Dalv Uty - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

Some favorite moments from the end credits:

Some Favorite Moments From The End Credits:

Star reassures Ceroba that it's all right. Clover sacrificed themself for a reason, and they must follow through.

Some Favorite Moments From The End Credits:

Dalv got his organ concert.

Some Favorite Moments From The End Credits:

Doing well for himself.

Some Favorite Moments From The End Credits:

New life in the Dunes.

A few changes to the town, and some of its inhabitants.

Some Favorite Moments From The End Credits:

They do make a lovely couple.

Some Favorite Moments From The End Credits:

She hasn't forgotten him.

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11 months ago

Just to clarify

Dalv is NOT supposed to be that present in this game. He's been a loner for a long time. He's only started making friends again during the events of uty. Plus, if you know his backstory… it becomes understandable why we don't see him that much. Character-wise, it makes 100% sense.

The reason why Martlet feels like she's not on screen that much (she does get a good amount of screen time) is because she's scatterbrained. That's why we never get a "full" section with her like with Dalv (Ruins), Star (Wild East) and Ceroba (Steamworks). That's why the Snowdin section focuses more on other characters. Martlet comes and goes but always means well. Again, it has to do with her personality, and I think it's clever writing, much like with Dalv.

The reason we spend so much time with Ceroba is that a lot of things have been tied to her and her family right from the start and it all unfolded perfectly imo. There is foreshadowing:

Just To Clarify
Just To Clarify
Just To Clarify
Just To Clarify
Just To Clarify
Just To Clarify
Just To Clarify
Just To Clarify

Just had to get that out quickly because I heard some people complain about this stuff.

...also I forgot to mention how some complained about Ceroba's arc "not being completed by the end of pacifist"

To that, I say: IT MAKES SENSE. She's gone through too much trauma for it all to be resolved so soon. Healing takes time (Martlet gave a nice speech). I always thought that, by the end, the whole point wasn't for Ceroba to get closure, but to TAKE THE FIRST STEP (which she did)

The difference between her and Starlo (both have been through a lot in their own way) is that he's more idealistic and hopeful by nature (as we can see after he quickly bounces back from basically having his entire life shattered). Ceroba is emotional. Too emotional. She needs more time. Let's respect that and be patient.

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10 months ago

Hi! I found a new special interest and made some doodles of it!!

Hi! I Found A New Special Interest And Made Some Doodles Of It!!
Hi! I Found A New Special Interest And Made Some Doodles Of It!!
Hi! I Found A New Special Interest And Made Some Doodles Of It!!
Hi! I Found A New Special Interest And Made Some Doodles Of It!!
Hi! I Found A New Special Interest And Made Some Doodles Of It!!
Hi! I Found A New Special Interest And Made Some Doodles Of It!!
Hi! I Found A New Special Interest And Made Some Doodles Of It!!
Hi! I Found A New Special Interest And Made Some Doodles Of It!!
Hi! I Found A New Special Interest And Made Some Doodles Of It!!
Hi! I Found A New Special Interest And Made Some Doodles Of It!!

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10 months ago

So... I made a couple UTY acrylic keychain designs. Vamp cutie pie and Space Cowboy!

So... I Made A Couple UTY Acrylic Keychain Designs. Vamp Cutie Pie And Space Cowboy!
So... I Made A Couple UTY Acrylic Keychain Designs. Vamp Cutie Pie And Space Cowboy!

Would anyone be interested in buying these?

I made them for myself but if anyone would like to get these as keychains let me know! I might set up an etsy or something!

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10 months ago

the blue marks look so cool, i always thought he had a little star on his chest but!! you made it SO much cooler. I LOVE THE CLOUDS. the sweat and trail of blue also make me lose it LMAO

old corn yaoi hot spring doodle

The Blue Marks Look So Cool, I Always Thought He Had A Little Star On His Chest But!! You Made It SO

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10 months ago
Colored Some Doodles I Made A While Ago, Enjoy
Colored Some Doodles I Made A While Ago, Enjoy

colored some doodles i made a while ago, enjoy 💛💜

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9 months ago
So I Got Into Undertale Yellow Here U Have Some Fast Sketches :P
So I Got Into Undertale Yellow Here U Have Some Fast Sketches :P
So I Got Into Undertale Yellow Here U Have Some Fast Sketches :P

So I got into Undertale yellow… Here u have some fast sketches :P

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9 months ago

more school doodles

More School Doodles
More School Doodles
More School Doodles
More School Doodles
More School Doodles

I'm not entirely convinced by the way Dalv and Martlet look (I think there is a slight change compared to the first drawing of her with the second one XD). I don't know whether to give Clover eye stitches or regular ones either

please ignore the weird letters written around it XD

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9 months ago
For Those Of You Who Were Wondering Who Master Shifu (and Oogway) Are In Sharpshootin Clover AU, Here

For those of you who were wondering who Master Shifu (and Oogway) are in Sharpshootin Clover AU, here you go! Technically speaking, Ceroba and Chujin kind of share both roles, but Ceroba is more often Shifu and Chujin is more often Oogway ^^

Anyways, this is the overseer of the Feisty Five's lassoons! She can be quite hard on them, but I'm sure she knows what she's doing. She's the best teacher in town, after all!

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8 months ago
Here's UTY Starlo, Martlet, Ceroba And Dalv In Fancy Clothes!
Here's UTY Starlo, Martlet, Ceroba And Dalv In Fancy Clothes!
Here's UTY Starlo, Martlet, Ceroba And Dalv In Fancy Clothes!
Here's UTY Starlo, Martlet, Ceroba And Dalv In Fancy Clothes!

here's UTY Starlo, Martlet, Ceroba and Dalv in fancy clothes!

finally as separate images! from that one undertale yellow fashion animation meme thing i did lol

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8 months ago
Remade Yet Another One Of Undertale Yellow's Official Posters.
Remade Yet Another One Of Undertale Yellow's Official Posters.

Remade yet another one of Undertale Yellow's official posters.

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