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Shades (Beach!Jungkook)


Summary: You can never go to the beach without you shades. How else are you going to stare at all the boys? However, on this trip to the beach, only one boy catches your eye.

Word Count: 1.6K

A/N: Inspired by a recent trip to the shore and all the footballs that almost hit me in the face.

Part 2: Stormy Weather (M)

Sunglasses are always a must when you go to the beach. How else are you going to discreetly check out people? And boy, are there guys to check out. You mentally thank your friends for changing it up and choosing a different beach than usual. You’re used to places frequented by families, and if you’re lucky sometimes there’ll be a decently attractive older brother or a sort of cute lifeguard.

The patrons of this beach can only be compared to the weather: hot, hot, hot.

You adjust your shades while you lean back on your towel. The umbrella you lie under wards off some of the heat, but you can’t help but feel a little regret at not joining your friends in the water. However, you are reluctant to give up your view of two very cute boys passing around a football.

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