Rotb Mirage - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

I’d Rather Be Studying the Physics of You

rotb!Mirage x f!reader

summary: reader is struggling with her physics homework and Mirage goes to comfort her. (fluff, comfort)

tw: physics 😔

Id Rather Be Studying The Physics Of You

a/n: this one is pretty self-indulgent, I’ll open requests soon for more one-shots! I’m currently obsessed with rotb- Mirage and Noah specifically.


Mirage is in your room and leaning against one of the walls next to your bed. He's fiddling with your rubix cube- still amazed at how someone came up with this torture device for entertainment. You're working at your desk, a dim lamp the only source of light. Tonight, it's physics that you're struggling with. 

"Physics is so stupid, I swear to god," you mumble while trying to work out problem 35 on the review packet your professor gave you. This homework really has you questioning your entire life. "This is so overly complicated and for what."

"Physics can be useful," Mirage says, still focused on the cube. "I mean you use it all the time to fix my parts." He winks at the end of that last sentence and you roll your eyes even though he can't see them, your chair facing away from him and your attention being at the disgusting problems at hand. 

"That's like, practical physics though," you sigh. "This is stupid Newton physics."

Mirage momentarily stops twisting the cube's sides. "Isn't all of physics based on Newton physics?"

"I mean, not really, but all of it is the same- stupid and dumb and overcomplicated." You give up on the problem and move on to the next one. Reading the new onslaught of numbers and words, you really feel like throwing up. "Literally what the FUCK is this."

Mirage can sense that you're getting angrier and more frustrated by the minute. Your hands are at the crown of your head, grasping manically at the edges of your hair. "Honey, why don't you give it a break for a second?" He urges. "I think it'd make you feel better."

But you're too far into trying to deduce the obscure answer on your paper. You ignore him angrily and start scribbling wildly on your paper, writing down everything and anything that might be useful in solving this one. "No no no, this won't work, this won't work- you need acceleration for this one, but you don't even have time or distance! Literally what the fuck!" you're getting louder by the minute and it's starting to scare Mirage. 

"Love, I know you really want to solve that, but come here for a second," he urges, setting the cube down for a moment and acting genuinely concerned. 

"I'm fucking focused just let me try again oh my god-" there are tears brimming your eyes and clouding your vision and you're trying so, so hard to mask your frustration with yourself with anger- but you can't see, everything is spinning and you're just mad, mad at yourself because this should be easy, and why are you so horrible at physics? You're a STEM major for christ sake, how the fuck are you going to make it thorugh the rest of your life if you can't master simple Newtonian physics??? You feel the tears falling now, cascading down your face as you grip your pencil with the most power you possibly can. All the fight immediately leaves you and you give into your sadness. "I swear Mirage, I can't do anything right." You're silently sobbing now, basking in your misery because you've lost it, and you're tired of trying to hold yourself together and combat your inevitable conclusion that you are the stupidest person on Earth. What gave you the confidence to pursue such a field? You couldn't even do basic math. The salty tears smell gross to you, and your face feels disgusting all over. You're so lost in your break-down you almost fail to notice your chair slowly being pulled back and the familiar metal servos circling your body. 

"Honey, look at me." Mirage pulls your hands away from your face and gently cradles your face in his hands. "You do a lot of things right."

"No I don't, I can't even do this stupid problem I'm so sick of it, I'm so sick of trying and failing over and over again and it makes me feel so stupid and I am stupid and-"

"No." His grip on your face is tighter and you're forced to shut up. "You are one of the most brilliant, courageous people I know my love. I don’t ever want you to think that you’re not enough, that you can’t do anything.” 

You sniffle, and he gently moves his hands to your waist, picking you up from the chair and placing you in his lap where he can properly hold you. He places you on your bed and kneels on the side, looking over at you. You can hear all of his gears shifting as he does so. He presses his left hand to your cheek, caressing it. “You are already perfect. I love you so much and I could not imagine me loving any other version of you that didn’t have the persistence you do. I know you really wanted to get that worksheet over with and done, but come on man, that shit is hard and it’s not your fault you can’t get it on the first try.” He tucks the covers over you. It’s 4AM, and it’s probably for the best that you call it a day. 

“I just feel like I suck so much at this, and everyone else is so much better, and I’ll never get a job and it’s just so hopeless.” Some more tears slip out of your eyes, and Mirage wipes them away with a swift caress. 

“Oh my love,” he sighs and kisses you gently on your forehead. His lips feel cool and smooth against your soft skin. “It’s going to be okay. All that matters is that you’re trying your best, alright? You’re my girl, remember?”

You nod silently, gazing into his light blue optics as they soften meeting your look. “Yeah,” you sniffle. 

“That’s my girl,” he says. He goes to lay down next to you off the bed, and you can hear all of his parts whirring, getting ready to shut down. 

“Mirage?” You ask tentatively. 

He gets up immediately to look at you. “Yes, love?”

You look away for a second before saying, “can I sleep on you?”

Mirage giggles and you immediately feel his arms lifting you to lay on top of him. He takes a a blanket in front of the bed and drapes it over you. You’re pressed against his chest and it feels oh so nice. The warmth of his spark makes what would seem to be an uncomfortable thing to lay against actually very cozy. You tilt your head up and kiss his cool lips. He reciprocates, and you can taste the warm metal of his bottom lip. When you pull away, he gives you the most adoring expression ever and you melt into him. “I love you,” he says, without breaking eye contact. 

“I love you too,” you give him a smile back. 

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10 months ago

Just One More Tear to Cry

Just One More Tear To Cry

summary: Noah Diaz x f!reader where reader gets into a fight with him about staying.

a/n: I was originally going to make this longer and end it with a reader pov, but I decided that would probably be better if I made an entirely new part instead with it.


"If you hate me, leave me like you've always left before." The statement stung, and you could see its edge burrowing its way into Noah Diaz's heart.

"That's not fair," he says, slowly unclenching his fists. Tears brimming his beautiful eyes now, and you feel a pang of guilt knowing that you were the cause. 

"Yes it is, you left me when you accepted that government job all those weeks ago, and when you finally come back you tell me you need to leave again. Do you know how hard it is knowing the kind of danger you put yourself in, and never being able to feel relieved when you come back? You leave just as soon as you return and it's killing me- it's ripping me apart and I can't do this anymore. I love you, Noah, but I won't love this." You gesture between the two of you, seeing him crumble further. It breaks your heart, but it ruins you to know the kind of danger he constantly puts himself in. 

"I know- I know it's hard, and I know it's not ideal, and all I want to do is be with you, I just want to hold you and I want to make sure that you're okay, but there are battles I have to fight and I need to fight them for you! For us! For my family, don't you understand?" He's shouting now, and it's deafening. It radiates off the walls of his garage, and you can see Mirage in the corner getting worried. He was just about to transform into his alt form to drive Noah to get his passport renewed when you intervened. "I care so, so deeply for you and that's why I have to do this."

You're left there, in your own puddle of tears, just staring at him. This man- this man who is yours, who is so kind, caring, and sweet- he carries the world on his shoulders and all you want to do is sweep it off of him. 

"I can't lose you too," you sniffle. You're trying so hard to keep the tears back but it's getting so, so difficult. You can hear Mirage's engine shut off. He probably knows this isn't going to be a quick thing. "You know how much I've lost Noah, and I don't want to keep having to lose anymore. I'm so tired of it. I love you but I'm tired of loving you, if this is what it means to be together." Tears stream elegantly down your cheeks and with frustration you wipe them away quickly. 

"No, this is not how this was supposed to go-" Noah is looking at you with a pleading expression, reaching out into the nothingness in front of him. The gap between the two of you has never been this large before. "I was supposed to get my passport and then you were supposed to kiss me goodbye, tell me good luck, tell me you already missed me, don't walk out on me! I need you!" He shouts at you. 

Scared, you start to recoil away from him. "Yeah? Well I don't need this." You sniffle and quickly wipe away any remaining tears with your sleeve. You try to push him aside so you can leave the garage, but you feel his strong hands on your forearm pulling you back. He whips you around so that you're both chest to chest. 

"I can't," he sobs, "I can't lose you." 

His grip on you is softer now, and he gently places his forehead to yours while he cries. "I'll quit, I'll tell them to stop sending me away, if that's what it takes. I'll find something else to do, I promise. Anything. I just- I can't-"

You bring your soft, delicate hands up to hold his face. "Noah," you whisper. "I'm not going to leave you. I'm just- I was scared. I am scared. But I know that shouldn't get in the way of what you need to do. It would be selfish for me to stop you from that." You caress his face, and as you touch noses, you feel the wet residue of tears. 

His sobs became quieter as you embraced him fully. "So let me come with you."

He pulls away immediately and looks at you with a shocked expression. "No, absolutely not."

"You want to put yourself in danger? Fine, but let me at least be there for you when you do it," you take steps closer to him and put your hands on his arms to soothe him. "You know they still want me to take that job as your partner. Maybe it's time to stop being scared, and do what really matters for the people that matter."

You swear, he has never looked at you with that much admiration in his life. His eyes are so blurry with tears, and he blinks them away so he can see you more clearly. He leans in and gives you one of the gentlest kisses. His lips are soft, slightly wet, but warm against yours. You have to stand on your tip-toes in order to fully reciprocate, and when you do, it feels just as good as the first time. When you pull apart for a second, you're still close enough to brush your lips against each other. 

"I love you," he murmurs, and you can feel the vibration and meaning of his words against your top lip. "I love you so much."

"I love you too."

That's the memory Noah Diaz recalls when he first learns of your status as a hostage in the Terrorcons' grasp. He pleads with Optimus, begging that he's been told a lie, and that you're really just playing a huge prank on him. When he doesn't get what he wants, he throws a fit, banging his fists against Optimus's shin. He becomes so frustrated that Mirage eventually has to pull him away from the bot. 

He sits Noah down on his lap, rubbing circles along his back. "We'll get her back, alright? Don't worry man," he says hopefully, optics reassuring. 

Noah is still uncontrollably sobbing, wanting nothing more but to believe the words.

Should I do a Part 2…?

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10 months ago

One Teardrop From My Eye

Noah Diaz x reader

summary: pt 2 of Just One More Tear To Cry - reader is saved from the Terrorcons :D

tw: blood, slight gore, a little bit of angst, electrocution

One Teardrop From My Eye

a/n: this one is so badly written but ty to the 2 people who asked for a part 2, love u guys !!

Your screams of agony fill the room as the electrocution finally stops. Nightwing is looking at you menacingly, armed with a malicious smile and terrible intentions. Body arching and burning, you slump forward on the ground, gasping for breath. You don't even have the strength to shudder as Scourge's underling runs its claws along your chin and forces you up to look. 

"This doesn't have to continue," Nightwing snarls. "You know what I want."

You groan achingly. "I don't know- where it- where it is," you huff. "I'm telling the truth…" you utter weakly, Nightwing's sharp fingers tightening around your chin and drawing blood. 

Scourge lets out an angry growl, overlooking the vast Peruvian jungle from atop a cliff. It was night now. You had been captured and taken when trying to escape with Noah out of the Maximals' hidden underground temple. In a daze, Scourge's spider-like minion captured you and brought you back here when the Terrorcons lost the rest of the Autobots and Noah. 

"That's alright," he says. His tone of voice is cold and unforgiving. "I have another use for you in mind."

Mirage tucks Noah in and bids him goodnight, telling him that they'll find you soon. You'll be okay, everything will turn out fine, and he'll get to hold you in his arms once again. That is the future he so desperately prays for. 

Noah finds that he is unable to sleep. Anxiety around whether or not you are still alive haunts him throughout the hours, and he tosses and turns underneath his wigwam, willing himself to fall asleep. When morning comes, Noah is tired, worried, and borderline depressed. 

The events that ensue are as follows: Everyone discovers Airazor to be infected, and the Terrorcons have been alerted to their location amongst the tribe of Peruvians who are protecting the other half of the time warp key. In an effort to keep it safe, the Autobots tell Noah to take the key and run. He heads to a nearby river, thinking of destroying it but he finds that he can't bring himself to do it. The key may be the only way to get you back, and although all he wants to do is keep his planet and family safe, he has come to realize that you are a large part of his inner circle now, and there’s no way he’ll live in any universe without you. 

Unluckily for him and the rest of the Autobots, an infected Airazor steals the key

and brings it back to Scourge.

“And if you think about coming after us,” Scourge snarls. “Remember who we have.”

Nightwing soars above them, dangling your limp figure for all to see. Noah lets out an angry scream and runs as fast as he can to attack Scourge, but Mirage pulls him back. Noah is screaming your name, but you’re unable to respond, being seemingly unconscious. 

For a while, Noah is crumpled on the ground, heaving sobs. That is, until Kris reminds him of who he really is. 

“Sonic? Sonic is that you?” Noah can hear the familiar way his little brother’s voice crackles through the walkie-talkie attached to Mirage’s arm. “Come in, Sonic.”

“Tails! Tails it’s me,” Noah’s heart warms. “How’s Ma, man?”

“She’s good, she’s worried about you,” Kris says from the other end. “But I got her. Have you saved Earth yet?” 

Noah sighs. “We’re…” his voice trails off. He doesn't know what to say. He wants to tell his brother, more than anything, that they’ve got it under control. That he’ll never have to worry about the end of the world nearing again, that everything will turn out alright and that life will be perfect from here on out. But he can’t bring himself to say it, not with you gone from his side. 

“Sonic? Listen man.” Mirage brings the device closer to Noah’s face so he can hear better. “I don’t care if times are tough, you’re my brother and you always know how to get yourself out of things. You got me? I don’t want to hear no giving up on your end, Sonic.”

Noah smiles through his tears. “But what if I’m not made for this kinda stuff. I couldn’t even get you help at the hospital.” 

“Superman had trouble before he became a hero too. He had to get through some of the stuff, you know? But you’ve gotten past that. Now all that’s left is to be the hero.” He feels himself lighting up a little at Kris’s words. “You read me, Sonic?”

“Yeah, yeah I read you. Thanks man. Love you.”

“Yeah yeah, now go back and save the rest of the world.”

“You got it man.” With that, the line clicks off and Noah knows Kris is gone for now. But the conversation ignites something in him, and within the next few minutes he starts coming up with a plan. 

Scourge has Nightwing electrocute you a few more times to make sure you’re too weak to get away. He places you on the ground in front of him, watching out for any sign of the Autobots. As soon as Optimus Prime rolls in, he knows he’s the one with the high ground. 

“Optimus,” he says, an unwelcome greeting. 

“Scourge,” Prime responds. “Hand over the keys. I won’t ask a second time.”

“For someone with such prestige, you sure are blind to the circumstances at which you make demands.” He smiles. It’s a horrendously ugly smile. Everything about Scourge is disgusting, from the way the metal on him rusts, to how crusty his eyes are (I’m a Scourge hater, he killed my beloved Mirage).  Scourge picks you up in one hand and squeezes you hard enough to make you gasp for air. “Thought you cared a little more for your human pets.” He laughs darkly. 

From below, Noah scurries down the underground passageway, hoping to shut off the portal and take the keys. He holds his breath, listening to the conversation from above. Beads of sweat coat his exposed skin, and he can feel the temperature rise drastically the farther he runs. 

“I do.” Is all Optimus says, before Mirage shoots Scourge from behind. Scourge lets out an anguished cry, and you fall from his hand, hitting the ground harshly. Something sticky and warm trails down the side of your head, and you can taste blood in your mouth. Your ears are ringing and everything is spinning. You try to scramble away as the fighting behind you ensues. 

As soon as Noah retrieves the halves of the key and shuts the system down, he runs back out of the passageway. When he sees your dying figure on the ground, a large pool of blood pooling around you, he pushes up on one of the grates and rushes to meet you.

“Oh my gosh,” he cries, looking at how damaged you are. “Stay awake, please, stay awake…” his voice fades in and out as you try to come to terms with the fact that it’s him. It’s really him. 

“Noah?” your voice is hoarse from all the screaming you did earlier when the Terrorcons were interrogating you. 

Noah holds both of his hands up to your face, looking down at you with a bittersweet smile. “We gotta get you out of here-” 

He’s the last thing you see and hear before you fully black out.

When you next awake, you’re lying down in a cosy bed. The sheets are navy blue, and when you look around there are all sorts of parts lying everywhere. A barely working boxy television sits on the cluttered desk to the left of you, and the door in front of you is creaked open just enough where you can make out a source of light and some gentle talking. You look out the window and notice that it’s night. With a heavy groan, you try to get up, but it hurts your head way too much, and you’re forced to lie back down. The door opens and Noah comes in urgently. His eyes are wide open. He’s dressed in a tank top and just his boxers. “Oh my god,” he says, rushing to your side immediately. You smile weakly at him. “The doctor said not to stress yourself too much when you wake-”

You interrupt him by pulling him into a chaste kiss. Surprised, it takes him a moment to kiss back. When the two of you part, he’s breathless. There are tears in his eyes, too. “I missed you,” you rasp. “I missed you so much.”

Noah’s vision is blurred with tears, and he wipes them away, not wanting his view of you to be obstructed in any way. “I missed you too.”

He comes into bed with you, holding you against his chest. From off the desk, he feeds you small sips of water. Afterwards, he starts talking about everything that happened after. How the Prime killed Scourge, how Mirage almost died but was fixed by Noah just a few days ago, how he had taken you to the hospital and moved you back to his room, where his mom was happy to make accommodations, how his little brother had been so happy to see him back, and how he was happy he had you back. He cradles you in his arms. 

~Bonus ~

You awake in the middle of the night, screaming and thrashing violently against arms trying to pin you down. 

“Hey! Hey it’s me, it’s Noah! It’s Noah!” You stop abruptly and open your eyes, sobbing. 


“Come here,” he whispers, putting his arms around you and bringing you close to his chest. “You’re alright. You’re safe.”

In between sobs, you manage, “I thought- I thought I was back there with them again.”

“I would never let that happen again. Ever.” He kisses your forehead gently, and lays the both of you back down on his bed. “It’s okay,” he coos as you continue to cry into him. 

He pulls the covers over the two of you and listens to you cry yourself to sleep in his arms. 

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10 months ago

I don’t want to play this part but I do, all for you.

Noah Diaz x fem!reader (angst)

I Dont Want To Play This Part But I Do, All For You.

tw: death, blood

summary: the CIA find out you’ve been hiding an autobot and want some answers.

a/n: my writing is progressively getting worse. Sorry guys 😓

The government agents had burst through your apartment unexpectedly. The wooden door was chopped in half by one large black boot, while many more swarmed into the living room which was once very cosy. You and Noah had been on your couch, him holding you while you told him about your day. Your head immediately lifted off of his shoulder at the sound of the door but he held you close, arms tightening around your waist to keep you safe.

When they started filing in, two by two through your small door, he rose from the couch and put an arm in front of you. "What the fuck?"

"CIA, you're both under arrest for assisting in the hiding of government property." A group of the men dressed in heavy black gear surrounded the two of you, and you quickly latched onto Noah as one of them grabbed your wrist.


At your voice, he lunged forward, trying to fight whoever was harming you. "Get away from her!" He was grabbed by another agent and whipped backward. You heard his violent thrashing as they pulled the two of you apart.

Harsh, cold metal encircled both of your wrists and you were forced against a wall. The impact of the scaffolding against your forehead made you see stars, and you weren't sure if the scream you were hearing was yours or not. You could hear your name from a distance away, and you yearned to reach whoever was calling for you. They sounded so desperate, but your vision clouded over as more bodies pressed around you, suffocating you. Your head was slammed into the wall again, and the last thing you heard was a gunshot before you were out.

When you came to, you were instantly blinded by the white lights above you. There was something soft, but firm underneath you, and as you tried to get up you recognized the soft feeling of bedsheets. Where were you?

You squinted, eyes adjusting to the brightness surrounding you. It made your head throb to rise, but having no clue about where you were or what you were doing there made it a necessity to stay upright.

It was cold in the little cell you were confined in. There were bars to your space, but looking outside of them, all you could see was grey concrete. You tried to stand up from the bed, but soon fell onto the floor. Your ankles were shackled together, and your hands cuffed. The fall hurt like hell, you not being able to break your fall with your hands. 

"She's awake sir," you heard a voice nearby say. "Shall I move her to interrogation?" A crackle of static and a muffled voice rang from what sounded like the other end of a walkie talkie. "Right away, sir."

A man in black appeared in front of your cell, and his uniform was enough to give you flashbacks of previous events. 

Scared, you backed onto your cot and into the corner. "Stay away," your voice was hoarse and raspy, but it conveyed your message. Your heart was beating out of control from within your chest and you willed yourself to calm down, to stay level-headed while you figured out the fuck was going on. 

"I'm going to need you to come with me," the man said, unlocking your cell. "You make any wrong move, and your friend is dead."

A wave of anxiety rolled over you, and suddenly you could care less about what would happen to you. 

The man, his features hard, unforgiving, and stern, motioned for you to follow him out of the small room. You complied without a second thought. You loved Noah so much, and even though the two of you weren't really together, you would have happily risked your life for him any day. Worry continued to claw at you as you headed down the long, dimly lit concrete hallway. There were other cells that you passed by on your way to the exit, which appeared to be two double doors with mesh wiring on both sides of the glass rectangular windows that they adorned with. The other cells held people strapped into straight-jackets who seemed dastardly and absolutely evil. As you moved, they shouted nasty comments at you and the security guard. He beckoned you to move more swiftly. 

Once you had made it through the exit, the man took you threw a series of white hallways until you got to one sterile, grey room with a metal table in the middle of it. There were two chairs there too, which you had assumed were for you and whoever would be conducting the interrogation. Scared, you approached the door silently and felt the breeze of the heavy door close behind you. A feeling of annoyance and anger began to stir in your stomach as soon as you took a seat in one of the chairs. Why the heck had a bunch of CIA people barged into your place in the middle of the night? And why had they taken you and your best friend? Shit, that would cost a fuck ton of money to repair, and you didn't want the landlord to be even more pissed at you. You could taste a little bile in your mouth, probably from your frustration. You didn't want to seem angry but you were. The interrogation would probably run more smoothly if you kept your cool.

After what seemed like an eternity, someone finally stepped in to see you. It was another man, one with a slicked-back hairstyle and sunglasses. He was pretty tall and bulky, and you figured they had chosen him because you seemed like the type to be easily intimidated. Which, to be fair, you were. 

"So," he began, taking a seat and staring dead at you. "You wanna tell me why I found 'places to hide a huge alien robot' in your search history?"


"I don't know what you're talking about," you attempt nonchalantly, trying to casually lean back in your chair. "I've never seen a space robot in my life."

"Sure. And your friend, Noah, he knows this?" 

Your blood began to boil at the mention of Noah, but at the same time the anxiety in your stomach made you want to throw up. "Yeah."

"Funny, because he told us something different." You continue to stare at him dead-on, rolling your eyes for a laid-back effect. This was probably some technique they used on people to get information out of them. Noah wouldn't have said anything, he's too good at this for that. 

"You know," he says, carefully. "We've heard that you have a pretty strong attachment to him. Is this true?" He grins at you smugly. 

"No, it's not. Look, I had invited him over to hang out, hoping to have a one-night thing with him. It's really not like that at all." But your smile falters, and you know that you've already lost. 

"Well if that's the case," he sighs and smiles. "You won't have a problem with us, well, terminating him, correct? He's of no use to us, and we find that the projects in our little sector of government are best hidden." 

You hesitate from making any moves. This is probably another trick, right? It's not legal to do stuff like that. But then again, from what he said, it seems sort of like the laws don't fully apply wherever you are. 

"We don't know anything you're talking about, I swear," you get out after a minute. "I mean, I guess, if you want the truth…" Your palms are sweaty and you wipe them on your pants. 

Your interrogator looks at you expectantly. 

"Okay, there was this car that I bought from a shop. It transformed, freaked the hell out of me, but told me that if I hid it it would still be my car. And you know, I got it for a cheap price- it's a Porsche. It was pretty broken when I got it, but I fixed it up and it's limited edition now. And I don't want to just let that go, you know?" You attempt to lighten the mood up with your story, hoping it makes you sound trustworthy. "I seriously don't know where it is, it was in the apartment garage parked in my space. But I assume you guys have already checked there. It's the most obvious place to put something like that. Your CIA shit probably scared him off and he's long gone. He never trusted me much, anyway." You refrain from swallowing out of nervousness, knowing it will only make you more suspicious. 

He looks at you, unimpressed. "I know that's not the story, kid." 


He gets up from his chair and says into what you assume is a hidden mic on his lapel, "bring in the kid."

The door swings open abruptly to reveal a frantic looking Noah. He's doing his best to shove the two guards off of him, until he sees you. Then his movements become more manic. He screams your name and is immediately tasered. 

"Noah!" you yell. "Let him go! Stop!"

They stop, and Noah falls to his knees on the ground. You get up from your chair abruptly and try to make your way to him, but your interrogator stops you. "Talk, or he'll suffer."

There are tears bubbling in your eyes. You can't reveal where Mirage is, but you can't let Noah get hurt like this. "Fuck," you whisper. 
Suddenly, an explosion throws you against a wall and you feel one of the metal chairs bash into your stomach. You grunt loudly, ears ringing and vision clearing as the smoke around you settles. You shout for Noah, but with your ringing ears it's hard to tell if you really did. It smells like burning flesh, and you gag, pulling your shirt up to cover your nose as you crawl around the ground, head spinning and wanting to vomit. As desperate seconds pass, you begin to hear sounds of gunshots, and you feel the rubble around you shake. You touch the hand of someone else, and from there the rest of the body appears. 
"God, I was so scared," Noah seems to say, pulling you into his arms. His cuffs must have severed during the explosion. The impact seemed to have knocked the wind out of him too, but noticing the unconscious guard next to him, you surmise that he must have cushioned Noah's fall. Noah pulls the both of you up and gets you moving towards what remains of the most affected wall. You're hopping clumsily across the debris, and you continue until you spot the Autobots within range of the two of you. But before you can get to them, there's a shout from behind you. You turn to look, and see the interrogator coming after you and Noah with his gun drawn. 
Before you can warn Noah, he fires. 

Time slows as you envision the bullet hitting your best friend, the guy who's been there for you through everything. It's sad, you think. Because you'll never be able to tell him how much you wished you were more than friends. 

Optimus kicks the guy away before he does any more damage, but you're already collapsed on the ground. Noah has you in his arms again, like every other time in your life, and you're happy that in your last moments, he's the person you get to see. 

"Fuck, Noah-"  The red was everywhere. It was on your hands, your clothes, Noah. It smelled like blood. It tasted like blood. You could hear the blood oozing from you. "Noah, I'm," you take a painful, absolutely excruciating breath, "I don't, I'm not feeling so- so hot right now-"

"Shh, shhh," Noah holds you closer to him, sobbing. "Stay awake, okay? Prime is holding them off, and Mirage is on his way to get us. He's so close, just stay with me. Please."

You touch your stomach tentatively, feeling the pool of stickiness spread onto your fingers. You gasp at the sight of it. "Don't look at it, look at me." He holds you halfway up, using one hand to gently turn your head to face his. 

"Noah-" you gasp. "Noah-"

"Don't talk, Mirage is almost here," he cries. He brings his forehead down to yours. "Stay with me, please."

"Noah- I-"

Mirage's engine revs from behind the two of you and Noah scoops you up in his arms. He makes his way urgently to Mirage's open doors, but slips on the pool of your blood and ends up on the ground again. He shields you from most of the gravity of the fall, the both of you landing on his back as your writhe in pain. Noah gets up quickly, picking you up again and shoving the both of you into the backseat. 

"I love-" Noah shushes you, kissing you softly. 

"Save it for later," he cries. "Don't tell me that because you think you won't be there to properly say it later."

The drive to the hospital is sharp and noisy. Mirage tries his best to weave through traffic, overlooking any laws or rules of the road in order to get you to the emergency room as fast as possible. Your eyes close, unable to stay awake any longer. "I love you," you whisper, and then he's gone. 

˜ Bonus ˜

Noah can't bring himself to show up at your funeral. He should be there, to say one last goodbye, but it physically hurts to remember you, knowing that you never got to hear him say he loves you back. Mirage tries his best to be there for Noah, but he's reeling with grief too. The both of them spend their time at the warehouse with the other autobots, all grieving from the loss still. He's kept the clothes that are soaked in your blood hanging on the back of his bedroom door. It's gross, it's disgusting, it's weird. He knows all of this, yet he can't let go of the last part of you he got to see. Today at the warehouse, he's all alone. The autobots are showing up to pay their respects in their alt forms, and plan on recording the event for Noah in case he ever regrets not being able to show up. They don't blame him though, all he's feeling is the regret of never being able to tell you what he really felt about you. He never got to touch your hair, the both of you being happy and in love. He never got to kiss you on your wedding day. Never get to dream about it, ever again. He feels like he'll never feel anything forever. 

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10 months ago

I Look to You and I See Nothing

Noah Diaz x fem!reader (angst)

I Look To You And I See Nothing

summary: Noah Diaz is a traitor!! But he’s doing it because he loves you.

a/n: I like this concept

"Tomorrow's a new day. We'll get the key and bring it back to who it belongs to. Everything will be okay." Noah says this all to you, one arm wrapped around your middle and hugging you close.

You're both resting under the covers of his bed. His room is small, littered with different mechanical pieces and electrical equipment. It's dark- there's no light except for the glow of the moon drifting through the window across from the door at the foot of the bed. You turn off your phone, reaching to your left to put it on Noah's desk.

Something tugs at you as you try to fall asleep cuddled next to him. Something off about what he said. You think about it again: "'We'll get the key and bring it back to who it belongs to.'" But didn't it belong to the Autobots? Weren't they the ones who deserved it? After all, they were your friends. They had saved you on countless occasions, especially Mirage, your favorite of them all.

So why didn't he just say that the two of you would get the key, and give it to Optimus or someone?

A feeling of nausea washed over you. Your stomach started to turn. Now that you think about it, Noah has been gone a lot lately. Not just because he needed to run errands or anything. I mean, even in Peru, you noticed him sneaking off to "use the bathroom" or to "get more firewood." But did it really take hours to do stuff like that?

When you had confronted him about it, he had just shrugged it off and told you to mind your own business. Maybe it was the way he always embraced you in the warmest of hugs, or gave you the most enchanting kisses when you saw each other again.

The more you analyzed the odd moments throughout the last few days, the more you felt that off feeling in your gut grow. Things weren't adding up. Noah had been so opposed to giving the key back to the Autobots, but suddenly had a change of heart. You had thought that perhaps your convincing finally worked, but now you weren't so sure.

You reached for your phone again, only for it to drop in between the desk and bed. Noah stirred slightly, but from what you could tell, he was sound asleep. You gently removed his arm from around you and went to grab your phone.

Sticking your hand in the crack, you could feel your phone. Just as you grasped the edges, you felt something sharp scratch you. You wanted to yell out in pain but refrained from doing so in case it woke up your boyfriend.

You reached for whatever it was that had hurt you so badly, only to find… a terrorcon badge?

Turning it over, you found that there was a small lit box with a dim glowing light. Was that… a locator?

Why the fuck did Noah have a terrorcon emblem? And why did it look like it was… active?

You felt like throwing up. The nasty gut feeling that was culminating in your stomach clawed at your throat and you moved as swiftly and silently as possible to the door.

Running to the bathroom, you threw up into the toilet just in time for it to not make a mess.

Holy shit. Noah is working with the Terrorcons??

"Honey?" Fuck, that was Noah's voice. "Are you alright?"

Another wave of nausea hits you at the question, and you vomit again.

"Woah-" Noah quickly pulls your hair out of the way. You can't tell him that it only makes you more sick.

After another minute of staring into the toilet bowl, you begin to get up shakily.

"Hey, take it easy-" Noah grabs your arm to support you and you flinch. He notices immediately. "Baby?"

You shake your head dismissively. "I need some water." You try to make it to the kitchen on your own, stealing yourself away from your boyfriend, but after a few steps your knees buckle and you find yourself sliding against one of the walls of the hallway. You're happy that Kris and Noah's mom are away- you're sure the noise would have woken them up by now. And with them gone, you can attempt to get a handle of this mess without potentially endangering them.

The thought makes you shiver. You couldn't believe you were now considering Noah a threat.

To your inner disgust, Noah helps you up and half-carries half-walks you to the fridge to get some water.

He grabs a glass from a cupboard, and you take the chance to slip close to the drawer that holds all of the kitchen knives. You slowly open the drawer and grab one.

When Noah turns around holding the cut, he immediately sees the knife held shakily in front of you by your dominant hand.

His heart drops immediately, and he looks at you regretfully and takes slow steps toward you. "Baby, what-"

"Stay away from me," you grit out, your other hand clutching at your stomach. "Don't touch me!"

Noah looks the most hurt you've ever seen him. "What are you doing?"

"Tell me why you have a Terrorcon emblem with a tracker on the back of it," you say. Tears well up in your eyes and you resist the urge to run to him and sob against his chest. You want so badly to be comforted by him, for Noah to tell you that everything will be okay, to tell you this is some sort of misunderstanding. "Why are you always leaving, Noah?"

It's Noah's turn to tear up now. "Baby, I don't know what you're-"

"STOP IT!" You scream. "STOP TELLING ME LIES," you're yelling at him through the cascade of tears falling from your eyes. "I TRUSTED YOU, NOAH-" your voice breaks. "I thought- I thought you-" you take a breath to steady yourself. "Was this all a joke to you?" It's the most honest you've been with him tonight. After asking, you feel like you've laid yourself bare in front of him.

"It wasn't- I never meant to hurt you," he says, a single tear making its way down his freckled cheek. "I can explain- please just put the knife down, baby-"

"Don't call me that," you tremble. "Just stop it."

He takes a step back. "I don't want to hurt you. I love you, I love you so much." The tears multiply across his face. "I just- I wanted to keep you and Kris and Ma safe- and the Terrorcons already have one half of the key-" Some sobs break loose and in the moonlight you can see fragments of who you thought he was washing away as he continues. "They said if I helped them, they would make a place for us on Unicron, for all of us to live there safely. They said they would keep you safe! That's all I wanted, please, you have to believe me." He's looking at you pleadingly, begging for you to understand. But you can't.

You take a shaky breath. "But the Autobots are our friends, Noah."

He grimaces. "I know, but Optimus only cares about himself. You know this, I know you do. You've seen him!"

"He's just doing what he thinks is right," you say. "It's not about being selfish, it's about taking care of your family," you look him dead in the eye. "Something you wouldn't understand."

A pang of guilt stabs Noah in the chest. "I did this for you," he says. "It was all for-"

"Does hurting me make you feel good or something?"

It's silent for a moment, and Noah says, "If it's what I have to do to make sure you're safe." Out of nowhere, he pulls out a gun and points it at you. "I'm sorry," he's crying again, but taking steps close to you.

"NOAH- STAY BACK!" It's too late, he lunges at you and you don't have the strength to use the knife in your hand. He grabs the knife out of your hands and tosses it behind him. You fall back onto the floor, hitting your head harshly on the ground of the kitchen. You start to see stars, and the thought of a concussion crosses your mind. Noah is on you in seconds, pinning your arms and sitting on top of you.

"I'm so sorry," he says. "I need to keep you safe." He leans down close to your face, and you're too disoriented from the fall to protest. His lips brush against your cheek in a swift kiss, and he leans his forehead against yours for a bit before hitting you sharply across the head with the butt of his gun.

pt. 2 coming soon!

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1 year ago
I Love This Story A Bit To Much, This Part Of The Fic Was Probably My Favorite So I Made It The Cover

I love this story a bit to much, this part of the fic was probably my favorite so I made it the cover art!

Bit of spoilers but this scene is where mirage taps in to Noah’s memories finding memories that Noah would never have.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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1 year ago

Here is a small sample of what I’m writing for my reverse au. I’m taking a page out my mutual @cayenneexe book but with a little murder snail twist! I feel like the m night shyamalan of transformers right now.

Sample under cut!

Brookline, New York 1989, a busy city with busy streets and people. Now dispute everything today was a day to remember for one singular member of the Dina family.

“You want a car?” The patriarch asked the white haired man, his son in-front of him. Miguel Dina was a renowned figure in the military even after being sent home and earning his Purple Heart he still kept his reputation and his nobility, his son on the other hand Miguel Dina jr was more like his mother, roady and experimental.

“Ya if I had my own ride I could stop asking for lifts ya kno- I ah mean it makes sense right?” There where moments such as these where the young man forgets he’s talking to his father and not his friend, Chris (Not the same kris from the movie). His father sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Let me guess you want to get a Porsche?”

“Actually!… I have no clue what kinda car I want…” he stared blankly at his father who was a little disappointed he hadn’t made up his mind yet.

“But! But but but I do know I want to fix it up. you In rolled me in that mechanic collage for a reason right? might as well put it to use for something fun!”

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1 year ago

I think there's a really potentially dark kind of lonely desperation in the way Mirage kidnaps Noah

Like, Noah immediately starts to panic and yell to be let go, and Mirage's response to this is to lock the doors and go faster

It's fucking terrifying from Noah's point of view, he's confused and is in the process of committing a crime--

--He's not just worried about his own safety, he's suddenly been thrown into a high speed, high profile car chase with a multi-vehicle car pursuit and he's going to be unable to help his family if he ends up in prison

And these are city cops in 1994 and Noah is an adult cis male POC, he is absolutely beyond fucked if any of the cops manage to identify him even if they don't outright catch him

And then Mirage creates a copy of him that is sitting in the driver's seat and taunting the fucking cops, fuck fuck fuck

His fear and panic is overwhelming, he's being trapped and driven somewhere and he can't figure out by who or what or for what purpose, and the cops are after him, and if he's busted then what happens to his mother? What happens to his brother?

It's incredible he stays even somewhat calm.

Meanwhile Mirage is fully having a great time.

He finally found a human like Bumblebee did, the human actually found him! How convenient-- Some may even say it's destiny. Even if the human was trying to steal him. Rude!!!

Now he has someone he can play with, though. Optimus might not yell at him too much since it's not really his fault this human tried to steal him.

Stealing the human instead sounds fun to him, actually. Turnabout is fair play, and all that.

And I do believe that on some level, surely Mirage understands this is not great to do, really.

But Mirage also seems really terribly lonely amongst his team; It doesn't feel like he fits in with them quite as well, and we know all the bots miss Cybertron.

Mirage and Bee seem particularly socially oriented, and Mirage seems to be quite possibly even more outgoing than Bumblebee is, based on both of their portrayals in this and the prior film.

So Mirage might have pushed aside his better judgement in the name of companionship and having fun for once, perhaps for the first time in a very long time, fuck it, we ride.

As someone who can't go out and do things because I'm disabled and COVID will take me out, I truly understand the difficulty of forced isolation into perpetuity.

So I can really feel for Mirage -- He just hit his breaking point, and could not resist the joy of treating the highway like the Speedia 500 racetrack, of really letting his rubber burn and having a potential friend along for the ride.

Plus, he got Noah away from the cops, and that's good, right? It must be! I mean he got the attention of even more cops, but they're probably dead now. That was a pretty sturdy road barrier, after all.

But the fear Noah must have felt in that moment is genuinely upsetting.

His brother's life was on the line here, not his own, as far as he's concerned.

And of course, Mirage would not have known that right away, fair enough.

But even when being begged to stop, Mirage egged on more cops, drew more aggro from the authorities than was needed and did so at extreme risk to his passenger, and carried on. He had a good time.

And that's really fucking scary, that Mirage's loneliness and overall sense of isolation was so severe that in many ways it overrode his compassion to some degree.

When Noah is panicking, Mirage was physically feeling Noah's fear. Feet were digging into his interior, fists slapping against his windows, hands gripping him from the inside, tense with anxiety.

We know Mirage cares deeply about Noah, and later on, Kris as well.

But when they first meet, there's this somewhat blatant disregard for Noah's fear that he only sort of half-heartedly, somewhat jokingly even tries to address while he just keeps flooring it.

Sure, at that point, as far as Mirage knows, this dude was just trying to steal him. He doesn't have a feel for who Noah actually is yet. He doesn't know about Kris. He has a right to be a little suspicious, and it's reasonably understandable if he wants to fuck with someone he thinks is just a bog standard petty car thief for a minute.

But Mirage isn't all that suspicious; He knows the power balance is so wildly in his favour that it's sort of whatever, really. Why investigate when you can be driving?

He eventually "tests" Noah when he finally reveals his root mode to him.

And to be fair, he even acknowledges that this is probably a lot for Noah to deal with.

But then he responds to the equivalent of a Barbie doll shaking a twig at him by levelling a charged weapon directly at Noah's head and chest.

We know that Mirage isn't actually going to fire. Probably.

But Noah doesn't, and all he has is a pipe, after a joy ride from hell that scared the living shit out of him and put his entire family's wellbeing at extreme risk.

It's kind of fucked up; Of course it's understandable from both sides, knowing the perspective of both sides. Noah needs that stolen car money. Mirage was about to get stolen.

It's not the greatest situation for them to be meeting in.

But holy shit.

Mirage is a little... Excessive.

Which is consistent with the behaviour we see from him after he gets more familiar with Noah, and we know he's not going to hurt Noah or Kris, and he's just a very energetic type of bot. Okay.

But I wonder how Mirage behaved prior to meeting Noah. How much of his excitability and outgoing nature and willingness to do pretty much anything comes from the joy he gets from having his own human, getting to have a new friend, finally?

How depressed might he have been previously, given how abundantly happy he is, how quick he is to disregard almost anything else in favour of having a friend-- Even if he has to take a human temporarily captive in order to obtain that friendship?

We know his care for Noah ultimately overrides his sense of self-preservation as well.

But Mirage is extremely intense and high energy, and that's interesting, because you wouldn't necessarily think of a fairly isolated, lonely alien lost on a foreign world as being so upbeat and exuberant.

He wants to be happy. And he's very invested in the few people that can make him happy.

Mirage is the definition of ride or die, and that can actually be pretty scary.

He didn't give a second thought to causing at least one likely fatal car crash with his illusions, so that he and Noah could evade arrest.

We already know he's willing to take out humans if need be.

It's a good thing Noah's a good guy, because I can easily imagine Mirage as willing to do nearly anything to keep the new friend he found...

Anyway, my break's over now. lol

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1 year ago
What's With That Sassy Lost Child???

What's with that sassy lost child???

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5 months ago

Itty bitty 🫶

Itty Bitty



Original under the cut:

— little aliens forever (@lilalienz4ever) August 26, 2024

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1 year ago
I Haven't Even Seen The Movie Yet But I Wanna Slobber All Over Him IM LOSING MY MIND

I haven't even seen the movie yet but I wanna slobber all over him IM LOSING MY MIND

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1 year ago
He's Charged With 5 Counts Of Aggravated Assault

he's charged with 5 counts of aggravated assault

grand theft auto to lovers

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