Hinata Uzumaki - Tumblr Posts

NaruHina based on a Kpop pic
Obito's Hinata

She was one of many girls in Kakashi, Rin, and Obito's class.
She was nothing special.
Wasn't that pretty.
Wasn't that smart.
Wasn't that good in the ninja arts.
She only liked Obito, a boy, who was shunned from his prestige clan but never gave up his dreams. She started to admire him for this.
He was so unlike her.
He didn't take notice of her.
Why should he?
He already loved a girl and she was too shy to talk to him.
Nobody, but a few civilian children like her saw her at all.
Again she wasn't something special.
She wasn't part of his Team, but kind Rin who sometimes talked to her.
Rin was the only one from Team Minato who knew her or at least remember her.
Kakashi didn't hurt.
Obito broke her.
But she only seemed to love him harder.
But she never got the courage to tell him.
Even when Rin wanted to help her, she run away.
How could she not?
She was not stupid.
Even if Obito didn't love Rin, he would never like her.
He didn't even know she existed.
Like the people in her family.
She was nothing more than a shadow.
She had so many chances to talk to him, like to congratulate him on becoming Chuunin, to at least become a friend, but she never grow a backbone.
Then he died, saving his teammates.
And her world was destroyed.
Only Rin knew what was wrong with her, she was a smart girl and knew the shy girl was in love with her dead friend.
But then Rin died also...
And nothing was alright anymore.
It took her many, many years to get back together.
In the time Kyuubi attacked the village and Lord Fourth sacrificed his life to save everybody. Itachi Uchiha killed his clan leaving only his younger brother alive.
She saw how a blond-haired kid got ignored for being the jailer of something he wasn't responsible for.
She saw how a black-haired boy with the last Uchiwa Fan on his back darker and darker grow.
She was a coward again and ignored them like most people.
She hated herself.
Then one day she saw how a little Hyuuga Girl watched the blond boy with love in her eyes and was reminded of her and Obito.
Well only her.
She hoped the little Hyuuga Girl wouldn't have to bury her beloved before she could at least speak to him.
More years passed and the three kids became genin but weren't put on the same team.
Maybe the shy ones never get a chance with their love she mussed.
But something also changed.
After Kyuubi she a retired as Ninja and started working at her family business, something she never had wanted, but she was done after that with the ninja life.
He was goofy and silly and liked to be served by her.
He always wore a smile for her.
He was someone who saw her finally.
They had an easy friendship and she started to feel better.
Then a asked her on a date.
And she could only think about Obito.
Obito, she still only wanted Obito, but he was death, death, death and never know her, never would have loved her!
What else should she say then yes?
At least one of them would be happy.
At least one of them should get what they want.
He was a good boyfriend.
He was a good fiance.
He was a good husband.
But she never stopped comparing him to Obito.
Of what could have been with the Uchiha.
Would their first kiss be chaste on her front door? Or would have Obito been overexcited and kissed her passionately before the night even ended?
Would their first time be awkward and end in pre-ejaculation leaving her unsatisfied? Or would Obito have been eager to please, to think about her pleasure before his own, or at least finish her off with his mouth?
Would he cry silent tears on their wedding day? Or would Obito cry hard and loud like when he was a young boy?
But they had a nice life together, so she moved forward.
After the 4 Ninja War...she couldn't for a long time think.
Obito being alive the whole time and nearly letting the world end because he wanted to live in a fake dream world with Rin?
And now he was dead, Kakashi Hatake Hokage and the blond shunned boy Naruto Uzumaki a hero of the world.
It was the first time her husband suspected that her heart belonged to another.
Or had belonged?
It was so confusing.
She still remembered her Eternal Tsukuyomi Dream with clarity.
It hurt and was so good to think about it.
Her family loved her.
She was an awesome kunoichi.
Rin was alive and her best friend.
And Obito...Obito was her husband and Hokage.
And...and their children...dear sage their children.
A boy and a girl, twins and a baby girl.
She understood why he wanted this dream world, it was better than reality.
And that was the point in her life where she realized that it had to end.
Nothing is better than reality, it was her fault for not doing more to get it or at least to get a new dream.
So finally after nearly 30 years she said fuck-you to her family and explained to her husband everything.
He was sad, of course, he was, but he was okay with the divorce.
She decided to leave Kohanagakure, her hometown, forever and start somewhere anew.
For years she traveled the world, doing odd jobs and meeting new people till she meet someone again.
A beautiful woman with an even bigger heart.
This... was the love she always wanted, always craved.
They both settled down in Takigakure and adopted children.
Orphans from the war Obito had caused.
Seeing her children made her realize she would always love the innocent and good boy Obito was but the corrupted and broken men she hated.
And yet she was thankful for him.
She had found her way in life because of him.
When their oldest son got nominated to take part with his team at the Chuunin Exams in Kohana, she and her wife decided to watch the finals since their son made it up to them.
So they took their other kids and showed them their other mama's old birth town.
She was surprised and happy to see Naruto Uzumaki as Hokage, something he had yelled aloud since he was a little boy.
But what shocked her was the blue-haired Hyuuga Beauty at his side.
It was the little girl who had always watched him.
And they're married.
She couldn't help it to shed a few tears.
So...the shy girl could get her boy if she was courageous enough, heh?
For a moment she saw in their places herself and Obito.
Maybe in another world, maybe in another reality...
Maybe if she could have been his Hinata to his Naruto...
Her wife grips her hand and looks at her.
She knows the whole story.
But she shakes her head and kisses her wife's cheek.
This life...this life is the life that she wanted and choose.
So she finally let go and accepted anything that happened.
Your own created dream is always better than a dreamed-up one.
She was now sure of it.
Goddess of the Sun, Queen of the Stars

On a night shooting stars cross over Konohagakure the life of 12-year-old Hinata changes forever. A white wolf named Shiranui searched for her to end the reign of the “Planet Eaters” as she calls the enemy. The young Hyuuga awakens power beyond her imagination. But will it be enough to end the millennia-old conflict?

Hinata has always been my favourite character. I see a lot of myself in her. Maybe that’s why I love and admire her so much. There are a lot of OP Naruto stories out there, it’s time for the Hyuuga Princess to kick ass and take names.

Prologue: Falling Stars
The night Hinata Hyuuga's life would change forever started with a beautiful meteor shower.
One Konohgakure hadn’t seen in a good 100 years.
Enchanted Hinata watched from her window seat the shooting stars racing against each other in the night sky with a brilliant full moon taken vigil over them.
It was so calm and serene. For a moment all life problems seemed to vanish.
Her role as heir is being treated.
Her father's aloofness towards her.
The elders of the clan with their hurtful words.
Neji-Niisan hate filled gaze.
And Hanabi’s looks of pity.
For a moment she could all forget this as she watched this miracle of nature.
Are you watching the stars too, Naruto-Kun?, she thought with a sign. Are you amazed by them too…or are you feeling alone?
It wasn’t the first time nor would it be the last time Hinata cursed herself for her shyness.
She was 12 years old, the graduation from the Academy was a year away and she still couldn’t manage to utter a single word to the boy who had saved her.
The boy that brightened her day only with his smile.
The boy who had her heart, even if he didn’t know.
Some Ninja to be she was.
Another sign escaped her lips and she turned her attention back to the shooting stars.
Her late mother, Kami bless her soul, told her if she wished upon a shooting star, the wish would come true.
Father would chest her for believing in such fairytales, but anything that came from her mother was precious to Hinata.
She missed her any day with a burning passion.
So she closed her eyes, like her mother told her, and thought about a wish.
What was a good wish?
Of course, it would be nice if Naruto-Kun would fall for me…but I want his love because he likes me and not because of a wish…maybe…just…I just want to find my place in the world. I want to feel I’m useful and belong somewhere.
Yes, this was a nice wish.
Hinata put her hands in a prayer position, still, eyes closed and sent her wish to the shooting stars.
She imaged how her wish reached one star. The star twinkled, taking her wish and carrying it away to be fulfilled.
It was a comforting thought.
Slowly she opened her eyes.
Only to have them wide comical as she saw what was happening.
I’m imagining things or is a star falling down in my direction?!
The young girl couldn’t even scream as the twinkling orb smashed through her window and then knocked her over. With a hard thud, she landed on her bedroom floor and was knocked out cold.
She didn’t see how the orb was sitting on her stomach changing forms.
It stretched and expanded, till it took the form of a little anthropomorphic wolf.
Its fur was white like snow and its eyes the colour of gold. A little red bandana with a yellow star it wore on its neck, and also some gold, orange, and red bracelets.
The wolf blinked a few times, then floated over to Hinata's head. It was a bit taller than her head.
“Ups didn’t mean to knock ya out!”, it said in a feminine voice and winced as she saw how more glass of the broken window fell down. “And didn’t mean to break your window, hehe.”
Of course no anwer came from Hinata.
“Meh, better fix the window and look for any curious human who might want to check out what happened here.”
But first, she put the human girl on her bed with a wet rug over the bump Hinata was forming.
Yeah, Shiranui, the name of the little wolf, had imaged meeting HER also in a different way.
Well, beggars can be choosers.

Shiranui is inspired by Shiranui from the amazing game Okami. :D Play it, it’s amazing <3
Goddess of the Sun, Queen of the Stars Index

On a night shooting stars cross over Konohagakure the life of 12-year-old Hinata changes forever. A white wolf named Shiranui searched for her to end the reign of the “Planet Eaters” as she calls the enemy. The young Hyuuga awakens power beyond her imagination. But will it be enough to end the millennia-old conflict?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Goddess of the Sun, Queen of the Stars

On a night shooting stars cross over Konohagakure the life of 12-year-old Hinata changes forever. A white wolf named Shiranui searched for her to end the reign of the “Planet Eaters” as she calls the enemy. The young Hyuuga awakens power beyond her imagination. But will it be enough to end the millennia-old conflict?

Chapter 1: Hinata and Shiranui
A beautiful sunny day dawned over Kohanagakura.
Civilians and shinobi alike went about their daily lives.
Nothing was out of place.
Absolutely nothing.
Well, almost.
One Hinata Hyuga stood before the gates of the Ninja Academy, sweating bullets and wishing she could return home.
She was not ready to face the world after…yesterday night.
“Hey Hinata-Chan.”, the source of her state whispered.
If anybody looked, they would note the new silver brooch in the shape of a wolf on Hinata's jacket and would probably think themselves crazy hearing it talk!
But it did!
Or, Hinata should say, her!
“All will be okay.”, reassured her the brooch. “I’m with you and you will grow into your goddesshood.”
“I…I still think you chose the wrong person…Shiranui-Sama.”, she whispered back.
“Again drop the Sama and I didn’t choose you…You were born for this!”
Hinata could only let out a sign.
Her brooch, who was in reality an anthropomorphic wolf from another planet, which alone was crazy alone, didn’t let up that she was apparently a goddess.
Or a goddess to be.
Born to end the reign of the Planet Eaters.
She had a rather freakish awakening after the shooting star had knocked her out.
With a groan, Hinata sat up on her bed.
She dreamed that a shooting star had knocked her out cold.
How silly.
A star couldn't do this.
Strange was the bump she had on her head.
Did she fall?
“Ah, you are awake little goddess!”, greeted her an unknown female voice cheerful.
Before her floated, FLOATED, a little anthropomorphic wolf.
Her fur was white like snow and her eyes the colour of gold. A little red bandana with a yellow star she wore on her neck, and also some gold, orange, and red bracelets.
Before the Hyuga Heiress could scream for help, the she-wolf put one of her paws over her mouth.
“Please don’t scream, little goddess! I mean no harm. Please trust me!”
“Hinata-Chan you are going to be late for your class if you stand around here.”, reminds her Shiranui.
Not really having a choice the young girl walked to her classroom.
Huddled up in her seat, she prayed like any day that no one would take note of her.
Being invisible was her greatest strength and comfort.
She hates being in the spotlight.
Yet it seemed she soon would be if what Shiranui said was true.
After Hinata had calmed down, the wolf introduced herself as Shiranui.
Shiranui from the race of the Hoshi-Kamis coming from the planet Hoshihime.
Here now in the 5 Shinobi Nations for her. Hinata!
“I have long searched for you little goddess.”, told her Shiranui. “In many worlds. Till the shining light in your heart lead me to you. The brightest light in existence. The incarnation of the Sun.”
She had wanted to ask what Shiranui meant by that, yet her stutter made the words come out all garbled and messy.
Thankfully Shiranui understood her and explained her mission, which sounded more like a fairytale.
“I’m one of many Searchers. Our holy duty is to find young godlings and help them grow into their godhood. Yet one day one of our Searchers uplifted a godling unlike any other. Ōtsutsuki was his name. A parasite he became. Evil Incarnated. He started a family, so powerful and obsessed with power that they destroyed entire planets just to eat one God Fruit. This special fruit full of Chakra turns you as the name says into a god. The more you eat, the more powerful you are. For millenniums we Hoshi-Kami tried to stop the Ōtsutsuki, the Planet Eater as we call them, but no god or goddess we found was powerful enough. Till now! I know you are the one we have prayed for so long. The godling who will save us all. The Goddess of the Sun, Queen of the Stars.”
The young kunoichi-to-be tried to listen to Iruka-Sensei lesson, but how could she when an alien wolf told her she was to be a goddess and kill a whole family of evil gods?!
She couldn’t even win against Hanabi in a spar!
It was ridiculous.
Nonetheless, Shiranui was stubborn.
She really believed that Hinata would be the Messiah who saved them all.
Even trying to understand Shiranui's reasons didn't make it simpler for Hinata.
Her light, her Chakra apparently, had the markers of a godling.
Now it was only a matter of training and experience till she became a full-fledged goddess.
A load of, pardon her language, bullshit.
Sadly Hinata hadn’t in her heart to scare away Shiranui so she had to go along with her.
For now.
Till Shiranui saw what a failure she was.
Then she would leave her and find the real Messiah.
“All right this wraps up the lesson for today.”, Iruka-Sensei's voice ripped through her thoughts. “Now we will go outside to train with our Shuriken and then have matches. Sounds good?”
Most of her classmates were happy.
Hinata saw how Naruto, her beloved, pumped himself up muttering something like this time I will get the teme.
Oh, Naruto and his rivalry with Sasuke.
She admired how Naruto could try and try again till he would succeed.
“Well that is an interesting one.”, whispered Shiranui to her.
Carefully looking around that no one saw her talking to the brooch she followed after her classmates and Iruka-Sensei.
“Naruto-Kun is amazing. He would make a better savoir of the world, Shiranui-Sama erm San.”
“Oh believe me Hinata-Chan our little foxy there IS something special, but not the special like you.”
The she-wolf was quiet for a few seconds.
“You know what, he would make a good ally. You should talk to him.”
The young girl turned red like a tomato and babbled something like talking to Naruto-Kun?!
“Aww, does my little godling have a crush…well your babies would surely be extremely overpowered. They would bench press a Planet Eater.”
That was too much for Hinata. With an ack, she fainted.
“Hinata-Chan? Ups, didn’t mean to make her faint.”, mumbled Shiranui to herself.
Hinata was floating down what seemed an endless dark tunnel.
Nothing matters anymore.
Nor time.
Nor place.
Nor herself.
Just the silence of this place.
Slowly she opened her eyes and looked around.
She was floating towards something it seemed.
It was….a picture.
Two young males and two young females in white robes stood around with each other, talking.
The males were both brunettes, one had a long spiky hairstyle, and the other had short hair and a headband.
The two females were black-haired, one wore her hair in an elaborate braid, and the other wore it long and free.
Suddenly the picture started to move and Hinata heard voices.
“Listen to yourself Indra!”, shouted the woman with the braid, pointing at the long spiky-haired brunette. “Obedience through power…that’s not what uncle, your father wants!”
“The world is a messy place, without a hard hand that leads the people, chaos will reign, Yumigami!”, the male, Indra, shouted back.
“Now, now, let's stay all calm.”, pleaded the other male. “We are a family, we shouldn’t argue like that with each other.
Indra and Yumigami told him together to shut up.
“Erm, Ashura is right.”, said the still-nameless female, playing with her fingers. “We only see each other once or twice a year, we should enjoy our time together.”
“You have a good heart, Imoto-Chan, but Amaterasu I will not stand by and let Indra manoeuvre our world into a dictatorship!”
“Last time I checked you lived with Uncle Hamura on the moon. The matters of Earth or none of your business!”
Hinata watched how Ashura and Amaterasu tried to stop the argument between Indra and Yumigami, but it didn’t work.
They only got angrier.
Slowly their faces and voices faded, like the darkness around Hinata…
A bit confused Hinata blinked up the white ceiling. She felt she was laying on something.
Something uncomfortable and familiar.
She signed and asked into the room: “How long this time?”
“About 15 to 20 minutes Hinata-San.”, informed the academy nurse Rinka.
The Hyuuga Heiress knew the friendly nurse well, thanks to her fainting spells, so she could speak normally without stutter to her.
Also, Rinka was so gentle and kind, she made it easy to talk to her.
Showing her caring nature Rinka gave her a glass of water without asking.
Thankful Hinata gulped down the fresh water. She was really thirsty.
“I would say you are okay again.”, told her Rinka. “But stay for another 5 minutes, then you can join up with your class again.”
Hinata gave a tiny nod and tried to relax on the sick bed.
What a weird dream she had.
She wondered if it meant something.
As Hinata made her way back to her classroom since Iruka-Sensei had told Nurse Rinka he didn’t want to risk her fainting during a match and getting really hurt, so Hinata should stay in the classroom and work on some assignments, Shiranui was telling her how sorry she was for teasing her.
The wolf didn’t think she would take it so badly, yet Hinata didn’t blame her.
It’s not like they have known each other for a long time.
“Anyway, I have a question.”, said Shiranui to her. “While you were knocked out, I noted how your Chakra was streaming like a raging river through your body. Did you dream something strange?”
It’s not like Hinaata wanted to hide her weird dream, so she told Shiranui.
The Hoshi-Kami hummed thoughtfully: “Hmm, I would say you saw one of your ancestor's memories, but who of the four it was I can’t tell. But this proves your godhood, Hinata-Chan. I told you after my Love Pat you would start to change and look! You have visions of the past!”
At the word, Love Pat Hinata shudder.
She wouldn’t call the punch to her heart from Shiranui yesterday night a love pat.
It was like a Gentle Fist, even if she didn’t start to cough up blood like normally one would.
No, Shiranui Love Pat with Chakra was the key to unlocking her godhood.
Some godling could awake their powers alone with training, others needed a push and since the wolf was sick of hearing Hinata tell her that she wasn’t the goddess she searched for, Shiranui had decided to give her the Love Pat to accelerate the whole metamorphosis
The Hyuuga Heiress only know one thing.
Whether godhood or not…her life would surely get more complicated from now on.

The name Yumigami comes also from the game Okami, please play it, it’s good for your soul :D
Chapter 2: Training

On a night shooting stars cross over Konohagakure the life of 12-year-old Hinata changes forever. A white wolf named Shiranui searched for her to end the reign of the “Planet Eaters” as she calls the enemy. The young Hyuuga awakens power beyond her imagination. But will it be enough to end the millennia-old conflict?

Chapter 2: Training
“Why did you lead me here, Shiranui-San?”, asked Hinata curious.
The school day was over and her wolf companion had told Hinata they had plans.
What plans she wouldn’t tell, till Hinata walked them to one of the abandoned training areas of the village.
The place was overgrown with plant life.
It was clear that no one had used it in years.
The brooch shimmered and turned into Shiranui's floating anthropomorphic wolf form.
“Is it safe to show you like that Shiranui-San?”, wondered the Hyuuga Heiress, carefully looking around.
It wouldn’t surely be good if someone saw Shiranui. She was too alien, too strange.
The people in Konnoha would not accept her.
“Don’t worry Hinata-Chan.”, reassured Shiranui. She made a fast sequence of hand signs and a dome of Chakra built around the training ground. “This place is one abandoned and thanks to my Jutsu we are safe from prying eyes.”
“Oh alright.”
“And what we are doing here well…”, the Hoshi-Kami made a dramatic pause for effect before she told Hinata: “It’s time to start your training! What you learn at the Academy and at home is quite frack not enough. Maybe for a normal person, it is enough, but you aren’t. We need you to get in top shape to handle your godly powers.”
Dejected Hinata looked at the ground.
Even after a whole week with her, Shiranui was still so sure she was the Messiah.
Did she not see how weak in the Juken she was? Had she not heard how her father had dismissed her as a failure.
Did she not comprehend that even if she was a Clan Child people like Sakura Haruno were better in Chakra control than her?
The blue-haired girl had been so sure that Shiranui would see that Hinata was to wrong choice, yet it didn’t happen.
“Now Hinata-Chan, what is it with this gloom?”, tutted the wolf, rubbing in comfort their cheeks together. “You don’t see or feel it, but your body is already changing. Your Chakra is. Why did you think your Chakra Control got so bad all of a sudden?”
“Because I’m a failure…”
A growl came out of Shiranui. “I will eat your father's heart for breakfast if he doesn’t start to treat you with respect!”
“N-No, please don’t.”
“You are way too kind Hinata-Chan. On one hand, it’s a wonderful trait on the other some people don't deserve it.”
The Hyuuga didn’t know how to answer that. But Shiranui didn’t need an answer, she just petted her cheek.
“Where was I…Ah yes, your Training. From this day forward I will train you to become the goddess, the savoir you are meant to be…So…to start I want you to run 50 leaps around the Training Ground!”
Hinata wasn’t a person to deny training, even if she didn’t believe she was a goddess, more training was always good.
So she started to run.
The training was brutal.
50 leaps around the training ground.
Then 50 leaps, while using the leaf chakra control exercise.
And then 50 leaps, leaf chakra exercise and Shiranui throwing Shurikens and Kunai at her.
If she lost the leaf, the round started anew.
After that Hinata lay like a starfish on the ground. Her lungs were on fire and she felt how close to Chakra's exhaustion she was.
But Shiranui was not done with her.
Oh no.
50 sit-ups, 50 push-ups and 50 squats.
Then again while doing all this she needed to keep the leaf on her head.
Sadly this was only the first day of her hellish Training. The Hoshi-Kami pushed for more any day.
For the first time in her life, Hinata wanted to die.
Death would be a mercy to this!
Everything hurt! Everything!
Three months went by and Hinata couldn't believe it but…she had gotten stronger, also she could control her Chakra again.
She was faster and swifter.
More flexible and resistant.
Her senses became sharper.
Shiranui had a smug look on her face as Hinata noted all the changes in herself.
Then came the day Shiranui tested her Chakra Nature.
Shocking would have been an understatement.
The paper split into five parts, one got wet, one caught fire, one turned to dust and crumbled up.
She had all five Chakra Nature.
“I told you.”, sing-songed Shiranui. “You are the one!”
Now besides the “normal” training, elemental manipulation was also practised.
For that, her wolf friend taught her the Kagebushin-No-Jutsu.
Without a problem, Hinata made on the first try 100.
“Look what power lies in you!”, told her Shiranui proud.
The Hyuga Heiress and her clones just looked dumbfounded at each other.
So now with Kagebushin on her side, Hinata could train even harder and faster, since what her clones learned, she learned to.
Another three months passed and it was now half a year ago that she met Shiranui.
When Hinata looked into the mirror, she didn’t see a meek girl, she saw a shinobi.
Things had changed also at home.
Thanks to Shiranui's training her Juken was so good, that she hadn’t a problem defeating Hanabi.
Her father had been surprised. Even more, after she defeated him.
“You may have even surpassed Neji, daughter.”, said her father with a proud glint in his eyes. “You are truly the heiress of the Hyuuga Clan.”
In school, she was also the top kunoichi. No one stood a chance against her. Her Shurikenjutsu hit always bullseye and in the battles, she always won.
This should make her happy, but Hinata felt nothing.
She still didn't believe she was the Messiah, yet couldn’t deny her extreme progress.
She was something different.
Whether it was good or not would show the future.
The next six months Shiranui made her training even harder.
It was unbelievable that it could get harder, yet her Hoshi-Kami friend managed again that Hinata wanted to die.
Any day she was brought to her limits, only to surpass them.
It seemed Hinata didn’t have a limit, she only grew stronger and stronger.
And then a whole year had passed.
It was time to graduate from the Ninja Academy.
Now it would show if this hellish year would pay off in the real world.
Goddess of the Sun, Queen of the Stars

On a night shooting stars cross over Konohagakure the life of 12-year-old Hinata changes forever. A white wolf named Shiranui searched for her to end the reign of the “Planet Eaters” as she calls the enemy. The young Hyuuga awakens power beyond her imagination. But will it be enough to end the millennia-old conflict?

Chapter 3: Beginning
Slowly breathing in and out Hinata stood before her classroom door.
When she goes through this door…she will start her life as kunoichi of the village hidden in the leaves.
Even with all the training she had done over the year with Shiranui, the Hyuuga Heiress was still in disbelief that she managed to become a Genin yesterday.
Also, Iruka-Senei congratulated her, as being kunoichi of the year.
A spot Haruno Sakura would have gotten if her Hoshi-Kami friend never had stepped into her life, she was sure.
“Nervous, Hinata-Chan?”, asked Shiranui in the form of a star brooch on the dark blue Obi she wore.
As a graduation gift, Shiranui had given her a new ninja gear.
Hinata wore a sleeveless black turtleneck made out of soft fabric. Woven in it was the plate of a headband from Konoha.
An off-the-shoulder white kimono jacket with golden trims and the already named dark blue Obi with Shiranui in the form of a silver star brooch.
Simple dark blue baggy pants and the standard ninja sandals, kunai holder and pouches on her back completed the outfit.
It was one of the most beautiful things she ever wore.

It also made her nervous.
Showing her shoulders…also her clothes did nothing to hide her..erm…developed figure…if this wasn’t a gift, Hinata would never wear such a thing.
Nervously she played with a kimono sleeve, answering her wolf companion: “Kind of…I’m not used to such clothes…also what will happen now that I’m a Genin.”
“We will cross the bridge when we get there.”, advised Shiranui. “Already making yourself freak out will do nothing good. Keeping a calm head is the key to being a good shinobi and one day a powerful goddess.”
Only because she heard the Hoshi-Kami say this for a year, Hinata managed not to sign and again saying she would never be the goddess, the Messiah, Shiranui wanted.
Did the hellish training of Shiranui turn her into the best kunoichi of her class?
Did it turn her into the heiress her father wanted?
Also yes.
Could she use advanced Jutsu like Kagebushin and was she not affin to all 5 elements?
Yes, Yes!
But it didn’t mean she was a goddess.
Maybe, and even thinking this made Hinata feel unworthy, a prodigy in the ninja arts.
There were still a lot of shinobi out there who would clean the floor with her without breaking a sweat.
Sadly she couldn’t win against Shiranui. She was a blockhead trough and trough.
Hinata only waited for the day she WOULD undoubtedly screw up and her wolf companion would see what big mistake she made in laying all her hopes in the Hyuuga Heiress.
So she only thanked Shiranui for her words and entered the classroom.
Swift, she found a place to sit down, hoping no one would take note of her.
Thankful no one did.
But she took note of something pleasing.
Naruto was in the room, proudly wearing a headband.
Naruto-Kun was able to graduate…she thought happily for him.
Then Sakura and Ino formally burst into the room and all got downhill from there.
Our goddess-to-be didn’t need to see Naruto and Sasuke accidentally kiss.
Naruto's first kiss was stolen in such a stupid way.
She wanted to cry.
In her brooch form, Shiranui nearly died of laughter seeing the scene.
Over the past year, the Hoshi-Kami had learned that the blond boy was always good for a laugh.
Still, neither of the two females liked that Sasuke’s Fanclub beat the poor boy up.
It was a stupid accident, not like both boys wanted to lock lips.
Anyway, Iruka-Sensei finally arrived, which calmed the class down.
He sends them all a warm and happy smile.
“Starting today, you are all official ninjas, but…You all are still new Genin…”, he began. “It’s going to get harder from here.”
He explained how they would form a group of three with a Jonin instructor as their sensei doing missions together.
Again Hinata played with her kimono sleeve. It would be nice to be with Naruto-Kun in a team…I don’t know who should be our third. I’m open to anything.
For her growth and allies, she needs…Uzumaki and Uchiha., thought Shiranui. No doubt the reincarnations of the sons of the Sage of the Six Paths will play a major role in this world…
Calmly Iruka-Sensei began to read the teams aloud, Hinata got more twitchy any second she didn’t hear Naruto’s or her name.
She didn’t want to hope…but it would be so nice to finally talk and interact with Naruto.
Even if they were only teammates, Hinata wished to be closer to her crush.
“Next the 7th group, Uzumaki Naruto…”
So hard Hinata gripped her kimono sleeve so that Shiranui thought she would rip it apart any second.
“...Hyuuga Hinata…”
…Did she hear right?!
A tiny happy squeak came out of her mouth. Blushing she put her hands over it.
Please, let nobody have heard it…
If someone did it was forgotten since the third and last name was Sasuke Uchiha!
Not only did Naruto crumple like a balloon, but Sasuke’s Fanclub, mostly Sakura and Ino, screeched in outrage!
“Why her?!”
“This is not fair!”
“She doesn’t even like him!”
“No Sasuke-Kun belongs with me, how could destiny be so cruel!”
Oh Kami, Hinata wished to crawl into her kimono, why did it have to be off-the-shoulder?
“Girls calm down!”, shouted Iruka-Sensei over the hyestric fangirls. “Hinata was placed on the team since she is the top kunoichi. It’s tradition to put the Rookie of the Year, Sasuke here, the top kunoichi and the dead last in one team. It balances their weaknesses out.”
Naruto didn’t seem to have listened since he asked how a top student like him was placed in a team with Sasuke. Again Iruka-Sensei explained the reasons.
Sasuke told Naruto arrogantly to not get in his way.
The two boys would surely fought each other if Iruka-Sensei hadn’t stopped them.
I take it back…not anyone with Naruto and myself…even Sakura would be better…
Damn, that sibling rivalry transcends lifetimes…my poor Hinata-Chan…
The Hyuuga and the wolf in brooch form had a sweatdrop running down.
After Iruka-Sensei called for the other teams, Shiranui took only note that Team 8 would be the Inuzuka boy, the Aburame and the Haruno-Fangirl and Team 10 Yamanaka, Nara and Akimichi, it was time for lunch.
Thoughtful Hinata ate the Bento she had prepared for herself. She had wanted to ask Naruto and Sasuke out to eat with her.
It would be good to bond with them, but she had chickened out.
For all the power she was wielding now…she still was shy and timid.
Also, her wolf friend wanted to talk with her.
So she sat down alone on a secluded bench and waited for Shiranui to speak.
“What do you know about the Sage of Six Path, Hinata-Chan?”, was she asked.
Okay, she didn’t expect that.
“Not much.”, she admitted. “Only that legends say he was the one who first unlocked Chakra and he taught it to the rest of the world.”
“Remember when last week I returned for the weekend to my home planet?”
“Yes, you didn’t want to tell me why.”
“I needed some information on this world, just in case you would be placed in a team with Naruto and Sasuke.”
The Hyuuga stopped mind-chow. Confused she looked down at her brooch.
“What? Why Shiranui-San?”
“Both are reincarnations. Important ones. Let me tell you the story of the Sage of the Six Paths.”
And she listened.
Goddess of the Sun, Queen of the Stars

On a night shooting stars cross over Konohagakure the life of 12-year-old Hinata changes forever. A white wolf named Shiranui searched for her to end the reign of the “Planet Eaters” as she calls the enemy. The young Hyuuga awakens power beyond her imagination. But will it be enough to end the millennia-old conflict?

Chapter 4: Teamwork
Hinata's emotions were running high as she found herself alone in the classroom with Naruto and Sasuke.
"Nervous" was an understatement to describe how she felt at that moment.
On one hand, there was her long-time crush, Naruto, who made her heart skip a beat every time he was near.
On the other hand, there was the intimidating Uchiha Sasuke, whose presence alone commanded respect and attention.
But it wasn't just their personas that had Hinata on edge.
Recently, she had learned thanks to Shiranui's story, how Naruto was the rebirth of Asura while Sasuke was the rebirth of Indra - the two sons of the legendary Sage of Six Paths.
This knowledge added a whole new layer of complexity to her feelings towards them.
These were not just any two males to Hinata - they were the same two males she had seen in her first vision of the past.
The significance of this realization wasn't lost on her and only added to her already heightened emotions.
As Hinata sat there with Naruto and Sasuke, she couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by all that was happening around her.
“He is late!”, growled Naruto at this moment, looking out the door for their Sensei. “Why is the teacher for our group 7 the only one late? All the other groups went somewhere with their sensei and Iruka-Sensei went home. ”
The Hyuuga saw how Sasuke couldn't care less about Naruto's anger, while she feared that her beloved would explode if somebody didn’t calm him down.
And that somebody had to be her it seemed.
She gulped down and prayed to Kami-Sama that she wouldn't make a fool out of herself.
“N-Naruto-Kun...”, she stutter. What a great start! Hinata was pathetic, yet she tried to go one as she saw she got Naruto's attention. “Maybe o-our S-Sensei had to do something important and that’s why he is late?”
“Whatever is his problem, I will pay him back!”, proclaimed the Uzumaki.
Even Sasuke watched how Naruto prepared an eraser prank for their Sensei.
“N-Naruto-Kun, that’s not a good idea!”, told him Hinata worried.
They would make this a terrible impression on their Jonin Sensei, she was sure.
Meanwhile, Shiranui in the brooch was all for Naruto pranking her Hinata-Chan future teacher.
If the man or woman didn’t even think it was necessary to be punctually to a meeting, the she-wolf didn’t want to know how he would try her girl.
“It’s his fault for being late.”, told Naruto the Hyuuga Heiress. “Calm down, Hinata, I know what I do, I’m not for anything the prank master of Konoha!”
Finally, even the Uchiha had something to say: “You mean being the biggest idiot in the village.”
“What did you call me, teme?!”
“A Jounin isn’t going to fall for a plain old booby trap like that.”
It was like the universe wanted to prove Sasuke wrong since a man in the typical attire of the Jonin of Konohagakure stepped into the classroom and the eraser hit him on the head.
The Uzumaki laughed and celebrated that he got the silver-haired men, Hinata was just dumbfounded, Shiranui cracked up and Sasuke was just disappointed.
And this man called himself a Jonin?
How embarrassing.
Years of etiquette classes kicked in and Hinata bowed down in an apology before their sensei.
“Please forgive us, Sensei. We didn’t mean any harm.”
Her apology wasn’t registered since the Jonin just said: “How should I say this? My first impression of you guys is…I hate you.”
Above the three genin formed a dark cloud of depression. Shiranui just facepalmed. What kind of Jonin did they give her little godling?!
The Jonin told them to follow him to the rooftop, where he leaned against the railing, while the three Genin sat down on the ground.
“Let’s see.”, he mussed. “Why don’t you introduce yourselves?”
Sasuke didn’t say anything, and Hinata didn’t know where to start, only Naruto asked: “Why don’t you introduce yourself first sensei? And show us how it's done?”
“Me? I’m Hatake Kakashi. I have no intention of telling you my likes and dislikes. As for my dream…I have a few hobbies.”
Is he for real? He only told the kids his name!, thought Shiranui angry, while the three Genin just stared at him in disbelief.
“That’s it? He only told us his name.”, whispered Naruto to his teammates.
The shy dark blue-haired girl gave a tiny nod in agreement.
“If you can do it better, then why don’t you try?”, asked Kakashi-Sensei in a tone that Shiranui noted sounded like the guy wanted to be anywhere but here.
A growl left the she-wolf lips. This man was irritating!
“I’m Uzumaki Naruto.”, began the blond-haired boy, fiddling with his headband. “I like cup ramen. But I like the ramen at Ichiraku that Iruka-Sensei bought for me even more. I hate the three minutes that I have to wait after I put the hot water. My hobby is to eat and compare cup ramen! And my dream is to become greater than the Hokages. I’m going to make all the villagers recognise my existence.”
Full of admiration Hinata looked at her crush. You will be a wonderful Hokage one day, Naruto-Kun. I just know it.
Then it was her turn.
Oh boy.
Nervously the girl played with her kimono sleeve.
“I’m Hyuuga Hinata. I like sweet red bean soup and cinnamon rolls. My hobbies are pressing flowers and training. I hate some of my clan's traditions and people who just hate others without a reason. As for my dream…I want to unite the Hyuuga Clan…and have a family myself one day.”
Here her eyes wandered for a second to Naruto, not that he noticed it since he wondered what she meant with her clan and what she hated about it and uniting it. The boy didn’t get it.
There is someone who likes the dobe in THAT way? Huh…
Oh, my little Hinata-Chan you are destined for more than such things, but we will of course make them true too.
At least she isn’t a fangirl and has honourable reasons. That little crush on Naruto won’t hinder her.
Now it was the Uchiha’s turn.
“My name is Uchiha Sasuke. There are many things that I hate, and there aren’t a lot of things that I like. Also, I have an ambition that I have no intention to leave as just a dream. The revival of my clan, and killing a certain man.”
Hinata heart got out to Sasuke. Everyone from a clan knew what happened to the Uchiha Clan, making her teammate the last loyal member.
Now that the inductions were done, Kakashi-Sensei revealed to his Genin, how they technically weren’t ninjas right now.
They needed to do a last test with him.
A survival one.
Shiranui noted how with glee he told them that 66,6% failed and got sent back to the academy.
This freaked of course the kids out.
With one last tip to not eat any breakfast Kakashi left them.
If I ever get the chance I will beat his ass! Spooking my poor Hinata-Chan like that!
At precisely 5 p.m. the following day, the Genin of Team 7 convened at training ground 3.
Naruto appeared to be barely conscious, while Sasuke seemed his usual self.
Hinata herself was slightly fatigued after adhering to her Hoshi-Kami companion's advice and retiring early for the night.
Furthermore, she had partaken in breakfast given Shiranui's assertion that Kakashi-Sensei was merely playing games with them - a point that seemed lost on Naruto and Sasuke.
In light of this, Hinata had prepared Bento Boxes for her teammates; should she inform them?
Nervous she gulped, before she told them: “I...I made Bento’s...for you...”
Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, surprised. "Bento boxes?" Naruto asked, scratching his head. "For what, Kakashi-Sensei said we shouldn’t eat breakfast?"
Hinata smiled shyly. "He said we shouldn’t eat, not that we can’t.", she explained. "It seems unlike that before survival training you can’t eat, you need all the energy for it."
“Huh, I guess that makes sense...”, mumbles Naruto, rubbing his neck.
The shy girl holds out a Bento Box to him and Naruto eagerly opens his box to reveal an array of colorful food items inside.
He didn’t waste any time and dig in.
Sasuke, on the other hand, hesitated for a moment before accepting his Bento Box.
"Thanks," he muttered, not meeting her eyes.
Hinata couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at his lack of enthusiasm. She had put a lot of effort into making sure each box was tailored to their tastes.
“Wow, Hinata! This food is incredible!”, praised Naruto, which made her of course blush. “And you made this yourself?!”
As they continued eating, Hinata couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction seeing her teammates enjoying her cooking. She had always been shy and struggled to express herself, but cooking had become a way for her to show her care and appreciation for others.
After finishing their meal, Naruto patted his full stomach and grinned at Hinata. "Thanks again for the food! You should cook for us more often!"
Sasuke remained quiet, but Hinata noticed a small smile on his face as he packed away the empty Bento Box. Maybe it wasn't much, but she was glad that she could bring some joy to their test today.
Feeling emboldened by their positive reactions, Hinata decided to make it a tradition to prepare Bento Boxes for their missions, if they managed to pass Kakashi-Sensei test.
It may seem like a small gesture, but she hoped it would bring them closer together as a team and show them all that even during difficult challenges, there's always room for kindness and warmth.
Shiranui in her brooch was proud of her little godling to come out of her shell and interact with her teammates. If Hinata wanted to become a fully realized goddess the help of these two special boys was important.
After that, the three Genins waited for their Sensei.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited some more.
The sun was shining down on them bright and warm when Kakashi-Sensei FINALLY arrived.
“Good morning my cute little Genins!”, greeted them Kakashi with an eye smile.
“YOU ARE LATE!”; shouted Naruto, while Sasuke and Hinata looked annoyed at their Sensei.
“A black cat crossed my path, so...”
The unimpressed stare of the kids made Kakashi realise that she should just go on with the test.
He took out a clock and put it on a stump.
“The alarm is set at 12 p.m. Today's topic is to get one of these two bells from me.”, he explained to his Genin. “Whoever can’t get one, doesn’t get lunch.”
The man pointed then a three lone wood poles, continuing that the failure would be tied up there, while he ate before them.
“Kakashi-Sensei, why are there only two bells if we are three?”, asked Hinata worried.
This didn’t sit with her right.
And her feeling was right as their Sensei stated that one of them would be sent back to the academy for sure this way.
He told them to come with the intent to kill him if they wanted a bell or all would be sent back.
Hinata felt a shiver run down her spine at his words. This was serious business.
She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the thought of being sent back to the academy.
She knew she wasn't as strong as Naruto or Sasuke, Shiranui would probably remind her how much she had grown over the last months, but she was determined to do her best.
Naruto seemed undaunted by the challenge, while Sasuke looked focused and determined. Hinata took a deep breath and tried to steady her nerves. She had trained hard for this moment, and she wasn't going to let her teammates down.
“Hehe, you couldn’t even dodge an eraser and you want us to attack you with shuriken?”, laughed Naruto heartily.
From Kakashi-Sensei just came that the one with the lowest score shouldn’t be taken seriously, which of course angered Naruto and he attacked him with a Kunai.
In the blink of an eye, Kakashi-Sensei had blocked Naruto's attack and turned him so that his own Kunai was on his neck.
No for the first time, the kids saw the true power of a Jonin.
Sasuke was impressed, Hinata worried more and Naruto was just dumbfounded.
“Ready, start!”, called Kakashi-Sensei.
All three Genin jumped away to hide.
Naruto quickly climbed up a tree, while Sasuke disappeared into the bushes. Hinata found a nearby rock to take cover behind. She tried to calm her breathing and focus on her surroundings, listening for any sound or movement that could give away Kakashi-Sensei's location.
Something nagged on Hinata's thoughts.
She never heard of a Team of a Jonin with two Genin, it was always a Jonin and THREE Genin.
So...what does it mean?
The answer came to her suddenly like a strike of lighting.
This test...it put them from the beginning against each other. They saw how strong Kakashi-Sensei was, a Genin alone couldn’t take him out and then only two bells...and then remembering how the ninja squads in Konoha operated...
The Hyuuga heiress was sure that this was a ruse. They should fight against each other when the true scope was to work TOGETHER to get the bells!
She needed to find Naruto and Sasuke before they attacked Kakashi-Sensei.
So she activated her Byakugan.
Hinata scanned the area with her Byakugan, trying to locate her teammates. She could see Naruto perched on a tree and Sasuke hiding in the bushes, but she couldn't detect any movement from Kakashi-Sensei.
She decided to go for Naruto first.
Quietly she climbed up the tree and stopped him before he could charge their Sensei.
“Naruto-Kun, don’t!”, she whispered sharply.
“Huh, Hinata, what’s wrong? I can take Sensei just fine!”, he proclaimed.
“Naruto-Kun, we need to work together.”
“Oh sure, I rather be with you in a team than with the stupid teme.”
The girl tried her best not to swoon at Naruto's words, it was hard, but she managed.
“No, Naruto-Kun this whole test is a trap. Kakashi-Sensei wants us to fight against each other, when we should be working all together to get the two bells. Never in Konoha history, there was a team with a Jonin with only two Genin!”
Naruto looked at Hinata with surprise and confusion. "What do you mean, Hinata? We're supposed to work together to get the bells, right?" he asked.
Hinata shook her head. "No, Naruto-kun. This is a test of our teamwork, not just our abilities. We need to use our strengths to complement each other and come up with a plan to get the bells together," she explained.
Naruto scratched his head in thought before nodding in agreement. "Okay, I get it now. So what's the plan?"
“We need to get to Sasuke-San.”
“Do we?”
“Please Naruto-Kun.”
Signing Naruto followed Hinata to where Sasuke was still hiding.
Hinata and Naruto found Sasuke in a nearby bush, looking just as determined as ever. Hinata quickly explained her theory to the Uchiha, who listened intently before nodding in agreement. "You're right," he said. "If we work together, we can get those bells."
The three Genin huddled together, brainstorming ideas and strategies for how to approach the test. They knew they had to be smart and efficient if they wanted to succeed. Naruto suggested using his clones to distract Kakashi-Sensei while Hinata and Sasuke went for the bells, but Sasuke pointed out that it was too risky - Kakashi-Sensei could easily see through such a simple tactic.
After much discussion, they finally came up with a plan that they all agreed on. It involved using Hinata's Byakugan to keep track of Kakashi-Sensei's movements while Naruto used his speed and agility to create diversions, allowing Sasuke to sneak up on him from behind.
It wasn't an easy task by any means; Kakashi-Sensei was a formidable opponent, and he seemed to anticipate their every move. But the three Genin worked together flawlessly, each one using their unique skills and abilities to support one another.
In the end, it was Hinata who managed to snatch one of the bells from Kakashi-Sensei's grasp. She had used her Byakugan to predict his movements and catch him off guard when he least expected it.
“Amazing display of teamwork you three, but now Hinata, you have the bells, who should stay with you and who should go back to the academy?”, asked Kakashi-Sensei.
Hinata just shook her head at him.
“Kakashi-Sensei there never was a team with only a Jonin and two Genin, but if it has to be this way...”
She throws Naruto and Sasuke the bells.
To say anybody was surprised, was an understatement.
“Hinata, what?!”, exclaimed Naruto shocked, while Sasuke stared at her.
“I made you work together.”, she began. “If I understood the test wrong, it’s only fair I got back to the academy.”
Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, unsure of what to do next. Hinata's selfless act had caught them off guard, and they were both touched by her willingness to sacrifice herself for the team.
But before they could say anything, Kakashi-Sensei spoke up. "Hinata, you have understood the true meaning of the test, your teamwork and leadership skills are exceptional. You've all passed."
The three Genin looked at each other in disbelief before breaking out into huge grins. They had done it - they had passed Kakashi-Sensei's test!
Kakashi-Sensei told them that starting tomorrow they would go on missions and with a puff of smoke he was gone.
As they made their way back to the village, Hinata couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what they had accomplished together. She knew that there would be many more challenges ahead of them as a team, but she was confident that with their combined efforts and unwavering dedication to one another, nothing could stop them.
Hallo, your personal art request guy here, Would you be so kind as to draw NaruHina (Naruto x Hinata) being cute? :3

Hallo, my dear personal art request guy :). Here’s the cute (well, at least I hope they’re cute enough) couple ^^! It looks like Hinata has accidentally fallen on him (more like for him *BA-DUM-TSS*) and they just run with it and cuddle a little bit

The original Rookie 9 in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations

A little smthn I've been working on in between commissions. Wip!
Also lmk if anyone would be interested in ref sheets like these!

A little smthn I've been working on in between commissions. Wip!
Also lmk if anyone would be interested in ref sheets like these!