Host Elliot Alderson - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Head-cannon List


Host Elliot Alderson, Mastermind, Mr. Robot, Darlene Alderson, Tyrell Wellick, and Joanna Wellick

Mastermind/Host Elliot Alderson:

- Elliot was and still is a fan of 90′s experimental electronic music. He enjoys artists like: Tangerine Dream, Aphex Twin, and The Field.

- If he had a favorite artist, it would be the video artist Nam June Paik. He’s a pioneer of video art, blending ideas about identity, culture, technology, and  communication together. There’s some other video artists out there he really love, but he has a soft spot for Paik. When he was a kid and stumbled into an art museum, he was blown away. He never thought about combining technology and art in that way. It stuck with him.

- He also enjoys Bruce Nauman. His work explores the idea of human performance in American society. 

- Tron and Blade Runner are some of his favorite childhood movies. Blockbuster was one of their favorites stores to go to as kids.

- He’s not a fan of gory movies unless they’re so fake it’s cheesy. 

- He really doesn’t enjoy being scared. He would yell at Darlene when she would try and spook him as a kid. It messed with his DID symptoms.

- When his DID was first expression itself, it was very emotionally disruptive for him. Sometimes he would teeter between emotional repression, dissociation, and a mental break down. Host Elliot Alderson would try and keep these emotions private- hidden away from his sister and mother.

- Host was very fearful of his own emotions. And afraid it would make Darlene upset, the one person he truly, truly cared about. He wanted to protect her from himself.

- Host decides to tell Darlene about his sexual abuse once he is an adult. This all happens after S4 as he starts to unpack everything that happened last year. Krista is crucial in this process, as he begins to work with and talk to his alters in the same room.

- Host still has social anxiety/issues after S4, but slowly he learns to make peace with his/alters actions and forgive them. He eventually becomes the quiet social introvert he was meant to be and becomes happy with his life.

- Host likes Macs. The alters poke fun at him and give him shit sometimes for it but stands firm. “The layout is streamlined and easy to use”. Mastermind and Mr. Robot both roll their eyes. They’re hardcore Linux stans.

- All the Alters are still around, but they co-exist with the host. They’re there if he calls upon them, or they sit around if they think Host needs it. Sometimes they like to pop out and hang out, have a cup of imaginary coffee or cigarette. They keep eachother company. 

- Alters don’t take over Hosts body out of respect and their love for him. They are guardians for the person they hold precious.

Darlene Alderson:

- Was a rebellious party grunge girl in high school. She battled between wanting to be a normal, happy girl, and wanting an escape from her troubled home. Going at a night became an easy way to do this. She went on late night drives, smoking pot out in the woods, and doing shrooms once in a while. She has taken adderall to stay awake at school. It worked for a while, she was messed up during messed up times. It doesn’t make her a messed up person.

- She didn’t try cocaine until almost the end of high school. 

- She actually has a soft spot for plushies but doesn’t normally buy them. But boy are they cute!

- Prefers gummy bears with her fro-yo. Usually adds waffle cone pieces to her mix.

- She is a loyal buyer of camel Turkish gold cigarettes. Menthol’s during the summer.

- A fan of Daft Punk, but has since moved on with EDM scene to keep up with the times. Her brother? Totally out of sync. He’s too rebellious to want to like current music. He’d rather stick to lesser-known, more eccentric music. 

- Secretly had feelings for Angela Moss as a kid. She kept it to herself because her friendship for her and her bother meant the world to her. She didn’t want to let that go, especially since they’ve been friends since childhood. She knew she would find love elsewhere later on in life.

- Darlene hasn’t dated a girl before, but she wants too. Her flings never stuck, and sometimes, it’s easier to catch tail from a guy than it is a girl. There’s more straight men out there, it’s easy pickin’.

- She wishes she’d get married to a women. She wants to continue growing this side of herself. And, women are beautiful, sweet, and incredible people. And, they get each other. They know what it’s like being a queer women in a gross heteronormative cisgender world !

- Is very bisexual. She doesn’t really care what’s in your pants, she cares about the heart of the person and if she’s attracted to them.

- Supports Host’s “Pro-Mac” stance. Iphones are better to hack with, they’re faster than an Android. But she uses a non-Mac laptop for hacking. She prefers a customized step-up. 

Tyrell Wellick (if still alive):

- Has bipolar disorder that hasn’t been clinically diagnosed. Throughout the show he expresses major mood swings, decreased need for sleep, increased self-esteem/grandiosity, increased goal-activity, agitation, and engages in self destructive behavior. Bipolar disorder often has a manic/depressive swing to the person’s behavior, but not all people exhibit depressive episodes. Tyrell has this, and clearly isn’t on any medication either. The man was so hyper focused on being the next CTO, he thought this was fine. It’s apart of the stress, the life, and the consequences of his choices. He’s a business man.

- Wellick just switched from a KDE system to a GNOME.

- He supports whatever Host’s want. He’s still kinda crushed that the Elliot he knew is an alter. But at least he has a second change with this ‘Host’ Elliot. He seems a lot calmer and is happier than the others. For that, he is joyful.

- Is bisexual with an inclination for men. Also, attracted to people who are strong and assert their power. That’s how he and Joanna got along so well.

- Still loves his son very much and is very upset that Joanna’s family has taken his son from him. He’s working on himself and his career, to prove to them he can be a good father and raise him. He’s made a clear shift from prioritizing his work life, to his personal life. 

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