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Thoughts on the Nintendo Direct
I'll split into three categories
Hell yeah
Looks interesting
Meh/I don't really care
Let it be known that it just is just my opinions. You're not wrong if you agree with me, you're not wrong if you disagree with me. Okay? Okay.
Hell Yeah
No More Heroes 3

This my JAM BABY! I love the No More Heroes series, and the fact that they're doing intergalactic superheroes is perfect.
Ninja Gaiden trilogy

Some of the best 3D action games out there, so I'm really glad they're getting a port to modern consoles
Spaltoon 3

A post apocalyptic, Mad Max style Splatoon? Sign me the hell up!
Mario Golf: Super Rush

Looks really fun, I like that they're bringing a story mode into it where you play as your mii, and COWBOY WARIO, HE'S MAH BOI!

Looks interesting
The Famicom Detective club games

I know NOTHING about this series, but I enjoy a good murder mystery, so I'm intrigued. Never played a visual novel esque game before (I have the Phoenix Wright collection, haven't played it yet) but I'm still interested
The world's end club

Another one I'd never heard of before the direct, but I LOVE the art style, and I like the idea of a bunch of kids trying to survive together in the post apocalypse.
Meh/not for me
I mean... Basically everything else?
Sorry folks, but I'm not really an RPG guy, so nothing else in the direct really tickled my fancy.
This sadly includes the Smash Bros. DLC

I'm sorry, but as soon as Pyra held up that invite I checked out. It's not that it "dosen't make sense" or "are bad characters" or whatever, they just weren't for me. They're not bad editions, and they make sense cause Xenoblade 2 was really popular. But... oi, I could not give less of a shit.
And I swear to God if that "Hoes Mad" meme starts popping up again, I will slam my own face through a brick wall.
But, whatever. If you're excited, good for you, and I really mean that. And I honestly still think they're still a better edition to Ultimate then Byleth or Min-Min (at least they're from an under represented franchise/a franchise that actually matters) but I'll probably just play their classic mode and then never touch them again.
Overall this direct was alright. I'm happy with it, but it's also been so long since a proper direct I'm just happy we got one again in general. So... have fun.
See ya.
Happy Halloween, everyone.
In honor of the spooky day, I'm gonna give you some underrated Halloween recommendations.
1. Tucker and Dale vs Evil

This is admittedly one that a lot of people are learning about more and more, but for good reason. It's damn good. It's a hilarious deconstruction of slasher tropes, and once you get past all the blood and gore (or maybe you're into that, who knows) you actually have a pretty nice romance. And this is coming from someone who normally dosen't care about romances in movies. Highly recommend.
2. Scooby Doo: Camp Scare

Out of all the Scooby Doo direct-to-dvd movies, the best... is Zombie Island. We all know that. But I really like camp scare as well. It's Scooby Doo doing an 80's slasher movie (AKA: mainly Friday the 13th), just making it kid friendly. And since I love 80's slashers AND Scooby Doo, this is a no brainer to like.
Plus the song at the beginning is a banger.
3. Horror of Dracula

Now this one really isn't underrated, with how popular Dracula is, but I feel like this is a version that's barley talked about. Is it the most accurate to the source material? No, probably not, and it's not as iconic as the original 30's version admittedly, but this does have my all time favorite showdown between Van Helsing and Dracula, so that's gotta count for something.
4. Literally the entire Re-Animator series

Re-Animator is one of the most underrated 80's horror franchises, in my humble opinion. The body horror is insane, they're actually pretty funny in a dark comedy way, and Herbert West is far and away the most underrated horror character of all time. In my opinion he's up there with Freddy Kruger and Ash Williams in terms of "best horror characters who run their mouths".
His insane drive to beat death is... well, insane (coulda worded that better) and Jeffery Combs gives him such a great character in all three movies. Highly recommend all of them.
5. The Frighteners

Of all the horror movies that have cult followings, I'm shocked this one never gets brought up. If you don't know what this is, Micheal J. Fox plays a psychic who can see ghosts and uses that to con people, but soon finds a really big, bad ghost terrorizing the town, and he's the only one who can stop it.
It's has R. Lee Ermy in it, Jeffery Combs, it's a pretty dark and inventive movie, there's a lot of really cool twists and turns, I just- this movie is so good, you guys. I highly, HIGHLY recommend it.
And those are some Halloween movie recommendations. If you take my advice and watch any of these, or if you've seen 'em already, let me know what you think.
'Till next time.