jazzfromthevoid - Void of Life
Void of Life

the rot has reached my frontal lobe

189 posts

Jazzfromthevoid - Void Of Life - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

A little background as to why the Markiplier fandom is panicking about The Edge of Sleep.

So YEARS ago. Mark was in a podcast called The Edge of Sleep, which was adapted into a TV series... Which was never released


Mark made a movie adaptation of a video game, Iron Lung. He's put all his energy into this film, directing, producing, editing, even starring in it. the movie is done, and he's working to get it released in theaters.

We, the public don't know why, but we know that some doors have been locked on the release of Iron Lung, however some big wigs somewhere have promised that if his popularity alone can put Edge of Sleep in the TOP TEN a lot of doors will open for Iron Lung. He wasn't allowed to even say where it would premiere, nor was it advertised AT ALL

A Little Background As To Why The Markiplier Fandom Is Panicking About The Edge Of Sleep.

So now, Edge of Sleep has shadow dropped on Amazon Prime in the US. Three days BEFORE they even told Mark it would air. In order to get this man's work out in theaters this thing has to get to the top ten by word of mouth alone.

So. Watch Edge of Sleep! It's an apocalyptic horror. There are some mild gore warnings (blood, knife mutilation, brain dissection, self harm). Even if you can play it in the background and let it run just so it gets views thatd be helpful.

Stick it to the Hollywood Bigwigs! Show them YouTubers can have an audience! Open some doors for creative people trying to show their work to a bigger audience!

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5 months ago
Go Stream The Edge Of Sleep NOW!!! WE GOTTA GET TO THE TOP 10!!!

Go stream The Edge Of Sleep NOW!!! WE GOTTA GET TO THE TOP 10!!!

(or wait a little bit until it gets on Plex! or get a VPN! or just keep sharing stuff around!!)

I'm so sorry if this is how you find out btw lmao

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5 months ago

Haven't had time to do sealtober but here are the catchups (i could not be bothered to draw a reef i'm sorry)

Haven't Had Time To Do Sealtober But Here Are The Catchups (i Could Not Be Bothered To Draw A Reef I'm
Haven't Had Time To Do Sealtober But Here Are The Catchups (i Could Not Be Bothered To Draw A Reef I'm
5 months ago





Me and my friend made a horrid creation called a fear sandwich, each ingredient is based of a tma fear.

1. The end: the bread, specifically the butt end of the bread that had been slightly burnt by the manufacturer.

2. The fleash: some kind of mystery meat. A horrid combination of a bunch of different meats.

3. The slaughter: a nother meat, but it has metal shavings in it.

4. The hunt: a mixed greens but it's poison ivy and grass. (With a bit of blood on it)

5. The desolation: a REALLY hot sauce, like inhumanely spicy.

6. The buried: an entire truffle. Dirt and all.

7. The dark: just squid ink. Way more than is necessary.

8. The lonely: a single very sweet pickle that does not go well with the rest of the sandwich.

9. The vast: a thousand island dressing that is actually just salt water. It's also really cold.

10. The corruption: very moldy cheese, it's just all mold, with maggots in the senter, as a suprise.

11. The eye: one of those toothpicks that goes through the sandwich holding it together. It also has a little olive with the capsicum in the middle of it on top. (The olive is uncomfortably moist)

12. The spiral: a very strangely cut onion that doesn't even really taste like onion, but you can't tell exactly what it tastes like, so you just sit there in mild confusion and terror of what you just ate.

13. The stranger: a sausage that you think is normal meat but is actually a vegan sausage.

14. The extinction: a very rare very endangered animal filled with micro plastics.

15. The web: what looks to be sesame seeds on the bread, but are actually very small spider eggs. (It's a delicacy in some places, it would be rude not to have it)

A million notes and I will attempt to make it. (Please don't I don't want to make this. I don't even know where to get half of these ingredients)

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5 months ago
jazzfromthevoid - Void of Life
5 months ago

welcome to janky animatic neil made using all the wrong methods. Regular art program and shitty free editing program my beloved

Also, youtube link

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5 months ago
5 months ago

[DRAGONBREATH X mouthwash]


【Mouthwashing(2024) dev. Wrong Organ】

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5 months ago

I went on holiday so I couldn't do more on wwattober, but I did get a new journal that I drew a couple things in

(See under photo for transcript)

I Went On Holiday So I Couldn't Do More On Wwattober, But I Did Get A New Journal That I Drew A Couple

[A plague doctor was a physician who tended to the victims of the bubonic plague during epidemics mainly in the 16th and 17th-century Europe. However The continued sightings of plague doctors is concerning, as they have not been needed due to modern medicine. I fear, with doctors comes plagues.]

I Went On Holiday So I Couldn't Do More On Wwattober, But I Did Get A New Journal That I Drew A Couple

[The wendigo is a mythological creature from Algonquian folklore. In some traditions, wendigos were created when a human resorted to cannibalism to survive.The skull "mask" can be made from a variety of different skulls, most commonly dear, elk, moose, ram, wolf, and human.The existence of different types of skulls may be reason to believe the wendigo curse doesn't only target humans.After all, humans aren't the only things desperate to survive.]

These are pretty much pre-existing creatures but with a bit of my own lore and ideas thrown in. I'm also planning on adding a few of my own original creatures to it at some point.

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5 months ago
More Mouthwashing + Honda Wanted To Join In On Drawing Rehabilitated Curly As Ive Seen Others Do . Also,
More Mouthwashing + Honda Wanted To Join In On Drawing Rehabilitated Curly As Ive Seen Others Do . Also,

more mouthwashing + honda… wanted to join in on Drawing Rehabilitated Curly as i’ve seen others do . also, beloved anya and daisuke!

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5 months ago
Useless Ray Of Goddamn Sunshine.

Useless ray of goddamn sunshine.

5 months ago

Collecting mutuals like pokemon

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5 months ago
Todays Sunday.
Todays Sunday.

Today’s Sunday.

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5 months ago

i did the hunger games simulator again but with malevolent this time and the results sure were something

yellow breaks john's nose for a basket of bread
noel stabs john while his back is turned
the king in yellow questions his sanity
faroe. deceased. 6 kills
arthur destroys bella's supplies while she is asleep
john and the butcher hold hands
arthur sobs while gripping a photo of his friends and family
larson forces arthur to kill john or kayne. he decides to kill john
arthur and john hold hands.
arthur and john decide to jump down the rabbit hole to Wonderland, which turns out to be a pit of rocks
5 months ago

Sealtober day 13: zombie

Sealtober Day 13: Zombie
5 months ago

what do you mean you're missing the first day of school?!?!

Uhhh I'll still be in the blue mountains sorgy 😔

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5 months ago

School's back tomorrow and I have two assignments due week 1 and 2

School's Back Tomorrow And I Have Two Assignments Due Week 1 And 2

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5 months ago

Heyo sir potato! Do you mayhaps send to Australia? You probably have places you send listed but I'm too lazy to check :D

Yes indeed I do!!!

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5 months ago

Sealtober day 12: creepypasta

Sealtober Day 12: Creepypasta

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5 months ago

I wish you luck soldier

Me and my friend made a horrid creation called a fear sandwich, each ingredient is based of a tma fear.

1. The end: the bread, specifically the butt end of the bread that had been slightly burnt by the manufacturer.

2. The fleash: some kind of mystery meat. A horrid combination of a bunch of different meats.

3. The slaughter: a nother meat, but it has metal shavings in it.

4. The hunt: a mixed greens but it's poison ivy and grass. (With a bit of blood on it)

5. The desolation: a REALLY hot sauce, like inhumanely spicy.

6. The buried: an entire truffle. Dirt and all.

7. The dark: just squid ink. Way more than is necessary.

8. The lonely: a single very sweet pickle that does not go well with the rest of the sandwich.

9. The vast: a thousand island dressing that is actually just salt water. It's also really cold.

10. The corruption: very moldy cheese, it's just all mold, with maggots in the senter, as a suprise.

11. The eye: one of those toothpicks that goes through the sandwich holding it together. It also has a little olive with the capsicum in the middle of it on top. (The olive is uncomfortably moist)

12. The spiral: a very strangely cut onion that doesn't even really taste like onion, but you can't tell exactly what it tastes like, so you just sit there in mild confusion and terror of what you just ate.

13. The stranger: a sausage that you think is normal meat but is actually a vegan sausage.

14. The extinction: a very rare very endangered animal filled with micro plastics.

15. The web: what looks to be sesame seeds on the bread, but are actually very small spider eggs. (It's a delicacy in some places, it would be rude not to have it)

A million notes and I will attempt to make it. (Please don't I don't want to make this. I don't even know where to get half of these ingredients)

5 months ago
Apollo And His Toxic Fanbase

apollo and his toxic fanbase

5 months ago
I'm Going To Start Quoting This On A Daily Basis

i'm going to start quoting this on a daily basis

5 months ago
jazzfromthevoid - Void of Life

puts this in ur hand and runs off

non canon jack & ormr scene !?

was gonna animate it but then i was like if i animate this im not going to enjoy it and it's going to ruin my mood so i landed on not doing that <3 shoulders getting a little better. my range of motion is severely limited so we'll see what that entails but... hooray

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5 months ago

First time animating🥶🥶🥶