Hirugami X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Sachirƍ Hirugami x Reader ''A Change Is Gonna Come''

College life has been lonely and tiresome ever since you started studying biology and chemistry.

So you do what most lonely girls in college do.

You get a pet.

Specifically a cat.

A cat with half of her right ear missing, along with her left eye. She is your everything, even though she has only been with you for three weeks since you picked her up from the local shelter.

Her raven-black fur looks very slightly brown in the sunlight every time she would lay on the window sill next to the venus flytrap plants.

In the beginning, she would not leave her transport box, hissed and tried to scratch you, whenever you got close to try and pet her.

Now, she is the most cuddly cat.

If you think about it, she has been more affectionate than usual. Rubbing against you, the wall, the chair, your fridge and even the fricking toilet.

She meows loudly in the night, driving you insane.

Now if you never had a cat in heat before, then you don’t know what hell on earth is.

Kaizoku, the name you have given her, is getting on your last nerve.

Thankfully due to your majors, you realized that Kaizoku is in heat. 

Every cat owner’s worst nightmare, besides their pet getting pregnant unplanned.

Thanks to the lucky stars, a small vet clinic is just five blocks down the road, a very young owner who’d just graduated veterinary school.

Making an appointment for a previous check up for a future neutering appointment for Kaizoku, you make your way to the vet next Tuesday morning.

The morning you get up earlier to make it on time for the appointment, it seems like the little devil has vanished into thin air.

Seriously, you can’t find her anywhere!

You checked the shower, under all your furniture and even stepped on your counters to check on top of the cabinets.

It’s getting real close to the appointment time, you have to be there 15 minutes prior to sign in, it’s what the vet clinic requests.

Now you’re getting pissed. 

‘’ZOKU!” You yell out in frustration.

All of sudden, a small light bulb pops up in your head.

You just remembered that the little furball LOVES cheddar cheese.

As you pretend to make a sandwich and take the cheese out of the fridge, you rustle the plastic extra loud on purpose, hoping she will come out.

And just like magic, there she pops up magically on the counter, looking at the food in your hand.

Giving her a small piece, you cautiously walk backwards to grab the carrier box for her.

Still with her chewing, you feel the side handle of it, crouching down to grab it and hide it behind your back.

Sneaking up from behind, you gently grab her and she tries to run away.

Grabbing her front legs with one hand and her back legs with the other, Kaizoku begins biting your fingers, making you almost yell out in pain but quickly shoving her naughty ass into the box, quickly closing it so she can’t escape.

Huffing out a big breath, you look at the clock on the wall and you’re about to faint when you realize, it’s in less than 10 minutes.

Grabbing the transport box, you basically sprint down the stairs in your apartment building, almost giving Kaizoku a heart attack. 

Quickly getting into your small car, you try to minimize your lateness with going a little bit over the speed limit.

Finally arriving in the parking lot in front of the vet clinic, you get out and see that your cat’s eyes are insanely enlarged, hissing when you check on her.

‘’Alright, let’s do this.”

When you walk through the door, the bell above the door chimes with a cute tingle noise.

As you look around, only three people are sitting in the waiting area on the sides, with the front desk in the middle, where a blonde woman in cat scrubs is typing something on a computer.

You clear your throat and she greets you with a sunny smile.

Signing in on the clipboard on the counter, you sit on the left while the other two people across from you have a dog each on a colorful leash.

One dog is a big German shepherd that has a cone on its head with one leg wrapped in a cast.

The other dog is a lot smaller and he keeps growling at the other dog.

Kaizoku begins meowing in distress, you try to calm her down by gently talking to her.

Thankfully one of the employees calls you in immediately, telling you to follow her.

Getting up from the chair, you follow her and thank her for holding the door open for you.

Walking along the hallway you see multiple doors on the left and right side.

She stops on one of the right doors, pushing it open to let you in and tells you that the vet will be right in.

You look around in the examination room, seeing two anatomy posters of a cat and a dog on one side of the wall, with a small computer and a desk on the other side of the room.

Below the posters is a long metal table and you put the carrier box down and check on Kaizoku again.

She has her backside facing you, as if she is trying to show you the middle finger to taking her here.

Scanning some of the bones and muscles of the cat, a firm knock interrupts your reading. 

A tall man with light brown hair walks in, some of his wavy hair rests on his forehead, the same color in his eyes.

He has a strong build, his light blue scrubs hugging his figure perfectly.

When he looks from his clipboard to you, he greets you with a billion dollar smile, introducing himself.

„Hi, I am Dr. Sachirƍ Hirugami. What can I do for you today?“ He rubs his hands from the disinfectant on the wall, taking a small peek inside the carrier box.

Calming yourself a little bit, you explain your problem to him.

„Well this is Kaizoku. I got her from the local shelter. She was a rescue from a former abusive pet owner. I have had her for almost a month now and I think the shelter forgot to mention that she is not neutered. She meows over day, at night and it’s slowly driving me mad.“ 

He laughs a bit at your explanation and my gosh his laugh is a voice sent straight from heaven.

It’s soft and honest and you can’t help but blush at his reaction.

„Sounds to me like Mrs. Kaizoku is in heat. And I am guessing you want to spay her?“ He smiles knowingly.

Nodding to confirm, you hope it’s not going to cost too much

Hirugami opens the cage door and you hear a loud hissing noise.

Your heart begins to drop, you start to sweat a bit from your anxiety about what Kaizoku will do.

All you see is a black little arm trying to scratch Hirugami‘s hand.

Quickly retracting his hand, he begins to laugh at her antics.

„I am SO sorry about her behavior! I hope she didn’t get you.“ You frantically begin to apologize for your cat‘s crude behavior.

He friendly waves you off, saying it’s his job to deal with animals and he loves treating them.

Taking off the top of the box, you see Kaizoku huddled in the corner of the transport box, ears completely flat and you hear a faint growl coming from her.

Hirugami thinks for a few seconds before reaching into one of the drawers behind him, pulling out a little thin tube that looks like paste that cats can lick from, like a treat basically.

So he’s trying to bribe her and gain her trust, that’s a good approach. 

Opening up the little tube, he squishes out a bit and carefully holds it out for her to sniff.

Kaizoku very cautiously moves forward, sniffing it with big round eyes, very soon starting to lick it a few times before deciding to like it.

Like A LOT. 

You see her pupils getting a bit smaller, her small body visibly relaxing and you can feel yourself relaxing as well.

Gently giving her head scratches with his other big hand, he gives her a soft smile and quietly says „See? I am not so bad.“ 

His actions towards your cat makes your heart warm and your head fuzzy.

I mean, your vet IS hot, no one is going to deny that.

Making sure he did earn her trust, he gently takes her out of the transportation box, petting her along her chin.

The next thing you hear is deep purring and you can’t believe your ears or your eyes.

Inwardly scoffing at her all-of-sudden friendly behavior she looks highly in bliss and you can’t believe that you’re getting jealous of a fricking cat.

Untangling his stethoscope from his neck, he listens to her heartbeat, her bowel movement, her lungs and checks for any abnormalities around her body.

You’re a little worried when he looks into her eye and wants to see her mouth that she will try to scratch or bite him, nothing happens.

It’s like she is under a calming spell, not aggressive at all towards the vet. 

Still in disbelief, he puts his stethoscope back around his neck and gives you a charming smile while picking Kaizoku up and petting her as he holds her close to his chest.

“Alright, what’s your magic trick?” You ask in suspicion as you watch Hirugami with squinted eyes.

He laughs and your suspiciousness, setting the black feline back into its kennel. 

Walking over to the disinfectant bottle holder, Hirugami disinfects his hands and leans against the counter to talk to you.

“So from what I have observed so far, Kaizoku is a very healthy cat. You still want to spay her? Is that your final decision?”

You nod in confirmation.

Nodding his head he takes his clipboard from the wall and tells you to make a new appointment with the front desk, giving you a small wink before he leaves the examination room.

Blushing a bit, you close up the kennel door and take Kaizoku with you again to the front desk. 

The same lady from earlier gives you a bright smile, along with a folded note attached to the apartment card for the next check up.

“What’s this?” You ask while pointing to the folded note.

The lady looks up from her computer, shrugging and continuing to type down.

“Dr. Hirugami told me to attach that note to your appointment card.”

“Oh uhm, okay. Thank you, have a good day.” You say as you exit the veterinarian clinic with Kaizoku. 

Putting her in the passenger seat and strapping the kennel, you make your way around the car to get in the driver’s side.

As you take the note to unfold it, you read over it with wide eyes and a blush.

“I can’t wait to see you again, I know I meant to check out Kaizoku but your irresistible looks have bewitched my heart. Until next time, kitten.”

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1 year ago

Vacation time with Meian, Osamu, Fukurƍ Hirugami and Oikawa

Vacation Time With Meian, Osamu, Fukur Hirugami And Oikawa

The Captain of the MSBY Black Jackals takes you away to the beautiful hot spring mountains of Switzerland <3

It was a vacation long overdue, Meian being extremely exhausted from practice, working out and official matches have worn the Middle Blocker out

He felt especially bad because he felt like he was neglecting his amazing partner, you

Thankfully, it's off season now, Meian is off for a nice two months

So, when you got home from work, Meian was already waiting at your shared home for you, a big grin adorning his handsome face

"Baby, what do you say about a little get away? You and me and some nice hot springs, hot cocoa and a view of snowy mountains in the morning when we wake up?" The ravenette holds up two plane tickets to Bern and you can't help but squeal in excitement as you rush to hug him tight

When you arrive there, a mesmerising layer of glistening snow is decorating the heavenly landscape of Switzerland

You're currently leaning on your arms against the cooling sensation of the rocks of the hot springs, enjoying the heat of the steaming water and the breathtaking view of the snow covered landscape

You hear the sound of splashing water, feeling the little waves against your back

All of sudden, you feel strong arms wrap around your naked waist

Thank the heavens Meian booked the hot springs completely to yourselves, so you're able to feel everything, not a single layer of clothing as a barrier between your body and his

Meian pulls you towards his strong chest and you feel his pecs and his abs against the softness of your back

"You enjoying yourself my love?" He whispers in your ear, pressing chaste kisses against the wetness of your hair, enjoying the view of your naked body and the snow everywhere

"I have enjoyed every single second ever since we got here. This is just perfection, thank you Shƫgo."

Meian grins at your words, tightening his hug from behind, happy that this is just day one from your 10 day get-away

Vacation Time With Meian, Osamu, Fukur Hirugami And Oikawa

Onigiri Miya owner Osamu takes you to the exotic Bahamas <3

Osamu has been drained from work, his annoying brother and his restaurant that takes a lot of time to manage

You see your boyfriend every night with big bags under his eyes, looking like he is going to fall asleep just standing up

Feeling bad, you organised a trip to the Bahamas for your exhausted chef

You talked to his manager, making sure he takes over the shop while you and Osamu deserve a well-rested vacation on a sandy white beach with crystal clear water and slurping the fruitiest cocktails at the beach bar

The ravenette is currently tanning on a beach chair right by the ocean when you appear by his side, two piña coladas in your hands

The sound of the waves hitting the shore has relaxed Osamu so much, he barely acknowledges when you reappear by his side

Giggling, you move his sunglasses up a bit, staring into his tired metallic eyes

"Didn't mean to interrupt your nap, my handsome man but I got the cocktail you wanted."

"No worries, babe. I dunno how I can thank ya enough for this. Where did ya find this place?"

"I saw it on a sponsored Facebook ad from a booking page and I know how hard you have been working lately, so I figured a little get away is just what you needed."

Osamu sits up, placing the sunglasses on top of his slightly sweaty black hair, accepting the drink by placing a small kiss against your cheek, making you blush

"Cheers to us, baby."

Clinking your glasses together, you taste the first sip of the coconut foam with a hint of pineapple, the rum burning your throat a bit

"I wish we never have ta leave this place, seems too unreal."

You watch your lover with a glint in your eyes, ready to be a little bit mischievous

So you reach over to his drink and take his cherry from the whipped cream on top of the juice

"Hey! Ya have yer own cherry! That's da best part!" Osamu complains as he watches you eat it

"What are ya gonna do bout it?" You mimic his accent in a teasing manner and you get ready to run

Osamu and you chase each other through the water, splashing each other with the salty sea water, laughing with great joy like little kids going to the beach for the first time

Vacation Time With Meian, Osamu, Fukur Hirugami And Oikawa

Fukurƍ, the Captain of the Schweiden Adlers takes you on an exciting adventure! A safari trip in the wildest corners of Africa <3

Fukurƍ got the idea from his little brother, who just recently went to Africa for his university studies of veterinary medicine

Good thing you're a big animal lover, because a romantic safari trip to see the wildlife sounds so exciting!

You put on your safari hat and you're up every morning super early to sing the opening of the lion king movie (I did this once on a vacation with my husband he was not amused I tell you that)

Seeing all the animals, taking so many pictures is making your heart jump with joy

Your favourite part out of it all was spending time with your beloved Fukurƍ

Usually, the chestnut-colored-haired giant is pretty chill and easy-going but ever since the two of you went on that trip, he's been kind of edgy and jumpy which is very unusual for him

One day, you and Fukurƍ have plans to feed the giraffes and you're not sure if your boyfriend is sweating so much because of the heat or if he is afraid of giraffes, since they are so much bigger than him

You shrug if off after asking if he's alright or if it's the heat and he assures you he's okay, you can go ahead and feed the giraffe, he wants to take a picture of you

Feeding a giraffe some lettuce leaves, you don't see or hear Fukurƍ taking a deep breath before he gets down on one knee

Calling your name out in a shaky voice, you immediately turn around, deeply worried that your boyfriend may faint any second

When you see him down on one knee with a small black box and a shiny gold band with a light blue diamond sitting on top its center, shining brightly with help of the intense African sunlight

Gasping in surprise, you begin to tear up, finally understanding why he has been such a nervous wreck most of the time

"I-I know we only have been dating for about a year but I have never been more sure sure about anything in my life. The moment I saw your bewitching beauty under the stadium lights at one of my games, I knew I fell under your spell. You'd make me the happiest man on earth if you agree to be my partner in crime for the rest of our lives."

Now with actual tears in your eyes, you run towards the Middle Blocker with alarming speed, knocking the air out of his lungs and him down to the ground with the impact of your body crashing into his massive one

Thankfully Hirugami caught you with one arm while still having the ring box in his other hand, securing it from falling out of his hand

"YES! I will marry you, my handsome giant!" You cry into his chest out of pure happiness

You feel the massive man laugh at your excitement and he feels like a massive weight has been lifted off of his heart

He can't wait to tell his team about his new milestone in his relationship and to begin the wedding preparations as soon as you two return from the trip

Vacation Time With Meian, Osamu, Fukur Hirugami And Oikawa

Ever the romantic, Oikawa takes you to the city of love, Paris <3

It was a Valentine's Day surprise for you from Tƍru, the Setter wanting to give you the most romantic week of a life time

The day already starts with breakfast in bed, made by the brunette himself, even if it consisted of burned toast, runny scrambled eggs and almost burned to crisp bacon

Even if Tƍru burned the majority of the food he cooked for you, he wanted to give you a break from doing it for him almost every day, you appreciate his efforts

Next thing you know, your boyfriend ushers you to pack up your suitcase because you're going on a trip together

"But Tƍru, what about my classes-"

"Cutie, we'll only be gone for a week. It'll be fine. Now get your sweet butt into the cab that's waiting downstairs for us, we're off to Europe!" Tƍru cheers with giving you a large smile and taking your hand in his to get to the cab, ready to go to the airport

When you arrived there, it was so much colder than Argentine but thankfully the two of you packed some warm clothes for the weather in Paris

The two of you did a city tour, visited the Louvre, saw the Eiffel Tower, went inside the Notre Dame, went shopping at the Centre Pompidou and explored the Palace of Versailles

You knew that your partner is extremely attractive, but when the two of you walked around the palace of former King Louis XIV, it looked like Tƍru was long lost royalty, attracting young women and even some men looked at your boyfriend with hearts in their eyes

Still, the only attention that the Setter gave to, was either you or the historical monuments that Paris has to offer

You had tasted the best wine along with the sweetest chocolate and took so many pictures together (even though Tƍru took so much pictures of you that you can count for) you felt like the most special person in the world

He was always by your side, making you feel safe by his protective, caring personality and his muscular arm always resting over your shoulder, around your waist or holding your hand tightly in his, rubbing his thumb gently over the back of your hand

The week was filled with so many hugs, kisses and passionate romance, that your heart is still beating super fast whenever you think about the perfect time you spent the February week in one of the most romantic cities in the world

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