Hilliker Brothers - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Wrong Turn One-Shot:

Three Finger x Reader

You were just trying to survive. To get away from them. The demented men that murdered all your friends. It all started out as fun and games but soon ended in bloodshed as each of them were captured one by one. You were the last one living and that made it all the more worse for the fact that the cannibals were after you now.

Out of the three of them that scared you, the one that scared you the most was the smallest one. You realized that every time they were near you and your friends the cannibal would specifically target you. You didn’t understand why but he seemed keen on killing you the most. As you were running through the woods you felt the sticks and vines cut your legs and arms repeatedly but you didn’t care. Your life was on the line and you knew that if you stopped then you would die. A loud, deranged giggle rang through the forests alarming you that the brothers weren’t far behind. You ran faster which you thought wasn’t even possible at this point. But you were tired. And the brothers were slowly gaining on you.

And by gods name. You tripped on a thick root in the ground and fell. The three-fingered mutants giggles got closer. You sobbed as tears ran down your face as you knew you were going to die. The foot steps got closer and closer. It wasn’t until you heard the man’s giggle up close that you looked up. The three of them stared down at you with wicked grins. The smallest one was in the middle whilst his older brothers took their places at his sides. You were so scared that you blacked out.

You then woke up to looking at a wooden ceiling. You tried to move but you realized your arms and legs were tied down barbed wire. They were tightly digging in your skin to where you were bleeding. You yelped in pain. Then that same inhumane giggle came. You turned and saw that the youngest Hilliker brother was staring at your struggles in amusement. You looked at him in fear which only seemed to amuse him further as his dark grin grew wider.

He walks towards you in a slow predatory manner. A knife in his hand. You looked up at him as he stood over you. Then he slams the knife into the wood beside your side. You flinched heavily as he came closer to your face. You turned your head to the side to avoid facing him. And you felt something wet and slick slide across your face and you realized it was his tongue. “Ugh” you couldn’t help but groan in disgust. But the man wasn’t fazed much by your reaction and suddenly grabs you by your hair and turns your head towards him. The grip he had on your hair was incredibly strong but you couldn’t look him in the eyes. “Just end it already. I don’t wanna die a slow death.” You stated in a defeated tone. But that didn’t happen. Rather than the feeling of a knife dived deep into your body, you felt the press of rough lips against yours. You opened your eyes in utter shock.

The man was kissing you. You wanted to bite him but thought twice about it. He then pulled away and snatched the knife out the wood. You looked up at him, waiting for his next move. But he simply twirled the knife in his hand and tilted his head with a teasing grin. As if he was waiting for you to put the pieces together. You blinked at him in confusion.

Then you realized that he wasn’t gonna kill you. He was gonna keep you captive. But for what purpose. That question you didn’t know. But you didn’t need to know. Little did you know, Three-Finger grew a liking to you and planned on keeping you as his ‘pet’.

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5 years ago

Imagine Taking Care Of The Hilliker Brothers When Their Kids.


S/o has gotta keep a close eye on this trouble making devil.

He loves to nibble on anything he can get his hands on. Including his fingers. He already has only 3 fingers so he wouldn’t want to lose anymore.

Likes to grin at you creepily when you rub/massage his head. He feels like he is being rewarded in a way.

He loves to cuddle with you while you relax on the porch.

Gets upset when you take back any food he tried to take whilst you were making it.

Will go as far as grumbling or hissing at you for taking away his stolen treat.

ABSOLUTELY loves the attention he gets from s/o. Three-Finger sometimes intentionally chews on his remaing fingers just to see your worried face and prying hands trying to heal his wounds.

Begs Saw-Tooth to let him piggy back ride him around because you surely weren’t. Hey, ya got reasons. (TF has a tendency to bite your shoulder when you don’t walk or run fast enough.)


The sweetest child there is.

Will help you try to contain Three Finger. Works slightly. Only to have Three Finger being naughty again.

Randomly gives you hugs when he feels you are stressed out.

Likes to observe the ants outside.

Tries to follow Saw Tooths lead and act a bit more mature.

Sometimes engages in Three Fingers games of silliness.


The most mature out of the three.

Will help out with the chores around the cabin.

Goes out hunting with you to bring back victims to eat. (He’s 14 and he’s a big boy)

Will give you a passionate hug from behind while your making some Stu. (Ain’t even sure if that’s how u spell that.)

But then again it could be Stu from Scream.

Saw Tooth loves to watch you work. It makes him feel nice to have you as a helper. Your very strong for an outsider.

Licks you on the face when he is in a good mood.

Manages to get Three Finger to behave. Oh what a relief that is.

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5 years ago

Hmm. Here’s a list of Imagines I’m thinking about.

The Brothers finding out they got a half sibling.

Saw-Tooth’s thrust game with my OC’s or readers.

Three-Finger meeting someone who is crazy/and/or crazier than him.

One-Eye grows a crush on an outsider.

Saw-Tooth has a sister the same age as him.

The Bros accidentally get high.

They raise a child as their own.

Their reactions to their s/o having an irrational fear of blood.

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4 years ago

Has Anyone Noticed How Similar Saw-Tooth and Pa look? Bro I’ve always wondered if they were closer back when they were younger.

Now that I think about it, who the hell was older? Was Sawtooth the oldest out of the Hilliker siblings including Ma and Pa Or was Pa the oldest?

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4 years ago

Saw-Tooth: *sees Three Finger leave the table that has a butchered body**

*tries to quietly sneak over there.**

**slips and falls from oily floor and lands on his back ***

Three-Finger: *walks in to his brother on the floor**

*pulls a bottle of grease out of his pocket*

*giggles, then says*

*”I told your ass to stay out the kitchen didn’t I?**

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4 years ago

#1 Headcanon - The Hilliker Brothers Find Out They Have a Half Sibling.


He’d be hella suprised when he finds out. He thought pa (aka Maynard Odets) only had him and his four siblings. But apparently Papa was a rollin stone.

It would take a bit of time for him to warm up to you. You looked a lot like one of the outsiders. He was used to killing outsiders and therefore finds it very foreign to have someone who looks like one living in their home.

Over time would become very protective over you. Possibly grow feelings for you. But would seem stoic about it.

He wouldn’t let your appearance soften the way he‘ll toughen you up to their ways of life. If you planned on living with his family then you shall learn the ways of the family like everyone else has.


He would grow a crush on you the minute he sets his sights upon you. Even though outsiders were commonly used for food, he always felt an attraction towards them (especially the pretty ones).

Will be the closest thing to normal you’ll have in the family. He likes to stare at your face for minutes straight.

You woke up once to him stroking your face like a curious child. You were creeped out but choose not too express it hence you didn’t want to hurt his feelings.


Was indeed happy to have a new member apart of the family. He indeed makes you nervous as hell because of the disturbing amount of pleasure he takes in killing people.

Sometimes when he knows that you are getting nervous he’ll actually make you join as if it will make you better. He wants you to get used to killing people as it was the only way to survive in their family.

Thinks you would serve as a great parent to him and his brothers future children. Has tried to coax you into breeding with him but you needed some time.

Other than that, you like to keep a distance from him at times when he got too caught up with the victims torture. Hence he thinks what he and his family does is normal, he gets perplexed when you would leave when him and his brothers to torture their victims.

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4 years ago

Can you make a scenario for the hiliker brother. And it's their first kiss with their s/o


Saw-tooth wasn’t really much of an affectionate person to begin with. The only time he would ever want to kiss you in the first place is when he wants sum physical luvin.

The first time the two of you would ever kiss is when he takes you for the first time. He usually has to be very careful when kissing you or else he’ll end up accidentally cutting your lips. Not that Saw-Tooth wouldn’t mind though. The more blood, the more hornier he gets.

You better pray that you never blue-ball him or else your lips will end up being torn to shreds in the process of the love makin.


Absolutely loves to be affectionate with you and therefore will give you kisses 247 on a daily basis. His kisses are absolutely sloppy and end up with your mouth being covered in drool. Ugh nasty.

The first time the two of you kiss is when the two of you got caught in the moment at night. He just wouldn’t stop staring at your pretty face for the whole day. That ended up leading to the two of you getting intimate in the same bed while the others were asleep. Likes to lick your soft lips as the two of you make out. But it always ends with him rutting you until the end of tomorrow.

To be honest, if you had any kids, they would more than likely belong to him. Even though Saw-Tooth fucks you a lot, One-Eye takes just as much pleasure in mating with you.


If it’s anyone who likes to kiss you the most it’s Three-Finger. Although he is very affectionate he loves to tease you. Leading you on one moment and leaving your ass the next. Your panties will be soaked.

The first time the two of you kiss it was because he teased the living hell out of you one morning. You begged and begged him to give the good goods aka a good fuck and instead he gave you a deep passionate and lustful kiss.

The day after he would fuck you sensless and when Three-Finger fucks you, it was torturous. He would bring you to the brink of orgasm and leave you there crying tears when he slowed down his thrusts. But when you came you came hard.

This was my first request done for someone. Leave a like please.

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4 years ago

How would to hiliker brothers response or react to finding out their S/O's ex got ahold of her and said that he doesn't understand stand why they are with her and that she is just a brat and would end up hurting them later in time.

Oh the Bros would be pissed. First any person in general would have gotten hurt if they did sum shit like that. Oh yeah. Whole new level of torture would happen there. The brothers would manage to keep the ex alive for many days just so that he could feel every bit of pain given to him.

Any scar you gained under your ex, the brothers would make sure that he received one similar but worse.

Saw-Tooth would have been the most brutal about it, One-Eye would have been extremely enthusiastic about it, and Three-Finger would have been more sadistic about it then he usually is about his victims.

The last your ex would even see of you is your sweet smile and the three brothers staring him down with a look of absolute sadistic glee.

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4 years ago

We need more people to write Wrong Turn Fanfiction😳

Like the Wrong Turn Franchise fanfiction is so fucking dead. I’m so suprised because it’s not popular within the slasher franchise put together. Like everyone knows Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers and Freddy Krueger and Chuckie the doll but nobody knows the Hilliker brothers like what the hell.🤣🤣

The Hills have eyes seems to be a bit more popular than wrong turn. Like what exactly does a man with silver hair and dry ass Shigaraki Skin have against three gorgeous men that use people to cannibalize on?

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4 years ago

I just realized that as of 2020 the Hilliker Brothers are basically kinda gettin old. Saw-tooth would be 56, One-Eye would be 55, and Three-Finger would be 54. So now we are basically thirsting for old men.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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4 years ago

Three-Finger was one creepy ass child in that fourth movie now that I think about it. I’ll just be laying back and listening to all these other folks talkin about how they would be luvin up on Kid Three-Finger and I’m like ‘Yeah, and gets ya face ripped (chewed) off’.

While I was watching the Wrong Turn 4 i noticed how Saw-Tooth and One-Eye went for the security guard first whilst Three-Finger stayed behind and I just saw how he was basically dancing and laughing at the scene before him. And even though I love Three-finger to death, I still can’t get over the fact that an 8 year old child can develop these type of psychotic tendencies from a young age.

While most people would say that three finger was born with these psychotic tendencies I sometimes agree but at the same time even if he was born with these problems, there were certain factors in his childhood that could have made them worse. Looking at the horrible conditions that the brothers were in at the asylum as kids were horrible. And I very much doubt that the brothers were given proper therapy considering this was an asylum from the 1970s and we all know how the asylums from back then did not give that type of proper therapy. So living in horrible conditions and possibly or more than likely getting tortured every day could have been crossing the limit for children who could’ve possibly already been psychos.

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4 years ago

Bro I just had a weird thought that I had to share. So I deadass sat here and accidentally popped my finger with my tooth while I was gently chewing on it and I’m like is this what it would sound like if I ate my finger? And then I thought of Three finger as kid munching on someone’s finger while I’m hiding somewhere and all I here is the crunch of flesh and bone being torn apart. I just gave myself chills.

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