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Sherlock Holmes is whimsical and no I will not elaborate.
It's getting to be that time where I have to write another Sherlock Holmes story...
THIS! This right here is what I mean when I say that I want modern versions of Sherlock to be allowed to be emotional! Jeremy Brett did an amazing job as Holmes, and truly understood the source material.
Holmes before and after being told he’s a good boy. I’m not crying, you are. 🥲
reblog if your inbox is always open for new members of the fandom who may be a little shy or intimidated. doesn’t matter whether or not you’re a “popular blog”; everyone here is equal and if you’re reading this as a new person/someone considering entering the fandom, we will not turn you away!!!! talk to us!! make friends!! i more than understand being shy but trust me this fandom is chill come join us in this hellhole
"My dear fellow," said Sherlock Holmes, as we sat on either side of the fire in his lodgings at Baker-street, "life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind could invent. (...)"
"The Illustrated Sherlock Holmes Treasury" - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
This is one of the reasons why I love Jeremy Brett's portrayal of Sherlock Holmes so much. He laughs, he smiles, he leaps over furniture, he takes the mick out of rich clients, he giggles and stims, he's true to the character and an utter delight while doing so!
it's always funny to me whenever adaptations make sherlock holmes this brooding, edgy cynic, because in acd canon sherlock holmes has a fantastic sense of humor and is always so amused by everything. i mean, the sheer amount of times this man just bursts out laughing upon realizing something fundamental about a case is kind of iconic in the original stories. he really is just this funny little man who finds a special sort of joy in the macabre.
So, I've been a bit of a historical kick again in doing research for a Johnlock fanfic I'm considering writing...And I now can't stop thinking of Watson secretly working as a Resurrectionist. Honestly, I'm just imagining he and Holmes meeting in a graveyard by accident one night because Holmes is investigating a case and Watson is illegally digging up a corpse, and it's the most adorably awkward thing.
I need a Sherlock Holmes adaptation where the Diogenes Club is just openly a gay bar, or something like that.
Bold words coming from you, Sherlock.

Guess what? That "historical kick" hasn't ended. Infact, it has gotten worse. I have been introduced to the world of Victorian era bare-knuckle boxing, also called prize fighting, and I can't stop imagining Watson finding Holmes in one of the illegal fights. Considering the hints to Watson being interested in gambling and placing bets at one point or another and Holmes shaving a decent talent in boxing in ACD canon, I am now also imagining a possible fanfic where Watson goes to one of these underground fights one night and finds Holmes there...Oh, someone stop me, please, I already have enough unfinished stories in my drafts.
So, I've been a bit of a historical kick again in doing research for a Johnlock fanfic I'm considering writing...And I now can't stop thinking of Watson secretly working as a Resurrectionist. Honestly, I'm just imagining he and Holmes meeting in a graveyard by accident one night because Holmes is investigating a case and Watson is illegally digging up a corpse, and it's the most adorably awkward thing.
As an invested Sherlock Holmes fan, I feel that it is very rare to find a modern adaptation that really does Holmes justice. The only ones I truly, deeply enjoy and appreciate these days for being so true to his original character and quirks is the Granada version with Jeremy Brett and the Sherlock & Co podcast. Both allow Holmes to be the delightful little weirdo he is, and rightfully so.
Currently reading the OG Sherlock Holmes' books, and who was going to tell me that every moderns iterations of that man that make him a somber asshole without heart was not only wrong as a deep reading of the character but also just at face value ????
That man is clapping his hands in excitement, humming songs, bowing to an imaginary crowd, telling himself encouragements under his breath, preening everytimes Watson tells him he is smart, and generally being silly. Hell he compliments Watson, Lestrade and Gregson, and I'm only at A Study in Scarlet ??? Which is the first fucking book ??? Who read that and though that we needed to make him a mysterious bastard without heart ???
Give me more silly little Holmes being both the most accomplishes detective out there and being a weird little gremlins. Please.

Oh, Sherlock Holmes, the sassy bitch you are...