His Only Fold - Tumblr Posts
His only fold
Gambit x black fem!reader
Part one
You two met twice once In bar, well bar fight more like it.
He was in a poker game and you worked the bar, he was fairly new to the scene and picked up a game with three of your regulars. They found out he had been cheating them out of there money three rounds in and got rather agro about this. he tried to use his power to fight against them but unbeknownst to him the bar was shielded so, he only blew himself back twelve feet slamming him into you behind the bar. To make matters worse the people he was playing with were mrds so they had backup there with in seconds causing you and him both to be booked. All this you knew because you had been working there for about a year hidden in plain sight until he showed up.
In the back of the truck you two sat face to face bound by the shackles bolted to the floor, he'd taken glances at you before even flirted with you a few times in passing but this was the first time he got a look at you in bright lights and he thought you were attractive at the bar but now he's absolutely breathless by you, everything from your chocolate skin and tight curly afro to your thick and shapely figure, all of this wasn't new to see but the thing he just took notice of were your eyes your has the same eyes as him but where his were red yours were pink. He didn't notice before because you had bangs and wore a cowboy hat with your uniform, so it made hiding them way easier, but with those out of the way it was clear you were a mutant, and one he'd be head over heels for given time.
His only fold
Gambit x black fem mutant reader
Part two
When the car stops he realizes that he lost track of time in you, so he came up with something that would get yall out of here, hopefully...
"Listen I explain everything later but right now I need you to attack me?" You look him up and down alittle confused by this request but feeling the pull of the slowing down vehicle, and not wanting to pass up the opportunity to get your licks back from the man who got you in this mess in first place you give him a "hmph aight" nod and used the recoil of the stop to propell yourself forward into his lap from there you went to work slamming your fists Into various places from chest to stomach careful not to scratch up that pretty face of his to much.
He didn't do anything to fight back he just made exaggerated noises screaming out "can I get some help back here?, she's gonna kill me and I wouldn't like to die that way". The guards not paying to much attention just giving the *bang* "keep it quiet in there love birds" quickly picking up on his plan you decide to take a different approach "so your really not gonna hit me back what a joke" saying this she pushes his hand in in her hair directly on to a Bobby pin giving him a pointed look to pull it. "Aaow" she pushed his head in the wall yet again making a exaggerated noise. Hoping one of two things would happen he'd either uncuff us first and get out or the guards would come back here to separate us and we'd escape that way, "which ever happened first" she thought.
*click* off comes one pair of hand cuffs *click* off comes the other pair they slip both pairs into his pocket to prevent the *thud* of the fall. Out of the corner of your eye you see one of the guards pier back not wanting to draw there attention now "mmph" you kiss him hard keeping both your freed hands hidden from view "that's better I knew yall could get along" he says through a breathy chuckles. "Shouldn't we stop them" you hear the driver say to the passenger "why they finally stopped fighting and were almost there might as well let them have this especially where she's going." Realizing this would be your last opportunity to get away with out threat of back up you quietly pull back giving a pointed stare to the door he nodded.
Taking the bumpy road as and the cover noise needed, *bam*,*BAM* two good kicks to the door and it flies open "hey, shit do not stop this truck?" The passenger says the driver before he slides the door median door open to reach you two. But he was to late you both jumped out moments before her could grab either of you and with a tumble you were on your way.
High tailing it into the near by brush you make your way through the trees, down a hill into an abandoned church for cover. You make your way to the bishops office to sit down and catch your breath. "Phew, thought we never get away" he says leaning up against the desk across the love seat you had stretched across.
"Yea that did have me for a minute, now might I know who I have to pleasure of speaking with?" You say readjusting your fringe as you await his answer "people call me gambit but you ma cher my call me remi, remi labeau." He says in a slight bow "and who may you be ma cher?" You debate telling him your name but ultimately decide to because why not yall did escape together "y/n, is what my momma named me but the streets call me pinky, reasons being obvious." You say flashing your eyes which happen to be glowing now due to the darkness.