Honestly This Was Just Going To Be A Quick Retelling Of A Childhood Story - Tumblr Posts
Huh been thinking about when I lived back in my old town, and about the made-up ghost stories I'd tell my school friends. My town was pretty old, and it had some local legends, even to the point where my school was built next to the cemetery where said local legend was burred, though for the most part it was just a place for teens to skip school and drink.
But me being the very creative and original story teller, my story was a little bit closer to home. My house was built on one of the tallest points in my town, and at the foot of a place called Mount mutton. Mount mutton was in my humble opinion, one of best places to walk, it had a main walking trail that went all around spat you out at the other side. There was also a trail that went up to a lookout and a huge water tank, that also had a few local legends tied to it. But I'd say it's most interesting part was deeper into its forest. You see, if you went off trail, deeper into the brush, you could find a small structure, I would struggle to even call a cabin. It was a small crudely make stone cabin that was completely overgrown. I can't remember it super vividly, I don't even think you could go inside. But that thing completely enwrapped my imagination, and me being the hell spawn of a child I loved to scare my friends with stories of that place.
One such tail was about the supposed owner of the cabin, an old man who built it himself. He was a recluse, not dangerous by any means, but someone who you would steer clear of. But the few times anyone saw him, he was always accompanied by a large greyhound. The greyhound and the man were never seen without each other, the two of them were more than dog and man, they were family, in every sense of the word. But unfortunately as time went on the man became older, he couldn't get into town for basic supplies, he begin relying on the greyhound to find the both of them food. It was on one of these days the greyhound disappeared, it wasn't uncommon for the dog to leave for a day or two, but three days had passed with no sign of her. It was winter at the time, but despite that the man went out to look for his companion. He surched restlessly for days, with no sign of her. He was weak, tired, and cold, but he still didn't give up.
Eventually he did find her. But it was too late, the greyhound had slipped off a cliff and fell into a blackberry bush, where she was unable to escape. The man was heartbroken, he couldn't bare to go on without his loyal friend. So, he lay down to rest one last time, with his friend at his side he slept, letting the cold take him. Unfortunately for the old man, he couldn't quite yet join his friend. His still broken heart kept a part of him in the forest, and in that old stone cabin he built with his own two hands.
Of course that story wasn't true, it also kinda spiralled into me pointing to random unrelated structures and telling my friends he also haunted them too. And something about the number 17?? I can't remember exactly, I'd also tell my friends that if you were mean to dogs the old man would dump you in a blackberry bush and watch you very slowly die, but I mean who's mean to dogs anyway?
And that wasn't the only story me and my friends came up with, we'd always tell stories like that whenever we had to walk anywhere for school excursions. There was also one about the abandoned swimming pool also near the school, were people would say they heard screaming from, (Wow there were alot of creepy things near my school). But the old man and the greyhound was always my story and I really loved it for that.
Anyway it's pretty fun to reminisce about stuff like this, and it's kinda sad the place I'm at now doesn't have any thing like it. Or at least that I know about now. I really wish I could go back and visit the stone cabin but I'm decently sure it was nocked down when they started to build there. But if I can find it I will definitely take a picture of it, I really just need to make sure it actually existed lol.