How To Protect The Heroines Older Brother - Tumblr Posts
Fashion Appreciation

♡Yandere manhwa characters,
Characters:Melissa podebrat,navier ellie trovi,
Roxanna agriche
Tw:Unhealthy relationships,obsessive themes,
Abuse,blood,violence,yandere behavior,
Starvation,mention of abduction,manipulation,
Stockholm syndrome
Melissa podebrat
•Melissa is a possesive and protective yandere.
•You were a new maid brought in by the duke
When he took you in by pity.he found you in the
Streets lying down,dirty and bruised,so out of
Pity he gave you shelter by working as a maid in
His mansion which you are grateful for.
•The duke made you work for melissa and she
Is actually quite happy to have you work for her.
She treated you fine,and was very patient over
You're clumsy mistakes.
•Melissa thought you were cute at first,and
When she finally took nine in.she thinks both
Of you are going to be good also
Think of that way since he was very friendly to
Everyone,especially to melissa.
•You were always by her side just like yona.
Speaking of,you are kinda friends with her ever
Since you gave her some of you're savings to her.
•After months working for her,she felt herself
Getting more and more attched to she
Hardly ever gave you any more work or how
She treats you even more softly and how
Protective she became of you.
•There is the time where you first met the
Young master of the house,her brother jake,
He found you annoying and insulted you making
Melissa MAD that she slapped him.he
Apologized the next day.
•So,remember the fight with nine's brother?you
Tagged along with them.melissa tried to tell
You that it is dangerous but you convinced her
On that you can be useful to the group for
Tending wounds and eventually,
She lets you join since she can't say no to you.
•She was also glaring at jack for even looking
At you,he teases you while you just laughed it
Off.she huffed in jealousy,she swear she's going
To teach that stupid wolf a lesson later.
•Now it was the time for the fight with migen,
Nine's brother.of course it wasn't easy since he
Was very powerful and is skilled in hand to hand
Combat,when melissa was about to get hit by
A large fireball by him,you threw her to the side
For her safety and got hit instead.
•Everyone besides migen was shock,melissa
Immediately run to you,checking every bit of
You're body.she felt shock,why did you do that?
Why?why?!why didn't you let her get hit
Instead?!tears are pricking over to the corners
Of her eyed as she hugged you're injured body.
•Her sadness was followed by.....rage.
•Indeed,she was filled with uncontrollable rage
In her body that she managed to even intimidate
Migen,sending chills at everyone's spine.
•She ordered yona to take care of you while she,
Take care of the bastard that dared to even harm
Her beloved.she was extremely heartless with
Migen,her speed increased and she didn't even
Care if she forgot that he was a wolf.a being with
Greater physical strength and speed.
•Melissa just continued to land many attacks
At him,not long before she got bitten.but that
Didn't stop for her to stab migen at the stomach,
She didn't even let him go.she just held into him
With a craze smirk as she continued to dig her
Sword deeper into his abdomen.
"This..what you get for trying to harm MY
•She finally let go,migen was left unconsious,
Leaving her disappointed but she quickly turns
To you and yona as she asked her maid if you are
Alright.the white haired woman told her that
You are still breathing,meaning you are still
Alive and well but you were losing a lot of blood.
•Of course the one who can heal you're very
Injured body was yuri,so,melissa lets her out
Quickly and the blonde girl finally healed you.
When you opened you're eyes,you're miss
Tackled you in a tight bear hug while scolding
You that you shouldn't risk you're life for her.
Of course,nine was jealous because of the
Affection melissa is giving you but that doesn't
Mean he resented you.of course WERE
The one who risked you're own life for her.not
•Melissa,yona,nine and you head back to the
Podebrate estate and it was visible on how
The lady of the house grew extremely protective
Of you.melissa always make sure that you are
By her side,you were never alowed to touch a
Sharp object,and how she forced nine to watch
Over you if she can't.
•This worries you a bit,but melissa just told you
That she's just doing this to make sure you never
Harm again which was half true.but still,you can't
Shake of the feeling that wasn't just the reason
•Melissa slowly and firmly knew her admiration
And love for you was wrong since now,she was
Keeping you away from almost everyone.she
Never lets you get an eye on anyone but her,
Besides,it was only fair that you only look at her
And her only,right?
•You aren't keep in chains but that changes
When you almost escaped the
Were caught by nine and he quickly brought
You to melissa who smirked.she praised nine
As she carried you in bridal style,she looked at
You with a disaproving look as she sighed.
•Well,looks like she's going to punish you.but
You're lucky melissa isn't the type to harm her
Own beloved,so she starved them instead.
•After you apologized,she'll go back to normal
And patted you're head as she spoiled you,as a
Reward for being a good girl.just don't try to
Escape too much or else her patience will run
Out and she'll have to force you to never use
Those pretty legs EVER again.
"Hey,hun!how are you?.....oh,why are you so
Upset?is it because of the chains?hm,don't
Worry.i'll loosen them them up!just don't try to
Be a bad girl again,okay?"

Naiver ellie trovi
•This empress right here is down right possibly
The most softest yandere,but also possesive
And obsessive as well.
•She first saw you as a new lady in waiting for
Her,you were a little curiousity to were
Quite unique unlike her other lady in waitings,so
This lead to her watching you silently without
You noticing.
•It feels like she needs to know some things
About you,so she strike up a cconversation with and everyone else are surpise,but you
Warm up quickly as you talk things that
Interest you and the things you like as well.
It feels like an absoulute achievement for her,so
She continues to talk to you making you two
Seem like good friends.
•Her interest towards you was something,it was
Some emotion that made her want to know more
About you.
•And the longer she spend time with you,the
More she craved you're attention,the more she
Needed more of you're voice.oh,how she really
Like how you're eyes shine in excitement.look
How cute you are when you are smiling!jeez,
What did you do to her to make her smile so
Brightly?even everyone noticed it.even sovieshu.
•Navier can see her feelings growing for you,and
She is very aware of this growing obsession
Because of you.but she brushes it off as she
Thought of it as love instead.
•Now,after a year and a half,everyone can now
See on how possesive the empress is because of
You,and people theorize on how their empress
Has grown to fall inlove with her own lady in
Waiting.and this came true,as navier decided for
You to become her concubine AKA her lover.
•And of course,sovieshu does not allowed that,
Since you know he's still her husband.
•He and navier got into a large fight when he
Confronted her about not having you as her
Lover,this angered her but it doubled when he
Made a big mistake on talking down on you.
•Sovieshu called you someone as low as a pest,
An unworthy servant,a hopeless pile of worm
With nothing to live but to serve her.
•Navier was so enraged that she slapped her
Own husband in the face with hateful eyes as
She glared at him with a fiery gaze leaving
Sovieshu speechless as he stared at the empress
In shock.
•She headed over to the door to leave but was
Stopped when sovieshu called out for her,asking
Desperately why did she choose you instead of
Him.she paused for moment until laughing
Hysterically as she glared at his direction again.
As she opened her mouth,the words that she
Told him made his heart scorn in pain,
"They gave me the thing you can never give,
Love and's extremely laughable on how
You ask me that,despite the fact you already
Had a lover yourself.funny,isn't it?"
•She left the room without another word as she
Left the emperor in tears with an expression of
Pain with heartbroken eyes.
•Navier came across to see you having a
Talk with rashta,though you look extremely
Uncomfortable making the blonde woman glare
At the direcrion of the younger girl.
•Turns out that rashta thought about being
Friends with you since both of you are
Concubines and all but you never even had a
Chance to speak with the empress about it at
All.the longer rashta talk to you,the more you're
Personal space began to drift away as she move
Closer to you not giving a shit about you're
Uncomfortable expression.
•Navier widened her eyes and marched her way
To you as she hovered down at the concubine
Making rashta slightly scared,navier ignored her
As she turned to you while asking if you are
Okay.of course you answered politely but the
Truth was her actually restraining herself to show
Violence to rashta so she won't scare you away.
•Instead,navier used silent intimidation and this
Made rashta ran away like a terrified it
Was time the perfect time for you to ask navier
On why did she proposed to you to became her
•As soon as you asked that,she sighed and took
You to her room as she explained to you that she
Was only doing this out of love.her love for you.
This leave you shock,the empress....inlove with
You?so where the rumours are true?
•You asked her if this was fine and she answered
With a "if the emperor can get a lover,then i can
As well." Which pretty much made sense since
You can tell that her husband is a shitty bastard.
•Navier spoiled you,a lot.anything you asked for
Her she will give you,just say the word and the
Thing you desperately want for will be
Was really nice and you also don't had to do work
Anymore as well since you live with her now.
•But she also tends to know that she is very well
In charge of you,and she used that to her
Advantage since if she calls for you,you WILL
Come to her since you can never refuse an order
From the empress,now can you?
•She also makes sure no one looks at you in
Any way at all.she will give them a death glare as
You continued to talk to are hers,and
That means you are destined to look at her only.
•Like melissa,she doesn't like punishing you with
Her own hands,so instead,she starved you until
You finally realized you're mistake and
•Extremely happy for you're apology and spoils
You with some freedom afterwards,but don't
Be fooled.she is only testing you if you ever try
To escape ever again.she do hope her dearest
Won't do that.....
"Oh my dearest....i love you so not
Leave me don't want to go back
In there and starve,now do you?"

Roxanna agriche
•Now..roxanna is a very posessive,manipulative
And dangerous yandere.
•She first saw you when you are abducted by
The head of agriche,her were from the
(L/n) family,the family of great knowledge and
History as you're ancestors live longer than the
Empire itself leading for lant to take you away
From you're home as you can be a great toy and
Use for them.
•When you and her make eye contact,she
Smirked at you making you glare at her,you're
Eyes filled with anger making her smirk wider
As she commented on how you look rebelious
And fierce towards her.she knew something is
Wrong with her immediately,it felt like she need
The urge to claim you as her heart didn't stop
Beating st the sight of you still glaring at her.
•She snapped from her trance once she heard
Her aunt,maria exclaiming on how you look
Beautiful/handsome and wanted you to be her
Toy but roxanna interupted her as she told her
Father that she already claimed you as her toy.
•Suprisingly,lant agreed since he can trust one
Of his favorite children to make you speak about
Something important about the world history.
•Roxanna grabbed you by the metal chain as
You were dragged by her and a guard,she looked
At the extremely dirty room full of cobwebs and
Moss,the blonde lady grimaced as she ordered
The guard to leave her as she needed to use
Her toy for a few moments.
•After the guard left,you and her went to a
Different was clean and neat,it doesn't
Have any windows but that was fine since it
Was much better than the room from before.
•Roxanna then removed you're muzzle that was
Covering you're voice,you looked at her with a
Suspicious look as you questioned her on why is
She being......nice.roxanna simply smiled as she
Explained to you that she is not like the rest of
The agriche which you didn't believe but she
Proved it later on.
•Roxanna truly was geninue on being kind to
You,she bandaged you're wounds and gave you
Comfortable clothes and served you food that
Isn't laced with anything started
To believe that maybe,she really is different from
The other agriche members.
•One day,when roxanna was away and since
You have been planning to escape,you didn't
Told roxanna that you are escaping since there
Are still doubt that she will let you go anyways.
•So,you got out when a guard opened you're knocked him unconsious and ran
Away to a garden where you met a young boy
Named jeremy,roxanna's younger brother.of
Course,luckily for her,he caught you with ease
But didn't bring you back to her.instead,he
Beat you half to death by stealing his sister's
Attention from him as he stomped you're face
Repeatedly making you bloody and severly
•Of course,she was NOT happy when she saw
You there,laying on the hard ground barely even
Unconsious.she is very upset by jeremy that
She didn't talk to him for an entire week knowing
That was worse than anything in his life.speaking
Of,jeremy doesn't understand why his sister is
So caring towards you and why was she so angry
About when you're nothing but a toy?just a
Plaything later to be disposed of.
•After she return to you're room and you woke
Up,you saw yourself sitting on the the patterned
Floor and infront of you was roxanna staring at
You with a disappointed look.before you could
Even ask her,she broke one of you're fingers
Making you scream.then another one,then
Another,then another until all of you're fingers
Are purple and broken leaving you in tears as you
Whimper in pain.
•Roxanna watched you with a blank face until
She sighed and treated you're fingers,she does
Feel guilty about what she did but you do need
To be tried to escape,even though
She is willing to give you a little bit of freedom,
Roxanna doesn't have any intention of letting you
•From then on,she never let you out of sight
Again.roxanna keeps her butterflies an eye on
You if she is busy with something,she makes
Sure that you're body is for her to look at as well.
No one is worthy enough to see it anyway,and
She is the only one who can give you a shed of
Hope,isn't it?everyone is so fucking crazy that
You can only depend on her,yes?that's right.
•Roxanna left you breathless as she pressed
You're head on her chest as she gently cooed
At you that she won't let anyone in her family
Hurt you as long as you listen to her.which works,
Since the person infront right now was right.
This household is just like IS hell.maybe,
She truly is the only one who cares about you.
•Roxanna also makes sure you never met dion,
Just hell no.she will not let that man even look at
You.that son of a bitch was the reason why her
Brother is dead,she won't take any chances for
Him to take you away from her.
•Speaking of dion,he hates you.he despises you.
Since you are the very definition on why roxanna
Is smiling.he hates that look on her face,why
Are you making her heart beat with joy.that
Pretty face of hers should be breaking down in
Tears,an expression of sorrow should be
Covering her beautiful face right now but it
Didn't.because of YOU.
•So,he makes sure that roxanna will cry again,
If it is the last thing he'll do.when roxanna was
Forced to go on a mission it was his chance to
Force you out of you're room as you struggled
Against him.he takes every moment to abuse
You,mostly phsysically.he would whipped you're
Back,slice you're smooth skin with a sharp
Dagger as it pierced you're skin slowly making it
Draw blood.he will break every bone of you're
Body and leave you to starve.
•And when roxanna was finally back,she headed
To you're room to check on you but when you
Weren't there,she knew it was dion.she knew
That she manipulated you to thinking that she
Is the one who can protect you from this crazy
•Rage.uncontrollable rage.her eyes burn in
Fury as she stomped her way to where dion is
Now,the garden.when she finally saw that
Disgusting face of his,she clenced her fist as
She landed a heavy punch on his face.
•A red handprint was now visible on his cheek,
She glared at him with such hate and anger that
You may have thought that she's the very
Wrath itself.she grabbed him by the collar as
She spoke in a low and intimidating tone,
"You fucking bastard!!where is my doll?tell
Me now,before i slit you're throat,tear you
Limb by limb,gouge you're eyeballs,or feed
You to my butterflies!"
•No one expected for her to shout,roxanna
Was the most composed and calm one of there why is she acting like this now because
Of you?but that doesn't mean that dion isn't
Amused by her anger as he just let out a chuckle
And looked at her mad eyes.
•He shrugged making roxanna to widened her
Eyes as she slapped his face harshly,she
Scowled as she leave to find you herself.and
When she did,oh ho ho~there were no more
Mercy for dion to begin with.
•How dare him lay his eyes on dare
Him for even touching dare him punish
You like dare him for even placing those
Disgusting handprints on you're face and body.
•You are hers,damn it.HERS!!just how dare he
For even existing in this world!she was still so
Angry at dion but right now,you were more
Important than her emotions.
•Roxanna now never left you're side,of course.
How else is she supposed to react when the
Man she loathed the most touched,she
Makes sure that you are by her side 26/9.
•After a few years,she finally told you about her
Tragic story of her and her brother.she knew
You were such a kind hearted person,even if you
Had a bad mouth you still wanted to help
Anyone who needed it.she knew this will help
Her get closer to you as she can already feel the
Soft eyes gazing at her as you embraced her.
•Her plan goes amazingly swell.she finally had
You wrap around her finger,you are truly hers.
•Roxanna definetely knew these feelings of
Hers are unhealthy,it was an obsession.she
Promised to herself to keep her sane until the
Fall of the agriches has placed on them but
Guess it changes when you exist on her life.
She can't affored to have another precious
Person of hers to go away.
•Keep in mind that roxanna never really gets
Mad at you,but don't have any ideas of that.
If you did get her mad then prepare to have one
Of the worse punishments on you're life.she'll
Threw you to the ice room where you almost
Freeze to death.and don't even get me started if
You actually managed to piss her off because
She WILL use her butterflies on you,no cap.she'll
Make sure half of you're blood is gone because
Of her so please don't try to get her mad.
•Or else she will fully break you to turn yourself
Into a real doll soon...
"See,my precious doll?it's very painful,isn't it?
Shhh...shh..i know,darling.i know.please don't
Cry,i know it was you're fault but don't do such
Mistakes ever again.alright,my darling?"

Part 2 will be coming soon!
He is a red flag but who cares??i'm colorblind
And i am a whole entire flag pole.🚩🚩

Me:I read manhwas for the plot!
The plot:

"𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑠 𝑖 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢."

You look to the left side of your bedroom,to see the source of the small chilling breeze that seemed to be passing around your room.
And you finally saw was an open window.
Well,no wonder why it was getting forgot to close that one open window you thought you annoyed sigh left your mouth.
Suddenly,another breeze went pass you,causing for you to pull the sheets closer to your already shaking body.
You really need to close that window now.
Standing up,you walk over to the open window,and just before you close paused.why?why are you stopping for a second and not closing the window that keeps making your body so freaking cold?
The reason why was simple.
You were staring up the sky,admiring the bright-colored moon that gives a nice beaming light to your incredibly dark room.a content smile formed on your face,as you closed the window and sighed.
"Had a nice view?"
You froze.
You don't even need to turn around to know whose voice was that you just hear.
Glancing to your side,you saw the woman responsible for your lack of freedom and why you were stuck in this damn room.
You clutched at your nightwear,you hear her footsteps come closer and now you don't have a choice but to face her now.sighing,you faced her and you immediately felt a gloved hand gripped your cheeks,squeezing them tightly.
"Hmm..." the blonde woman tilted your head up and down,she looked you from head to toe and nodded with a hum. "No scars.good.looks like dion didn't came to visit you,like i expected." The mention of that man's name made you shudder.
And seems like,roxana didn't miss that.with the way she quirks a brow and looking you right in the eyes,makes you realize that she knows that the mention of that man,unsettles you.scared even.
Roxana sighed. "Oh,(y/n) poor little butterfly."
The blonde woman now pulls you into an embrace.
"I know you are scared of that..vile man.and i can assure you,he is in my complete control now,dear.nothing to be afraid of.i promise."
You didn't embrace may had feared that man,but there is something else that can cause you even more fear.and it's none other than–
"Don't tell me you still fear me,don't you."
"Answer me,(y/n)."
You don't want to.the sound of her voice when she utters you're name was enough to say that she's mad at you,and the way her arms tighten around you're body is a bonus.
You're prepared for shut your eyes for a stinging mark to appear on your face or the upcoming sound of your bones breaking,but.....nothing came.
Hesitatingly opening an eye,you saw the calm and gentle face of your captor.her hand placed carefully atop you're head,petting it gently.
"..roxana...why are you–"
"Shh..i get it now,my dear (y/n)."
"What do y–"
She got you back on your large soft bed,her sitting down and your head laying at her lap.a small cherry blush painted your cheeks,but you felt a chill ran down your spine as she traced down her finger to your neck down to your spine.
"I get why you still fear me."
Her finger stop,at a certain was your arm.bandaged,and still slightly covered in a crimson red felt the eyes of roxana stare deep into your figure,you hear a sad hum left her mouth.
"Even though it pains me to see my butterfly fear me."
Her body beganned to shake.
"It is my mostly my fault."
You're silent and deep in thought.why is she saying this?she...never seemed to care if she hurt you,so...why bother telling you this?but,why do you feel a pang of guilt in you're chest.
Why are you pitying the likes of her?she was the one who imprisons you.she was the one who had cause your family danger.she was the one who hurts you countless times without batting an eye.SHE was the one who......keeps you safe from the clutches of her family,so there won't be a single hair falling from your head.
The blonde woman can feel your body relaxing,as you now lay your hear comfortably on her lap.she can still feel the guarded feeling from you,but it will slowly vanish later anyway.her blood red eyes stares at your fragile form,a finger of hers traces your bandaged leg making you shiver from her touch.
"I know you fear me,my dearest.but,please.give me a chance to redeem myself."
You look up to see her eyes softening,she kisses your forehead with a gentle smile.her smile widens when she saw your face slightly softens. "I...."
"Yes.i will not forgive me for the crimes i had done,but,please think you think anyone else will do this?for the sake of someone's love?"
" one,will ever do the same things that i had because they will not love you as much as i do.they will NEVER let you feel safe like i do,and they will always choose their family rather than their own lover." She spats harshly,a cold expression formed on her gorgeous face.your body flinches.
"But..." her soft face returns in a matter of seconds. "I am far different than them.i will never choose anyone else's safety rather than will always be my number one gold or gem is even more worthy than you."
Roxana's face leaned closer to yours,her warm breath tickles your neck as she continues to look at you with a sad but gentle face. "So please...give me a chance for me to love you."
You hesitantly wrap your hands on her closed your eyes as you proudly told her, "yes.i will give you this chance once.please don't waste it."
And with that,she embraces you back with a victory smirk on her face,red eyes darken as she giggles. "Of course."
"Why would i waste it?"