Hob Gadling - Tumblr Posts

Ok I can explain-
My hand slipped after I saw your post

Sandman meets Batman lol

That’s a reference to the episode of Doctor Who “Madame de Pompadour”.
Sleep well Hob, Dream will be always there to protect you.
(Btw I also did small follow up, bc I can’t live without comedy)
Brilliant. Showstopping. Absolutely stunning work OP

I mean, look at this adorable man. He's so precious and underrated. I don't think he knows how much we praise and love his acting.
obsessed with the idea that Dream is too proud to show affection outwardly so he just constantly gives Hob dreams of being held and kissed and loved and taken care of
I feel like I've won a new Tumblr high achievement.
What if Hob had just given up asking for his stranger’s name right away and gone: “Fine, be that way, I’m going to name you… Dragoslav. Dear Dragoslav, let me tell you about chimneys —“
Dream would have cracked within MINUTES
When "You can visit whenever you like" backfires

Hob looking at Dream: He is so big and mysterious and dumb and one day I'm gonna top him
Okay okay hear me out:
The only two reasonable explanations for why Desire did not try and fuck around with hob gadling while dream was in the fishbowl are either:
1. Desire doesn't know who hob is, which, considering hob & dream's six centuries of slowburn centennial dating and Desire periodically checking up on dream so they can enact Plans Of A Devious Nature, seems unlikely
2. Other supernatural/eldritch/indescribable beings have Tried It before with Hob Gadling and Dream's response was so intensely, catastrophically horrifying that everyone, including Desire, knows to leave the weird immortal English man to his business. Yeah, they know he's Just A Guy. Yes, he is, in fact, pathetically, almost insultingly easy to kidnap or hurt or ransom or what have you. DO NOT.

courtly love
prints now available!

I like to think that in the hope au (or at the very least my version of it) Hope and Morpheus would have had more frequent meetings than just every century, that is until "The Jesus Incident" in which our good friend Hope makes one slip-up after another and trips his way into trouble only a faked death could (kinda) solve

Page 54

Start from the beginning >>>

Robert fucking Hob Gadling really had the nerve to be jealous of Will Shaxbeard, after showing his boyfriend friend acquaintance that he was the side piece after 200 years of going on dates.
I… have nothng to say to this.
Why did you go to his slam poetry night?
Robert fucking Hob Gadling really had the nerve to be jealous of Will Shaxbeard, after showing his boyfriend friend acquaintance that he was the side piece after 200 years of going on dates.
Y'all know when you're bored at 1 am and you go on AI writing and it calls Hob Gadling a hobgoblin and now you can't read The Sandman ever again
Hob: So. I’m in love with Dream.
Johanna: Dream? Of the Endless?
Hob: Yes? Thoughts?
Johanna: And prayers. Holy shit, dude.
I would say they’ve explored each other’s bodies but Dream is too full of dramatic angst to express his feelings (shocking I know)
there’s no heterosexual explanation for these looks Hob and Morpheus give each other

While I am extremely emotional about Dream being imprisoned, and how heartbreaking it was when Hob and Dream missed their “date”, I also find it extremely funny to think about Dream in the fishbowl flashing back to their fight and how he stormed off from it specifically saying they’re not friends and he won’t be at the next meeting, basically setting up that Hob shouldn’t expect to see him in 1989, and if Dream isn’t there it’ll be because Dream said they’re not friends, and so Hob has no reason to go looking for Dream the way he would have if Dream had just kept his big mouth and pride in check and not showed up as usual, and anyway I just hope that in 1989, Dream had a moment of feeling very stupid about that
Continuing with this idea, how would Charles handle having a father/family that cares? (Also there’s some talk of the cat king being desire’s child and them being cousins would be hilarious) Also in the comics the boys know Hob so what if he introduces them to Morpheus without knowing?? I just have so many ideas but I can’t write. Ik there’s already at least one reincarnation fic and it’s great (check it out!!) but it doesn’t go into as much detail with the family dynamics as I would have liked
Edit: I also just realized Edwin dead the same year Morpheus was captured. Charles died the year he was supposed to meet up with Hob but missed it because of that.
Something cool that I think would be a good fic idea is the boys being Orpheus and Eurydice reincarnated. Like they compared them so often and there’s so much potential there. I can’t write but someone else is free to take this idea and do whatever with it…
Like maybe death doesn’t want to take her nephew and his love’s souls again/ force them to separate. Or they had the reason they were born in separate times was an attempt to separate them. They failed their test and they weren’t supposed to together again but their love transcended time. What would Morpheus’s feelings be when he discovers his son is back on earth as a ghost?
Someone please use this idea before it drives me to write, nobody wants that, I don’t want that.