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1 year ago

I think it’s important to add onto that we have to take the morality of the Fire Nation into consideration when we examine the context. It’s the same as when we examine a historical time period. By our modern 21st century western standards, yes, this is wrong, but we have to consider the time period and the culture. This doesn’t mean we should CONDONE the actions.

It’s also why Zuko’s heel turn in his narrative is more significant because he recognizes the wrongs and is willing to change his outlook and his culture for the better by the end of the narrative.

I think portraying Ozai as a violent, sadistic, foaming at the mouth degenerate doesn’t ring true. But that doesn’t mean he was by any means a good husband, good father or a good person.

Write what you want, but at the end of the day in canon, I don’t think he was psychotically abusive to his family. I also wish that people would write Ozai like a person and not like a Saturday morning cartoon villain.



^^^ this right here is what I’m getting tired of.

No scars or injuries? How do you know that? We barely saw any of Zuko and Azula’s childhood, and even less of Ozai and Ursa’s marriage. Also not a fan of the implication that abuse isn’t that bad if it doesn’t leave permanent marks.

Oh and “ritualistic honor duel” my ass. Zuko was 13. Ozai intentionally misled him into that situation, as if a child could properly consent to a duel anyway. And Zuko didn’t even fight; he begged for mercy because he didn’t want to fight family.

Ozai melted off half his son’s face and felt no remorse, he even told Zuko he deserved it later in the series. Ozai also wanted to commit genocide by burning an entire country full of civilians. But nooo he’s not a brutal sadistic you guys are just mean >:(

Is it really a stretch to think he might have been physically abusive to his family? Especially to Zuko, who he canonically viewed as weak and inferior? Like come on, if he’s willing to permanently maim him for backtalk, do you really think beating him for failing at something in his training would be off the table?

I sincerely do not give a shit if you are interested in Ozai as a character or think he’s hot or whatever. You do you. Just stop clowning and trying to minimize the way he abused his family, and especially the way he abused Zuko.

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