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4 years ago

ashadklhskjdhglfluhwshl i was going thro ur #my art tag and i saw FRITTIES DEAR GOD NO-

Dear god YES XD it needed to be done.

Besides, what's wrong with the frog boi with his fritties out? X>

Ashadklhskjdhglfluhwshl I Was Going Thro Ur #my Art Tag And I Saw FRITTIES DEAR GOD NO-

I think he looks great XD and the others can agree

Ashadklhskjdhglfluhwshl I Was Going Thro Ur #my Art Tag And I Saw FRITTIES DEAR GOD NO-
Ashadklhskjdhglfluhwshl I Was Going Thro Ur #my Art Tag And I Saw FRITTIES DEAR GOD NO-
Ashadklhskjdhglfluhwshl I Was Going Thro Ur #my Art Tag And I Saw FRITTIES DEAR GOD NO-


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8 years ago

Jin’s personality in a relationship (Innocent girl)

ok first of all i have no idea why I’m writing this but for some reason i started to think about how Jin would be in a relationship. so here is my opinion.

When he just started to date her.

I think it would depend on the girl’s personality first. he always said he wanted a cute innocent girl to date. I see him being more careful if she was innocent he would go really slow just a small peck on the lips to test the water (maybe even after the third date).

He’s the type to almost always be overprotective but not enough to suffocate her with it. I also think he’s the type of guy to always say “Oppa is going to take good care of you” or “tell oppa what’s bothering you”

There’s no doubt that he’s going to completely spoil her. even if she didn’t need anything. i think if she’s really innocent he would tend to be more and more protective over her he would like her to keep her innocent.

When he’s dating her for over 2 months.

He wouldn’t change much from when he started dating her. but he would be more confident he would always have some kind of skin ship when he’s out with her…………….

That’s all i have for now i will maybe edit it if i have time. but i only wanted to write this for me. anyway requests are still open you can ask for imagines and reactions :)

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10 months ago

i don’t know if you’ve posted something like this before, but what are your general headcanons about ynfg protags? like their ages, personalities, etcetera. i really like hearing about other people’s interpretations ^^

I Dont Know If Youve Posted Something Like This Before, But What Are Your General Headcanons About Ynfg

thank you for giving me an excuse to use this again hehe

I've probably posted something like this in the past but honestly memory is so bad these days I've completely forgotten and as you said, it's fun hearing others interpretations and stuff!

Sorta umbrella generalization is I think most are quiet, shy, soft spoken people. Outside of a few exceptions [Uro for example, she just comes off as a more loud and vibrant kind of character]. Maybe it's the ambience or lack of dialogue but a lot of the games make me feel like the character has a more somber/quiet personality.

A lot also feel like the outcast, always in their head and not really paying much attention to the world around them [either something happened that made them want to shut outside out or they suffer from ostracization and it's a coping mechanism for loneliness]

More for individual characters under cause long

Mado's kinda the poster child for this. Think she's around 16 or so and she became a shut in due to a mix of depression in general and it being exacerbated by experiencing trauma that caused her to snap or distance herself from her remaining friends [Car accident, loss of a friend, something like that.] She grew up playing weird little collectathon/pixel games and she's more interested in funky sorta characters than usual normie stuff her peers prefer, so she doesn't really connect much to those around her and focuses on fantasy more than reality.

Urotsuki [really young adult, maybe around 23-25?] feels like the, "I don't have much in real life but I can be myself and have lots of friends online." sorta character. People aren't intentionally mean to her per say, but she's weird and often doesn't feel like she fits in. Parents are sort of the same in that their main problem is they were distant and not there for her when she needed them.

Admit I am a sucker for this sorta stuff, but adore the idea that she went through a rough patch of self-value issues [was put off from being herself due to being weird, doesn't fall into the conventionally attractive type and had issues with image due to it, ect] but eventually overcame them and is now one of those loud and proud to be herself and very aggressively supports other weirdos around her because she doesn't want others to go through that type of people. She still has her skeletons, having an on-off issue with substance abuse and tendency to get excited and overstep boundaries.

Fluorette [Young adult?] comes across as a sort of lost child that just wants to feel like she belong somewhere. She has personality and such but doesn't fit in with those around her, and her humor can sometimes make her come off as a delinquent which results in her feeling more out of place.

Sometsuki [16-ish?] feels really similar to Mado in that she doesn't really connect much to those around her and prefers to spend her time alone. Can't explain why but feel like she has a bit more of a pessimistic outlook stemming from anxiety [she's afraid of messing up and being looked down on so she's reluctant to try things due to feeling like she's already failed kinda deal.]

NEVER SEE HER MENTIONED ENOUGH BUT I feel like Yayoi from Nobetsu Maku Nashi would be one of the more chill, sort of calm happy dreamers. [i am so heartbroken that the dev deleted because god i wanted to learn more about her so bad.] Sonoko from -1 is similar, though with a bit more of a depressed undertone. Both also young adults.

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3 years ago

Even though it’s 12:06 am lol, just wanted to say Happy Saint Patrick’s day to everyone who celebrated it! 🍀

Even Though Its 12:06 Am Lol, Just Wanted To Say Happy Saint Patricks Day To Everyone Who Celebrated

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2 years ago

A/N: Feast your eyes on part one of five in a Superhero Au official arc! This is going to be my first official finished project, and takes place relatively early in any planned universe lore. Without further ado, I present



Part I: Opportunity

Bella’s leg bounced under the desk as she tweaked with her newest creation. Her hand threaded through her chestnut hair, which was frizzy and mussed after working through the night. The door to her office slid open and her head snapped up to meet the gaze of who was entering. She gazed, unseeing, unblinking, at the person in the doorway. 

Zach stepped into the room, dressed in his navy blue and muted yellow uniform, holding his limp mask. After staring vacantly too long, making Zach shift uncomfortably, Bella finally beckoned Zach inside, not standing to greet him, as social propriety demanded.

“Are you okay?” Zach blurted after sitting down across from her. He perched awkwardly on a flimsy, foldable chair. 

“Hmm?” Bella rubbed the heels of her palms against her eyes as she tried to focus on the real world. Finally processing Zach’s question, she said, “Oh, yeah. Just a little” – she broke off with a yawn – “tired.”

“So, what did you call me in here for,” asked Zach, eyeing her cautiously, as if he was afraid she’d keel over and pass out.

Bella waved her hands vaguely at the slate-gray glove displayed on a stand. Dim red and blue wires crisscrossed the insulated fabric like veins, connecting to barely covered over processing chips in the pads of the fingers. Grounding herself, she inhaled sharply, the acrid smell of the Bladed Officer, Zach’s, suit filling the room. 

She said, “I made these. For me. On the field.“ Prepared for the inevitable disappointment she added, “I know I’m not allowed, but what’s the harm in trying. Again.” And again and again, she thought, bitter from rejection.  Fixing a lazy glare at the boy in front of her, she seethed. He dared reject her as she tried to do some good in the world, after years of prosperity and success in the market of villains, as if she was a green programmer, as if she hadn’t improved the company tenfold, as if he was better than her. Distantly, she wondered why she put up with the treatment she suffered in the company. 

Despite her doubts and trampled hope, Zach miraculously seemed to consider her offer. He placed his chin in his hands and his elbows on her desk. “Explain,” he said. “And simply, please. I’m not as smart as you.

Picking up a glove, Bella pulled it on. Its manufacturing was perfect as it slid onto her hand, given she had spared no expense on it. The glove was cool, and the currents running through it made her blood hum more than usual. Biting her lip, she mentally tamped down on the tirade she could easily go on about the device. It was nice to be listened to, but she shouldn’t push it. Zach didn’t need to know about logistics, he didn’t care about the intricate programming, he just needed to know what it did. “These can take control of anything with an electric current just by touching it,” said Bella. It was almost painful to dumb it down so much. Beyond the electric current making the hairs on her forearm stand up, she barely felt it; something so complex and advanced was revolutionary in its physical simplicity. It had taken months of work, dozens of sleepless nights, but for the sake of her employer, she could only convey its brilliance in a single sentence. She stifled the urge to scream. 

Zach leaned forward. “What?” he asked, baffled. Good, a chance to elaborate. 

“Look,” Bella said, reaching out on a whim and grabbing his covered forearm, gripping the place she had installed his comms. She tapped a button on the holographic screen that appeared above the glove.

A robotic voice rang out. “Calling Dad.”

“No!” Zach sputtered. “Stop.” His cheeks were bright red. 

Immediately, Bella released his wrist, letting her hand fall onto the desk. Seized by another idea, she gripped the lamp on her desk. A slider projected in front of her and she swiped her finger back and forth on it, the lamp dimming and brightening and accordingly. Zach’s eyes widened. His pupils expanded and contracted, more than likely mirroring her own.

“Okay,” he said, wincing as Bella froze with the lamp on its brightest setting.  “You can go out.”

“What?” Bella said. Every thought screeched to a halt.

“I said,” Zach repeated, “You can g-”

Finally processing his words, Bella cut him off. “Really?” she asked, hope flickering in her chest against all odds.

“Yes,” said Zach. “That glove clearly only fits you, and the stuff it would be used on will be too complicated for anyone but you to understand. At least in our company.”

“O-okay,” Bella said, still stunned. She made to stand up, but Zach caught her wrist, the fibers of his thick glove chafing, and tugged her back down to sit.

“Hang on,” he said. His words rang out in the silent room as Bella stilled. “When I said you could go out, I didn’t mean with me. Right now. You need a little more experience before you go public.”

Stifling a snort at the irony of his words, Bella nodded, indicating for him to keep talking.

Chewing the inside of his cheek, Zach finally continued, “I’m going to have to confirm with the higher-ups, but I think it would be best if you start with a tamer mission.” His comms beeped. He glanced at it, sighed, and got up. As he made his way to the door, he said,  “If you find a smaller villain, one that doesn’t put you in a lot of danger and arrest them quietly, we should be able to consider you for more field work.”

That made sense. Who knew what kind of legal mess would be made if some office worker was killed immediately after going out. Not only that, but it would spell doom for the company’s publicity. “Perfect,” said Bella, already hatching a scheme. Warehouses of equipment and veritable phone books full of villain contacts were at her fingertips. 

Catching the gleam in her eye, Zach sternly said, “Just wait until I talk with management. Please.” It was difficult to take him seriously, no matter how intimidating he tried to be with his teenage face still spattered with acne. 

“You got it, boss,” Bella teased.

His expression softened. Stepping into the doorway, Zach turned back and said, “And get some sleep.”

Bella rolled her eyes, which were dry and aching with exhaustion, but nodded. The adrenaline from his news was fading, leaving her energy drained and thoughts moving at a snail-like pace. Zach’s shoulders slumped with relief and he strode out. Mere seconds after he disappeared from the door, Bella heard a clatter, a thump, and a grunt. How someone so clumsy was such a competent hero, she’d never know. She snickered, packing up her tools and equipment, finally heading home to crash. Her hopes coming at last to fruition, she left the building with a small smile and a metaphorical spring in her step.


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