hurry up then.”

this is all you could ever ask for, really. to hold someone in your arms without fear of its warmth leaving you. to hold someone close as if this is the only place someone belongs. as if this is home. to hold ALBEDO, on one autumn in mondstadt under the midnight moon, forgetting everyone and everything else but you and him.

you run your fingers through his hair, watches how his eyes close like a sun setting down the horizon. it’s beautiful. everything is beautiful in the here and now.

“if i ask you to keep me in your arms for the rest of your life, would you?”

of course. why would you ever let go of something so beautiful?

“i would. even after the rest of my life, if there is time beyond it. i would keep you in my heart.”

“good,” he mumbles. only you and him hear his words, like a secret. “good. your heart is my favorite place to be held.”

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