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1 year ago

Mirage was really going to risk his cover because a cute boy got inside him. Dude saw freckles and hazel eyes and he threw logic out the window.

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1 year ago

rotb spoilers i talk abt Noah in depth bc im autistic and its 1 am

(this is also strictly talking abt the movies)

idk bout yall, but i really like Noah and his character and the way he interacts with everything thrown at him., I really like how (because of Mirage's chill personality) he wasn't completely overwhelmed by the existence of robot aliens. sure he was freaking the hell out abt the car driving by itself but yknow he caught on pretty quickly. and this is also due to the fact that he wanted to save earth as well. and specifically he wanted to help his brother. can we talk abt the fact that he was so willing to go against his morals just to scrounge up some sort of cash to help his family. as soon as he got into Mirage he was like "I don't wanna do this" and he was trying to get out the car. I also really like the relationship Noah had with his little brother. trying to be that light in his life and give hope. doing everything just to help his little brother not be in so much pain. it was just a nice touch to show us how truly compassionate and caring Noah is and you could really feel that through the performance, imo. you can tell they've both been struggling for quite some time. you feel sorry for when Noah gets immediately rejected by that security officer, and he's completely honest and trying to explain how he deserves a second chance (and he does) and he's probably repeated those reasons a thousand times in the past. he almost completely doubts himself until his brother reiterates that they're always gonna be there together and theybcan do it. and even though it sounds unrealistic, me and my sister have said the same thing to each other so it feels all the more powerful to me. it's a completely different approach to a character in the movie series and I cannot appreciate it enough.

and can I just say, sorry to the sam likers out there, I like how Noah doesn't just immediately insult Mirage trying to save him or befriend him. they actually have a strong ass bond almost right off the bat. sam was always yelling at bee everytime bee came in to save his ass (I hated this bc bee can do no wrong ok) but when Mirage was fighting scourge all by himself JUST to buy time for Noah, literslly risking his life for Noah. literslly becoming a suit of armor for him. Noah was nearly in tears, watching mirage's optics fade becsuse they've already become so close. Noah and Mirage have the silliest banter because they just get along so well. I know it's kind of stupid to compare the two (sam/bee and noah/mirage) but my point is simply: they connect so well together and I really fucking appreciate that. we've seen it with Charlie and Bee where they genuinely care for each other and now we see it again with Noah and Mirage. its just so nice to see the two get along swimmingly. even after they save the world, Mirage meets Noah's brother and everything and Noah begins to fix Mirage up as well. showing that they've become closer after the entire incident.

and Mirage. I just gotta say he is seriously the star of the show. Pete Davidson did an amazing job with him. and Mirage's personality fits with Noah so incredibly well. They've got the same type of style, use the same slang, stuff like that, and they compliment each other. Mirage is so genuinely interested and curious about Noah that he comes off as extremely friendly, defensive, and playful. He doesn't hesitate to risk his life for Noah and he gives Noah a little gauntlet to at least keep himself safe when they're apart. he even tells Noah off the bat that he can turn into any car and be sold so Noah can have money for his family. Maybe its the fact that Mirage has been cooped up and told to stay hidden for so long that he can't help but appreciate the first person to "reawaken" him, but regardless their relationship is just extremely refreshing and nice. The way they can bounce off each other is awesome. God i love them so much honestly I can't think of a better duo than these two theyre just perfect for each other whether its platonic or more

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1 year ago

I think there's a really potentially dark kind of lonely desperation in the way Mirage kidnaps Noah

Like, Noah immediately starts to panic and yell to be let go, and Mirage's response to this is to lock the doors and go faster

It's fucking terrifying from Noah's point of view, he's confused and is in the process of committing a crime--

--He's not just worried about his own safety, he's suddenly been thrown into a high speed, high profile car chase with a multi-vehicle car pursuit and he's going to be unable to help his family if he ends up in prison

And these are city cops in 1994 and Noah is an adult cis male POC, he is absolutely beyond fucked if any of the cops manage to identify him even if they don't outright catch him

And then Mirage creates a copy of him that is sitting in the driver's seat and taunting the fucking cops, fuck fuck fuck

His fear and panic is overwhelming, he's being trapped and driven somewhere and he can't figure out by who or what or for what purpose, and the cops are after him, and if he's busted then what happens to his mother? What happens to his brother?

It's incredible he stays even somewhat calm.

Meanwhile Mirage is fully having a great time.

He finally found a human like Bumblebee did, the human actually found him! How convenient-- Some may even say it's destiny. Even if the human was trying to steal him. Rude!!!

Now he has someone he can play with, though. Optimus might not yell at him too much since it's not really his fault this human tried to steal him.

Stealing the human instead sounds fun to him, actually. Turnabout is fair play, and all that.

And I do believe that on some level, surely Mirage understands this is not great to do, really.

But Mirage also seems really terribly lonely amongst his team; It doesn't feel like he fits in with them quite as well, and we know all the bots miss Cybertron.

Mirage and Bee seem particularly socially oriented, and Mirage seems to be quite possibly even more outgoing than Bumblebee is, based on both of their portrayals in this and the prior film.

So Mirage might have pushed aside his better judgement in the name of companionship and having fun for once, perhaps for the first time in a very long time, fuck it, we ride.

As someone who can't go out and do things because I'm disabled and COVID will take me out, I truly understand the difficulty of forced isolation into perpetuity.

So I can really feel for Mirage -- He just hit his breaking point, and could not resist the joy of treating the highway like the Speedia 500 racetrack, of really letting his rubber burn and having a potential friend along for the ride.

Plus, he got Noah away from the cops, and that's good, right? It must be! I mean he got the attention of even more cops, but they're probably dead now. That was a pretty sturdy road barrier, after all.

But the fear Noah must have felt in that moment is genuinely upsetting.

His brother's life was on the line here, not his own, as far as he's concerned.

And of course, Mirage would not have known that right away, fair enough.

But even when being begged to stop, Mirage egged on more cops, drew more aggro from the authorities than was needed and did so at extreme risk to his passenger, and carried on. He had a good time.

And that's really fucking scary, that Mirage's loneliness and overall sense of isolation was so severe that in many ways it overrode his compassion to some degree.

When Noah is panicking, Mirage was physically feeling Noah's fear. Feet were digging into his interior, fists slapping against his windows, hands gripping him from the inside, tense with anxiety.

We know Mirage cares deeply about Noah, and later on, Kris as well.

But when they first meet, there's this somewhat blatant disregard for Noah's fear that he only sort of half-heartedly, somewhat jokingly even tries to address while he just keeps flooring it.

Sure, at that point, as far as Mirage knows, this dude was just trying to steal him. He doesn't have a feel for who Noah actually is yet. He doesn't know about Kris. He has a right to be a little suspicious, and it's reasonably understandable if he wants to fuck with someone he thinks is just a bog standard petty car thief for a minute.

But Mirage isn't all that suspicious; He knows the power balance is so wildly in his favour that it's sort of whatever, really. Why investigate when you can be driving?

He eventually "tests" Noah when he finally reveals his root mode to him.

And to be fair, he even acknowledges that this is probably a lot for Noah to deal with.

But then he responds to the equivalent of a Barbie doll shaking a twig at him by levelling a charged weapon directly at Noah's head and chest.

We know that Mirage isn't actually going to fire. Probably.

But Noah doesn't, and all he has is a pipe, after a joy ride from hell that scared the living shit out of him and put his entire family's wellbeing at extreme risk.

It's kind of fucked up; Of course it's understandable from both sides, knowing the perspective of both sides. Noah needs that stolen car money. Mirage was about to get stolen.

It's not the greatest situation for them to be meeting in.

But holy shit.

Mirage is a little... Excessive.

Which is consistent with the behaviour we see from him after he gets more familiar with Noah, and we know he's not going to hurt Noah or Kris, and he's just a very energetic type of bot. Okay.

But I wonder how Mirage behaved prior to meeting Noah. How much of his excitability and outgoing nature and willingness to do pretty much anything comes from the joy he gets from having his own human, getting to have a new friend, finally?

How depressed might he have been previously, given how abundantly happy he is, how quick he is to disregard almost anything else in favour of having a friend-- Even if he has to take a human temporarily captive in order to obtain that friendship?

We know his care for Noah ultimately overrides his sense of self-preservation as well.

But Mirage is extremely intense and high energy, and that's interesting, because you wouldn't necessarily think of a fairly isolated, lonely alien lost on a foreign world as being so upbeat and exuberant.

He wants to be happy. And he's very invested in the few people that can make him happy.

Mirage is the definition of ride or die, and that can actually be pretty scary.

He didn't give a second thought to causing at least one likely fatal car crash with his illusions, so that he and Noah could evade arrest.

We already know he's willing to take out humans if need be.

It's a good thing Noah's a good guy, because I can easily imagine Mirage as willing to do nearly anything to keep the new friend he found...

Anyway, my break's over now. lol

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1 year ago

Ok ok ok

Let's think about it:

Mirage gave some of his body parts, his spark and brain module to Noah. Because Mirage knew Noah would survive the battle (and rebuild him later?) if he would protect him even tho he was down.

Mirage. Gave. Him. His. Spark. He trusts him THAT MUCH. I- aaaaah. I can't think correctly I- it's just so lovely. Mirage protected Noah and was ready to die for him!!!

And think about it: it is pretty logical he did it because if he hasn't done it, how would you want him alive again at the end ?

NOAH TOUCHED HIS SPARK !! and manipulated it with all precautions and care.

Makes me cry of joy 😫

I love their relation !! And how Noah smiles when Mirage was rebuilt !!! It is so precious !!! I really appreciate how their relation evolved during the film !!

Ok Ok Ok
Ok Ok Ok
Ok Ok Ok

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1 year ago
Do Not Abruptly Lift Your Human Into The Air
Do Not Abruptly Lift Your Human Into The Air

⚠Do not abruptly lift your human into the air❗

(Or do it very often until they get used to it)

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