Acd Watson - Tumblr Posts
Watson is Holmes' favourite hyperfixation, and most certainly vice versa...By that I also mean that they are deeply in love.
Holmes will be like “I only remember things that are functionally or practically important to my work and forget everything that isn’t” then go out of his way to memorise all of Watson’s habits and routines
Happy Birthday to one of my biggest comfort characters :)
Happy birthday to our favourite Boswell, Dr. John Watson, who was born on the 7th of August, 1852! 🎉 He would now be 172.

This. I think about this constantly.
just thinking about holmes' inability to be chill around watson in private, and how much that means to watson when he comes inside from a world where sherlock holmes is the unfeeling machine, a world he helped to create, and is greeted by a smile that holds all the love you could fit into the stretch of a mouth
It's getting to be that time where I have to write another Sherlock Holmes story...
Quick, if you love me!
THIS! This right here is what I mean when I say that I want modern versions of Sherlock to be allowed to be emotional! Jeremy Brett did an amazing job as Holmes, and truly understood the source material.
Holmes before and after being told he’s a good boy. I’m not crying, you are. 🥲
THIS!! YES!! Bloody hell, I thought I was the only one internally screaming this from the rooftops.
Seeing fanart of a character being drawn as skinny when they're not supposed to be SKINNY is the most enraging thing ever, especially when said character was only skinny because of a bad period of their life and yes I am talking about my guy Watson who did not suffer during the war and come back to be REHABILLITATED and become HEALTHY by gaining weight he SHOULD NOT have lost just to be drawn looking extra skinny when, in fact, beefcake Watson is the best and healthiest and happiest version of Watson. Holmes and Mrs Hudson would have been going out of their way to make sure that this poor traumatised doctor was being fed, please don't dismiss their good work.
Since Watson is canonically an unreliable narrator, anything could have plausibly happened behind the closed doors of 221B. He doesn't tell us readers everything. Any sort of twist could have happened during a case that he couldn't write for the public... Like all those times he kissed Sherlock Holmes.
That feeling when I see the sun rising outside my window and I realise that I've once again spent the entire night reading Johnlock fanfiction and/or the original Sherlock Holmes stories once again.

"My dear fellow," said Sherlock Holmes, as we sat on either side of the fire in his lodgings at Baker-street, "life is infinitely stranger than anything which the mind could invent. (...)"
"The Illustrated Sherlock Holmes Treasury" - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Absolutely obsessed with the headcanon that Watson sings like an angel and Holmes can't sing for his life.
Sherlock "I'm married to my work and also this one man who found his way into my life" Holmes

Watson spending decades trying to define the limitations of the unknowable Sherlock Holmes, versus Holmes being fascinated by the undefinable limitations of the seemingly ordinary Dr. Watson, is a concept I can be trusted with
I need a Sherlock Holmes adaptation where the Diogenes Club is just openly a gay bar, or something like that.
Bold words coming from you, Sherlock.

I cannot stress how much I agree, and love this man.
So much to love, but red-headed league highlights:
- Holmes calls Watson “my dear ___” at least 3 times—twice within like the first 15 minutes of Watson showing up
- The boys are giddy to be together working this weird case, which is extremely clear because:
- The two of them look at each other and burst out laughing
- Holmes sees Watson trying to deduce the client and smiles fondly
- They go on a date to hear music and Watson apparently spends the entire time watching Holmes and thinking about his poetic side vs his rational side (and clearly loves and respects both). He throws in heaps of praise for his violin playing and composing while he’s at it
- they finish their date and Holmes is like “You have to go? :(“ and Watson is like “Yeah, I guess I should :(“ but then Holmes is like “but come back late tonight for danger adventure?” And Watson is like “literally my life is so boring, what time do you need me? :)”
- They finish their danger date with a nightcap at Baker St
To everyone who actually draws John Watson fat, thank you, thank you, thank you. It is so important to me that John is shown as athletic, strong, short and large. He scales a wall Sherlock needs a boost for easily, he's able to outrun Sherlock and catch up with a thief during a bonus mini episode on a mailbag, he's able to carry Sherlock on his shoulders easily, and he's not the stereotypical Y shape people associate with being strong and healthy. It's something that quietly means something to me and when I see people draw him skinny it hurts a bit. He's an average looking, greying, shirt, round, thirty four year old man and he's a protagonist and that means so much to me.
Now I'm just imagining Watson snatching away Holmes' syringe and giving him a coca-cola instead to try and prevent him from using too much of the stuff, and it just looking like a Mum giving her fussy baby a bottle.

So you’re telling me Sherlock Holmes could have enjoyed a refreshing coca-cola

@contact-guy Here you go, one order of Watson being allowed to swear coming right up!
Does Watson ever swear in canon? I know Holmes says “what the deuce” and other things but does my #1 man ever go off?
trying to oppose holmes and watson as 'unfeeling' and 'human' respectively does not work because that theory operates on the assumption that watson is the normal one when he is, in fact, the romantic one, which is not a state of normality but instead one of heightened, performative emotion and an attachment to narrative- he is ridiculous actually, they're both freaks <3
So true, Holmes was always described as being more unconventional and strange for his time period. I never understand why people make him this sexually appealing dude when Watson himself says he looks like a bird lol. Sherlock doesn't even show interest in romance, he wouldn't wanna be percieved like that anyways. Bro is NOT interested in being sexy More Watson love hes so underrated
I always find it hilarious when more recent adaptations of Sherlock Holmes makes Holmes the dreamy heartthrob/attractive one (not that he’s not a total catch) because my dudes, Watson is right there. He is literally like a Victorian wet dream, he is everything that classic Victorian period would find appealing- adventurous, fought for his country, learned, has groomed facial hair (legit that was like the equivalent of being 6’ tall today), polite. He’s got just enough “melancholy” (depression) and rakishness (gambling) to still be a gentleman but like a bad boy gentleman. A real Romantic (both romance how we think of it today and like Romanticism) archetype. If anyone is the heartthrob here, it is Watson.