Horrortale Yellow - Tumblr Posts
Ummmm.... Yes, horrortale yellow...
+ vampire anatomy :p

About Dalv (briefly):
He began to live in ruins after an unsuccessful contact with the royal guards and a quarrel with friends. He began to grow corn again, helped the monsters in the ruins, but Toriel, as the "keeper of the ruins", decided that she should get the harvest. Roughly speaking, vegetables and fruits suppressed the "wild" state of the Dalv, and without vegetables he became wild, and as befits his nature, he began to eat weaker monsters.
About Martlet (briefly):
depressed because of the situation with Frisk and Clover, since Frisk chose a neutral path, the monsters stayed in the dungeon and it turns out Clover's self-sacrifice was in vain, and now Martlet blames himself for this. She wanted to help others, tried to become a royal guardian again, but Undyne refused her, calling her weak. Martlet began to be constantly at home and not in contact with others and became depressed. She became a cannibal when she was very hungry and could not resist eating a weak monster that was already disintegrating into dust, but due to the fact that Sans also lives in Snowdin who is against cannibalism, Martlet has to hide it, and she succeeds because she does not go outside, only at night and then rarely.
So cringe.... For now, these are character designs from uty, then I'll draw Starlo and Ceroba, if you're interested, I'll write their story and concept, or draw mini comics, show you if you're interested or not, for now I'll draw different sketches by au, and I'll also draw humanizations

I want to sleep, srry for mistakes in the text