Hob X Dream - Tumblr Posts

no story, I’m just dressing up the dolls xD. aaand I’m still obsessed with Dream wearing jewellery, thanks to cuubism’s silly rabbit au, it’s precious <3
hob: i'm not gonna die, death is stupid. i'll fight death behind the inn idc
hob's mates: listen hobsie, you go knocking on enough doors asking for the devil, eventually he'll answer
dream, materializing by the table: hello hob gadling

so Dream as Shaper of Forms always looks wildly different when going to the waking world except for his centennial meetings with Hob, because then he’d have to explain things and ugh. the problem with this is that sometimes throughout the centuries he runs into Hob, who has no idea it’s him, and it would be so annoying to explain so Dream just pretends he’s a regular human who doesn’t know Hob. the even bigger problem is that the last time they ran into each other Dream pretended a little too hard or stayed a little too long and now Hob is dating his human persona??
bro this fic go crazy fr

Captivated by human wonders ☄️
Did this 100% with them from @avelera 's Giving Sanctuary go read it it's so beautiful

little bit from @avelera ‘s Giving Sanctuary
On the rare occasions when Hob is actually mad at Dream— he refuses to sleep. Coffee, energy drinks and the God forsaken awakeness pills? All fair game. If he has to inject caffeine directly into his vein, he would. Hob doesn’t often get mad, but when he does, he likes to make a point. Dream and Hob match in more than one ways, really, they do. And so it is that the Dream Lord must come out of his realm personally to sprinkle sand into his lover’s eyes because he’d be damned if Hob refuses his gift for more than two nights in a row. Not speaking for 100 years? Easy. Hob refusing sleep? Unacceptable.
okay okay but Hob becoming a famous author writing stories based on his own life (though no one knows that) and to his surprise everyone starts shipping the main character with the dark stranger who only appears once in a blue moon. people on tumblr are making fanart, writing fanfiction … there’s a popular headcanon that the mc and the stranger actually started dating in book 5 and that’s why there’s less romance in the following books. anyway, one night a lot of people dream about that headcanon, let’s say a thousand …
the next morning, Dream, who until five minutes ago was definitely trapped into a fishbowl, now wakes up in Hob’s bed and finds out they’ve apparently been dating since the 18th century?
there’s always a portrait of him in the manor and it’s updated every time he comes round, there’s so many in the attic and the current one has two little white dots in the shadows behind him
Hob met the Addams family a few centuries back and stayed in touch with them over time, going to see them at least twice every generation. He just loves them so much. When Hob and Dream finally get together, he knows exactly who will appreciate the wonderful Nightmare sex he has been having. Morticia is always ready to gossip with Hob about their wonderful husbands that know exactly how to terrify them.

“If I had known that I was always doomed to lose him so young…That there was nothing I could do to change his fate…” Dream swallowed and when he spoke again the unshakeable calm of his voice wavered and finally broke, “I would have told him how I loved him, each day when he woke and each night while he dreamed. I would have embraced Eurydice as if she were my own daughter. I would have danced at their wedding.”
“I know,” Hob tightened his arms around Dream. “I know you would have.”
Giving Sanctuary by @avelera
This fic absolutely destroyed me! One of my favourites! Love it! 💕
I had it marked for later and avoided to read it because at the time it was already considerably long and I didn't really have the time for it (I have no self-control I'm hopeless binge reader so it would totally fuck up my schedule). I decided to read it not long ago aaaand then I caught up... to chapter 18 😭. WHY WHYYY WHAT A TERRIBLE TIME TO CATCH UP!?!??!!!
For an average girl from New Jersey Rose takes it well that his grand-uncle is an eldritch entity.
It takes her more time to get over the cognitive dissonance of seeing her favourite history professor, every students’ father figure, the most innocent, Dr knitted-sweater-every-day Gadling, the Mr Rogers of Imperial College to casually smooch Dream. With the tongue.
“Hi babe,” he says cheerfully. “Is that your niece? Nice to meet you, dear, I’m—”
Hob falls silent, watching his student, eyes widening comically.
“Miss Walker?”
Rose covers her eyes as if it would make the mental image burnt into her memory fade.
“You ruined my childhood.”
Hob flushes a deep shade of red.
“Miss Walker I must apologize—”
“Ruined it.”
Comedian!Hob au Hob is like the only person on earth that actually makes Dream chuckle. It becomes a personal challenge for Hob to ALWAYS make that gloomy looking Goth guy in the back amused. His personal goal? Get him to, honest to god, laugh out loud. They both are a little obsessed with each other without ever speaking once. Hob's material starts including more and more "So my crush and I" and references to "Tall, Goth and Pretty" and he wonders how much he could sneak before it becomes abundantly obvious that yes, yes I'm talking to you mysterious bane of my existence in the back.
Guy who’s a shameless flirt and guy who’s too autistic for this
Do you think Desire ever gets so fed up that they go to Dream like, “My least favorite idiot of a sibling, that golden retriever of a man from the tavern literally wants you so bad it’s embarassing.” And Dream’s just like ?????
it’s a personal commission but here’s the covers!

saw your post about giving and keeping sanctuary, i just want to make sure i have permission to also print keeping? depending on how long it is it could be come it’s own book, if it’s not too long i might just have it be put at the end of giving sanctuary! (also i got an email back from the person i’m having print it and i’m so excited!! i designed the covers and i looks so good im so have with how it can out!!)
Of course! I give blanket permission for all derivative works, art, books, fanfic of fanfic, EVERYTHING. My ONE condition is I ask to be told about it so I can help promote!!
Obsessed with Dream asking “You are?” when Hob tells him he’s interested in his stories and interests as if the man didn’t spend the past 700 years obsessed with every single word dream had ever said

Dream, doing the Bratty Bow
from the fantastic 1989 fic "Putting Out Fire With Gasoline" by notallmaenads, which will forever live in my head & heart - dedicated to @notallsandmen with love and gratitude!
"Misterium Lethatgum" a gravure found in an old folio dating approximately 600 years old

part 3 of my hope!hob Pandora's box au
part 1 part 2
word count: 1317
Once they got through the door of his apartment, Morpheus hung up his keys, sat the various bags by the door and started towards the kitchen. "I'm gonna make us some tea, do you have a preference?"
"what do you have?" hope asked heading to the living room to look at all the things morpheus had strewn around in there, morpheus noted the way he held every item as if they were the most important and delicate things in the world with wonder on his face, as if he could see something morpheus, the owner of said items, could pointedly NOT see. he's been staring too long. open the cabinet, this is ridiculous, he is far beyond your comprehension "uh, I’ve got black, green, chamomile, raspberry, jasmine, lavender, lemon, hibiscus, and rose" saying the list outloud made morpheus feel like he had to much until he heard hope scurrying towards the kitchen ending with him bracing himself on the door frame with a (very bright) look of joy on his face.
"They made tea out of roses?" He said it so softly and full of awe, as if the very thought of such a thing existing put the world in a new light, and technically it did, there was a delicate glow radiating off of hope, drenching his apartment in warm light that he could almost feel his possessions absorbing. looking back at hope, and subsequently in his eyes, morpheus could see... something, he wasn't sure what but there was definitely something there.
"yes, they did" he said still holding the cabinet open and nodding slowly "would you like some?" hope smiled and nodded his head quickly "would like honey and sugar in it?" somehow hope got even brighter as he nodded.
Hob watched morpheus as he made tea, he noted how every move he made was graceful and precise, he made it seem like this kitchen was a stage, and with that ruby around his neck it seemed like he was in costume. the ruby was large, larger than any jewels he had seen people on the street wearing while they were out, it was also set differently than them too, older maybe?
"Where'd you get that ruby?" he asked walking a little closer
"hm?" looking up from the cup of tea and turning to him "oh, my husband gave it to me before we got married." he said handing hope the tea.
"you're married?" hob could feel his light dimming.
"Oh no, that was a very very long time ago. He's been dead a long time" he sighed as he walked back to the kitchen to make his own cup of tea.
"do you miss him?" had he been human hob would’ve said that the words caught in his throat and tore it up and he didn't know why. but he's not human so he won't say that.
"no, not really" he said without looking up from his cup "i didn't really want to marry him in the first place"
"Then why'd you marry him?" his not-a-throat is fine now.
"my parents wanted me to, and i didn't really have anything else going on so..." the nonchalance and the dismissive hand wave he had when he said this baffled hope, it was as if he was talking about going to the market with someone who was already planning to go to the market, not MARRYING SOMEONE.
"could you tell me about him?" Hope asked, sipping his tea and sitting down on the couch.
"you really want to hear about that?" he asked, sitting down on an armchair "it's really not that interesting."
"Well you still need to tell me a story, you haven't told me one yet!" he said eagerly, leaning forward. "you don't have to talk about just him, you can tell me about your family, your village, how you met my sister? because how DID you meet her? let me hear about your life before you tell me about everyone else's."
"al-alright um," he said shifting in his seat "well, let's start with my family i suppose"
Morpheus talked about his village, and how everyone knew everyone, the feuds, the loves, the market and the woman who sold the best oranges and how she saved a few just for him every week. about the old story teller in the square that everyone thought was crazy and the stories he'd heard from him. how his mother made fish at the solstices. how he didnt know the people of his village very well, just all their problems that came up in the gossip, which he also talked about. He talked about how they spoke of him, calling him 'hopeless' and the distance they kept from him.
He talked of how he met his husband. He talked of their wedding, about life living in his husband's kastro and how he felt like he was just there to be a pretty face to walk the halls. He talked of the kastro staff and their gossip, about the night he met death. how his life went after that, the worship in the beginning (which he was not fond of), the way they hunted him eventually. he talked of each life and each name he lived their virtues and vices and pointed to the various items around the room while he did so, mere scraps to hold entire lives in his hands.
By the time he stopped talking, the sun had set and the moon was high. Hope's tea was gone and morpheus's tea was cold and long forgotten in the cup he held.
“ah” he sighed “looks like i’ve kept you nearly long enough to see apollo again,” he placed his cup on the side table “suppose that will have to do for now, i’ve got to be getting ready for work.” he said as he started getting up.
it was a strange thing, to see hope scurry, this time at least, earlier, well yesterday really, the scurry held wonder and well, hope, this scurry however, was different it was more, oh what’s the word? that’s the problem with being a writer (and knowing far more languages than any man should really need to but that is beside the point) there’s to many words in your head, they get all mixed up. “can’t i come with you? i love to see what you teach!” morpheus contemplated it for a moment ‘it would help him underst- Hazel Tarcey has class today and i'd never hear the end of it' morpheus sucked in a breath "perhaps another time, i have to... conduct a mid... semester... check in." he desperately (was that the word he was looking for?) hopes that was at all convincing "i'd hate to have my students fall behind." hes smiles, around 700 a.d. he figured out that if he smiled after a lie people seemed to believe him, he wasn't sure why. He ALSO learned to use it sparingly around the 1500s. it was rather bothersome being hanged, always left a large bruise on his neck (for weeks!) and he'd always have to play dead until nightfall.
"oh..! alright. well..." hope looked down at his feet then the rest of the room "is there... something i could..." Hope looked at him briefly then looked away again "never mind!" Hope laughed, morpheus tilted his head. "Just, light the candle when you've got another story for me!" Hope was smiling, but Morpheus wasn't sure it was really, he'd alway had trouble with that. "Okay, well... i'll see y, i'll... call? no that's not it... flame? absolutely not. I'll light the candle, see you later." with a hand wave he was off to his room, words the damned things.
Hob stood alone in the room. He didn't want to leave. "okay.. bye" he waved to no one. and dissipated as a sun beam from the sunrise filled the room.
TAG LIST: (its been so long im sorry)

Death gave her blessings centuries ago.

i love this scene particularly, because it shows how comfortable dream actually feels around hob. the way he sits down and leans back, relaxed? most of the time he holds himself very strictly, he's so composed because of his position and the burden he has to carry. he can be more himself probably only in the dreaming yet he has to keep his feelings inside there because he's lord of dreams, so again - maintaining the position. and here? he looks like he breathed again. i haven't seen him like this through the entire show