He's Somewhat Surprised That He's Being Looked After Especially By Someone As Dependable As Vinh And It Does Make Him Feel A Bit Guilty - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

vy, my good ol' vytatoe :-), for the oc interaction, how abt nr 10 for vinh and ronaldo? 👁👄👁

yumbo, my sweetest yumbalina, of course :>

#10 — vinh

vinh may be the type to not really seek anyone out, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get curious. let’s take a gander!

rozalina ( @briarrosescurse), a Notable presence on her radar. she’s such a sweet and naive girl, but also she’s a danger to herself and everyone around her. vinh’s inclined to want to take roza under her wing — for some self-preservation and damage control reasons, but it’s mainly for friendship reasons! two noble girls tired of the noble world!

lotus ( @choconanime ) ! she’s such an independent and resilient girl, and vinh most certainly understands how it feels to keep your... companion who is your complete opposite in check. lotus certainly garners respect! she has a certain strength (literally and figuratively) that vinh can't help but to admire, and she presents it so nonchalantly !

ophiou ( @randomikemendegen ), a fellow ignihyde dorm member, and her underclassman — the duo may both be rather standoffish and aloof, but vinh's always watching over her underclassmen even if she seems disinterested. she gets curious about the reptilian boy who's slinking about in the shadows, what's he up to? is he alright? does he need anything? senpai instincts, man. can’t ignore him.

#10 — ronaldo

he always wants more friends (or more people to hate him). he's got his eyes peeled !

anna ( @circuscarnage ) would be someone he'd want to befriend, as they're both rather mischevious! they're both on the skittish end too (even if ronaldo tries to play it off). she seems like someone who he'd have fun messing around other people with! let’s get into trouble!

Lil Bro ( @wilted3sunflowers ). his snark and overall deadpan face is something ronaldo sees and wants to provoke — granted, he'll probably regret it, but c'est la vie! ronaldo wants to get on his nerves, grab his attention! ronaldo's easy to hate, come on, give it a go! (instead, ronaldo gets bullied back and gets his ego smacked around).

deion ( @conquer-the-raven ) ! a party boy with a craving for attention ! together in solidarity, man. ronaldo is usually provoking and somewhat bullying ignihyde students and the likes, but let's be honest — he's got no room to poke at deion here. bonding over annoying their more serious dormmates! cry nonsensically in the bathroom together! pick yourselves back up 3 minutes later and swear to act like nothing happened!

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